Kenshi Lone Wolf - EP6 - THE ELUSIVE BOUNTY

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what's going on clan ad here welcome back to more kimchi lone wolf this is a solo series where we play as one character and try to survive in the world of kimchi we are playing as a Scorch Lander martial artist and we're doing pretty well so far we're up to 22 martial arts 33 dodge 67 toughness dexterity is 34 and strength is 33 we're currently working on strength I've got my entire inventory filled up with raw iron and a backpack filled with it for the most part and so we're gonna work on our strengths in this episode we also have some decent gear we've got assassin rags and armored rags skirts and stuff like that that increase our martial arts skill and attack bonus so doing pretty good here as far as armor goes but what I want to do is actually in this episode trying to make it down to shark in the swamps and see if we can acquire some hashish that we can then smuggle and sell into the northeast desert area where we can make a lot of profit and once we have some money we'll be able to visit the armor King and hopefully buy some specialty grade or Master Creed assassin rags which will be really amazing because I think these are probably the best clothing for martial arts at least that I've found so far there's some other pieces that we might find in shark that might be good to after the recent armor changes that the developer has made so we really have to just kind of take a look and see what's out there but so far I'm really liking the assassin rags for martial artists so if you guys want to see more kimchi in the future don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss any new episodes coming out all right let's head towards the south into the swamps and hopefully we gained some strength and so that we're not so freaking slow by the time we get there we don't want to run into any blood spiders because I don't think we're he'll survive those guys yet looks like we're sneaking up on some dust bandits here does it look like there's that many of them hold on how many we got two four six of them okay this could be a fair fight [Music] all right our dodge skill is kind of in the negative we got a 20 negative 22 encumbrance penalty but I'm not too worried about it I want to fight encumbered right now and just try to be as encumbered as possible I want to gain as much strength as we can but let's see if we can sneak up on these guys and maybe oh we can probably knock out a few work on my assassination skill it's at 37 that's gonna be really crucial later on when we start needing to assassinate some some troops from the United cities and stuff like that trying to knock these guys out to even the odds so it's good to work on it with these bandits oh uh okay he sees me okay they got stuck on the side of the wall there are the rock there all right it is Bowman oh they got me okay all right just fight them in jeez I'm not gonna dodge these crossbows oh good hit yeah peg them from behind there you go Oh oh nice all right get out of that corner there you go get out of there yeah I'm taking a beating come on man you got this Wow he's not swinging much probably because I'm encumbered [Music] I guess I'm not really sure that's causing him to I mean Dex 30 is how much he's gonna be swinging like how fast and how many attacks he's making so I'm not really sure if encumbrance prevents him from attacking or whatever but maybe it does all right all got anything to loot anyway Wow okay well they just beat me up I literally did not land many hits on these guys but that's okay I'm slowly building up my toughness my knockout point is negative 70 right now so it's gonna be really hard for me to get kind of like in a state where I'm never gonna get back up thankfully because when you play a solo you know when you get Pat when you get you know one of those hits where it like knocks you out and you can't get back up you're toast I mean you you have to wait until like slavers come or you bleed out to death so it's really important to get your toughness up as much as you can and it's already up to 68 now I notice one of the things with toughness is if you force yourself to get up when you're knocked down get up and fight instead of playing dead so you have a chance to raise your toughness there when you get up instead of playing dead so I always try to get them up if possible because you seem to gain a lot of toughness at that point okay yeah my encumbrance penalty is lowering my martial arts that's what it is okay and it's yeah it's lowering okay it's lowering my decks by twenty twelve to dodge nine to strength okay that's why yeah so encumbrance is definitely causing me not to swing as fast and and to strike as fast so that's good to know I'm gonna try to knock out one of these guys again it's night time so they might not see me now oh [ __ ] they do oh wow as soon as I said that they were just like yeah we do see you we hear you coming all right well anyway well I think we'll head to shark of tried to avoid combat for now see if we can get there at one piece overloaded if anything we'll drop all of our iron so that we can run well we're just on the outside of shark and getting really hungry because when you're encumbered it actually uses a lot of hunger as you can see look at that 140 percent hunger rate when I'm walking encumbered that's crazy with 80% incumbrance so damn we gotta get some food we got swamp ninjas over here killing some of these blood spiders