TBN Praise the Lord April 23, 1998

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host echoes and around the world it's time to praise the Lord [Music] praise the Lord carbons the major Christian events in America and across the world from the heart of Europe to the tip of Africa [Music] rukmi centers of asia Central and South America largest prayer and praise gathering joining us from Southern California our founder and president of Rhema Bible Training Center in Tulsa Oklahoma Reverend Kenneth E Hagin senior pastor of Rhema Bible Church in Tulsa Oklahoma Reverend Kenneth Hagin jr. pastor and founder of Life Christian Center in Carroll Louisiana dr. Leroy Johnson senior ministry music country-western gospel singer and recording artist jack says ready to take your calls prayer partners around America [Music] favoring presidents of the Trinity one casting [Music] Oh bust the coast shortage home border-to-border and round the world it is time to have a little Amen Corner here tonight and I coached my little sweetheart into coming here tonight wasn't quite sure till the last minute but the Lord moved upon your sweetheart and you were here well you know what there has been so many things to do the last month getting ready for the 25th you know the 25th anniversary of TV and we've been doing a book we're doing a book we're putting together video 25 years and I literally been working just really really hard so I just thought well maybe my duty should be to get all of that ready we've got concerts with Carmen we've got every TV and partner that you've ever loved coming to the 20th anniversary and but I I knew it was dad Hagin and I just couldn't not come for him it has been far too long since we've had our papa Hagin here and Hagin his precious son Ken jr. is here tonight as well and a disciple of brother Hagin brother Laroy Thompson senior from Daraa Louisiana is here tonight we'll have a wonderful wonderful you know we're gonna do a little refresher course on the Word of Faith all the way over here I was just thinking I'm gonna ask dad Hagin how did he come up with that in the very beginning I guess he didn't I guess God did get ready to read me a little scripture here that many people think brother Hagin wrote but he will give proper credit to the holy spirit I'm sure just a little bit here mark 11:23 and 24 but let me give you a tiny bit of news I just flew in hours ago from Milan Italy we'd been up in London England with Benny Hinn had a glorious service you know we think of the Brit British people as kind of being stodgy and conservative and reserved and not man they hoped and carried on just as bad as we did and we had a wonderful time and some awesome miracles of healing in fact if we have time in just a little bit I've got a little surprise for you they had a surprise for me there at that great service there in London England then Benny and I went down to Milan to help Chuck and Nora haul in their fourth praiseth on and we had a debt burning service in Milan Italy and the people over there got excited and Italy is very close to being totally self-supporting over there and out of debt yes yes yes yes it's wonderful and I got to see dear friends the Shroud of Turin honey there were people on the floor weeping there were people in prayer there were people literally just weeping weeping weeping there was a spirit let me tell you the scientists say no you can't prove that it's the real shot but they can't prove it's not either and it was that same feeling honey when we first stepped into that empty tomb you can't prove that that's the empty tomb but your spirit says this is it and the devil tried to destroy that shroud again twice the terrible fire in the church but they allowed us to do something that the other networks were not allowed to do they let us bring our television camera in and tomorrow night Benny in will be here Benny was with me and we taped a little interview there and we got to take your camera in to take the real Shroud of Turin with the image of the face of Jesus Christ on it it will be awesome tomorrow night as well so what a great night we're gonna have let's have Vern Jackson come and join us let's have a little scripture reading a word of Prayer and we got to get down to business quick because pumper Hagan has to get up early in the morning and teach Bible School and he has to get out of here on an airplane by about 9 or clock or so so we've got to get going hello Verne Jackson good to be here again nice to have you back and you will dedicate this first song to our precious Papa Hagen will you not I certainly well this song just is fits him it's his song and is entitled the longer I serve him the sweeter he grows alright this is for you papa Hagen we'll have it for you in just a moment but first of all a little word from the word well I'm gonna read from dad Hagen 11 22 and 23 if you only have faith in God this is the absolute truth you can say to this mountain all heirs rise and fall into the Mediterranean and your command will be obeyed that all that's required is that you really believe it and that you have no doubt so listen to me you can pray for anything and if you believe you have it it's yours but when you were praying first forgive anyone that you're holding a grudge against so that your father in heaven will forgive you your sins too little condition there amen amen let's pray father we give you this night we asked the precious Holy Spirit to come and anoint every word every thought every truth Lord take this logos word and let it become Rhema Living Word in every one of our hearts tonight we pray in Jesus precious name of all else let's souls be saved that bodies be healed let your body be lifted tonight to new heights of spiritual warfare and battle that we may possess those things that you have ordained that we should have in Jesus name Lord let it be done to the glory and honor of our Lord Jesus Christ we pray and all the church and the people said amen amen amen you got to get your notebooks out and you better get ready take some notes cause the Word of Faith professor is here tonight and he might ask questions let's sing it for Papa Hagin right now one of the grand old songs the longer I serve him the sweeter he grows welcome burne Jackson I stole for the kingdom since my life if he control see my to Jesus [Music] sweeter Hey [Music] every need is flying his grace he bestows [Music] every day it's pride [Music] sir [Music] I sir [Music] he visto [Music] my heart [Music] I sir the Swede [Music] schools and each day my heart [Music] sir [Music] yes yes yes and everybody said amen the longer we serve him the sweeter he does grow well it has been far too long since the Hagin family has been our special special I shouldn't say guess this is part of our family here on the praise the Lord program but what a joy to have Reverend Kenneth Hagin senior and Kenneth akin jr. as our very very special what Bible teachers tonight we will say president and founder of Rhema Bible Training Center 1974 as a child bed fast for 16 months totally paralyzed from a deformed heart and incurable blood disease disease actually died and went to hell yeah but God rose him and we've got a little testimony we're gonna time touch on a little bit before we get into this word of faith just known worldwide as a great teacher of faith and the Word of God an author of over 90 books let's tell Kenneth Hagin senior dad hey Tony welcome praise the Lord and following right in his footsteps is the senior pastor of Rhema Bible Church the executive vice president chief executive officer of Kenneth Hagin foreign Hagin Hagin ministries not foreign ministry as foreign and whole obeying the call of God to minister alongside his dad Kenneth Hagin senior authored more than 35 books and numerous ministry cassettes Kenneth Hagin Jr who will begin along with dad a brand new television program madam program director every Sunday morning at 7 o'clock Pacific Pacific time which will be 9 o'clock Tulsa time let's tell Kenneth Hagin jr. welcome to praise the Lord tonight now you say oh my goodness I'd like to keep you here all night but I know you've got to get out of here and get off the ground before a certain hour tonight let's let's touch quickly on on that Testaments been a long time dad since you've told this you were just a young man how old were you when this happens in the 15 years old 15 years old four months before my 16th birthday and what was wrong with you again heart condition okay I was born with a deformed heart I never ran played like a little children as a child I had a limited childhood and at 15 I became totally bent face one of the number one doctor in fact Mayo Clinic said that he was number one surgeon of the world one of the greatest doctors he said no one in my condition at every a medical science had in a record of had ever lived past age of 16 when I have four months for 16th birthday I became totally bed fast on the 22nd day of April 1933 Saturday night at 7:30 that memory that may I interject that we just asked you how old you were dead and we could tell people you tell yeah 80 and still remembers the date and the time in the hour and the minute and the morning I love something along that line had time I'd share with you buddy to take too long so anyway the the doctor had already been called met doctors made house calls 1933 yes sir but at 7:30 on the 22nd day of April 1933 in the south bedroom before 5:00 North College through the city of McKinney Texas my heart stopped though when my heart stopped faster than you snap your finger you know I felt a circulation cut off my tongue my toes just went numb feet ankles stomach I leaped out of my body like a diver would leap off of a diving board and swim poo and I began to descend down down hmm I looked up I could see the lights of the earth above me but two further down you went the dark it became they'll finally darkness encompassed me darkness is darker than the night you've ever seen now it's your family Christian at that time did your mother nominal Christians just nominal Christians Oh God it seemed to me if you'd had a knife you could cut a chunk of that darkness out ooh and once you went through the darkness then down beneath me I could see fingers of light flickering on the walls of darkness and I came to the bottom of the pit and I saw the gates of Hell before me and beyond the gates giant orbs of flame wide Chris and it pulled me like a magnet you know you just fruit hmm and I knew once I went through the gates I couldn't come back so I tried to slow my descent down and there was a creature that met me I don't know what he looked like didn't exactly look at him because my gaze was riveted to Hell itself but he took me by the right arm to escort me in and and later on I found