Let's Play Kenshi #6 | Exploring the Ruins

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welcome back to another episode of kenchi my name is Tobal we're still here in the crater and grid area just south of the swamp and our group is still kind of trying to recover here because we did have quite a fight so what I'm doing is trying to get our group somewhere to hide I need to get them out of sight because they needed to recover still there they're still really injured alice is still down for a while because I mean look at that arm 83 negative 83 on the arm negative 31 on the chest so she is still pretty critical and we don't want to be bringing her anywhere near a fight right now I actually had done some recording earlier but unfortunately we decided that Ken she decided to have a little crash so I'll cover a little bit about what I was talking about I wound up using Tobal to explore just a bit and I'm really not familiar with this side of the map I don't I know where some ruins are but apart from that I normally don't travel down to this side of the map all that often so I kind of wanted to come down here just to expand my own knowledge I found this little nook this is kind of nice in terms of how it looks and it's you know obviously those red Sabres we fought the red Sabres we also fought the stupid swamp ninjas over here so it's not exactly the most peaceful area but it did offer some challenges in the area right here is nice and flat around this Lagoon or this swamp or what have you um actually looks like it's part of a river it might be the mouth of the river so it's not a bad little spot if we use the prospect tool we can see that it's very high in water and fertility because it is a swamp biome so you can grow swamp foods in here there's not a whole lot of stone however my my character's prospecting skill is very low so it might even be more accurate to use this example where you just try to build it and you can see what yield you're gonna get and where although it kind of looks like it's really rough on stone everywhere there's a decent amount over here this might not be horrible you'll get a 50% yield here that just means more time spent but what I find is that you normally don't have a problem getting stone you wind up having too much stone in mid mid games so getting stone is not a problem but I would be more concerned of its finding iron and copper but as long as you can find a node which it looks like there's a node right behind me here for iron hmm there's a node over there as long as your characters can manually extract you are normally okay on you know iron and copper there are some tools later that you can research that let you just basically mine into the ground into the earth for copper and iron ore was that what's that so this must just be an inground deposit I'm not seeing most of the time when you see iron in the ground on that prospector there's also iron above the ground as well but I don't see that here that might just be this little piece here that means that if you find if you get an iron extract or iron mine you should be able to pop it down right there copper though looks like it might be a bit of a problem in this particular area there's lots of iron resources here and there there's a copper resource all the way down there not exactly the the most accessible location around those over here the blood bath a bunch of red Sabres went down from maybe fighting mmm I don't see anything maybe they fought some animals iron resource there so this spot might have some challenges in terms of the resource availability but it still does look really nice in terms of the flat land there is a town I did explore it last while I was trying to record this video but just across this plateau here there's a town here called clowns that we discovered that and that is a United cities town so that would be a trade option that wouldn't be a bad spot in this area at the moment I'm a little torn on what to do I want to go back into the grid I don't want to die there's a obviously but I don't want to run into any trouble that's one of my concerns right now is that there's you know there's red saber over here the sand ninjas went or sorry the swamp ninjas went somewhere over here Wow did they all croak what did they fight they fought it looks like maybe they fought something over here maybe I'll come loot their bodies when they walk away there's a there's a swamp ninja guy over there that's down I might do that I might send Tobal into the grid and have him explore because he's still faster than most of the other squad members and he can he should be able to get out of trouble unless we get him in a really really tight spot and our other group might just have to sit here until they recover and I could move them down to the city I'm just really worried about roving patrols of like these guys here more red sabers are not what we want right now because they they definitely can catch up to our group quickly I'm gonna sneak real fast I don't want to pull this group there's a bunch of you guys that are down what happened over here I don't see any animal corpses I don't see any other corpses either like a different class or something or a different group hey do you have some nice wonderful swords on you just Oh blah there you are they have some nice ninja blades these are refitted blades so this is a bit of a step up from the normal this is about what I have here I have a 100% chance oh I don't think he's going to wake up I could try to steal his died oh yeah obviously we want turtlenecks we want tactical turtlenecks for sure I don't want the mask I don't think well you know what do I that is a really good modifier for dust storms and gasps not that we see