I avoid these guys okay where's the entrance ok the entrance is over there or crap let's see do we have any swamp ninjas down that we can loot oh that guy's crippled okay well I don't want to get knocked out by these guys let's see if we can just avoid them go to go the long way here a supply delivery how did he see me Oh keep walking man keep walking he's not gonna hit me I'm just gonna walk away from him like a boss I'm not I'm not afraid of you this is great I'm just gonna keep walking let's see can I take these guys uh probably not all right let me take let me just fight him bring it probably get knocked out but whatever maybe I'll take one down you never know probably not encumbered though oh oh nice ouch there you go don't get hit in the legs yeah my stats are too lowered struggling is hopeless alright not bad though I almost took him down Oh what do we got going on over here now Oh this is great that the swamp ninjas are all like different races I love that I love that mod the multiracial bandits because it changes like all the races and makes them like changes all of the the factions a bit too to make a more realistic like made up of different races throughout the game I like that all right let's just get let's just get inside first of all looks like we got red sabers and sand ninjas or no wait these aren't red sabers swamp for gate guards oh let me get that set up swap ninja let me see if I can loot that guy we got a hound just letting the blood spider eat this guy without even what the hell oh wow they do they don't even care that's amazing those guys are selfish oh there's another one over here that's dying maybe I should heal them I'll get on the swamp ninjas good graces I'll work on my first-aid skill why not I don't want this blood spider to knock me out though cuz in blood spiders just gonna eat me right in the front of the in front of everybody there's literally nothing here I want I don't even want his weapon whatever he can keep it here I'll first-aid this guy yeah you can thank me later so if we go to our faction screen and swamp ninjas we are still zero I guess you got a heal heal them a lot okay anyway it's going to the faction building see what's up actually I don't even want to go in there I want to go in the other place Oh got a guy dying over here let's heal this swap ninja okay now they're fighting the blood splatter Wow oh they just knocked out a this guy oh the guy the swamp enjoy just healed [Music] well I got to get some food in me cuz I'm starving out of the way deadbeat all right I don't want to talk to you talk to this guy no I don't want to play I want to buy some food actually hold on let me heal I'm gonna rest I'm at the bar the other bar and I'm gonna buy some food here let's see we got some thin fish Gohan ooh Gohan is only 349 that's nice let me buy that oh we got rice bowls - but Gohan is actually worth a lot more because it's got 75 nutrition so it's it's worth the extra hundred it costs there we go okay that'll keep us busy let's see we can buy his sheesh here for 155 all right I'm gonna start selling let me get rid of the Drifters other pants and let me see here yeah I'm gonna just buy all the hashishin now by all the hey she SH and we'll see what other goodies they have for sale as well let's see this shop is closed still should be opening up fairly soon there we go let's take a look see what they have come on in don't mind the mess alright so they've got a sleeveless long coat and a long coat okay so this one okay the sleeveless long coat gives for martial arts bonus Oh tack damage effect 1.05 and then a dodge dodge skill effect let's see do we get damage on this okay so we don't get damage with the assassin rags however the assassin rag is look at live they literally increase so much fish protection assassination skill dexterity combat dodge crossbows stealth these are like the best ever for like the the assassin type of class that I want to play kind of like a martial-arts assassin kind of dude let's see Oh ninja mask Oh should I buy that blueprint I'm gonna buy that blueprint because you never know when you're never gonna find that again swamp ninja rags I don't need those I've got some new blueprints me buy another med kit though and do I have a sleeping bag no okay let me buy a sleeping bag and get rid of a couple of those and yeah I think that'll probably be good for now an extra med kit just in case I run out okay perfect Oh standard grade ninja mask we already have okay cool all right so now let's go over here to let's see does this guy have anything besides fish I know there's a guy that sells some hashish around here we just got a oh this guy does right here nice let me take all of it I'll buy all of that please thank you and let's go to this shop as well see what's going on over here and oh wow they got a lot of hashish - I'll buy as much as I can damn I'm out of money wow they have a lot okay I need to sell all this the raw iron I need to make as much money as possible a year probably should have looted those Swapan just now that I think about it I want all the hashish damn okay I got to see if I can make some more like loot some corpses or something all right here's a swap ninja over here we can loot him sell his gear who will we be able to sell his sword I don't know but we can try take his med kit I'll sell those too if I have to one of the things that I've noticed though with legs if you take legs with you and hold them in your inventory what you can do is you can drop the legs