Keith Eats Everything At Chili's

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in 1975 in dallas texas larry levine converted an old postal station into an affordable sit-down restaurant that's goals where to serve lots of different hamburgers at affordable prices now they got those baby back baby back baby back ribs today i'm eating everything from chili's we got a party bus it's gonna be a party it's a party bus there's a stripper pole let's go [Applause] wild ah look at this party bus we're having a great time we're feeling good we're gonna have some chilies i feel like chili's would be a common choice for the post-prom dinner or perhaps the pre-prom dinner the prom pre-prom dinner as always eat the menu is brought to you by keith's not too hot sauces they're back there being the djs today back look at those hot faces back there but they're not too hot just like me the sauces are hot but not too hot i'm hot but not too hot get yourself some burger sauce from chicken sauce from taco sauce the link's in the description get it because you didn't get what you wanted for the holidays or just get it because you want to feel good and you're not very good at cooking and this will help you let's eat the menu of chilies specifically the subcategory of the chips and dips the white spinach queso wow you can almost go completely vertical with this i will try the chip by itself the chip so thin oh my gosh i was like eating the tissue paper equivalent of chips it really disintegrated it was lovely but there's no way it's gonna we have the integrity to scoop this cheese or am i wrong let's try it mmm not sure why but it tastes like ham kind of got a damn vibe you know it tastes like your general decent cheese dip at a party with ham in it but i don't think there's ham in it skillet queso are we sure that's what this is softly brown i've never seen cheese this color it looks like it would be chili but this says it's queso i've seen the outside of a fancy cheese the part you cut off this color but cheese itself smells like chili all right that's right this is the normal queso it's still a queso we're sure that's not chili it burns my throat a little bit like it stings this is a heartburn on a chip i love a good simple restaurant salsa let's see how theirs is good lightly picante as they say doesn't make me want to salsa but it may make me want to ride the pole a little bit what do i mean let's move on to the next thing we're going to move into some of the fried stuff i mean i'm sure more of this is fried but these are all in the same container so we're going to group them together but let's start with a good old southern favorite the fried pickles now these are fried pickled chips much safer than the fried pickled spears those are full of lava water a little dunkaroo and ranch imagine like eating a tender wallet with a pickle flavor like it feels like it's all breading without looking at it and it really is all pickle it's not bad but you're not gonna write your mama about it you're not when's the last time you wrote your mama full letter i'm talking full letter not a card full letter probably not recently wow we got the texas fry loaded the texas fries [Applause] take my review with a grain of salt those are cold fries it's not good but i think it's because it's just waited too long they're meh we got ourselves some crispy cheddar bites they kind of look like little tiny beignets but they're cheddar okay they look like teeth you know i thought they looked like buttery well they're not crispy anymore these are the saltiest things i think i've ever had when i eat the menu i would be convinced these are called crispy salt bites let's try them with ranch [Music] it's obviously even saltier i'm not sure what i was expecting but i liked it more because i love ranch here's something fun this is a southwest restaurant these are the southwest egg rolls what do you think happened here what is this how they look normally this get this one normal this one this one can't contain itself [Music] really not what i was expecting on the inside from an egg roll it looks up it's like a prank no one wants us to be given this and then eat this this is crazy so you said your friend wanted these they're wrong they're her favorite they're her favorite yes what how maybe because it looks worse i'm giving it a worse review but i think it's bad and it deserves to be insulted but let's go into the nachos whoa not what anyone was expecting look at this these are nachos ah what wait i what no this must be something else these are nachos this is not a nacho what is this it looks like a tick tock hack food also there's six chips in here the nachos i mean it tastes like a nacho the visual score is low the flavor score is high which means it's about an average review okay we got more nachos these are the chicken nachos what do they think they're doing it's the same thing as before but it's with chicken now the cheese seems to oop oopsie watch another home run slide down your throat real nice it feels good i feel good feels good in my stomach let's keep on let's keep going on the nacho train the beef nachos the beef nachos or they steak what a it's cow cow nacho [Music] i'm not digging the shredded beef's flavor or chew in this i think the chicken and the original are the way to go again i'm dumbfounded that they are able to sell this it just doesn't seem like what anyone wants when they order nachos the boneless wings you know me i'm a little wing buffalo sauce is this blue cheese it is okay it's not my it's okay the bone this buffalo wing not a lot of meat to bread ratio there i'm gonna try it with ranch tastes kind of like the the frozen tgi friday's wings sauce is pretty good kind of a good medium plus heat but the chew on the chicken itself is not so great let's have the wings with a bone in them they look like they have a visual like little crispness to them i mean they're a little cold again not on them they still have a good tenderness they peel apart real nice i mean pretty delicious they taste like i want them to i get to eat them like a cartoon man when you put in your mouth pull out just a bone that's impressive to me it's not a wing place but these wings are pretty damn good what happened to this one though i want you just to see this there are some freaks being sold and out of that fryer what what even was it a leg have you ever thought what if my chicken was like potatoes they gotcha loaded boneless wings wings treated like potatoes finally our chicken can be a god what am i supposed to do here how is it supposed to be eaten it's crazy i wish they would do this with the bone in all right let's try it the load of bungles wings so bland so impressively i only taste the toppings the chicken is so wet and goopy maybe if it was super piping hot and you just really arrived for a baked potato and they didn't sell those but they have this it would work for you but i don't think it's worth getting let's move on to what's next which i think are salads my least favorite section of every eat the menu now it's time for some salads salads are a basic part of every meal the grilled chicken salad i mean looking at this this looks dope this looks really good it looks delicious now i know this one also comes in shrimp but we just got it in chicken today we have a different salad that also comes as chicken or shrimp but we got that one in shrimp we know guys we know let's pour this ooh look at that i think this looks phenomenal let me just say that tastes like the best salad you can make at your college dining hall salad bar let's try the chicken on