the scripture in Isaiah that said hell from beneath has moved to meet their thigh coming it's the day for the Wow yeah and so that creature took me by the arm to escort me in and there was a voice that spoke away above the barn blackness I don't know what he said cause it wasn't English I suppose a 1012 words but when he spoke that whole place shook like an earthquake was all the creature took his hand off my arm like a suction to your back like a magnet drawing metal I just float it back then I came up I came up on the porch outside the house I could see the giant trees in the yard went right through the wall and I saw my body lying there my grandmother was holding me in her arms and I'll eat inside my body through my mouth I got back inside my body I said to my grandmother we called her granny I said I'm going again I don't know how I knew it she and I wanted to tell mama goodbye and and so I left a word with her to tell you sort of a goodbye and I I went again wasn't there fear in your heart though what was your personal feelings at this time I'll tell you in a moment second time a think same thing happened except the second time I came up at the foot of the bed instead of on the porch and I saw my body lying there on the bed my grandmother holding minute I leap from the foot of the bed seemed like inside my mouth in my body and I said to my grandmother I'm going again I don't know how come I knew that but I said I'm going and and and I won't be back this time she said son I thought you wasn't coming back that time mm-hmm and so I left the final word and the third time now up till now I can't believe this is happening I think it's a it's a hallucination and so when I got down into the darkness I literally screamed god I belong to the church I've been baptized in water I'm trying to tell him I'm sure should be going this direction mm-hmm but there's no answer the only that caught my own voice is it resounded through them and I screamed the second I mean scream I don't mean just hollered mmm God I belong to the church I've been baptized in water same thing the third time there's no answer I came to the bottom of the pit same thing happened same creature met me same voice spoke and I came floating up as I began to come up I began to pray and that's God to forgive me and save me even though it was a church member thought or see mm hm and this time I came up at the side of the bed and when I got back inside my body my mouth picked up my prayer right in the middle of a sentence and continued to pray and I looked at the clock I felt to me like a two-ton weight rolled off in my chest I looked at the clock on grandpa's mantel Peter said 20 minutes till 8:00 all that happened in 10 minutes so I was born again 20 minutes late mm-hmm Saturday night 1933 now you're back in your body but you're still not really healed yet are you no no no I bet if I don't know a thing about healing I thought I had to die medical science said it had died yeah and so I I waited to die and at least you're saved now yeah at least I'm safe yeah now on the twenties on the not to get saved all you had to do was say what ask God to forgive me in Jesus name and accept him as Savior that was it that was it that's it we make it so hard don't we sometime oh yeah now four months later on August 16th 1933 132 afternoon now you see I was sick at home you know we didn't have all the hospitals but not like we do now no intensive care at all that you know what but no one was allowed in my room but one person in time doctors like we said made house calls so I said to my youngest brother running getting mom a quick I'm dying I knew because I've been dead I'm dying mm-hm and so he ran out of the room to get her and I left my body and I begin to ascend oh I went up actually the whole room filled with a white cloud you've seen sun shining on snow oh yeah dazzling the glory of God you remember the scripture said the psalmist said here God meet with his iron after he would receive me to glory and the whole room lit up and I went up I got up about where the top of the house should be not the ceiling that tie the roof of the house and I heard these words I didn't see anybody believe in Jesus these words in the English language now down that I don't know what the tongue was his font but the English thing said go back go back go back to the earth you can't come yet your work on Earth's not done and so I descended I came back down into the room I saw my body lying on the bed I saw my mother stupid old me with her my hand in hers again I leaped inside my body and I said mama I'm not going to die now she thought I'm in I'm not gonna die now this man I mean I'm not no die now I'm a living to the Word of God I didn't know how but now that was so sacred I never said I never said anything about that for 25 years really say something's too sacred to talk about yes sir but in talking about what it means to believe with the heart the inward man to prove you see that the inward man is an eternal being I give him scriptures then the Lord said give that experience mm-hmm so I began to give it my mother heard me on the radio and she said son you know I never heard that before I said well it's too sick I couldn't talk about it but she said the way you tell it that just happened if - a few seconds I said well yeah well let me tell you our side said Pat come running back to the kitchen said mama mama granny granny kids are dying she said I was close to the door I ran up the hallway through the dining room into your bedroom and I couldn't get in the bedroom it was filled with a child you can't you couldn't enter in mm-hmm and so I backed off against the dining room table and stood then preed and Granny mama her mama came right behind it she didn't look she hit the open door now and bouncing back like you'd run into a giant rubber ball Jesus she backed up halfway the dining room made another run couldn't get in she backed all the way across the dining room run the third time and said she said while in me you can't see the color room filled with a cloud yeah I can't see the bed I can't see the the chest of drawers I can't see the rocker I can't see candy and and hung on to the door facing to keep him followed him she said it was ten minutes before we could get in the room we couldn't get into the cloud lifted well is that when you were healed then oh no no not yet a year later I was healed well not tell me about that no what was what was the glory cloud about what what were you experiencing when when that was going on well the Word of God said you remember concerning them Stephen when he was stoned the first martyr yes Jesus that's right Hannah thought he saw the glory of God and Jesus mm-hmm the glory of God the glory of God appeared all through the Old Testament filled the temple as a cloud when it dedicated it yeah priest couldn't stand to Minister what-what years later now what was the purpose of that glory cloud at that time in your room what was the purpose of that no purpose up they know that's where everybody goes when they die is a Christian okay okay now will God me with on I the psalmist said and afterwards received me to go into glory there is a glory world oh yes you've seen it haven't ya well as I said I waited to die because the doctor said I had to die mm-hmm but I I couldn't get into the Bible you know it took me from April to till November to get through Matthew and into mark because you see I I could read some time ten minutes a day and I can't see I mean all I see the white page of black dots and I lay in a stupor of the rest of the day and during the summer I was in a coma nine weeks out of the thirteen I'd come to you and ask mama what time is it she didn't know what day it is and so in November though I got into mark 11:23 in 24 not that far when I read those verses something inside me said that's where it is that's it and so then I still didn't know how to exercise my faith you see because I had been taught and I asked Christians and they all said healing has been done away with yes see now mark 11:23 for the folks Jan red from the Living Bible but quoted from the good old king now how does he say it who said of this mountain shall not doubt in his heart but should be those things we say it shall come to pass healed how once every sin therefore said you want things have you desire when you pray believe you receive them and you shall have them okay amen I mean now you see the devil said to me and you know I didn't know what the devil of time we say something said do you mind that doesn't mean whatever you desire physically or financially that just means what things soever you desire spirit spiritual spiritually I see but I stopped in November to see reading reading Matthew or mark 11:23 in 24 and I something inside me said did you notice and not read over it now did you notice the woman with the issue of blood the fifth chapter mark that her faith made her whole that's what Jesus said isn't it I said no I didn't notice and so I couldn't you see I became your times is totally paralyzed and then parsley all the time in other words the day I was here my mother bathed me out baby self I regained some use of the upper part of about it from my waist down I didn't have any fear I didn't feel like thing down there mmm but I could I couldn't pick up a page and turn it I can move my hand and scooted across the page he'd take me some time ten minutes to move one page I got back to the fifth chapter Martin beginning to read of the 25th verse there's a certain one with issue of blood who suffered many things and many physicians with nothing better but rather grew worse when you heard of Jesus came in the press behind touched His garment for she said if I may but touch his clothes I shall behold and straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague and immediately Jesus known within himself that virtue are power the Greek said had gone out of him turned him about and said who touched me but the disciple said the multitude thronging with Ian si si who touched me but the woman fearing and trembling came and fell down before him and told him all the truth now verse 34 jesus said daughter thy faith has made behold yes yes I said that's right that's right and then that inward voice said did you really - a face had been done away with see they said if healing had been done away with yeah yeah I said I stopped and thought about all my Sunday School teachers pastors no no I said never heard anybody say faith have been done to where the inward voice said no and you never will for Ephesians 2:8 said by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourself is a gift of God so if fates have been done away with and there's nobody saying ooo you think that's what the invert voice said yes if faith been