to prevent like wolves and stuff from from fighting you like they'll they'll go after the limbs instead so you can you can carry around like people's arms and legs and then if you get attacked by wolves you can drop them and kind of prevent them from attacking you which is pretty cool I haven't tried it yet but I'm pretty sure that'll work all right well anyway we are out of money we have quite a bit of hashish I mean enough to make a profit we bought at 155 so I think we can sell this at maybe 600 apiece maybe even more so we'll have to see when we get there yeah let's get going we got a long way to go we're gonna go north east and into the desert this will be a fun journey we're over here at the gray flayer village kind of northeast of shark let's tuck this guy over here this chick is selling something okay so more hashish we can buy and so forth all right wonder if there's like anything new in these in this spot like we got to check all these all of these villages in the swamps because I think they probably been adding stuff you know here and there I never really know because I don't really go back to them Wow who's this oh this is big grey this is the boss man but I can't talk to him that's big gray oh wait do we have a bounty for him we got a bounty for flying bull mm-hmm i gotta i can't wait because we're gonna find we're gonna start buying all these bounties and just go bounty hunting just try to bring in all these people it's gonna be fun it's kind of something that i've been holding off on and most of my series that i do just because the rest of the world map hasn't been opened up yet and i just kind of wanted to wait until we have the option to go after all of them so i haven't really done it but i think we'll probably get started here in this series should be fun start bringing in a couple guys make some money that way i haven't been doing much stealing and oh me me first aid this guy i got you bro i haven't been doing much stealing just because it's pretty easy to acquire the best stuff and honestly i don't think we're really oh there's a wandering assassin i don't think we really need to right now oh we got a group of wandering assassins this is new i haven't seen that before let me splint you up man hold on there you go o- 94 you almost lost your leg you're lucky Oh [Music] all right I'm getting out of here it's like we got a camp over here a camp of dust bandits [Music] doesn't look like there's that many of them I think we could take them this time because I'm not overloaded or anything [Music] there's the Naruto run right there my stealth is 61 okay you still see me all right bring it on there you go good dodge dodge is 31 okay into the chest there you go take that 47 damage Oh three hits and he's down three hits well done take his weapon nice alright let's take out the other guys there's no good angle to get in there without being seen right now Oh oh [ __ ] haha there's a lot of them I didn't see all those guys down there holy crap Wow I woke enough the hornet's nest year okay let's go across the river and then see if we can fight him wow this is insane okay get over there wow they're pegging their buddies in the back bring it on all right heel up come back here come here all of you all three of you all right let's go all right one down these guys are gonna peg me from in there are they alright fine I'll come to you then dammit get up there and he's freaking off crossbowmen I hate him ah all right come over here there we go fight him up here nice nicely done oh that one tried to get up but he's not having it damn I look like a porcupine come here kill this guy pissing me off over here there you go we gotta just kind of micro it a little bit kind of move them around reposition to get closer these guys yeah stay down there we go you got to move in close three hits there we go wow I took a beating but that's all right all right I'm gonna take all the gear oh this guy wants to get back up nice all right well done we knocked out quite a few of them I don't think we took out the entire camp but I'm kind of wounded so I'm not gonna bother with it plus I don't know if these guys loot hashish or not so I don't want to get knocked out and find that they do it looks like we're gonna be heading into some more dangerous territory here we'll see if we can get through acid rain is gonna suck but do we even have any oh we don't have zero zero acid protection okay I'll see if we make it just don't stop for anything just keep going I think we'll make it but you can't like stand around and wait it's like go exploring with zero acid protection you've got a if you're going through this territory you want to just run right through if possible or find shelter I guess I mean I guess you could actually if you built if you took some fabrics like we do we could actually build a flat shelter and that would actually help us out yeah we could actually build that here so that's one thing you don't actually need asset protection as long as you have fabrics and the blueprint to build a shelter then you could actually just kind of shelter yourself from the acid rain until you heal up of course you'll probably want a bedroll too so it's kind of cool there is quite a few ruins and stuff out here that we can explore but we're not gonna hit those up anytime soon there's a lot of iron spiders and stuff security spiders out there and we're definitely not gonna be able to beat them up yet what do we got here gray flares yeah these guys are probably smuggling