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what's going on clan ad here welcome back to more kimchi lone wolf this is a solo series where we play as one character and try to survive in the world of kimchi we are currently doing martial arts as our combat skill and we're trying to get our martial arts skill higher and a lot of you guys have been suggesting that we try to capture some prisoners and lock them up and then try to fight them in melee combat so that's what we're gonna try to do that's our goal for this series for this episode is to try and see if we can accomplish that so if you guys want to see more kids in the future don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss any new episodes coming out if you didn't see I've released Episode one of my new chaos mod series this is a another series that I do with kimchi where it's just insane it's based off the chaos enemy's chaos mod and there's a lot of new factions and stuff if you haven't seen that series feel free to check it out I'm gonna be releasing the lone wolf series and that one and just kind of switching off between the two so those are gonna be the only two series I'm doing for right now and I thought I saw some hungry bandits down here there they are I see them in the distance so we're gonna try and fight these guys my martial arts skill is 21 but it's actually really 12 right now I've got some some clothing from a mod that increases my martial arts a bit which is kind of cheating a little bit I guess you could say but they're pretty cool I like trying to I like trying out new mods and different people's mods and stuff so you know I've done a lot of series in the past where I haven't done any mods so it's it's kind of a change of pace for me to try different different things let's see here I wanna see if I can sneak the sneak in work of my assassination skill some of you guys have suggested that a really good way is to knock out some people and then take them without so that way they're at full health when you capture them now the other thing is we got to keep in mind as we all know you have 2700 which I don't think is enough to buy a house so we're gonna have to make some money we might end up fighting all these guys anyway aw crap I failed my assassination skill went up four points and won one try all right let's see if we could beat these guys up what the hell Oh oh nice oh I missed okay not all nice not bad but please I just want to live it'll work on my dexterity I gotta get that higher so I can swing faster [Music] but okay let's see we're down to 74 in the chest whoo there you go if we can land some hits might be able to win this battle possibly oh there was a nice kick [Music] Hey look at the mask combat skill it's going up you see that guy you see that guy's it's moving it's slowly going up but it's not increasing in skill but it is I have a feeling that it's when you're fighting multiple opponents so this is gonna be interesting I can't wait till they release that skill so we can check it out [Music] no it'll take my ration back currently playing dead all right apparently my martial arts skill still isn't up to snuff so I can't take out a group of these guys yet I will try and work on my assassination skill again ooh oh we don't have a medkit Oh Oh what happened to my med kit I think I used it alright let's go back and see if we can then we're never gonna catch him I need to get a med kit that's probably a bad idea all right let's run back get a med kit and heal up I think what we need to do is actually run over to add meg and do some training for assassination really quick and get that up higher because we can get that up to like 15 or 20 really quickly well that's interesting I can't even buy a bed kit here wow that's crazy all right well we're gonna have to run down to swing then alright we've made it to squid let's go in here and buy a medkit I've bought some med kits I'm also gonna buy a fabric or to buy a couple fabrics just in case we need them we got a sleeping bag and we got food so that's good we just need we already have a splint yeah that's fine okay let's see we have 2300 we need to make some money here I don't know why I said that we would go to add mag but we're gonna head back to the hub and do some assassination training um add bag is just far away and we can go to the hub and join go to the shinobi thieves building Tower right there and train assassination so hubs a little bit closer and we're gonna find the enemies that we can actually face over there because nearad bag we're going to get skins fighters and berserkers and stuff like that who's this let's see dust bandits hmm let me see if I can work on my fascination a little bit here [Music] come up behind these guys I know I'm gonna fail but give it a try [Music] oh it worked oh nice hold on let me grab this guy stuff haha I wasn't expecting that to work let me take all this gear only 11 percent chance now probably cuz I'm overloaded uh-oh that didn't work okay run I probably could have picked that guy up but