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what's going on clan ad here welcome back to work in Chi savage lands a highly modded series to make the game as difficult as possible in the previous episode the city of Bludhaven came under assault by numerous groups we had swamp Raptors we had swap ninjas band of Bones some bandits all kinds of enemies came at came at the group that was there and ultimately the group was overrun and not many people made it out with their lives arrow did his best to try and rescue as many people as possible but only a few made it Alouette definitely recommend checking out that episode if you haven't seen it already and so now the Dragon Clan is pondering where they should go next 23 that was the number of Dragon Clan members that were lost in the blood heathen raid laviticus couldn't get the thought out of his head the Dragon Clan would need to rebuild and grow stronger to recover from such a loss the question was where little of eyuth and coast or shun to places far enough away from the rest of the world a journey could cost more lives just trying to get to either place whiticus asked other members what they thought before he decided on their final destination while Leviticus was pondering where to go with the where to take the clan to rebuild hi it looks like we got attacked by some bandits so the clan wiped him out as you can see look at this bloodbath so I think what we're going to do in this episode is head Northwest into the Leviathan coast way up Northwest this is a really good spot if that was suggested by one of my subscribers Gabriel which doesn't really get a lot of attacks maybe the only people that will attack up here is the cannibals so this is probably the best spot that we can go to kind of like disappear for a while and rebuild the Dragon Clan to its former glory and and they'll do a lot of crafting and stuff to get ourselves equipped with more armor and equipment so I think in that up in this episode we're gonna head up there and see if we can establish some sort of base of operations and kind of rebuild you guys want to see more Kanchi in the future don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss any new episodes well we're gonna head out here heading Northwest we're probably going to stop at the weigh station and sell a lot of stuff that we have on drazzey as you can see drowsies got a lot of like leather shirts and stuff a lot of things that we don't actually need so we're just gonna sell what we can along the way we'll probably hit up World's End as well right before and at World's End well we're gonna stock up on on supplies but we're gonna need to get building materials and iron plates and all that stuff so that when we get to the Leviathan Coast we can start building an outpost and and go from there stumbled into a camp of Hill Marauders this guy's interesting it looks like he's got some decent gear this is one of the bandit groups from the Bandit expansion I think we'll go ahead and wipe these guys out though and he's any training we can get we're training the better these guys are just gonna be pushovers though pretty much shoddy great equipment oh I like that black leather jacket that's kind of nice it's got a melee defense bonus it's got decent stomach and chest protection it's pretty cool take out the rest of these guys let's get Rand R and Taylor off of hold get dip get in here oh that's the boss let's see what he has he's got standard grade pretty much nothing I really want we're pretty much at that point where we need to just like craft we need to craft through the gear because the stuff that we find on enemies unless they're like really good and strong enemies isn't gonna be worth our time we've made it to the weigh station let's go inside and hang out yeah let's go ahead and see if we can sell whatever we have here and buy some materials for drazi and all do to carry all right I've sold some stuff for up to 69 thousand drazi has some building materials and some iron plates all do has a couple building materials and iron plates that might just be enough but we'll try to get more as we can sell more of our stuff I mean pretty much everything that we have is really expensive everything that we can sell pretty much like I got these cpu units are insane they sell for like 5 grand 6 grand we've got some big thing eggs which sell for 4200 I think yeah 4200 apiece I mean big thing eggs are probably one of the most proper profitable ways to make money besides like stealing all right anyway let's you know what though while we're here maybe we should try and take out the the dust boss because he's not that far away let's go check them out and see maybe we'll assault is his compound see how tough he is got a group of dust bandits up here fighting are they yeah they just beat up a bunch of hungry bandits [Music] this would be fun get him ran dog crush him all hundred and one damage with Aston Jesus Aston uh he does a lot of damage he's got fifty three strength too and he's got heavy weapons is 51 whoa Aston is strong oh we got some bone dogs up here too all right Aiden what do we have a junk bow why don't you grab that and I gave crestfallen and Lithia a backpack so that we can carry more more loot probably not gonna bother looting these guys though like money and this money is not hard for us to get so money is pretty much the last thing we need to worry about all right so let's just take a look here and see what we've got looks like we got a ton of guys up here protecting the dust King the dust bandit king these guys all have about 20-some attack but there's there's a lot of them so we're outnumbered you also got people on turrets so that's that's not good these are what level