Kenshi S02E01: Preparation

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what's up everybody hope you guys are having a great day I'm biscuit dog and we're back in kenji season 2 episode 1 you guys we've got a lot of stuff to cover there's a lot of planning going on and things are getting pretty exciting actually I just need you guys input on a few things because I don't really know where to go from here I've got a few options but I just want to care it up with you guys alright if you're new welcome to the channel thank you very much for watching you might as well subscribe guy because we got a lot of episodes to do and a lot of stories to tell and I think it's gonna be a lot of fun ok let's get busy here I think I'm gonna show you guys all the changes that have happened since we left add mag from the time we live to add mag till now a lot of stuff has happened in Fat City there's been a little bit of building but not too much building mostly mostly preparation and planning and training and all kinds of good stuff and for those of you wondering where fergus's tricorn hat went fly took it because he can't wear a helmet so that's probably the first thing we should talk about we've kind of got an army I mean not a big one alright so not a huge army this isn't all of them but these are the guys I had training I don't think any of them are training anymore they just look cool here so I've left them here for now we got a few new guys and we've obviously got a uniform now as well the uniform consists of reinforced cargo pants plated long boots mercenary armor chainmail and a flared helmet I believe let's take a little look here flared helmet mercenary plate chainmail cargo pants and plated long boots that's what everybody's got also they've got some pretty decent weapons as well and that's not ideal because a lot of these people are newer and they have absolutely no skills that's a little bit of a problem I think I should probably downgrade some of their with you guys tell me what the best thing is because they've all got like edge type one and the skills on these weapons are probably a little high for them alright let's take a look at the new guys here's PI may our a resident martial artist and probably sensei of our new dojo doesn't really have any martial arts skills to speak of yet which is unfortunate but I think we're gonna send him to war with nothing but a pole and most of the time he's not even gonna have that so we're just gonna send him into battles with nothing and if he survives I think he should be a pretty good martial artist after that that's the plan with him anyway yeah we got Shrike who we recruited from Mongol we recruited back snap as well I obviously changed his name he's a big one I like him a lot he's really grumpy looking I guess he's our human muscle our human version of the keeper a big man I think he's gonna be our bartender wouldn't we get back from war because we need a bartender and he looks like the type so that's back snap I like him a lot also this shorty and he's a giant chick so that should be fun kind of too many giant chicks all right that's everybody new in here the rest of these people I think you know you may not have seen Soto or Ruka but they're they're two new recruits that I picked up from ad mag in the bar okay so I called them spider clan because that's kind of warlike I started with spider company but it just sounded like a weird company so I think spider clan is sends a clearer message since we have the rafta clan as well okay so spider clan is 22 people strong and most of them are noobs but we do have some good guys here we've obviously got rat boy the keeper sakshat grow bag Kenshin and to a lesser extent even fly I suppose but we've got lots of new guys to train up and it's bodies man not everybody in a war is trained these are the people we had to conscript because we need the bodies all right next is the ninja so Raptor clans all here we've got a new one the taker who is our first Czech ninja yes and she doesn't really have many skills to speak of but I have been training her in the ninja facility so she's got basic lock-picking stealth and stealing skills now she's also not that bad at assassination so trained everybody in assassination she's 27 now so that's actually her highest thievery stat which is really really good and it's the same for all of these guys because I want to knock some people out I really I really got an interesting battle plan and I want to see if we can exact it so that's that's the taker okay fat city do we have any new people I don't believe we do I think you know all of these people they're all hard at work making armor and weapons and food and hashish and all kinds of good things and we've got some pretty big stockpiles of stuff right now then we've created a the archer group which is a new group obviously with the same old arches so we've got our evil Lucky hitta and digna in the archer group and they're all pretty well kitted up they've got a uniform too and which consists of which consists of an iron hat a black plate jackets Samurai cloth pants I don't think they've all got samurai cloth and it's do they know I haven't sorted their pants yet and chainmail also I've equipped two of them with old-world burn mark one I know that their stats are lower than the bow and I tested it out and it seems like they're hitting people with it I guess what happens is you'll have a higher accuracy deviation or maybe less damage maybe less range I'm not sure what happens if any of you are clear on what happens if you use a crossbow that's above your required skill what are the penalties for that because they seem to be hitting people with them just fine so I think before we go to war with these crossbows we'll take a few ranges just in case these don't work too well also they've all gone loads of ammo so almost 20 stacks each I think that should keep them busy lucky with the spring beds just got loads of ammo it has got loads of ammo over 20 stacks their bigness of ammo so we're doing pretty well all right then in terms of food since this is gonna be a long war and we need to stay fed I'm taking both the pack beasts tiny and dinner so I'm gonna load them up with food medical supplies and limbs and stuff we might need so both of them are gonna look pretty much like this I don't think I'll take any more limbs than this but I'm just gonna pack dinner with food and medical supplies and that should be pretty good as far as the plan