Keith Eats Everything At Nando's PERi-PERi Chicken

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- In 1987 in Johannesburg, South Africa two men opened a Portuguese style chicken restaurant. It was based entirely around the pepper called Peri-Peri. Since then it has grown to have over 1000 branches in 35 countries. Today I will eat everything from Nando's Peri-Peri. It's spicy chicken, a-peri-ently. Also as always 'Eat the Menu' is brought to you by Keith's Chicken Sauce. What a delicious condiment, topping and drink. (theme music) Okay so we have our first delivery of Nando's Peri-Peri. This has some appetizers, some snacks and some chicken. There's two more orders coming. They're going to get more and more as they come. You'll see. Let's get eating. All right let's start with some sides and appetizers. I can't really tell the difference between the sides and the appetizers as I'm going through them, so I'm just smashing them all together. But sides are just appetizers at the same time as dinner. You know? Let's start with the one I'm most excited for. Nuts. These are warm nuts. Cashews, almonds. This is great. I'm going to have some to go. Have some on the plane tomorrow. There's the tinsiest 2% kick. These are probably great for drinking a beer. Mmm. They're great nuts. These are some good nuts. Hummus, pita and veggies. It said it had a little bit of a drizzle of Peri-Peri. Yeah that's hummus. Have a little carrot with hummus. Oh did you hear that crunch? Whew! I love that they have veggies and hummus. Not normal for a fast food chain. Right? Is this really a fast food restaurant 'cause they have marinated olives. Am I at a cocktail party? Did someone have me over for their fancy brunch at home? Oh my god! They're amazing. Holy shit. Moving into the sides. Butternut squash and corn. What fun veggies. Oh shit it's spicy. Oh, oh shit. Oh it's hot. Wow, that tastes like spicy thanksgiving. You know what thanksgiving is- delicious. You know what thanksgiving is never- spicy. I'm also interested, like it's a Portuguese restaurant and it's from South Africa and it's in a lot of countries but it's only in the DC, Maryland area and Chicago. It's nowhere else. So mysterious. Well why don't we cool my mouth down with the good old classic Coleslaw. I love Coleslaw. Everybody loves Coleslaw. Man you know what I gotta respect right now, let's shout out the fact that they're only using paper. You know, there's not plastic. I mean these often have a wax linings, but normally you'd have this in styrofoam or plastic. They're puttin' this in a box. Not worried about it. Wow, I've never had Nando's, so far this experience is unbelievable. Macho Peas. Oh, like a mint. Like a, almost, no, no in a really good way kind of like how Indian food will use mint. Sometimes, where it's not minty but mint is one of the things. And it's got this amazing cooling taste. Wow. It kind of looks like baby food. But it's not. It's not baby food. I got to get into these before it takes too long, 'cause they're not going to last forever. French fries. Great flavor. Just exactly what you want a french fry to taste like. Like ballpark french fries. Like so perfect. Now we are right next to the Washington National Ballpark. Guys these fries are amazing. Holy cow. Damn, is it a thing? Do people talk about good Nando's fries are? They're f*!&n' good. Garlic bread. I think these are the rolls they use for their sandwiches, and they just turn them into garlic bread when they don't make sandwiches. Yeah! It's good. Good crunch, good flavor. Good salt presence. Good garlic powder-ness. Whenever I have garlic bread by itself, it's just, it's always lacking. 'Cause I want to sop it in some marinara. I got so much garlic bread left, look at that. Ooh, Lewberger's getting nuts tonight on bread. It's corn on the cob. (laughs) Look at that. It's a whole corn of cob. The fact that we had nuts, and then held up all those olives and now I'm eating this it's just such a phallic experience, isn't it? (loud chewing sound) How's that sound? - [Cameraman] It's very weird. - Mmm. (chewing sounds) How'd they get sweet corn? How did they find good sweet corn in late November? That's what it is for us right now. How are they doing that? What kind of South African secret is that? It's time to take a quick salad break. There are only two salads as sides and they have a little bit of an upcharge, but they look pretty good. Caesar salad. They've got the leftover garlic bread as croutons. They've got the shaved Parmesan. Sometimes I would get drunk in college and we'd have dressing and some lettuce and stuff and I would just eat a salad by dipping it as I went. The croutons are bomb. Croutons are amazing. Wow, that's a caesar salad I would actually order from a fast food place. I don't know what's going on guys. Normally I'm negative, 'cause something's got to be bad. Something's got to be bad here. We're gonna find it. I'm gonna figure you out Nando's. You're not going to get nothing but positive review