Keith Leaks His Own Nudes! - The TryPod Ep. 77

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ramble [Music] do you consider yourself a black sheep a misfit or screw ball uh you're a screwball i'm definitely a screwball i'm more of a black sheep yeah it's kind of perfect for you because if you're a screwball we've got the perfect drink what could it be screwball peanut butter whiskey yum looking for an outlet to unleash your inner creative self while cooped up at home look no further than screwball peanut butter whiskey it can enhance your favorite cocktail you know i'm always skeptical honestly of flavored alcohol me too especially my whiskies yeah but this one actually works you know because when you think about peanut butter it's sweet and salty it has complex flavors and whiskey also bourbon especially is on that sweet side it's really good you know it tastes amazing all by itself neat or on the rocks or as a shot but it also elevates practically any cocktail into a whole new experience i mean think about think about whiskey coke you know what i'm saying whiskey soda now i don't know if you've done this but the salad sometimes we put peanuts into our soda screwball the original and most awarded peanut butter whiskey is now available near you at 70 proof enjoy it neat on the rocks or in your favorite cocktail pick up screwball at your local store or get it delivered today ready to get screwed go to screwball for more info and click on buy now please drink responsibly advertisement by screwball spirits llc san diego california whiskey with natural flavors 35 alcohol by volume thank you to screwball whiskey talk space caliper and honey for sponsoring today's episode hey all you beautiful people out there welcome to the tripod this is going to be the most incredible podcast you have ever listened to so sit back relax and enjoy the comedy stylings of ready mercury poisoning wait me your mustache is gone oh yeah baby oh no oh no that's gonna be confusing for next week don't worry about it everything always happens as you expect it grows out fast oh that didn't occur to me sometimes we record and release things out of order we also have david bowie oh i want to be david it's me david bowie yeah nice and over here we have john lennon oh thank you that's that's it i don't i i don't like doing accents man i could try it but i don't know if i'm gonna give us your breasts best breast british give us your breasts well thank you eugene that's not bad all right and of course we have miles monsignore our resident george michael hey what's up how's everybody doing dude i was hiding for this podcast but now i just want to kind of cuddle up and take a nap this is a nice chill nice smug hot chocolate put some marshmallows in there i haven't had hot chocolate in a long time wait for the sugar rush to hit you would you should we you want some hot chocolate no i don't it's so thick you said it like it was a great sauce that's a good thing no i think it was a realization that like yeah i don't need that anymore you don't like the thickness of a nice hot chocolate no i think when i want hot things now i want thinner hot things like tea coffee or cider i don't really love cider that much either unless it's a really good cider but what if it's the what's the thing they make in a pot was it hot cider mold wine yeah i believe you're talking about glog what is glock hot sweet stuff in a pot like a it's like a swedish mulled wine yeah pronounced yeah i don't like eggnog you don't like eggnog you people do you know i had it only recently when we did a video and it wasn't that bad it's thick i thought it would i would not like it and i liked it it's pretty good i well obviously can't drink eggnog anymore so i had a very small window in my jewish upbringing never was experience never uh exposed to eggnog now i don't but when i first had it i did not know it was commonly spiked and i got [ __ ] up oh yeah i'm just for some reason as you were telling that story i'm imagining you as 10 years old and then it was a real twist for me i'm like oh okay no it was like in college was the one and only year that i was exposed to eggnog yeah and i got wasted i honestly prefer it uh as a non-spiked beverage it's too much with alcohol you know it's like i don't want to be like downing thick milky drinks of alcohol how the [ __ ] do we get onto holiday drinks it's not even christmas anyways what do you guys want for christmas this year they got drunk as a child once what really yeah we had like a punch at my house and i didn't know it was spiked and like i just thought it was punch because we always had punch but we never had alcoholic punch like ever that was not something i had to look out for and then we had some party and i remember i took a cup of the punch i drank it no one noticed or said anything i went back for another cup again did you not notice that it tasted crazy no it didn't taste that crazy to me it probably had grain in it and then yeah that's my heart third cup they were like keith you can't have that i was like oh but i already have and then my older brothers are like he had something he wants my parents let them each have one cup because i had already had two and then i remember all i remember is i like went back to my room and had a great time i don't remember what i did i remember having fair like i think i was just hanging out like this is fun i think i was playing with my toys i think i was having a great time real drunk yeah a little tipsy yeah you're partying and then oh i was in trouble but i was like i can't be in that much trouble i didn't know nobody stopped me that's on you okay i'll go to my room it's the parents job to stop their children from drinking my mom growing up had that you know theory that i'm gonna demystify alcohol if i just let him have like a little sip of beer or whatever he's gonna realize like oh this tastes gross he's not gonna want it and so i remember we were at disney in florida i must have been 10 or something and so she was like she just she had the most colorful beautiful drink she's like okay just have a little sip you're gonna realize that this is gross maybe i wasn't 10. i'm making my mom sound like she's terrible well i already called my parents out for giving my brothers alcohol there you go all right so i was four years old um but she gave me a little sip and immediately three different waiters came and they said ma'am we're gonna have to ask you to leave the restaurant because disney has their eyes on you they are not [ __ ] around it was immediate and i remember we were like so like what are you talking about like i just we just i was just trying it and then so we had to take our food a little doggie bag and we sat by a fountain and we finished our dinner did she chug her drink in disgust she uh she smashed it on the ground wow and then she took the shard and held it to someone's neck and said you tell me how to raise my kid one more time get out of here mickey i got i got oh you have to leave i got the prototypical first sip of alcohol american story yeah we had that second fridge oh yeah the garage for the garage that's where daddy mommy put their happy juice that's the daddy's one time during a party me and my little sister we say we're gonna go try that budweiser wow so we went i was maybe like 10. yeah and we snuck in there while they were distracted opened it and right when we both took a sip i remember this like it was yesterday i yelled this tastes like goat piss it was the most southern discretion but it did for me it tasted a lot like gopi it's what you think when you first have beer you're like this is goat's pee it's not yeah yeah my dad let me have like beer sometimes at restaurants and like multiple times let me try it they always think like you're not going to like it and he was right i never liked it it was not good no i'm gonna i'm getting along no i'm cool i'm i'm cool i i i have the beer all right round us out ned when did you first that's apparently what this podcast is about oh yeah i i don't really okay i do remember a story all right i remember being like 17 18 