Keith Moore - An Act of Fear - Pt.7 (Walking By Faith).wmv

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and they think all it's all them talking abouts money we weren't talking about money we were talking about being faithful somewhere and other people miss it and they get because because they don't want to hear it cuz their and I thought well you know we shouldn't talk about that we should just talk about spiritual things I was reading the words of Jesus from Luke 16 I reckon that's about as spiritual as it gets right and he was talking about how you handle money in material things right and the thing is you know people sometimes get indignant they don't want to hear it they don't want to talk about it act like it's not a big deal yeah I know you just spent most of your week trying to make some money but it's not important it's no big deal and you want to leave God out of that no it's a big deal I said it's a deal and if I'd have been just pulling on you to try to try to talk you into giving that be a different deal but I don't do that right we've been talking about the word so it is important it's as important as anything we do in anything we talk about and a lot of times reason folks don't want to talk about it it's because they're not doing right and they don't want to hear it and they don't want to change but we're not trying to get something from anybody we've found out how God will bless you and we'd like for everybody to be experiencing that and you don't have to work yourselves crazy and silly for money you can work less and have more there are ways that you can qualify and God will add things to you and bless you and just give you things without you even working for did you hear me now it's great how many understand less work more blessing who don't like that well it's called living by faith but it's different than many people think and it takes some adjusting and renewing of the mind so please don't shut it off open yourself up to it don't take my word for any of it prove me wrong no matter what I'm talking about so I'm not gonna believe a thing that preacher says till I prove it myself in the Bible good do it do it check up on me prove me wrong but be honest about the Bible did you find 2nd Corinthians 5 sick of griffin's 5 and verse 7 for me your scripture to a lot of us very important can you read it out loud with me put it up on the screen for us please what does it say for we walk by faith not by sight say it out loud with me three times for we walk by faith not by sight for we walk by faith not by sight one more time and say I for I walk by faith not by sight do you are you ever tempted to walk by sight have you ever yielded you think and walked by sight oh yeah man it it pulls on you all the time this is what we know is what we see and feel and particularly if you haven't been in the word much or haven't grown much in God this is your reality this is the extent of your reality it's what you see what you feel but this is not all there is not by a longshot the Bible tells us that everything that was made and created the world the the mountains the oceans the atmosphere the Sun the Moon the planets the Stars assists solar systems the universe it was all made from things you can't see you know what Hebrews said from things now it didn't say it was made from nothing hmm it just said it was made out of things that don't appear but what was it made out of God created it with his faith glory to God faith filled words released awesome indescribable power what kind of power does it make take to create a star he didn't just create one or two of them what kind of power does it take so missus well we're not sure whether it was created or whether it just happened I'm sure well we think it just evolved if you mean by evolved that it has changed I would agree with that but if you're trying to tell me it just came into being by itself it takes more faith to believe that then reading the Bible oh no no it just over billions of years of time and and time before they'd happen no no I'm sorry no no well there was a big bang there might have been a big bang when God said light be I don't know but it just happened no I cannot accept that it just happened you can't reproduce this on any scale of this random chaos that produces perfection you can't produce it on any scale you can't do any experiment anything these people that are so scientific okay give us any scale experiment that reproduces what you're saying happen through chaos and destruction and explosions produce perfection take some c4 and go to the salvage yard and set it off and make a car now really this is starting with more than one that you know than what they're saying because you already got car parts well it takes it takes you know trial and error kind of thing for billions of years okay set off c4 for a hundred thousand years everyday and never never will there be a new shiny Lexus sitting there when the dust and smoke clears never not in 10 million years never I'm gonna know it takes intelligence to come up with dual climate control variable valve timing millisecond adjustable shocks heated seats you ain't never getting there I know it's bad English but you ain't never getting that from explosions in the salvage yard are y'all with me intelligent design you better believe it the most intelligent design higher power yeah but you better just go on and say God God he exists whether you believe it or not he does and he's real I said he's real and he's good glory to God he's good and with him nothing is too hard with him nothing's