Kenshi - Journey to the Leviathan Coast

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come and visit the Leviathan coast see the friendly wildlife in the not so friendly leviathans endless beaches free food swimming discover ancient ruins relax under giant trees for small trees seething rain watch the awards camping under the stars take homeless souvenir visit us I found a treasure map that pointed me to an outpost on the Leviathan Coast so obviously I dropped everything and headed straight there this is how that went unfortunately the starter I picked holy [ __ ] over here but I think I can make it up here right I got a group of five so I think we're golden we're gonna make it no problem so I had to figure out what the actual path is maybe on the coast this probably crabs and [ __ ] on the coast mining attacked already of course I am of course I am how long is this thing gonna chase me oh boy oh boy every man for themselves okay well are you lost too from our merry band lost uncle Jim and Link it looks like shrek is gonna be next he's gonna crawl away hopefully they don't notice him this is getting dicey odo stay in the trenches you know oh no now what am I being attacked by stop fighting just run you're not gonna win I can guarantee you this well Michel Serres up for the count now it's just down to Zelda okay mine just my boy Shrek it's okay we got this we got this so now we're just going to carefully watch Shrek which is how I always watched record very carefully I am NOT as confident about this as I was when I started out so what are you doing what are you doing no no what are you doing what are you doing stop no oh god [ __ ] I like how it gives me like a a breakdown of each thing he's eating at each given moment that's just fantastic that's definitely a feature I could not do without you plan start with a character that is much closer still that crazy close but those are than that was plus the added bonus of being a holy Empire citizen so those [ __ ] won't attack me constantly so I'm just gonna manually Trek my way oh I thought that was a holy group son of a [ __ ] so I shall continue running this way and hopefully I cannot run some malnourished starving bandits just find out if I've been skipping my cardio because they're keeping up I don't even have food so I don't know what you want for me the holy nation is all over the place attacking me whenever I don't want them around but as soon as I play a holy nation character they're nowhere to be found that holy nation finally thank you yes help me no no don't all jump to my help at once there you go these sand dunes make it much harder to get around these things so you never know where I can actually get over and my pathing AI might just decide like whole school yeah alright so we're gonna run the coast make sure I don't stay at my map too long because I don't immediately get to jump by something they sense when your map opens and then they pounce what's in here hope are there anyone willing to join me on my adventure Hobbs what the hell kind of weird that there's another Hobbs with the same story but that looks different and I have totally different location but I'm not gonna question it too much because it's more company for me off we go whoa what is going on here Oh cannibal attack I don't want to be involved in that my name's [ __ ] least uh no I didn't mean to steal that uh son of a [ __ ] I was looting too hastily all right give this weapon the Hobbes and then both of you [ __ ] attack this guy okay here's the new plan I'm gonna run away and then Hobbes who is faster well then run a different direction outrun her oh [ __ ] my boy no stay back let me have a little a look look look look look I'll drop the [ __ ] I stole you can have it leave me alone please I didn't mean to take it my god it takes so long to heal your own I didn't got bandaged like that's the sad part of it I got fully bandaged and I'm still sitting here laying in the dirt unconscious for days in Hobbs here I don't even lose that leg or what was going on because he decided his chest was the thing he went in the bandage no what is this starving being it's just what I need will they notice me oh there goes my food okay anyone awake in this village let's help me out cuz I've got a leg that is really [ __ ] up there's no one in this bar what the hell well you know what that means huh oh my god there's so much good stuff here and it's free mean my leg was [ __ ] up and slinky wasn't unconscious of he's [ __ ] golden right now you know for all the bad things are happening I'd be great how'd you end up over here at the [ __ ] hello how did you get there I had you waiting right here and now you're stuck here what happened how did this happen this is a thing i teleported and over here and got trapped unfortunately I have to leave slinky behind she's gonna have to do this on his own which is this makes this way harder I have any one person combat okay it doesn't matter who wins that fight I can hand over their loot so no thanks [ __ ] they are so fast if I make a run for it I know they're just gonna beat the [ __ ] out of me and I'll have to recover even longer when I don't make a run for it any second now does this get up shop me up and eat me and I don't know when they're gonna do that oh this might be my chance allow us to introduce awesome hi it worked see you suckers keep an eye out cuz this is cannibal territory and I do not like what the [ __ ] is that well can't get a good look it looks like a the head of a blue whale on him thinks terrifying what is that thankfully it's stuck oh no there's more they're everywhere around here oh no wait hold on is that the back of it I thought that was his face okay well actually less freaky-looking know that I realized that I thought this is the face I thought I was like a blue whale looking mouth like you see I'm talking about like if he's like imagine a crocodile mouth and this is the teeth that's what I thought was the face but that's his ass well I think that outpost is the thing that I saw my map so I guess this was my goal but how do I get over to it it looks like it's in water I [Music] was leaving locked nice not nice Oh Oh like are we for real I walked all this way all this way from here to here to get to this one outpost because I saw it on a map in a treasure map open the door this is what was waiting on the other side you trolled me hard loaf i/o but there's a splint kit upstairs because I'm gonna need that after I get butt-fucked by one two three four five six seven eight robot spider things oh that's why there's so much security here I got like ten pounds of weed you know at least I made it my goal is to get here and I made it got you know face-fucked immediately but made it so I win
Channel: Pongsifu
Views: 195,438
Rating: 4.9337239 out of 5
Keywords: Kenshi, leviathan coast, kenshi game, kenshi steam, kenshi lets play, kenshi let's play, kenshi gameplay, memes, moments, funny, leviathans, ruins, spider robots, visit the leviathan coast, vacation, sandbox, rpg, open world, lo-fi games, treasure
Id: Q_iDfwC_KTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2019
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