Kenshi Story Time | 15 Days a Slave | What is Kenshi? | Funny Narrative Story of This Harsh Game

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Dear lord, I bet you needed a smoke and a 6-pack after this run!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LeftoverHamsters πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 29 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Great video, hope to see more.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MolderOn πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 29 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Dude is sub to you myself if you made a bunch of Kenshi attempts and narrated it in the same style unlike the usual playthroughs I see

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Zero777g πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 30 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

This video was great! Love your commentary!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/heterochromia-marcus πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 29 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Good video! I really want to see you experience some of the more... interesting places in the game

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BigfootCorp πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 29 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

that looks like a normal first start in kenshi hahaha, my first 3 "campaigns" were basically the same

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AnnasGrassHopper πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 29 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Enjoyed it. Try the slave start in Rebirth next time if you haven't yet.

I built my stealth/stealing/assassination skills up pretty high there before making my escape :p

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Dortmunder1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 30 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

lol I love this style. Would definitely watch more.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Rudette πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 30 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Really cool video enjoyed watching

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CattleGrove πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 30 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey guys this is Eric with pixel rookie and we're gonna be looking at this game i recently got called kenchi ken she's a free roaming squad based RPG and it's entire focus is on open and gameplay and doesn't really follow a true linear story if you're familiar with my rim world series I love using these kind of games to share my stories which is exactly what I want to do with you today I play kimchi for a few hours to get a feel for it and after getting the basics figured out and reading a few helpful guides online I was ready for an awesome new playthrough with an epic character that tells an amazing story well that didn't really happen meat hotdogs hotdogs a slave here's his story you see hotdogs wasn't always a slave when you start a new game in kenchi you create your character I decided to play the classic scenario where you start with one man 1,000 cats which is the game's currency and not really too much else I created hot dog who was an ambitious man seeking fortune and glory when the game begins you're dropped in a town in the middle of the land called the hub hotdog took in the view of the new city for a moment and realized if he wanted to make a name for himself he needed money and what better way to earn money than to labor a copper deposit and sell some minerals he left the main entrance of the base and began to survey the surrounding area he found a copper deposit nearby and began mining it out things were off to a pretty good start well that wasn't - he's distracted looking over his map and he got jumped by a bunch of starving bandits that were out for blood something you learn very quickly and kenchi is that you're the most worthless character when you begin a new game picking a fight with a group of bandits on the first day is a quick way to get killed so instead of fighting hotdog ran he ran like he never ran before back towards the hub you see how that was a smart man knew that if they followed him to the hub he could have the local guards killed him he'd be able to loot their bodies and sell their belongings he made it back into the base and ran to the local bar men poured out and began fighting now the best way to get stronger is to join the fighting when most of the men are already taken out oh [Music] well that's not good okay so hot dog took a nasty blow to his stomach and he's slowly bleeding to death oops fortunately some good Samaritans come by and patch up the wounded men wait what slave monger oh well it's the first thing Kenji and hot dog already almost died and then got enslaved this is not what he signed up for now that the slave mongers got their new group of sellable goods they left the hub and carried out hot dogs since he was still in a recovery coma at least he didn't bleed to death outside of the local bar all the slave mongers grouped up and they began their slow journey away from the safety of the hub that night hot dog healed up enough that he could walk on his own at least he was recovering from his wounds they traveled all night in the following day here's the thing though hot dog is an opportunist and you won't let this kind of situation stop him he might be a slave today but he's biding his time for the right moment to break free the group continued to slowly travel into the night they weren't stopping anytime soon the next morning something happened the men were jumped by a group of rabid bone hounds the men broke out into combat hot dog knew this was his moment nothing we were at the area he saw there was a settlement nearby on the map if he could escape he could seek refuge there that moment he broke from the group determined to free himself unfortunately for hot dog one of the guards noticed and took chase now being shackled you can't run very fast this was bad for hot dog one swift hit was all it took to take him out hot dog pretend to be knocked out and the guard left to help the rest of his men before bringing hot dog back to the group he waited a moment slowly got back up and continued to make his escape he knew in order to get away he needed to break free from his shackles luck was on his side he managed to pick the lock before they came back for him again a free man but considered an escaped slave he would need to lay low for some time to get back on his feet a settlement was in sight he was so close to safety escapee uh-oh as soon as hot dog realized this was a mistake he was taken out by a harpoon gun mounted on the walls he blacked out for a moment from the impact he came to but was too wounded to get up and run he had no bandages so he began to crawl away hoping to find help hot dog lost too much blood he blacked out again while some men ran out and captured him they brought him into the settlement and healed him up at least he wasn't gonna bleed to death there was still hope for hot dog yet once he was healed the guard took him to a building deep into the base there were beds and cages everywhere he was taken to the rooftop and left in a cage hot dog regained consciousness and realized he'd escaped his captors only to be captured by someone else apparently