its own real quick because it looks pretty okay pretty good i think this is pretty good of the american chain salads this one the fact that it had spinach that looked like spinach i thought that was great look at this caribbean salad and it's got raisins [Music] got raisins in it that's hilarious i think this looks really good so far it looks really nothing about it seems caribbean but it is i need to eat more spinach anyway hmm well it's honey mustard i haven't spent a lot of time in the caribbean but i feel like it's known for spice and this is sweetest candy everything in it is sweet he's got raisins oranges and a honey based dressing crazy would be furious all right let's move on to the boneless buffalo chicken salad now we've already had the boneless buffalo and it didn't impress me much this looks like chicken breasts these aren't the same chicken pieces we've leveled up this is chicken breast the bread of oh chicken breasts branching breast oh i lost my fork this fork here oh there it is found it the lettuce is chopped a little too fine to get into it but i'm gonna try it yeah that's what you want that's what you wanted to touch that it's almost rude that they serve this flavor in an inferior piece of chicken because this chicken's way better and as a salad it's pretty good guys i'm having a good time in the salads i'm having so much fun it must be the bus must be the bus would you say these salads are busting let's take a break from all the fancy fun salads and really judge them by the core salad the house salad or as becky and i call it the ranch salad complete with giant croutons huge rings of red onion that can't possibly be eaten normally cherry tomatoes or just burger tomatoes and romaine or iceberg lettuce did i nail it hell yeah all the onions in the salad in one bite can i get a hell yeah hell yeah thank you jonathan only there's many people on the bus it's croutons i think just in this moment i realized what is it that makes these salads perfect and it's the croutons the croutons are so good i think they all got the croutons with the same creature on the store this is perfect this is better than all the other salads perfect oh boo okay guys i don't know if any of us are ready for this this is called the quesadilla explosion salad we found how they make the nachos they must take these and fry them right that's that must be what's going on here but it's like a children's quesadilla it almost looks like it's white bread cut in a circle right like almost and there's such a glob of cheese in here [Music] dressing is terrible is that the dressing the supposed to come for are we just sort of willy-nilly no that's what they do okay let me try it again that was so bad i gotta taste it again i'm trying to balsamic vinaigrette but it's a terrible decision to put balsamic vinegar on it why isn't it just ranch just ranch guys ranch or just pico de gallo no no dressing let's see if it continues with the santa fe chicken salad avocado okay now we got hey okay we got ranch and balsamic [Music] whoa whoa that's spicy that's not balsamic maybe they meant to put this in that thing and those does look almost exactly like that other one right like it's like spicier than the case i had before though it is supposed to be a southwest themed restaurant so i guess they're really trying to explore what the southwest can truly be okay this one's the only one i like as much as the plain house salad oh my my tongue is lit up tight in my mouth but it was good mmm santa fe new mexico hi i heard you're hot all year round it turns out you're right eight that's good whoo it's hot do you guys think me doing this is gonna somehow lead me to being conan o'brien i don't that is a goal of mine and it's what i'm doing now a southwest caesar salad with little shrimpies we got some koti kojita cheese whenever you see the little shrimps you're like oh boy little shrimps little shrimps are always you never know what you're going to get becky was going to be on today's eat the menu but she has food poisoning and she had little shrimps last night a little afraid about the little shrimps but we're going to eat them anyway for you [Music] oh they don't taste good shrimps the shrimps when i chewed them it felt like i was chopping them on a cutting board rather than chewing them into mush they just became little pieces of shrimp i don't like it i think it's bad on the whole their salads were so much better than most places salads with a little tweaking of what dressing they pair they've got an all-star salad menu as far as i'm concerned that was really the least painful of the salads that i've ever had my mouth is still hot from before my mouth is still hot i'm gonna drink some hot tea it's chili's chili everybody is it their namesake no but it is funny because it is their name i'm surprised this isn't loaded you know everything else has been loaded this is just plain chili they're gonna let it speak for itself i mean it looks like a good chunk has a nice texture very beef dominant i don't think there's any beans in here yeah tastes like hormel tastes exactly like that the cheapest can of chili you can buy from the grocery store i bet my hat on it i bet my hat before and you can see how that turned out next up the sandwiches and joining me to chow down on some chicken sandies is your pal and mine jared popkins we're at a party bud welcome to the priority bus yeah people oh not what i was expecting wasn't what you worked for earlier grilled bacon chicken bacon chicken sandwich i feel like we're digging our wedding photos i feel like i i feel like even though you're not in my lap i also feel like you're in my lap and i feel like i almost was like go ahead and say it this is the grilled chicken with bacon and avocado sandwich those are all the right words in the wrong order let's try it yeah they're there [Music] whoa oh oh got a little juice from it because it's juicy a little hand lotion there from the chicken it's not bad it's not bad avocado and this one is not as good as the avocado in the salad earlier i wish that they had mustard on it [Music] this would be really much better with mustard mustard or sauce or my ow yeah let's give it a dash i don't like sauce or food on my skin like reiniker can eat food and have like stuff drizzling down i'm like a little bird i have to eat very clean is it much better much better but i also just try to not eat the avocado the avocado i think is what's making it a bad sandwich that sauce works perfectly it really is good on that yeah chili's usually a lot you should call me yeah we're pretty close right now all right just give me a call we'll pull up in the bus keith will do a little dance what if we took the party bus around the country and had a chili's party bus featuring keith and sometimes jared jared will be there too you're gonna be driving the whole time that's a hard that's a long try we'll call this chilis yeah college chili's we are all playing now this is a cali turkey club it's huge it does come with fries here's something fun the bread was split but the the turkey was not it means the bread was split before it became a sandwich how do you know stuff like that you gotta observe the sandwich everybody's like keith you always smell you always look at the food yeah i do you eat with your eyes you eat your nose you eat with your ears you eat with your hoes baby oh my god yeah eat the menu merch that is a shirt this also has the same avocado that's suspect but it does have onion and it does have mayo let's try the turkey bacon club sandwich it's so generic it just tastes like a like i got it