Kenneth E. Hagin Interview

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without further ado I'll introduce you properly right at the tail of this song they're saying faith is what faith is what is it what do you say well Hebrews everyone's that now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen yeah well that's what faith is and what's it for well you can't be saved without it the Bible said by grace are you saved through faith that nothing except a gift to God you can't live with for God without faith because the Bible said we live by faith you can't walk the Christian walk without faith cause the Bible said we walk by faith not by sight you can't please God without faith because the Bible said without faith it's impossible to please him and haha really important there's one more okay you can't grow and develop spiritual without faith because Paul said right in to the Thessalonians you'll faith groweth exceedingly if they're a order of importance in the things that you just described absolutely without faith it's impossible to please him he that cometh under God must believe that he is you can't come to God than the other way now faith is important but I've written over 120 125 books and only 10 feet 12 cent of my own faith the majority of them are on other subjects yeah and and we've written and published and distributed here in America 64 million books that doesn't count millions overseas but most of them are on some other subject now for instance a pastor said to me one pastor from California at a convention he said to me ayah I had a young man from my church that wanted to come to your school and he had heard some derogatory think so I didn't recommend him hmm but said he came anyway and said he came back home at Christmas time Christmas break and I said to him very snotty away I said well I guess you learned all about that faith business it said he looked at me said no pastor the thing I learned with love and the pack said both over started weeping I said forgive me again I said no love number one yeah because you see faith workers my love not sit and show unless you love you can't get your faith to work Wow I have to say that probably a lot of Who I am today is a result of your ministry through my parents and then thus to me yeah because my dad and last night it was so funny my mom and dad and the boys you were with mr. LaHaye we're sitting around the table last night and they were excited and sent their love and everything to you guys and and I said dad tell me some of those stories that I had forgotten and they both my both my parents just sat there and wet the potential last night talking about how how their life was just completely changed my dad was in the dumped denomination as a minister as a music leader and we had visited my my grandparents in Phoenix and she ran mother canceling this book around prayer secrets all over the house everywhere my dad would go she'd go put that book finally he picked it up and read it and he just wept and it changed his life and I remember as I was very young as a little little girl our vacations because my father and mom pastored our vacations were always centered around where brother Hagin was going to be ministering you know and when you were at Amarillo Texas remember that yes and and you would go and my dad then kind of started to lead some of your praise and worship and mom would play the organ that when you did the Howard Johnson Hotel yes but it changed their life and this I was brought up under your ministry you know through through you and through my parents right this is great together we met at a Kenneth Hagin camp meeting yeah it was a great thing so maybe that was all of that yeah that's it that was a we're going to you know if you don't mind one of the questions that I wanted to get into and I'm going to issued properly in just second was what do you want our generation how do we build on what you have taught now all of these years how many years have you been teaching and preaching six to six years sixty-six years so when just give me a second to properly introduce you and and be thinking about what you want our generation how do we build on it what do you want me to take away from the hundred and twenty books what you know so we'll do that maybe you're a new convert maybe you don't know anything about TV n about you know Christianity maybe you're watching and you don't know who these people are sitting with us maybe you don't know who we are we are here to just kind of pull out of the pioneers one of the you know if not be pioneer certainly considered one of the pioneers of the faith movement Reverend Kenneth and orissa Hagin from Tulsa Oklahoma author of many many many books and founder president Rhema Bible Training Center and I think that if you did a bit of reminiscing my reminiscing is that in throughout most of the 80s I worked here at Trinity Broadcasting I was a director and so I sat in the truck yeah and had all the cameras and actually directed the conference's you know and some of the names that just kind of pop into my head during a you know Oral Roberts would preach one night and then you would preach one night and then you know Norvel Hayes would preach one night and you know John Osteen and all of these people that you know are the ones that I remember and my job was to