Let's Play Kenshi #2 | Escaping the Desert

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and welcome back to another kenchi episode in this let's play series of the 1.0 release of 10 she were saying goodbye to our little Nomad friends that we were only with for about a minute but that's ok they were a great conversationalist and and they sold us our lovely puppy pal Diana who is just a pup however when she gets all grown up she's going to become a force to be reckoned with if she survives that one so I'm leaving our friends behind because I want to start aiming towards the city of stoat which was a different direction than our a trade caravan was going so I'm gonna speed things up a bit let's try to avoid this fight if we can this is a now these City heroes got sassy earlier and try to fight me for no reason so you are heroes good job your City heroes in fact man down we're gonna be moving along here towards the city of stoat which is off to the right a bit again keeping an eye out for number one bandits that will hurt us like starving vagrants or maybe aggressive slavers and number two we're looking for little they're almost like do we have any examples it's a little dark right now so you can't really see too well I don't see any but there's it's how the skimmers sleep they bury themselves in the sand so they're like little skimmer mines they're just sitting there waiting to it for you to walk by a little like part tremors you know part dune although I don't think you can walk without rhythm and save yourself in that one and there's no spice that must flow so we've made it to stoat this is just another stop on our long journey to get out of the damn desert which i think it's somewhere around this vicinity that's a huge stretch that we have to cross here this big scar it's gonna be an unpleasant journey I'm a little worried because Diana is slower than we are why are we running so slowly we are encumbered are we encumbered really by what a backpack how much does this weigh 5 kilograms we are encumbered by a bunch of stuff uh tell you what I don't want to be encumbered because I want to be able to run away if we need to run away let's see that's first of all let's see what since note here so we've got a bunch of this is a player fight or a NPC fight it's a caravan guard is fighting a caravan guard I'm so confused were they fighting what are you fighting oh a sand ninja oh let's go this way Santa just have wonderful gear on them sometimes sand engines are incredibly tough in one-on-one fights but they can get swarmed by other NPCs and I will tell you what if I can grab myself some sand ninja gear I would be a happy camper because they tend to have a ninja blades on them which they're using and I also like their gear like how they look so I want to snag their clothing so there's a sand ninja fighting here okay yeah ninja fighting here and another one here it looks like one back up this way this is a big pack of sand ninjas oh there's our outlaw farmers back this way okay who's winning here you're a crossbow man oh you are part of the sandwich you have a four thousand cat bounty the sand ninjas might win this fight guys here comes here comes the reinforcements it looks like this is part of the slaver caravan that wound up getting their butts kicked just now oh don't take don't take this I want to I want to I want to let's change this over to run as fast as you possibly can leave Diana and dust what in the heck I think that was hilarious I think this guy just shot and missed the sand ninja and hit this poor sliver guard that's hilarious and also karmic no we don't want you to enslave him we want to come up I think we're gonna get it we want to come up here now are they gonna get pissed that we're looting him I don't think they are oh they looted him already they took his gear I want to take his freaking rags them so you know there we got a run let's get over here guys let's see if we can it looks like NPCs will now loot other NPCs oh he still has a sword on let's get over here as fast as we can quick quick quick quick we got to be good scavengers right as soon as something happens we got to scavenge it what are you are you another ninja oh you are another ninja well let's get this guy first we're gonna take your sword don't mind if we do thank you very much here you can have our our crappy spike Club what's exciting what do you have you also have another sword I'm gonna carry that too because it's worth money one of these guys though had a bounty and I'll show you guys how we can handle bounties in a minute here where there was someone shooting up here I thought maybe they were already picked up I don't see that there was there we gather definitely was a sand ninja up here I just don't quite see where they've gone to and the gate guards got pulled out very far is anyone already on someone's back like getting carried in town so here's a Santa here you're committing a crime maybe the bounty message is covered up by the fact that it says committing crime committing crime here what about do you have another sword on YouTube oh I think this is our guy he's the guy that hit crossbow let's take that I mean it'd be nice to have a crossbow we can't use it what are you doing you're capturing a slave I don't want you to do that I want to I'm gonna pick this guy up let's see if he oh my god I can't carry anyone oh that's hilarious I can't even pick someone up to carry them as a to turn them in and get their bounty because I am a one-armed fighting person with without the ability to do that well that's unfortunate this is a nice 4,000 credit bounty that we could have got our hands on we can of course hire someone else as part of our faction I just didn't have that quite ready to go yet hey but that's fine we wound up getting a couple swords out of this which are decent and decent for sale for selling you can see that five about five hundred cats worth on most of these will keep the best sword for ourselves not that we could you know make it appreciate its use but we're greedy right we we feel like we've earned this after losing an arm to this desert it's only fair that the desert gives us some more toys back there was a weapons dealer