Keith Eats Everything At McDonald's Australia

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in 1971 in the Sydney suburb of Laguna the first Australian McDonald's opened its doors it would commemorate this achievement by having a man dressed as a clown hand out miniature yo-yos to children today I will eat everything at Australian McDonald's or as the Aussies call it MCEs the aguma tada let's get going also it seems like half of this menu is a bakery things are different down under [Music] Lauren DIY is coming and the Merrill twins well that's fun to look forward to now I'm not actually eating everything on the awesome McDonald's menu because a lot of the things are repeats of American foods I've already eaten the American versions but I got a few staples just so I could do a quality tattoo look you see past all right let's get eating the McDonald's classics let's start with the signature burger of McDonald's a big man mmm a good amount of the special sauce good pickle presents the Aussie version might be a little better mm-hmm hello yes the quarter pounder well I've got that right here this is the sandwich I used to eat all the time as a child this beef patty looks more robust more robust it's a little tiny bit different it's just a little bit leaner yeah my phone is going crazy and my phone is like right under my dick right now which is a wild sensation Lauren is here she texted me great pickle presents she knows the McChicken my favorite thing as a 17 year old in Carthage Tennessee mmm don't skip on the mail here that's way better easily identifiable is a better chicken looks like the American one is down on that ratings wise it's still not the best chicken sandwich in the world it's better than America all right let's try some of the weird Aussie sandwiches the chicken and cheese it's a McChicken with cheese oh yeah I'm getting hard McMuffin cheese vibe from this has sort of that flavor combo a situation no I'm saying oh okay they have a burger called the mick feast I don't know what makes it a feast but this is the mick feast I think it's just a quarter pounder with tomato very very little lettuce tenets one Bickle's lives it's not a feast hmm it doesn't have much to say I have no motivation for a good joke ok let's move on to the spicy chicken Clubhouse I'm traveling the dimensions of flavors quite spicy but not like any other spicy chicken sandwich and McDonald's have ever had sort of that Asian zing it makes me want to say zing it's very good the chicken quality is phenomenal this looks like a McPhee stuck at the size of this [ __ ] it's got like pepper jack it's got like this spicy sauce I was just lovely when I was looking at earlier that I was so confused about you get it I don't know what's going on but it's a flavor this deserves a second bite hmm you can see people in commercial have a great counter sandwich obviously a commercial people don't like mm-hmm it's good I like that way better than the McPhee's link these sons okay the classic Angus sauce on my new hoodie [ __ ] Todd damn it this is good though hey good guys [ __ ] all right let's do it I love a good hunka red onion this is good the Mayo is absurd heyo is all over the places miss miss McDonald's is sauce crazy let me tell you this one down the street I'm not going for a second bite but I think this is a great burger this is a big feast look at this how dare they look at this this is a McVie's this is not a Mick feast this is like a word that video look at the big difference in these burgers this is the bacon is the bacon the fake your barbeque Angus burger looks like it has a bacon mustache it's good all its respective okay chicken Mick bites so I assume this is the mick chicken chicken in tiny little bite form [Music] it's very good way better than the chicken nuggets but I was like a real chicken flavor to it where's the chicken nuggets they taste like chicken nuggets and I'm sitting chicken distance Ignatz oh we have found a contender for the best thing here but do they bounce yeah Vanessa and Veronica Merrill if you do not know our amazing singers and their twins thank you I can't there's a desk the audience doesn't mind that I use love's help ragtag this whole show is where's this Wigan I'm eating in this truck it's stuck to my hat because stuck to my have you been in Australia before no oh I know help siding penguins how we went to like the beach and they were there it's just penguins at the beach yeah there were wild penguins they just kind of chill there all right what is this thing this is a chicken caesar wrap I'll let you both take the inaugural to enlight thank you you don't have to eat it no that's you should it should be a big long hmm lettuce really holds on your mouth looks good I'm not disappointed I'm also very hungry I'm gonna do this about an hour and a half ago I just kept having to push buttons up nobody's eating any food 10 M Ted are you rate this are we rating high there's no rules