just like we are so as you can see I took some damage but not too bad as long as you just kind of run through without standing around okay well we're gonna try to make it to a town up here and see if we can smuggle in all this hashish it's gonna be quite interesting what to see if we make it we also have these guys called the black dogs which are a new faction in the southeast and not really sure about them yet like who they are what they're about but they're out there roaming around let's see outlaw swordsmen are attacking this little weigh station hold on a second we might be able to find some better gear if we fight these guys or Ludum mercenary plate has fist protection yeah nothing nothing too spectacular here however I could loot their weapons let me sell all this stuff and then I'll loot their weapons shopkeeper no where's the shopkeeper at all right I eluded all these guys and sold their swords and armor so we're up to 73 hundred now one thing I noticed is that you can actually buy this watchtower in the way station for 21 thousand that's pretty cool you guys want a watchtower you could come here and buy that it's a pretty boss good staging area to do some adventuring in the in the West and also in the East but we're gonna continue on here I'm not gonna rest I'm just gonna keep going we're gonna head northeast to one of the town's I think hanging is up next or one of those towns up there see if we can sneak through and start making some cash we've got some man hunters here I'm gonna try and knock a few out and beat them up I don't like them I hate the Manhunters I took out one guy let me elude him now take his weapon you're gonna be useless there we go Luke let me loop this guy I'm gonna take all their gear and then fight him hand-to-hand I'll beat them all up oh you picked up his buddy now he's running huh come back here oh he didn't get far oh you guys are running away are you come on get up this guy's gonna get up first isn't he I think this one is committing a crime alright wait for him to get up okay beat him up attack kill the man hunter Oh 56 56 43 ma'am crushing this guy while he's done he's done for beat this guy up to oh yeah Oh Amit oh I keep missing damn taken down there we go alright now we got a fight this guy is like spasming out what's going on he can't control himself Wow oh there you go nice this is what I got to do is cuz go around and knock people out and then take all their gear [Music] yeah because I'm getting a lot of free hits martial arts is at 23 now oh can I take the skimmer out uh man I don't know if I can beat this thing well he's not oh he's kicking my ass there we go 35 there you go get some hits on him oh yeah I got this sink whoa ha ha power kick oh this guy just passed out Oh oh snap holy crap um let's see you bone dogs don't eat you do they I don't think they do maybe they do time to bail okay I don't think I can take them I'm gonna run I'm not really sure if I can oh gosh it's crazy over here because you can't see anything from all of the the dust so enemies can just kind of come out of nowhere put my backpack back on so I can run faster yeah it's a good thing these bone dogs don't run that fast I think they probably should run faster though because they are technically wolves and I mean wolves are freakin fast there's no way you'd be able to outrun one so I think I mean I can see where they don't want to increase the speed because oh crap this guy is a freakin sand ninja he's got an 8400 bounty from United cities oh ok can we take him out all right heel up dammit if I take one hit to the head I'm down ok heel up we got to take this guy come on jump kick him right in the chest ah come on man alright this guy's got really good attack and defense and everything I want to fight this guy I want to get him I need to get back up all right give me back up let me see if I can knock him out maybe I can sneak up on him oh yeah I can knock him out that way let's go oh I have a three percent chance to knock this guy out oh yeah he cuz he's a ninja himself well we'll try it oh I failed whoa what the hell come on dodge that come on we got this Oh one hit one hit to the aah one hit come on right to the chest well bro what are you doing swing come on yep he's got me damn it [Music] I cannot beat that guy can't even land a hit on him what's his dexterity is 29-32 though oh because of his injuries holy crap this guy's got like 50 dexterity no wonder I can't beat him oh and I have 15 dexterity because of my injuries negative 64% yeah I'm never gonna beat this guy damn it I'm gonna follow him and see what happens maybe he gets into a battle or something all right let's get up and follow him he's a little literally just walking into the middle of the desert damn well I'm gonna try and knock him out again huh didn't help here we go for a third time ten percent chance now to knock him out Oh almost damn almost my assassination skill is levelling up though trying to knock this guy out but he's getting stronger every second and I am getting weaker because I keep getting hit but we're gonna keep following this guy okay we got blood Raiders up here are they gonna run into in are they even fighting each other they might not even be at war with each other so you got 100% to knock out these guys maybe if I level up my skill high enough with these guys I can knock this guy out let me run down here really quick hold on a little I don't want to lose sight of this guy where is he going alright let me see if I can just do damn they