Kenshi Apocalypse - EP3 - THE ZOMBIE HULK

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what's going on clan ad here and welcome back to more kimchi apocalypse the world is overrun with zombies and worked a switch trying to find a cure and trying to survive in this world not only do we have to worry about all the major factions in the game but we also have to worry about these zombies that are out and about roaming around attacking different towns and just trying to wipe out everyone in this world so you know at any moment these zombies could come in and take us by surprise that blood loss rate has been increased so the death rate will also be increased so we'll be probably losing a lot of people in this series but we'll also be adding a lot of people in this series I'll be adding my patreon first and then we'll be going and adding a new squad for subscribers so it's gonna be pretty exciting a lot of cool stuff going to be happening in this series you want to see more kimchi in the future don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss any new episodes I went ahead and acquired myself some assassin rags and gave toxic iron the ninja rags because he's going to be our martial artist skeleton guy we'll probably do another martial artist too with somebody else as well I went ahead and give gave calf that drifters leather jacket which gives him +5 mailee bonus defense bonus plus the horse chopper which gives them 4 so that's 9 defense there which is really helping him out defending I want to I'm gonna probably add a couple more people in this episode but we're gonna head south I think and maybe get into some bigger battles with I don't know some swamp ninjas or red Sabres something like that see if we can acquire some new gear and get rid of these hard protectors that we're using right now you guys haven't heard kenchi is going to be released i the new world map is going to be released on September 17th or close to that somewhere around September 17th for the southeast part of the map so this entire region is going to be unlocked for us to explore I'm super excited I don't know if you guys are but man I've been waiting a long time to play this entire map in its entirety so this is going to be amazing we're just going to go out and explore the entire world as soon as it's released so we're gonna go out and explore this entire new region so it's important that we get beefed up before we go out there because everybody over there is gonna be super strong so that gives us two weeks to to work on our characters and try to survive but also the zombies are gonna be in this region to probably so that's gonna make things super exciting because not only are the in-game enemies gonna be over here we're also gonna have all of the zombies out there so that's gonna just increase the tension a lot okay we're on the outskirts of a dust bandit camp there's actually two camps here oh three camps oh wow that's a lot of guys okay this could be this could be quite interesting let's see everybody take off their backpacks get ready for this I've got a lot of loot here I need to sell as well but yeah let's take off the backpacks alright guys hope you're ready for this alright hold on let me go up and see if I can get their attention yeah see if we can just like pool a couple just fight a couple of them here all right let's go tackle take them down I don't like fighting near their camps but I'm I'm pretty positive I think we're gonna take them all right jag get off a block and get in here man yeah there we go [Music] oh yeah crushing him this guy doesn't even know where to block he's just getting attacked from every direction I don't know where you were swinging cat has nobody over there good job guys we didn't even take that much damage whoa only slash got hit that's nice all right let me take let me take their gear I'm gonna sell all this hold on we got shoddy grade uh actually I don't think I need this shoddy grade get rid of it just gonna take the heart protectors cuz those sell for the most as you can see the cell value is 356 the saber is 124 so horse choppers I like to take or the heart protectors rather all right what the hell let's just go in there and beat them up take them down oh this guy's going martial artist there we go nice yeah I think we're at that point where we're able to take down multiple bandit camps which is good because if we're gonna be fighting red Sabres we need to be able to take down bandit camps first so I think the red sabers have 30s in the high 20s to upper 30s in attack maybe 40s I can't remember and then they have swap ninjas which have like basically 40 attack and stuff so oh we got bandits up here now okay everybody get up there come back here cat where are you going Oh get this guy yeah crush him yeah there we go I've got a couple better weapons on me I need to trade with some people notice that we got some guys with some crappy weapons here [Music] yeah there we go got ourselves old kathas in trouble here oh there you go nice alright go from behind here ouch take that who's that that's the dust boss I'll crush it if Oh calf is down okay we got alpha and jag up here fighting by themselves alpha alright man hang tight uh alright slash get up there man help help alpha and jag all right we got toxic and Watson Watson get up there go help them they're outnumbered glitch go for it man take them down gotta help these guys alright alpha is down we gotta take these fools down quick come on take this dust boss down come on guys come on glitch all right alpha is dying here guys are gonna have to do some damage quickly this dust boss is holding this up somebody land to hit thank you come on quickly all right this guy's all messed up all right good job jag