goes rat-boy still got the bug monster in his shoulder as you guys can see I've got a few interesting ideas for this thanks for all of your suggestions and stuff I kind of rolled them all into one thing and I have a loose plan it's gonna take some explaining though what I want to do let's open the map here what I want to do is get everybody to the forward recon base so that's the arches spider clan and wrap to clan all of them to the forward recon base then take the wrap to clan on a kind of reconnaissance mission see if we can get them into stack without being noticed I don't know if that's gonna be possible but it's worth the try and then kind of hide them in a small Shack or something and just have them wait out for the attack so they can jump on the holy nation from behind then what I want to do is take somebody a human obviously possibly rat-boy and dress him up like a paladin since we have an entire paladin's uniform with the bug monster on his shoulder and try hand in the bug master again then if that works once they've locked up the bug master go and free him again and run away just so that he causes all kinds of mayhem inside stack that would be great that's that's my first choice my second choice would be to just drop him somewhere inside stacks or run in with him drop him on the floor and run out again oh hell should break loose off that's that's another idea the other idea I had was to dress him up as a paladin and lay him on the steps of stack and see what happens so those are my three options if you have a better idea let me know about it or if you want to see one of those tell me which one to try and we'll do that so I really want to do something cool with the bug monster the cool thing about these plans is the shake hate the holy nation so loosing the bug master on the holy nation surely that'll make the shake happy the bug master gets a chance to survive some of you said he's done no harm and he's totally misunderstood so if we leave him in there and they start fighting him and he wins he gets to go home and then obviously the third big plus is if we manage to hand him into the holy nation for the bounty we get another hundred thousand cats so those are kind of my ideas with that before we even get to stack though we know there's gonna be a few patrols on the way there most likely so I'd like to try out my battle plans on those new patrols but I really want to do kind of hide the spider clan stealth and hold behind a jeer in somewhere and then open fire with the arches on the paladins draw them in and when they're close enough pull back with the arches and send in the spider clan I think that would be a lot of fun you guys I don't know how it's gonna work out it might be complicated thank God there's a pause button that's all I'm saying because we're gonna have to do some quick moves that's the plan though anyway that's the lose plan for taking stacking I think we should start at stack because I don't want the United cities moving into holy nation territory so I figure if we start at stack and start clearing the holy nation from south to north the [ __ ] should move in and not United cities because let's face it we hate United cities so that would be no good having you having United cities right next to us is just as bad as having the holy nation right next to us okay so this all sounds very confusing and if you don't know what I'm talking about we're using Sudan's reactive world mod which lets you fight the holy nation and vanquish them and once you vanquish them surrounding factions we'll move into their old cities so if we take stack I'm pretty sure it'll become a shake town and that's gonna be good news for us you guys I think that's gonna be our first act in the war against the holy nation take stack and then continue north there's so many settlements to clear out the bad teeth all the farms all the little outposts military bases and then obviously the big stuff like rebirth rebirth is gonna be a mess it should be fun you guys so there should be a pretty epic war if we survive I mean we may all die trying to take stack stack is no joke maybe we maybe we want to start on something a little smaller I don't know what you guys think let me know maybe maybe the holy military base maybe a farm I feel like we can take stack though if we're smart enough and fast enough I think we can do it we have enough supplies we have enough men we maybe don't have enough skill that's the only thing I'm worried about like the bottom row of people in the spider clan here are not that experienced so that's really that's really my only worry since they've got lots of heavy armor and pretty high-level weapons they may all go down pretty quickly they are gonna learn a thing or two though if they survive if you guys have got better ideas let me know I'm open to all of it and if I think it's good we'll do it so if we changed in Fat City we've we've kind of started making our brewery into a brewery slash bar we have this epic meeting table with fergus's ii throne so that's pretty cool the longest time we haven't had a bar we had one in the beginning and there was a really cool place for everyone to hang out but we haven't had one for a while so I'm glad we have this now it's a nice place for everyone to sit down and relax chew the fat take a load off you guys know what I mean despite the fact that this table is massive we still don't have enough seats so we might need a few little tables around the place as well we're getting a lot of guys getting a lot of guys right now so we've added Kang's gravestone so now it's Jane and Kang rip Jane and Kang it's a it's a pretty lonely graveyard but to be honest I want to keep it that way if this is full things have gone badly I mean obviously we're gonna lose people during the war but if this place gets full we've done something badly wrong what else have we changed oh yes no one's down here right now that's unfortunate let's take a look at rat boy's house we've done some furnishing there as well while he runs down there what else have we done then we've put a little tent on top of the hemp spot we're processing lots of hemp right now so if you take a look at this fuel storage we've got a hundred in there I think we've got six in there yeah we've got we've got 90 hashish packed and ready to go and we're making more all the time walls busy on it right now in fact we have bookmark making change sheets over here and we have the doctor making chainmail over here so