impossible are too hard but he himself operates by faith and he has set up everything that it operate by faith and he requires us to operate by faith did you know him and if we want to get results if we want to get answers from him if we want to get him involved in our life if we want to have outstanding things happen including miracles there is no way around faith it's not optional it is required said again we walk by faith and what not not so what's the enemy of walking by faith walking beside turn on over to Hebrews if you're you're there in second Corinthians go to Hebrews the eleventh chapter Hebrews 11 verse 1 Hebrews 11:1 now faith is the substance of things hoped for if you want something if you're looking and expecting to get something how you going to get from not having it to having it faith is going to get you there it is the evidence of things what not seen how can you get from not seeing it to seeing it not feeling it - feeling it he could have just as easily said begging begging God pleading he could have said crying he could have said paste on the floor he said none of that he said faith for by it the elders obtained a good report through faith are you there verse 3 through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God so that things which are seen were made of things which were not made of things which do appear do you believe it everything that you can see in and feel including your own body chair you're sitting on was made by God by faith by his words from things that didn't appear how'd it go now you don't see it speak now you do see it that's that's our God that's who he is that's how operates everything that you see and feel came into existence that way including yourself now how many understand if something is created by a certain method and means it should be easy to understand that it would respond and could be altered by the same force that created it right if faith brought it into existence faith can sure correct it or change it or modified everything you and I see and feel was faith created and if something becomes wrong with it because of the curse or sin how would we get it fixed and corrected by the same force that brought it into existence the same force that created it to begin with faith and if you've read this you know the rest of the whole chapter is faith faith faith faith by faith is something by faith they got this by faith they did this by faith they were protected by faith miracles happen by faith by faith by faith do you think it's still the same way is it still that the just are supposed to live and walk by faith if you're not walking by faith what you're walking by sight are there a lot of people walking by sight or most people most people are walking by sight what does that mean about what they see but what they feel by what they perceive with their senses and what those senses give to their mentality their understanding their intellect their reasoning is based on sight their logic is based on sight so they walk by what they see and understand and perceive through the senses and in and that does not require walking by faith it takes faith when you don't see it doesn't it just to decide I'm gonna walk by what I believe not what I see that's a different way of living I said it's a different way of living or but it's the exciting way of living it's the victorious it's the miracle way it's how you can get things that you can't see how to get well I can't see how I could ever have that well then it's time for faith it's time to cook walking by what you see because it is true if you depend on how what you see and how you can see to get it and do it if you limit yourself to that it could be true that you could never have it or but if you walk by faith I said if you walk by faith if you walk by faith all things are possible to him or her that belief say it out loud all things all things all things are possible to them that believe yeah but I can't see how yeah but if you would you could believe how but I just can't see how it could ever be yeah but what you can't see you could believe if you can't see how it's definitely time to believe evidence of things not seen skip on down to the sixth verse without faith it is what didn't say it was hard challenging only happened occasionally what do you say it is impossible to please him he that comes to God or to should try huh it be good he prefers it why must is a strong word isn't it it's what we've been saying earlier faith is not optional if you're gonna have dealings with God if you're gonna get anything from him if you're gonna work from him with him and cooperate with him be used by him faith is required it is not optional and how many understand if that's true then you got to get you're walking beside under control and quit it right you got to get a hold of yourself and see it doesn't matter what you see it doesn't matter what you feel it's time to believe what he said and your flesh will scream yeah but yeah but and your head will go yeah but I see yeah and your flesh should go yeah but I feel yeah but yeah but and your unrenewed Moundville yeah but I read books and I was taught in school yeah but you're but and if you can't get past that it is impossible for you to please God in that situation right you must believe that God is and what else must you believe and you must believe he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him now this is for a lot of people come sure a lot of church-going people believe part a they believe God is they believe he exists they believe God is real but they don't go