on a plane i think the sandwich kicks the last sandwich i think it's pretty good did you not like it i like the turkey hang on the cheese was good i know you thought was generic i think it's pretty good actually you know what i think i was a little harsh yeah this is not a bad sandwich if you're a turkey club person you should go to chili's this is a great lunch option good chance any last thoughts about the chicken turkey sandwich it won me over the eyes you just gave me you've already won you know won me over inspired me oh this is a jared favorite right here oh yeah read it out buffalo chicken ranch sammy this time it's only a sandwich for one all the others thought there were two of us and they were right but this is a bigger salmon it is a bigger statement it's a little bit ovular yeah that's nice yeah it's got a good wetness also good cut for a plastic knife and the knives here are really nice it looks good all right let's try the buffalo chicken sandwich cheers i like that that's the best one we've had for sure really good it's a little on the soft side texturally but the flavor is out of control you know why it's good there's more going on than just the buffalo sauce there's something else in there yeah like the it's just well balanced yeah it's perfect proportion like i taste the flavor of the heat but i'm not my mouth's not hot it's not it's not that spicy i think it's a little bit the bus the bus is making it extra fun big mouth crispy chicken sandwich only on netflix look at all the goo i'm worried about the goo it smells kind of barbecuey that's right i already have that it doesn't look barbecuey it looks gooey the babagoo wow chili's flat wow this is good you know what it is holy what this is the secret chick-fil-a sauce oh my you are a beast thank you that's what it is okay chick-fil-a has this secret like smoky honey sauce that's exactly what it only comes in packets that you have to ask for i don't know why i'm thrilled to have that flavor this is really good from people that aren't homophobic see like that i envy that i can't do that i couldn't like be in a movie where they you know when it was like slime time on nickelodeon i couldn't slime time i would love to be slimed oh i would i would literally call me yeah let's slime keith let's slime me during and eat the menu oh my god dude this party bus is making me feel like i'm 22 again wow well jared what's new with you you got anything to promote i'm gonna promote the try guys hey cause i really like them so i'm gonna promote them hey thanks yeah thanks yeah well make sure you follow jared pop get his hands on screen right now show him some love on the insta and the twitter and we'll see jared next time thanks for dropping by love you love you all right thanks for watching yeah it was really cute i'm gonna steal a red bull steal a red ball you guys have a red ball you guys are the best you want one right here my doctor said to stop drinking them so much oh my gosh now let's move on to some delicious burgers joining me is my beefiest boy ryan garcia yay let's do it wow that was amazing i feel so tall he's on an apple this is no this is the actual wheel height no everyone always wants you to believe she's all super tall but keith's only 5'3 and i'm 511. all right we got some burgers ryan you want to grab one of them burgers we'll jump right in old timer with cheese and roasted asparagus oh that's right you're trying like all the sides with me too oh this is exciting a little piece of burger there you go how is it that's a burger that's a burger this is the asparagus it's like your classic salt and pepper asparagus not bad it's got a lot more crisp and crunch than i thought it was gonna yeah it's pretty okay the old timer the cheese yum [Music] imagine someone's backyard they just threw some asparagus on the grill now we're having burgers it tastes like an old man flavorless different direction there whoa oh yeah this is a really dangerous thing to lady in the though because do it it's good i like the lime i never would have thought lime on corn no we have one more bite no i don't want it it was too interesting it was very disappointing and it was just the taste of like lime and corn and garlic all right let's check in with the chili secret sauce burger i see the sauce it's right here oh it's not much of a secret is it no let's see it's just right there there's better nice i think the meat will feel cooked a little better with this one as well it's so soft it's a sweet pillow i thought it was good and look geez hey look i'm touching it all right after that last kiss i feel like this is the move it feels nice let's have some mexican rice okay have you been this intimate with all of the people that you've been eating with i mean you're the second person very salty rice salty rice i want some beans i want a black beans yeah maybe maybe call it fiesta rice this is the just bacon burger it's so wet look at the bottom bun it's so wet look at this these are all soggy buns i want to toast toast my buns okay let's try the just bacon so you gotta season your beef guys you can't just trust that all the things around it are gonna bring it flavor this is the barbecue brisket burger with corn on the cob wow corn again corn again is it gonna be oh it's gotta take a ride i'm a corn lover my kernels are spilling all over okay look it's hot yeah it's pretty good maybe over steamed over the steams and under buttered yeah hope there's more versions of the corn this corn has been the hottest part of this burger meal so far so far just been corn floor play this burger okay we found a burger that looks way different this is the barbecue brisket burger it's got brisket on it it looks like it's got coleslaw on it oh it smells let me smell yours so smell the same of yours yeah okay let's try it barbecue whiskey [Music] mmm burger brisket is good what's great about it is the meat doesn't have to do a lot of work because the brisket and clothesline is doing it all for it means doing nothing i don't taste the burger at all it tastes like a brisket sandwich look at this burger it looks like a bunch of fettuccines coming out of it you ever vomited noodles and you realize how little chewing you've actually done in life i'm going to let you know that alex is nodding her head aggressively have you ever vomited neutrals yeah let's turn the cameras around here that story now let's have coleslaw the way it was meant to be eaten all the pepper i like coleslaw because it reminds me of being on a picnic a part of me has always wanted to work for a large company just so i can go to a company picnic i've been to a company picnic they're fine kind of tastes like plastic which is like my mouth just tastes old it tastes bad it's a little queso burger this burger's got a queso to tortillas i got a queso to burgers today doctor because he got a queso tortillas got a queso burger zipper let's try it [Music] i don't know if the tortillas do anything at all all they've got is protect this top bun from getting soggy which i guess is good yeah we are halfway through our burgers how are we not further this is the mushroom swiss burger with loaded mashed potatoes we got little little bacon bits and chives wait hold on you gotta do this you gotta put it between our faces and go hello mashed potatoes people love this part oh gotta give the people what they want they go crazy [Laughter] mmm brother i've always said chili's knows how to do a loaded mashed potatoes it's good are you doing the mashed potatoes i think the mashed potatoes like this i don't think that's what it is oh i think it's this