Keith Eats Everything At Chipotle

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I can't believe his taco sauce has actual cinnamon and raisins in it.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/WanhedaKomSheidheda 📅︎︎ May 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

i think places like subway and chipotle just aren’t good choices for eat the menu because there isn’t a set menu like a normal fast food place. you can create a thousand different combinations so you can’t actually eat all of the menu. these restaurants just aren’t a good choice i think for eat the menu

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/becashannon 📅︎︎ May 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

I'm surprised that no one has mentioned how delightful Ryan's presence in this video was. Especially his cute laugh :D

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/foofoocuddlypoops_26 📅︎︎ May 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

i love eat the menu and get excited when one comes out but the chipotle and subway menus made their videos less enjoyable for me, also this video felt very chaotic and not in a good way like i think the olive garden was extremely chaotic in a very fun way, and everyone is complaining about becky not liking the food but i've also seen people complain when keith and his guest are too positive so i feel like there's no winning!? i don't even think she's very negative at all personally and i was very surprised when i saw that everyone else felt that way, i love her and all of the other guest in eat the menu and they're my personal favorite part of eat the menu 🤷‍♀️

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/honeybunnymilk 📅︎︎ May 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

same problem as the subway one. He’s not getting them with the sauces/salsas. except the patreon ones. and I am not looking forward to those leftovers.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/borgwardB 📅︎︎ May 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

I vividly remember Ned being upset after fans were calling Ariel annoying and all these things after a particular video. Now it’s happening to Becky in this sub and it’s honestly not a good look.

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/45_5231N122_6765W 📅︎︎ May 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

I feel like this is just another way to advertise something (now Keith’s taco sauce)

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/caldarz 📅︎︎ May 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

The amount of ads was too damn high! But I do love chipotle!

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/pinkelephant3 📅︎︎ May 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

Honestly I’m still subscribed to them but I haven’t watched a video from them in months 😭 I’m personally over the Eat the Menu series as a whole anyway