we still need to make some money first I don't think these guys gonna catch me though let's see what's my run speed is 16 yeah assassination is already 10 all right I might be able to take this guy though since he's alone his buddies have abandoned him there we go let's take this guy out one-on-one Oh I'm crushing this guy [Music] there we go got the Bruce Lee punch right here I don't know what he was swinging at he missed now his leg is damaged he's not gonna be able to dodge anything oh he still did oh there we go nice let me take his gear too let's see what's the best stuff to sell these heart protectors sell for a lot he was trying to get up though I don't think so samurai boots really are bad don't take the samurai boots they don't sell for anything take the ooh crossbows are good helmets aren't good at all they don't sell for much the rag skirts are okay 243 I guess I'll I'll take the crossbow nice okay cool see our martial arts is up to 13 dodges 28 not bad I just can't get over this clothing this Komodo it's so funny just watching his his arms wave around like that alright we're up to 4900 I'll see how much do we need for a building 4800 for a storm house Wow 4,000 for a residential small I think we want a storm house though we'll probably buy one of these here oh this one's 6,000 this one's 4,800 [Music] let's see which one do we want though we probably want this one over here it's closer to the to the bar case we need to buy anything or do we want one closer the shinobi thieves because we could give it this one over here that one's 6,000 but the shinobi thieves might end up getting interfering with what we're trying to do so we'll probably get this one here 4,800 nice we purchased the building now we're down to 135 ok so now what we need to do is we've got to repair this building and I think we just need to have building materials in our inventory I'm not exactly sure how I've never done this before but yeah I think we can repair the building somehow over here in the shinobi Thieves Tower I'm gonna do some assassination training and get my skill up a little bit higher let's see right now my assassinations 10 so we might be able to get this up to like 15 before it starts going really slow honestly though I've noticed that it just goes up faster if you just try to use assassination out in the world instead of trying to train it that's my experience I mean if you're willing to just kind of wait around this is fine too as you can see it's still going up pretty quickly when we fast forward but anyway I need to find some more targets for us to try and kidnap I'm gonna go pick a fight with the slave muggers and I'm gonna lead them over here to the shinobi thieves and see if they can beat them up and then I can sell all their gear this could be quite funny got an 11% chance that's not very good odds do I have when I take off the backpack still 11% all right here we go oh I failed Oh ride ride ride alarm raised I hope it's not the hub alarm all right I got hit oh I'm committing a crime of course I am I don't like the slave traders wow there's a lot of them let's see if we can lead them in to the shinobi thieves see if they help me out come along gentlemen all right shinobi thieves I need your help yes they're gonna help fight here we go let's let's help them you're screwed now guys oh I got the thief boss over here he's got 58 attack in 49 defense that guy could take three of those at once probably there we go nice Oh knock that guy out with a kick I love the shinobi thieves man I love like the ninja kind of play in this game it's fun acting like a ninja wonder if I kid I mean I got caught stealing [Music] I take all their stuff see samurai pants sell for nothing I'll take their iron club so those actually sell for stuff take their weapons at least all right let me see if I can sell this to the shinobi fief trader at least I can make a little money I can't sell this to the bar probably let's trade so you don't make as much money sell value is really crappy but uh yeah oh well whatever I'll sell it to him yeah not really making much money here they're gonna pile up on this guy oh nice I was like a left hook all right I'm gonna sell my drifters leather jacket which I didn't mean to do but I did it anyway haha oh well not really a lot of money that you make with that unfortunately that's not really good money my stealth is 54 my thievery is only three assassination is 16 though so that's good got that a little bit higher trying to assassinate that one guy all right so now we need to find some other opponents all right we got some holy nation outlaws over here and these guys are neutral at the beginning of the game but I think if you stand around them they start to attack you or maybe if you have food on you and let's save change them if the way they act let's see holy nation outlaws is zero yeah these guys are actually pretty good though like they have 16 attacks so they're better than hungry bandits I got an idea though instead of buying building materials we're gonna head