MYSTERY LOOKOUT || The Long Dark || Part 4 || Custom Stalker

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[Applause] hey everybody accuracy here welcome to the long dark stalker custom all right so there was a little bit of hilarity and high jinx going on before this episode i went to exit just like this and it hung right there on that screen but i reinstalled the entire game and it seems to fix the issue completely so hopefully this uh carries over to the escape from the dark walker which is what i'm playing right now where i was having issues with broken railroad where it's going inside buildings that would hang and transitioning from there to fort lauren muskeg would would hang also so what i was thinking here was i do want to kind of go to forlorn muskeg right now in this series and try to get uh you know arrowheads hatchet and a knife improvised hatchet improvised knife all started since i don't think we're going to find them in this because of the low uh loot loot table level but i am a little bit tired right now so i'm thinking maybe we head on up to the lookout so yeah let's head on up there right she's a little tired if we have to sleep up there for a minute or whatever that's fine it's a beautiful view but wow look at all this bright bright sunlight and vibrant colors so so different from from the other series the halloween series right now it's a fun series though really fun all right let's see what we got here any any wolves hiding in this area i'm not seeing anything at the moment okay it's good so we're just gonna make our way over here best we can we have enough room to carry whatever we find up here back without any issues at all still looking for a rifle we do have a pistol we'll check make sure that we are loaded up there hit the reload button a couple times make sure i don't need to reload had that happen before some of you guys that have been with the channel for a while uh can attest to that those of you new to the channel there are a lot of you that are new to the channel welcome glad this popped up in your suggestion feed seems like youtube has decided to help a brother out a little bit so i appreciate that you guys could give it a big old like i would appreciate that too i'm not sure exactly what youtube is using to to do this to help my channel grow so much suddenly but uh i'm guessing likes probably don't hurt let's keep that uh let's keep that snowball growing all right hey dead guy all right speaking of dagger i did i did have at work i didn't have a a dead body somebody was concerned about family member and i hadn't talked to him for a few days and mail stacked up since like eight days ago i get there nice peek through the window and i happen to see a body part and uh yeah unfortunately there's flies landing on the body part and it wasn't moving and it was kind of discolored so i knew based upon my experience over 16 years um yeah it wasn't going to be good so uh they didn't have a key that's why they had called me rather than just going in and checking and the landlord was unavailable unreachable i should say i'm not sure where he was but he was unreachable i couldn't so i had to kick the door in and sure enough so that was my last shift at work but uh at least dead bodies in this game get me excited in real life i just feel bad feel bad for the people left behind you know it's really hard no signs of foul play anything like that so just your standard db all right i do uh i do a little more examination than i did on on that gentleman down halfway down the mountain here don't worry photos check uh you know we put check weather temperatures check the temperature inside the house all kinds of stuff lividity rigger all that stuff all right well we made it that i don't want to go into greater detail just for the sake of the you know just out of respect but sometimes i don't know i don't know if you guys can tell or not i try to always stay pretty even keel but sometimes when i play i might maybe something you're like hey something's different about him today maybe it's something that happened to me at work you know i'm just sort of i don't know like i said i try to leave work at work and i've and i've been around it enough that's not like a huge shock to me or anything like that so any of those crises pretty much seen seen it all but yeah so yeah i'll give you a heads up as best i can you know with uh respect to the family first and foremost and the legalities behind it all no i was hoping there'd be a rifle right here dope but we did get ourselves some rifle ammo and a rifle cartridge which they're just teasing us with a hammer which we'll need that we're going to take that it's a good thing we came up here because there might not be a heavy hammer over at the forge so this turned out to be pretty good we'll take that sewing primer and what stone sure we'll take that uh we already have a pretty good can opener what's this one 79 not too worried about it which i think you can repair can openers can't you 73. okay we'll drop this one and pick up that one let me check it out i do want to see now if we can repair a can over here pretty sure you can yeah just need some scrap metal and uh okay tool kit i imagine it's a table anything around here you don't have anything else hidden here for me do you i was like oh there's something on the floor there yeah i just trolled myself all right let's check the outside of the building it's such a neat view up here love it right over there is uh carter hyder damn uh below us here is like the train wreck if i can get a good angle there you go you kind of see it down there kind of curves around there's a little cave up there at the top of that hill some stuff in it sometimes there's the lake cabin mystery lake cabin camp office and down