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/miss-class 📅︎︎ May 16 2021 🗫︎ replies
- In 1993, in Denver, Colorado, Steve Ells opened a Mexican grill inspired by the popularity of the Taquerias and San Francisco burrito restaurants in the mission district, where he had worked before. After a big old loan of $85,000 from his daddy, he opened the very first Chipotle Mexican Grill in Denver, right by the college. And now, everyone knows it. It's delicious. It's often the butt of a joke, but I don't really know why. It doesn't (beep) me up too bad. But maybe it will today. As always, Eat The Menu is brought to you by Keith's Chicken Sauce and Keith's Burger Sauce, and... Introducing Keith's Taco Sauce, a not too hot sauce for tacos and other stuff. We finally did it. We got three different hot sauces out. You can buy yours today, or you can buy a box with all three. Pretty dope. Plus, I signed 1,000 labels of the new taco sauce to be intermixed in the first 10,000 orders. Maybe you'll get one. Either way, I love you. Thanks for letting me do this. It's so fun. Okay. Let's watch the video. (upbeat music) Let's Eat The Menu. Starting with the chips and the dips. I do love Chipotle so much. Why don't we just start with the chip? I think their chip's pretty good. (crunch sound) Oh. That is so good. They're just 10% too salty. Let's go on old classic. The chips and guac. (crunch sound) Right, here's something I always got a harp on. This is not the first time I'm seeing this little bubble. Hit me in the comments if you know what I'm talking about. Fill it all the way. Let's move over to the queso. Chipotle recently changed their queso. I didn't even know they had queso at some point. But this is the new queso. Let's try the queso. (crunch sound) Hm. It's got a good jalapeno flavor or perhaps it's a serrano flavor. Not bad though. If I was drunk, I'd crush it. All right. Let's move into the pico de gallo. It's typically my salsa of choice because it's just fresh. (crunch sound) Mm. This pico's actually really good. - [Nick] On the menu, it's just called Fresh Tomato Salsa. - Really? - [Nick] Yes. - Does the rest of white America still unaware that it's just called pico de gallo? It's not a hard one to learn. Tomatillo-green chili salsa. Mine has a little piece of lettuce in it. Let's grab him. Hi. Hello. I've never gotten this before. I've always been afraid it's too spicy. (crunch sound) Kinda great. Overall flavor, yeah, that's good! I can't even taste the lettuce. Well, you know what? Since we have that green, why don't we try my own green, huh? Mine's obviously redder than it should be as a green salsa but it's based in green. (crunch sound) It's wild. It's like sweet. Almost, it's like a verde mole. It sort of lives between those two places. I'm thirsty, boy. All right, we're about to move on to the hottest of the sauces. You might be seeing here, you might be like, "Keith, where's the corn salsa?" Well, it just so happens that Alex who went to get it just came back. Nope. Alex didn't get it. That's an oops. The tomatillo-red, the tomatillo-red chili salsa. I sound like Matty Matheson. I love Matty Matheson. He talks like this the whole time. We're making roa. A lot of spice, not a lot of flavor. Very hot, hotter now even. Ooh, that's so hot. I only ate it with the right side of my mouth. The right side of my tongue is so hot. Woo. Woo! Yeah, that's hot. I don't need to try it twice. Okay, those are all the sauces that we have right now. We'll have the corn one later, I promise. Now, let's move on to the tacos. I've never had the tacos here. I assume they taste like the burritos. Yeah, I don't know. Yeah, we don't know where the tacos are. We'll just have one of them. I know we're supposed to have both hard shell and soft shell. And then we have the secret one that's coming later. Yes, Sam. I know. I don't know why, Sam. He hung up. Here we go. All right. We're back, baby. Two tacos that we're sampling here. (container squeaking) One moment. Uh-oh. Oh, no. What was this...? I guess this was holding the lettuce. The barbacoa taco. (crunch sound) Yeah, that's fine. Barbacoa's got a great texture. Very tender, but still has a chew. This is good. Mm-hmm. Oh, I taste the beans. There's a bean stuck in my tooth. This is a big taco. Whoa! Oh, my. Wow. It's huge. It's gargantuan. This is a hot taco? This is huge. Okay, let's eat the taco. The Carnitas Taco. (suspenseful music) Perhaps, too much. I think it's good but the black beans are really dominating the flavor right now. Whoa, the cinnamon seems like it'd be so crazy, right? It is crazy. Crazy good. Now let's move on to the newest addition to the menu. No longer a secret item but a real item. The quesadillas. Please welcome to the Eat The Menu table stage, my wife, Becky Habersberger! ♪ Ba pa pa ra pap bap bap ♪ - Pew, pew, pew. - Come on in. - Thanks. - Becky loves quesadillas. We even got a quesadilla from Taco Bell last night. - We said we are not gonna tell people today that we ate Taco Bell yesterday. - Well... I'm honest with my audience. - I will say though, now that they've taken the quesadilla to be a not secret menu item, it's smaller. (Keith gasps) When you used to get it... And Sam's nodding 'cause he knows what's up. It would literally be the whole, like, tortilla, two tortillas sandwiched together. And then they cut it lengthwise. So you'd have this sort of half moon. - This is horse shit. (Becky laughs) - [Nick] The chicken is $8.40. And the steak and barbacoa are $9.40. - It was cheaper when you got it before. - Wow. - And they would give you the salsa for like 20 cents. - All right, let's try it, sauceless first. - Too much chicken. - Way too much chicken. - This tastes like a sandwich. - Yeah. That is not a quesadilla. Mm-mm. That's not what I'm used to, Chipotle. I would still order it the secret way. Go back. - "Can I get the secret quesadilla?" "Ma'am, it's not a secret." "No, no, no, no." - "The other one." - "The