yeah maybe the mashed potato oh that's is that the twist that's the twist what's the mashed potato i think i have i think i actually it's like you do like this yeah your feet have to do the mashing look at him go mushrooms are another thing you vomit on me like yeah i guess i didn't chew those either did i it buddy i don't like the way you smell them i have to smell them i don't like the way you do it you eat with your eyes you eat your nose you eat with your ears you eat with your hoes that's what they say that's what they always say that's why we're in the party box i think by the time this video comes out we're gonna have that shirt ready for sale so go buy that shirt for what already the beef's not bringing the fun mushrooms are definitely not invited to the party to bring the fun so it's like you dipped a burger in a glass of water i don't enjoy this burger i'm not another bite that was the worst one and you liked it no oh you must have been in the clean clay plate club clean plate lunch combo double burger perfect for a date with a half caesar salad nope oh that's not right something's wrong with my caesar the half caesar looks a little different than the falsies that we had earlier but you know what let's have a lunch combo double berger something's wrong with kate this is so tough the same thing well yeah it reminds me of a burger i've had somewhere it tastes like this where was it keith searched through your brain keith it kind of tastes like the great american steak and potato company this tastes like that super bland beef that you get i don't even know what that place is let's try the french fries the fries that was good i think that one that i have is good but i'm not sure if the other ones are gonna be good it's a fry that's a fry the big bacon barbecue burger with steamed broccoli wow that is a big burberry barbecue burger look at the size of this this is the dinner double burger stacked me on top and put me to bed it looks like the bacon's the fingers of a hand look at how the meat is like it stinks are you sure it's daddy sure it's not this broccoli oh it's i think it might be the broccoli broccoli always stinks that's good berry oh my god so salty wow it tastes like a mouthful of ocean wire oh the bottom bun feels terrible your fingers are just inside the meat it's a sad face the big big ass big burger with bacon on it [Music] your lettuce went all over my thigh with no lettuce on there you're right my sweet potatoes so salty a bacon ranch with french fries bacon ranch look at how it has crushed that bun this is like in the spongebob episode where he tucks in the pickles to go to bed goodnight little pickles come on get big there he is the winners helps a lot but there's just too much and you're right the ranch does a good job to help that ranch is carrying a lot of weight this one's alex's santa fe burger this is gonna be an exciting burger for alex to have coined their own name onto it let's let the camera see it before we do okay what do we think right let's look hey there's avocado what a big old brown piece of avocado the black beans i guess these are more like fiesta beans and they have a little salsa on top yeah they have a little pico of sorts it's not over salted like some of the other sides we've had i think i like it with the mexican rice the knife's coming nowhere near you sweeney oh there's a mirror around the ceiling wow what kind of parties you could have here the ceiling's a big old mirror you guys see it oh hey i think it's so short like to your height in order okay you're on an apple box i only know about santa fe through the musical newsies that's my cigar you'll steal another hey bummers we got white to do newsies this is great that we're in dinner theater in here all right let's have the alex's santa fe burger [Music] it's got kind of hot white cheese in there i'm a hot white cheese there you are santa fe are you there well it's been the burger it's been a pleasure having you ryan hey you got any projects going on where can people find you the movie that my wife wrote and directed is now available for video on demand called my fiona i'm in it i play a real smart doctor see ya thanks ryan good to see you we'll see you next time whoa coming up next chicken crispers nobody laying finger on mine chicken crisp brews joining me on eat the menu for some chicken crispers kalynn what's up i feel very at home here in this party bus you do yeah if anybody's watching from arizona party buses and chili's just like very very both specific arizona things so i feel like i feel great here we're gonna try some chicken crispers but we also have something you can buy from chili's which is a gallon of margarita that's the specific part to arizona it also comes in a bag solo you know that i did an ad for chili's to go margaritas last year what one of the photographers reached out was like do you guys wanna have like poses to margaritas and we were like okay and then they ended up not being ever used or seen by the world because chili's messed up but it was like my dream job because i love chili's right and obviously we love margaritas you gotta fix this you gotta reach out to kaelyn redo the deal pay her so much money and then also send us margaritas hey hire me too we'll bring her on the bus we'll bring her on the bus tour cheers cheers we also did party buses a lot in arizona too this is just really really everything that i grew up with well tell me in arizona do you have chicken crispers um yeah here's some honey mustard here's some honey mustard there's no ranch i know what are they doing this is evil there it is there it is grab it nice the chicken crispers cheers i'm gonna have it plain first oh i have to have a ranch salty this is pretty good oh is it too salty but it might be a little gizalty no i like it but let me try it with the honey mustard no i don't like cutting mustard i'm a ranch i'm also a ranch myself yeah this is a good chicken tender they're a little flatter which is i would expect it to be drier than it is but it's actually still pretty moist it's pretty good these are the crispy chicken crispers all a little redundant you think but i guess they're going to be oh oh hell yeah look it looks like a potato it's like um it's like a like a like a beer batter like a fish batter almost feels crazy i agree with you this one wiggles but this part this part's going to crunch i think if i bite it right i'll try this one with honey mustard i guess huh a little bit these are not crispy uh-uh i don't like that that's a weird texture it's salty though honey smelly crispers and waffles whoa this is visually amazing i didn't even know they had this look at this have you have you ever seen anything so beautiful there are a lot of scallions and jalapenos on this waffle with this honey chicken interesting what are your thoughts it's salty it's sweet it's spicy it's so confusing no no no that one's a hard though that's no it's too bad because it was beautiful maybe maybe the problem with that one is you need to be a little drunker already hours into the process mouth hurts we're behind so a lot okay is this a difference this is the same without i think we're done no there's two this is more of that no one they're not the same one at a time put that down man put it down you get everyone's gonna freak out okay go this is the crispy honey chipotle chicken christmas how many times so now we get to really isolate and see what the problem was over there this is like kind of like if you get wings and if they're not like tossed enough that's a very big concern like i like to have extra sauce just