from me. I'm gonna find what sucks. Oh I'm gonna find it. Everybody's got an imperfection. It's the truth. But check out this, the side green salad. It is a mesclun mix. Let's eat this salad. I totally expected that to be sub-par and it was actually great. That dressing is delicious. Wowee, wow, wow. That was our salads and sides. They were unbelievable. But now its time to turn up the heat. Dial up the pain as we dive on in to the Peri-Peri chicken. All right it's time for our first guest, to help me eat some wings, please welcome, to the bedroom, Alex Lewis! (applause) Are you wearing your little night time shorts? - Oh I was hoping they wouldn't be in frame. (laughs) - Of course they are in frame for a moment. - Well. Hey, it's time for everyone's favorite segment, Alex brought some cookies to the all you can eat eating the menu time. Now today I've got something really special for you. I brought you brownies. They got a little mushed on the plane. - They sure did. - It's more of a brownie block party. That's what I'm calling it. - They're a little dry. - What? - Might be because it's been a few days. - Yeah, okay. Now let's put this off to the left. You know here's a fun fact about the bed that we're eating on, Keith and I are sharing it to sleep in. - Uh huh. And Alex kept getting closer to me. He sleeps in the middle of the bed. He was saying 'well it's because you're warm'. - He's like my own personal little space heater. - Okay. I'm Becky's space heater first of all. - Okay, he's my rental vacation space heater. - Sure, sure. Alex, because you brought me something so delicious, I'm excited to have you try, for the first time, chicken livers. - No. Oh my god. - Chicken livers. - What the f*!&, you said I was doing wings. - They're little livers. Pretend it's a chicken nugget. It's just a chicken nugget Alex. You cannot like this. - It's pretty good. - You do? - Oh no, no, no. I don't like it going down though. (laughs) - Eww. Eww. - It does taste like chicken marinated in pennies. Yeah it's not the best, is it? - It was really gnarly. I can't believe you sprung that on me. - Let's dive into the first chicken wings. Plain chicken wings. So the thing about Nando's is the sauce that they use for the marinade does have the Peri-Peri pepper, and it's marinated for 24 hours before it is grilled to perfection. Here, take a plain wing. Oh, great grilled taste. - Oh, that's really good. - You taste that fire. - That's really, really yummy. - That wood grill. My, oh my. It doesn't have a ton of marinade flavor, it mostly tastes like a good grilled chicken. So I'm excited to try the actual more flavored chickens. Let's put our bones on the bed, before we bone on the bed. We're not gonna have sex on the bed. You have sex in bed. No queer baiting in my shows. The lemon herb wings. Oh yeah, give that a whiff. - Oh yeah, that's got a good smell. (laughs) - We describe food for those to try to live vicariously through us. We have to give it more than 'it's a good smell'. - All right, let me try again. - It's lemony, its herbaceous. - It smells similar to my cousin Penny. Like something she wears. - Now there is a comment. Mmmm, oh yeah! It's a very delicate, citrusy flavor. I love it. - You know it's a little more charred than the first chicken. And I like that. I like the char. Reminds of the last burnt potato chip in a bag, you know? - Oh, you're talking my language right there. Mango and lime wings. - Oh you know what this smells like, is the inside of a home depot. - I don't think I agree with that. It tastes like there's a 20% flavor addition. I'm looking for a an 80 to 100% flavor addition, when I'm getting a flavored wing, right. But, I get it, I think moms, grandmas, grandpas, people are looking for those mild temperate flavors. I'm not saying that's for everyone. I'm not boxing moms and old people in a corner. I'm just saying, going from my personal experience. - Good brownie. All right everybody. That's been me. ♪ We had some wings, we had some wings at the Nando's. ♪ - ♪ At nando's. ♪ - That's Lady Gaga, Alejandro. It's a not as known song, but it's one of 'em. Anyhow, thanks Alex. We'll see you back behind the camera. - And don't forget to follow me on the internet. - Oh yeah, follow Alex at I, the number eight, a thumbtack. And remember if you're looking for love he's got a heart full of it. All right, get out of here. So there are three tiers of spicy here at Nando's. There's medium, which seems tolerable. There is hot and there is extra hot. I got their rotisserie chicken quarters in hot and medium. And then I got their chicken thigh skewers in extra hot. The medium chicken breast. That looks good, doesn't it? That looks f*!&ing amazing. This I'm very excited because 24 hours of marinade should be enough time to really get into the bulk of a breast. Uh, chicken, uh, a chicken breast, obviously. Wow, it's incredible. Chicken is so moist. Oh that is delicious. That is super good. Wow! The chicken here is amazing. I always judge a chicken place by the quality of its chicken breast, because it is the hardest piece to cook. Especially when you're grilling. It's really hard not to overcook and they nailed it. It is unbelievable. (applause) Let's turn that dial, Oh f*!