secret quesadilla." "What do you want, ma'am?" "The secret quesadilla." Hey guys, guess what? Alexandria did bring us the corn salsa. She just didn't know she did. The corn salsa. Told you we'd get there. (crunch sound) So fresh. Also, isn't it funny to eat corn on a tortilla chip? Because it's corn. It's dipping corn in corn. Just dip me in a big, old vat of Keith. This is the sofritas quesadilla. - I bet this has an abundance of cheese. - Whoa, look at all that sour cream. Jesus Christ. Oh, my God. Did we go to a grocery store? - Who's gonna eat that much sour cream? - It's all sour cream. - Sam. (laughs) Sam's like. "Me!" - Let's take a bite of the sofritas quesadilla, no sauces. - Tastes like a Taco Bell quesadilla. (laughs) - It does taste like Taco Bell. Mm, and really good. I think the guac is gonna spice it up. Mhmm. Mhmm. - The cheese distribution is not even enough for me. This whole spot, no cheese. - Yeah. - I don't want a sofritas pie. - No. You should pull up our quesadilla and it should be like, (wooing) you know like... (wooing) I'm gonna try it with this crazy amount of sour cream. Oh, my God. Yeah, this is like the kind of dip you'd have to do to get close to eating all the sour cream. Uh-oh. Becky, I forgot. - (gasps) You forgot. Oh, look at how gre- Ooh, so greasy. - Yeah, the sofritas is oily. - The sofritas is a little oilier than I anticipated. - Now, these are the generic lactose enzyme pills. - Kirkland. - Lactaid, if you're watching... - [Becky] No, it's not Lactaid, it's Kirkland. - I know, I'm telling Lactaid if they're watching, I could be using name brand stuff. Your move. Also, your court. - How have your sponsorships been working out so far for this show? - Not good. Let's move on to the secret items and some special items. There are some few secrets left. (Becky gasps) Some of these things are things we made up, but they seem like realistic things. We're gonna start actually, with a hack. Apparently, we just learned this seconds ago off camera. You can ask for chips instead of rice in the bowl and then you got nachos. Oh, bloop, bloop. - That looks like soup, though. Okay, all right, all right. - It's nachos! - All right, bro. - Nachos is mine. - All right. (laughs) I never even thought of this. I wanna put chips on everything. - The nachos. I lost a bean. I found it. I would prefer a meat on here, but... - No, you're being healthy. - Oh yeah, so healthy. Now we're gonna move on to some fun Taco Bell inspired treats. The Double-Decker. We got a soft shell taco around a hard shell taco. Now, clearly, missed opportunity not to fill this with cheese or beans. You know... - Oh, there's sour cream. Nick. - Well, they both have sour cream. - Nick! - So these are both the same, right? - No. Ooh, look at it. Look at it. It's all chunky looks like mayo. - The Double-Decker chicken taco. (crunch sound) - A lot of tortilla. - That's a lot. That's too much. - There's too much tortilla. It's begging for some freshness. - Oh, I thought this was a jalapeno. I was like, where did they get jalapenos? - I keep losing the beans. - That's okay. The rats will eat them. Oh, my God. - This is a heavy boy. This is the burritodilla. The day burrito. - [Nick] I don't know the difference between the burritodilla and the quesarito? - Quesarito. Yeah, sounds like the same thing. - Which one is the quesarito? - But this one's bigger. - That's a quesarito. - That's a quesarito. - Let's bring them both out. We're doing some science with now. - This looks- - A hefty boy! - Things are happening. There's stuff outside of this burrito. - There's some rice in it. - There's rice stuck to the side. Chicken's stuck to the side. - This feels like skin. - Becky, that was risky. - I knew it wasn't gonna fall. - That was (beep) risky. - I knew it wasn't gonna fall. - You knew it wasn't? - Yes. - Oh, wow. It's not the color I expected. Guess what color? What's this prominent color? - Gray, I assume. - You got it. (Becky laughs) - [Nick] The main difference between this and the quesarito is that the quesarito is meant to be tiny, while the burritodilla is meant to be ginormous burrito that falls apart at the seams. - So this is the burritodilla. - [Nick] I guess so. - And this is the quesarito. - [Nick] The quesarito we recommend is chicken. - This thing's giant. This thing's huge. The quesarito is chicken? - Then it's that. - [Nick] The quesarito is chicken. - 'Cause this is pork. - What is happening here? Becky. Becky! That's fat. That is flavor. As I peel it apart, I see that, yes, this one is wrapped in a traditional quesadilla. - [Nick] So that's your burritodilla. - [Both] This is the burritodilla? - That's supposed to be bigger than the traditional... - It's a little bland. - Mhmm. - I think this could use some guac or some salsa, really any salsa, I think, will hype this right up because it's so fatty. - [Becky] No, it cannot possibly be a real quesadilla. It's only one tortilla shell. - It's folded over. There's cheese within it. The simpler one is probably more kid-friendly where this is clearly a college student's wet dream. Like, the food is outside of the burrito. Let's just dive into this full quesarito experience. Tastes like burrito. - Tastes like a burrito. - It doesn't taste different at all. Not worth the effort. Not worth the confusion that the poor Chipotle lady has to endure in this moment of like, "I want the quesarito and the burritodilla." She's like, "We don't have a burrito of the day, sir." "No, no, no. The burritodilla. It's like the quesarito, but it isn't a quesarito." I'm very confused by this entire moment. - Yeah. - We got two burritos left. These were ideas from our patreon that we used in the Subway. So I'm gonna thank our patreon again for giving us this idea in general. This is such a brilliant idea. All the toppings, no meat. And look at this giant, like, '80s cellphone. And then all the meat, no toppings. A little baby. A little baby. Kind of reminds me of