here twins like it this also claims to be the 200 meal snack wrap that is a gen Z complement all right whole meal snack but this one looks pretty good it's got a nice like it's a to seize yeah I'm gonna go I'm right I'm going after this bacon bite [Music] is it the same thing with just bacon I'm not sure so is this a snack or a whole meal I don't want to eat much of it so that feels like a snack it's a hamburger wanting to be a burrito like it refuses to stay wrapped as I am the classic beef mcwrap okay why be no one wants a beef wrap I would rather have a burger wrap than a beef wrap the more you say beep the the less of a word it sounds is it looks just like a burger in a tortilla jogger just gonna have to work through that is what we're saying mean things about these props did we say something nice you look pretty that's a lie we don't owe them anything it's an editorial video now maybe you have a sponsorship with McDonald's but I sure as hell don't we have this bread these like barns onions and mayonnaise jeez what is it look at this again it is look at this what is this one me it smells like a lot of barbecue I love it you do I do oh yeah really it's a very barbecue sauce see which partners all feels great I made fun of these but don't judge a book by it's cover because these are delicious what can we look at these yeah look at that what does look like I don't think these will be bad because potatoes and gravy that makes sense hmm literally the gravy from catfish it is but it's good on the fried I'm into it none of these were like piping hot I think they'd actually be quite good mmm Canada ten well Vanessa and Branca it has been a pleasure time for a little bit of brekkie what the Australians called breakfast so we got some toasted we got some toasties let's dive in with this one right here this is the all this sandwich has a knife in it I don't think this one's the same hmm the cheese and tomato toasty it came with butter should i butter it let's put a little butter on this bad boy [Music] mmm the sourdough quality is actually pretty good it's kind of like having grilled cheese and tomato soup it is a little bland but in a nice kind of like satisfying way well we got another knife San Quincy this is the ham and cheese toastie it also comes with butter I don't think I need butter to get the flavors hmm I've never had jelly ham from McDonald's before I mean it's no boars handle I was just impressed a little more you know we should had a nice sear mark [Music] my chest is starting her but she's tomato and him toasty a nice pressing on this one mm-hmm FK that's just a good ham cheese sandwich good job mecca's and our last toast eat well I should have seen this coming it's just geez it's not bad but bland that's it for the toasties let's move on to some other bread products starting with toast apparently McDonald's here is just a bakery there's so much bread it's like a Starbucks look at this the pineapple and coconut lo let me just say the texture of the coconut is there revenue to has that like weird granular crunch of coconut not bad it would be good with coffee it's very sweet its hefty yeah that is a pound cake look at it held up I just dropped to the table it's fine check this out this one's much lighter raisin bread I love raisin bread I don't know if raisin bread is the right bread but in Australia they eat Vegemite they look it's this salty bitter spread it looks like it's gonna be delicious mmm chocolate oh is that Nutella no it's not oh it smells like a vet's office so I'm gonna try to find a non raisiny side it just got a really thin layer of this on here look how it goes on like the tar that swallowed up dinosaurs whole alright let's go for it Oh [Music] ah oh I was bad I was so bad like oh oh I can't believe people like no no you just don't understand safe haven no it's little bad that was really rough let's try the razor bread without Vegemite it's fine the raisin density isn't good enough for me the niche way more cinnamon swirl raisin bread without a bunch of Simmons roll it's just like it's white bread with raisins in it to the most boring like dad snacks ever banana bread super boring little Drive not enough banana flavor man whatever go to Starbucks enough of that let's move on to something else McDonald's can't possibly do right and macarons macarons are a French delicacy you may have seen it in our video where we tried to make macarons so they're a little smashed but I don't blame McDonald's I probably blame that long walk along the river I'm gonna start with the one I think is gonna be the worst which is the mango the mango macaron hmm actually it's kind of pleasant it's very bright and acidic they don't call these Mickler UN's well they do it Jesus the chocolate Mickens that's what should be the mick room and you could say make room for a mick room you know mmm Jessica like a cheap chocolate birthday cake which I'm pretty into not bad but not amazing I think