like camp counselor and i was like home for like a couple of nights like by myself my parents were uh they were they were in australia we had this family vacation but i came back a couple days early because i was starting this summer job as a camp counselor and it was very exciting i did a transcontinental flight all by myself took uh some ambience realized you had to try and fall asleep for ambience to work you couldn't just watch movies i thought you just it happened automatically i was like i'll just watch movies it'll happen automatically but no then i'm like eight hours deep into an ambien are you [ __ ] kidding me you're phone are you crazy are you busy secretary oh my god who are you calling that was the drug store the drug company dad you're sorry miles you're selling drugs on the job my god yeah that's kind of been my side awesome yeah that's his story yeah well that unfortunately that alarm does mean that we're all the time you'll have to tune in next week to see how it goes well actually in two weeks the quick ending to the story is me all by myself uh just being like let's check out the liquor cabinet and then just like just drinking straight from the bottle my parents didn't drink hardly at all so this liquor cabinet was like just we smelled weird and just wasn't open very often covered in dust miles what's your story i feel like we need to hear from you uh i mean we definitely took a budweiser at my eighth grade grade graduation from like the from the adult beer it was actually it was a heineken and we were like this is so naughty we all shared a heineken and then meanwhile my male friends were like we're [ __ ] so drunk let's go skinny dipping my neighbor's lake we went and we went skinny dipping at my neighbor's leg and it was a ball how many guys had shared that one beer it was like three or four guys that's awesome yeah and then we slept in my dad's camper van in the parking like in front of our house dude i have such a crazy hangover yeah i was so [ __ ] that reminds me of a time when i bought a whole bunch of underage kids alcohol but plot twist i felt uncomfortable about it at the time because i was just turned 21 and these kids are like 18 or something of course i was like i don't know this doesn't feel right like they they just wanted me to buy a bunch of stuff so i bought a whole bunch of oh duels oh yes put it in a five gallon like a gatorade cooler for those who don't know oh duels is non-alcoholic beer it's a non-alcoholic beer you opened all the beers i opened all the beers pour them in this cooler and then we were like we got a cake and everyone's like yeah and then the the craziest thing was all these kids just acted like they were out of control it was they felt it was this sort of psychosomatic you know oh i'm drinking i'm having so much fun this is a crazy party awesome i've always dreamed of tricking the freshman class with the the non-alcoholic but we did and one one girl was like i'm gonna be so hungover tomorrow and i was like i bet you won't be yeah humans are [ __ ] stupid you know uh zack's got some of the breast top best topics i'm so drunk right now you guys oh my god he had ned buying beer this is ned got me a keg yesterday my breast topics zach's got the breast hot topics hot breast topics ah topics speaking of breasts we had the second episode of our new podcast baby steps on sunday we talked about baby bumps and talked about pregnancy cravings and ariel had a lot of weird cravings like she ate a bag of doritos a day it made me think like what do you guys have any weird cravings do you have any weird like food things where you're just like i do this i mix this with this and it tastes amazing i don't know if it's weird but this weekend i put some goat cheese into one of them really green olives and ate it with triscuit and my it was [ __ ] good and baby it was hot it was good i liked it it was good i was like whoa this is good i ate like 12 hours in a row and that's you that's the most recent you sound like a pregnant lady yeah it was so good i don't know what it was it changed the flavor dramatically it was so delicious now keith did you pair said treat with your brand new hot sauce you know i didn't i but i have been eating my new hot sauce and the ketters burger sauce available on the internet uh it's delicious and i my best thing with it actually is steak even though i made it for burgers i found it the most delicious steak sauce i have ever had has that nice green chili flavor so it's kind of like a little yeah it's got it's very smoky and it's got like a teeny bit of horseradish in it but when you eat it with a steak it like really comes out and that's just the best flavor so let me get this right your chicken sauce is best enjoyed on pizza uh-huh and your burger sauce is best enjoyed on steak yeah steak and potatoes yeah you got it oh and potatoes we always go down an avenue of like let's make the perfect sauce for this and then in our testing we're like you know what it actually is better on this but it's too late the labels made i could have changed it to keith's steak sauce but i thought that people would see steak as a limiter and people wouldn't try it on other things whereas i think if you call it a burger sauce people are more likely to try it on a lot of things and that's really it's really just a grilled food sauce in my opinion it's good on grilled food heath's grilled food sauce yeah it doesn't have the best ring to it can you get that what on heatness you can also go through the try guys website and there's a link through it as well or on my instagram you know you get it you if you're listening to the podcast you're very aware of the hot sauce game it's not news to you but it is delicious i hope you try it uh there's actually a huge it's also available on zach's teeth i'll i'll go on i'll put a link to your hot side wait i don't know i can't do that to heat in the site because it's too big a site but i wish i could you guys should do like a combined thing we're thinking about it we're day two no really quad pack you heard it here first but we don't know if it's going to happen yet i'm working on it oh yeah it's actually working on it baby steps search for baby steps and where you get podcasts or baby steps sometimes it feels so hard to take care of yourself hey buddy yo i agree keith but you know what's not so hard is taking a cbd powder to make your life a little bit better you know cbd it helps you feel better without making drastic changes to your routine you could put a little this powder into your coffee you could put it into your evening tea whatever you use cbd for this is a great way to do it and you don't have to use one of those weird tinctures where you're putting a tiny little baby bottle in your mouth and squirting some funky juice on your tongue you can just put it in a powder drink it on up yum yum feel good so meat caliper a better way to consume cbd caliper believes everyone deserves a simple way to feel better unlike cbd oils calpers cbd powder is completely tasteless and mixes easily in any food or drink i actually do often have a little bit of cbd in my evening cocktails or just sparkling water it helps me de-stress helps me calm down rediscover your best self with a cbd product that's clinically proven to be superior to standard cbd oils and it's clinically proven that you absorb 450 percent more cbd with caliper cbd powder compared to tinka church 450 anyway get 20 percent off your first order when you use promo code try guys at try [Applause] [Music] 20 off your first order [Music] this is actually a huge week for you keith because not only uh do you have the new hot sauce but this is actually keith's final episode of the tripod he's leaving gobi uh lizzo's ghostwriter i'm gonna be lizzo's muse actually i'm just going to stand in a corner and come up with little ditties and then inspire her to make hilarious tickets wait so what what's the story here you guys were texting all after i went to bed i didn't really catch up on classic uh well you tripod listeners know that we came up with white people taco night on an early episode