baby. Like the little face would be right there. You know? This must be what Ned feels like. (both laugh) "Oh. Shh. I woke up in the middle of the night." I just like might wake up in the middle of the night tonight. Who knows? Where do you start? - The middle. - Everyone's gonna be mad about this. But again, this is just, I have to eat it this way to know what the experience is like. This part looks nothing like this part. And there's different flavors too. And this side looks different too. - Go on then. - Ooh, one of those bites is spicy. This is fun. This is like a game. Let's see what we'll see here. - (scoffs) Oh, my God. - Mm! (laughs) - You found the guac! (laughs) - This is crazy. This is fun. - [Becky] Why don't you just go ahead? Pop her open. - This is where the nachos should be, honestly. Honestly, all of this on top of nachos would be a game changer. - [Becky] Okay, wait. Do you have another plate? - [Keith] Yeah, we gotta flip it upside down. - Yeah, it's gotta go upside down. Ah, it's a small plate. - You gotta hold the top. - [Becky] I don't wanna be an accessory. - [Keith] You have to be an accessory. - [Becky] Oh, God. - Three, two, one, go! - Go! - Oh, yeah. I forgot. I forgot all about that. (both laughing) - I forgot it's out there. - Forgot about that. - It looks like a pot pie. - Guys, this is the hack for the Mexican pot pie. Whoa, and then you peel her open. You're like, "Whoa!" There you go. Nachos. - Well, this is kinda cute. - Yeah, it's kinda cute. - This could be like a cute date night, if you've been dating for a long time. - Ooh! - Yay! - Everybody knows that Mexican coke is the best coke. They sell Mexican coke at Chipotle. They also have beer there. - Oh, you get margarita too. - Great date night, you know? - Mexican coke is the superior pop. - Yeah. The table's crazy right now. - This looks like- - The table's out of control. - It looks like we gave Wes a table. - This- - A kiddie table. - Is the all All You Can Meat. That's what we're gonna call it. The All You Can Meat burrito. This isn't worth ordering, in my opinion. It's not got a lot of flavor. It just tastes like meat. And there's nothing fun happening here. - What if you dipped it in queso? - I can't just solve every problem with queso. - Why not? - The quesa. (laughs) - Quesa. - It's the case of the quesa. - I pronounce queso like quesadilla. (laughs) Mi casa- (laughs) Me quesa you quesa. Me quesa to quesa. It's all of our quesas. And you can just sort of shake more toppings. Isn't that fun? "More steak, sir?" "Yes, yes." "Say when." "Oh, yes, yes." "More steak, sir?" "Ah, that's fine. Thank you. Thank you." Becky, thanks so much for dropping by. - Oh, yeah. Thanks for the lunch. Some of them were weird, but some of them were good. I would recommend the nachos. And then I just wanna make a personal plead to Chipotle to please remove the quesadilla from your menu so that people can go back to ordering it the way that Chipotle gods intend it. Enjoy the rest of your Chipotle. - Yeah. - We'll see you later. - Bye, Becky. - You can use the guest house bathroom when you get home. - I probably will. Next up. (Keith breathes deeply) Hands smell like cheese. Do you have children? They got to eat too. The que- Oh, my gosh, Becky's gonna be so mad. This is what she wants. Like the drama masks. It's very greasy. Let's try the kid's quesadilla. It's probably gonna be great. What? What? What's happening? The beans are good. Let me try the rice. This is how a child would eat it, right? It's kinda... "Mmm. Thanks, Mom." Oh, my gosh. The juice. The straw, the straw. Try this side. We did it upside down. That's apple juice. Now, let's try the kid's taco. Oh. Is this white people taco night? ♪ White people taco night ♪ This is kinda great. It also teaches kids how to build a taco. (crunch sound) It's crispy? That's the best bite I've had all day. The kids are winning. The quesadilla was so like lackluster. The quesadilla must be for the five-year-olds. These tacos for the ten-year-olds. The taco shell is so crunchy. Listen to this. (crunch sound) This is easily the best thing I've had all day. Five dollars?! (beep) Five dollars? This is a great deal. I think they knocked it out of the park. Chipotle, you've done it again, my friend. That was good, but there's a few more things left to try. Like the kid's chips. The kid's chips are adorable. (crunch sound) They're the same but they come in a cute bag. It says, "Chip chip hooray!" - [Voiceover] Hip hip hooray! - Nothing washes down... Nothing... That quesadilla got my hands all greased. Oh, Jesus. This straw. Okay, we got chocolate milk. I haven't had chocolate milk in a long time. Ooh. Oh. Oh! That is awful. And then they gave us a little cutie. I kind of wished they just gave kids limes. They're like, "Here. It's fruit." Nature's candy. My body always reacts really positively in the middle of these videos when I give it real food. It's like, "Mm, this is good, Keith. Can you eat more of that? Mhmm." Yeah, that's a good clementine. All right, those were the kid's menu items. But now it's time for the salads and the bowls. A little smattering of both. But I wanna talk about these forks for a minute. These forks are nice. They're very matte black. Says C-16 on the bottom. And this one says C-18. What's different about these forks? Why do they have two different numbers? All right, well, we're never gonna find out. Let's start with the salads. We've got the steak salad. Whoa. Didn't expect it to look like this. This is like a lettuce melt. Whoa, to each their own. Chipotle, I'm sure you're making stuff like this all the time for people who want it this way and it doesn't make any sense to me. But both come with vinaigrette. Now, I had no idea that Chipotle had a vinaigrette. Whoa. How exciting. A new flavor for me. I want everyone to taste this. Does anyone else in this room ever had the vinaigrette? Okay, we're doing it. Just (beep) going for it. Okay. Let's start with the chicken bowl. The chair I'm in is all broken. I don't like it. It's very salty and very odd. I don't know if it's because it looks like pasta. Yeah, the vinaigrette's bad. It's not good on the chicken and cheese salad. Let's try the steak and sour cream salad. In their defense, We ordered it this way. But I'm just gonna try to, you know, give a fair assessment of what the flavor is. It's less bad. The sour cream and the vinaigrette is actually kinda good. The vinaigrette by itself is not good. But either way... No. You know what the problem is with that? It's not any fun. 