&, guys, this is a totally different color. Let's turn that dial up to hot. It's orange now. It's beautiful and look at how easy it falls right apart. Look at how tender it is. Mmhm. Its hot. Oh f*!&. You can taste the chili pepper, whoa. It tastes like taking a bite out of a pepper. It is super hot. Wow, I can't do two bites of that. Wow, I was gonna totally do two bites of that, I cannot. Wow, that is so hot. I can't believe there's hotter than that. I'm crying. See this tear on my left cheek, right here. It's on its way down. That's hot. (laughs) That's super f*!&ing hot. These are chicken thigh skewers in extra hot sauce. Wow, okay let's just take it off here. I'll do it with the onion and bell pepper, because I think I'm only getting one bite. I don't think I can do two. I think even this is going to make me freak out. Okay. Oh yeah, I feel it in my throat. (coughs) In my hot sauce documentary video if you ever watched it, I took a bite out of a serrano pepper, it's like that. It's like taking a bite just out of a pepper on the field. It is hot. It hurts, but the moment that I could taste the flavor before the heat took over it was delicious. Oh! It's a little too hot to enjoy. Maybe let's move onto gelato. Oh well let's try some gelato, huh. Let's do the mango gelato. My mouth is so hot from that chicken. Holy cow. Wow look at it, it looks weird doesn't it? Yeah that's doing it right there. That's extinguishing the flames. Guys my brain is full of those beautiful endorphins from the spice, and I'm feeling really nice right now. The fact that the mango took that edge off is really helping. There's still some lingering heat. The vanilla gelato. Something about vanilla, everybody loves a good vanilla, right. Oh it looks like its got even little specks of vanilla bean in there. Very rich. Very creamy. A little too much for me but my tongue is still loving the relief. Actually what's sad is while I'm eating it it's fine and then as soon as I stop my tongue lights back up like a firecracker. I am in agony even as I hold this calm composure, to prepare for chocolate gelato. Choco gelato. Oh, I'm just gonna hold it in my mouth. It's like a dark chocolate gelato. Wow, a really good bitter chocolate. The bitterness is actually doing wonders against the spice. But I think this is for dad. This is daddy's desert. This is your intense brother's desert. And this is for everyone else, 'cause this is sweet and delightful. Wow that was such a necessary little break. But it's time for me to move on, into the world of salads. There are four entree salads here at Nando's and they all look f*!&ing amazing. Look at this. Look at how good these look. Don't these look great? This is the heirloom tomato, halloumi and chicken salad. Halloumi is a cheese, and I don't know if I'm pronouncing it right. Halloumay? Hollumi? I'm just gonna make a little perfect bite salad situation here because I can't eat a whole salad. I'm gonna save these though. These are gonna be breakfast tomorrow. This is going to be such a good, healthy breakfast on the way to the airport. Dip it into this. Unbelievable. Why can't anyone else figure the f*!& out? Salads have been my least favorite experience of every eat the menu, ever. And right now, it might be the best. Like why can't other people do this? I also want to know what does this cheese taste like? Oh it's delicious. The texture is very chewy. Like chicken almost. Which works really well in this salad. That salad is so good and so simple. It doesn't have to be so crazy all the time guys. Just enjoy yourselves. You know? Don't overcomplicated life. The caesar salad entree. Uh, I love sun dried tomatoes. We're gonna do another perfect bite dip here. A little salad on a stick, as I like to call it. And that stick is a fork. Grab a little bit of this chicken. An incredible caesar salad, and the sun dried tomato just adds that little sugary bliss on top. Mwah. Hail Caesar. The cauliflower, butternut and halloumi salad. Hallou-me? No, couldn't be. Looks very healthy, right? This looks like the healthy salad. And it still looks delicious 'cause it's got grilled cheese on top. I'm gonna store the cheese in my mouth. Super great. It tastes healthy. It tastes filling. This is such a good lunch salad. Man, I'm always trying to get a good healthy salad at lunch and I'm always disappointed, and this would be it. And last but not least the ancient grains, peri tomato and chicken salad. Some pungent red onions, but I do love them so. The nuts from earlier have made a cameo. Mm, whoa! There's a lot going on. It's my least favorite of all the salads, but it's still very good. I do love the crunch of the nuts. I might replace the halloumi in some other salads with nuts, 'cause I love nuts in my salad. Please. Still delicious