of the tripod it happened here somebody else put that audio onto tiktok and it blew up so i of course made an entire song of white people taco knight to add to the steam that it was getting and a lot of people have been making their own like i've heard white people chinese night uh where they're getting take out chinese food etc all these different things but lizzo last night did uh it was a green and green chili enchilada night or something like it was like new mexico or something but she basically did her own version of my song which means now i have officially been covered parodied by lizzo wow this is huge it also is just like somebody tagged me on twitter saying do you see this i was like this is so awesome and it's just like the power of the internet uh you know it's as many bad things as there are there's also really cool amazing like little moments of like wow i'm gonna [ __ ] play it green chili enchiladas that's the same tune green chilies from new mexico and you put in the very creamy soup you season that [ __ ] then you blend it up then you get some jackfruit from the it was very cool honestly so i was looking hilariously my facebook memory showed me things that have happened on that day and apparently september what was it 15th was yesterday september 15th is a big day for keith annually like september 15th is when we all arrived in australia last year september 15th uh was a it was a time when i had my first party in college where we made money on the keg and i'll find this photo shoot we have a photo shoot of me like covered in like i don't know 20 singles but i'm laughing hysterically drunk in bed like my roommates were taking pictures of me in money in bed that happened on september look look we were talking about drinking earlier this ties in it does the hot sauce was launching yesterday morning something else happened it was i don't remember what happened something else happened it was cool it was a big day every year you look forward to september 15th because those are like four like pretty mediocre no no no no no no no there's more but i forgot what it was but there i i only realized yesterday that you got engaged or no it was not the day i got but that's what my wedding anniversary is in a couple in a week well join us next week when we revisit this day in keith i gotta figure out what there's there was other stuff i was looking last night cool things have happened on this day but i can't i'm gonna get this straight i can't remember what they were the sauce launched that's pretty big pretty big but that's kind of happened today arriving in australia that's not really edgy another country before in my life that is that's bigger that's crazy the first foreign country you went to was australia yeah was the part of america that's totally separate from us i say that only because going to australia feels like going to an american city you've never been to before colonization it's true they're they're like the same people people who left europe on different circumstances um you're a nation there's something else i can't look now though because facebook won't show me on this day yesterday i can't believe that was a full year ago that feels like a lifetime ago the idea of getting on a plane and internationally traveling yeah it felt like two years ago for sure but also simultaneously like no time has passed at all because this year is a mirage september can you believe it's september what other moderately important thing happened to you this is still the same one so you like you like think about that every year no but when it shows up i get surprised about it don't get surprised about it i got excited about i think we should get on to some hot topics from zach hot topics tell us about what you want to chat about that's happening in the world zeki well this week in the world did you guys see that chris evans leaked his dick what no but he leaked it yeah accidentally oh so our good boy chris evans captain america can we bring this up can we see this but it does take a new uh meaning to take a leak right that's almost a pun that works yeah let me find a stick as i understand it he uh did a he posted a story that was like a screen cap of his video of his phone and when he clicked out to go to his camera roll there was one a meme uh that i don't know if i could say it uh oh boy bleep it uh it was him as it was a photo of him with the caption guard that oh wow he had that on his phone that's in chris evans camera roll but then there was also i believe a black and white photo of his dick uh and artistic yeah but it was interesting to see because i gets into conversations of like consent with men's bodies over women's bodies people were very respectful uh of you know a lot of his fans saying like hey respect chris please delete the photo uh i didn't follow it that closely but it was an interesting thing to follow i can't find it no it's inscribed from the internet i don't want to be respectful about that at all it's america's dick right yeah did he confirm did he confirm that it was his dick how do you know oh miles it's definitely his dad he had an a for the avengers time yeah he's so it's holding a little shield but then he turned it into a excuse me then he turned it into a voter registration drive where he's like hey now that i have your attention please go ready rise up and vote you know i didn't look at it you have not no i feel like it's it's i don't look at women's leaked photos and i don't look at his photos and also i'm attracted to him so i feel like it's weird for me to look at his dick i'm not attracted to him so yeah that's why i felt like it was okay yeah i think it wouldn't be okay but it is interesting you bring a double standard because i mean people didn't do that for jennifer lawrence which was after scholarship yeah it really shows you again was sexism just [ __ ] gets all up in every single crevice and corner of our society that's true yeah but you as someone who's not attracted jennifer lawrence were you like oh i wanted to see that just for educational purposes no it's her stuff but you know what i think it is that people they do say it's a weird thing where when people want to blame the person for having nudes on their phone yeah and especially women they're just like well you shouldn't have taken it and it shouldn't be on your phone but they don't say that to dudes it's so weird like it's it's well i think it no but i think that's the whole thing is that they're just like if you took it on your phone it's open game for anyone to look at that's not true that's the whole idea is that when they got hacked yeah like that big celebrity hack with all the women's nudes they blamed the victims yeah all the trolls were like well if you have in your phone that means we should be able to see it it's like no yeah if it exists it's mine i've had many nudes on my phone i've had a lot of weird videos and photos of myself sometimes you have this like weird pimple and you're like oh i see it i gotta take a photo it's in a weird horrible thing and no to one yeah of yourself for yourself or for your partner yeah i wouldn't do it for strangers typically people don't like surprise news does everyone else have a nude at least one nude photo on your phone i don't have it on my phone anymore but i took a hilarious nude ones it was hilarious please hold on it was so funny i just took it it was so funny it was i like i i dressed my penis up a little mardi gras beads why not it's hilarious i don't know if we can keep this in i'm not sure how becky will feel about me sharing that that's been on this podcast before maybe i think so i think i've talked about it before because it's hilarious it's pretty hilarious that's funny if you're gonna send a newt add a little spice i love you yeah add some role play yeah it was funny yeah it was hilarious how many people have to register to vote for you to leak the mardi gras i i i guess it's on my camera somewhere i have i don't know i don't know i i guess we can get 10 000 people to register to vote i don't think people want to see that what about why don't you make a