all right Jack he'll uh he'll Alfa wherever he is there he is got to heal him and I think Kath is back up and he's back down he's up he's down well done guys we just cleared out this camp and Yeager's the only one that's lost a limb so far usually I've lost like everybody's lost to live at this point but as you can see the blood loss increase is really exciting because it really makes things more interesting because people start dying really fast so you look at all these guys all these dust bandits are dying here like they're not even getting a chance to get back up all of them are dying that guy is a bounty who's he wanted by United cities one of the things that was suggested on the forums and I think it's a really good idea is that when you shift and click on medic that it should add the splint job as well so not only does it add medic and robotics it should add the splint job so if we take a look at like Jaeger for instance he has no splint kit on him so if I remove these jobs and then hit shift and and click on medic it adds the medic and robotics jobs so we just needed to add the splint kit job under that and that will allow them to splint everyone if possible well the good thing is we're right next to some camp beds so let's go ahead and pick up these guys and put them in the beds so they can heal up kind of curious what you guys have been playing as far as other games go I was playing a scum that just came out recently just just for fun pretty interesting game but one of the games that I've actually gone back and tried to and started is divinity original sin - I never actually beat that game or even played it for more than like five hours or something so I'm just now going back and trying to get into it I don't know for some reason I just I didn't get into it at the very beginning when I bought it and it's always been bugging me that I never played that game you know I played the first one a lot but I kind of just I don't know it's just something happened I got busy as something just kind of forgot about it so anyway let me going back play in that game and it's it's really awesome I definitely recommend it if you haven't played played that one all right we got a zombie coming in over here looks like our defenders our protectors are crushing it but we got a battle going on over here in the distance we'll have to take a look and see what that's all about kind of I really like having skeletons that have a lot of health really helpful as long as you have skeleton repair kits let's take a look and see what's going on over here oh just one little one zombie nothing too crazy interesting well there's like stragglers and stuff roaming around out here looks like we have slave muggers over here capturing he's holding a one of these guys is carrying a brute you know what me funny is if you could recruit the zombies at with the prisoner mod I wonder it probably wouldn't work because I mean they have to kind of program it for the for the type of characters you can talk to but I don't know that would be hilarious if you could actually like recruit a zombie into your own group well we're gonna wait until these guys get healed up here and then we're gonna head out all right we're pretty much healed up we got a couple people wounded but enough to get moving here oh we got they'll spin it's fighting the slave mongers oh hell yeah I haven't actually seen that happen but I'm pretty sure it probably does happen but this guy is gonna beat all of them there's no way there you go oh nice nicely done they took out the slave mugger well anyway we're gonna continue on here not getting into another battle yet we need to buy some better gear and that's what I'm gonna be looking for we're gonna go into squid here see if we can get some some gear maybe we'll recruit a Scheck okay I wouldn't have sold all the stuff that we acquired from those bandits and I went ahead and gave everybody a advance first medkits and also some splint kits I also picked up two sleeping bags so as you can see now we've got everybody here with a nice med kit not one of these crappy ones we've got one with a thousand charges or a thousand like health wise so that'll really be nice let's go in here to the armor shop let's see what they have [Music] okay samurai cloth pants are good and then leather shirts are probably yeah wow they're expensive though mercenary leather armor though isn't bad let's see we've got mercenary plate which is gonna lower everybody's combat dexterity all that we don't want let's see martial arts bone is negative for but everything else is pretty decent okay so mercenary leather armor is pretty good I'm gonna get a couple of pieces it's gonna be better than those chest protectors at least I'll get two pieces and yeah I guess I'll get this Samurai wait a minute we have we have armored drag skirts which are actually pretty decent yeah I'm not gonna get samurai cloth pants at least not right now and these are actually pretty good I mean the barber rag skirts have been kind of increased a little bit in their usefulness all right so let's go ahead and give that to I guess alpha and straight with alpha give him that and trade with glitch give him that and I guess we'll give slash the armor Greg's kind of trickled down the equipment kind of see seniority you know I kind of go the way I give equipment is usually it starts from the leader down so it starts for me and then it goes down from the P in the order usually that I've added new people but actually I can't even remember who was added wind so that's kind of like I just gotta go left to right it's basically what I'm saying I go from here to the right when I trickle down equipment let's see weapons wise probably not gonna buy anything in here yeah never