gas too much but dust storm would be nice disguises when you wind up taking clothing that were from a certain faction give you the chance to disguise as that faction so maybe maybe it would be nice to disguise ourselves we have enough for all of our squad members there are five of us two three there are five there five of them down and there are five of us we could possibly look at stealing enough uniforms to cover my squad and maybe we could be disguised as them so if we saw them in the distance they wouldn't immediately come running now that won't help us against the red Sabres because I think red Sabres and swamp ninjas are attack on sight for each other what I have to have the whole uniform let's see so if I am I'm disguised I'm what eight percent that's it clothing disguise eight percent well why not why am I not more than that is it the pants do I need the full ensemble here eight percent what else am I missing from their disguise I'm dressed exactly as they are Oh was it really the shoes or did I'm so confused let's see now I met a hundred percent of disguise was it the fact that I didn't have the pants on earlier was that the problem it was so apparently you need to have the full uniform in order to have that 100% disguise effect oh where did you come from oh these are what you you guys fought okay uh can you fight this how tough is this thing oh you should be able to kill it or at least Wow or not here you go eat something over there Jesus it was a 71 damage shot uh okay well let's not lose your frickin arm let's go over here did you just lose your mechanical arm you didn't but the problem is it's so damaged I can't fix it until I get mechanical components again hmm okay good to know are you eating her oh that's mildly that's mildly disturbing I wonder if you are gonna be so distracted eating that I can come steal the rest of this I'm gonna give up on this idea of hiding like them so I'm gonna drop some of their stuff I will take the mask and we don't really need the turtleneck shirt thing and I'm going to take the swords Oh here let's see if we can be really quick we are really fast bugger I'm gonna steal the swords and the masks I think is what I'm gonna do because our rest of our group has decent clothes maybe I'll grab the turtlenecks right you can't go wrong with your loins strange effect I looted him let's come loot this guy maybe the spiders really full and it doesn't want to aggro us right now because it's just you know peaceful all right I think I've got everything I forgot a mask or to shoot I'm uh it's a really uncomfortable sound I think it's because I'm pausing the game but I'm trying to open up this this menu what do you got on you still okay your sword and your mask oh can I get this without getting my feet yeah probably too close this is not gonna be a smart move okay good perfect all right so oh dammit there's more these uh these are swamp type creatures oh did I just run the wrong direction no we're good we're good we're running the right way there are there's swamp like creatures and they are found in the swamp they're not exceedingly fast but if you run in the middle of a swarm of them you can get shot or hit rather and obviously they hurt a lot that was a lot more damage than I expected from a tiny little red spider like 71 in one hit where our left arm is basically completely damaged skeleton limbs don't degenerate which is nice so we have that going for us let's drop a bunch of these masks off on the ground I'll drop a couple of swords turtlenecks and then let's have our group take a look uh who needs what you have a crappy sword let's get you a ninja blade and a ninja mask same thing here ninja mask inch blade ng mask and is oblate okay and we you're unconscious but I think you can still take stuff let's drop that crappy armor off it's not crappy armor per se it's actually pretty decent but yeah we go tactical turtleneck and we'll get you a you can't pick up anything so I have to trade with Alice make sure she's got her weapon I think I was short on a mask or do I have one I do have one okay so we're all looking like complete goofs right now which is fine I probably am not going to keep that so if you don't like how that looks that's okay that looks a little silly we dropped a spike nag we got and Dan on the ground we did have all we'd have all the swords in the inventory though which is what we want because we want to be able to sell those at some point because they're gonna be worth a decent amount of money I think it might be a good idea to try to find that city and get our group over to the city - to recover can you go down off this back area please do you have to go down right off the front okay what I'm gonna try to do is navigate us away from any red Sabres and now blue savers Green Sabres the ninjas as well and I want to see if we can just Laura you're really slow to Rin or toboe can you pick Laura up and just carry her you can't carry one because your arms are basically not working right now that's fine all right there's a group of swamp ninjas down there dang it this whole area is just crawling with baddies what at least it's open and you can see fairly far away so you're not hopefully surprised now I don't know what the range of aggression is there's normally like a range at which enemies will see you are you guys eating the corpses here by the way okay so this group also found a pack of the blood spiders Raptors love corpses so whether it's a river raptor or whether it is a swamp raptor they all are really attracted to corpses so if you have a battle and you kill a bunch of crappy starving vagrants or something like that you really want to find a way to dispose of the bodies because say around your base if this is