there is the exit to fort lauren muskag and then this is the back 40. that used to be the lookout over there and uh now it's an antenna and a broken down lookout and uh this is like the the clear-cut forced uh logging area back here and then back over that way is um trapper homestead which is pretty good place to go and check for a rifle which we might just do just for the rifle so i'm gonna warm up in here it feels like 46 that's not too bad do you need to check this you guys are probably you guys are probably stretching out your little key clackers there popping them clear click key clackers and getting your keyboard ready to shoot me off a reminder in the comments that didn't search that no need guys i got it i got it all right so it feels like 13 let's just go ahead and go back uh i don't see any wolves down here right now might be a good time to go check that area because i'm not seeing any wolves um keep an eye out here real quick normally i'd see him right away i mean i do have pistol and i got a crapload of rounds so high quality pistol let's just head on down there loot those train cars while we have a chance and i want to see if i can maybe scoot down the side of the mountain oh shoot don't no nope nope nope nope get back up get back up get back up there here we go okay man oh okay never mind let's not do that i was trying to peek over the edge and almost slip down to an area where i couldn't get back up no you're fine you can go 30 days without food is it oh i thought that was a feather it's not there's some resources typically up there as well nothing too great but you never know you never know feels like 38 behind the uh in the wind breaks so we're just gonna try to stick over here as much as we can and uh there we go keep our temperature going up always tuck in here if you had to for a minute and that wind is fast slow me down actually let's move out of the way just enough to get moving forward again that wind chill's ripping it's not really affecting the temperature as much as i thought it would but here we go we'll do another scan of the track area for wolves here all right all right we got what we got i'm not seeing anything i hesitate saying it's safe but uh yeah i'm gonna say it's safe let's uh i just don't want to commit until i know i'm ready all right let's do it they're just wolves who cares you know after playing uh dark walker a wolf so what i'm see i'm tired enough that i'm starting to get overweight just from that let's holster this because i'm gonna start picking up some feathers and i don't want to shoot my feather leave that bandage nope just newspaper i'll take that something look for more feathers they are important should be a deer over here and i can't remember sometimes there's a rifle around there or something like that normally where's the deer at is there a dead deer right here or do they change that a good place to get away from it wolf i'm not seeing it maybe it's uh sometimes spawn it just doesn't always spawn we got ourselves another feather here that's a weird place for it that's really far away is there a dead guy in here there might be a dick guy inside the uh car here yep that's what it was that's exactly what it was charcoal wow that was really pitiful some real pitiful loot there there's another feather though a floating feather take that all right and there's another one back here in the back corner here is that it there's probably one up on top of the roof all right let's head back to the camp office stick close to the edge here so we get some protection from the wind feels like it's coming from the left side there there we go is that hill big enough to protect us i think it is not bad yeah you know we could go up here and check this uh cave up here it's probably a good idea like i said just trying to make the best use of the time here do some uh local looting okay i think we need to go um not used to coming up this way i think we need to go back this way and it should be over here not sure we'll find out soon enough for those of you wondering why i am starving uh who are new to the game or new to my play style it's because the condition hit that you take from starving all day is like what is this two percent per hour for hunger i believe so let's say 12 hours is 24 right so you go down to like 76 health and then you use 700 calories to sleep for like 10 hours thereabouts and it'll totally recover that that's 700 so you start off the next day just like you were completely healthy so that's only 700 calories if you try to stay fed the entire day um it will actually cost you somewhere around 3 000 3500 calories which is a huge huge difference so even though i typically never have any issues with food i just do that because honestly if you're in a survival situation that's exactly what you would do um this is the right way this doesn't feel like the right way wait yeah it is there's the rabbits that's what i always look for the rabbits it's been so long since i've come through this area six or seven months maybe there's a rope i might need that rope later for uh bleak inlet to get down there i think it takes i think you have to bring your one of your one of the ropes so let's see what we got here sometimes you can find a book in here there it is advanced guns guns guns it's just a regular burn book nothing we can research from so i'm going to leave that rifle cartridge and here's a neat thing about these caves i wonder if this one doesn't it's 37 here right there's a little line here that goes straight across the cave like halfway through as soon as you cross it that's not gonna do it this is gonna make a liar out of me there we go it turned into 51. so 51 51 degrees fahrenheit 37. so right about here there's a line where it just suddenly gets warmer back