minds okay let's see if we can get a new Scheck on board welcome vain pyre to the clan welcome aboard get one check for right now that will give us ten people but I think when we get down to the south I'm gonna recruit some some other guys we've got thirty six thousand maybe we'll make some more money on the way but should be enough to recruit and be like five more people we're out here in the stin desert approaching a group of hungry bandits I think we should be able to make short work of them let's go for it attack all here guys who's on hold everybody go off of hold here there we go crush him Oh Dan like I hit me for 22 there we go ah vain pyre would get up here get some skills man know what you're doing just stand-in there there we go nice nicely done damn even with that new armor glitch is still taking a beating in the stomach hold on let's have vein pyar kill this guy so he can get a few hits in there we go ah come back there you go nice to melee attack well done okay awesome so I know some of you guys um actually run with medics like you have a specific character to be a the medic but I don't I always make every character a medic because you never know who's gonna be knocked out and I mean I don't really like the idea of having a guy just standing in the back like hiding by a rock coming in to heal everyone I I like to involve everybody in the battle that's just how I play I mean it that's a good thing about this game you could play however you want and there's different ways to do everything it looks like this camp is not very full so we should be able to roll up in here and smack them down let's work on our stealth skill a little bit just kind of sneak around you can sneak up on them not gonna get very close but [Music] okay we got discovered all right it's a coal crush him oh good hit Jaeger Oh main fires in trouble there you go nice vampire take out the guy with the without a weapon three hits see Kath is taking a little beating here you got to get everybody some assassin rags [Music] we're just gonna be like a bunch of assassins roaming around alright nobody is down yet here we go well done awesome alright good job guy is spasming out well done men Oh cat took a little beating in the leg the see how do i okay so you can add splint rigging as a job by holding right click and then left clicking or actually I guess you could holding shift and right clicking or left clicking on splint injuries anyway seem to seem to work let's see if he does it yeah it actually does work awesome well I'll just have my character beat the splinting guy instead of having to do that to everybody I've noticed these spiked helmets aren't bad they're pretty good if you can get a standard grade one they have pretty decent protection and they don't lower any skills so besides our perception so they're not really good for like archers or anything or crossbowmen but we got some loot here so let's continue on Oh what we got here now more dust bandits I think hold on the game's loading I can't tell just bandits okay yeah let's crush to that them to get in as many battles as possible take this guy out all right now attack all here alpha stay on the hive er go for it alright vampires going for the crossbowmen oh he took a hit to the leg oh damn he's gonna be knocked out any second okay we got more coming in now okay alphas down why are we having so much trouble with this guy haha there's like four of us trying to kill this guy alright get up here jag Jaeger come up here buddies need help [Music] thank you Wow all right vampire is down where he's gonna need some help fairly soon and alpha is down as well there we go all right good job toxic once you go ahead and heal first aid vampire we got a guy up there Jaeger go after this guy there you go let's see we'll have to heal alpha all right nice and toxic go after heal up alpha here make sure vampire doesn't die it's kind of cool seeing a skeleton bandit what does he have us ah too bad he doesn't have a skeleton repair kit all right not bad took out a bunch of groups of them let's see so just gonna have to wait on alpha who is gonna be down for a little bit and also Oh vampire got knocked out because of his blood loss not it because he got wounded that's interesting that doesn't happen very often alpha is getting back up his toughness is at 16 knockout points negative 24 so that's good vampire should be getting up once he gets his blood loss back well I guess we'll confiscate the bandits beds and rest up here got a couple people wounded calf needs to heal up his his leg is wounded really bad and alpha 2 we just run into some zombies here zombie group traveling around let's see we've got a zombie brute okay couple brutes and oh wow bunch of zombified human guys so it's not a horde or anything but it's just kind of like a traveling group believe me when we run into the Horde you'll see it it's freaking nuts there's literally like a hundred zombies in one horde I'm gonna just bypass these guys for now we're not in no condition to be fighting these dudes they're still stood strong for us oh wow these Swamp Raptors just literally took out this zombie they're more over there I'm not sure but I'm gonna loot him three loot oh damn oh I'm out of space there we go yeah let's loot him up all right yeah we're pretty close to one of the southern towns here so we'll just keep going and Oh woody who do we got over here now zombie hunters interesting so the evented a new kind of like faction well I guess yeah I guess the zombie hunters are the same as the ones in the the hub but they added different types of zombie hunters so these guys are like traveling ones I guess that travel around that's kind of cool looks like we got some zombies here whoa [Music] quite a few