Kenshi Bandits: Training The Perfect Ninja [Episode 3]

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[Music] so OBS crashed and I've lost like 40 minutes of footage we've left the swamp and we're in school in now okay I'll tell you I'll tell you all that happened all right and you're gonna have to take my word for it so we left shark I made a stupid joke about how shrek asked us to leave his swamp so we left shark we went through here literally no trouble at all in that route right there I thank the people who have commented about how I can actually buy hash from these villages I just need to watch out for the person saying fish drugs etc so thank you for that I thought a band of Bones around here no round here no around here yeah and I said in my own personal playthrough this village right here belongs to berserkers don't go around they're all there or they're going to [ __ ] your [ __ ] up and make you lose to people that you really cared about never forget so yeah we made our way through here we got to squint we avoided a back a bag check by sending in Robin first who has nothing on him he's a good boy although he looks like he wants to shoot up school they checked him he didn't have anything and then everyone poured in everyone with the hashish just fighting for them and yeah now one of the something else while we're in squint I installed a mod I actually installed like three months one of them is reactive world someone suggested it in the comments I've seen it before but never played it basically what it is is that it makes your actions have consequences in the game that your actions have consequences the other mod I added was one that adds these guys shady traders so what this guy does he basically just buys your illegal stuff no questions asked oh yeah we hired do Josh literally just hired him right here and then obvious crashed [ __ ] Josh hmm think yourself a warrior flat skin leave me alone dude I'm not in the mood come on you have the goods friend yes and I'm sharing okay let's sell yo we bought this [ __ ] for like 300 a pop and it's selling for a thousand two hundred here okay he doesn't have any more money so we sold 20 hush for $28,000 I mean cats out [ __ ] very cool very very cool so yeah as I explained before OBS crashed the goal of this episode is going to be to first make it just go in we did second we're gonna make our way back to our base in the hub and actually we're going to start like we're gonna set up a science research station so we can like we actually need to work on our [ __ ] like if we want to make a base outside we really need to unlock some buildings and stuff the other thing is we're going to join the shinobi thieves basically we're really under equip to you okay even though like someone for us to have cool [ __ ] we're really under equipped so we need to start thinking about acquiring some gear and let's face it we're not gonna buy our gear we're not gonna buy our gear and we're not gonna make it either like [ __ ] hard work is for losers what we're gonna do is we're gonna pull off a few heists okay we're gonna like and dude this is gonna be [ __ ] payday level [ __ ] we're basically gonna sneak at night [ __ ] open shops like armor and weapon shops get in lock the the traders out and [ __ ] steal that [ __ ] but yeah for that to happen we need to train some boys here and the shinobi thieves are going to be great for like early game training actually let's hire some more people here for fresh recruits flat skin maybe got any skills I know a thing or two about medicine sure how much 6000 probably [ __ ] sucks but okay I need people no dude ali-a has this boss like here the opposed the ayat stands say yeah you get this one your name is Roderick no your name is dr. Mario very nice hmm twitch twitch okay a rarity I assume you're here to find fresh recruits outcasts yes I am good fortune my price is three thousand cats I'm no fighter I'm merely a servant of the Shack but I can learn whatever you need of me outcasts sounds fair you're hired I said [ __ ] leave that stands alone okay you can have that I think no one has that in our group [ __ ] I didn't name her okay she can beat which she can beat which oh sure how could I forget by the way watch watch watch watch back in short when I was healing up the dudes I trained them to like have more strength just so we can carry stuff more comfortably but I trained Naruto in stealth watch this yeah he has 40 yeah he has 37 stealth skill right now how cool is that I think what we have going on right now 13 people I think that's yeah that's enough for now I really don't want this gang to like you know have way too many people because I've seen it with other series on YouTube like with other people's series of Kanchi and like it just gets really hard to keep track of people and they lose their personality and everything so yeah I think we'll just stick with these 13 guys will train and train them up real well and yeah we'll just have fun with them maybe when we actually like build a camp outside like just build a camp that is entirely ours maybe then we can like you know just have these 13 people are going to be our primary people like main characters and then we'll have like a [ __ ] ton of bandit recruits that like just joined us because of how amazing we were remember the goal of this series is to like build the most notorious the most [ __ ] bad-ass bandit