pledge right now if joe biden wins president you will leak okay we'll talk about it we'll put that under maybe we'll file that under okay maybe it's only because he's not sure if he can find it otherwise it'd be slam dunk yes yeah hot topics you guys see that netflix stock uh the social dilemma i sure did sure did i was thinking about it while you were like look at my facebook it reminded me of something that happened 10 years ago i know i i was thinking about it like literally last night i was like well yes the internet's bad but also it allowed lizzo to know me intimately also it reminded me that september 15th is a big day okay i remember the other thing i shot the video for hey [ __ ] let me buy you there are some big cool things in my life that have happened on september 15th i'm not saying that'll always be the case but i'm saying it has been the case before the day you shot the video like i was i was like making a music video i went through i think 25 little caesar's pizzas that day wow i bought them because i had to i had some on the beach that i threw like a frisbee i had to break make some rain down on my naked body i had so many pizzas we went through and by the end of the day those pieces were stale and they hurt i got cut by slices of pizza falling through the air because it was so stout and then i poured marinara sauce on my chest and all those little cuts were stinging because i didn't think about how i had cuts on my chest from the pizza slices and then the marinara which obviously has citric acid all up in my cuts and um later on i broke out a little bit i got some pimples from that i believe it anyways if you haven't seen the social dilemma yes great documentary we recommend it uh it's it's how would you describe it it's like all about how social media hacks your brain and uh addiction [ __ ] up the world mm-hmm yeah it's all also like a lot of tech bros who are kind of being open about the downsides of things that they constructed like the destructive things of things that they created very transparent so it's very transparent so i do appreciate like it's these people kind of being conscientious about the effects of all these choices they made with the rise of social media so there's a lot of really like i think it's things that you've heard about but they just really clearly state it quickly through this talk you can skip over the um scripted scenes right but scrivener's like the the floating voodoo doll digital voodoo doll yeah that i liked and i thought i was actually a good way to illustrate what was happening but all the other scenes my god they like it's like they sought like who's the third best actor who auditioned who's the fifth even that's the scenes of them like with the floating body is still a little bit like a uh uh like a a knock-off kind of crappier version of inside-out yeah it definitely is it's absolutely that but i just like inside out meets like a verizon commercial but even the term so there's a guy who's a uh a tech ethicist which is not even something i had ever thought about it's like oh the ethics of tech um there was one analogy that really blew my mind in this where he's like think about tools a bicycle is a tool it's there for you when you want to use it the internet used to be a tool the internet is no longer a tool because it wants something back it wants our attention and we are the product of the internet because we our attention our time is being sold to advertisers by the way don't forget to subscribe uh yeah it's tough for us right because it is our the social media and and it's kind of our career yeah right it's like we we make money off of advertisers and sometimes they're direct advertisers sometimes they're indirect advertisers like just ads on youtube but like people going down there's one part where it talks about like people going down rabbit holes on youtube and in that context it was about how you can get watch one thing that's a little extreme and then all of a sudden you start believing in like flat earth and anti-vaxxing theories like really bad stuff yeah but we also rely on those like rabbit hole type of recommendation algorithms for people to watch more try guys videos which by the way please subscribe have you ever watched like one just you know video that's not like anything you've normally watched and then the next day to go to youtube it's like here's 80 more of that type of video would you like to continue this idea would you like to only watch this so if you're interested in this is also a great uh podcast called rabbit hole but it's all about that how you can get radicalized through the algorithm and the the switch to watch time overviews is really what has shaped this entire moment that we're living in i don't know it's crazy i so i'm we won't tell you about the documentary you should go watch it i'm a huge social media addict it's something that i'm trying to uncouple myself from and so i what i've been doing is reducing uh the screen time that my phone allows which then i still unlock it and i keep using it but at least like i know that i'm being bad a little punished yeah i tried boy but i had to turn off i turned off all my notifications um uh it's really hard i really i'm addicted to like the refresh you know that little slot machine uh of like maybe i want to get something cool and i also am addicted to just seeing what people are saying you know like i like if people are talking about me i want to know what it is and that's not healthy uh it's i you guys like that too it's really hard for me people don't think we read comments but we actually read a surprising too many a number of comments we're also like i mean we started the our journeys on the internet as a job and so after that we then also became very popular so we have this huge supportive group of people who follow us and like us but imagine that pressure when you're like an 11 year old girl yeah and you enter this thing where you're like i'm gonna start an instagram account i hope people like we already had problems as kids without the internet feeling judged by others and getting bullied absolutely and so one of the starkest statistics they shared was once uh mobile became like so omnipresent in like 2010 or 11 than teenage female suicides just skyrocketed is crazy that's crazy it makes total sense but it's like we even feel bad when we see one negative comment about us and to see a very positive and this is like us treating it as our work like we already have some degree of dissociation between what we post and what are some degrees maybe i should have more of a degree yeah i it's that's true we don't but like i think because it started as a job for us there had there has been like a little sense of like okay you're you're we'll post this to say this about myself rather than something else but yeah i mean pictures of my child and stuff and like that's that's pretty tough but no one's ever like wow western is ugly today oh i assume that's not it yeah i think if that started happening i would you know it would be yeah but don't you feel like i mean they also mentioned the internet has evolved so much over the past 10 to 15 years like it wasn't always like this and it wasn't necessarily a ripe ground for advertisers to descend upon and for people to like be selling things you know so us kind of adapting to that i mean i feel both gross about it but also that everyone who is in the business that we're in are beholden to the system like that's just what it is it's a business but it is really weird to think about in the end like you are trying to sell your personality and i think that's always been the the crux of what is uh the friction for people who are putting themselves online and that's why i always come back to like you just got to try to be a good person in the end because that's the only thing you can put out of the world even if you're selling a hot sauce at least you know you're getting from someone who's a good person i'm a great guy yeah i'm on over that wasn't that wasn't me pushing you should get my hot sauce and you know on next year on september 15th you