actually let's see where are those zombie hunters all the way over there all right well we're just gonna bypass these guys for now okay we got another group here Oh swamp ninjas okay these guys have a really high attack oh can we fight these guys maybe we can lead them into the zombie hunters if I can find them where'd they go damn it I can't see anything where'd they go the zombie hunters oh wait they're up here okay what are they fighting what the hell is this zombie Hulk whoa this guy's got 60 martial arts we got some of these zombie hunters knocked out hold on let's see if we can loot these guys a zombie Hulk holy crap this guy is insane holy crap look at his health it's not like 500 hit points these guys are doing nothing 198 strength whoa dude whoa this guy would probably kill us maybe we should help him hold on what do these guys have I'm kind of curious they just have ninja blades wow they're like stocked up with stuff all but they have assassin rags we should freakin steal all their stuff all right everybody get up here take all their stuff stick their assassin rags we'll give them our heart protector let's see they have cargo pants reinforced how are those those are actually not bad Wow okay we'll take those then I'll hold on to the armored drag skirt though alright I went and stole some of their stuff and equipped our guys with some of the gear let's see if we could take this thing down I don't know it's probably gonna kill us oh my god it's already knocked out all these dudes let's see how much damage it's gonna do to us we got to help them otherwise this thing is Wow can you imagine the skills we're gonna gain off if we can land a hit or two Oh - holy crap jag 276 damage Oh somebody heal jag ASAP broke calf get out of here go hold mode get the hell out of here oh my god everybody get out of here this thing is insane somebody go repairing oh crap we got to get out of here some jag pick up oh jeez wait hold on we've got to heal him first all right just keep stun blocking him so he's all vampires down Jesus oh whoa Janne fires left leg is gone oh that was a bad idea vampire get out of your burrow everybody go on hold hold everything everybody get out of here and we got a pickup we got a pickup here let me pick up jag get out of here guys wait everybody run as fast as you can wait wait jag come back pick up jag big player get out of here glitch pick up Fame player get out of here man huh this [ __ ] chasing us holy crap that thing is insane jag is diet everybody's dying here we got a heal vampire but first we got to get out of here and he's following us like he's following our blood trail and everything holy jeez Wow okay zombie Hulk is unbelievable strong unbelievably strong okay put everybody down we got to heal heal up guys I can't believe jag didn't die that was like one punch right to the chest vampire needs a new leg wait heal him or is he as he died uh okay yeah he's been fires good he shouldn't be dying now though yeah okay let's pick him up jag is down for the count a little bit holy crap [Music] only a 10,000 hub ounty for this guy 194 strength I didn't even notice that all right Jags in a recovery coma let's pick him up and get the hell out of here all right we made it to the clown steady town thankfully we made it in one piece see if these guys are gonna check our stuff go on through okay nice Wow we made it in one piece but jag almost died in one hit and fangpyre lost his leg in one hit that was insane Wow those zombie Hulk's are unbelievable so I went ahead and looted some gear from these guys we got some grog that we can sell we got some decent ninja blades that we'll have to distribute to everybody and yeah they're definitely better than what we're using so we'll go ahead and do that but first we're gonna go into the bar and damn we got a rest up all right I think we're gonna head to the next united cities town in the southwest and see if we can find some decent recruits I'm not liking the options that we have in the bar so before we do that I want to head over here to the shinobi thieves really quick and see if we can get some new some other gear maybe some more assassin rags or something because we've got a couple people that could utilize those slash and glitch because I'm really going for attack bonus that attack bonus that the assassin rags give is really nice here at the very beginning we also got to get vampire a new leg so I'm gonna be carrying him around for a while but if we do find one we're a high burr we'll see if we can buy one I don't think there's any replacement legs at this far down South though which kind of sucks okay we've got assassin rags here with a ninja rags oh this is good all right I went ahead and bought glitch and slash some new gear so we have some armored rags that we can give to somebody or probably sell them honestly we also have some medium leather mercenary leather armor medium which I don't know will maybe hold on to for now but I really like the drifters leather jacket for Huibers because it gives them the +5 melee defense bonus so I'm not really sure I'm it's kind of a toss-up right now whether or not I want to give cath in assassin rags or you know keep him with a defense type of gear to keep him from getting hit we also have some ninja blades here that I can distribute so let me go ahead and do that and then we'll head out and head southwest we're coming up on the weigh station here in the south let's just stop in really fast see if there's any recruits we can get on board there's all kinds of stuff going on in here damn with all these people wow these bars are filled who's these guys holy nation pacifier oh there's two of them interesting mercenary skeleton all right we got some high vers over here a plastic