here so if you need to sleep sleep in the back of the cave it should be warmer should be all right rabbits let's head on back to the cabin where we got ourselves nicely tuckered out got ourselves uh some ammo some research books rabbit prints everywhere no i just need to work my way back to the camp office should be over here somewhere i feel so much better not having to worry about sprains that ridiculous sprain system are the wolves out here on the on the lake today up here near the cabin we're not i'm not sure cabbage should be just right over here i just need to pick a smart route to take down here this looks pretty good there we go all right let's see if he dropped any more feathers over here i don't see any at the moment no wolves on the water that i can see those are uh and they must be having a union meeting again they have a lot of those it seems like all right there we go we made it back i'm gonna leave this book here with these actually both of them i forgot we got two books sewing primer and that i'm gonna stick with this one for now and uh yeah let's drop this one as well we're trying to lighten our load here and we'll drop some of our sewing kits you know camp office ain't the worst place to actually set up uh it's been a long time since i've had a base here but it's not the worst you know maybe we'll maybe we'll use it go old school got that hammer that was huge actually that was that was pretty nice it's always good to have that when you're gonna go for the forge don't need this right now um yeah probably need that might need to cut up some metal to make more stuff so sewing kit i don't know everything's looking pretty i thought i had this in pretty good shape let's see here 64 on the jeans hopefully find something better than jeans pretty soon work clothes yeah i basically try to keep things above 70. i don't think i have them oh i do have the materials for this let's go ahead and do it then let's repair that no let's not repair that let's let's just waste that material with a failure with a bad roll any cloth well where could i find some cloth hmm there we go now let's do it of course where can i find some more cloth all right let's give it a shot it's determined not to let me have success i'm getting tired which is fine there we go 94 on the jeans yeah i would drink almost anything i could probably go for i probably want to repair this toque first because it's uh if it gets damaged and broken it's hard to find hats sometimes it's a lot easier to find shirts than hats there we go all right she thirsty she's getting she is getting a little thirsty um what do i want to do i could boil water eat a little bit no she's too tired she won't be able to read she won't be able to concentrate let's go say um let's just let's just drink soda and we use that to get our calories in our hydration then the water and then i don't know maybe we can maybe we'll just oh what the heck let's do a boil party we got the we got the cooking pot right here we might as well fine fine you guys talked me into it might as well i could actually get this one going and the one upstairs it'll probably be the most efficient way to do things i already had one up here forgot about that one see here put our cooking pot right there and then i'll get this one started head downstairs get that one started and we can is that magnifying lens someone in the comments did mention that i i'm pretty sure someone said something about the magnifying lens well i can't believe i saw it when it was getting darker in here but hey uh nice nice alright so do i have a torch i do let's go ahead and use make sure i have the materials i need before i do this i'm gonna have a high of a fire source i got tinder plugs i got five of those i got a book to get started i got reclaimed wood three of those cedar wood i could go out and chop up a tree a little bit i'm thirsty too but that's all right we're gonna recover overnight let's just do it here let's just get the water from here and then when we're at the forge we can cook more water while we're foraging i think so let's just do that oh got dark in here all right let there be light i'm so tired now i use the torch because you get multiple chances uh torch will always light with a match one match if i fail starting this fire i get multiple chances with the burning torch so no big deal sit just like that now i don't have to use another match just use the same stinking torch it's already lit my tongue feels like sandpaper let's try burning the book can't be that hard to start a fire on a book using a flaming torch can't be that hard all right let's put it out holster that save that for later add a little bit of fuel should be good to get us a couple uh like a gallon of water here start that one cooking start that one cooking it's gonna be an hour until melted so i would read but uh that's why i'm let's get ourselves a drink there we go all right 10 hours will take us to the next morning pretty nicely let's say so not really much i can do here right now it's kind of weight here we're not going to sit around and wait though we're going to uh let me think can't read can't well i could repair maybe i'll do that i'm going to find some more curtains are these curtains no those are shutters no these are curtains there we go i'll just get my stuff all nice might as well i got tons of sewing kits so that's not an issue there's tons of cloth around here all right let's do this just make sure i am wearing all this stuff good okay can't repair this can't repair this because i don't i don't think i have cured leather at the moment but i can do these so let's just do it it's going to take one hour perfect and of course i failed let's try again starting to boil three minutes until boiled okay we will we will wait for