the rest of the way not only must you believe God is real that he exists you must believe something else what must you believe I I consent some of it like this you got to believe he's a good god and you got to believe he's a faithful God you got to believe if you reach out to him he's going to respond to you if you diligently seek him he's not going to let you have nothing and ignore you he's gonna reward you he's gonna reward your prayer he's gonna reward your faith he's gonna reward your obedience something's gonna happen so we got millions of people preachers included to tell us nothing may happen and you just need to be content with it because you just never know what God's gonna do they quote it like it's a scripture that is not a scripture how many have read the Bible you got a concordance check it out see if you can find in there anywhere where it says you just never know what God's gonna do it's contrary to Scripture it's insulting to God I said it's insulting to the Lord I mean what if you said it about me misses brother Keith speaking tonight yeah he said he'd be there and somebody looked at him said well yeah okay but you just never know what brother Keith's gonna do yeah that's terrible what do you saying you saying you can't count on him he's unreliable yeah but he said he would do it yeah I know but you just never know we're brother Keith well you're saying I'm a liar you saying you can't count on me do you understand that's what people are saying about God oh they've tried to hyper spiritual eyes that someone the other day they say it with hushed tones and they widen your eyes and go wow you just never know what the Lord's gonna do well what if he said he's gonna do something you're telling me he's just liable to do something else and it's okay and yet he tells us it's a sin if we break our word and if we're unfaithful no no no a thousand times no heaven and earth will pass away but his word cannot fail cannot alter cannot pass away he's faithful if he said he would do it heaven and earth will pass away before it that word changes right you just never know what God you can always know what God will do if he said it you can count on it you can count on it you can count on it do you believe it go to Matthew 9 please how do we walk we walk by faith how do we not walk we don't walk by sight did I say Matthew well go to Matthew 19 how about that don't assume that you already know all this tonight do you suppose your faith could be stepped up hmm Matthew the 19th chapter and 26 verse 19 and 26 Jesus beheld him and he said to them with men this is impossible but with God all things are possible said out loud all things are possible with who with God now with men there are a number of things that are impossible and humble men will acknowledge that it's just impossible with them proud men will just declare it's impossible people that are at the top of their field the Bible said knowledge puffs up and they have to watch it they think they're the final authority an attorney who's someone the best of the best and say well that case can't be won no you didn't say it right I said you didn't say it right the top doctor the top surgeon in their field it's incurable they can't be healed you didn't say it right what you should have said is I can't do anything about it are y'all with me now financial advisor consultant whoever man you can't you can't come out of this you can't get out of this there's no way out what you should have said is I can't get you out I don't know how but see proud and people they want to proclaim now come on with men there is a lot of stuff that's impossible if you're waiting on them to do it it is impossible they don't know how they don't have a clue I'm talking about the brightest of the bright I'm talking about the highest-paid the most famous the most successful it is all too easy and how quickly that they can look at you and say I'm sorry there's nothing I can do and if they're too proud they'll say nothing can be done but I want you to always remember this my friend the truth is they can't do it not that it can't be done it can be done I said he'd care what men say is impossible God can do do you believe it he made the earth in the heaven he made you all things are possible with God do you believe it how can you tell if you're walking by faith or if you're walking beside because we're gonna get results we got it we got to get away from the sight you're you're right there and in nineteen back up to 14 we've talked about this before it it ties in with what we've been looking at on Friday nights but this will help you and me identify herself am i walking beside am i walking by faith they're not the same are they if I'm walking by sight I'm not walking by faith if I'm walking by faith I'm not walking beside true will you be tempted to walk by sight you better know it and you better be ready cuz it I don't care who you are don't care how long you want with the Lord don't care if you can quote the whole Bible backwards and forwards you gonna be tempted to walk by sight stuff's gonna come up just go yell at you feelings are gonna come people will be their experts with their reasoning and they'll explain to you why it can't change they'll tell you why it can't happen in ministry in business people will tell you you can't do that you can't do it that way they told us you can't do a church that way you have to go and you have to get a committee and you have to do studies and you have to find out you know what kind of population you got in and you have to you need people to come in