over here to the east as they ruin an old talam that used to be there and they have a bunch of building materials that we can pick up so let's go over there and see if we can acquire some materials and then build back our build up our house we've got a garu over here fighting a bunch of bone dogs oh wow I might be able to take out a bone dog maybe oh yeah these girls are gonna win let me take this guy out take out the bone dog take off the backpack I think I can take him maybe this is a okay we got the garu back there nice there we go oh the guards are gonna come help me now nice I don't need any help though I got this thing Wolf's bin has been wiped out well done well this is perfect because I need these animal skins are actually really good to sell I like those yes I'll take the meat I just ate raw meat probably gonna die that can't be healthy [Music] I'll take the raw meat though so I can cook it oh wow there's a lot of these bone dogs Oh mine you got this thing they're all wounded I can take them I just got to hit them once if I can get an attack in wow it's actually really challenging holy crap Wow damn you can't even get an attack oh they're going back after the Garros they want revenge [Music] gaara's destroyed them all right get back up alright let's go ahead and loot this bone dog and we'll loop the guards - cuz they got a ton of stuff ton of animal skins on them alright I transferred all of the animal skins in teeth to the wooden backpack because I think stacks should have done that from the beginning because then you can just drop all this stuff in and not have to worry about it [Music] nice alright kind of overloaded a little bit all I'm gonna take this garu out not with this backpack on though I got a awesome ring saber oh yeah there we go let me grab his skins this is good we're gonna be loaded up here and we're actually encumbered see if we can work on our strength alright we're gonna head over northeast and see if we can get to that abandoned town and pick up some building materials found some more of hungry bandits that we can try and sneak up on see if we can get the drop on I'm here knock one of them out oh he sees me I don't care who's this guy Tech hunters okay come on get this guy right here get the hiver oh I failed go again there we go we got him let's just keep knocking these guys out oh they're gonna attack the tech hunter guy that's fine let me try and uh knock him out from behind I failed no XP oh you fail with no experience to do this alright crap I better just try and help we're getting attacked by everybody now okay got the slavers nice this ring saber looks totally boss I love that kind of reminds me of that saver from into the badlands although if you guys seen that show on Netflix but it's pretty awesome I love it we finally discovered the tiny settlement this used to be an old town I guess according to the lore but it's been rundown and there should still be some like building materials and stuff that we can utilize maybe even some stuff that we can sell to I don't really have much room left but let's take a look here yeah we might be able to free up a little bit of space so that we can put some building materials in here oh yeah take a look at all this stuff here tons of building materials iron plates I think we just need building materials though right now so I'm gonna try and pick up as many of as I can I don't know how many I need to repair this storm house I'm hoping I don't need too many maybe only need one but we'll see this will be pretty hilarious if I don't even need to do this I've never actually repaired a building in the hub but I know what you can do it from what I read I think you can so we'll see all right I think we got everything let's see this book I'll take that it's a research book I think ya can at least sell it if we want all right so let's head back to the hub now see if we can get there in one piece and and rebuild our building we've made it back to the hub so let's go back into our storm house building here and oh okay right click and hold and then you can click repair and oh okay so then it just kind of like places it down like a regular building and we need like eight building materials which we have so that's perfect okay oh look what we have here we got some hungry bandits that just happened to pass us by oh this is perfect oh wait until I find some guy to put in here okay hold on a second let me take this off and I'll have to leave that on for now okay let me knock some dude out who's it gonna be it's gonna be this guy right here in the back oh they see me all right let's see 80% chance we got to get that guy or this guy over here we'll get our fill Oh scorch lander 80% can we do it yes we got him pick him up he's ours all right let's running back I am so overloaded though okay we can't lose sight of these guys we gotta come back for him all right where they headed all right they're going that way all right let's get this guy up here and let's put him down and leave him we'll leave him that oh wait we need his