group in the world of kenji ah the smell of bandit isn't it's really good to be home I [ __ ] love The Hobbit dude it's like look it's [ __ ] destroy man it's it's the home of this scum of the world I [ __ ] love it okay everyone welcome home this is our base very nice first of all I'm gonna build a science yes mole research bench it's gonna be right I'll tuck it really nice here in the corner boom Eagles cross hmm that's some good [ __ ] right there man I like this one two-handed long [ __ ] is that pronounced falchion or fall key on top [ __ ] gang gang ye this guy this is the recruiter so you want in on the shinobi a the guards tried to lay the crack down but they ain't fooling nobody they're nothing nothing a few kids can't handle [ __ ] word my dude I want to join the shinobi thieves you can join for a fee that's it I don't have to complete a desk to prove anything but you prove myself for something Naruto what the [ __ ] do you think this is man this is the same anime okay so this is why we joined them watch first of all you get all these beautiful law-abiding citizens I swear they didn't steal anything guys that are going to protect you in any city where they where they exist if you get in trouble these guys are going to to sort you out there's also a fence yeah they have a trader here you can buy your illegal [ __ ] here no problems and no questions asked but here's why I joined them if you go to the second floor boom you got yourself training dummies these ones are for combat this one is for assassination and these two chests here they level your lock-picking so ya Naruto is going to be spending some time on this one actually go to the other one I think it's better yeah just do that one this one trains it up to 20 nice chief how about you work on your fighting first because it's pretty sure your attack is at 7 this one trains it up to 9 okay you can do that okay we're done with the storage part of researching so let's build a storage chest nice so now we can keep our AHA sheet here very cool sparring mats is done let's see let's build them it should be under training there is no training okay interior muy defense and martial arts should we let's do it yeah up here okay let's have let's try and have forum this is gonna be great because like from my personal experience with Kanchi it's merely defense that's it like harder to to train up so having this is gonna be very cool for us hey we've got our first training mat ready okay let's just that [ __ ] out hang out so let's bring Brandon remove your weapon please we don't want to hurt anyone okay so he's training against you [ __ ] no one okay pineapple dude take out your scimitar and come train with him no now stand over here so it looks realistic no come on heyy okay this is martial arts they're training martial arts my dude has -11 martial arts I think I saw a food cube here did I not yeah there we go so how about we steal some food from the shinobi thieves okay let's do that okay take that food cube yay we got it there was an item that I wanted to buy from these guys I hope they have it it's it's like bands that increase your stealth and they're sold here okay let's check it out I want to make naruto a stealth god dude okay no they don't have it [ __ ] okay the hooded cloak hooded cloak that sounds very cool kills test it out II would you look at that man would you look at that bro cool very cool okay how much is he on now 54 damn dude [ __ ] Robin is training his melee attack using his crossbow what the [ __ ] are you high ah I swear like half of our crew has been stealing from our hashish supplies I swear dude okay look I'm getting bored out of my mind I'm instead of like I was gonna train a Naruto in assassination as well when he was done lock-picking but you know how I'm gonna train that I'm just gonna go out find people walking around chief can go as well yeah chief go with him come on Naruto is gonna go out he's gonna look for people roaming the world he's gonna sneak up behind them boom he's gonna kill them do they have the fans yet please dude come on they don't have the pants but assassins rags though they increase stealth they increase assassination yeah I think that's gonna be better than the rag shirt yeah definitely better okay let's play that geo that's not too bad so yeah I found I saw a mask there that might suit chief it looks [ __ ] [ __ ] I love it let's go home okay Naruto and his friend chief are going to go on a mission there's a speck of dust on my monitor that I thought was the person moving and I [ __ ] got really happy for a second they're like okay let's keep looking I had a mother dude in my personal playthrough of kimchi which I deleted at this point he was so good at stealthy and assassination that basically like we'd have a holy nation patrol coming to attack our camp which we he would do I would sending out the backdoor I put him in stealth I'd come up behind them and they're like talking [ __ ] at our gate and everything I start mocking them out and he like he had a 100% chance on everyone I start knocking them out and disarming them like just [ __ ] as soon as they hit the ground they're disarmed and once they're done talking [ __ ] and they want to assault the town none of them have weapons and we always win always we should tread lightly man holy nation territory but like we're human so I don't think they're gonna mind this around here you know