done away with then there is no church you know then there are no believers now the Lord is talking I said that's right then the inward voice said if her faith made in her whole your faith can make you home oh now we're getting close now from November 1933 until August of 1934 see nine more months I'm still bed faith now if somebody come into my room with a baseball bat and said we're going to beat you from the top of your head to the soles of your feet till you die or else you say your faith won't make you whole I said start beating I'll die yes yes but I didn't know how to turn the faith loose I couldn't make it work for me there's a key isn't there but there is but you see it's so simple when you see it now in the 8th day of August 1934 then mama had bathed me let me propped up on a couple of pillows my Bible open to mark 11:23 in 24 and so I said to the Lord in prayer now Lord Jesus if you if you stood here by my bedside in the flesh and held my hand like mama does sometime look down in her face said son your problem is you don't believe now I'd already said to him you said right here in your word when you pray I prayed you said believe I said I believe I said I'd have to say - I said it economy I said I'd have to say - dear Lord geez then you see though Jesus said when he's come talking about the Spirit of Truth he'll not speak of himself he does speak but he'll not speak of himself but whatever he hears he would speak so the Holy Ghost who was in you if you're born again and the Christian then he'll say whatever Jesus said sure so he said you do believe all right as far as you know that's the second revelation on faith I received you can't believe me on actual knowledge you do believe as far as you know secondly that means I don't know enough okay if you don't have enough faith because you don't know enough and then he said but that last clause goes with that verse and quote and you shall have them I see what things have you desire when you pray for have you receive them and you'll have and you shall have them I said I see it I see it now I didn't mean to start with my head I mean I got it here I see it while I'm still lying here paralyzed they haven't moved to pick I got to believe I receive healing from paralysis well my heart's still not beating right I got to believe I received healing for the deformed heart while the blood in the doctor said if you didn't everything else that's incurable blunders he's alone would prove to be fatal to you I gotta believe I receive it my position is I gotta believe I receive my healing his yes he sees to it I have it okay so I began to say out loud I believe I'll receive healing I believe my heart's healed I believe in promises he'll I had no evidence of it now is that then the key to speak it out loud your mouth later on the Lord said to me in teaching he said i'ma go teach my Peter May of 1950 go teach my people faith I've taught you faith through my word I permitted you to go through certain experiences now and you've learned faith both by my word and through experience and I go teach my people art I've taught you and so I've done that I've been faithful to do that well he said to me mark 11:23 said whosoever shall say unto this mountain be that'll be that cast in the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe those things which he saith shall come to pass he'll have whatsoever he saith he said to me the word say or saith is in that verse three times the word believes in that verse once people have been taught to believe but he said you'll have to do 3 times as much teaching on the same part when you do on the believing part to get people to see it so it's the saying of it yeah that's how you release your faith that's how you turn your faith loose that's how you're saved in the first place for with the heart man believeth and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation thanks true same way you get healed same way you get here same way you get filled the spirit same way you get back to the prayer you sent okay if somebody's sick out there right now what would you tell them to do well I'd tell them it primarily first of all if they're Christian get into the word for themselves yes sir and and act on that word and began to confess that word and say according to the Word of God I have this or I have that whatever it is it's did you begin to do that then oh yeah I began to do that how long before you had the manifestation then of your evil in my case within the hour I was standing how the bed will in an hour yeah within the hour within the hour see I began now I've never heard anybody praise God in my life I've never heard anybody say praise the Lord I've never heard anybody say hallelujah no I've heard people say Amen at the end of a prayer that's all but I had an urge from within to praise God and so I began to do that and I began to say praise God thank you lord thank you for my healing praise God yeah and then I heard these words see a Holy Ghost is repeating the words of Jesus now you believe that you are well believe that you are well okay I said I certainly do I have new to pick I'm still paralyzed I've got every sip - never had but I believe him well he said get up then oh well people ought to be up to 10:30 in the morning well I made an effort to get up I had to push my feet off of the bed I had some use of my arms and I just wrapped him around the bedpost and you know and leaned over here my knees sagging against the floor and I said that position don't know evidence but I said in the presence of Almighty God the Lord Jesus Christ the Holy Spirit the Holy Angels and the devil and all of his cohorts I say but to announce according to the Word of God I'm healed [Applause] something struck me at the top of the head like a warm my body like somebody poured a pitcher honey on you know yes sir [Music] when it went down my legs my legs began to hurt I had to know feeling like you somebody's sticking 10,000 pins in your legs I told Fox it hurt so bad I could have cried if it hadn't felt so good life was coming back yeah and I'm standing up straight and what did mama say 64 years have come and gone I'm still evil what did your mother say when she and grandpa and granny but they say they really didn't say anything out of it really I went to the table to sit down to eat and grandpa said is the dead raised how you to think that the whole household would have been swinging from the chandelier praising God but you came from a pretty formal that's it that's the Church of Oh Leah oh yeah I see Oh dad this is see this is the key this is the key this occasion can junior tell us I mean starting what may the third the third right now if you've just gotten a little taste I mean there is so much more to this so we've finally found a time every Sunday morning at 7 o'clock that'll be 9 o'clock culture time 10 o'clock on the East Coast but this word of faith what it's going to be taught every week right here on the church Rhema Bible Church Rhema praise would call it ok and we'll be preaching and teaching faith in that the church and we get about we got about 9700 members and we get about 5,000 of them there every Sunday morning and we just have a good time in the Lord sometimes the whole go Falls and I pray for the sick and we don't even get any preacher you told me that Rhema ministries worldwide now though God has mightily blessed you give me a quick little well review before I ask you another question here all right we've got 18,000 graduates from Rhema Bible Training Center in the last 20 well we're graduating 24th class this year we've got graduates in 95 countries preaching the gospel every we got Rhema grads on every continent preaching the gospel even down in Antarctica we've got a good we just heard read all about him to you two years ago wasn't it dad that we heard we have two Rhema grads down there that are holding Bible studies with the scientists teams that are down there doing those all those experiments and stuff we have 1,200 pastors that are pastoring churches here in here in America that are Rhema grass is a part of the Rhema ministerial fellowship and that doesn't count all of the associates and the evangelists and the children's ministers and the youth ministers and the music ministers that that's the faith is going around the world it never right right now and we got a hundred aiken campus with 12 buildings now so we've we've grown since the last time we was on the program with God had just been blessing us it's so wonderful you sent me a little tape Ken and and I listened to your message and the truth is so powerful and it sort of ties in with Jan's favorite little scripture first Corinthians 13 though I speak with the tongues of men and angels but have not love I'm nothing is basically what that scripture says right and you pointed out that it was a powerful word you know you can have spiritual gifts you can have faith you can have all these wonderful other things stuff that Pop's been talking about but none of it works does it without without love without faith Paul said faith works by love right a lot of people have faith and they really believe God and they really have faith but they're still not getting anything it's because they're not walking in love toward their fellow man they're not walking in love toward their family they're not walking in love toward anybody how did they change that well they simply have to begin to get a hold of the Word of God and remember what he said he said love the Lord thy God with all thy heart all of mine all thy soul every all thy being every part of you your spirit so body everything love God with all your heart and then practice the commandment of the New Testament see the New Testaments only one commandment in the ax Testament the commandment of life that is and Jesus gave it there in the Gospels and if you live according to the commandment of love you won't break any of the ten that is that's the secret living in love but you see if you have love you will have relationships and that is a key that the Lord's been dealing we've been here lately and I'm going to come out with some teaching in a series on that pretty soon all relationships there in fact in my teaching on the home and family I got a I got a four tape video series or three tape video series called I taught him to the church cause is your house really a home I deal with love and I deal with a couple other things and then I deal with something that is very important rules without relationship bring rebellion that's what's happening with a lot of Christians they're having trouble coming in line with the Word of God because they don't have a relationship with God hmm they've accepted Jesus that some time in their life but they have never established a relationship with