weapon though I mean his weapon he can keep his pants and hold on this lock I'm gonna lock the door here hopefully he can't unlock that all right we'll lock him in there and now let's get the other guy another guy here maybe we can get the hungry banded leader but I don't know that's gonna be kind of risky [Music] oh wow it's even more more hungry bandits these guys have been in a battle I really want to get the hungry bandit leader cuz that would be that would be pretty good you see if I can sneak up on them I don't there's no way I'm gonna get the leader without them noticing am I now I got a 30 let me get the 82% yeah oh well we'll skip the leader let's get this guy nice all right nice got him all right good job guys we got two two people we can beat up now we got to stop this one guy from hopefully running away or something yes I can't see him until I get really close all right let me open the door he's gonna run out isn't he close the door lock it oh you son of a gun come back here get in here oh you oh dude you are okay hold on let me put this guy down come back here let me lock this this guy's I'm gonna get this guy come here come back here I can't believe it I'm gonna have to beat you up one at a time here I need to get some prison cages or something that's gonna that's a little far a little ways off I think oh there we go it doesn't look like martial arts goes up when you miss unfortunately I know somebody said that martial arts doesn't go up when you miss an attack but from what I just noticed there it looks like it only goes up when you land a hit which is the same way with with weapons I'm gonna look at it some more though but from what I just noticed there it went up 2% every time I kicked the guy but I don't know we'll see let me look at it again here when we are in the building god damn it this guy all right put him down lock it and let me get this go chase this guy come here come back here this guy's running fast wow it's actually uh alright I need to I need to sell this animal skin so I can't catch these people I'm overloaded right now my strength is up to 28 though all right let's sell the stick smell the rest of this stuff Oh up to 8400 those animal skins were really nice alright now I can actually run things were overloading me I'm gonna catch this guy you had to have run down here somewhere wow I'm still encumbered by 54% oh there we go you're gonna wear the backpack okay I found another group of hungry bandits let's swing around the mountainside here see if we can sneak up on him hey I gotta get my strength higher so that I'm not I'm not too overloaded I don't want to get a hiver let me get this guy here there we go take his weapon pick him up haha they don't even notice me running off with his body of his uh their buddy all right let me unlock try to get in here without this guy freaking coming out the door okay he's still knocked out oh he's in a recovery coma I probably should have healed him whoops that was my bed all right this guy is gonna be getting up let me take off this kimono and stuff so that I'm not not hitting him too hard let's see my martial arts is 14 but it was 24 with the kimono so let me take that off and then fight this guy here we go oh nice you're in trouble now oh this hungry bandit has eight martial arts it's not bad finally somebody that can fight back a little bit oh wait hold on let me look at these stats here all right martial arts is at 63% let's see what happens when I miss okay so I hit so now that's at 67% I hit again so it's at 71 damn it I kept hitting so every time you land a hit it seems to be working fine let me try and take her close and then let's fight this again I want to I want to see what happens when I miss once if the martial arts goes up I don't think it will [Music] okay I missed now it's at 75 still yeah it's every time you hit it's not every time you miss so I guess if they block your attack it might still go up but other than that it's pretty much your skill goes up when you land hits from what I've just noticed here and that's kind of how it's always been really crap we've got to knock down dudes all right well they're gonna be unconscious for a little while let me unlock and see if we could find some more people what I need to do is get some dust bandits in there so I'm gonna go down this like a little ravine see if I can find some dust bit oh wait here we go what have we got here hungry uh still hungry bandits hmm maybe I can get the hungry bandit leader oh these guys want to fight me yeah all right bring it on I'll take them all on [Music] martial arts is 2015 plus five nice I see there we go [Music] yeah it's still at 14 cuz I just missed that swing I missed it again ooh actually no did it go up hey oh it goes up what if he blocks it looks like it's at 25 I missed it's still at 25 so it's it goes up if he if they block and if you land a hit I guess so blocking is kind of like landing a hit but if you miss out right then I guess the skill doesn't go up okay that's cool let's see where's the rest of