around your base if it's right you know here in the middle of nowhere it's not a big deal but if it is in your base you may want to look at trying to find a way to dispose of the bodies because it will in fact attract raptors and it might attract a lot of them and which leads to more killing of raptors which leads to more corpses Oh son of a gun alright so we've just got one guy here oh it's a whole squad let's see if I can just get them a groat it - ole don't shoot me I'm gonna have towable run away from the group we're see what you guys are over here what are you up to are you getting angry I think Tobal is getting most of the aggro here so I'm gonna pull him off to the side because he's faster so I think he can kite that group away okay that's good that's what we want a clown study is that's not what we want clown said he's right over here so I guess I'm gonna have to take my characters around this loop away from the bandits I'm gonna run Tobal straight into clown steady to see if he can maybe drop these bandits off at the doorstep sort of speak and maybe the guards will help us out a bit and take a quick drink of water here while we run okay so our folks here are fine ish right now right there's another pack of red Sabres over here did the main group are they still following you sir I see one or two right there behind okay can I like sneak can you can you break off pursuit by sneaking uh it doesn't seem like it it seems like they are still really interested and they know exactly where you are maybe they go to your last known position that could be it we're close enough to Rocksteady that they should pick up that aggro though our group is so slow so very slow that is more of those red Sabres so I guess oh god there's so many I'm gonna pull everyone back a bit and try to just have them sneak and stop in place right now while we take care of these these guys that are attacking me I guess I'll come up it didn't II the reason I want Tobel there is because if I can get all the aggro on him I am normally able to outrun most of the enemies so that would be a decent plan oh they're gonna kill these guys now I don't know if they take slaves or not so we might get some decent loot here what are they carrying I think those are is that a naginata I think that's a naginata no it's got a it's like a polearm which one's a die hang on I'll remember the term in a second here so the katana oh I won't it's it's like it I thought it started with a D it's the two-handed die Cho two-handed sword in Japanese culture all right let's start creeping this way because trouble is coming back this way a bit I don't really want to make a run for it until I'm outside of this range of this group not that I even can make a run for it cuz everyone's so slow okay we're detected by the animals not necessarily the Bandit group I will stop sneaking and try to make a move here for the city once we get to the city we should be okay there's we've got a couple swords that we can sell I need to get people food actually because we are all a little bit low on food and I want to make sure they can survive the next couple of days with food who are you who are you running to just a random guy running away oh no dodgy that's the word I was trying to look forward no dachi is I believe that big two-handed sword used in an Asian culture by samurai the naginata is basically the pole arm I think that's the one that has basically a a katana type blade fitted to a longer pole so maybe the United cities here uses naginata z' and whole arms sorry Noga naginata zendaya no dachi band of bones Banda bones who are you never heard of or seen that faction it's an interesting and lively little city this might be a fun place to if you're interested if you really like the scavenger lifestyle and you like to let other people do the work for you this might be a really nice spot to just park yourself looks like there's quite a few bodies not it looks like they did pick up oh they do pick them up really quick so you'd have to be right there when the combat starting in order to pick up the people who go down all right so we made it into a town which is more than I thought we'd would let's go into the bar let's go ahead and have a sit down let's go upstairs and we will drop Alice off everyone else is going to take a nap once we drop her off I'll have Jade plopped down on a bed as well I think when your limbs are damaged they just kind of flop around a little bit when you're in a neutral position it's quite nice alright I'll take a quick break here and I'll come back once everyone's all healed up okay so most of our characters are back to a point where they can run and move fast enough Alice still has some arm damage so we'll let that heal up over time that should be that should be healing up assuming we don't get into another big scuffle again who's got a fight over here outlaw farmers and the guards so I want to go back to the grid so I'm gonna try to get our group back heading back that way I did go ahead and sell those couple swords that I had that we looted from the swamp ninjas so that's something to make a little bit of profit unfortunately the way to be careful here noble hunter if you get too close to a noble hunter I think they get real sassy with you and they could even aggro you so we got to be a little bit careful around them in fact I kind of want to maybe just take a different route all the way around them but yeah I want to go back to the grid I want to be now that we no clown said he's there if we do pull any big groups that we have to lose I could possibly kite them over to clown study so that might be an option we'll just have to be really careful and hopefully we won't spend the entire time running through