sit back and I took it real seriously because I actually had to interpret what you were saying with the camera my job was to sit and tell the cameramen to be on this side shot or this side shot or a two shot or one shot and then as people as I was listening to you very intently then I would cut away to people as they would make notes in their Bible and to make the presentation of what you were preaching interesting for the viewer at home so I think I had like hypersensitive hearing because I was trying to listen communicate to my cameraman at the same time and I think that a lot of what the faith message is obviously went into both of us very significant a very significant way so with that said what do you what do you think we should know about what you've taught for 66 years and how do we build on what's the next step well let me preface this by saying this I was healed as a 17 year old doctor said well gave me the hope had died but mark 11:23 and 24 seemed to just shoulder leap out of the Bible took me and and by praying mark 11:24 I was completely on my prowess disappeared incurable blood disease and so it's just a matter of getting faith into people yeah faith in the Word of God faith in the Bible right faith in what God said and so I I was always strong i pastored another 12 years and I never told him my wife called my attention to it she said honey just don't on me in 12 years pressure well we never did bury one church member and and I like and checking the records and over 12 years I don't had about seven funerals and and they were either someone that was kin to somebody in my church or someone that was a you know moved away years ago and they came back there to bury something but I was always strong with it now of course as a pastor you got to preach in many many different subjects and I very seldom really preached publicly on the subject of faith but I taught them in the in the home you know in the sickroom same lessons of teaching now Wow and and the show the Lord said to me in May of nineteen and fifty now to me it was an audible voice if it did anybody yes president no whether they heard not but to me you're just as real as some man coaches a man's lost I believe with Jesus said I want you to go teach my people faith I've talked to you faith through my word I permitted you to go through certain experiences and you've learned faith both Summa word and by experience now go teach my people what I taught you so I started having days services and I teach on the subject of faith in my crusade night services whichever way the Lord led the evangelistic type message twice a week would speak on healing and have a healing service the smaller churches and bigger churches every night and and so for many years I taught faith you know because that's what the Lord said do and and and of course it just built up through the years but I know I was pastor for 12 years I was was associated with wonderful gospel denominations and I do a lot of preaching they'd ask me to preach and fellowship means and of course back in those days I was young and to youth meetings and I'd always speak on faith and healing yeah primarily faith some the pastor said why don't why do you do that I said well I want these young people to hear that while they were young right actually I heard it got ahold of it on the bed of sickness I've been fast 16 months and was healed at 17 years of age well I ladies three I'll be 84 and all this but I haven't had a headache since 1933 oh hey that see I do food to say that my wife's I didn't know better but that's true I haven't had the clue because women would speak up with me oh yeah sure but you see it's just a matter of learning to walk with faith I'm not sure I said to respect I want to get this into the your your cues yeah they said well good thing you fries because I don't yeah and so that's you know different ones have called are called to different ministries the body of Christ needs all of them right see I could help people all the time there's a lot more in the Bible besides a sure but but see God told me emphasize that and so that's the reason I did right now someone else God may lead them and their primary message is prophecy sure and someone if their primary message may be prayer and then an event is his message of salvation right and all of its important and all of it has its place and I as a pastor I priest you know on all kind of subjects in fact I preached a series on prophecy way back how many years ago and I became known so there's a prophecy preacher right but see when God said enforce our faith well then I just did what he said is there a way to it does let me just ask some some kind of simplistic questions it does does faith is it an entity in you that grows and shrinks depending on what maybe you're experiencing at the time I mean how explain kind of the dynamic is it is it just your the way you perceive your situation to what what is it inside of you that you step into and understand to not have a headache in since 1933 well I'll never think headaches people right you know not not two or three times in 66 years I passed up you know marvelous opportunity to have a headache I started leaving the office building outside one day you know Karima turned out just as I turn down the street in my head man it Lou I just said no you don't I don't