in case they don't in case these made sure the extra sauce is poured on top all right these are good i would eat these it tastes like the honey barbecue but again it's too salty okay these are the mango habanero it is with ranch which i appreciate because everything is better with ranch yep they're so yeah it's very glossy is it spicy it's you're gonna hate it you're gonna really hate it the mango habanero chicken crisper yum oh i hate it it's really spicy oh it's awful it's got a weird like aftertaste i'm not gonna lie the mango's not coming through at all kaelin's so bad i know mike was hot [Music] oh it's hot it does taste like if you were like eating like eating a pepper pretty much straight up are you okay no do you want more margarita then the margaritas will cure everything well calendar where what's going on with you what's new with you doing a lot of shoots we were busy busy boys well there's lots of new merch out so if you haven't gotten your merch yet you should get it now and we're going to be doing lots of new year's sales so look out for those steals and deals okay though thanks for dropping by you get a treat i'm gonna crawl back into my chair okay we're gonna die we gotta move on move on to what's next we'll see right after this title card [Music] are we ready time for the tacos and the quesadillas it is a southwest restaurant after all the ranchero chicken taco mmm actually looks pretty okay doesn't it audience yeah keith you're going great thanks guys do you guys think it's cute when i host side saddle let's try the ranchero chicken taco it doesn't taste like anything that's really bland somehow it was the same chicken it tastes like the chicken that was in the other appetizer chickens the cotija cheese doesn't have any flavor i don't like it but i think it looks very pretty oh god [Music] bacon ranch chicken quesadilla you know i was just thinking about how quesadillas [Laughter] they're bang quesadillas remind me of armadillas armadillos because why don't we pronounce it like armadillo audience do you have an answer bacon and cheese chicken quesadilla he's bacon salad bar bacon bits on quesadilla you whoever did this that's terrible i wanna get a live studio audience but you're gonna have to sit for six hours in a bus a brisket quesadilla [Music] i don't hate it don't love it everything is so salty why beef bacon ranch quesadilla it's beef and bacon and ranch there's no ranch this time it's pieces of bacon no that's beef that's bacon [Music] there's a beef bacon ranch there's no ranch on it so much beef for such a little bite is that how your quesadilla is in your house does it crunch no that is so dry i know i could put pico de gallo on it but i normally have quesadillas that are pretty sopping wet kind of sound like lola from big mouth right now i'm just trying to have a piece of diaphrag large oh my god i'm i'm excited for this it's got the little baby shrimps spicy oh me spicy shrimp taco call your dad it's getting spicy way better now that's what i call fine i think it was actually just kind of good but compared to the others that's fantastic i think if you like spicy shrimp and you're trying to have a ba afternoon get yourself spicy shrimp taco baja next up is some fish and chicken dishes and joining me is my resident pescetarian friend cam is here to eat some fish i love to have you i know we often are trying to get you on eat the menus but not a lot of places have seafood well we're gonna start with uh some chipotle strip fresh mex bowl honestly although it's a little bit worse for wear it looks like it's okay are we doing this hand style dog style or a giant knife if that's of any use to you it actually this is slightly larger earlier all the shrimp dishes have have the baby shrimp these shrimp are a little bit bigger which i assume will mean a little bit better this is not a baby shrimp yours is kind of baby don't be honest with it i like it i've had a big issue with the amount of salt today and it's been very overwhelming you must be dehydrated all that soda i don't have to pee at all i've been here for hours i feel like buying it at a restaurant it's okay if i cook this at home i'll be so proud i agree you'd be like wow so much flavor wow how'd you do this cajun shrimp pasta now this is one of only i think two or three pasta dishes on the entire menu look at this texas toast oh this is soft toast right now i don't know if it's toast anymore that's tennessee toast now that's not texas absolutely tennessee toast unreliable so i'm gonna dig in oh you try that one it's not good oh it tastes like dough isn't that exciting it's not boring i would say i'm indifferent okay not exactly what you want someone to review your food [Applause] are they going to be watching this oh they all watch it all the brands watch these videos and then they act like they didn't see it as they don't interact with me at all on twitter but you know what else would have made them better your sauce it would have try it i think it's either burger sauce i gotta get over here if you fall i'll catch you that's so sweet i was a wide receiver in high school you were yes try yourself just a little shrimp in it too because i think i think it's best with i think it's great with seafood taco sauce whoa now see chili's if you add this to that now we talking about a banker i just got you a sponsor i'm telling you chili's let's just partner up let's do it i can be your mascot i'll take this video off the internet all the negative reviews will be gone poof the ancho salmon let's see it real quick look at this that actually looks pretty good it looks like they grilled it the right way too they did it safely in the aluminum foil so it doesn't overcook it smells okay let's try that little ancho salmon we don't really know it does have a little bit of sweetness so i agree this is gonna work pretty well with that put more than that all right i'll take that back my whole dip you can take this whole bottle with you when you go don't tip me with a good time i one time j i'll deliver on it i'm a believer clear believer i had salmon last night from an independent restaurant this was equally good as that and this is a chain restaurant i've never heard anyone like it's an artist like the rest of us assigned to a not signed to a record player who's independent yeah they're just uploading their own stuff on band camp and uh it's gonna disperse to all the different uh channels you're gonna be here joining me for these last two chicken items i know you don't eat the chicken but look at this chaos that looks great look at this it looks a little overwhelming but maybe it looks pretty good so you're in a dorm team you guys have like a million projects so we have uh two podcasts we have a comedy one called comedy trap house drops every tuesday everywhere we also do stories we do sketches on our main channel dormtainment tv and we have a shades line called shady side up and the shades are legit you guys brought us some pears and i was wearing them and i had actually people come and be like what are those thank you i will say this is really good the mango is quite sweet but because everything is so salty today i kind of enjoy it i don't think it would be my go-to order but again i think it's worth trying if you like this kind of thing this will satisfy you if i ate chicken i would try that oh i feel so full okay we got one more one more margarita grilled chicken okay so this could either be tequila grilled chicken or a pizza it looks like a tequila it looks drunk like someone who was drunk you got this why didn't they cut this for me they