know shoot me a message what country are you from you from i would like to know uh i also was struck by the fact that uh in a way even the netflix is a giant tech company it doesn't quite rely on the same model right because people literally pay them a monthly fee to access their so that gives them a whole degree of uh of no it does because they aren't beholden to advertisers they still have algorithms that kind of get you to stay on the service but it's not to like sell your data it's too right it's to get it's to keep you paying them every month but they are still a watch time suck hole so i did find it very funny that the documentary was like you know you got to uncouple yourself from from this addictive thing and then as soon as the movie ends it's like new movie starting in ten nine eight seven here's something else we think you'll like yeah and i was like oh you're right okay i'll be up till four in the morning but i think that there's a slight difference between like a subscriber model and same with us you know to a much smaller degree but our patreon community uh those those are people that allow us to make uh content that doesn't necessarily have to subscribe to youtube's algorithm and like uh kind of watch time optimization to get up views it's kind of like lets us take more more risks so checking out why are we we're like reinforcing all the negatives imagine if all of our company's income came from patreon we could make whatever we wanted and we wouldn't have to feel like uh if views were up or down or likes were up or down we would like feel bad about ourselves i think it's not that like because the internet is not inherently bad and the content on it is not bad you know having this powerful tool is great having this entertainment is great it's just the way that we've all been sucked into this whirlpool of hopeless addiction uh where the the yeah the technology is figuring out how to take more and more of our time in a way that we are not no longer in control yeah and that it serves us different types of information based on who we are i think that's one of the real damaging things from a political standpoint like increases polarization increases misinformation because you will stay on the platform longer if you're being fed what you already believe or slightly more exaggerated versions of what you already believe the funny thing about that documentary for me it was about how the one guy was so obsessed with gmail and i'm like of all the apps to be like spending all your time in like how are you spending your time in an email server i'm a gmail guy jack does that made fun of me the other day where i was on my phone and i refreshed and nothing happened and so i refreshed again because sometimes it like doesn't do it right and ned leans over he's like oh yeah the second time it'll work like every time you'll get a new year like that was a moment that like shot him like oh [ __ ] he's right i am i mean you know i'm the first to respond to every single email i'm on there all day if you think about every app is re being redesigned to capture your attention at any moment's notice like gmail recently did the thing of um this was sent five days ago without a response oh [Applause] of uh sort of engagement that you can do with something as simple as email so it's kind of here's an email you sent last september 15th yeah it was a big day for e-mails but you know one major takeaway that was very striking to me was all of the people these are ex-ceos and big tech companies like facebook and twitter all of them with kids said i don't let my kids have any like social media until at the very earliest high school and i was like whoa that makes sense to me but it's going to be tough those kids are going to be complaining yeah right because it's going to be so normalized i imagine that like four-year-olds will be like doing face time meetings with each other soon i mean especially now with online education it like because of the coronavirus there are you know first graders who are incredibly familiar with how to use zoom and chat with their friends face to face that's crazy yeah and they literally have to do it so not only are we like giving them the option no we're forcing them to use technology wes is two and a half right but my parents uh have been stuck in florida since march they haven't been able to see him haven't been able to visit so we do like face time with yeah with of course with nana this is sort of a related thing but i read this article recently that and by read this article i mean like saw the headline and like yeah 2020 reading but um it was about how on zoom like you're not able to because of the compression you're not able to read facial cues and so and body language like you would in person so like kids growing up like at formative years learning it's a lot harder because like they'll see their friend or whatever and they won't be able to see if like they say something that their friend doesn't like or their friend does like and it makes people very anxious because like fascinating facial cue yeah i had also heard that or i had read that um the fact that you're seeing yourself on zoom a lot of time adds to that fatigue and exhaustion because you end up just looking at yourself i don't know psychologically why that is but i've started turning myself off huge difference it does but then also seeing everyone all at once is hard and knowing that you're being seen at all times it's like this panopticon where you have to be which even though here we are standing in a room together we're being seen at all times but no like about it i have peripheral vision like i don't really see miles right now i'm aware of him i don't really see eugene so there's like it's a different way like if i could see all of you at once it's just a different experience i'm doing it i guess the what the recommendations were to turn off notifications yeah see contrasting news sources yeah you can grayscale your phone as well because um that wasn't in the dock but like the red notification on your gmail or on your twitter that if you see that on your homepage it triggers your brain endorphins baby i just i think i was able to just turn off those red notifications but that's something if you find yourself compelled by that i found the ability to ignore those finally and the greatest proof is the 15 000 emails in my gmail well actually you know what one last thing about the internet uh topics drunk off of ned's i don't know what start your day with energy what's the breast thing you learned well i got i saw we had our recent six year try guys anniversary yeah that was six years from our first video i'm pretty sure we've been together as long as the beatles that's [ __ ] up wow they did way more than us okay john lennon i just think we need to do way more drugs to write better video ideas that's what they did i've been trying to push it we uh we posted a really cute photo from a youtube shoe we did and then i think the same day there was an eat the menu barbecue and then there's all these top comments people were commenting all over social media being like wow eugene in this photo is wearing zach's shirt from eat the menu and then people were responding with yeah eugene is always borrowing zach's clothes because if you remember if you remember from social media roasts the first video that zach roasted eugene for having two photos where i was wearing stupid items of clothing that he had just to pose for a picture which in those cases it was literally me being like that's stupid i'm gonna take a quick photo i didn't wear it through the day right but people are just like now that's canon eugene borrows x close listen i don't borrow sex clothes that shirt the stylist of that youtube shoot gave me that shirt so i wore it and then afterwards she said oh you guys can keep the clothes and zach went up to me and said can i have that no no no yeah you literally you said i don't want it you said i didn't say i don't want it you said it's not my style i said it to you after you asked for it no i wouldn't say i want that shirt and i said okay sure