what I will not consider myself an accomplished bend it until I read one of the holy nation towns [ __ ] [ __ ] reading but I'm gonna [ __ ] obliterate them we're gonna roll up here and I'm gonna kill everyone who is that running over there he's hostile what the [ __ ] are these neither were they Oh triangle bandits hey you guys remember triangle fire bandits we fought them in second episode I know first episode first episode okay Naruto you go man and if things go bad we'll just [ __ ] run to the holy nation they'll help us out Jesus Christ look at this dudes weapon my goodness dude Naruto don't [ __ ] this up man and he did and he [ __ ] did dude get the [ __ ] out get the [ __ ] out of there man yo my okra knight brothers long live oh Crenn I'm a devout believer in the Lord come help us out man help us out yo blessings upon your brother you too my man the Blessed Bo Crenn our Father in Heaven's yeah you guys help us out Thanks do we want to fight these guys you know what [ __ ] it [ __ ] it and I'm not gonna pause like last time people have mentioned that I pause a lot during fights yeah because it's just a habit dude because I'm I'm used to choosing the game I'll try to stop doing that see what I [ __ ] do it you see what I [ __ ] do it oh man oh man okay go go go chief come on man that ain't it we're getting some good training from this dough cool better boots a better spear okay chief is looking like a Ugandan warlord right there that's a very nice look they got a holy Sentinel down what the [ __ ] they got two down oh it's the oh he's a triangle breaker he's like a special dude okay chief it's some goodness don't [ __ ] die [Music] damn dude he's soloing paladin's holy sentinels [ __ ] dude this dude is hardcore man oh they got him they got him he can't use his arms anymore soul this weapon actually looks like something straight out of Naruto holy [ __ ] he looks so sick you know what Naruto you're keeping this weapon this dude has a crippled Hartmann the other dude is chasing him he's doing the Naruto run but not in the way you want your character to do it yeah I'll [ __ ] fight you okay let's use our new weapon here oh [ __ ] take his lunch money dude take his shoes dude just [ __ ] with them get this guy okay okay get this guy come on dude boom nice okay that raised your system by 1.00 crow nights about time you guys show up people be wildin out here Dave okay chief you can come have some fun with us as well this dude is a better version of the weapon we're using right now thank you okay we're trying to knock this guy out don't kill him dude let me not come out come on man don't don't don't kill him [ __ ] okra nights dude I [ __ ] hate you guys okay I got assassination 23 let's [ __ ] go let's [ __ ] go yes boom oh she's not okay boom hey okay give me you [ __ ] he was pretending to be dead that's what just happened there you he's playing dead okay this dude okay let's see got caught stealing got caught stealing again yes he's waking up okay 43% chance failed [ __ ] I hate Dutch shout that shot and [ __ ] him up what the [ __ ] why is he attacking me okay let's take his [ __ ] well he's down you search that guy oh wait he's playing dead hang on hang on chief wait wait wait okay Naruto get in position sneak okay chief search him that's a bitter spirit in both of the ones we have right now okay then you got we got caught okay Naruto get him boom I got him okay we'll take the spear which were we at now 27 cool heyy this dude is not in a coma or anything are you trying to go boy where you trying to go okay Naruto get him a that's cool okay no which was getting better at this assassination 28 this guy is playing dead [ __ ] how [ __ ] good you man you're playing dead [ __ ] get him dude this guy right here okay Naruto get here chief no we want Naruto to steal from him okay steal his choose got caught he's getting up dicken failed ouch okay what's showing with what you've got back away back away okay get him boys that is so slow Naruto what bell-like we don't need your help guys go away damn nice dodges he's thanking these shots did Wow okay who else get up this dude how did we miss this guy we didn't disarm him okay Naruto is on 30s s nation in 73 forty-four stealth I think that's gonna be enough for next episode sighs especially if we find some shirt and pants that increase his stealth [ __ ] this is gonna be more than enough for the heist okay next episode we're [ __ ] stealing from school and we were gonna pull off a massive payday highest okay let's wrap this up I'm sorry if this was a slow episode I just really like I had to set up for I had to set up for next week's next week now next episodes heist on squint so I'll see you guys next time Naruto and chief don't have any girlfriends so good night and see you next time bye
Channel: Simo
Views: 228,012
Rating: 4.9559355 out of 5
Keywords: Kenshi, kenshi gameplay, kenshi roleplay, kenshi ep3, kenshi episode 3, kenshi challenge, kenshi review, kenshi let's play, kenshi let's play 1.0, kenshi montage, let's play, kenshi funny, kenshi funny moments, kenshi tutorial, kenshi guide, kenshi 1.0 gameplay, kenshi lets play, kenshi but I play as the bandits, Kenshi bandits, kenshi bandit playthrough
Id: jRpDHzMYdkM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 30sec (1470 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2019
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