somewhere here it is so I want to go back in here sorry about the distraction there I saw the sand ninjas and got very distracted but again remember your scavenger if you're out this way and you've got one arm you're gonna get whatever you can to make your living so I'm gonna sell him these two blades I'm still encumbered so I think I'm gonna sell a couple of these first aid kits because in the long run I don't think we're gonna need that as much I might even sell the sleeping bag because if we're knocked to the point where we have to use a sleeping bag in the desert I think we're kind of screwed as it is our hungers back getting up again so I think we're gonna continue to eat through these ration packs that should put us below our encumbrance area okay so now we're running again much faster so we're running to the run speed of 17 of course poor Diana is only running at 8 because her skills not up there yet so I'll change this studying back to the way it was which was kind of shadowed the slowest person so this town had a shirt vendor a bar with a in it a slave market I don't want to buy any slaves I don't think I want to do that and a couple of traders and a crossbow merchant okay we're fully healed Diana's doing okay I think we're gonna look at making this long trek across the next section of desert not going to be pretty because it's it's pretty scary out that way it's a big stretch of land let's take a look again this is a huge stretch I'm really nervous because Diana is so slow I'm pretty confident that we can escape if we need to but I really don't want to sacrifice our pub so we'll have to play it safe Diana's running a little bit slowly so we're running as slow as she is but hopefully this should increase over time you can even have your animals oh I wonder if I can carry Diana how much that's going to affect my encumbrance I can't hey now hey now none of that crap none of that crap we had this discussion before okay you want to do the Karma thing again alright I think he's coming after me I'm gonna split Diana off I'm gonna run as fast as possible away you're going after my dog dude seriously okay well I'm gonna try to aggress him and then run away so I can try to take his aggro which I did I mean we can do the same trick twice right we could do the same thing try to find a skimmer and drop you off with a skimmer although I think he's were way too fast for him so we'll keep an eye on him Diana and topol here our main guy and see what he does once he loses aggro in theory I think he should run away by the way the there's a little flashing red box here this just indicates your characters are being aggressed by something and you're not focused directly on it so normally it happens when you're off screen or when you're not you know very zoomed in on that situation the scale chase you forever what a crazy slaver I mean can we fight you ourselves you're at a negative 16t or attack because we're in a sandstorm so that means we would be I guess we aren't in a negative as bad because we have we have some protection because of our taggle must tickle most we could try to fight but I think his strength is dax they're just they're too high for us to really do any damage so we will continue to run away I think we need to hook a right I mean he's just gonna chase us that's fine he'll be uh he'll be someone we can kite eventually somewhere would it be karmic if he got knocked unconscious and then we stripped him and then another slaver band came along and took him as their slave ah the world turns round and round I'm trying I really want to get Tobal back together with Diane I hate having them so separated but this guy is just not giving up the chase okay here's here's a skimmer over here let's bring this guy over to the skimmer we're gonna play that same game beat we did before which is Hey look at the tasty morsel you should go eat it okay so he's trying to intercept us I'm just gonna be right clicking around until I get him on the right target and there we go they're gonna be fighting each other what do you have on you is even worth coming back to look at you not really you've got armor and you've got that spiked mace or spiked Club I think I'm just gonna leave you two to it oh that's not much of outlaw farmers I don't want to aggro a group of them they are pretty lightweight and fast so I don't want to incur their wrath it's so funny that at the start of the game even like a small band of misfits is stronger than your group so they can't oh come on they can't in fact do a little bit of damage to you what are you healing that's annoying maybe you'll just leave us alone I'm mildly annoyed that this guy's is a growing us so far what happened over here did we just miss a big fight like I literally just saw this group of oh the outlaw swordsman ran into the outlaw farmers was that what happened here or was it a bone dog attack rebel farmers rebels it's all the same group and maybe they just oh they had a bone dog attack so they're a bit wiped out okay fair enough our guy ran away so he's finally left us alone so we are somewhat safe let's go ahead go back to this shadow speed and continue on towards the great exit of the great desert to get the great heck out of here across the big scar coming up I get keeping an eye out for any of those skimmers that are below the surface and if you're not familiar with the game so yeah if you've never played kaanchi this is just one of the many starts that you can do there are I think like eight or nine different starts and you can start as a trader you can start like this where you're basically like missing an arm and it's horrible you can start pretty generically as a just a guy with a thousand cats and nothing else a guy or gal with a thousand cats so there's a lot of different ways to start the game there's a lot of different things to do in the game as well and I did make a couple of videos in my tutorial series for kenchi talking about how to you know what kind of a start you can do how to basically get your start what you can do at the start of the game like do you go scavenge things do you try to get your skills up by mining a bunch of things there's tons and tons and tons of different options