these guys were soldiers from the holy nation we're like a bunch of religious fanatics more captured men were brought in the neighboring cages and locked up that night the soldiers came up and released the men from their cages it looked like they're gonna be taking them somewhere else still wounded hot dog limped along with the group he was determined to escape and regain his freedom again at this point it's been more than four days without eating anything it was starting to take its toll on hotdog all of a sudden the soldiers turn around and ran back to the settlement hotdog was alone with another slave this was his chance well unfortunately for him that guards at the gate notice him shambling away and went after him hotdog desperately tried to escape it only took one hit and he was down they scooped him up and took him back to the base and to another cell he went they weren't feeding him but they were keeping him alive they released him from the cell and made him go with another group before they left the city the soldiers left to chase after someone again hotdog took this opportunity to hide by the wall he removed his shackles and tried to hide in the shadows looking over this awful place he realized there was only two ways in and out and they were both really heavily guarded that night he used darkness as his cover and tried to sneak out of the front gate he wasn't very sneaky and as soon as he got close to the guards they noticed him and beat him down captured and healed up again once he was patched up they sent him on his way again who's outside of the cursed City but wounded shackled starving and surrounded by guards it happened again most of the men took off after something it was just one guard the last guard took chase and left hotdog and the other prisoner to themselves it was now or never hot dogs timing could not have been worse as soon as he turned to make his escape the guard turned around immediately noticed in a crazed panic hotdog tried to escape while being beaten down by the guard the final hit was so strong that it completely severed his right leg off well that's gonna complicate things the guard scooped him back up and returned to the base beaten down but not defeated hotdog didn't care if he lost both legs he was not gonna die in this place he was able to pick the lock and escape his cage but was immediately caught and placed back in a Cell [Music] no matter he picked the lock again and escaped his cage he thought maybe he could sneak to the roof and ambush a guard at this point he didn't have any better ideas as he crawled up to the top of the steps he was caught and placed into another cage hot dog was determined though for days he constantly broke out of his cell and tried to sneak out of the base [Music] on the ninth day things were quiet at the base and he made another attempt to escape things were looking good until they caught him again at this point though hotdogs stealth skills were quite high he used to cover the darkness again and tried to sneak out it worked he made it past the guards and out of the rear gate he hugged the wall and continued to crawl through glancing at his map he knew the only safe place to go was back to the hub which was a very very long way to crawl hoping to leave the holy nation for the last time he began crawling away crawling through the wilderness was not easy he had to avoid the main road so when it get captured again he was also starving to death it was ten days since his last eaten if he could have feit food soon he'd die as he made his way south he knows some fighting off in the distance some of the holy nation men were jumped by River Raptors maybe would find some meat there he didn't want to backtrack that far but he had no choice he had to try and find some food soon as he made his way over there's some more fighting broke out it ended soon enough though and he was in the clear he made it to the river afters corpse he found some fowl raw meat this wasn't even edible he took it anyways just in case hot dogs still had some luck though there was a bone dog corpse - he found raw meat that was edible his risk of coming back might have just saved his life he couldn't eat it raw though he quickly built a campfire he placed the meat over to cook not much longer now the first piece of meat was finished and he ate it right away more men were coming but he needed to finish cooking the rest of his food to take with him he managed to finish cooking everything and right before the men got too close they were jumped by River Raptors and gave hot dog a window of opportunity to escape he crawled for another day and a half straight southbound until he passed by a small farm it was out of food so he took advantage of it being nighttime and snuck in he crawled into the nearest Shack and ended up finding some more food after picking the lock to a chest he really hit the jackpot there's plenty of food for the rest of the journey back to the hub he snuck out of the Shack and left the farm behind him looking over his map he still had a ways to go he knew to be able to find an ally in the hub that could help him find a robotic leg replacement hot dog was not finished yet the next afternoon there were more bandits on the road they encountered another drifter that was traveling alone hot dog knew he had to hide the port drifter got swarmed he was knocked out hot dog used this opportunity to loot him and see if there's anything of value on him there did I have any food or items his clothing was much more suitable than hot dogs he took his pants and jacket and left before he regained consciousness not much further now upon further inspection hotdog realized that he had a bounty on his head for 36 thousand cats he was one of four charges of burglary assault and most importantly escaping prison carrying a bounty on your head like this made things even more dangerous on the fifteenth day a group of holy nation soldiers are passing right by hot dog he was in the middle of the road and tried to sneak off and go unnoticed unfortunately they saw him not even concerned for the bounty they beat him unconscious and left him for dead by the road his chest was severely wounded and it was only gonna get worse he didn't have any first-aid kits to patch himself up either he was so close though he continued crawling his way towards the hub his wounds were too severe and he became unconscious again and slowly began bleeding out so much hope so much potential all gone because of one fatal mistake and getting caught it turns out hot dog wasn't very lucky at all and just like that hot dog the twice escaped slave with a bounty of 36 thousand cats died on the road in the middle of nowhere welcome to Ken Chi I hope you guys enjoyed watching this video as much as I enjoyed making it this is just one of my few experiences playing Ken she's so far and if you're a fan of open-world games where you control your own story I highly recommend checking it out as always though thanks for watching and until next time have a good one
Channel: Pixel Rookie
Views: 318,297
Rating: 4.8919034 out of 5
Keywords: Kenshi, Kenshi Story, Kenshi Gameplay, Kenshi Funny, Kenshi Overview, Kenshi Funny Video, Kenshi Let's Play, Kenshi Lets Play, Kenshi Funny Gameplay, What is Kenshi, Kenshi Review, Kenshi Highlights, Kenshi Funny Highlights, Kenshi Guide, Funny Kenshi Video, Kenshi Funny Lets Play, Kenshi Funny Let's Play
Id: ev_cE8nWjUA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 29 2019
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