have any left me yeah left immediately ya know we learn to walk the faith now the thing is this it's not a matter so much faith it's a matter of just the Word of God yeah faith the Bible says comes by hearing and hearing by the word here in Hartford where they're gone and you've got to get it beyond your head into your heart and the way you do that is by meditation meditate upon the word feed upon the word Jesus said in Matthew 4:4 men shall not live by bread alone but every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God right now what he's saying is what food bread stands for what food is to the body the Word of God is to the spirit right I used to say to our children when they were young at home we'd pray with them and read the Bible you know and a lot of times to God send us redo it I'd say let's feed our spirits mm-hmm now if you think like that is happy to become more spirit conscious that you are spirit being you have a soul we live in the body and so let's see their spirits and so that's what you have to do is just simply now let me give you this illustration so I got faith whether it's faith for healing whether it's faith for salvation whatever is faith far without faith it's impossible to please God I was conducting the meeting in Pomona California 19 and 55 and the pastor came through is there four weeks in one church I used hold long meeting I'd go three four five six seven eight weeks Wow teaching on faith every day Wow and so uh the pastor said to me birthing there's a little guy here wants to talk to you said I've talked to him so I got him saying he claims to be an agnostic non agnostic is not like an atheist says there is no God agnostic said they may be but if there's I don't know it and so he said but he said I believe he's ready you know he said he's 72 years old he's had a massive heart attack doctor said he could die just any minute so after the morning service I I took time to talk to him and right at first he was very nice but then the further he went to louder he got and he said that if there is a hell which I don't believe there is and I go there and you to blame or if he is a heaven which I don't believe there is but if I miss if you were to believe I said hi mummy well if you can prove to me that there is a God then I could believe Wow I said to him not God Jesus did not say go into all the world and prove to people to God he said go into all the world and preach the gospel just tell the good news of Jesus died for them yeah and I said besides that Hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 said he that cometh unto God must believe that he is but you don't believe here so you can't come to a good Bobbsey you walked away from it now God is my eternal witness I went out of side-door the church got my car to go home well I had to train at that time so but anyway he should be fists that may see well two days later the pastor said brother Hagin that little fellas back and he won't talk to you he said now he's really changed and I really seem to be humble tonight I believe I said well okay if I can help them so right at first he didn't well this the further he goes the louder he got I thought without our trouble he's my default idiot but if there is a heaven and I miss it as a helm I go back there is a god you're to blame you preachers her to blame and you're the brain well why well if you can prove to me that the Bible show you can prove to me that the Bible that there is a God than I could be saved I said I told you before my said you again Hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 and he that cometh unto God now cometh unto God but some believed that he is yeah and that he is a reward of them to diligence it but you don't believe in so you can't come to him good Bob see I went out the side door the church now like God's my witness when I went out that side though that little fellow struggie still a stone y'all that there like a kid yeah now two days later the pastor said if he goes hey little fellas box now as I got in my car now we're traveling those days with Imperial mansion Spartan trailer yeah 42 or 43 feet long you know and so my wife didn't go today she'd cook the noon meal we need to make men today and the kids are going with us seen they were teenage they've taken their high school from University of Oklahoma and I had to sit down with them three hours in the afternoon and you know to get their lessons in one thing another so so I'm on the way home we call it home to Tracy right but I said dear Lord that that dear fellow I mean 72 years old and got this has a massive heart attack doctor said he could die any minute and if he does he's going to hell now you said faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word now I gave him Scripture I told him there on first day going to all the world and preach the gospel that is Jesus died for you and and then secondly Hebrews 11:6 without faith it's impossible either cometh unto God must believe it now I said me that scripture Hebrews 11:6 I pray that when he's asleep he'll dream about that verse yeah I pray that if he wakes up that verse will be extended the foot of the bed stand up in the face I pray that in the daytime as he walks around that verse of this turn on the inside of it now sure enough two days later the pact said brother Hagin that