help you raise funds and you you got to know somebody you can't just go in and then of course you got to get something small well if you believe you can't do it then for you it's impossible and all the people around you telling you it can't be done that way then for all y'all it's impossible but if you can find your group if you can find your Bunch then we'll just close their eyes and say don't care what I see with God all things are possible then friend you can have things of the people only dream about you can have things happen in your life that are exceeding abundantly above glory to God but you can't do it walking Messiah here you see a classic and a perfect example of evidence of walking by faith and walking them aside Matthew 14 are you there verse 22 jesus told his disciples get in the ship and go to the other side and then in the verse 25 in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went to them walking on the sea I thought you couldn't do that for most people that is impossible semester yeah but that's that's Jesus brother Keith that's the son of God he didn't do it as a son of God he did it as a man just like me or you could do it you know how he did it he did it by faith walking on h2o some I said glory to God just strolling along on the lake top wonderful tickled his feet look at that little fishy right there hey this Balkan strolling across the lake in the middle of the night how many scientists you think would tell you that cannot be done I'm talking about brilliant minds hmm how many of the experts from MIT from Harvard and Yale would tell you that is fantasy it's not fantasy its history it happened are you a spy now well I just don't believe it I just don't see any way that's because you're limited to sight and for you it is impossible he is walking not by sight literally walking by faith because that is the only way you're gonna walk on top of the lake or y'all with me or not do you believe it happened just exactly I mean either it happened like this or this books a lie and a bunch of junk it's just a bunch of fans just a bunch of tales just a bunch of story it is not it is holy it is right it is historically accurate and correct mothers don't see how that could happen well that just means just something wrong with your seer because there's nothing wrong with this I just don't know how that could happen honey there's a lot you don't know but this happened walk in own the sea and they saw it and they were filled with faith huh they said man that's what I've been waiting for my whole life I knew stuff like that could happen and I see it now and I know it's possible and I'm next you know here here's a valuable lesson friend seeing miracles will not give you faith I said seeing miracles will not give you that you hear people talking about Wow seeing is believing it is not more untrue words have not been said no seeing is never produce faith they saw an astounding miracle and it scared them it didn't give them faith right it scared them how many would like to have some astounding miracles that scare some more folks today huh and just say hey let them get scared we'll give them the series on free from all fear and hung on them and say it's all right come back but even so how many like to have stuff happen that God glory gets glory to himself and people are saying no way but there it is there it is how will it happen it'll happen not by walking my sight it'll never happen with a church full of folks walking beside it'll never happen with pastors and leaders who only know how to walk beside them and who only know how to go to school and get degrees and have four points in a poem and watch everything to make sure they don't offend anybody and are always politically correct never happen never happen you'll always have only what you could see and what you could work up and we love the Lord and you make it through life and you'll go to heaven but you will not have the exciting things like this that these guys experienced it scared them and Jesus spoke up and he said yeah boys it's me why cuz I'm great big ol burly fisherman's go oh oh oh it's a ghost that's like do you see what is a ghost I see something walking on the water Peter I see it what is it I don't know they're scared man they're scared he said boys cheer up don't be afraid it's me and they said it's him well you can sit up here in your life if you want to when's the last time it was pitch-dark in a rocking boat and you saw somebody come walking across the top of the lake until it happens you can't talk much about what you would do he said boys that's me cheer up it's me don't be afraid somebody say be not afraid say it again be that say it again say it again this is the how do I say it the principal tale of walking my side when I say tale do you know what I mean by that the thing that gives it away the things that it reveals that you are not walking by faith you are walking by sight what fear fear so when they see Jesus coming across are they all in faith about this oh no they're all completely moved by what they see there's no faith involved here at this time except what Jesus is doing and when he told him it's me don't be afraid it settled him down and Peter spoke up and said lord if it is you he knows it's him he's seeing him he heard him he just said it's me if it you bid me to come call me to come to you on the water this is not standing I said this is outstanding isn't it what is this everybody knows you can't walk on the lake he works on the lake every day how many times you think he fell out of the boat how many times