the grid at night because we wound up uncovering this we did wind up uncovering this workshop complex and I haven't even been able to look at it yet because at the time we were running we were kind of running for our lives so let's go ahead and do that I hate these masks they look so goofy they're not worth anything either I checked the price so well we'll go back to the old standby whatever these people had happened to have at the time and I'm also gonna do a quick save I did have a crash earlier so I normally I don't have too many crashes in Kanchi you used to have a lot but of course that was still early development so they have improved Wow where are you guys going they haven't proved that issue in particular or not one issue but the the overall instance of crashes occurring they have reduced that so exciting for us all right so this is that hill we were on and this is about where we all got knocked unconscious so I'm gonna try to be rather cautious when I move through here I might try to do something like you know scout not really scouting right but I'm trying to look ahead of each of these intersections it's really hard to use the camera in this area because this whole area is are these these weird walls with you know real high walls so the camera type tries to get a little funky on us so I think we have to go this direction we have to go up a couple of these for these modules I don't know what you call this I did I do believe I saw at one point a beak thing in here somewhere so I don't know if they Patrol I don't know if it's a one-off and he or you know it got loose or something like that but yeah definitely don't want to find a big thing in here because that is not a lot of room to run and there's no way we could fight this right now this is probably by the way that probably if you're looking for recommendations this is still probably too early to be exploring safely if you don't mind the risk it's definitely doable you just have to really micromanage your characters especially when you're trying to dodge combat and run away and heal up so I mean this is it's it could be lucrative to explore certain ruins and things like that but it definitely is dangerous because you really can't stand and fight anything you need like you know high-level characters to be able to fight big things with with decent weapons and you know that do special damage something failed over here somebody tried to do something yeah but weapons that do damage to bigger creatures so I see some kind of facility up here so let's go towards that this is the I guess this must be the engineering workshop complex maybe it just shows it for both of them is there anything up here I don't see any creatures is it running I just heard like engineering noises okay so [Music] I like how it like straddles this whole little area here and has like a little cross air crossover I hear a lot of noises is there something else oh there's a whole nother one over here okay so there's another one here is there one more one notch over would be three in a row all right let's take a look at what we got in here we have a couple of I can see some chests right here oh dang we haven't trained any lock-picking this entire game so we're gonna have a problem when it comes to opening any of these boxes unfortunately I don't think even I don't think we can even try it oh you strengths interesting is anyone strong enough to just straight-up break this I don't think so what else can we look at here there's some random boxes these two things are level 55 and 57 and their complexity and it looks like we can't use brute strength or anything to open those that's fine let's keep going hey at least we know this exists though so we could go work on our locksmithing sorry lock-picking and come back anything else to pull up we don't have anything this is a something to interact with not a storage device let's go to the other side here and we'll take a look we'll set one person left one person right what's in here nothing okay okay the first thing we found is a hinge yeah it's a hinge it's what we've always wanted oh that's funny tools didn't I just see an option to use tools to unlock something okay so 13% chance we can try I'll start him doing that 3% here you don't have an ability to do anything with that but it doesn't look like there's much of anything some steel bars here they're worth something so we'll pick those up there's a little tiny box hidden here hey a research artifact okay so as ancient science book is required for higher level much higher level science so I don't actually think we have anything that would even need this yet but it's definitely going to be something you want to stockpile so whenever you see an ancient science book I would very strongly encourage you to not let that thing out of your sight we want to keep those around they are going to be useful at some point if you plan on doing any base building I guess I should say that if you plan on doing base building they're going to be useful if not I guess you could sell them they are worth five thousand cats so that's quite a bit of money so it's up to you maybe if you're playing a playthrough where you are only doing kind of the RPG style you're only kind of going around and searching for things in fighting then yeah then maybe you don't need it but I still think it's it's definitely worth it in the long run if you keep those things to you to your your crew and yourself I'm gonna come have J trade with Tobal and I'm gonna have her take these tools now I wonder if tools are consumed based on how much you what do you use them for let's read that again it doesn't have a a marker like a like a charge like these have charges or you know shots they tend to