'Cause everything is already kind of like a salad. The bowl is basically the salad, but there's rice and beans in it. And you're a Mexican restaurant. So why can't there be rice and beans in the salad? What makes this not a salad? I'm gonna show you something right now. You tell me it's not a salad. Okay, well... (laughs) Okay, I thought it was gonna be a salad. Let's try this big old mouthful. I never got the barbacoa. I've been so wrong. The barbacoa is so flavorful, tender, delicious, amazing. Is this how you order yours? Cool. Wow. You're living. You live in luxury. This see, this is what I was expecting to see. This looks like a salad. How is this a salad, and this is not, internet? They're not sa- It's not... Either they're all salads or none of them are. Let's try the sofritas bowl. Sure, yeah. Tastes like guacamole. That's definitely why they charge extra for guacamole. 'Cause once you get guacamole, now the whole dish tastes like guacamole. I think every ingredient quality is actually quality. But I don't prefer the bowl experience. It's just not as fun. Although every reveal has been fun. We're gonna move on to some fit foods. Some healthy things from Chipotle. And for that, it's my fittest and healthiest friend, Ryan Garcia! ♪ Pa pa pa ra pa ♪ ♪ Ra pa pa ba ra pa ♪ - You may remember Ryan from Tailgate Debate when we found the best pizza. Ryan and I are high school best friends. We were in plays together. - Wow. - Yeah. - I mean, here we are. - Here we are! - How did we do it? - Well, I'm- - Oh, oh, wait, wait. Okay, do you want a Mexican Coca-Cola? - Do I? - You sound really good when you do that. - Oh, Mexican Coca-Cola. - So here's the thing about this whole section is that all of these things are things that Chipotle says "Don't change it." It comes this certain way. These, we can objectively judge. (burps) That's how I know I'm up. (Ryan laughs) - [Ryan] These are all keto? - [Keith] This is keto. Woo. - [Ryan] All I could think about is you saying the cheese looks like spaghetti. - Doesn't it look like a spaghetti? Doesn't this look like nice plate of spaghetti with- - [Ryan] With some angel hair pasta. - Is keto the one where it's like pretend you lived 4,000 years ago? - You're tryna get your body into the state of ketosis. - Sounds bad. - You know the science is out. - "Sorry, Keith, uh... You have ketosis." I was like, "Oh, no." He's like, "Your body is burning away all its carbohydrates." "Oh, no!" The keto bowl, the chicken. Oh, the cauliflower's good. - And I got a bone. - Uh-oh. - That's something that's not supposed to be in the mouth. - That shows you just how fresh the ingredients are. - It's real. I'd say I like the char on the chicken too. Like they cooked that chicken real good. I love it. I'm into it. The guacamole is delicious. - Yeah, the guac is good. There's a keto salad chicken. That was the keto bowl chicken. Get my little strings. - The guacamole takes over the whole dish. - Have you guys ever seen this lettuce leaf? - [Nick] Once you get to the lifestyle section, the menu calls it the Supergreens Lettuce Blend. - [Ryan] It's not kale. - Maybe it is. - Does kale have a purple stock? - Maybe purple kale. - Let's put an appropriate amount of dressing for a piece of kale. - I just had it, we're done. - I like it. - You like it? - I'm into this vinaigrette. - Really? I hate it. But I didn't have it on the fancy lettuce. (Ryan laughs) - You just had it on that iceberg romaine? - I had it on a bullshit lettuce. The classic lettuce. We got the keto salad steak. - It's imprinted. - It is a brand. The guacamole has been branded. (Keith sings gibberish) ♪ Guacamole ♪ ♪ Guacamole ♪ - [Ryan] Keith, have a bite. I'm gonna put some of this vinaigrette on there. - [Keith] Oh, boy. - If that's all right with you. - Mhmm. ♪ I wanna know ♪ ♪ The salad ♪ ♪ I wanna know if the salad's like me ♪ - Oh, I so like the vinaigrette. I like the tanginess that it brings everything in there. I like that 'cause the guacamole has like a round, just like soft texture mush flavor. But then you get that tang of the vinaigrette in there. - Look, maybe I'm wrong. You know? I don't like everything in the world. So maybe, what... The next guest will help us decide if I was wrong. Okay. Let's move on to this fad diet, Whole 30. - [Ryan] What is Whole 30? - Whole 30... I think that's the one where you pretend like it's 3,000 years ago. (laughs) - Didn't you say that about keto? - Well... - [Nick] I think what you're talking about is Paleo. (Ryan laughs) Which is coming. - I got the Whole 30 salad chick. Look, I'm gonna help you out. I'm gonna start us off. - They're the same. (Ryan laughs) They're gonna be the same. - [Ryan] This has got fajita veggies. That's the... - Aha! There's no carbs in fajitas. Can you not have it? - [Sam] Bell peppers have carbs. - Bell peppers have carbs?! - You can't have carbs? - I do have carbs. Don't you worry about me. I'm not on a diet. Let's have it. - That pico de gallo... - Mhmm. - You know, it's just- - That's not what it's called. It's called fresh tomato salsa. - Well, what's pico de gallo, what's fresh tomato salsa? Aren't they the same thing? - Sorry, Ryan. (Ryan laughs) - Sorry. I'm sorry, what's my last name? - I'm sorry, Ryan Garcia. - That's right. So, I'm gonna tell you what pico de gallo is. And that's what's in this bowl right here. - I wish you were right. All