it would be a good dunk in milk cookie or dunk in coffee cookie because it's very sweet and kind of OneNote I think it just needs something else to pair with it a salted caramel macaroon whoa like a whirl is original and way too much caramel oh I like it that was the prettiest one but god it was not good all right she does it all herself Lauren do it yourself my lamb Kate and I are here Oh awesome that is incredible and good because time fruits and desserts I know I'm like Lauren always rises to the occasion all right which one you want to start with I suppose berry what is that I don't know hi McFlurry and guess the [ __ ] what it's monopoly time here in Aussie land which means we might win a million dollars okay you peel that one I'll peel this one okay download the app scan the code for a one in five chance to win oh I paid for that stupid like fully thing this is [ __ ] it's just a series of numbers yeah I don't know about that okay so here's my issue is that what I gotta make Florio ask for double or triple the toppings because it all sits on the top and no one likes that ish oh wow it's really dead whoa these are like apple pie raviolis oh my god mm-hmm it's good Oh ice cream overpowers that the Apple pinus which is probably why you always get more toppings right you've gotta get double triple but is it delight they're like on little pizza rolls look at these that is a chef boyardee ravioli right there all right let's move on that was interesting and weird huh how about that and what a weird treat the frozen coke mixed by der Omo that's so good just hazing a root beer float but like a coke well yeah it's kind of like a little bit of love but with a slushy yeah that's pretty good I hate the name like that needs to go and video with me terrible advertising well what would make the kids really jump this straight up all in a big spider there's the spider we're back in commission okay I think the last ice cream treat is this frozen it's not so free well how do we had to walk it back walking Donald's a mile down the river in Melbourne the chocolate shake the jacket shake a classic classic she tastes a little syrupy is this there's a guy like that a little rubber wallet for a 5th grader that's so specific but you know what I mean right those little change purses that were like this like very flimsy rubber and they're like bright pink hmm well we have a therapy yeah yeah that's fine but I don't even think frozen it would taste good you know yeah what are these little bubbles yeah I don't know [ __ ] oh you know this is the Vino that eliminates the cucm ever see it's a very little lid it smells awful really it smells good you think it smells good well give it a little sip set that little baby oh let me try that was terrible give me something to chase with give me some chase let's give me that no no no no it's not good oh my god I wouldn't give that to my baby so this is a flat white in Australia they love flat whites it smells very sweet as well dang good doughnuts once I get done two doughnuts Kavi doesn't it we've never talked about it's like they sweeten and cream their coffees like you don't even ask them to and they're like oh you wanted this terrible right I'd like all like we don't terrible okay well thanks brother bye thanks doughnuts what the [ __ ] is going on here chuckles bingo though [Music] so my Vlad pull my blog looking at his flavors not bad but the textures terrible maybe this donut no it's gonna be exactly the same it's just the pink one [Music] what looks like pepto-bismol I don't like it it's very shiny Parker I'm let's [ __ ] it what the hell is this raspberry white chocolate muffin for very drive or don't like that so bland Oh what the [ __ ] is in these boxes didn't expect to see this cookies and cream cheese cake oh very Buffy no no no no no very bad I bet though if you sold this in the Midwest of the United States it would sell like crazy I can't believe I'm missing like videos like RVs at this point because at least Arby's it's like it's food and not dessert the hostess is basically a hostess cupcake mmm KFC had these chocolate eggs just like this it looks really good it looks like it's gonna be really moist and then somehow it's still really dry why would you go here for this oh it's another cheesecake I sadly I think this is the best one of the three box cakes but I don't like it we're going to have the thing that McDonald's is most known for in its desserts which is the pies are these pies the same as America's pies are they better than America's pies find out right under this we now interrupt this Australian MCEs taste test a little bit of a single or McDonald's taste test specifically the mix lysine yeah you can't believe it Wow thank you so much wow it looks really good is spicy it's delicious oh and it's like that gave throat spicy oh my god it's really good all right back to Australia we're back we have the hot delicious and sweet pie who's that the headpin