break pretty often on are usually discarded after use okay so I guess we just have to get lucky and hope that maybe we can get through this lock with this one kit and then I guess it might be done after that so I'll speed up as both of our characters are working on their own separate objectives here now when you fail a lockpick you do get a skill up so it's it's normally what you do is have your character try to pick a lock in the middle of the night nice there's absolutely nothing in here and you can just let them let them keep trying to pick the lock over and over and over again and they'll keep getting better and better better and in fact now that this lock is at 6% Tobel can try to pick it maybe he'll get good enough that he can try to unlock one of these other chests as well I doubt that's the case but you do want them to fail and have a higher you know have their lock-picking skills go op oh that's funny you know what I mean using the wrong dang person here your your skill experience I think goes down when you're using your arm or your stat for it right lock-picking is at negative 60% well that's a waste you're also at negative 2 for some reason negative 1 let's just use let's use Alice and we'll see if she can try to lockpick this and start getting her skill up so Tobal is not going to be our lock-picker i believe because he's going to have issues getting into those with his arm being the way it is so she found another ancient science book I think at some point I'm going to go back to the main part of the main part I guess the more civilized area here I'm gonna find maybe in stack because it's I like stacks location compared to other you know other areas you get s-- easy to go different directions from stack I might buy one of those buildings and stack and try to put a storage box in there and then start you know basically storing a lot of the good loot in there that things that I don't want to get rid of but I don't want to sell and I just want to have for later anything around here yet I've really not been looking at the area I don't think the buck the beak thing can get into this storage complex though so that's a nice thing that we've got going for us right you know we we can hide oh that's terrifying the unpatrolled you really don't want you guys to come around here we're gonna need you guys to go away they'd be great you know I said they can't come up here I haven't tried that so I could be wrong and they might just be able to just kind you know come right on up these stairs and over the bridge I would hope not much like big animals can't come inside of buildings however this might not be considered a building traditionally this might just be a ramp that they can go up much like a hill but it looks like they're staying put I think I see one way over there in the distance so that one's staying still let's just remember that we don't want to go back south we do want to go over one I don't know module excuse me is that you call these modules we want to see what's over here no though for the moment it looks like it's actually empty it's weird okay so maybe this has nothing maybe there's one more down here because it's like you know there's one here there's one here I don't have the camera angle to see there's anything else but after this though I do believe I will probably try to bring our squad back to normal civilization oh you know you haven't checked on in a while is poor Diana what have you been up to you're starving oops yeah that's that's a bad that's bad news we don't want to have you starve let's send you back to blister hill what I might try to have her do is stay near the city and I think if she finds a creature that has meat on it she'll just try to eat it oh that's gonna be hard because the Raptors don't have good meat they have like just spoiled meat so she can't kill a raptor maybe I'll have her hang out near stack because I have seen bone dogs attack stack before so yeah that's another reason for us to head back home after this and what I might do is take a break in the video and go ahead and bring the party home I'll probably just come up the way we came up ourselves we'll just come right back the way we came that way I don't explore anything new and you know we started this journey with what you know without without an arm we had much lower skills we are coming back with some goodies we've got a motor and another ancient science book so I'll put those ah let's see who's got the ancient science book that's Jade you're too far come over here Jade and then I'll put the motor on towable okay so Alice picked that open Jade broke open this box so let's go over here and see if any of the skills Alice got just now how high are you in a lock-picking seven that's not bad can you lockpick this though nope still too high and so probably these are also going to be too high for you as well yep okay so she didn't move on those so let's find out what we want to do the buck beaks are somewhere over here that's terrifying hope there's another there's another metal piece over there okay let's have us go look around make sure that there's nothing right around the corner that's gonna kill us you know immediately we come up here are these okay here I don't see I don't see any friends this way that's a wall ish this is what I'm talking about with the camera this this area here is just a nightmare to which I think it's designed to be I think it's designed to be difficult to look at and you almost have to be zoomed in at your character's level in order to I'll get look at the sense of scale of that this is a pretty big little big complex so we're gonna go over one more module or you know Valley or whatever this is called there's one more of these facilities