you think he dropped something overboard Luke there it went how many times you think he slipped on the side and fell never once did he bounce on the top of the water and lay there never once in a whole is life and he knows when you hit the water Luke you go under every time he knows it but how many understand when Jesus said it's me it's me don't be afraid he saw it he believed it it's possible it's possible I see him doing it I believe you could do something that seems impossible to men and he said lord if it's you bid me come I'm telling you that word that Jesus spoke to them gave him faith stirred him up and now Jesus gives him another word that gives him the rest of what he needs tell me how faith comes faith comes by hearing they didn't have any faith just by seeing a spectacular miracle it's only when they heard something and when Jesus said I bought come come I'm gonna know there's faith in that word there's faith oh there's power in that word to give you faith and how much does it take to get you out of the worst situation I don't care if you're stuck in a little boat bouncing around and you want to get out of that little boat and get into some prosperity you want to get out of that little turbulent boat and then there's some peace you want to get out of that little turbulent sinking narrow stinky boat yeah and get into some freedom and get into some prosperity and deliverance and get into some glory of God how you gonna get out of that boat you got to quit going and living by what you see and what you feel and what everybody tells you can and can't be done and you got to begin to believe believe believe believe all things are possible with God and all things are possible to him that believes Jesus said what what do you say come come let me understand he could not have had faith to walk on the water unless he had heard the Lord say that could he no way no how people so I'm just gonna believe something you can't just believe something off the top of your head faith in God is based on what he said you have to hear from him and how many know you can hear from him every day of your life you hear from him out of this book you can hear from him by his Holy Spirit in you you can hear from him through other of his people and his ministers he's talking to me I said he's speaking if you got ears to hear he's speaking and when he speaks there's power in what he says to give you faith and that's where that power comes for you to quit being limited to what you see and what you can figure out and what other people can figure out and it makes all things possible to you go in to God come and Peter when he was come down out of the ship what'd he do come on help me out what do boy did he got up he stepped out how many think that first step would have been exhilarating when you realize my foot is not going under my foot that feels kind of nice glory to God glory to God doing what man says you cannot do doing what everybody said is impossible doing what nobody thought could ever happen doing what is scientifically philosophy philosophically educationally politically economically impossible only you're doing it is he is Peter walking by faith ain't no other way you can walk on the water but tell me what happened we wish the story would end another way but when he come on verse 30 when he what when he what when he wat saw the wind boisterous I mean the wind was really blowing and everybody knows when the wind gets over 30 knots you can't walk on the water has to be under 30 knots you know you can't walk on the water when it's perfectly calm what's the wind got to do with it but see that's how fear is fear is unreasonable it's unreasonable it's irrational he saw it and the enemy brought that fear to him when he got to look in it how the wind was blowing in the waves were kicking up and what happened and he was what he was afraid now we know for sure what he has changed from walking by faith he's walking beside now why because he's afraid is there such a thing of walking by faith and being full of fear mm-hmm no why would you be full of faith because you're looking at and listening to the right thing how do you get full of fear looking at listening to the wrong thing are you in control of what you let yourself look on what you let yourself listen to what you let yourself think we have not been conscientious enough about these things people have acted like I can look at anything I can hear anything I can think about anything and I can still you know stir myself up and be in faith no you can't you look at the wrong thing enough you're gonna get afraid you listen to the wrong thing and I don't care who you are how much words you think you got in you you let yourself look at the wrong thing enough and fear will get in you and your faith walk is overall net you're done and how many know when you get out of faith and you just start yielding the fear what's gonna happen you are gonna sink you're going down your fears will come on you he saw the wind somebody say shouldn't looked at him shouldn't have looked at it shouldn't have let himself think about it could he have could he have tuned that out hmm because these thoughts come to you you're gonna sink you're gonna sink you can't do it look how the wind is blowing you should have thought I've been doing it I am doing it forget that don't let yourself look at that keep your eyes on Jesus there he is there he is he said come and I'm coming yeah but what about the win what about the way oh friend can you see a super key to walk in my faith you have to be focused right and you