God therefore when the rules of God start to be applied to their life they begin to buck and begin to begin to go another direction when they try to start believing God for finances start to try to believe in God for healing believing God for anything they don't get anything because they don't have any love they don't have any relationship with God I learned this from him as a boy growing up I learned this at home around Mike in table and love it's basically just a choice isn't it's a job you've chose so what you're telling me then is all of this good stuff that dad's been talking to us about none of it works unless you have love you have love do you know what everybody talks about him about his faith do you know the greatest thing about him it's his love walk I'm I'll be 59 years old this year I lived in his house until I was 20 when I went to the army when I was 28 - I guess and then been with him all these years working with him ministering with him and I have never heard him say anything bad about anybody in fact people will come and ask him about some things and he might know something about something and mother was saying after that leave she said why didn't you tell them something so they wouldn't get in trouble he said well he said I don't want anything to come out of my mouth against anybody else said I'll pray that the Lord will direct them but he said I don't believe it's my responsibility to speak bad about anybody in all in all of the years that I've been with him since I can remember I have never ever heard him speak evil against anybody and he taught me this and I still live by this never hold a grudge against anybody a man no matter what they do what they say or anything else and I patterned my life of that and I preached that away and I and I preached to the church that was if you hold hardness and bitterness in your heart love goes out the other direction love's gone and really it doesn't hurt that person it hurts you hurt you it stops you from receive from God exactly that's what it's all about all right spiritually mentally or physically you don't have to walk in love yes sir I tell people you know I've been here now for 64 years last headache I had was August 1933 [Laughter] okay what can we do without going in great detail about my life and I'm holding a meeting in an adjoining state number of years ago and the young minister and his wife both of Max are ordained ministers Pentecostal we didn't know until we held a meeting not four of them they went to this church in his hometown that their youngest child three years of it had blip see they brought to a doctor here in Los Angeles and the doctor said it's worst case he'd ever seen in 38 years of practice well they're trying to believe God for the healing of that child now when we started the meeting and they invited my wife and I the very first night to go have a sandwich with the maceration so we we were eating and she said brother hang and you've got me get me in trouble now so I said oh no no use in trouble before I got here God showed it up with what's the problem well said you said tonight in your sermon I quoted from first John three you know 14 and 15 where he said he that hateth his brothers are murder you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him and I added he that a brother I said that means mother-in-law 200 it means anyway but I but I just happen to say that and so I said well what's your prompt said well I hate my mother-in-law oh dear you put your finger right on it the finger I don't see well I said I knew she really didn't know what instead of letting her love that said see the love of God shed abroad in our hearts but people looked ahead dominate him I said look me in the eye and say I hate him the mother-in-law and check here so she reached over the table and said well I hate my mother I said what help me said there's something down there scratching me I said the love of God trying to constrain you mm-hmm what's he saying what am I gonna do here's a secret I said act like you would if you did love him because what you do oh love like faith is revered in action and word yeah yeah well a few nights later she I said wife on Friday night we had no said I've invited my mother-in-law and my sisters and loan their brother-in-law to come to my house for refreshments hadn't been having anything to do with one another mm-hmm so we invited us to go we went that's when I found out the child had epilepsy she went around which to me said you were right I don't hate them said they love the Christians and I was wrong well they're trying to believe God for the healing you go through a preliminary attack before you're the main seizure where I understand him mm-hmm they gave you some medication that'll help but it doesn't stop so this for we went to church see call to see when I come out of the child was gone in this preliminary attack would you come by and pray when the Lord said go unless he says go on don't go cuz if you went for one you had to go for all them and so we went now we got in the car and started my life and I sit in the front seat nobody in the back seat but to me just is really somebody sitting in the back seat said don't pray for the child don't lay hands on the child don't know what child don't know what a North the child was all when you get that say to the mother I said to Israel walk in my statutes and my Commandments do that which is right in my sight and I'll take sickness away from the midst of your number you days you fulfilled paraphrasing that a New Testament language you walk in my commandment of love keep my precept of love do that which is right in my sight which is to walk in love see that that covers all of them yes sir I'll take sickness away from the midst of you number your days you fulfill say mother say to Satan Satan I'm walking in love take your hand off my child I mean fast I got down my mouth now that child's in this seizure oh you know she turned and said Satan I'm walking in love take care of my child my wife at a she's right there face you snap your finger that's it whoa hey she's moving yeah the Lord needs a hand on that one okay but see that worked for anybody now see now a few months few weeks before she's not walking in love but now she's got into love it was a choice wasn't a choice see ya how you do it act like you would if you did love them because you do whoa whoa whoa that's there's another key now there's another key good are y'all taking notes everybody getting a hold of this of their call here's a nice thing see what's what's Tony is he is he Rema I what is he he's over there I'm a is also social pastor to church but he's also over Rhema ministry associate I had a little note from he said last year a Rhema stood a Rhema Graduate started a church that is pioneered a new work or else accepted the pastor of a church and for two and a half days Oh before you leave I got one more question burn Jackson's gonna sing you one more song by me Lord but I'll get you out of here by 8:30 okay like you say I'm good I'm a Christian am I supposed to be poor don't answer that we'll answer that in just a minute and there's some good truths and some good teaching that's coming through from two of God's great servants revered Kenneth Hagin senior and junior and in a minute we'll give you a little address for those of you that want to get in touch when does school windiest need to write and get the catalog and start right now you can write and get it right now they're at we're filling out applications except your students right at this present time there it is even as we speak people also is that right 501 to 6 Tulsa Oklahoma right that's it also we are now Rhema Bible Training Center we now and the NBC AAA the National Bible College Athletic Association and we a basketball team now you have to come to school there's no scholarship saying but you come to school first to study for the ministry but if some of the guys out there and girls goes we have a girls team too that they play basketball they can study for the ministry and they get a little icing on the cake to play a little basketball why not we had one of those from one of over here in California he was on the team he and now he's at oru finishing up and gonna be on their team if this song had been written back at the time brother Hagin was going through all of this sickness and everything this have been a good song why me Lord what did I ever do to deserve even one of the blessings you give let's tell Verne Jackson we love him as he sings gets keep your Bibles out [Applause] [Music] why me Lord what have I ever done to deserve even one of the blessings of no tell me Lord what did I Perdue that was worth loving you for the kindness you show lord help me Jesus I've wasted it so help me Jesus I know [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jews me Jesus my souls in your try me Lord if you think there's [Music] I can try to read from you maybe Lord I can show what up and threw myself on my way back to Jesus I've wasted I know [Applause] [Music] Jews [Music] my sauce [Music] Jesus [Music] I know [Music] Jesus my soul jeez my souls in your [Music] thank you very beautiful beautiful song and look at people are getting saved that's what we asked the Lord for tonight as they've heard this tremendous testimony brother Hagin about how the Lord brought to you literally back from the dead and you gave your heart to Jesus they said we want to be saved too can't read them all but Cecil from Killeen Texas 53 years old for the first time gay Bruce thank God hard to Jesus and here's Adam from Santa Ana California 17 for the first time giving his heart to Jesus and probably a hundred here that have given their lives to the Lord Jesus you know one quick little thing aside here real quickly Jan just asked off well Vernon was singing said now dad come on really you haven't had a headache and since 1933 and then you said have you ever had the symptom of any sickness and if you had what do you do immediately and you said I said I've had the symptoms of headaches three times in 64 years and I resist them how do you resist it well I refuse to have it how do you do that just say can they believe it's that spoken word again whoever says say to the mountain yeah whether it's a headache or a yeah or a real mountain and I haven't had the flu in all these years now three times I've had symptoms that lasted for ten minutes one time I had more of a struggle hour and a half but then every symptom left me in that hour and a half what were you saying constantly saying I refuse this out the devil said you got it well you got it this time and then oh no I don't have it I refuse to accept it yeah Paul in all the years mine all the years the only time I've ever seen him with symptoms of sickness