and the chicken is awesome. I'm so impressed with the quality of the chicken. On every single thing, every piece I've gotten has been super moist, super delicious. And the salads are super fresh and healthy. So far the only I didn't like at Nando's was something I just don't like on my own. Which is chicken livers. So we gotta find a failure somewhere here people. I'm going to find it. Our next guest is joining us all the way from the political party of Kamala Harris. Please welcome Yessica. - Hi. - Yessica, so good to see you. - It's so great to see you too. - It's been so long. - Yes it has. - You currently work doing video production for one of the presidential candidates. - Yep. - That must be wild. - It's really fun. Who would've known that starting from BuzzFeed and now I'm changin' the world. - Same here. (laughs) All right let's dive in. We got-- - Okay. - Nando's Peri-Peri wrap. Why don't you take the first bite, let us know what's in there. - I don't like taking the bite from top 'cause it's all just tortilla. - Take it from the middle. I'm the same. People always get onto us in Eat the Menu, that we're taking it from the side, but it's because we're only taking one bite here. We want to get that perfect blend of all the flavors, 'cause the ends always just have tortilla. - Yeah and that's not what it is. - We don't want that. - All right, here we go. - Quite the crunch. Oh is it the caesar? - Mm, mmhm. - Ah, this one was the caesar wrap. It's hard to know. You know? It's not as delicious as the other things we've had so far. I think the tortilla and the lettuce just sort of dumb down the flavor. I also got, mild, so I didn't get anything spicy. - It's okay, it's all right. - Disclaimer, I got all the wraps and sandwiches plain, because I didn't want to focus on the heat of the chicken but rather just what that sandwich or wrap tastes like. This is the healthy vegetarian item, and it looks beautiful. - It's very colorful. - Okay, let's go for it. Very wet. So wet. For a vegetarian item it's actually got tons of flavor. - Yeah if I was vegetarian I would be I think satisfied with this, especially if you're going to a chicken place. - Yeah. - This is a good option if you're going to a chicken place. - But how'd you end up there? - Probably with friends. - Sometimes your the family member that's dragged along. - Yeah, yeah, I have a lot of friends who are vegetarian they're always unhappy. - Wow, I want you to see how this came up. Look at this. Oh what is it, ohh, open the door. I think this is just the Peri-Peri chicken wrap. Let's try it. It's fine. You know I think wraps suck. I'm gonna say it. Wraps are shitty burritos. These wheat wraps are a knock off. And then people were like 'well we could just put other lousy ingredients in them'. No you can't. - Just if you're gonna sell wraps, make it your thing. Own it. This is where you're supposed to show off. Burritos over wraps 2020. - Gosh I should've brought you on for something other than wraps. I didn't think it was going to be so disappointing. - It's all right. - 'Cause everything else had been so good. This is another mushroom one, but this one's different. - I don't like this one. I don't like the way this looks. - It looks like mushrooms and cheese. But it smells good. Smell it. Cause that halloumi. - I smell the mushroom. - Okay. - All right let's dive in. - Oh wow. - I love mushroom but I don't like it. - You don't like it? - No. - Hmm, I think it's the best wrap we've had. - Really? - Yeah. I think it's delicious. - What? - It is currently in my top ten items. - No! - Yeah, maybe top eight. - Wow! - Maybe top seven. Yessica before you go I have one extra thing I'd love for you to try. Why don't we take that lackluster chicken wrap. - Can I just have the chicken? - Yeah. - Okay great. - And try some of this plain chicken with Keith's Chicken Sauce. Yessica, oh hold it over that so we just don't spill it too much. - Wow! - Oh what does she think? - Ooh, so wait hold up, what is in that? - The secret is there's some dill, there's some sour cream powder. - There's some dill. Okay I can taste that. - There's some complex tartness in there. And my goal was for something that was really, really flavorful and spicy enough for spice lovers while being mild enough for people like me. - I think you nailed it. - Wow. - I highly endorse Keith's Chicken Sauce. - And she's a professional endorser right now. - Well, okay. (laughs) I endorse this. - All right. Yessica, so great to have you. You look so cute in your green beret. Oh you look great. We all look very sloppy because we're in a hotel room. Bye. - Bye. - Before we get to sandwiches we have three more sides. There were twelve sides, I tried to get sides with each order. They all got mixed up. It's just so hard to do this show guys, you don't understand. Oh I'm sorry, did somebody ask for red skin mashed potatoes? Everyone loves mashed potatoes. It's one of those things that's impossible to f*!