yeah it doesn't happen i was ready to be on your side and say wow order in the car both of you are liars we have a verdict we believe what happened was zack asked can we keep these shirts and then separately com complimented eugene saying i really like that shirt and eugene interpreted that as zach asking for his shirt which in a way he did the court rules in favor of miles jack you are hereby remanded to deliver your shirt to miles and miles will make a a fashion makeover video about it i'm happy to do it i wore my boss's clothes for a week i think i have to give him all the clothes i got from that shoot so i have another shirt you guys actually have two shirts that's all gotta go to miles eugene what do bees and the internet have in common honey yeah and nothing is a better sweet deal than installing the honey plug-in on your favorite browser uh but i'm being serious actually honey is super dope it's a free plug-in and you put it into your browser and basically anytime you're checking out or buying something online you just hit this little button it searches the whole internet to find if there's a coupon available so you don't have to do that crazy last minute uh search online for yourself 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you have a computer honey should be on it it's free and works with whatever browser you use and you can get honey for free today at try guys that's join [Applause] [Music] what i've learned from this is there's a good video idea just in eugene wears everything from like a store like an eat the menu but a reviewing a new like fall or winter line but it's like reviewing every single item because in that same way sometimes when you see like clothing come out you're like i don't know how that's going to actually look on a person i'm telling you man eugene ranks every type of pants here we go pretty good idea that has been pushing this ideally the same thing right true eugene wearing a whole bunch of clothes i need i need to sign off in the comments because ned is insisting that this is a very viral video i'm like on board now because i just need to know if it is but i don't think it's as good as you thinking you guys want to see eugene rank pants don't you want to see eugene's cute little butt and a lot of different types of clothes and we can see what pants are the best types of pants we have a game ladies and gentlemen a brand new game from the wild brain of eugene tell us about it well i'm just going to say a word and then y'all will just give your opinion about it okay see if there's differing opinions about the thing is the word an adjective no i'm going to fixate on nouns this random noun generator from this website oh it's random and we're going to say whether we like this word or not just start talking about what it is and if you what your opinion is on it okay all right here we go first word at the end you'll tell us whether who's right and who's wrong this should be how we just do our podcast forever all right this is how you start an impromptu problem can i get a word first word first word is bathtub big fan big fan really big now my bathtubs are totally useless okay he didn't let us talk about it i guess any bathtubs but i've always dreamed someday of having like a giant bathtub secluded in the center of a room that's because i don't fit into most bathtubs a standard issue bathtub miles sister miles and i know standard issue bathtubs are too small just like shoes in the stores only go up to size 13. what about those of us who need 13 wide damn right the world isn't built for us the monsters is specifically but i've always wanted one of those big big [ __ ] bathtubs with the feet with the [ __ ] feet in front of the claw foot in front of a bay window that looks out on the ocean right ned you've got a claw foot tub right yeah basically yeah it doesn't have like claw feet per se but it is a uh it is a detached tub because we we renovated our house we designed our dream bathroom bathroom we ordered this big boy tub it's very sleek very modern and guess what when it arrived it was bigger than the size of the walls we misread the architect's drawings and we bought a bathtub that was two inches bigger than the actual width of the room itself oh what'd you do well we had to send it back and get it oh i thought you knocked the wall down i thought about it put it in at an angle the drywall wasn't up yet and i did ask the contractor like so just like if we wanted to make our bathroom six inches bigger is that like the world's most expensive is that a two-day difference a two-day project or like a two-week project he's like don't it's it's already don't you can't do that it's already been approved we'd have to read you so you don't like tubs is it because you have a hard time taking a bathtub i just feel like it's taking a bathtub i love taking i didn't take a bathtub i just feel like 99.9 percent of the time i'll take a shower and of course the only good bathtubs are the very expensive rich people bathtubs that have flawed feed and like the middle of a faucet that's like wide yeah and it spits out like ah i just think everyone can like at least try to get even their shitty apartment shower but the nicest bathtubs are exclusive to a certain echelon of yeah it's true here's the deal if you're over the age of six six inches away from that yeah you are man here's the deal if you're over the age of 10 and you're taking a bath not to luxuriate but to clean your psychopath you're sitting in your own filth soup you're making a little stew of yourself but if you're taking a bath to put some epsom salts yeah maybe you'll do a little bath bomb bomb and you're just trying to [ __ ] chill out that's a party it's still five baths a week for me are you ready do you actually do this i take a bath more than i take a shower wow what what huge damn [ __ ] straight do you find that if you've been in the bathtub too long it's impossible to get out of it like your body's weak somehow yeah that is a problem i do try to get everything i need to get done before i take the bath for the night miles but i'll take an uh 45 minutes to an hour in the tub watching walking dead on my iphone oh right right that's right it used to be grey's anatomy right it used to be great yeah you have talked about this miles are you bathtubbing and like as your shower you like clean your dirty body and then just stay in there well if you've got a fair amount of soap in there you know i'm going to be totally honest i don't always clean myself off i sometimes we let this guy give of advice it kind of rinse me off we're taking this segment away there's soap in the water absolutely not what if you're thinking absolutely you just sit in the water that's true but here's what the thing is i'll sit in epsom salt water it's more like if i because i don't have a sauna i'm thinking i want to get one of those infrareds on as ned knows what i'm talking about i don't he doesn't have one i don't know what you're talking about that's what i'm talking about but i want to go into this so really it's just i want a place to like massage my body and kind of cook me for a little uh-huh how hot is the water bust scalding hot so high that's good soap you just burn the dead skin exactly pretty much but yeah well it's a good place also to kind of have a private moment with walking dead well i'd like to apologize because i started this by saying if you're over the age of 10 and you use a bath in that way your psychopath i was correct i take nothing back miles i get damaged you put your giant body you fold it up uh-huh because there's no way you can sit reclined with your legs straight and not have your ankle scraping against the drain or something oh yeah i have to choose do i want my legs to be underwater or do i want my chest neck and hand or face to be underwater and my legs direct high like your knees are just sticking straight out like shark fins exactly well look this game is really good give me another down baby you guys ready for eugene's next word yeah that's generated that one was fruitful random topics for 200 please all right the next