I've never seen him really really sick but the only time I've ever seen him with symptoms of sickness is when God was dealing with him to do something and he didn't do it and the minute that he asked God to forgive him and started doing it and said he would do it you know gone just like that just like you snap your face it oh there's some truths here that we needed a little refresher course you've got yes because that reminded yes sir yes sir do you have a little word sweetie before we somebody sent me this today and you know I really didn't know if it would fit in tonight but I think it does because it's about people who have faults and how we want to criticize and want to not love certain people for certain things and then in the end we see that the answer is love and that's just what you were talking about someone sent me this and I love for people to do that it says I'll pray not find fault with the man who limps and stumbles along the road because unless I've worn the shoes that he wears I have our have struggled beneath his load there may be tax in his shoes that hurt though hidden away from my view and the burdens he bears if placed on my back might cause me to stumble to I may be strong but still the blows that were his if dealt to me in the same self way in the same self time might cause me to stagger too I'll not speak too harsh to that man that sins or Pelt him with words of stone unless I am sure yes doubly sure that I've not a single sin of my own I'd not do as he did I'd not say what he said I'd not there I've said it again did I send more than he by just saying the words I'd not ever do that sin for you know perhaps if the old temperatures voice had Twiss purred the same to me as it did to him and he was oh so weak would it have caused me to stumble to so love is the way the only way and we all know that this is true for when we were all destined to go to hell for our sins I heard Father forgive them they know not what they do strike out and hurt other people but that's not the way no we're all just sinners saved by grace amen you know there's one other little thing before we talk just a minute about and and we've got 27 minutes before I have to let you get to the airplay on this April the 23rd at 10 minutes past 8 o'clock yeah close to three minutes past I have learned so much not only about faith but many other things from brother Hagin through the years and I'll never forget honey yet I believe it was it it was up at brother Fred prices Church you were ministering up there and I was and all this sure about being slain in the spirit you know us Germans don't get slain very easy and you know some people get slain in the spirit but some of us have to stay on our feet to direct traffic but I'll never forget dad you came along in Jan 9 just getting started this was back in the 70s way way way back there you probably remember the day but you came along and you laid your hands on Jan and me and that was the night also that the the holy laughter came upon you and we all began to light in fact I've got a little clip I'm gonna bow Tam init long so we'll take a minute of your time but I for the first time now you know some people kind of swoon some people I think kind of feel obligated to be slain in the spirit but I want to tell you something this was real I mean God came down and knocked the slats out of me and I went under the power of the Holy Spirit and it was a glorious experience and I don't really know why God does that I don't why does God do that unless you just a bless let's see yeah well it does well we all got blessed that night and watch your screen there for just a minute because you got blessed that night now watch this will bring you'll tell me the date here in a minute [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] Caleb Alba Jana ah hallelujah somebody's oh my said kylo romantic who see me please God well I know we like to be sedate everything in good order now you remember that like it was yesterday Thank You senators June of 74 75 75 75 what was okay what was so funny no you can see last in the spirit disguise you get blessed just the blessing of joy joy joy unspeakable and full of glory that will heal depression kingdom of God is not meat and drink but it's righteousness peace and joy in the Holy Ghost and God sends a revival of joy just like sometimes we need a revival of healing because that truth needs to be revived I'll take some of it tonight remember what Matthew say it our son when he was directing that night do you remember that he was directing out he came around after that and he he had tears in his eyes after he was directing that night when this happened and he said you know mom I said I the Holy Spirit filled that truck where they were directing and he said I literally the the Holy Spirit came so strong in that truck he said I couldn't even see the buttons he said I was literally just in the spirit directing because he said it was so real in that room he said I mean we we all in in the auditorium that night it was just unreal people were slain healed oh you and I went down together and and we were going through some pretty deep waters at that time brother Hagin because TBN was just coming to birth just being born at that time and boy Satan had thrown he's still throwing everything but the kitchen sink at us right now yeah yeah yeah but I've learned a few things how to stand my ground now are we supposed to be poor oh he was rich yet for our sakes he became poor speaking of Jesus that through his poverty we might be rich now that's been used by many to say if you're gonna be sweet humble Christian you should be poor like Jesus you notice the fact that was that we might be rich if he's talking about him being poor from that standpoint then it said that he he bore our poverty that we might not have to buy poverty so he said that you might be rich let's see they all say that that only means spiritual riches we're only supposed to be spiritual it said about what the devil said about mark 11:23 in 24 what was that that just applies to spiritual blessings and don't mean physical material financial he lied to you didn't he oh that's right and Jesus didn't become spiritually poor oh no no became physically poor there's no way they castrate you're poor couldn't heal the sick raise the dead but the thing about it you can't build anything on one verse true that is doctrine right but I you know because we are well talked you know our failure the right teaching I tell folks I began is Baptist and we Baptists you know prayed for the pastor Lord you keep him on but we'll keep him for know yeah then I got baptized with the Holy Ghost poke with other tongues got over under Pentecostals and they doubled up on it will keep him poor and I pastored twelve years more than one church actually four churches over the 12-year period and we struggle financially I can't vouch for what the Bible teaches yes sir and so by the leading of the Lord I left my last Church in 1949 but all what we call field ministry going from church to church holding revival meetings yes sir well I'm out there a year I wore my car out and you just had to sell it for junk you can't sell it you know what I mean I got enough money out of it I think $160 mm-hmm I got enough money I'd ever to buy the kids a few clothes and to pay the interest on a note I had in East Texas and Henderson Texas the First National Bank minister that went on my note then a note I had people State Bank in Tyler Texas one of my Deacons last church a pastor went on my note and the First National Bank in Garland Texas another note brother would the local pastor went home my house and that hundred and fifty paid all that off paid the interest take the interest on Isis buying a few clothes that's it I'll lay it out on the field of foot hmm so I got it all down on the sheet of paper I got a hold of the verse in the Bible where God said if you'd be willing and obedient you'll eat the good of the land mm-hmm well if you eat the good of the land that means you'll be on top yes sir and so I said down Lord I left my church and I really didn't want to leave and my church here's what they paid me last year the last year I was there plus they furnish the parsonage with all utilities plus they sent my wife and I to convince is necessary to go to paid our way and hotel build everything usually buy us a new suit to go new dress plus there's always bringing us something to eat probably fed us half of what we ate mm-hmm now here I got 1/3 as much as much money as the church paid me Russ had to pay my own rent plus I had a normal travel expense you first I had to go to convince in my own expense hmm we're living in a three-room not three-bedroom three room apartment Kim has to sleep the bed out of a back porch the summertime in the kitchen sleep on the rollaway bed in the kitchen we're not eating the good of the land my children are not adequately clothed what's wrong they're not adequately fed and I said you said if you'd be willing and obedient you'll eat the good of the land and I fasted I'm in a meeting I preached every night we had no bee services then but I said but I went on the fact that the third day of my face the Lord said the reason you're not eating the good of the land is you don't qualify what you don't qualify right well I grabbed my stomach my stomach felt like somebody hit me it's done with the fist I mean really literally hurt I said Lord you hitting me a low blow I hope made you you said she'd be willing obedience I all made you yeah but he said you weren't willing oh you just got through saying I'd rather stay there okay now you didn't take me 10 seconds to get willing I'm the one with God knows I'm willing you know I'm willing the Holy Ghost knows I'm when the devil knows I'm okay you're talking again now I'm speaking I'm talking yes but you see you can be willing and obedient and yet your own thinking and if you think wrong you believe wrong and if you believe around your talk wrong mm-hmm has to be corrected yeah so he said to me go back to the book of beginnings I knew that was Genesis yes sir he said I made the world and the fullness thereof and he said to me the fiftieth some said the world the fullness thereof his gods he went on to say the silver and the gold is God's the psalmist also tells us at cattle of a Thousand Hills of the Lord's he said now they're not mine because they're in my hands they're mine because I created them yes but for whom do you think I created them the devil and his crowd no I created all of those things before man was every can't ever came now then I got him here for him so I made my man at him and I said Adam I'll give you dominion over all the work of my hands then he's gotten dominion over the cattle of a thousand hills he's gotten a