turrets are these regular mounted crossbows okay alright so I think what I'm gonna do is everybody I've got everybody on hold yeah let's but I have all do and drazi come up come up here and soak up damage while I go in and pick the lock I think my lock picking skill is high enough 55 yeah I should be able to to get that 90% so and then I'm gonna like aggro them and have them come out here so we'll battle them outside away from the turrets hopefully all right let's do it hopefully they hit the soak up damage with all do and drazi well I can unlock this alright we picked it let's open the gates meanwhile let's have all do and jazzy head back alright gates open I've had rode everybody I'm on the move Aiden let's see go off of range okay let's take a look here here's the dust king and he's got 83 attack 81 defense 35k bounty and he's got modded armor and weapons and gear so this guy is gonna be strong he might even just kill a couple of our people so see what happens want them yeah let's see what they're doing here you can get them far enough away from the turrets we might be able to take them out let's see there we go yeah just keep following he's got a lot of protection look at that oh no we're gonna get attacked by it more dust man it's all like a pincer attack uh-oh we're getting a pincer attack okay let's have everybody come in and deal with this group Shh okay everybody everybody go off and hold come down here and attack these guys down here oh this is not good all right I said get up here man I need everybody this is a fight for survival here get up on that dust King oh man there's so many dollies oh this guy is crushing through our crestfallen he's going toe to toe to toe to toe with him we got tailored down Taylor is hurting bad Aidan heal Taylor I don't want to lose anybody here Aston is is keeping up with them beep you better I don't know welcome back to that they've got everybody rushing in just kind of running around ok well I think they're gonna be fine this is what worries me down here we got crestfallen beep and asked in fighting the dust King oh and they took him down they took him down come on a didn't get he'll heal up Taylor all right we still got people on the turrets Jebus is doing his thing Zero's is going for the turret Gunners oh nice toasty all right Oh genius is down we need somebody to heal Jesus beep punch to get Jebus heal up jeebus and all we got to get that oh wait where's war war is dying what how did war get down heal yourself man what where's the dust king he's wounded oh he's wounded he's getting back up Aidan you're gonna be in trouble real soon okay I need I need syros down here getting to war you've got tons of med kits so get to war quickly heal yourself war I got serious coming we got a lot of bandits bet all the dust King is back up all right dust King is back up they didn't get out of there you can't let the dust King oh the dust king is gonna help well we got hungry bandits now hold on let me just check for war is still dying or is fighting from the ground this dude is a boss alright we got the entire group coming back ok Jebus is healed Allen heal yourself good job ok let's go get the dust King come here give me this guy Oh beep beep is down this guy his nuts stay away from him all right we got him we got a he'll be somebody he'll be first aid [Music] let's get to beep okay we got a loot this dust King I think we pretty much got everybody here war is gonna need a replacement leg all right beef is healed oh we got a repair tailor or why don't you go heal tailor if you can't sing with you Aiden and I'm gonna come back here and loot the dust king before he gets some equipment or he gets back up and beats our ass he's got master work grade pretty much everything oh my god and oh he's got something called the butcher saber class two point six for cutting damage this will be a perfect weapon for me since I'm using a horse chopper a mite out horse chopper this thing is even even better attack bonus is negative two manufactured by no it's my towel as well okay we have two of them oh yeah all right let's take his armor take all his armor and everything and he's got a masterwork grade weathered skeleton mask that is just insane uh except his doesn't actually give any any protection against weather effects see I like this one because it has protection against dust storms and gas but yeah let's take that he's got a masterwork grade weather change shirts twelve twenty nine seventy yeah this thing is pretty good too Wow it values fifty nine thousand it's definitely better even though the this change shirt chainmail is covering more of my body yeah let's get rid of that iron spider arm so we can take the boots to we're gonna hook Ashton up man he's gonna be invincible alright let's go ahead and first aid him and I'm gonna have to pick him up alright he's pulling dead he's got a bounty I'm gonna go ahead and pick him up and there we go Taylor is gonna survive I think and beeps should survive war is it says war is dying but I think he's good I don't know what the heck arrow is doing all the hell way down there herro get back here Ben what are you doing down there all right we got everybody healed Rand are survived um Taylor survived we're all wait yeah Taylor is is down I think all these guys are dying though dead or dying okay one of them's in a recovery coma that's all right [Music] good job guys good job we just crushed the dust King we're gonna need to pick up what's Jude want you to pick up beep first of all and once you get Taylor and Lithia why don't you get war [Music] all right awesome let's bring these guys inside Eero let's scope out the area but we got to endorse probably some more enemies nope anybody prisoner oh we