this otherwise it will boil dry how much time we got left here ten minutes let's add a do i want to use yeah let's use a cedar wood and a reclaimed wood [Music] there we go and i have to use a torch can i break this chair down there's a chair here what if i can break it down with my hand how much with the what about that well i can't use the saw on it really let's just use a hammer there we go come back here throw that in there get it just to about two hours here i should have had that boiling well i should have the water boiling while i was doing that sort of screwed up there if you can do things at the same time simultaneously try to do that i just forgot that's all it was okay let's uh get back to repairing sometimes yeah we're gonna have a nice sleep now you see i'm starving and i'm super tired so i'm taking like sort of a double hit this will recover with 700 calories in the morning i'll be i'll be fit as a fiddle again man no need to be wasting calories unless you need to like study read or do something that requires energy like if you're going to be carrying stuff like moving your base and you want the well-fed bonus have at it the well fed bonus gives you like another 10 pounds of carry capacity shoot let's try again it's a half hour don't fail don't fail at 45 minutes okay let's try one more time i think i'm out of cloth now all right forget about it what's our warmth that anyway uh we're at 22 or 22 22 for 22 degrees freedom units of warmth and five of windproof so let's make sure that i am wearing everything that i can apparently i have two parkas we can drop that yeah this is even better than the parka that's a little bit of weight we dropped right there let's put on how's the toque oh yeah let's put on two what am i wearing that scarf for so let's actually do this let's take this off take this off put this one on first and then put i think between this one and this one it's actually more yeah it's more uh waterproof so we'll put this one on the outside plus you need to represent canada and that looks good i should have probably did this a while back and then this i really don't have a choice on and i just have the one of each there socks yeah that's the best i can do some more actually wool socks i thought they were cotton but yeah those are actually pretty good so now we're up to 23. not bad 29 minutes till boiled all right no don't drink it oh it's potable boiled dry is what it's saying i thought it said boiled i was misreading i'm like why wouldn't let me skip to time okay pick that up wow now i have third degree burns and uh that's all we'll carry probably actually you know what i probably don't need to carry that with me i just want to put that on there well let me yeah okay good how many more am i carrying i might not carry any cooking pot i might just carry this little can down there because i got plenty of water now let's see here what the water situation is 17 gallons 17 pounds two gallons i'll leave about half of it here and we'll come back here after we go to uh the forge in fort lauren mustag and then hit trapper homestead we'll come on back here so i'll leave about half of that here and that'll really lighten up our load here in the meantime let's get that sleep that we need we so desperately need i heard the people are saying that anything other than um oh what was it the one thing you can't get food poison from what soda can possibly food poisoning you so just be careful i'm gonna do pork and beans and ketchup chips probably leave the rest of the stuff outside and then when it hits zero condition no big deal once we hit level five cooking we can come back and eat it safely you can eat anything with level 5 cooking so don't just throw stuff away or leave it in a container because it'll disappear if you leave it in a container all right let's eat these i got two cans nice drink of water it's probably nice and toasty in here what is that 109 degrees yeah it's toasty i sleep um all right if you really want to get technical you can take off all your clothes that way you don't wear them down at all when you sleep i don't know if they still do that but it used to be that way and then you have to remember to put them all down oh back on and there have been a couple times where i was running around naked outside so i just i sleep with my clothes on okay let's see here yep let's get some sleep see you guys in the morning we'll be fully recovered should be probably about 10 o'clock i'm guessing hopefully we have good weather it doesn't sounds like it's not good weather we've survived five days six hours 13 minutes okay well at least we have food 13 degrees here we're not in covert though where are we at here a little bit behind cover 31 behind the cover yeah let's go for it might as well why am i not more rested not sure about that oh you know what let's uh let's leave behind our water here so we're not carrying around a boatload of water i'll just leave it outside here and drop some of this food we're going to probably pick up more food on the way and there's cattails along the way we really don't need to be carrying all this that's plenty to carry for this mission honestly that's too much to carry still i don't need that don't need that and i can carry i can go with about one gallon there we're down to 50 pounds it's way better way way better which are we carrying in ammo you know what let's figure this out inside so not freezing or getting cold how much am i carrying an ammo because i don't need that much ammo either only about a pound and this book i am reading i really don't need to carry this with me i don't need that i have a can i can eat from and get more so we're down to 49 that's that's good don't need to be carrying an extra pound of matches it seems a bit much especially