right, that's enough. (laughs) All right, that's enough. - I haven't been eating all day. - We know how it tastes. - Let me have my bite. It tastes like them all. - I wanna have more bite. - [Keith] This is the Whole 30 bowl that's not a salad. - All right. I like this. - [Keith] Mhmm. - [Ryan] This one's my favorite so far. - The cauli rice... - The cauli rice has a lot of good spices and flavors in it. The chicken's always really well-seasoned. - I've had chicken about 10 times already. - You gotta be tired at this point of the same collection of ingredients put together in different ways. - Nailed it. (Ryan laughs) He got it right. You got that right, Ryan. Let's move on to the Whole 30 salad carnitas. - Wait, extra salsas here. Why not? - Yeah, have some hot. - Is this the hot hot? - That's the hot hot. - Whoa, hold on. Wait a minute. This is a gift. - Yeah. - This is a gift right here. - You should eat it. - Look at this. Let's dip in that little guacamole. - Little dip. (Keith clapping) They're all chunks. It's all chunks. This is just not shredded. - Oops, all chunks. (both laugh) - [Ryan] High protein bowl which is brought to you by keto- no, no, paleo. - [Keith] This is the paleo one. A paleo is this one where you pretend it's 3,000 years ago. - [Ryan] Uh-huh. - And you only have the food that was available. - I mean, there's some beans also. - You tell me guacamole's been around (Ryan laughs) longer than beans? (Ryan laughs) Are you (beep) me right now? Jesus was snacking on guacamole. - Yeah. He was turning beans to guacamole. - Ah, a miracle. - Is overeating associated with delirium? Or is this just (laughs) like normal scene? - I think that one was delicious. - Do you think...? I want another bite. - There's three more! - I'm not done. - There's three more of the same thing, Ryan. - I'm just one... (laughs) Let's do it. - Let's try the... - Which one is it? - [Both] High protein bowl. - [Ryan] We're getting chicken and steak on here. - [Keith] I'm trying to get some of the noodles, some lettuce. - Some black beans. Beans have the protein. - I got plenty. This is good. Ooh, spicy. (beep) - [Ryan] You don't like the spicy? - It's too spicy, Ryan. - It's like, we're on our first date. You really chose the spiciest. You're so cute. - Let's go to the veget salad bowl. This is heavy. Pick that up. - It's not as heavy for me. - [Keith] It's heavy. I think it's heavy. There's so much guacamole in these, right guys? Right, audience? - [Ryan] How many avocados do they go through a day? - That's an avocado right there. And they said in their original location, they were selling a thousand burritos a day. I imagine each location is roughly doing at least that many and they have 2,000 locations. So that would be two million avocados a day. - That's like 450,000. - Two million. - [Ryan] All right. - [Keith] Aw, looks awful now. (Ryan laughs) Mm-mm. (Keith groans) - He doesn't want anymore. - Suddenly, I hated the cauliflower. - [Ryan] Good news. - That's it? - [Ryan] That one does not require that we add any vinaigrette to it. I wanna know, is the vinaigrette then not vegan? Is that why they didn't ask us to put it on there? - Is the guacamole not vegan? Look at that. - It's like the pork you had earlier. - It is like the pork. It's all together. - I'm, it's... It's fine. Is sofritas jackfruit? What is it? - No! (inhales deeply) This is so... (Ryan laughs) - I am bored. - It is boring. - [Keith] They didn't even give us the money lettuce. - Right. Where is that fun purple stock lettuce? - Where is the (beep) money lettuce at, bitch? - I want that kale lettuce. - Give me the money lettuce. - Where my money lettuce at? - You got kale back there? Okay, well Ryan, where can they find you on the internet? - Got to @muchosgarcias on Instagram or Twitter. - Good handle. Good handle. And what are you even up to? What kind of projects? I know you have some thing coming out. - Working on some V.O. gigs. I've got a movie called "Fireheart" coming out with William Shatner and Kenneth Branagh. - Holy shit. - It's an animated movie, super- and Olivia Cooke. Super excited about that. - Make sure you follow Ryan. Thanks for being here, Ryan. - Woo! - I'll see you next time on Eat The Menu. Aw. - Huggies! - Ryan Garcia, ladies and gentlemen. - Bye! Whop. - (laughs) Not what it looks like. Let's move on to the burriters. It's finally time for the burritos. Helping me eat the burritos and coming to the Eat the Menu table stage for the first time ever, my friend, Jack a.k.a. Courage! - [Jack] Wow! - This is an Eat The Menu first. Welcome. We actually have never met in person until right now. He loves Chipotle. You love it. - I love it more than I love my own family. This is how serious I am today. It literally says my name on it. It's unlimited Chipotle. - Do you believe this shit? (both laughing) I make fast food content. I've been doing it for years. Why don't I have an unlimited Chipotle card? So you're a streamer? You do video games? - Yes. I play a lot of video games. Probably beaten half of you out there at Fortnight or Call of Duty. Or you've beaten me and then I probably raged about it. - We've got a nice little array here. We also have what you order so I can try Jack's order and I've got what I normally order so you can try what I order. So the only bad thing about my burrito is that this burrito has been sitting here since my wife came because we thought that my wife and I would eat it. But I thought it'd be better if you and I ate it. So what I get is the carnitas with corn with the tomato salsa, with fajita vegetables, cilantro rice. Sometimes, I got guacamole. Sometimes, I got the sour cream, but not this time. - [Jack] Wow. - Oh no, I did get guacamole. (laughs) - All right. Here we go. This is the perfect bite. - That's damn fine Keith burrito. - You know what, Keith? You want to know my honest opinion? - What do you think? Wow! Look at that. That's two bites. That's a two-bite Charlie