got a prisoner up here get a guy named cat [Music] interesting who is this guy talk to oh hey I do guy wanna chat I get so excited when I get visitors not talk to not much to do in here see sometimes I like to count flies do you have any friends tell me about your friends tell me about everything what's your favorite snack do you have any out here do you have an Audi or a ninny would you rather have a head the size of a nut or a head the size of a watermelon what happened to you I had a date with a girl from out of town so I put on my best clothes I was excited for it this guy is nuts he's kind of cuckoo that's it's funny you've been here that long how long has he been here alright well let's let him out I'm free I'm finally free you're a hero take me with you alright yeah we could we could use another hand alright looks like we've got a guy named cats welcome aboard always got some food you don't need oh wait those are sandals yeah take those okay cool take some first aid kits let's go ahead and loot everything up here just take everything that we can found a specialist grade toothpick crossbow and take that definitely need some more med kits for sure always seem to run out you got some chew sticks some money what else we got in here pearl Cup we need those for some stuff I'm gonna leave the hitch not that much in here really the dust King is it's what you really want so we were able to to get them hold on a second a wart go get kill this guy okay hold on I guess everybody's gonna get him I would have been funny having a ground battle alright I kind of want to get out of here and then once we get out of this area is everybody dead in here actually everybody's pretty much dead I guess we'll just close the gates Aiden once you close the gate and we're just gonna heal up then we'll heal up and I'm gonna trade some gear all right so first things first we're gonna hook up Astin with some new gear and he's gonna be pretty much invincible take a look at this weathered samurai leg plates these have 57% blunt resistance to 81 percent cut resistance compared to his 39 and 55 oh man and then the samurai armor is even better 52 percent 70 percent 5781 although this is specialist grade and also this lowers a lot other things like attack damage effect and assassination skill melee the look at this none of this he has no penalties with this armor except for combat speed and some other things so this is like really like really good his gear and I of course took the change shirt but will give and he's got a rusty chain maille yeah we'll give him this one and we'll also give him the dust Kings probably yeah we'll give him the dust Kings mask actually though the samurai helmet is probably still better I'd only think about it yeah well even with the samurai helmet he's a beast though holy crap man alright since Jude is pretty much the second best person on the squad actually she might be the best person in the dragon clan with her melee attacks 58 mines 55 yeah we'll hook her up with a masquerade mask I'll give her some more protection we also have some leather shirts here so Jude why don't you go to drazzey or all do and take a master worker date leather shirt or leather turtleneck hell yeah that's gonna get you way more protection all right so I just realized that I don't have a left leg on drazzey or audio we've got right legs but we don't have a left leg so I'm gonna have to run back let me sing uh let me send arrow or actually yeah let me send arrow let me just trade his stuff we'll have to get him a left get war a left leg before we can continue well send arrow down to the weigh station and then he'll come back then we can leave and continue on all right we got slim pickings over here at the weigh station all we have is a scout leg left specials grade or a high-grade skeleton leg left all right I guess we'll take course I don't have any room hold on get rid of some of this junk I guess we'll just take the scout leg left for now all right crestfallen was using a hacker class weapon he was using a flesh saw which is pretty cool kind of weapon but I think I'm just gonna give him my my other mate al Horst chopper so and he's gonna go back to using sabers he's got eighteen skill and skate sabers so you should be able to handle that weapon fairly well all right arrows made it back we got some some guy that some bandit that wanted to try and kill us all right where's arrow its trade with war took war up there we go good as new my friend all right I don't really like the look of the of these lambs the Scout legs I like the look at the skeleton leg better like when you look at it with armor and stuff it looks cool I don't know it's just kind of like it's just an aesthetic thing I like more but the Scout legs are pretty awesome because you can run super freakin fast with them like wars run speed is 36 now dude is gonna run really fast alright I think we're pretty much healed up here we need to turn in the I need to turn in the dust King let's see where can we turn him in I think we could turn him in thats Quinn I think about it I might have to run down there I don't know if we can turn him in at the holy nation we might be able to but I'd rather get reputation with the sheykh if possible we're gonna have to get cat some armor and weapons well we'll eventually renamed cat to another subscriber I'll have to check my patreon to see who needs to be added but but then I'll go through and add subscribers as we add more people I guess we'll take a slight detour into the hub and hang out there while I deliver the dust King to the Scheck and then we'll continue on try to get through holy nation territory we've made it to the hub we can rest relax for those of you guys that are new