million over the silver the gold in one sense of the word you could say he became Adam became the god of this world of course now in second Corinthians the fourth chapter the fourth verse the Bible said Satan's a god of this world yes sir how did Satan become the god of this world Adam committed high treason gave it up yes gave it over to it and Satan's got a right to be here and he and his cohorts will be here until Adams lease runs out he meant mmm-hmm well I saw that then I saw that then the Lord said to me don't pray for finances anymore or money like you have you know go we beg very Meg slobbered he said well I said what do I do he said you number one you claim what you need now at that time 1950 genuine actually took hundred fifty dollars a week to meet my budget all right then you claim that okay and then once you claim to say I claim he said he said the money's not up here I'm not gonna send it it rain him down from eben I don't have to counterfeit I'm not a counterfeit so you say and it's not me that's withholding from your children no it's Satan the god of this world you you first claim what you need or want and then he said you say Satan take your hand off of my money and then you say go ministering spirits and calls it to come go ministering ministering spirits you're talking to the Angels now and I said now that's brand-new that's revelation I've never got anything like that you know and that's different and what we've been taught yes I said Lorna well now you know I'm gonna have to have some scripture for that I mean hi he said well didn't you ever read the book of Hebrews where it said angels our ministering spirits were sent to minister far those who err there's of salvation I said I thought that said minister to us no he said it says far I had open my Bible and read it sure enough it said minister far he said there there to minister far you like for instance he said you go into arrested and the waiter or waitress comes there that they're not there to minister to you their minister for you yes you give the order and they carry it out now you give the order so gold ministering spirits and calls the money to come then we're forgetting I was in my room and the parsonage I stayed the party I got up went over to the church I'm sitting on the platform trembling and I said I claim a hundred and fifty dollars this week I'm just gonna be there one week Satan take your hand off of my money it gold ministering spirits and calls the money to come you're saying this out loud now take it out to the church no just as a church by yourself okay okay well don't back over thousand lead down took me now let that citizen I don't he said don't pray so I don't pray I said to the pastor now we were in texted East Texas and there's and habit of taking a pledge offer and I said when he comes sting up and offer me just passed the plate and say this is brother Hagins offering why he said nothing and you won't get a quarter don't make any pull now I was in the same church the year before two weeks the same people are there they got two people different two weeks two weeks the year before were the same people in two weeks times I got a hundred $14.67 that means not you got fifty seven dollars twenty seven cents a week yes now if you'd have said to them said to 5s at all man we couldn't beat that or if you'd said to set a hundred dollars my lord of Jesus Christ Himself is it [Music] painted yeah yeah so what I said and he said well we passed the plate Tuesdays and Thursdays and Sunday night for the families I said okay just say that said little as you can this brother Hagins offering nice to pray well we got to go in real good and I had another meeting come but he said could you still and I stayed through Wednesday so I changed it made it 200 at the end of the ten days I've got two hundred and forty two dollars someone sends me pastor in those days they just gave it to ya he said I can't believe him well I I just laughed at myself because I knew he wouldn't understand if it tried to explain it to him the difference was you spoke it in that never for me personally I've never prayed about finances and again yeah I claim it but I don't pray like we used to breathe him he came home and he got us our we was at the breakfast table he got us at the breakfast table and he he told us what we did do now that's the way we prayed he was wherever the meeting was that's the way the family prayed at home we would claim whatever it was if he needed more he would write mother and I wrote everyday to one another all those years and he had write and tell her and she said okay kids this is what we that's what we believe in for why we claim it we'd say the same thing he told us this I never gave you a couple more testimonies please I went down Alabama meeting a little church I drove you know straight through got there about midnight on a Saturday you know no freeways you know and I said that apparently peanuts in Memphis and I drove all day long until midnight you go ahead and preach this morning I'll start the revival tonight I sit there and counted 73 people counting me and every kid I got no nursery the devil said to me I'm sitting on the platform the patter I don't listen a party priest said I'm or you prayed for you prayed played way that's a good Texas especially you know what I mean playing away Lee yeah would you aired or missed it like no one didn't got in the way better you played away Lee you played the way Lee okay I got you now yeah yeah yeah okay southern people understand that you come all the way down you won't get enough money to get back home now hell he's preaching I sit there and quietly said I claimed a hundred and fifty dollars a week Satan take your hand over my finances Gold ministering spirits and calls the money to come I was there three weeks never prayed another Pryor said another word at the end of three weeks I got nine hundred and some odd dollars and he bought me a new set of tires from a car the pastor did fade out that it didn't that happen I could get seconds had new experience after experience so pastors would tell me fine if you've never told us in thing as you told us how to believe God for finances now then pastors would tell me though now you understand though that well you're the bandits had to work for you but now we pastors so I said Lord I know you told me that I couldn't pastor anymore but if you could arrange it somewhere another I want to prove this out the Bible said prove all things I prove everything out before I go with it you don't just jump and run with a revelation or whatever and so I hadn't preached it I just talked to the pastors about it see privately and so a pastor there in Dallas I held a meeting for him seven week 1953 seven weeks revival and then he said to me brother Hagin I'm gonna be going this summer I'm going on evangelistic mission air tour and would you stay and do the pre see now the so shi'ite pastor did the pastor work all you got to do just do the preaching Sunday morning Sunday night Tuesday night Friday night and then he had a daily radio program well and I said how pretty I prayed about and the Lord said do it here's your opportunity to prove what she's talking about now he was gonna review three and a half months the last Sunday of the he was there the end of May he was encouraging people to be faithful I just sit there on the platform very quiet they said because now his radio program was a thirty seven hundred and fifty don't sound like a lot of money now but we're talking about you know forty five years ago yes thirty seven hundred fifty dollars in the red they were going to put him off he has to pay so much each week that's he gone he and so the the church said well it really just his broadcast you know as a pastor the Deacon board said well it you know it helps the church and so Tuesday night is radio night often goes to during my revival for seven weeks they never took under forty five minutes and usually an hour and a half raising money because they're going off you know they'd come on saying that you know you know got to hear from you so I sat down on the platform and said quietly to the Lord I claimed ever need met radio never needed the church I didn't know what figured to give but and say and and that when end of summer the parents are coming back will be in the black not in the red in every area and seat can take your hand off our money go mrs. Pierce cause the money to come and I was there three months and they prayed another prayer about it other you know way to take up and off when you pray pray you know I'm of course now then he left the the assistant associate pastor you know he's still on the radio but the first Tuesday night I didn't get to him so he spent 45 minutes raising we got to go we don't lose his program so I said to him don't do that anymore lose that we have to I said no no and I said on the radio don't say we're going off you talk about the lack of money that keeps it from coming in and I said well he said you know I said okay I'll just Pat and said well I couldn't pay except give you that so but anyway I told her I said okay and so they had a person that they called him radio Minister Cody answered to me you he told me he said right in the summertime which didn't usually never done said doubled at the end of the summer we got his radio program paid out of the black out of the red and into black we had a meeting with all the board members to secretary-treasurer and he gave the report and we had eight cents over well you don't understand you're necessarily we always go in the red ever said we have an emergency fund this is the first time in eight years that I've been here eight years well I said all I claimed was we'd go into Mike we're in the black I proved it worked in the church all these same principles Rhema Bible Church I used these same principles paid off twelve million dollars in six years from now February 90% off besides operating the expensive sport and missions and everything else from February of 92 to July of 98 the Rhema Bible Church paid I was gonna pay off twelve million dollars these same principle I was in eighth grade I had how bad will roll wherever I could roll it and put it out there but after then I had bedroom thanks God dear friends let me tell you if you have enjoyed this tremendous teaching that we have had from the Word of God tonight tune in every Sunday morning at 7 o'clock California time eight o'clock Phoenix nine o'clock Tulsa at 10 o'clock Miami and you will hear some of this good teaching and preaching colors from Brima in Tulsa Oklahoma brother Hagin I promised I'd get you out of here by 8:30 it's 8:28 and now you do you do pray for the sick but as with as you lead us in prayer for these many people who are hurting and in need of physical