Kenshi Tutorials - Faction Dynamics

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hey orange one here so in this video I want to go over faction dynamics brief overview of what I'm gonna be talking about in this video is where you can see your faction relations how to make them better how to make them worse and just some Dell strategies for what I like to do in this game so if you're curious where the faction relationships are in the game if you click on map or actually any of these options you can see faction over here and it shows your relationship with all the factions including some of the minor ones so the major ones right now you can see my faction with the United States is 0 some of the better ways of getting your faction reputation up for me at least has been collecting bounties and you can also get your faction relation up by talking to some people for the faction and making some donations ok well I didn't work hopefully yet we're so sneaky that the dude we gotta that we're here and stick her backpack off there we go so now we've got this guy if we pick him up we can go ahead and he's got a bounty on him so we should be able to go sama at the police station so let's run over to the police station the reason I knew that guy had a bounty on him I talked about this a little bit in my previous video if you click on someone right here I'll show you how much they were bounties are worth if they have a bounty and if you go to a police station and drop them off remember my reputation was zero it should go up after I turn this guy in so I turned him in and then I look here at my faction relationship and look now it's 2 so my faction relationships with the United cities just went up by doing that I like to also acknowledge that you can get your relationship to go up if you you'll some of the people from that faction but it's not very much so the only other way to really get noticeable changes in your relationship is to talk to either the diplomatic head of the faction or to talk to a pacifier if you're already at war with them I'm not war with any of the factions right now so if I go talk up to Emperor tangu he's got some weird dialogue he like I'll just show you what I mean so he's just kind of messing with you he's like got some quest that he's gonna give you you can read through it if you'd like but basically he's just messing with you and the whole crew of people think it's hilarious but there's this one guy who actually will talk to you and is pretty useful and I think he goes to like right here or somewhere around here named Cohen I believe is his name yeah there he is I think that's him yeah Cohen so this guy right here he's the one that you really want to talk to so if I talk to him about making an alliance he's gotta give us three options either we can give them money we can do some I think this is like a taking out some enemies so he wants us to go for ten fists but you can just go for any old bounty and I'll get your reputation up you can also donate money this is not going to be enough money to actually become allied with them and then the influence option if you've got a settlement and they think it's worthy enough then they'll ally themselves with you he says it's not the most impressive I think it's pretty impressive but whatever and then ten thousand cats will give me plus sixty relations which is way better than if I just given him money but you'll notice that when I ally myself with him they'll decrease my relationship with other people who will now be hostile to me so anti slavers are now hostile so they show up in red the United cities are green now on my map and it's actually really kind of interesting if you hover over an ally they turn up as green on your cursor kind of like when you're you have an enemy they turn red underneath your cursor so now these guys are my allies which has like some really nice benefits they'll um if you get hurt they'll heal you up well sometimes ignore some of your crimes if you've got really good relationships with them and if somebody sends a raid against you they'll actually come back you up it's really really beneficial so like for example if I go to war with the holy nation and they start sending their soldiers over to my base the United cities will send some people over as well and I'm kind of in the middle so they'll probably be able to get there in time to back me up but if you've got like a base set up right here in like the Holy Valley and you're at war with holy nation they're not going to be able to get there in time but if they are United cities will crush the holy nation like nine times out of ten so they're really good ally if you're looking for protection if you have bad relations though like now these guys they hate me if I go anywhere near them they're gonna try and kill me on sight and they'll send raids over to me if you have a settlement you'll get raids anyways though so it's not a huge negative unless you're talking about all the major factions like the United cities or the shack those are the ones that really I get concerned about I think the anti-slavery are a big issue but I haven't really played much with the southeast corner of the maps I'm not harm percent sure on that but then let's go for one last thing if you have good relationships with someone you can still hurt your relationships like if I attack this guy right here this is not gonna end very well but now we're no longer allies and they're gonna throw orange one in jail if he lives that long if we look at our relationship now we're no longer allies they actually know no longer friends with us we didn't actually we're not in the negative with them but they definitely don't like us for doing that so you want to be careful about who you attack and you can accidentally hit them with arrows and combat and that can hurt your relationships with them as well so just keep that stuff in mind yeah I think that's just about everything I want to cover thank you for joining me this has been orange one
Channel: Orange 01
Views: 61,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to, united cities, ally, kenshi tutorial, raids, bounties, kenshi tips, kenshi guide, 2018
Id: EpcipJOP1QQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 44sec (464 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 24 2018
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