here let's check that out and then we'll go out a different way than we came in in case we uh encounter any more of these but we can't go that way that's actually a dead end it looks like so we'll have to go oh we will have to go back at least a couple of these and maybe go out this way I want to kind of go out to the north because the North seemed a little safer at first glance than the South did the South had all those roving patrols okay so another one of these complexes and I don't see any of our friends right next to us so I don't think we're gonna have any trouble just yet right off the bat so Alice is our lock picker right now these locks are way too complex for her though alright do we have any goodie boxes that we can just do these are also locked yeah we will have to come back here at some point when we have better skills and we can do we can either get her skills up by lock picking doors at night like shop doors or we can have her try to train over at like we could we could wind up actually trying to join the shinobi thieves guild and we could try to have her use because they have some facilities that you can use so we could have her do that I did say that I don't want to steal from shops and I'm going to stick with that but I might use lock picking at night like lock picking a shop in a city at night as a way to skill that I get your skill up okay so it looks like she's only gonna be able to get to this lock because the rest of them are too high skilled so I guess we'll just see what she gets from this let this roll a bit it is nice the way lock-picking works I mean it's you know it's kind of like you just just let them start it and they'll just keep going and going and going I think it'd be neat if there was a critical failure chance where you kind of broke your lockpick like in D&D you basically can get the lockpick stuck in the lock and it makes the DC the the difficulty check harder each time you fail oh this is decent so we found a some radio korabik scam components we can't I don't think this is something we can use to repair our arm but it might give us enough money to buy a robotics repair kit which i think is what we need to repair our arm with a side note before I forget because we are going back home I'm gonna take my arm off right now because I don't want to forget about that and then all of a sudden the holy nation are up in holy arms about my unholy arm so let's go back this way maybe might not have been smart this was where the buck beaks were around okay so we're gonna have them come out of our compound this way go this way do I see anything that's absolutely horrifying not yet not that I could you know really see anything anyways I'm gonna just give them a map direction so I'm gonna have them just come out over here and they'll they'll self navigate to the best nope they're gonna get confused I'll have them come like this right out there okay and I'll just try to keep an eye out to hope that we don't run into anything absolutely horrendous lots of swamp things okay I don't see anything in front of us there is some kind of package somebody's who's this this is a bunch of bandit bones I think this is another bandit group let's uh let's get down here and go quiet about to see which way the band of bones is going on we need to exit this area and unfortunately they're in the way but we're not pressed I don't think they're no one's coming out and I don't know if they're coming in or not they seem to be passing right in front so we'll sneak up this hill and this is working on our sneak skill I don't know how much we're gonna need this alright down the road alright we I think we're okay let's go ahead and stop sneaking and start running we'll get out into an area that we can see it's not quite as dark well it's gonna be dark but it's not quite as trapped with trees and stuff okay so we are on the spider Plains oh that's lovely all right guys I think this is where I want to be here I'm going to start navigating us back home I'll probably take this route up the coast here Coast coast meeting I guess compared to the swamp it's the coast of the swamp that makes sense and I'll try to stay out of any fights and just get us home in one piece and what I think I'll still this kind of still short so I I'll just fast forward until we're back into civilization and then I will I'll bring everything back okay so we are back in we're kind of in the borderlands right now but I consider that to be home territory at this point it's fairly safe we're not even all that stronger we went out traveling we did come back with some skill gains though it looks like ridden has actually got quite a few skill points and attack defense some decks and toughness skill ups everyone's a little tougher I think because they've all taken some damage and got knocked out a bit so that's always useful and yeah we did you know we did come back with probably equal money we're not going to come back super rich from that little foray but we did you know we learned a little bit about ourselves right we learned that I don't make the best decisions sometimes that sometimes it's not a bad idea just to fold up and take the damage I think that we had that fight with the swamp ninjas but at first we were getting chased by the red Sabres so I wonder if because the red Sabres overall were weaker than the sand ninjas so it might have been a better idea just to kind of eat it you know like just let our people get beat up to the sand ninjas because they wouldn't have taken as much damage up front I was really concerned that the sand engines were gonna or sandwiches the swamp ninjas sorry it's like I keep using the wrong term the swamp ninjas we're going to just completely kill us in one shot