cannot allow yourself to be distracted the devil is the master of distraction that's how he defeats people look at this look at this feel this hear this pay attention to this he knows he knows if he can get your mind off what the Lord said if he can get you focusing on this he can get you you got to become I mean tune everything else to become spiritual you have to develop powers of concentration powers of focus and when you when you launch out on something I know there was a point where we talked about this church earlier you know there's a point where Phyllis and I just decided we do not want to hear anybody else tell us how we can't do it that's it we quit taking calls we quit listening to anybody we said we'll talk to him after it's done what do you mean couldn't afford to hear it because the enemy is already telling you how you can't do it and where are you going to get he's already trying to feed you that you've got to block it out do you hear me now you cannot sit there and let people tell you how your what you got is incurable and how you have to die youyou can't hear it if you're gonna have a miracle you can't care if people understand it or not you can explain it to them after you're healed but if they insist on pushing walking by sight down your throat you may have to say now quit quit quit if they won't hear that go click it's your life it's your body it's your finances your marriage it's your kids and if you're going to get your miracles if you're going to get what other people never have you got to do something other people don't do you got to walk by faith and walk in my faith means you got to feed that faith and starve that fear absolutely don't let anybody feed it not some TV show not some news program not nothing nothing not some relic I don't care how much you love them you can't afford to hear that stuff you say no no no I don't talk about that no well I just well I'm sorry if you don't understand but no this is important to me I don't want to mm-hmm let's talk about miracles let's talk about how people get healed right let's talk about how supernaturally Peter paid his taxes by going fishing let's talk about how Ravens brought the man of God food morning noon and night let's talk about how Redd fell out of the sky and water came out of the rock let's talk about miracles let's feed her faith how many noticed importance ago the right Church where you hear faith you don't hear walking beside and reasoning and and that you got faith friends people that talk faith with you he was afraid and beginning to sink and he cried he said lord save me I don't know even if you do the wrong thing get looking at the wrong thing and mess up still there is the mercy of God oh thank God immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand and he called him and he said to him not bad you want to work on it so no no I didn't he didn't commend him for any of it a lot of foot wouldn't like that they want positive reinforcement first cuz they've read books you know and they're educated he said oh you of little faith why did you doubt how many understand Jesus telling him you did not have to doubt there was no reason for you to sink you know what he said why'd you doubt you you were doing it right you saw how to do it you were doing it why did you quit doing what you were doing why did you quit walking my faith and start walking beside no friend this is a very important lesson I don't care if you have everybody's booking tape series on faith and you are a faith talking and a lot of time faith walking man or woman did you know you can start out walking by faith and then let yourself get distracted and get afraid and start walking by sight you me faith people that it's possible you can start out by faith and then wind up letting yourself get distracted how would you know that you're slipping help me out now how would you know that you you're not doing good what would be evidence what's what's the tale what's the sign that mean you've been looking at the wrong thing you've you been listening to the wrong thing you've been reading and talking about the wrong thing what what fear fear anxiety right worry care fear there are all different degrees of it everything from a mild slight dread to full-blown panic terror it's the same junk just different degrees of the same thing how much can you afford none of it none of it none of it I don't believe the Lord had us talk about this tonight just to go yep mmm that's good I got to think about that but I believe it is his will to do miracles for us hmm in these days in these times I believe outstanding things that are on your vision list the Lord is ready to bring to pass come on now but you got he's got to have something somebody stirred up he's got to have somebody with tunnel vision they can't see anything but Jesus and won't let anybody tell him it can't be done and won't let anybody explain to them how they're too dumb or too broke or too poor or too old or don't know anybody they just won't hear anything oh hush hush don't tell me that anymore I don't want to hear it again that's like cussing to me I will not hear it what do you see I see me walking on the water I see me with stuff ain't no way in the world I could ever figure out how to get I see me healed from what they say is incurable I see me totally healed totally healed totally healed and that's all I can see that's all I can see well you better now you better relax and and we've got to talk about reality because you're just in denial you're in denial and it is what it is and you just have to accept