caught they see me already yeah I'm gonna lose sight of this guy alright let me just keep following him keep not trying to knock him out until I get him [Music] yeah oh I hit him 444 damage hit him in the chest come on we got this let's go 44 again there you go oh I hit him in the leg though that's good yeah now he's gonna be limping I'm slowly getting this guy and my assassination skill is at 44 negative 19 though we've got more sand ninjas over here now I got a hundred percent to knock these dudes out oh this guy's got a bounty for a thousand bounty wow it since I got a 23 percent chance now to knock that guy out but what if ice maybe I can somehow sneak up on these guys are gonna be back together again aren't they oh this one's fighting a bone dog oh yes get wounded get rekt full get rekt all right I'm gonna try and knock out these guys well this guy is fighting the bone dog and he's getting wounded which is great because I want that bounty he just like literally stunned the bone dog okay I knocked out this guy let me loot him take his gear he's got ninja rags which stealth effects 1.3 ooh maybe I should put those on let me put these on might give me a little bit more yeah a little bit more stealth there and 92% now oh the Bulldog one what the how did that happen the bone dog one all right I'm gonna get that guy ninja rags okay one more guy to take out here boom okay nice loot his weapon sweet okay let's run over here quickly get this guy he's gonna be up in no time let's loot him first of all hall man he's got some good weapons and I'll see he's got a basket hat which gives him a stealth bonus and I'll take a splint kit and med kit why not and his I'll take his weapons cuz I can sell those nice okay let's first aid him and pick him up and he is ours baby $8,400 bounty I finally persistence pays off yes all right let's bring this guy in and get some money oh let's avoid these bone dogs up here though and let's get away from these ninjas too finally we can hunt some sand ninjas and make some money those guys always have bounties alright we're coming up into hang now we've got to get through the gates this is gonna be interesting let's see are they gonna care I don't know well let's just roll up in there go on through okay good oh nice okay where's the shinobi feet Eren Oh where's a police station here we are let's turned this guy in and get rich looks like you caught a bounty want a reward I suppose take him there we go eighty four hundred see you later nice got ourselves some cash now that we turned into sand ninja and made a little bit of profit we can go over to the shinobi thieves here and hang and sell all of the hashish that we got from the swamps and hopefully make a good profit I don't think we can sell this to the bar but actually let's check there first we go to the bar let's see take a look at the Ashish here we can sell this for ya eleven hundred percent price markup but they don't buy illegal goods unfortunately so yeah we're not going to be able to do that I wonder if there's anybody else in here that will buy it besides the shinobi thieves let's take a look at some of these other shopkeepers maybe there's somebody in here that will do it eleven hundred percent price markup let's take a look in here what about this guy no he won't do it come on somebody's got to buy it yeah tell me there's nobody in here that will buy it not even the bar yeah doesn't look like it damn well anyway I guess you can go this Shinobi thieves in and sell it to them and let's see okay so yeah so you can get five hundred percent price markup so we bought yeah it even tells us what our average price is our average price was 144 and so we're making like five hundred percent so yeah about I don't know six hundred and like ninety six I think per has sheesh that's pretty good let's go ahead and sell all this and they don't even have any more money oh but they do have high-grade assassin rags which I'm definitely gonna buy let's see if we can compare these let's see 130 assassination skill yeah 120 pretty much the same but the only difference is like the the protection 16:26 75 11 1775 it's yeah it's definitely better for protection wise it's got the same amount of like skilled bonuses so yeah anyway let's go ahead and buy the high-grade assassin rags and get rid of the other ones and we can sell I might actually hold on to one of those weapons actually no why am i selling weapons to them yeah I'm an idiot you don't sell anything back to the shinobi traders all right crap it's standard grade drifters boots we don't need those okay we're gonna have to wait until they get some more money or we're gonna have to go to another another town and sell the hashish probably let's go to the bar and sell this weapon yeah these are good weapons well take one just in case we need to work on our dexterity or something but we're probably not gonna need it all right well you're not able to sell any more hashish to this should I be thieves because we've already used up pretty much taken all of their money so we're gonna have to go to another town and sell the rest of our hashish we'll probably just have to go to town by town if possible and just so we can we're up to 24 almost 25,000 now which is great maybe we can get into a battle here since we're fully rested we got some better gear and see if we can beat some people up my stealth is 70 they should not be able to to detect me there we go one at a time got a hundred percent to knock these guys out because they're pretty