word is crust oh well there's a lot of times let's talk about the crust well what christmas on a sandwich or a pizza pizza comes to mind pie comes to mind well eye boogers were a close third for me i did think about crescent your eyes are a little crusty the earth's crust let's talk about food crust first food crust most crust is excellent excellent really good because you chew it's basically it's got all the extra flavor that's been caramelized of whatever you're making because it whether it's a bread crust you're getting all the caramelized sugars on the outside whether it's a pie crust you're getting all that salty thing and the pizza crust my god the best especially because you get that last little bit of pizza sauce do you guys eat your pizza where you leave a little bit of the topping so your crust has a little pizza experience as well i try to but sometimes i can't i'm with you ned sometimes sometimes i'll take a bite of the front of the pizza and then go to the back and then go to the front and just kind of switch back and forth wait sorry that you're really bad wait you just bite the back of the crust like a like a psychopath sometimes i'm feeling it [Music] you create two slices make a diamond pizza yeah yeah okay yeah i do the jay-z i throw my diamond pizza what do you think oh unless it's a certain type of sandwich like there's some japanese sandwiches where they don't use the crust on the white bread i get that why breadcrust is the shittiest yeah but i don't trust i've never trusted kids who like have to take their crust off they i think that's sad so a lot of kids were there they were formed i think it's sad and then i also think there's something better there's something slightly sad because it's very common for people who are watching their weight and when they eat pizza they just leave all the crusts it's so common and sometimes i just want to be like i eat pizza you're eating the pizza just just go for it [Music] you know how i feel about therapy huh i know you do think about it but i do feel good about talk space because you know i don't have to be there in person with the person i mean especially now i mean this is the best time ever for there to be a virtual therapy experience right because it's unsafe necessarily to go into someone's office especially if lots of other strangers are going in that office so talkspace believes we all deserve to feel our best their mission make therapy affordable and accessible for all and with thousands of therapists licensed and over 40 specialties you're sure to find the support you need let me talk about some great things here it's affordable talk space is a fraction of the cost of in-person therapy and now talkspace covers 40 million people for online therapy through their insurance or employer and the talkspace network is composed of thousands of licensed therapists experienced in treating depression anxiety substance abuse trauma relationship issues food and eating and more yeah we actually got uh the chance to use talk space a little bit and what i like the most is that they actually match you up with a therapist that's going to be best for you and i think that's always the struggle people have with finding a good therapist is someone who really resonates with you and this helps to make that process easier it just does it for you it's great personalized from the get-go yeah we all need someone to talk to talkspace wants to give us the support we deserve at a price we can afford match with your perfect therapist at or by downloading the talkspace app and don't forget to use promo code try guys at checkout for a hundred dollars off your first month that's 100 off your first month at promo code try guys i think it's just because the other part's like that much better it's not about watching weight sometimes it's like if i'm really hungry i just want to keep going man i just want to keep i just want to get another first bite of the pizza and then you get you've had three or four slices and you're like [ __ ] now there's a lot of crust and you're into it you're working through that but you know it's cause i'm impatient sometimes that's why i have crushed leftovers you know some people because they're delicious they do the same thing with pie too you know they'll eat this part but they'll leave all the carbs to the spot that's [ __ ] up it's a pie first of all tiny slices right there's not that much crust and the crust is almost always the best part of the pie i don't know that is you think that if i took a pecan pie and i scooped out the pecan pie and i just had the crust i'd be happy i'm talking about the bat crust i'm talking about the the pie's shoulders that's what i recommend is like custard nobody wants a custard can you imagine some people want to go i like custard and all but every time i'm eating a custard i wish i were eating a pie when you're scraping the bottom of like a glass custard thing are you really satisfied just keeping it like that glass just trying to get the choice you could just eat the glass i think i think we have to leave it to our our resident um bathtub uh degenerate miles miles how do you sit on the crust crust is like one of the goodest parts i feel like what you get all right thank you miles still changing the next word one of the goodest parts i agree miles you just don't think the pie crust should be called the shoulders that's new i've never heard this why is it gross it reminds me of shoulders it's it's evocative in ways that i don't enjoy that the next word is veins oh veins veins which ones i i generally it makes me think of ivs which just is like negative negative vibes i'm going bob marley i don't want to wait in vain for my love so i'm going to say it's a great thing great word great song love bob marley okay i can do something with my hand veins that's kind of gross whoa it would be better if i was dehydrated but i can uh you know how you have these like tendons that go across your hand yeah well i can my veins are pronounced and if i move my tendons rounds i can like make my veins dance i can make them hop over my little tendons ew it's kind of gross looking all right it's kind of cool does it hurt no let me see watch right there eugene walketh is kind of doing that circus strike it's hot it's a hot thing for a boy to have good veins right yeah i think between between uh gay men and straight women yeah and by by people and the uh the nurse community there's something called like good veins right oh yeah it's like when someone's got popping veins on muscle oh yeah it usually means that they have worked out their that's the keto muscles yeah it might be less hot on very skinny huge veins the veins on like bodybuilders that look like they like inserted a telephone cable into their arm it's like super [ __ ] squiggly and i'm like ew it's so squiggled how did that happen it's so squiggly i'll tell you i have good veins and not in the hot exercise way you know i swear when i when i'm an old man i'm going to be a nightmare yeah i was going to say it means you're well hydrated oh that's okay i'll take that but maggie gives ivs at work all the time and she'll just sometimes be staring at my veins and be like i just want to [ __ ] poke those things oh my god that's gross yeah she like she's like i could get that so good yeah cause i just i'm very very pokable i've got but i have looked at my hands and i am aware that as an old man i'm going to be a nightmare like i'm just going to oh yeah greedy wrinkly seeing my hands when i'm super dehydrated i will have some [ __ ] looking hands i'm gonna have to get hand botox or something the final word final word is vitamin oh vitamins no i didn't take my vitamins today thank you for reminding me they're in my back pocket everything has vitamins it's got vitamins well vitamins help you get all the nutrients you know what else helps your nutrients for your brain yeah advice and who better to give you that shot of vitamin energy than our very own that's a boy bathtub vitamin a miles go off miles [Music] what the hell's up miles naption [Music] yeah have you ever wanted oh boy take a