touch do you want to give them a final little word of that they ought to be saying something as we're praying shouldn't yes yes yes tell them what to do is we're praying well you just say I believe I receive I believe when you pray believe you receive yes I believe I'll receive my healing praise God father lay hands upon these right now claiming the healing is on each and every one of these it's written on these pieces of paper of Jesus we thank you dear father because healing belongs to me now when you pray believe that you receive and you shall have we believe we receive and everyone who hears has just now repeats with their mouths [Music] Paul and Silas in jail in Philip I'd midnight they prayed and sang praises to God yes the answer came while they were singing praises yes so began to praise him for yielding a man a man and all the church said a man a man let's tell brothers Hagin we love them very much appreciate being here tonight [Applause] and don't be so lone coming back you've got I know hey you may have talked to more people tonight than you did in your home the way our director of all of our television used to be with with you here Demian Craig Steve I know I met Drake he was he was here tonight and you've got a fine young man to help you work god bless you Vern Jackson sings another great song that will bless both of you tonight as we change the order here a little bit we've got another wonder of one of your disciples is here tonight Thompson my brother man Laroy Thompson senior Word of Life Christian Center from daro Louisiana is here tonight and he has written a book I guess the Lord wants us to talk a little bit about money tonight he's written a book entitled money cometh to the body of Christ hey hey we'll get into that just a little bit but let's tell brother Hagin and brother Hagin one more time we do love [Applause] the precious word of the Lord our own plane now so we're trying to get back more please please please you going to three days right thanks besides we can make it a little easier on you now Jan we've got a nice place in Dallas in Nashville and a little closer to Tulsa yeah and if we'd had time I'd love to told the story of the time you came to Oklahoma City and you stepped out of the car into the red mud about that deep and it went up to your cowboy boots and Lee was that was a that was a funny funny story we helped dad clean up his boots and we got him on and before the program is over his feet and boots looked like red brick a little bit when you come again sometime burn Jackson sings a great song long winding road we're on that old road right now and we dedicate this to brother Hagin [Music] when made must start I could only find one way [Music] that mean Mountain through the valley [Music] that many folks today since I started all my journey many many many behind me [Music] of smiles and pain the roads been rough but I again would choose the same [Music] keep on leading me [Music] up ahead see I that points me straight ahead to my I must be traveling right [Music] and although it's dusty and the road is ooh for years it's for the travelers low someday [Music] our sometimes when the rocks hurt my feet my old body burns from the sweat and the heat my strength is drained July both sparks the pain my back is bent from the string I could turn around for the old road it's still there but every mountain that I've climbed I again would have to bear you see I can't turn back someone may be using my tracks I see one that just might be this roads in [Music] keep on meeting me [Music] I see a sign that points me straight ahead to my baby [Music] I know I must be traveling right I remember passing cash and although it's dusty and the road is old and for years it's for the devil's own someday this world will turn to go and for some this roads already to go and for me someday this road will turn to [Music] that song I know many of you want to get in touch with learn Jackson let's get a dress up there quickly those of you that Verne has moved he is now up in Long Beach California so some of you will want to jot a new little address down to Verne if you want in touch with him about his ministry his music has traveled his itinerary there it is 800 East Ocean Boulevard suite 703 Long Beach California 908 oh - hey he's even on the internet for heaven's sake boy we're coming up in the world air wearing Jackson let's say hello to a wonderful new brother at least to me he is a disciple I would say of brother Kenneth Hagin senior son son that's a better way of putting innocent dr. leroy thompson senior he is a teacher author pastor founder of Word of Life Christian Center baptized in the Holy Spirit in 1984 teaches how to live the life of faith how to walk by faith and not by sight how to keep the devil under your feet and lift the victorious abundant life in Christ Jesus boy we just about preached a little message that right on the introduction here to you he's written a couple of books to entitled money cometh to the body of Christ gets right down on and also another book entitled how to speak the Word of God with the voice of Jesus let's tell brother Leroy Thompson welcome to praise the Lord tonight how is [Applause] oh we've got such a little bit you're gonna have to come back brother let's just get right down to it let give me this book quick money coming now boy The Heretic hunters are gonna be all over you just like they are on me now they say all you TV preachers do is talk about money money money money money but you know what if God's people don't get ahold of the finances of this world who's gonna finance the end time harvest it so that's what it's all about that's what is all about money Commerce is the revelation God gave me about five years ago if the revelation of money comin see is that it's a continuous process of money coming to the body of Christ that the harvest may be reap we need finances to reap the harvest money cometh when God give me those words those words are prophetic oh this is on the fifth printing millions of dollars have come into the body of Christ because of those words it makes a demand on money it's something about saying it 3 time Paul I'm not worried the money cometh you say three times and then there is there are the principles that goes along with this there are three major principles that will activate that Revelation in your life and the first principles always keep God first okay I'll always keep God first and in your giving in your given seed time and harvest well let's back a little bit seed time and harvest is the kingdom of God mode of operation yes I believe this word gives the body of Christ a voice in the financial arena because what they've done for me personally what I've done for my ministry I have a lot of spiritual son what I've done in their ministry some of their ministry have triple in finances because they got the revelation of this book and the revelation of money coming okay I'll play the part I I need money okay okay my heart's right I love God I want to be a giver into his kingdom I want to win souls first of all your motives got to be right doesn't it correct I mean you can't just say I want money because I won't a Rolls Royce no you can't you can't you can't have the wrong relationship with material things irani is concept have been given to the body of Christ about money that we shouldn't have money that the less money you have the more closer you can be to God but that books tells you and it's a revelation from the Word of God poverty is not the will of God a person who want to give into the kingdom of God there is no exit out of a need without a seed but say that one more time there is no exit out of a need without a seed that's a good word you've got to have a seat because the whole law genesee 822 the whole kingdom of God God ways of doing things Paul is by seed time and harvest so when you have a need find your seed your motive have to be right you have to have the right relationship with material thing you have to keep God in first place you have to know that God owns everything and I own nothing I'm all-in stew you have the you have the third principle is God first or the second I'm last okay and then the last principle that are teaching this book is God is my source not as a lesson within itself because to qualify to be a saw you have to begin to so far live it many people think their job is their souls but you'll never find a job pay you enough to live like God want you to live you'll never pay you'll never find a job to have enough money to support the type of vision look at this vision here yes sir vision you have the type of money you need just from a secular point of view this will never exist we need miracles we need the supernatural abundant we need good measure pressed down shaken together for this type of ministry yeah so therefore when the body of Christ recognized who they are that God has given us the power to get well now that's why he give us the power to get wealth that he may establish his covenant his covenant is the revelation many wonder God like you and Jan who have got such a vast revelation we in the body of Christ gotta tap into word of god tap into the anointing of prosperity and yield our self and begin to plant seed and expect God to give us a harvest and then we begin to being a begin be able to give tides we'll be able to support Minister like yours you can't support this ministry I mean you can get we give small portions we don't make a little small portion for these people gotta come up but you need a lot of money to dress in this book it tell you how okay you know what if a person is financially in need okay what would Fred what with Laroy Thompson do first finest e okay finest eat then fine saw good soil that is productive and that is protect you gotta find so now you just can't plant everyone you got to find salt in other words you get to see you seek God phase and God tell you whether we're at a plant a seed and then you water the seed by a good confession by keeping the right motive keeping your mouth right walking in love as we've heard and God will call that seed to multiply so it starts simply by giving doesn't it start is all by giving there's no such thing I know somebody was acting about money coming to thought had never heard me teach on this subject and they thought I was just saying money coming but there was a lot of principles here that tell you how to survive until the money arrived it tells you it tells you about that we are delivered from the courage Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law poverty is the curse and we have had so much religion tradition denomination doctrines of men theology have taught us poverty but actually the covenant we have a covenant of well actually at scripture