and I do hope to have a mid kind of like a mid a career per se like a mid game suggestions of what you could be doing here not at this point in the game but maybe once you built up a couple of squad members and you've got it you know you've got enough to maybe defend yourself against a couple of attacks but still your overall kind of weeks those tons of different things to do so if you have any questions about starting out in the game or I've also made a video about base building so you can definitely check out the base building tutorial that I have if you're wondering how to get started and you don't actually have to build your main base you can in fact start out by dropping his science as a research bench rather not a science bench but a research bench you can put one inside of a building in a in a building that you would buy inside of an existing city so back in even back in stoat there was probably a building for sale so I could have bought that building and I could have put a research bench in it to do some research this is a huge fight up here ahead I know we're being chased by a skimmer as well skimmer silly skimmers I'm gonna send Diana up ahead I'm going to tell Tobel to full speed I'm gonna try to get his attention and then run off to the side okay I think he's on Diana oh he's on me turning away I missed the attack and I'll bring him into this group of it looks like holy paladin's this is the holy nation characters here they whoa whoa what are you guys doing why aren't you helping we might have to have him attack us right in the middle of this group for him the rest of the group to wake up okay there they go the holy nation is a faction that owns this territory roughly in this vicinity they've got a couple of cities and they are religious I wouldn't say fanatics but the other pretty they're pretty fanatical about it I think their uh their patron their their God their what I have you is oak Ron or Oakland so they will they will tell you all about it they will tell you that they are huge fans I thought that was a limb flying off into the distance they will tell you all about how much they love oak run where are we in relation to the exit we're pretty close we would have to keep running in this direction over that hill to find the exit of the desert so I think how many people are wounded here god there's a ton of people but if we steal anything from here we're gonna get just beat down we're not running as fast as Diana so let's do that uh diana has you run speed not really that great but your athletics has been building up so as the athletic skill goes up so too does the run skill so we'll have to just keep running around with Diane until she becomes a nice strong bone dog to be feared I think bone dogs are probably one of the strongest companions you can have in this game I've not messed around too much with other races I know when you start the game you can be a robot check hive human and there's different subclasses or sub races of each one but bone talks are pretty powerful in terms of their overall like what they can take in terms of damage and how much damage they can dish out it would be kind of neat to have a play through all would be cool to have a play through where you're like a pack master or you just have a bunch of a bunch of random animals with you this was a couple of random people here you got a bounty on you as well again I can't carry anyone so I don't know why I'm even looking but in case they had gear but I think there were peasants I don't think they had much on them BIA what a fun play through if you're a packmaster like your only restriction is that you you can only buy beasts whether it's a bull whether it's a bone dog and just make your entire faction out of that that would be kind of entertaining you'd probably do a heck of a lot of damage too I've got a group approaching here you are a bunch of mercenaries I don't think you can you have any reason to aggress against us alright so I can see the change in the biome ahead I think we're closer to our goal of getting out of here we just discovered Oakenshield which is I think this little outpost right here and you are fighting a bunch of man hunters we don't like you guys too much but I don't think you're gonna bother us because we're a little far away on the road alright guys I think this is getting towards the point where I'd like to put a cut in this episode we have escaped the great desert we are still unbroken we are unbroken plus one and we now have our companion Diana in our ranks so we've made it out with just one loss of an arm but we did gain some neat looking robes look at that we look kind of ninja ish we're a little light weight on one side but that's fine and we did come out of here with a very high-quality ninja blade so I think we're a step up in the right direction next couple of videos will probably continue to be exploration and just trying to find ways to make decent money and then probably I'm gonna look at building up our squad pretty quickly I want to probably get around 9 or 10 soldiers and then we start our training regimen and I'll have a nice montage maybe with some motivational music in there but we've made it to Oakenshield so we're out of the desert and I think from here we'll move into the holy nation territory and into the next couple of videos thank you so much for joining me if you have any question comments please leave them below and otherwise thank you again and hopefully continue to see you on the next couple of let's play videos
Channel: Uncle Tobel
Views: 193,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kenshi, kenshi 1.0, kenshi game, kenshi gameplay, kenshi guide, kenshi lets play, kenshi let's play, kenshi part 1, kenshi playthrough, kenshi review, kenshi rpg, kenshi steam, kenshi walkthrough, let's play, rock bottom, tobel, tobelplays, tobel plays, binary, binary legion, back to kenshi, let's play gameplay, kenshi roleplay, lets play kenshi, let's play kenshi, kenshi gameplay part 1, kenshi pc, kenshi 2019, kenshi episode 1, kenshi full, kenshi ep 1, kenshi iron man
Id: g2PNYce8-oo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 11 2018
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