to kimchi that the hub is basically the central area in the game pretty much it's it's kind of a neutral zone so anybody can come here and resupply and it's a really good new beef area especially if you're just starting out in the game I like to come around the hub area because you're basically fighting like hungry bandits and stuff but one thing you can do is you can actually click on any of the buildings here that are destroyed and then you can go down here and buy it so you can basically buy a building and then repair it so you can you can take over these buildings and have them as your own house in the hub so the hub you can't actually own like the city itself but you can own a house within the city and you can also buy houses in other cities as well if they're destroyed and you can rebuild them too so pretty cool like you all of these houses you can rebuild you can basically take over the hub if you wanted to and like have every building all right I'm gonna go ahead and run down with the dust king to the southwest to squint hopefully we don't run into anybody we've arrived it's Quinn you can see how massive the dust king is it's the guy is like huge I'm like this little guy carrying this huge guy sing to the police station see if they take him the eye the body on your shoulders have here for the reward take them away we are 35,000 richer puts us up to ninety one thousand looks like they've tied them up well he's screwed I also want to thank you mentioned about the gurus or the gorillas how I always said they were taking acid damage for some reason and that we had to keep repairing them so basically what you guys mentioned was that it was based on like them growing older like they're aging so as they age they get more health and then that one hit point they're trying to heal again so it looks like yeah once they're done fully aging that healing stuff should stop so that's cool let's see Taylor is still a pup I mean he's still got a long way to go Rand R is an adult but he's still aging as well I think all right I sold a couple beak thing eggs we're up to a hundred thousand and we can continue on here we're gonna head north now through holy nation territory this is gonna be dangerous we could go around it could go around and then go through the shrieking forest but I don't know about that for circa country and then get right into the past the iron trail up into the Leviathan coast that could be if we go to the right we're gonna end up basically going through cannibal territory and this is dangerous spots up here it's gonna be interesting trying to get to the Leviathan coast okay well I think what we're gonna do is probably head I feel like we should just go through the [Music] shrieking for it like around the shrieking forest it's kind of dangerous going up through holy nation territory up that way so let's go around to the west and then we'll head north I made it up here to the shrieking forest territory and we're gonna just continue north now we sold some stuff at the hayver village to the south and we made some monies for up to 148 thousand looks like we got some battling going on up here let's see what do we have oh got a lot of bone dogs and looks like they're fighting this guy's a wise babbler interesting this is one of the shrieking bandits expansion mods ads all this like cool armor to them as you can see looks like they stumbled into a heat bone dog nest damn they just got crushed okay I think we can just bypass them by going to the top part of this ravine yeah it looks like we should be able to get through the shrieking forest so let's just continue on here and we'll see if we get attacked we are let's see yeah just right around the south of a shrieking forest we got to go through the purple sands and then through the iron trail and then we'll be at the Leviathan coast this doesn't look good looks like her about to get attacked let's see this guy is a foolish babbler he wants to talk to me let me talk to him yarc coffee ich just gonna scream at them and I guess I picked the wrong option okay everybody finding for yourselves here tackle all crushing them Oh somebody's arm just went flying wait a minute come back here guys come back let's not go too far away here because we can get we could quickly get overrun by these guys let's just see what they have though hold on shrieking tablet oh yeah I do have one of those oh yeah because I fought some some of these guys earlier but I probably I think I skipped ahead to this part so yeah these guys have some foolish babbler leg plates these things are crazy-looking a Dirk saber well we'll take the shrieking tablet so that allow us to craft their armor and I also found this tumorous Club from one of them which is model is astonishing I'm not exactly sure if that's like the highest quality or what for these expansions but we're going to take it it's yellow yeah looks like everybody else had junk as you can see look how many shrieking bandits are there's a group there a group here I group here a group there and a group over here there are groups everywhere in this place and the the units keep spawning like the shrieking bandits just never end so you can quickly get overrun here if you get too wounded so that's why we're just gonna keep moving I gotta get through this this zone as quick as we can only gonna stop if they attack us basically the shrieking bandits that pretty much lost their minds and they're just kind of like running around screaming we've made it to the purple sands we've got some cannibals up here let's take a look at these cannibals these guys have there's a cannibal man catcher sure I think we should could be able to take these guys oh we're getting attacked ah own dogs are on our