these guys oh there they are all the way up here let's go after them I'm already at 25 chest I still take a beating from these guys I'll just attack them all what the hell we'll probably knock me out but we'll see if I can get a few more hits in don't take my food Oh were they fighting now Oh slavers all right screw the slavers I don't like those guys not in a position to beat them yet martial arts is at fifteen dodge is 29 wow it's really taken a long time we got to fight harder opponents the oh here's where the dust bandits were when I needed them and we got the dust boss oh you men what does he want hold still hand over your catch don't make me have to pry them from your dead body bleeder take them from me I'm writing see you later I want to get away from those slavers screw it let him run I'm done chasing chickens they say oh they got me knocked out let me see if I can were they running too [Music] wait a minute how do you know I'm here Oh [Music] you get mad sneak gain when you start sneaking and they detect you like that when it's read my stealth is 56 but it goes up really quick if you can stealth while the reticle is read and you're near enemies oh nice it and I'm down see if my knockout point is negative 62 okay well getting kind of close though I don't want to take too much damage to the chest leave me alone Wow Oh a negative 30 chest now Wow damn I want to try to sneak up on these guys but I don't I'm too overloaded with all this stuff I'm gonna have to kind of fix my inventory I need to build a storage area in my little house and wow these guys keep getting up how did they detect me from that range that's crazy get out of here what's my stealth oh my stealth is for that's why I'll fight this guy here before the rest of the all the dust bandits were little ways away [Music] damn I tried to get ahead of them and fight this guy but I didn't seem to work very well and now these guys I got to get up quick [Music] alright nice let's sneak away toughness is at 60 but I gotta watch my my chest because a nice nice hit to the chest could really hurt me uh-oh I gotta go the point the wrong way crap damn hey dust boss has a bounty of 2,200 [Music] [Music] all right I'm gonna go back to town and rest up see if I can build a storage I don't even know if I have storage boxes I need to research storage boxes I have one research book I just need to build a research bench let's see what our little bet captured bandits are up to in here this guy's just hanging tight right there this chick is still hurting oh man that's never gonna get old just kicking these guys down I'm gonna build it a little research bench up top this takes three building materials nice I have four so that should be enough and then I have one research book as well so I should be able to research storage boxes at least and that'll allow me to put some stuff in some chests so let's go Tech level storage boxes and get started on that actually that doesn't even take any research books nice okay we finished gear storage and items storage and whoa wait a minute what happened to my bandits oh my bed it's disappeared I don't know they didn't sneak through the house interesting Wow that's just they just kind of despond on me oh crap all right anyway let's go ahead and build storage general storage chests that takes one building material that's all I have just put that over there in the corner and this is kind of like a catch-all box so we can just throw whatever we want in there and it's pretty large too it's got a lot of space so then we can just throw whatever we need or don't want to carry right now like some of this stuff put some food in there and yeah it's actually pretty nice and I don't need the large bed kit I'll take these med kits so I use these up and that way they're not cluttering up my inventory yeah I like that that's pretty good and then the sleeping bag you probably don't need right now because we're actually I will probably place the sleeping bag down let's put the camp bed down here just put it like right there and that'll be like our sleeping area we're just kind of will sleep here when we need to that way we don't have to pay for the bar hope you guys enjoyed the episode if you want to see more kimchi don't forget to subscribe and I'll see you again next time take care
Channel: Aviticus Dragon
Views: 41,380
Rating: 4.9015546 out of 5
Keywords: kenshi, kenshi gameplay, kenshi pc gameplay, kenshi sandbox gameplay, kenshi sandbox game, kenshi combat, kenshi stealth, kenshi episodes, kenshi indie game, kenshi rpg, kenshi aviticus dragon, kenshi game, kenshi pc, kenshi pc game, kenshi thieves, kenshi factions, kenshi experimental, kenshi hd, kenshi 1080p, kenshi base building, kenshi prospecting, party based rpg, squad based rpg, kenshi lets play, kenshi slavers, kenshi research, lets play kenshi, kenshi survival
Id: bciy-IGlZlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 36sec (2676 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 24 2018
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