where Jesus died became put it might become rich Jesus for a moment they exchanged plates with us he took our sin and he did take our poverty for a moment there when he died in our place only for a moment because on the third day he got up and got back in his plate but we had he had us in his place not work by seed time and harvest it works by confession it works by walking in love so all those things have to make it together in order to cause money to come to you now actually what brother Hagin was talking about clamming the money and and sending them innocent spirits to harvest it yes sir money cometh they are harvesting words they have money Cummins is making a demand on money money just like the fig tree oh babe Jesus if you've got seed time and harvest in play you in the right saw planning a ministry like this in the right saw money has to obey you J like that fig tree and what happened yeah what happen is and I've seen it over and over and over again what's it in between the future in money money I mean we have Dominion but we've been here honestly taught about money so many Christian believers are suffering living from paycheck to paycheck that is not God's will it is not God we're for none of his children to live in like they just had to get somewhere where they can be taught the Word of God come out of debt Paul come out of debt that when God said I got a job I want done I need twenty people to give $30,000 put yourself in a position say hey I'm one of those person I'll give the four thousand thirty thousand dollars but so many in the body of Christ now are broke they are broke because it didn't have not got the revelation that god is a god of prosperity I know it's a lot of things that come up and a lot of people say you know preacher taking them money and and then they have the fear if I give that God word is not going to do what it say they're gonna do I'll tell you right now God's Word will do exactly what it say will do I can tell you from preaching I can tell you from experience I've to take them on pushing a life I can tell you from my own ministry I'll tell you from hundreds of other people alive that if you get a hold of the revelation and do what the revelation tell you to do money will run you now you can be overtaken you can become a money magnet if you keep you priority street what's the purpose of the money god want his children to have money that this gospel may pre preached all over the world yes sir for one that's priority secondly they might destroy the works of the devil we cannot destroy the works of the devil in this realm without money we got to have places like this we got to have all television ministry we're gonna have radio ministry we got to have transportation to go to the different part of wood and preach to got to support them and yes and I'm a great supporter of it Paul I think I know part of my success is a latching on the dead God told me God told me that he's my spiritual father and I've been supporting that ministry for over 10 years now and I'm telling you the fruit I think this revelation came to me because I've been the submissive son just a little side journey I believe every man even ministers should find that spiritual father yes sir yes I think it's fun it's beautiful so we are aiming by direction of the Holy Spirit to get this material in the body of Christ hand with preaching across the country as fast as we can dismiss it so you're not pastoring right now then here I'm passion Paul I have a jet I'll go in and out I go in I have a citation to and so I owe you can still pastor and still house now preach on Sunday morning fly out son even preach Sunday night Monday and Tuesday to church fly back Wednesday feed my people and minister and then I fly out again if I have to go someone so I'm traveling all over the United States preaching the message as I say this book is in its fifth pregnant it's very simple nothing nothing deep any pushin who want to get out of debt and get in a position where they can support ministries like this and and ministers are doing the kingdom of God work that book will become the revelation of getting the curse of poverty off the body of Christ these are some of the chapters yes what causes money not to come ooh yep interesting yeah right and wrong thinking about money seed power and increase yield what you have to God and He will multiply it how to survive until prosperity arrived that that's got to be a good chapter - Oh Lord we could spend the next three hours but this they oughta just get the book I guess give us an address and those of you who want information about brother Leroy Thompson and his great work in ministry his church done daro do you know where daro Louisiana is my little southern belle sandwiched between New Orleans and Baton Rouge about 20 miles out of bed with 60 miles out of now I know about where you are a church I have sixteen hundred forty seven people I'm in a town of the public in the town I mean it's three hundred four times the population mile Rita's east west north and south bless your sweet heart my goodness we built a new church Paul paid for cash what can those principal interesting interesting also you've got to come back so we can get into the other book how to speak the Word of God with the voice of Jesus you know this word that you've been teaching us came you know RW schambach yes definitely well last November twice a year we have a little week where we just tell the people we got to have money to keep these lights on and keep this we don't beg we don't plead on anything you know and God sends in the Lord gave brother schambach a Rhema word and actually that word is continuing right on through this month in April and God spoke a word he said if people will move in faith and make and and he said don't ask me why but the word of the Lord was a 2000 dollar pledge and he said I know I'm talking to a lot of people that don't have it you don't know where you're gonna get it you don't know how God would get it to you you've never had two thousand dollars to give it's scaring you half to death to think about even pledging it right but he said do it do it obey God and and and does Johnson Thompson I I'm here to tell you that the windows of heaven opened because that was a Rhema word for Lord and thousands of people moved in faith and then the word of the Lord came and said if you'll move in faith and if you'll make that pledge the Lord spoke to brother schambach that within 90 days he would put that seed in their hand so that they would be able to give it and he said he asked the Lord a little later why 90 days and he said he did a little research and it takes a seed just about 90 days to germinate what can be aborted and and began to grow and sprout and even tonight dear friends if you missed out we're going to have another great debt burning what altar service we had one in Italy tonight it was wonderful that was just glorious and we've got prayer partners on the line right now lines are open if you didn't get in on it you can make that pledge tonight in Jesus name people that don't even have seen ya because the word says in 2nd Corinthians 4 God who gives the seed to the farmer to plant and later on good crops to harvest meat will give you more and more seed yes to plant and will make it grow that you can give away more and more fruit from your own you know the Lord spoke to me before this telephone that this telephone wasn't for TV unit on it wasn't for TV in at all it was for the little partners out there that God was gonna give individual telephones to each little partner that just obeyed his word and it was their praiseth on telephones oh you would you permit me to release this on origin please probably my wife and I believe this is a good sauce we're gonna leave our tooth out it's a good saw here and I want to talk to them on the television screen I'll go along with brother schambach in the name of Jesus there's an anointing upon me to prosper and in the name of Jesus I'm believe God that you're going to get your seed and that there gonna be an extra influx of you given because God touch you tonight about money cometh unto you now in the name of Jesus now father I thank you for every person listening to this broadcast in Jesus name move them into financial blessing tonight in the name of Jesus let a notion of prosperity to come about every person that is listening to this broadcast and they'll find their to time now and they'll sin it and you will multiply in Jesus name we believe it's amen amen amen and that will begin the journey out of debt tunnel for the body of Jesus Christ and I have thousands of testimonies from people just like you some of you are watching tonight and you're saying Amen I can feel you in the spirit and it it worked for me I did unexpected blessing has come to me that overwhelmed me I have received that hundredfold blessing and return from a totally unexpected source oh it's wonderful it works your friends do it in Jesus name you know I don't have time now to show you but I'll do it tomorrow night when Benny Hinn comes the Great Crusade that Benny just concluded in London England I was there and I got to say a little word on your behalf and we've got some exciting news about Europe in London then we went down to Italy and helped chuck in our haul the first night of their little praiseth on down there italy is gonna be self-supporting honey just in no time northern italy already is but now we gotta help rome a little bit so tomorrow night don't you dare not be with us tomorrow night our precious brother Benny Hinn will be here tomorrow night right here in the studio here in Studio C and we'll have a wonderful time brother Leroy thompson god bless you sir thank you put brother Thompson to dress up many of you in touch with him Word of Life Christian Center box seven daro Louisiana 707 to five if you want information on brother Thompson's wonderful ministry and these great books that he has written let's say goodnight in song and will be also agreeing in pray for your needs again [Music] there's [Music] I love to hear [Music] to sing its world it's sounds like [Music] my the Swedish name Oh Oh [Music] Oh Oh of Jesus [Music] it as me save yours load to say me free [Music] me his the sea [Music] Oh [Music] this program has been brought to you through the prayers and contributions of our faithful partners throughout North America and the world
Channel: Alex Clarke
Views: 10,597
Rating: 4.716814 out of 5
Keywords: TBN, iTBN, TBN 1998, Paul Crouch, Jan Crouch, Kenneth Hagin Sr., Kenneth Hagin Jr., Leroy Thompson, Vern Jackson
Id: SNlHU5ibl_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 45sec (7125 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 10 2018
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