weak the heart of the enemy the harder it is to knock them out so you can't just like go to get a hundred percent and knock out like the hardest people you know because that would be kind of cheap okay now they see me this guy is trying to get away it's like when you knock out most of their group then the rest of the group just kind of runs away we got over here now we got Manhunters I'm gonna knock them out I freaking hate those guys assassination at 49 let's roll up over here behind these guys take them down take out a few of them then I'll beat up the rest of them there we go got to down three down [Music] we're down all right at a call here there you go dodge out of the way there if I get wounded too bad I'm gonna have to run but see what I can do [Music] ouch okay I got 36 Dodge I'm 33% encumbered that's not too bad there we go that's what we got to do is get some multiple hits in with one strike there we go that hayver is toast he's almost done for ouch I can't get knocked out by these guys cuz then I'll never get I'll never get up I'll get captured I'll be sent to prison or sent to the slave camps oh that guy's arm is not looking good oh these guys are gonna get back up - oh I just chopped his arm off Oh ouch that sucks poor guy lost his arm oh that would have been a good strike okay I'm at 22 chest I got a run now oh crap hold on put on the backpack we got over you're gonna run faster how these guys faster than me all right get out of it go away run gonna get going why is my run speed 16 what's encumbrance 33% am I really that encumbered all right let me beat up this guy since he wants to come after me by himself yeah I'm gonna knock you out before your buddies get here you're toast oh they're limping away okay screw you Oh who's all this slaver care Vanguard oh he's down oh crap they're coming back run haha oh we got a hybrid chasing me he's super fast gotta lose them in the dust storm I gotta work on my run speed yeah what is lowering my run speed oh it's the armored drag skirt it's kind of lowering it by a little bit but I should be able to compensate I think when I get my athletic skill higher once I get that up to like 80 85 that should kind of help out I might have to get a better mask the ninja mask is pretty good 40 percent dust storms but I think I need to get something that gives me a hundred percent dust storm protection especially if I'm gonna be fighting out here cuz I'm losing at least six points of martial arts skill due to the weather all right let's see if we can just run through again I don't know you guys gonna say anything or not okay they didn't stop me thank goodness alright let's get to the shinobi thieves probably over here so it began I picked up a a bunch of wanted posters that we can use to try to find people there's a lot of them I'm gonna just buy them when I see him but then we'll just like do a couple episodes we're just starting to look for these guys hunting them down it looks like they lowered the money from the show beach traders because they only have like 9,000 instead of like 20,000 so I can't make as much money selling all this says sheesh I bought way too much I wonder if there's a actually there might be a traitor in one of the bars I think in this town they have one let's take a look well I'm over here in the you see arbitrator and it looks like the ninja masks that I have is pretty good because maybe if I get a fog mask maybe oh I should probably check those out and from the shinobi thieves but you take a look there's not really much armor head pieces that give you protection for dust storms so this one here like the armored hood gives you 25% for all three burning acid and dust storms the police helmet gives you 75 percent and the Samurai helmet gives you a hundred percent but all the other ones don't really give you much so the ninja mask is actually pretty good for for what it is let me go back to the shinobi these real quick let me see if they have a fog mask or something that we can use it might be a little bit better okay fog mass gives you dust storms 100% gas 100 percent okay so this is what we need to use is the fog mask and it doesn't lower any sort of value and it has better protection overall so let's get the fog mask and hold onto the ninja mask for now but still somewhere - sheesh and yeah that's gonna be good that's gonna help us out because now we we're gonna use only how our martial arts is 40 now so we're not with all the bonuses we're not losing any skill out here fighting everything that's gonna be crucial for the battles to come out here in the desert well guys I hope you enjoyed this episode if you want to see more kimchi lone wolf in the future don't forget to subscribe and I'll see you guys again in the next episode take care
Channel: Aviticus Dragon
Views: 34,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kenshi, kenshi gameplay, kenshi pc gameplay, kenshi sandbox gameplay, kenshi sandbox game, kenshi combat, kenshi stealth, kenshi episodes, kenshi indie game, kenshi rpg, kenshi aviticus dragon, kenshi game, kenshi pc, kenshi pc game, kenshi thieves, kenshi factions, kenshi experimental, kenshi hd, kenshi 1080p, kenshi base building, party based rpg, squad based rpg, kenshi lets play, kenshi slavers, kenshi research, lets play kenshi, kenshi survival, kenshi lonewolf
Id: ybIt7Hasmro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 47sec (3467 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 04 2018
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