think i'm a child what's happening here why is it cut i'm just gonna go like this because oh there's some tortillas now it looks like a pizza [Music] this isn't the one to miss it's not bad it just tastes so bland which is impressive because there's a lot of stuff on it so it's not hidden miss it's hidden mist mm-hmm but we do you can't have it we got a whole gallon of margarita right with the sauce though before you say that what the margarita oh no the chicken i was like i'll drink it with the sauce if you want me to oh yeah it makes it so much better you know what's missing that the independent restaurants got love i don't taste any love and i want to be loved when i eat when i sleep when i go on dates mm-hmm is there a special person in your life my special person is god okay you can never go wrong that answer right here like i've got nothing i can follow that up with well if you like try guys make sure you check out jordantainment we feel like we're just cut from the same cloth we've uh we met each other several years ago and we've been able to hang out and do videos together all the time we got to get on one of your podcasts i definitely want to get on one of the joke videos i love them they crack me up every time make sure you check out cam make sure you check out jordantayman thanks for stopping by say bye to cam bye cam i'm stuck just watch out for the knife the whole restaurant turns their head they see it a brightly colored server walks through and steam emanates from the top of the hot plate that can mean only one thing fajita time joining me to have some fajitas her first ever appearance on the eat the mini table stage new second try employee desiree [Applause] well we're gonna have some fajitas you've been going and picking up all the chilis how's chili's been responding to it they kind of knew what was going on so they've just been they've been helping us out they're on to us they're on to us they're on to us but they're not knarking on us so they're fine they like it that's nice desiree tell the audience a little bit about you who is desiree i'm desiree i don't really do much besides work and play rugby you play rugby i play rugby whoa awesome he beat people up you play with ladies or boys ladies yes it's women's rugby i see what's the best way to tackle a lady on the field hit them low and hit them in the hips [Music] very cool shoulder first shoulder into the hips yeah pam so we're gonna start with the shrimps i love that get the shrimps out of the way early that's what i always say look at all the shrimps little baby bite little baby bite for me we are babies look at us go we're babies babies babies babies do you think we could sell a try guy babies cartoon like muppet babies yeah i mean you're selling to the kids now ned has kids we're all good it's true eventually we're gonna have to start making content that's appropriate for our children eventually because they can't keep watching us say all the time am i right kids cheers to you kids cheers let's try this shrimp fajita fajita couldn't remember yours is right in the middle mine's in the middle i might do a side bite didn't really taste the shrimp mm-hmm it chews like a shrimp mm-hmm but it don't change like shrimp yeah the shrimp is a disappointment let's move on to the other one this piece of chicken is huge it's gargantuan my mother used to love fajitas probably still does and so i always thought vegeta's was like four moms sort of like how there's a kids menu yeah i guess i started thinking that the fajitas was the mom minion yep that makes sense because they don't have a designated menu for every other age now do they i feel like midlife crisis menu is just if you go to margaritaville that's all midlife crisis spending you nailed it all right let's try the chicken one chicken i like it better than the shrimp you know what it is what you don't get everyone else's jealousy oh yeah when they're walking and you look around and every idiot's eating their burger being like i made the biggest mistake of my life today and you get to look like a god it's okay this is the first steak of the day everybody ding ding ding the steak bell ring the cowbell you got the cows on the screen bring the cows in it's cow time i'd say the beef the steak smells good it smells well seasoned it does smell salty as hot mmm it doesn't feel short in your mouth uh-huh it doesn't feel fruit in your mouth it's a little hard for me to chew it which i feel like if you're having a fajita it smells like it's gonna be so good and it kind of just it kind of just tastes like a hamburger meat all right take the cows off the screen black bean and veggie well uh-uh it's a veggie patty oh my goodness i did not expect that patty these tortillas are hot this is not beans it is beans soup it is no it's beans you just got to fish them out that just looks sus and also this just falls apart i have a question yeah you're young yes you're millennialist are you a z or millennial right on the cusp i'm so sorry okay you said sus naturally in conversation did people say suss before among us yes okay cool okay let's try the vegetarian fajita i can never remember the name of this dish no i agree with destroying no it's not good i'm so disappointed it's like i've been spouting around three times i'm so disappointed i thought this was gonna be delicioso benjen is mowing mal and i do think that in the restaurant it was it's probably much better than on the party bus yeah i think so too well desiree are you playing any games are we the audience should come and cheer you on um yeah we're in our preseason right now santa monica women's rugby shout out watch desiree just tackle ladies in the hips with their shoulders bye desiree bye it's time baby for those baby back baby back baby back ribs and steaks and joining me for that is my favorite blue burger member and yours i mean huey's great too he's just not available alex lewis oh boy his favorite lou burger you heard it here first folks and it's time for everybody's favorite segment hello keith burps on alex uh alex brought some cookies to the all you can eat eating the menu time what do you think of these kids what is that cat i'd like to think of them as the real gingerbread experience in a cookie but it's a cake i like that they're little kitty cats and i also made you a special one it says kang for keith okay i'll i'll eat that one and the one i breathed on i'll leave for someone else okay they smell good let's try it these ones are a little flatter yep if you want to try slightly more cookie version it's not very gingery and the texture's kind of wrong but i appreciate the gift thanks man someday i'll probably stop doing this i don't know it's kind of fun all right we're having fun together we're having fun sometimes you need something you don't kind of like [Music] bring it on over [Applause] ribs and steaks and breads oh wow guys look at this teeny tiny baby steak what's going on why is it so teeny tiny why is it got so much on it teeny tiny baby steak this is a tiny baby steak it's the instant little avocado baby steak cheers whoa flavor that's not bad i don't actually like the avocado at all but i love the flavor of the steak yeah the steak flavor is great i don't even know how to describe it other than yum yum my parents used to get steaks from chili's and i was thinking back and i'm like maybe that's crazy but now having this take i'm like no that's a good place for steak turns out this is the classic sterling little baby steak here we go oh the broccoli smells terrible it's very it's poopy oh oh you're right yeah let's get it out