& up. But these look like real potatoes, right? The skins are there to prove it. Uh, the world should taste these potatoes. These are awesome. And it's a roasted chicken place right. It has to have good mashed potatoes. These are perfect. The spicy rice. Really good. These would be great rice and beans, rice, you know? It's rice. You like rice, you'll like this. If you don't like rice, you might still like this. It's a side of roast vegetables. Look at how funny it was that the cauliflower fell out right then. Oh it smells like farts. But not because its farts, it's because these vegetables are notorious for smelling farty. But I'm used to that smell and I've been able to disassociate it from the taste. They taste real. They're a little under seasoned. Think they're relying on the tomato and the onion to add enough flavor, which they do add a lot of flavor, but it could use some salt and pepper. Or just one of their marinades. I think any of those marinades would've really added some zazz to these vegetables. Maybe the rice and vegetables could be friends. They could sort of share in seasoning and delight. But now it's time to move on to some sandwiches. Please welcome to the bed Hughie Stone Fish. (humming) - Hey, I'm Hughie. - Great so let's pop into this one. I also, look they kind of look like little rocks. ♪ Hot potato, hot potato, lalalalala. Hey. ♪ Well we're going to each share this 'cause Alex requested a sandwich to eat. You can take the first bite. - No we'll save for one for Alex so he can have his own french roll. - You know what we have four other sandwiches, take that one. - Now I look like a greedy dick. - It's beautiful, delicious chicken and a little bit of the Peri-Peri sauce. The bun which I thought was going to be too hard is actually perfect. - Mm, it's really good. It's f*!&ing good. - That's perfect. - That's really good. - Thigh and mighty chicken sandwich. Look at the amount of chicken you get. - It looks amazing. - You want to take the first bite? - No, I want to watch you do it. - Aww. It has got that great grill flavor. The other one had really good clean chicken flavor, but I don't think it was grilled. Because it didn't have any of that grilled skinness, and this has tons of that. Whoa what's coming out of your mouth? - Profile. - The char, on the thighs are amazing. - I can't believe these two sandwiches we've just had. They're so good. - They're really quite good. Let's continue on to this sandwich. ♪ Hot potato, hot potato, lalalalala. Hey. ♪ Now this is an Alex Lewis sandwich. There ain't nothing on it. I think this was called Nandocas' choice. Let's try it as Nandoca would have us. - Is that garlic bread? - It is garlic bread. We thought it was going to be bland. Turns out it's delicious. But whenever you're in a situation where you don't have condiment you could use mine. - Oh wow, that's respectfully not going to be enough for me. - Wow, I'm loving this 'cause this is a whole chicken restaurant that I've never eaten at all, and I am the chicken lord. I am the millennial chicken authority. - It's good. - Move these over, make some room. We've got two more sandwiches. I don't know what this is. I'm not sure I ordered it. It's got cheese and pineapple on it. - But didn't you order everything on the menu? - Yeah but I don't remember seeing this. This is the same experience as the first time you've had Hawaiian pizza. For me it works, but I've never tasted it. So I'm so confused. It's such a burst of you know citric acid and sweetness, and the cheese. It's fun. You know, it's flirty and fun. - Yeah it's flirty. Flirtin' with danger. - All right. Ooh! Sorry it's a veggie burger. - Ayy! - You know what that might've been, that might've been the chicken burger. - They made it a burger by putting pineapple on it? - Uh huh. And cheese. Does that what a burger make? - Dath a burger by any other name, with pineapple be a burger? - This smells terrible. (laughs) - Whoa, very soft. That's always bad. When the first thing you have to comment on is how soft it is. Man, this makes that other vegetarian option incredible. 'Cause this is terrible. - That's tough to open up and just see that. - But what's the point of this much tomato? What's the point? Can you even see it viewers? 'Cause it's very small. It's like a shrimp tail. It looks like I'm holding a shrimp tail, right? No I'm holding a tomato. Okay well, that was it. What was your favorite sandwich? - You know, gosh golly. This one with the garlic bread, really good. - Surprising. - Surprising. However I think that the-- - Thigh and mighty. - Took the cake. - Well Hughie it's been great having you here. Good luck tonight in the show. I know you guys have a big show tonight. - Thanks. Good luck to you too. - Bye Hughie. - Bye. I'm taking this sandwich. Ooh this one. Bye. - We're here at the end. There's just a few deserts and some drinks left. Drinks you say? Yes I do. We've got pineapple lemonade. I wasn't going to get the drinks and then I looked on the bottom and there were goofy looking drinks and I'm like 'I'll get a couple of 'em.' Because they say that they're made in house. This needs to be a popsicle. It is so summer time refreshing. If you were out playing with your friends, trying to fly a kite, which you never will, it's impossible as a child. It just won't go will it? You just can't, it won't work. I learned. I learned that from my experiences growing up. After a failed afternoon of flying a kite this is what you need. Blood. Orange and mango lemonade. I don't have any straws, but that's good because you don't need to have a straw to drink. It's good. The pineapple one is way better. This one sucks compared to that, but I think it's good. But the pineapple one's just so f*!