with now that i have the magnifying glass accelerant three pounds of coal that's fine we might need it we can get tinder anywhere four pounds of this is total of four pounds right here this this container the first aid part there we go oh what am i not carrying okay i saw that there we go i saw that up there zero pounds in the pack you can always see how what you're not wearing right here i i had a little bit uh a small number there i was trying to figure out the heck i wasn't wasn't wearing yeah that's four pounds right there so all right let's get going pretty happy with that feels like a blizzard setting in though i don't know if i want to be traveling on this maybe we'll just head over to trap our homestead and if we get anything good there that i don't need to carry over i'll just leave it at the transition area uh and pick it up so that it's right at my feet when i come back i might just do that that way we make a little bit of progress we're not just sitting in the camp office the entire episode all right let's watch out for patrol wolf here nope no patrol i'm trying to make up there i want to help i don't think i can there's a chance that the there's a cache up there survival uh bunker up there i think i have to go around the other way memory serves it's been so long and i really don't go searching for them anymore there's nothing in them that i'm not gonna find just by typical looting so you just kind of have an abundance of something or another i guess if it had awesome clothing that would be great it's always good to have great clothing yeah it feels like 18 even though right now the windshield's making it 24 degrees apparently so negative for 24 degrees fahrenheit so as long as i stay yeah as long as i stay in a protected area it's 35 as long as i'm protected from the wind which is that symbol at the top center of the screen that means you're in an area that's blocked the wind's blocked from hitting you so you're not getting the windshield effect so if i step out it goes away it should get colder oh let's try again there we go 19 degrees if i step back in should take away that metric there we go 36 degrees all right so i'm gonna check this uh there should be a storage container here what do we got here oh backpack i don't even know if i ever noticed a backpack right here i'm sure i did nobody okay oh wolfy hey finally you decided to come out and play yeah maybe maybe i won't go that way i don't know we'll see which way he goes not too worried either way i have a lot of disinfectant disinfectant i'll take it i think i have more disinfectant than i'll ever use i mean unless corona unless there's a corona outbreak inside the long dark so i'll just leave it like right probably like right here i guess first aid yeah it's like a pound and a half but we have these which do the same thing and they're light more you know they're lighter so let's see he's walking up that way we should be clear unless he has a trailer he does have a trailer there's two of them out here i think it's the first time i've ever seen a wolf out here i'm gonna just make a run for it no no pings plus uh the wind is blowing my scent away from them which is good and that is the thing the wind does blow your uh your scent so something to be mindful of if you're trying to sneak past some wolves i got something over here that i want to check out real quick i wish i could find it these are some maple saplings we need these this is gonna be our bow but one and bow two all right let's try to do this quick there we go all right we'll take them with us over here that wins that one it's kind of hard to hear the wolves howling when the wind's doing all that but that howling all right so you see she's starving now and uh i must have woke up before my 10 hours or something i'm not sure what happened oh maybe i interrupted it because it's stalker can you do that i don't think you can interrupt sleeping stalker i don't think i interrupted it but i still had calories on board and that's maybe why i wasn't fully arrested not sure exactly what happened there yeah because in stocker you're supposed to be able to rest sleep yourself to death like if you start freezing in the night you will not wake up in stalker the lower levels than stalker then yeah you will you wake up but in stalker they're like nope you'll just die in your sleep from hypothermia all right another coal take that so i don't know take a peek over here see what we got see if we have a wolf here i'm gonna move over here just a little bit before i pop up i will get my pistol ready i will see max's last stand here see if it's being covered right now by wolf i don't see any wolves doesn't mean they're not hiding behind some trees somewhere okay i think we're good sometimes you see a bear in this region also what is that down there it's just a bush sometimes you can get some clothes here something decent oh it's a uh it's actually a deer that bush just grew antlers and started moving and at very least we'll get some this stuff will come in handy i didn't mean to pick up the spray paint as cool as it was i i'm not gonna be carrying those around everywhere so yeah we wanted the feathers at the very least that's another arrow right there yay for progress all right i'm just going to get my pistol out just in case something is taking a weird turn and there's the trapper homestead i could go check this out this is these things are just placed here by backers kickstarter backers they write something there whatever serves no purpose other than just to say hey i'm a part of the game yeah for this wind ripping like this man feeling like it's 24 degrees fahrenheit it's pretty good pretty good all right i'm getting here and i want to do something all right just for you lk i saw your comment units