or we could have lost a limb we definitely could have lost a limb there speaking of limbs I did take mine off right yeah so I think we got lucky there hey Diana good to see is still alive next episode we're gonna do a little housekeeping I need to get some food for our folks here Diana is starving and the rest of our folks are going to get start getting really hungry so I think I'm gonna go out and maybe we'll go start fighting we've got enough money once we sell everything we should have enough money to Wow it's a little bloody in here what do you guys been doing we'll have enough money to probably yeah well we should have enough money to recruit a couple more people and then maybe we can start beating up on some River Raptors and we can do maybe I'll do an episode where I kind of skip ahead a bit and I can just go kill a couple of packs of River Raptors and get the leather we get the food so we can make the food right so it's a it's it's a little grindy but hey at least we did it ourselves and we didn't rely on the city guards to kill it for us so I'm gonna go find a salesperson I find a shop but I'm gonna try to sell some of our goodies that we have the oh man we lost a ton this was worth like oh no I'm sorry I'm looking at the wrong thing the robotics is what's worth a lot of money okay good we'll sell that that-that-that-that not gonna sell my arm because that that would suck we're gonna keep these books even though they are worth a lot of money oh it's actually considered illegal in holy nation territory as well and everything else looks ok so now we're sitting at 7,000 again that seems to be like the amount of money we always wind up with so maybe to close out this episode let's go recruiting right let's go see who's willing to join the unbroken the unyielding right oh also I didn't I think I went to clown study last episode I didn't really show much about the town itself there was a lot of people in the bar in clown study that were recruitable so if you're looking for if you're like really desperate to find people to join you may be clown study would be a good option because they have a ton of people there and at the time I didn't know I don't think I had the money to do any heavy recruiting because I hadn't sold stuff yet or at the time we haven't even found that those items yet but yeah clown study made may be a definite go-to for recruitment okay what about this bar here was this what we just went to this one only has oh we've got somebody who are you long stoat an engineer no we really don't want an engineer we need just a generic person happy a medic hah minik wouldn't be bad but we can train anyone in medic skills he might start at like 40 in medic skill but we can train them up and and then we don't have to pay six thousand cats for it so yeah I think I'm gonna say a hard pass on that one but what I'll do between episodes here is I will run us over to blister Hill and try to find some more recruits for us I won't hire them until we we have an episode going I think but that should let us get more people on board and we are still working on expanding our squad my goal right now my goal is to have 10 people in the unyielding squad so we need to hire five more people so we need another 15,000 roughly and then I'm gonna start doing my training and then we're going to have a decent-sized squad to start doing some hefty exploration with and that's what I want to do I think I I will get to base building I promise that I will get to base building at some point but I want to make sure that our first squad can protect the base from marauding bandits so I want to have a decent a decently experienced squad I want to have them relatively geared up I mean they're not gonna have anything amazing but they can definitely have some decent loot that they probably take in from enemies or people they've just found on the road so that's my goal for the next couple of episodes is to continue to expand our our squad here and get them start to get them skilled up and then maybe well you know we explored we explored to the south a bit down here to the hub sorry the grid maybe on the way back I found this little Berserker village - but maybe we'll explore the the foggy lands here maybe you will take a run to the north we've already been out in the desert we could make a return to the desert we could see you know the difference is now based on you know when we started and how tough we are now that might be a nice complete circle for us right ooh there's gonna be some fighting up here I might stop and loot these dogs to get their meat I think that's what I'm gonna do because we're all a little bit hungry alright thank you so much for joining me again and just a note to folks who are subscribing or want to subscribe thank you again for your support the support lately has been impressive and just really really exciting so I'm I'm really happy to have the reception to this series and other series that I have had so yeah thank you so much guys I will continue to make these videos for Ken she I think I've got a couple other series coming out we've got I'm gonna do it let's play of stellaris coming up because it has been I really want to get into that new stellaris expansion so we're definitely gonna be doing that as well okay thank you so much for joining me I'll go explore these corpses here and see if they've got any sweet loot but otherwise I will see you in the next episode
Channel: TobelPlays
Views: 86,425
Rating: 4.9531479 out of 5
Keywords: kenshi, rock bottom, let's play, v1.0
Id: H6T-rDLDhJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 47sec (2867 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 14 2018
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