little fellas back he said I'm convinced this time he's really changed he said he seemed to be very humble and so sure enough he came to me said brother Hagin you know that scripture you gave me I said yeah he said I quote it to you he pulled it he said you know what I said walk he said last two nights all night long I've dreamed about that he said I woke up not versus spending it's over there and all day long he said Saunders on he to come attorney governments believe it I can't come to him mister baby I believe he is not what I do got him see Wow laid hands on him fill to the spirit pot laid hands on him and got him he went back to the same cardiology that same doctor said I'll tell you somebody up there likes you you got a brand new heart Wow praise God now how did he get faith Wow by hearing and hearing by the word not where this healing whether salvation or whatever it is you need I've said it for over 60 years and we keep saying it fine scriptures now I didn't say a little script you can't just take some isolated take but scripture is poor that covers your case and meditate on those scriptures and think of them praise God and you've got a solid foundation for faith and in faith in every area you've heard it a million times 70 how has your in Tulsa and how long has Rhema been gone since 74 yeah 70 lovely study restarted yeah starting 74 graduating the first class in 75 Wow and how many children album children how many kids their children answer may be good how many kids have went through we've graduated over 23,000 oh my goodness and we're going to graduate Friday night good over said mother oh that's awesome and you've got two children yes King jr. and Patsy how are they doing wonderful you know Isis King jr. has been doing some spots for us for the champion stuff and it's just amazing to see him yeah and he's really stepped stepped in there hesitate yeah he's the pastor George I'm not her a handle net and they're doing a wonderful job of her work and my daughter Pat you know her husband passed away two years ago right and she's just doing wonderful she's going on she's taking care of the office she does well actually goes to the churches preaches are holding I think she just finished a tour now have you done a lot of teaching no not a lot saying you've just been quiet having to do a lot I just know that God is so real it is and I know that a healed if it had heal me cancer Chuck tell us about that well in 1968 girls resolvers yeah seeing that brother Hagin he knows she knows I have it he has known for years I'm tell you what I had to say today of the reach where it was but where was I was pronounced with the cancer in my left wrist and you know we just that hits you let me tell you that I don't know just go bananas yes you know that's the difference and so I went to mom when I got home the doctor had called my doctor and he had a message over pager thing that I want to see you Monday morning 9 o'clock in my office and so I went to him and they read and and everything and he don't in the same same thing and I said okay if I have to have surgery I want the best doctors you have in here and I did get him we were wonderful and they said I said I can't go now I said we got a meeting I'm nothing like that brother Hagin where were you were you with her oh yeah what what I know what came up but what did you what did how did that make you feel well of course she said you don't feel too good about it don't know one place or now we have been married 63 years I believe in that but see she she was a Methodist now I was bad mr. McGuiness like first church our pastors in the country church but with Rita Baptist and for about three years members even dived in older ghosts and I tell forgot the left foot of Fellowship Baptist cabled on Pentecostal but anyway we were married Danka said November 19 and 38 November 25th yeah and so uh you know and here in Texas you know cold weather starts coming in in November December so we call it an or that came in and so her throat got sure and so she said I'll have to go to the doctor she said get my throat they called it those days and mopped out you know in and out the miracle drugs matter bodies and so on every year and she said it show all the whole winter well I knew this is a wonderful opportunity because she don't know you know go to hell been told that right so I just simply said because she mark 11:23 said who's ever since a and not doubt his heart I said no we won't go to the doctor that's ortho to leave you will never come back now you have to remember 63 years never has but she she thought that she could get by on my faith you can't do that forever right no see and so therefore she didn't try to build hers then so she had some of these physical problems that she had to resort to but even in the midst of it see God ministered to her right so what happened that's when you your faith works or it don't work right that's when you know that you're living before time I knew it was anyway but I mean in healing and so you know I went through all the procedures that you go through you know and I was back home and I was had my Bible in the book of his reading and I was meditating and I just kind of looked up and there was Jesus about halfway from the top of the ceilings in my bed and he just he was smiling so sweetly and I was called you