of here get the butt broccoli out of my face okay get your butt out of my face get your butt out of my face get your butt out of my face oh mashed potatoes oh yeah you okay buddy no we're struggling i was laying down earlier oh no it's okay the classic sirloin no avocado this time no this is way better than the avocado one it's a little overcooked that said the fact that it is almost well done and it still is kind of delicious says something about the piece of meat itself it also is drenched in butter this is the classic rib eye steaks oh i want to see you daddy come on daddy bye daddy daddy should i give you two moments daddy a ribeye daddy rip on daddy i'd watch that cartoon that's the beef oh boy it is it's kind of medium that's pretty good i'll take a medium from a chain restaurant that's not a steakhouse you know that makes sense you really cook out all the bacteria that could be in it it's very unlikely the bacteria is in a steak bacteria gets on the outside of steaks because of the meat processing plants they go through which is why ground beef needs to be cooked more because you have all the outsides getting mixed into the inside but a slice of beef only really has to be seared parasites are a different story the cows don't get a lot of parasites in their muscles parasites curse whites in their muscles let's try the ribeye you went to australian for a second that was all fat for me it was i saw you eat it let me try a non-fat it's good i'm just a surfer now it's true i am a surfer now [Music] ooh calabanga steak there's a damn fine steak from chili's okay let's have the ribs this one is the wait watch your elbow the house barbecue baby back ribs i liked going to restaurants where you got your ribs and they brought you a bucket and you chopped your bones in a bucket and i felt like a king child let's try the barbecue baby back ribs hmm a little overclocked with dry barbecue sauce is pretty decent but boy oh boy how did i get this soda dry it sucks up all the saliva in my mouth yeah this tastes like it's been sitting on the grill for a while like they just have a bunch of ribs back there in case people order them here we go it's the original barbecue babe okay original barbecue you want to see the rib meat pulling off from the bone so visually they're doing a good job oh my god so the original barbecue sauce baby back ribs original okay pork is way better on this one much fattier much more tender i could still use a little more moistness i could use more but we're on the way this one is the honey chipotle ribs now i had this juice on some chicken earlier and it was spicier than i wanted uh-oh we're a couple of non-spicy boys that's one thing that we all know alex knows that giving you a second one in to give you the best possible pork cook you're setting me up for success i'm trying my bestest the honey chipotle ribbies i mean it's just so candied i mean look the sheen on this sauce i think that the meat has been the best on this the texas dry rub my favorite kind of ribs are dry rub ribs so i'm really hoping here's where you really need the rib moisture to play the huge part of it because there's no extra moisture for you that's right probably can't talk about fred flintstone on the show yeah you can what's up fred shout out fred flintstone shout out barney rubble the texas dry rub baby back ribs [Music] that's good it's not memphis dry rub ribs in texas that this is the first time that the saltiness is i've liked it it's supposed to be salt and peppery that's how these kind of work your sauce makes it amazing oh yeah that's it but that was the one yeah that is good i'm going to take an extra little something yeah dip its neck right in that juice i'm being a terrible jew right now huey would be devastated no he wouldn't each jew gets to be their own self and explore their judaism how they like that's what huey would say you're right that is what huey would say god bless you but he's been having a hard time sleeping i think if you're a college or if you're a private company anyone that can hire a show to happen you should hire louberger because we've been out on the road tell him keith we've been out on the road we've been in shows all over the place we get standing ovations we get people being like wow i've never heard of you before this is amazing it's a really good time while we're out on the road if we're out long enough we get to eat the menus in local areas and finally try places like culver's don't you want to see me have culver's i want to see him at culver's bojangles perhaps i would love to see him at bojangle so many good options out there but you've got a big bluebird to do it thanks for dropping by you eat the menu always good to have you good to see you keith here's the next one only two more guys we're almost there it's time for the kids meals and that's food that's for babies and we have babies here the food babies but only one please welcome to the mini table stage alexandria she's been here the whole time but she's been sitting there now she's sitting here alexandria how's the day been so far not so bad you want what do we start with um let's [Music] god start with good don't worry about me the kraft mac and cheese macaroni and cheese crab mac and cheese the blue blocks blue box blue all right the craft macaroni and cheese i haven't had that in years it's awful it's not good that's terrible but children are stupid this is cheesy chicken pasta cheesy chicken pasta wait they can make cheesy pasta and they still served different cheesy pasta all right the chicken cheesy pasta pretty good that's way better than the mac and cheese that's really good i mean it's still so salty kind of like an alfredo with a little chipotle in there i would i do this 100 eat this drunk or sober a hundred percent grilled cheese you gotta change my attitude i love kids are fun kids many fun times mandarin oranges from the salad i'm gonna have an orange i can't wait to have fruit oh oh they're sweet why are they so sweet let's try the sample let's try this sandwich it's not melted but doesn't that look so melty it's like tv cheese it really is it smells good though oh that's like glue uh-huh but the buttered outside of the bread tastes good a cheese pizza is this just the nachos covered in pizza oh my god are you oh my god alexandra you're a genius i don't think it is but it's so similar i think this is just some weird frozen thing they sell cheers cheese pizza it's like a decent gas station pizza yeah maybe it's pretty bad it's like someone's grabbed my tongue with their hand and their hands in like a little rubber glove this looks a little better i just want to know what it would be like to grab my own tongue [Music] how's that image do we like that audience do we like that okay let's try the little kids pizza the pepperoni pizza it's better because the pepperonis are pepperonis you never grow out of pepperoni guys it's always delicious it's a little too funky there's like a weird taste going on i'm tell you what pepperoni that's a sweaty meat it just sweats like a fat little guy oh your favorite a cheese quesadilla oh god this looks worse than all the other ones this one isn't even stuck to itself i think it's just two nachos stuck together i think you're 100 right it's like a pita tortilla uh-uh it was bad you ever put a piece of white bread in a toaster oven with a piece of american cheese and toasted it like that a cheese toasty some people call it that's what this tastes like but bad oh look at this tiny they're like a little identical twins free them alex perfect this is cute it's got a tiny little