heels stick these guys out [Music] astín Aiden taken on a bone dog oh there we go oh what the oh we're just like going right into their nest okay all right guess we'll take them all down like Lithia is kicking ass with that pole arm for real all right let's everybody heal up here kind of like this area this would be a pretty cool spot to build to but I feel like it would get attacked still a lot just do some prospecting really fast so I'm kind of curious okay there's a literally nothing here there's no fertile land or anything all right we got some cannibals over here think we can take them I hope crusher oh yeah get in there beep there you go yeah they didn't stand a chance there you go I gave Aiden some new armor as well I gave him some specialist grade the armor that that Aston was wearing before before I hooked him up with the dust Kings armor yeah see these guys have their own armor as well cannibal blueprints we're gonna need those it looks like the band catcher is the only one that carries the research item that you need to research their armor it's kind of some interesting armor all right just keep going we just wiped them out we actually have a post ancient workshop over here I wonder if there's any bad guys let's sit this up while we're here see what we find [Music] Jude wants you to scout it out for us [Music] yeah it looks empty in here okay let's come down and hang out I'm gonna put down Taylor cuz he was wounded been carrying him around for a while his right leg is still healing I got too much crap on me hold on I got a trade with all of you all right let's see what kind of goodies we got in here all right I've looted everything in this little ruins let's see I've got a mass or greed skeleton arm left that can come in handy got some makeshift razors katana class an edge type-1 and also a mk3 so those are both nice these actually have negative 30% armor penetration Wow I got some engineering research a Power Core all things that we need so it's great oh yeah I also got a battle ho MK 2 damage versus animals hundred percent that's nice see I like to look at this area you can see everything coming out you at you it's pretty cool but I think we're gonna continue on here all right come on R & R [Music] we're just entering the iron trail now and as you can see there's a lot of these security robot spiders out here just have to keep an eye out for ones that are actually live a lot of these are just like rusted up and dead kind of curious with the prospecting's like here nothing wow Oh God I'm gonna attacked by a bunch of bone dogs there's cat gave cat some armor I gave cat Aiden's armor actually and that cleaver that crestfallen was using for now anyway Oh God oh well we just encountered one of the world bosses crimper or a crimper as you can see he's got a 1,500 strength 800 dexterity attack as a 70 35 he's got oh somewhere about 190,000 hit points something like that Oh God we're in trouble I wonder can he kid this thing can this thing swim I wonder this thing is way fast too how fast does it run run the speed is 32 you've got to be kidding me it's kayo point is negative 562 oh my god this thing is gonna destroy our entire party okay we need everybody to run yeah this was not a good idea oh boy okay everybody just see run as fast as you can up here up this hill let's see who's fast definitely not me let's see I need somebody super fast war probably were no beep-beep can outrun it okay nobody's and yeah he should be fine okay as long as he doesn't get hit all right beep is gonna distract it what the hell oh God watch out beep watch out oh [ __ ] beep just lost his arm Oh God run deep run oh [ __ ] beep is dead No oh no Taylor get out of there lift [ __ ] Taylor's toast Oh God oh Jesus everybody run everybody run run run run run run come on or kill this thing alright distract it distract it oh my god let's see we're gonna have to come back and get Lithia and everybody okay keep it running war just let it let it go I need everybody over here healing oh my god this thing is insane Jesus Christ all right I don't need everybody just enough people everybody else just go up that way quickly quickly guys I need you guys to heal okay we need to heal Taylor and then we need to find beeps corpse and get him out of here war is gonna have to just keep if you think this thing away this is insane let's just leave it that way I guess for now and okay we're gonna heal Taylor right on heal Taylor [Music] and I keep an eye on war though because if he stops we're in trouble okay crestfallen let's go ahead and get cannon let's get all right cannon you get beeps corpse let's pick up Taylor Jebus I need you to pick up one of these guys all right where the hell was beeps corpse poor guy damn he got just destroyed here he is okay let's take all this stuff damn it I can't believe you lost beep all right let's pick him up and let's get out of here okay is that thing still chasing him oh no it's coming back oh no there it is okay Canton hurry gotta hurry guys crystal and run run run [Music] all right Jesus pick up let's get Lithia all right let's go let's go all right holy Christ this thing is insane how are we gonna kill that I have no idea we're gonna kill that thing we're gonna have to get super damn strong that's for sure we're gonna need an army to take out one of those thank goodness we had somebody that's really fast because there's no way you'd be in deep [ __ ] if we didn't have somebody fast enough to outrun that crimper holy Christ and we're down a number already once we get a base establish we're definitely enough to recruit more people you got some leviathans here I don't know in all seriousness I may have made that thing way too Strunk I'll have to take a