&ing good. Fine, you know, you aren't here to watch me review juice, that's enough right. All right. There are some signature deserts here and I'm sorry to say, guys, I'm sorry to say we do not have the Naughty Natas. We ordered so much. I tried so hard. But maybe they were just out. Let's just hope they were out and they sent nothing in its stead. Can you believe that after all that we've seen you would see this? Carrot cake. This looks like such a perfect carrot cake. You look so good. Where do they get this cake from? They're not making this cake where they're making this chicken, there's just no way. It's great. Wow. It's amazing. I rarely think the desert could be a contender for the best thing on the menu and that one really was. Oh I'm sorry, did you expect cheesecake next? 'Cause that's what you're getting. Okay, I'm going to start right now saying the crust looks very under baked. I don't know how they made this, I don't know how cheesecake is made, but the crust is not good. It's dough. This is not the best cheesecake. It's not bad. It just, it tastes like nothing. It sucks man, this sucks. You hate to see this happen. This is exciting, they have brownies. We already had brownies in today's episode, as baked by Alex. So now we get a one to one comparison. Is Alex better than a global corporation? But Alex is lucky because I least like corner pieces. They're my least favorite. I like side, middles or all middles. A little dense. I get nothing from the frosting on top, but it does make it look enticing. It has more chocolate flavor. Which is something I wanted out of Alex's brownie. But at the end of the day it does taste a little bit more manufactured than Alex's. So I think Alex's brownie takes the cake. And that is everything at Nando's, except for the Naughty Natas. And with that it is now time for me to decide what is the best and what is the least best. I will start with the least best. I think the least best things are two things. The least best were the side vegetables. The fart vegetables. They over steamed themselves in the box, but in general they were just very under seasoned. So those vegetables. The veggie burger was so bad I think it should be taken off the menu. So I'm not even going to say it's the least best on the menu because I would like to submit my request for it to be removed. The least best item, you know what I think the wraps as a whole were the section that was the most disappointing. The wraps, the wrapping bread wasn't good. On the average they weren't good. So the wraps and the steamed veggies and that veggie burger, all my least best. The best single item at Nando's, I'm going to say two things here. One, the chicken in every single dish was amazing. Every piece of chicken I had was incredibly flavorful and delicious, but, for the first time ever I'm going to say that the best thing at Nando's were the salads. And that is because the salads were so good you would expect them to be from a salad restaurant. The fact that a restaurant like that could make salads that good makes me want to endorse the healthy choice. So I'm giving it to the chicken and the salads. I'm poopooing the veggies, the veggie burger and the wraps in general. And that's it. We ate everything at Nando's. Wow this has been great. Thanks so much to Alex Lewis, Hughie Stone Fish, Yessica Hernandez Cruz, and thanks to you for watching us yet again. Don't forget to get your bottle of Keith's Chicken Sauce. And until next time, this is Eat the Menu, I'm Keith Habersberger. Goodbye! (outro music) This is the first ever episode of Eat the Menu on the road. Let us know how you enjoyed it. And catch us out on tour. We'll be on tour all of 2020. Get some chicken sauce. See you next time.
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 5,484,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, chicken, spicy, spicy chicken, spicy chicken challenge, spice challenge, nandos, nandos chickenken, nandos peri peri, peri peri, nandos challenge, cheeky nandos, piri piri chicken, entire nandos menu, nandos mukbang, peri peri chicken, piri piri, nandos review, trying nandos, eat the menu, eats everything
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 23sec (1823 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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