break and come away with us for the summer let's go upstairs there's a place i know where you can take a break have a coffee and are a muffin get cultured we really didn't sing it in a way that was recognizable i was like i've never heard this but zach knows it every song coffee america's gas yeah okay put a bean in your face or a tea i'm about to say miles you're doing a coffee tip in front of me that's a hate crime [ __ ] sorry brother you know i respect the hell out of you but my advice is wait miles are you wait first is coffee better than tea uh i mean i prefer coffee but it's to whoever your preference i'm not gonna eat my tea miles oh [ __ ] yeah actually zade cote was the best developer to go on with your advice okay so my advice is to at every point in the day you're gonna get sleepy you're gonna get pissed you're gonna get wacky you're gonna get loopy ned knows what i'm talking about what you're gonna want to do is take a coffee break easy when we're on zoom and we're hanging out at work from home style it's hard sometimes you just work the whole day long and you don't ever take a little coffee break but i've found that it's good to be like here's my cup of coffee here's my cup of joe and i'm gonna sit for 10 minutes and all i'm gonna do is listen to freaking jazz music and drink my coffees so that's my advice is to take a break do you guys take breaks no wait your advice is to take breaks a coffee coffee break yeah i'm saying take a break get up do a jumping jack relax yourself don't do it jumping i do like like it absolutely but one thing i miss about being in office is coffee break is like yeah also your socialization time that's the point yeah you can't just be in there grinding away all day you gotta you gotta you gotta chitchat you gotta connect you gotta say like hey how's it going i also like when i do by myself when i take a break at home becky thinks work is done for the day and i was like no no i have to go back to where it's like no you were just working like i know it's a work day it takes a whole day just because i came to sit with you for 15 minutes does not mean i am done and we turn on the tv and just hang out from there yeah sorry i haven't worked like no but you've been working i'm like i know always was yeah but from work from home it can be easy to just work through the day and then even after but it's good to just take a little break hang out with yourself freaking i mean that you know what i'm talking about you were saying you take breaks the office and we that's your socialization time yeah you'd stop by my desk and we would giggle for hours and we don't get to do that no more so what we've got to do yeah we don't get to giggle for hours exactly next time that you take a tea break uh you just want to facetime each other that sounds good yeah yeah based on me from the bathtub oh yeah i'll facetime you nude fully nude it may breach some protocols but i think that there's a first time for everything captain america did it we haven't rolled out our company handbook yet you know it's not your miles it's not breaking the rules if your boss demands it oh yeah interesting okay cool like having a coffee break by yourself feels like less of a thing but yeah people should remember even if you're working from home by yourself just like take take five minutes to just let your mind rest like look out the window think about something else maybe sit in a different location yeah crack open and could be neck pack open a cold one because i'll usually get the recycling get a coffee and then keep on working because yeah i have no one to talk to yeah i also find that uh giving yourself what five ten minutes uh away from whatever you're working on can allow you to return to it with fresh eyes and you can tackle it anew you know destructive procrastination yeah here's another like tip that i got uh-oh is before you go to bed do something for your tomorrow's self so like i knew i needed to get to work on something like right at the beginning of the day the other day so at night i set up my computer i put the hard drive i needed i plugged it in i had it set up i like just set up a workstation for myself so when i woke up i could just immediately sit down and do it or sometimes i like make my coffee to brew for me in the morning so when i wake up coffee's already made just do a little something for yourself that's nice you know the next day that's really good i like putting away my clothes at night you know it's like that little thing that helps you your brain feel like it's organized and settled i leave my pants next to the bed as if in a crumpled sad heap to be put on the next day for another march into eternity does anyone still lay your clothes out like it's like some school [ __ ] where you doing like pants shirt socks anytime i have an early morning i do that because the extra 10 15 minutes of sleep that's that's worth it you lay them out like you got like thanos snapped where he actually has springs in a clothesline and then his bed shoots up and he jumps into the clothes since i got a cat i do not lay my clothes anywhere otherwise they will be cat clubs gotta watch out for socks yeah yeah clothes pack clothes well keith yeah you know this is just another in a long line of spectacular september 15th well today's september's 16th so it's i don't know maybe it's turned out to be a pretty good one so far so maybe we get a double maybe september 16th will be the new september 15th how did this one compare to those of yesteryear's last year we were in australia and that was fun so we're not in australia in fact we're trapped in america so i'd say it's a little less good but my hot sauce launched so that's really good so conflicting emotions yeah to be a person in this year is to have conflicting emotions the good comes with a lot of bad and hopefully you can enjoy the good well make sure to subscribe to the tripod rate us 5 stars to help other people discover the show and check out my new podcast baby steps search it search for baby steps what i just got a visual of miles sitting hours in his bathtub without actually cleaning his body is that the moral of that story yeah it's about every night and then i'll kind of like the water will get a little cool and turn the heat on i'll get turn the heat on extra and i'll go ooh this is a little too hot do you take a shower after hell no i get out boiled like a little you must like be so pruned yeah yeah i'm pretty [ __ ] pruned you know what i have to do after because i used to do 30 minute hot baths with epsom salts for my bad back you have to like cool yourself down afterwards because it raises your body temperature significantly and then you try and go to sleep and you are a sweaty little baby boy lay on the bed no covers where were we in the middle of our plugs uh get the merch baby snaps podcast search for baby steps everywhere podcasts are and leave us a five star review yeah hey hey whether you have a baby or not you just want to hear funny stories check it out yeah and uh yeah we just dropped new merch try and you can support us at try guys to get access to exclusive content and join our community of five thousand strong triceratops remember to you know uncouple yourself from a social media addiction however turn on notifications for our shows so that you don't miss a thing you're gonna be sad if you do keith hit us with the official tripod theme song it's 20 20 and the good comes with the bat and the bag comes with the good and the bag comes with the bad and the bag comes with the bat and the bad comes with the bat and the back comes with the bat this year is the tripod until next time stay beautiful you
Channel: TryPods
Views: 263,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tryguys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, podcast, advice, miles, miles nation, secrets, show, chris evans, social dilemma, documetnary, bathsa, bathtime, the walking dead
Id: aWq-UMO_Xxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 6sec (4146 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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