right there. - But, man. Give me a bag of chips. - I actually have a bag of chips right here. (both laugh) - What else is down there? - You should have a Coca-Cola. - Oh, my God. - There you go. - Wow. I'm realizing that we all have these in front of us. And I've already ate half a burrito. - Yeah. It's tough. It's tough out here. Let's move on to the barbacoa tray. I've been loving the barbacoa today. I never get the barbacoa. - I used to be all barbacoa. Oh! - Look the (beep), look the (beep) this. This is a burriter. Give me that burriter. - (laughs) It has an accent? - Yeah. (laughs) - Oh yeah, don't we have to look at the camera and say, "The barbacoa burrito." - [Both] The barbacoa burrito. - Mm. It's all over the floor. - That is salty as (beep). - Mhmm. - Whoa, It's not salty as mine was. - I'm feeling my heart rate. It's so good. - It tastes like it looks, guys. But I do want another bite, but I shouldn't. But doesn't it look like you want to keep eating it? (chuckles) - I have a question. - Yeah? - How long has this stuff been sitting? - What time is it? - [Jack] Now, it's four something. - [Nick] It's 4:20. - 4:20! - Hey! - Hey! - Does this look like I'm smoking a joint or something else? - [Jack] That's not gonna be edited into anything. - It's gonna make it in. - What is this now? - I oversee all the edits. Hi Michelle! - Ooh, wait. - Hi Michelle! - This is the new cauliflower rice, I think. - Yeah, it's good. - It is good. - I had it in bowls. - It is good. - You've had it? - Ooh! - Holy shit! (both laughing) Holy shit! What's happening in here? - What is that? - It looks like nachos. - Wait, it does. - [Both] The sofritas burrito. - Did I go too fast? - No, you nailed it. - Oh, my God. - It's like eating pudding. (Jack coughs) - This could almost be registered as a soup. - I don't like it. - Yeah. - It's too wet. It's wet and soft. (burrito squishing) - [Jack] Do you hear that? (laughs) It's so wet. - I'm done with this. Let's try their carnitas burrito. - Wait, what is a double... - It's got two tortillas. - You have to stay tuned. You'll have to stay tuned in the video. Watch it on the mid roll. - Oh, boy. Whoa! These beans all got sliced hilariously. So there's cinnamon raisins in this. - Oh. - It's a daddy's favorite inspired taco sauce. - So it's a daddy's sauce? - Well, I wouldn't call it that. (laughs) I don't know if we should call it that. - Well, let me drizzle some of daddy's sauce. - Pour a little dab of daddy's sauce on you. - [Both] The carnitas burrito. - The guests are essential to the success 'cause I get too tired. And then I don't make a lot of sense. And sometimes I just talk off camera at nobody. - [Jack] There's no one over there. - [Keith] No, but... - What do you think about the burrito? - Oh. (Jack laughs) - It's fine. Tastes like my burrito, but not as good. - There's a, I get like a lettuce pocket. - You did get a lettuce pocket. - I hate lettuce. I hate lettuce. (beep) lettuce and (beep) tomatoes. I don't care if it hurts the ad revenue on this video. Be mad at me. - You did then think tomatoes gonna pull out? - Yeah. (laughs) - When was the last time you saw a commercial for tomatoes? (Jack laughs) I will say that some farming does have commercials. Like milk. These cows ain't gonna squirt themselves. You do have to milk a cow that needs to be milked or they'll burst. - The veggie burrito. - The veggie burrito. I'm slowing down. - It's okay. (Jack scoffs) - [Nick] Please be careful. - Keith. - Mm? (Jack laughs) - Oh, my God. (Keith mumbles) Forget about sex ed. This is the birth of a child. - Mm. Delicious. - Do you still manage to eat that? - Oh, yeah. I ate the whole thing. - It's very much a vegetarian burrito. - [Keith] It sucks. - It's very veggie forward and it's not something that I enjoy as much as meat in my mouth. - If you thought those burritos were good, what if it was wrapped with more tortilla? - [Jack] Who needs double the tortilla? - [Keith] I don't know. - [Jack] People ask for that? - [Keith] Ahh. Burrito of Christ given to you. "This is my body. This is my body." Yeah, why is the Jesus's body a burrito? - That would be really good for Chipotle. - Jesus had all the magic of space, right? That's the lore. So why was he only feeding people bread? Couldn't he have given everyone a burrito or buffalo chicken wrap? The double wrap steak burriter. - Wait, can we go again? - Yeah. - [Both] The double wrap steak burriter. - I like the flavor of this one. - Mhmm. - Much more than the last four we had since we had Keith's. And you guys- Sorry, I'm sorry. Can you see that? This is like having a slice of bread. - [Keith] It's thick. - [Jack] I'm actually trying to rip this. This is me trying to rip the burrito. I'm not even kidding. Oh, my God. - Oh! We got another aluminum foil burrito. I'll take this one. - Look at the color. - This is beautiful. This is glorious. - This is art. - This is beautiful. Let's try this. - This is good weight to it. - It's heavy. - This is the double wrap... - [Both] Chipotle chicken burrito. - I want to make sure I get all the different flavors here. This is my best plan of attack. Maybe this way. (laughs) - I thought I would eat it like it was a glass of water. - This is my favorite that I've had since yours. I like this more than the last one. - Can't stop it. Mine can't have been that good. - No, I'm not kidding. Yours had more than just like three ingredients. - Try to give a minimal so that we can be objective to the quality of the burrito underlying because that's just... That's Burger King's whole model. "Have it your way. We don't know what we're doing. I don't know what's best on our food. You design! Have it your way!" - What is going on? (laughs) - Now, if it was a quesarito, did you have any quesaritos? - Oh, Jack. - Oh! - We also had the burritodilla. - What the? - Which is... Don't you ask. Don't pretend like you don't know what a burritodilla is. - It sounds like the same thing. - Yeah, it