know I said honey mother she would have talked to me if I had said something and so it was just marvelous and I thought you know why and it come to me that's the piece I said I would keep you you're healed well and ever test I've ever had comes back negative always here is great so I think let me see it if if this is a good way to ask this you're you're describing a life by faith which applies in the very opening statement of tonight's discussion just to your salvation to your healing to pleasing God you can only please thought about it and all the areas that we discuss and you're talking about kind of like that that is available to any and everyone and so if you are living a lifestyle of sickness apart from God then it's just that's your choice is it so it's I guess the understanding that if you will take the concept of Mark and some of these others great Hebrews and and if you actually apply them and internalize them and live by them then you can live a life like you're describing with miraculous healing with miraculous provision with you know I mean you're married 63 you know all that all the blessings that God bestowed on you so something less than that it's your choice you're just allowing your flesh man to rule rather than your stir it around that's right is that accurate that's right okay how do we switch ears if if the flesh man is kind of ruling and reigning how do you how do you change well you have to do like Paul said I keep my body under I've money to do that I bring it into subjection this man that means after I preached to others i myself should be a castaway Romans 12:1 said wherefore I beseech you brethren by the mercies of God that you present your to God the living sacrifice holy acceptable in his side just refuse now I started practicing this I saw this truth as a Baptist pastor if fear would come I'd say fear and speak to it I resist you in the name of Jesus I refuse to fear if doubt would come because you see the flesh will want to be afraid the flesh will interfere will wanted out but doubt I resist you the name of Jesus I refuse to doubt and I found that it worked as a Baptist I can get it to the Word of God to work for everyone right James said remember but be doers of the word not hearers only he that hears the word doesn't do it has deceived himself he said another Martin Martin I mean that marg marginal trial they said he deluded himself yeah and so that's what happens a lot of times is people are walking by their physical senses you know Smith Wigglesworth was a man of faith yeah we read after and he had a statement that similar things that I'd said is a Baptist he said I'm not moved by what I see I'm not moved by what I feel I moved only but what I believe mmm now you see if he lets you physical sense nominates you what you're letting your body dominate sick right see and so it just takes it takes putting God's Word first right now for instance proverbs a 20th chapter verse 21 22 and 23 said my son attend to my words yeah well what do you mean attend to my word that put my word first in climb down there under my scent listen to what I got to say now why he went on to say let them my words not depart from before thine eyes keep them in the midst of thine heart that one for they my words are life under those that find them and health to all their flesh now the margin that my Bible said my words are medicine to all their flesh well you see how do you take your medicine in other word attend to my words incline thine ear unto my sin now let them then part my words are not Department for thine eyes now you see if His Word says you're healed well don't let that word depart for I see yourself healed now some people call the psychology I don't know anything I've got Rosenbaum anything about psychology in anti-technology but I don't want the word says right Amen left him not now I remember when I was on the bed I was betting face sixteen months you've been in bed 16 months and that's a long time oh my life and and granted because I had no one to teach me the Holy Ghost I learned later is the one that led many he was leading in my spirit but see I did for instance when I was healed in August of 1934 I said to myself and I wouldn't call you that but I said to me your poor silly fool you could have done this eight months ago Wow see but I didn't know too because I you know wasn't taught that's reading we teach people but the Holy Ghost gradually got it over to me but now I show that very these verses there in Proverbs let them not depart for thine eyes and I was healed in all this but back in April C which was three or four months back there I said enough what I'd do if I was up and well I said I'd preach that's what I do so I said bring me a tablet in pencil and I couldn't really work I had regained some use of the upper part of my body but from waste now I'm just no feeling and so I started putting sermons together never couldn't preach up you know but what a I could preach wanna I'm getting ready I saw myself well I saw my said I see I was sickly all my life never end played like others but I saw myself doing things of the teenager did jumping and laughing and talking you know and playing and you know his word and then I just stayed with the word now doctor in me the house calls in those days you know dr. Robertson last night on my case there's