here you go okay i'm switching over to metric just for you just for you and the rest of the world so what are we at now plus five all right it's probably gonna kill me l okay you probably just killed me man i'm gonna look at this i'm gonna make a split second decision based upon what my instincts are telling me and not working out my brain it'll kill me i'll be thinking i'm still you know fahrenheit imperial all right come on big bucks i need me a rifle like a rifle please that's all i want for christmas give me a rifle please homestay give me a rifle please please no rifle i did turn rifles on right game you do to realize i wanted rifles i also wanted cleaning kits the wilderness kitchen hey that's gonna be good that's gonna be a really important one though because uh getting what we got here with this one it's over 78 no i think ours is better uh no i don't have a freaking crowbar rifle ammo they keep they keep teasing me antibiotics no i thought it was leather cured leather revolve around search the drawer here there'll be something good in the safe probably more likely than another oh it's a candy bar close ammo okay anything back here that i put something back here if i was a developer i'm just saying i like to look for places that i put stuff if i was a sneaky sneaky sneaky developer put that up there where it belongs tidy up this cabin a little bit what do we got here no left behind scrawled amusing for of a survival who was here before you you won't remember me the world does not stop doesn't stop when you when the lights fade this is how it begins stay calm observe survive your father saw this day don't believe what you hear what he did was for a far off dawn maybe you can recall the fire your father understood that we dance for our children's children's children my dear one day you will feel the voices rise in your heart enter a cave and stand until stars appear climb the highest peak sing when the brutality hits i'm here with you the winter's wind can only get so cold contributed by backer 4783 that was really good man whoever wrote this that was actually pretty good nice work i'm going to keep that one i'm going to keep that one i thought i already searched that down there maybe not oh we got some coffee i know there's a room i left my coffee behind in the camp office i knew i was gonna find more all right let's check the safe we're listening for clicks there we go about 42 i'd say okay let's reset it go back to zero 42 yep now let's listen for the next one 42 and what five close to five somewhere between ten and five about seven 42 seven sometimes i can land on it perfectly if i slow down a little bit it's getting close there we go perfect zero i'll take it then we'll sweater that um i think that's better when we have oh that's a lot of calories no i'm leaving that crap thanks junk straight junk all right well wait what's that back there is there someone back there no i'm just tripping again again i'm looking for hooks here they're very hard to see sometimes in line let's take that cloth in case i need to repair that sweater now let's take a look at her oh now i got i already have it i already have it all right i got two of them so and it's exact same condition as my lowest condition sweater so nope not doing that what time of the day is it midday all right let's just hang out here for a minute i might uh i might uh see here how do i want to do this [Music] i think this might be a good place to end this episode right here we're at the homestead we're about ready to jump off from here let me save the game actually there's a place back behind the homestead i want to check here real quick seven degrees celsius i think that's okay zero i don't i think red's bad and white's good there we go oh my gosh i'm gonna be all screwed up i'm gonna die oh there we go birch saplings i need to drop my saplings that's the other thing i need to do good place to lay some rabbit traps if you're in this area and you're making this your base yeah which is a pretty good debate because uh moose i think a moose comes into the area yeah it does and then um so i remember geltez making some crazy shots on the moose with a bow here and then there's a bear like right where max's last stand was and you got wolves in the area where max's last stand was and there's a deer here too you can get out if you need to and go over to this uh dilapidated barn you got a cave up here too leading to milton so you got ways to you know kind of get rid of cabin fever plus you can always build a snow shelter what the heck it's not that hard plus now you can just disassemble them which is one of my pet peeves see we're loading we're going in and out of these buildings no problem at all i'm uh very happy about that so let's go ahead and lay down our saplings here before we go any further and i forget which is happens all the time get these starting to cure 15 crow feathers all right guys so those are those are starting to cure then we can make arrows and we can make a bow out of them let's uh exit out come back in start collecting some guts too start getting those cured for for the uh for the strings so like comment subscribe thank you so much for watching i'll see you guys in the next episode assuming uh hinterland doesn't try to destroy my game y'all take care you
Channel: Accurize2 | Survival Gaming Channel
Views: 78,175
Rating: 4.9697051 out of 5
Keywords: the long dark, pc survival games, hinterland games, mystery lake, coastal highway, stalker, custom, tutorial, tips, guide, walkthrough, playthrough, gameplay, pc, sandbox, tld, astrid, will, lets play
Id: 23jOuoZrwHA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 40sec (2920 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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