does. Oh, my God. I just get that burritodilla is quesadilla with burrito. It took it 'til this moment that I realized that it was burrito hyphen dilla. Like quesa dilla. - He's being serious. - I'm being serious. - You thought it's Spanish? - It's a Mexican restaurant! Why should I not think that it's Spanish? - Like soup de jour? - Yes! (Jack laughs) Like soup of the day! Finally, we are at Jack's bowl. - Let it be known that this was in the Chipotle app and was a top seller. - What? - In the Chipotle app. - Wait, time out. Explain this to me slowly. - [Jack] They gave me Jack "Courage" Dunlop bowl. So even if today, you say that this is absolute crap, I don't care about your opinion, Keith, because I got internet points from people that I don't know personally who boosted my self-inflated ego. - That's incredible. This one says C-5. What fork... Which one do you have? - C-19. - X, Y, V. (laughs) No, I'm going backwards. X, W, V. - It's been seven minutes. - U, you're the letter U. A, B, C, D, E. I have E, E.U. The European Union. (Keith gasps) - Wow! - All right. Let's try Jack's bowl. - [Jack] Jack's bowl. - Mm, ice cold. Incredibly cold. - I mean... - Like, the coldest thing I've had all day. Like, cold. Like, not just like room temperature, like, it's cold. - It's the corn. - (beep) corn. - I would love nothing more right now than for you and I to be shirtless at a pool. Oh. Keith, I normally don't move this fast. With a cocktail in hand, this beautiful Chipotle bowl comes out and just, we have brilliantly good weather and we're just eating up and loving life. You've won six seasons in a row of Without A Recipe. - Of Eat The Menu. - You've made it! - I'll beat all the menu. - You ate every menu. - Maybe all along, it's been called Beat The Menu. Well, how did we get here? How did we get here? We're just having fun. Chipotle thoughts. - Take it from this man. Doesn't he look well put together? - How can Chipotle not sponsor me? What am I missing? I've eaten so many of the same thing. Well, Jack, thanks so much for dropping by. This is a blast. I'm so glad we finally got to meet in person. We've been internet flirting for quite some time. - Mm, we have been. My girlfriend's asking. - Make sure... - Well, Keith.. - Where can they find you on the internet? What's your handle? - I just went too plain. (laughs) - I was wondering if you were actually gonna touch me. - I forgot. He doesn't have a shirt. What a time to be alive. Thank you for having me, guys. And with that said, I'm gonna leave Keith to... - Okay. - Slowly regain his sanity. Oh, wait. I actually cracked the chair. - No, that was already like that. - Doesn't it look like a little sleepy chair? So sleepy. (laughs) All right, guys. It's time for the best and the least best. I can't believe there's no desserts at Chipotle. There should be something. A cookie, chocolate lava cake, cinnamon dolce something, tres leches. But there's no desserts. So it leaves us just with the best and the least best. Or I liked the- Let's start with the thing I liked the most 'cause that's clear to me. The thing I liked the most are the kids' taco boxes. So, their crunchy taco has actually quite a good shell. Being able to build it myself allowed me to control the portions I wanted. Maybe I want a little chicken, maybe a lot of chicken. I feel like a children's cereal mascot 'cause I want what the children are eating. Not what I've been eating. It was really good. But the least best, that veggie burrito that we had near the end, that was bad. The veggie bowls, those were bad. And man, I hated that vinaigrette. I forgot to have Jack try it. So, we have one vote for great, one vote for bad between Ryan and I. So you be the judge. In fact, let me know. Have you had that vinaigrette? Do you like it? Tweet at me. I hated it. Just get what you like, you know? Chipotle, you have it your way. You get to go down an assembly line. It's basically like the best thing Subway ever created. And it wasn't created by Subway. I love Chipotle. I think it's great. I'm trying to fish for a sponsorship here. Can't believe that Jack who plays video games, he has free Chipotle. He has this... already gets a menu item. I got nothing. Look at all I got. Look at the work we put into this show. For what?! Millions of views? The adoration of many? Yeah. But no corporate sellout opportunities. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this. Thanks to all our guests. Make sure you follow Becky. Make sure you follow Ryan. And of course, Jack as well. And while you're at it, come on over and grab yourselves some Keith's Taco Sauce. It's brand new. It's delicious. Let me know what you think of it. We also got three packs of all three. So finally, you can choose your starter Pokemon in the form of a hot sauce. Are you a Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle? Are you a chicken sauce, burger sauce, taco sauce? Kind of works. Not really, but don't think too hard about it. Just go buy some. You're gonna like it. Sometimes, that link redirects you somewhere else. I don't know why. And what a ride guys. This is a wild time. Make sure you tweet with the #ChipotleThoughts. When you have your thoughts about Chipotle. This has been Eat The Menu. I'm Keith Habersberger. There's also this one that my brother sings. - [Ryan] Brian? - [Keith] Brian, that's the one. ♪ Mine eyes have seen the coming of the glory of the Lord ♪ ♪ He is coming from his penis ♪ ♪ Where the cum of wrath is stored ♪ ♪ His cum is coming out ♪
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 4,387,998
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, chipotle, chipotle mukbang, eating everything, keith eats, keith eats the menu, keith eats everything, chipotle burrito, chipotle bowl, chipotle order
Id: oc4PN9pFsmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 52sec (2512 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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