look at my mod and see yeah cuz a lot of these guys these things have a ton of health though I did make them a little bit stronger to the Leviathans but mostly they have way more health so the crimpers though are meant to be like the super like a super challenge like those things are no joke so I might have just left it I might just leave it how it is just so that it's like the ultimate goal would be to kill one of those things and the ultimate goal would probably be to kill the the the crimper that's in the South by the high vers that would probably be the the ultimate goal because that one is it's probably even more dangerous than that one the King crimper or whatever it's called I can't remember the name at the top of my head [Music] Lithia almost died she was at she's at 79 stomach she's and Taylor to Jesus I've run the Leviathan ghost so now we just got to figure out where we're gonna build maybe somewhere near the beach all right we made it to pretty much the northwest part of the entire map this is kind of a neat spot down here we got the water we could kind of block this off it's kind of cool I think we're gonna probably scout around first though and see I don't know the the pathfinding seems a little weird here so I don't know if I'm gonna build in this spot yeah I don't like it here it doesn't the the pathfinding saw messed up for some reason I'm clicking over here and like they're not even going where I want them to like yeah it's not very responsive for some reason so let's let's try going north a little bit or northeast of beak things up here tons of gaara's like food for days [ __ ] got a weak thing here [Music] and ours taking a beating come on do some damage we got some guards in here to help nice alright hold on guys hold on I'll make any sudden movements Oh Jebus is down and yeah it's oh he's getting back up well after travelling around the entire map I think I found a decent location unfortunately we are in the south down in shun and there's a nice little spot right here in this river kind of southwest of the crater there's like a little river but there's like a little plateau here where you can build you got some fertility down here you got some copper right here a copper node and then you've got some iron around the area and plenty of fertility and stone the only problem is that we've got band of Bones over here that are patrolling the area and I thought this place was going to be unpopulated some people said that Shawn was wasn't gonna have anybody roaming around so I don't think we're gonna be able to build here because ban of bones are way too strong for us right now like these guys could wipe out our party again and if we build here we're gonna get attacked by these guys the other thing is that we've got desolate Raiders to the north forth desolation and I think that's part of a model I can't remember but these guys are in the 40s range so they're decently strong and they have decent armor so yeah I don't know if we're gonna be able to build here I'll really like this spot it's gonna like out of the way but I've looked everywhere and I'm trying to find a spot like I went to the Leviathan coast and I was running into pathfinding issues up to the north and there was a good spot over here to the northeast but there was no copper so you had to go inwards so I said I went south east with the group all the way through the northern coast through dark finger into Sinkin looked up here there's a decent spot up here to the north on this on the coast but there's no copper so you have to like build inwards so the base would be like Wade way big you know I was trying to find a spot that was like out of the way with decent enemies with not too many strong opponents we can't really build in holy nation territory or United cities territory we're gonna get attacked by them eventually so I think there's a good spot over here in the in Green Beach there's a good plateau here this might be another base we can build later on but the opponents are gonna be really strong because we've got the some some other group Reavers I think are over there so I think what we might have to do is go back to the border zone and build in this plateau I've built here once before but you know it's a decent spot it gets attacked quite often but the enemies would be pretty pretty weak compared to everywhere else so this might be a good spot for us to just kind of like rebuild to the north of Bludhaven we might be able to just like rebuild here for now and get some crafting going it's kind of a central location as well so that's a plus I don't know I got to think on it some more so let me know guys give me some ideas where to build I'll check them out but we might be going back to the border zone area I think this area is gonna be a little too strong with these band of Bones guys roaming around so hope you guys enjoy the episode if you want to see more kimchi in the future don't forget to subscribe and I'll see you guys again next time take care
Channel: Aviticus Dragon
Views: 4,417
Rating: 4.9532166 out of 5
Keywords: kenshi, kenshi gameplay, kenshi pc gameplay, kenshi sandbox gameplay, kenshi sandbox game, kenshi combat, kenshi episodes, kenshi indie game, kenshi rpg, kenshi aviticus dragon, kenshi game, kenshi pc, kenshi pc game, kenshi thieves, kenshi factions, kenshi hd, kenshi 1080p, kenshi base building, party based rpg, squad based rpg, kenshi lets play, kenshi slavers, kenshi research, lets play kenshi, kenshi survival, kenshi ironman, kenshi end game, kenshi cinematics
Id: jIcQvt0pL20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 21sec (3321 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 10 2020
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