as you guys can see we've got loads of good quality chainmail now this stuff takes forever to make but I've got quite a good stockpile now so if we do find any new recruits we've got some uniforms for them which is great some extra pants here some hats some helmets things of that nature alright let's check out rat boys new house it's pretty cool rat Manor welcome okay right next to fat Manor and there's a third one as well I don't know who we should give that one to I was thinking maybe we call it like the Hall of Heroes stack a bunch of beds in it and make it the place where the army sleeps that's a possibility but it is a very very fancy barracks there's plenty of candidates for its residence though so if you guys have suggestions please let me know about that too and we'll put somebody else in here but as it stands this one's empty so rat man is pretty cool one thing I did find out about these smaller outposts is if you're trying to put fancy rugs on the floor you can't see them on the ground floor they place just below the floorboards so there are complete waste so that kind of sucks because there's no fancy rugs for the ground floor top floor fancy rugs are plenty but the ground floor is a little tricky ok so what we have in here really is a one chest but it's full of teeth strangely this is the bug monsters entire treasure as far as I can tell I don't think I left anything behind and I've checked everybody and I've put all the teeth in here but it doesn't fill up this chest and I'm pretty sure it filled up his chest maybe it didn't maybe he had stacks of three or something I'm not too sure but anyway this is all the teeth I could find and here they all are so for those of you concerned about fergus's new teeth there's plenty plenty teeths for Fergus right here you guys I've also stacked the law books and here too these are pretty funny actually especially the self help holy nation books like the guiding light one how to tell if your loved ones are skeletons perhaps their skin feels cold to the touch they take a sudden interest in mechanics make clinking sounds and stop blinking or they have a sudden knowledge of world history they question the word of ocurring will lose their appetite obscure speech displaying humor and joke making can be surefire a sign of possession read on for our proven testing methods and common warning signs that's great so all the log books are in here these are all the low books I could find I think we might have lost some in that tower that we had to deconstruct a while back but there's still quite a collection here and obviously we'll pick them up as we find them in the world so that's really all that's in rat boys mansion right now he's got a bedroom it's rather roomy maybe we should put an armor stand or a weapon cabinet or something in here I don't know it's looking a bit sparse but it is a nice it is a nice house the other thing is a lot of you suggested that I use the bug master as a training dummy which is a great idea the only problem with that is when I put him down he just plays dead he's learned his lesson he doesn't want to fight us anymore so that's a problem I don't really know what to do about that I've left him just lying on the floor in here for like five minutes with rat boy just staring at him and he won't get up so the bug must is scared of us you guys good times okay so that's rat boys mansion who else is doing activities that need review dusty is still busy making weapons okay so what I'm doing with dusty is I'm giving him a bunch of weapons to make every time the steel bars are full you can see they're empty now because we've been working quite hard but what's nice about that is he does his list of things and then I kind of forget about him for a while and when I come back the steel bars are all full again and he can make a bunch more stuff so I'm right now I'm making stuff that's super high quality for the new recruits but I'm not going to give it to them right now when they get back from their first war campaign maybe we'll swap out their mediocre weapons for these really really good ones I mean look at this edge type to plank 1.26 cutting damage 1.80 blunt damage that's pretty damn good he's made a lot of weapons as well so we've got all kinds of shiny new weapons of all kinds of grades we've got a few old ones as well I think we'll probably sell some of these but that's what Dusty's up to gecko has also been really really busy with the with the crossbows and the and the bolts so we've got 20 stacks of regular bolts here but you saw how many we've given to the ninja so she had made loads and loads of bolts she's also made a fairly good collection of crossbows so we've got all of those we've got the eagles crosses as well and I think when they return from the first campaign and we'll probably swap out those mark two old world bows for these and upgrade them a little bit there so things are going pretty well at Fat City I don't really have much more news I think this is probably gonna be a little bit of a shorter episode than normal I'm sorry for that my life has been crazy you guys I know you don't really care but I've been struggling to find the time to make this video and I think this is probably gonna be the last can shade this week and then we'll start again on Monday like normal I know that sucks but I just don't have the time all right you guys I think that's all the new people and all the changes and we're pretty much ready to go to war we've just got to fill the Guru with food and we'll be good to go if you guys have better plans than I do please let me know down in the comments and I think I'm gonna leave it here for today thank you very much for watching if you did enjoy it please like and subscribe if you haven't already and I will see you next time peace you
Channel: Biscuit Dog
Views: 11,798
Rating: 4.9672132 out of 5
Keywords: Kenshi beta, Kenshi episode, role playing game 2016, role playing, BiscuitDog, BD, BiscuitDog gaming, South African gamer, gamer, indie rpg, best indie rpg 2016, Kenshi gameplay, rpg, Kenshi update, Kenshi map update, Kenshi series, Let's play Kenshi, ninja rpg, Best open world rpg 2016, squad based rpg, Kenshi game, game, gaming, pc gaming, indie games, Kenshi 0.94.2, 0.95.36, Kenshi 0.95, Kensi gameplay, simulation, series
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 7sec (1087 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 27 2018
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