piece of chicken it's just chicken and bread there's no sauce plain cheese children don't like things i like things you're not a child it's pretty dry but it's not that bad marvel there's something wrong with the chicken chicken's so dry very good it's like cement no do you look turning me right on the ceiling yeah no i just have the emergency exit really further back see it's pretty cool yeah pretty neat your voice is real deep right now it's hard i'm barely here is that the guy i think she's out here oh it's our guy there was a guy who's upset with us i thought he was coming on the bus i thought he was coming on the bus and honestly i would have invited him in what the oh my god close it this is the grilled chicken chicken dippers it looks like chicken leather oh my god it's so dry it sounds like velcro wait listen really stop oh it's really hard to fight no i'm ew ugh oh you're poor children chili's hates kids what was like what friends you have in college and their parents didn't really teach them how to cook anything and so they cook chicken forever because they're afraid it's gonna kill them they didn't know how you can you're gonna eat chicken when it still has moisture oh my god look at our little tower oh this is a lot chilies [Music] okay these are the burger bites oh little hockey pucks doesn't this look like a little butt looks like a little turd why does it is this meat it is meat it's more meat leather tiny baby burgers for tiny baby boys and girls [Music] that's bad that's real bad this is the worst kids meal i've ever eaten i feel like they hate children the bread is good the meat is not meat we should just marinate the beef and ketchup and call it a day cheeseburger for babies baby burgers that's not good you can feel the cheese but you can't taste it it's that same gluey mushy texture i wish somebody would grab my tongue just so i could feel something well those are the children's items i can't believe we ate them well alexandria what you got going on how's things going food babies probably coming out in january-ish yeah that's about it we think we're gonna have you all go to red lobster oh yeah i think it'll be a fun time you can try all the different shrimp dishes you got a party bus get a party bus why not it's time for our just desserts three more items stick around to see if i make it it's dessert time guys we did it there's only three things left let's start with the cookie cookie cookies skillet the cookie skillet now there's a lot of qualifiers with these desserts the restaurant was like hey this is not how it's supposed to look we know it please don't judge us and i'm not gonna judge them toss it toss it again one more time there's two i got one all right it's definitely melted don't worry about that it's not their fault it's because we had a hot cookie it got delivered to us of course this happened normally they boxes separately they didn't because we're right here we asked them not to it's not on them but it still looks good everybody likes a good skillet cookie with ice cream it's good it tastes exactly like they all do good i like it because it's not salty everything's been salty little lava cake more qualifiers a lot of cake they said normally it's all hot when you get it to go you boot it in the microwave they didn't do that it's in here and all the lava came out but we're gonna put the fudge in the lava oh on the remote island everything seems fine the people of the island feel safe little do they know that bubbling under the surface is magma and the magma can't take it anymore and the magma erupts and the lava flows through the town but people don't die instead they become lava people they save the world i've only had a molten lava cake a few times in my life and this is one of them oh it's rich that's good i've always been a fan of chocolate cake i remember once when i went to a pool party they had vanilla cake and chocolate cake and it was the first time i tried both back to back i was like chocolate cake is way better this is way better i remember this and then i ate the cake and i jumped in the pool that was cool this reminds me of that moment we're a critical mass it's time for the cheesecake the cheesecake it was the last one though all we have to do is take one bite stabbed a little too hard there oopsie [Music] the cheesecake itself is pretty good but the strawberry syrup tastes too fake for such an elegant end to a meal it's one of the hardest ones there's so many things it just wouldn't stop i think this is sort of underwhelming but i get why you have it some people don't like chocolate and the other ones are pretty chocolate dominant but that's it guys we hecking did it and now it's time for the best and the least best okay we got a lot we had a lot of stuff today and we had a lot of fun didn't we let's start with the leafs pests the burgers burgers are bad i didn't like them at all they were so bland and boring and upsetting and they were so big and there's so many that probably ate two pounds of burgers and i didn't even like them i also think the ribs were not as good as they should be they were not the least best but they weren't even near the top of the best and that sucks because the song the song most of it was sort of meh most of the whole menu was matte however there were some bests okay a salad even though the dressings were wrong the salads themselves i think were some of the best casual american chain restaurant salads that i have had i think with a few changes of the dressings they could be the best things on the whole menu the rib eye steak was perfect honestly i think it was better than the rib my steak i had from outback it was really good my parents used to get that exact thing and i understand why it was quite delicious and that's it baby i'm so full i feel bad i don't think it's because of chili's i think it's because of the quantity i think there's only so much you can stick in this big old man but i had fun and we had some fun guests didn't we hey thanks to jared for popping by thanks to ryan great to see cam as always caitlin was a hoot desiree came for the first time what a treat and alexandria and alex lewis came by it's been great doing the eat the menu on the party bus i think we all had a good time thanks to everybody in the bus keeping the party alive can i get a hell yeah oh yeah thanks mostly jonathan again i got a little dawn action there that time though we enjoyed that i hope you had a good time let me know your favorite things from chili's what do you disagree with me with and where else should i eat the menu next i'm keith habersberger bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] you look like i'm santa we should do santa and elf ooh yeah i've got the height for an elf but i got the i could do a santa look i could do both you could do l you're like the tallest look at this sneaky little mustache actually on the elf you don't trust what are you like six three six three you're it's always stealth but i believe in it
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 7,568,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, keith eats, keith eats everything, mukbang, keith eats the menu, eating show, eating challenge, fast food, most popular, taste test, worst, eat everything, chili's, chili's menu, chili's restaurant, chili's grill & bar, odd chili's facts, chili's taste test, chili's full menu, worst food at chili's
Id: Uk9TA10M788
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 47sec (3887 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 01 2022
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