five of them all together through the years he he stopped by my house and said well he didn't have me food I knew this at the family thought you know I was getting off you know so he checked out then he said my Bible was that he happened to catch me you know what it was he notes and Bible on he said you read that much I said yes sir he said you ever read the you know in those days we called it funny papers coming section today you know I said no sir don't have time number he said everything in novels I said no sir he's in a Western store no sir you ever read the newspaper I said I glanced at the headline sometime I do sometime all the read was the word I put that first now dr. masters I have I have the statement in my possession he not only said to have this physical problem but he said I need an institutional care but then after I was healed go dr. masters and dr. Robertson said that Mendez's that young man has the strongest intellect anybody we've ever seen in our life but you see it was the Word of God that did it wasn't what my strong intellect is a matter of changing is it matter that the word got within me it incline that ear to my sayings put my word first and that's the way you do it now see God said to Joshua where you may be way back just where the first chapter in 8th verse outset of his leaving Israel he said the word the book of this law now we translate that or interpret that in our life the Word of God shall not depart out of our mouth but thou shalt meditate therein day and night day and night that is observed to do a chord all written therein and for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous thou shalt have good success now who's going to make your way prosperous God yeah yet he gave you the word but you're going to do it yeah and that what you said earlier see this people's choice that they chose that themselves they blame it on God but they chose that instead of going with the word yeah the word of God shall not depart out of our mouths thou shalt meditate therein day and night amen now this Hebrew word translated meditate is translated also murmur senior SAP mutter mutter mutter now shout mutter in other words just say the word over and over to yourself now that you build it into your inner consciousness is how we're logging in the kingdom of God what is when you say the kingdom of God and that we can have it on earth what are you saying well Paul said right into the Romans you remember the kingdom of God is not meat and drink it's joy peace righteous righteousness peace and joy in the Holy Ghost go hear it come on is that just meditating on the word and you have stepped in and then you see and perceive everything differently well of course that's part of it yeah but but to see the kingdom of God is not meat and drink a lot of people in the kingdom they've been born-again alright and there make it right with God that's what the righteousness mean here is right relation right standing with God and they have peace to some extent a lot of don't have as each heart but God wants you to have all of it but it's by meditating on it thinking on it and walking in the light of it you know declaring that's mine I'm pressing saying it's mine I'll have it now and becoming conscience yes you know if you actually take your teaching and take it word for word is truth then if you're a miserable complaining sort you must just like being loud way absolutely so it's really kind of a your your your hold a mirror up in front of people and you're saying look this is the way out faith beliefs meditating on the word internalizing all of the scriptures that God's pathway for you believing in the goodness that's a that leads to a life of sixty six years of teaching the word amen you know all of the blessings that are obvious in a in a couple with with the 23,000 students graduated through a training seminar worldwide I so you just choose to be miserable if you if you wanted to absolutely absolutely is there a something that they can do to try to change I'm miserable I'm recognize the condition and Jesus said come under me all your labor and heavy laden I'll give you rest yeah and find that rest woken it what about your bills you're just not making it how do you how do you change well your views have to bend members you have to keep believing God yeah all right like I like Paul said you know right into the Ephesians you know having done all the stand stand yeah so you just have to stand and and you know you'll eventually come out now when I saw I left the last church I pastored went out on the field holding meetings and at the end of the year I've gotten a hundred dollars every month less than what my church paid me plus a church furnished parsonage Enola you know utilities but out of this hundred dollars less I had to pay my own rent my own utilities and then travel expenses and so a warmer car I had to sell it for junk well I said to the Lord I was holding a meeting and I I got to hold the script if you'd be willing and obedient you'll eat the good of the land well that's simple eat the good I mean you'll have the best that yes and so why I said look I had it all written down here all these figures everything and I fasted two or three days and prayed you know we have a service every night didn't have day service and so I said Lord you know I've been 40 so I