surgeon a lot of hives what the hell oh damn these guys are fighting somebody was that huh where did they knock out oh he's crawling I think he was a recruitable character Wow I pissed off somebody all right this guy is gonna be called sir face this hive member that I've added a subscriber so welcome aboard men get another hive er on board let's see who else we got over here we've got another hive er damn we don't really have any green Landers do we okay here's a Shack we can get okay this check is gonna be called truth ax so welcome aboard another subscriber I'm creating another squad here for subscribers so that's gonna be pretty cool so I'm gonna be adding more subs as we progress further so I'm not gonna be like travelling in a super large group like 20 or 30 people I'm gonna split groups up and doing different things oh this guy's dying oh he's got a bounty who's this guy it's first aadum I think it's a woman let's see this guy's wanted by wanted by someone I don't know who though interesting oh [ __ ] where'd they go oh they threw him out through outside Oh with this other guy oh he died Eric died wow that's crazy okay whatever not worth her time okay what are we getting attacked by here Oh zombies whoa hey we got people up on the turrets thank goodness oh they're not even gonna get close look at this oh we got one ninja guard out there like a boss fighting them all all right guys better to get into battle now then oh wait hold on let's give sir face some gear let's give him the mercenary leather armor and we'll give truth of the leather jacket there we go let's see do we have any other gear oh we got pants and armored rags skirt I knew keeping this stuff would come in handy yeah there we go all right sweet oh yeah let's loot these guys make some more money too oh wait a minute I gotta sell all this stuff well I'm a kind of afraid to go out there when they're shooting these guys because I'm gonna get hit by the turrets whatever take him down oh good job all right let's go out there and help this ninja guard damn this guy is a boss he doesn't need any help but anyway we'll go out there and land a few hits at least there we go well done all right everybody hold here and let's go ahead and loot these guys really quick jag come over here you've got the backpack all right we're good to go let's head Southwest down into the other town I can't remember the name of it I think it's called drifters last yeah there we go let's go down to Drifters last and check out the bar maybe get a couple more recruits and then we'll get into some battles or something but we're just surviving right now or making money though we're at 35,000 even though we're recruiting new people it's pretty easy and this mod to to make money so I'm always increasing the difficulty as we progress the I'm always gonna increase like the blood rate until it gets all the way up to 4.0 that's going to be insane right now it's up to 2.5 a little bit higher than 2.5 since we've added a few more characters on board so I'm just gonna slowly increase that as we progress so things are gonna continue to get more and more interesting as we get further along we're coming up on Drifters last and it looks like band of bones as we're attacking the gates they didn't get very far let's go ahead and loot these guys let's see ko cath has a backpack come over here man loot all this stuff for us we've got shoddy gray drifters boots or standard gray drifters boots we'll take that martial artist bindings Oh +4 bonus I'm gonna take those you got to give those to toxic iron here soon once he gets his dex dexterity up let's see he's at 18 dexterity so when we get that up in the higher 20s we'll probably have him switch over to martial arts and maybe a few other people to get a couple martial arts users alright let's head over to the bar see if there's anybody recruitable in here all right we got a skeleton let's get another skeleton on board all right welcome aboard Giovanni another subscriber so we've got our subscriber squad pretty much in two of three right now and that'll increase slowly but we're gonna have to have this group kind of hang out with the with everyone really to get trained up for right now let's see who else we have here okay we have another hive er onboard name blessed welcome all right I think we've got enough people for right now we'll probably add some more in the next episode so we can fill out the other squad but I have maybe one or two more patreon members to add as well and then we'll be all caught up here and and then we'll see what happens I mean anything can happen in the battles to come we're gonna probably lose a lot of people so just stay tuned to see what happens we're gonna continue on in the next episode and probably get into some more battles and train some people up but things are gonna get really exciting really soon hope you guys are looking forward to it you want to see more kimchi in the future don't forget to subscribe and I'll see you guys again next time take care
Channel: Aviticus Dragon
Views: 15,293
Rating: 4.9765396 out of 5
Keywords: kenshi, kenshi gameplay, kenshi pc gameplay, kenshi sandbox gameplay, kenshi sandbox game, kenshi combat, kenshi episodes, kenshi indie game, kenshi rpg, kenshi aviticus dragon, kenshi game, kenshi pc, kenshi pc game, kenshi thieves, kenshi factions, kenshi experimental, kenshi hd, kenshi 1080p, kenshi base building, kenshi prospecting, party based rpg, squad based rpg, kenshi lets play, kenshi slavers, kenshi research, lets play kenshi, kenshi survival, kenshi mods
Id: Rmmxo-rSusM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 47sec (2747 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 08 2018
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