your lot in life and how would you know what that is how would you know what my lot in life is listen friends highly educated well-meaning people will rob you of your faith if you let them because they don't have faith themself they don't understand it and they're quite proud to think if they can't figure it or do it it can't be done they are not the be-all and end-all there's somebody bigger than any man you've ever met come on now there's somebody bigger than any banker any financier any lawyer any doctor any preacher come on is somebody bigger there's somebody bigger and he has never told you or anybody else it can't be done and he never will because with him it can be done oh come on he can be done it can be done it can be done it can be done it is possible with God and it is possible to him that believes come on I want you to think for a few moments with me about what's possible come on is possible it's possible for you to pay off everything you own and be absolutely debt-free and have a lot of money piled up in the bank and you just work if you want to oh I love some foot right there they like they're like oh I don't know if that's possible brother key then for you it's not it's possible with those chronic problems that you've had for years and years it that come around every wherever winner come around every spring allergies problems it's possible to get absolutely completely free from that and it never bother you again the rest of your life it's possible only if you won't walk beside if you walk by faith it's possible I said it's possible it's possible you hear these testimonies don't you again every one of the things that Phyllis is reading to us it's what people would say can't couldn't happen right aren't you glad these people didn't believe it they believed it was possible they could get their healing then we've heard all kinds of things we've heard diabetes healed aids healed glory to God millions of dollars in debt looking at jail time and and it brought in two million dollars brought in in one fell swoop debts paid off no longer a problem until my specific testimonies some of these we talked to personally people say well it's too late it's too little it's too far gone there's no way well if you only walk by sight for you there's no way you're done but if you could tuner out if you could tune out to win shut out the waves shut out the smart people shut out the professionals come on help me out shut out the unbelieving preachers shut out the confused relatives come on if you can tune them all out to tomorrow i'll tune them all out and look unto Jesus the author and the finisher of your faith look unto him with whom nothing is too difficult nothing is too hard nothing is impossible and just saying simple childlike faith I may not be able to understand or see how from where who but I believe you can do it I believe it can be I don't care who hasn't walked on the water I believe it can be done and friend you take a man or woman like that won't let anybody talk him out of it God will move I'm telling you his eyes are going to and fro throughout the whole earth didn't scripture say what's he looking for he's scanning the globe what's he looking for looking for those whose heart is right with him well what do we know from other scripture that pleases him and is good in his life what's he's good what if he finds some faith oh we got one we got one well what about when he found that he may show himself strong on the behalf of those what does that mean that's the definition of the word miracle miracle is from the word Dunamis the word power it's a manifestation of the power of God the same power that created the heavens in the air when he said let there be glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God somebody said I believe say it again I believe said again stand up on your feet everybody I believe I believe I believe I believe thank you thank you thank you thank you lord hallelujah y'all think y'all dancing that course I believe yeah of course good not just yet what he said let me read this to you these are not my words this is the Word of God we just got through reading Matthew 17:20 nothing shall be impossible to you if you have faith he said you can say to this mountain remove history under place it shall remove and nothing shall be impossible to you read letters we read Matthew 19 with men this is impossible but with God all things are possible mark 9:23 all things are possible to him that believes Luke 18:27 the things which are impossible with men are possible with God somebody say I believe it I believe it the Bible says in Luke 1:37 amplified with God nothing is ever impossible no word from God shall be without power or impossible of fulfillment how many said there's no such thing as impossible with God no such thing as something can't be done in your life glory to God so much that glory to God Genesis 18 14 the Lord said to you know to Abraham and Sarah he said is anything too hard for the Lord Jeremiah 32 17 32 17 put it up on the screen for us O Lord God you have made the heaven and the earth by your great power and you'll stretched out arm and there is what there is nothing too hard for you glory to God hallelujah hallelujah
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 9,154
Rating: 4.6992483 out of 5
Keywords: Keith, Moore, An, Act, of, Fear, Pt, 7, Walking, By, Faith
Id: 9Yw-cxDqOBI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 46sec (3646 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 09 2012
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