wouldn't left my church they wanted me to stay back to Deacon board said billion in those days Pentecostal Church would have an election every year you know but they said if you stay we would let you indefinite the state of Jesus come but the Lord said go ah see ya in other words in our time time till God is not working you see here and the Lord said to me the reason I said my children are not adequately clothed they're not adequately fed we're living in the in a three-room I don't mean three bedroom in three room apartment right Ken's got a rollaway bed sleeps on in the kitchen and wintertime on the back porch to summertime and I said we're not we're not wish you're not eating the good of the land yeah and at Magento over a period of time into my third day they're all said the reason you're not eating the good an idea is because you don't qualify Wow well I said aren't you you know you've hit near the low bro I knew I knew I'll old AJ he said yes you did but now notice what that verse said if you'd be willing and obedient he said you were obedient but you weren't willing oh yeah well I got really in a hurry it didn't take me ten seconds I made a little just but right now I'm in here and I said now I'm ready I'm willing now then he's got to correct my thinking yeah because she we've been brought up now over in the Baptist if we prayed for the pastor we prayed Lord you keep you mumble we will keep him poor right and you got over in Pentecostals and they doubled up on it Lord you keepin on buil keeping poor and ever Church I mastered we had financial difficulty that we briefly whatever we'd finally make it through you know but as we say by the skin of the teeth Wow but you see the Lord had the correct my thinking that Wow to think in mind is worth he said now he go back to the book of beginnings well I knew that virginity said I made the world and the food was there oh yeah and I said Adam I give you dominion over all the work of my hands now he said then reading the 50 some it says the world and the fullness thereof his guns yeah the silver and the gold is his the cattle of a Thousand Hills he said they're not mine because in my hand but they're mine because I created him and made him but for whom did I make him Satan in his crowd no he said I made it for my man Adam yeah but Adam committed high treason so yeah he meant and I began to see the truth and see that news showers and so now I you know we talked about being there bottom of the barrel here so my financial you know I wouldn't at the bottom of the barrel I was under a barrel barrel on top of me and I got up under a bear but then it takes time yeah it don't help overnight yeah and so little but little gradually I kept believing God kept doing what he said do and because and giving offerings and and doing whatever he said do and I just gradually climbed out of it see now he said to Israel and you'll have 28 jumpy Jews wrong you know you'll be the head and not the tail nice total financially and he won't have to bar but using room well I had to borrow I had a note you know friend went on down Tyler Texas Henderson Texas where I lived in Carla and so little little I got rid of them see but I I don't - antenna folks all the time you know since I learned that truth I never been without money and and I don't worry I loaned his hands thank you thank you for living a lot of thrill of walking your talk and being an example to us thank you for staying married and for being faithful to your calling amen praise God and thank you for having that meeting that we got a chance to me yes that's right and also where would you have been having the meeting in Tulsa the big downtown downtown dr. Amiya downtown we should be convention center we still register and coming up and do uh 25 20 what 20 seconds 20 seconds you don't know that we do on yeah basketball last full week of July well we could do that's where I met Lori now she doesn't have any sisters so she won't you know don't go for that reason but it's a it's a wonderful place to go and to learn more in depth of what we've been hearing just a little taste of and thanks for coming you guys haven't been on for a long time well we have up they keep asking but I'm pretty busy hi realize I'm over ladies but I'm just as busy as I was 20 years ago like Caleb same schedule and really I'm looking around we're busy with where I can slow down and you're right you're fighting and so you know if you're teaching there at school while you all the week times we can come to you like the rest little bit yeah but anyway I happen to not not they have a second year this year today had to test now one of the ladies in the office always gives it for me and admissions offers the school so I had it free so I said okay I'll go oh did happen hit me right thank you at the Lord said yeah we're trying to slow down but he's good eight Crusades to do when you start in June oh now his spear to five his eyes were not dim nor his strength abated and he kept going and then I heard like yo hey man okay [Applause]
Channel: Donald Mytnik
Views: 395,341
Rating: 4.8090677 out of 5
Keywords: Hagin, Kenneth E. Hagin, Faith
Id: 1PmOoZFX7kI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 48sec (2688 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 10 2017
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