flavor hot delicious and sweet pie because this one says uh-huh hi girls me delicious apple pie what's it this by what is it mmm mm-hmm good raspberry I love the texture of this shell it's like too crunchy it feels like a fair food the apple pie Wow first of all the texture of the shell is way better than our apple pie this is ice cold is not a high above pie and the texture is like a sugar glass it's so crispy and awesome I love love the texture of this show how they do this that is satisfying unique new and classic now normally at this point of the video I would decide what's the best it was at least best however there are a few breakfast items I haven't been able to have yet because they're only served during breakfast hours so we're going to conclude the video tomorrow morning with those last few items and that tomorrow morning will happen right now ah is the morning here in Melbourne we have three things that are unique to Australia McDonald's for breakfast I'm excited to try them but I'm not going to try them alone and I haven't been a beat the menuhin forever you really haven't it's been a long time so this is an Australian exclusive exclusive all these things are extruders exclusive the big Becky Baby Gap I was complaining just yesterday about how it's too much like pastries and this is what I want bunches of low-quality meat we got him we got a hash brown we have egg we have more ham barbecue sauce and cheese it smells like everything like at McDonald's this is gonna be incredible bite you dig is always so big I have for me well the egg flavor sailing through babies yeah mm-hmm like that I want that in America hmm it's basically all the breakfast items in one burger look at the little chocolates ooh let's jump into this one the ID McMuffin it's got ketchup on it it's egg bacon sausage cheese more bacon again and ketchup this looks awesome [Music] mmm-hmm holy [ __ ] that sausage is better than our sausage the egg is like perfectly balanced and that's not catch a visit it's like slightly different it stank what is making those flavors that's good what's it called the mighty mighty molly McMuffin and boy they make rough-in trip ricotta he say Australia try yeah I really like that that was phenomenal really excellent let's try this last this last thing which I am NOT why is it called three Chicken McNuggets is this the name of the did they just need to rapper what is this oh that's sad this is already very sad oh no you know I don't think it's gonna be bad I think it's gonna be boring hmm I never noticed that tortilla and ham have a similar texture you know this movement helped it like egg or something I know right right why wouldn't they put more stuff in or tomato or hash brown why not all of them why don't they make off with hash brown every item I know that really said that over moon rounds over my hammy that was good [ __ ] are you Australian gonna get that reference well Eugene that's all of the McDonald's macros Australian menu thanks for joining me I have to have you gone now so I could new now it's the best and the least best all right it was great to be back and eat the menu what an exit and now it is time for the best and the least best I'm just gonna go ahead and say that the least best is Mik cafe almost everything from there I disliked the muffins were dry the doughnuts were bready the desserts were like fake and too sugary I just didn't like it not including the toasties the toasties were actually quite good but the best I've got three bests because I think three things really shined to me the first best was the spicy chicken sandwich that had sort of a zingy flavor to it it was super unique the chicken quality was awesome it was big it was very flavorful the second the little chicken bites adorable palpable great chicken quality reminiscent to the mick chicken flavor while being a little bit higher tier i could down thirty thousand of those and the third best the mighty McMuffin which I just had as soon as words under this video I'm going to eat the rest of that wow what a time Australia McDonald's who would have thought that all of it would be pastries not me I didn't enjoy it but I liked a lot of the actual McDonald's food I thought the quality was higher than we have in America I wish our FDA was a little bit more authoritative you're letting us eat poison but it's been a fun time here in Melbourne I'll see you next time on eat the menu what menu should I try to take down next should it be done easy to be our option to be cheesecake factory Matt until the series finale because I will die so see you next time I've been Keith average burger let's turn this into a talk show huh we'll get a desk I just got word that the network is cancelled in accommodation hey guys it's fall that means it's zip up season baby get your new try guys zip up Hoodie look at Ned and Eugene look how warm and cuddly they must feel who are those try guys socks Wow and get yourself a signed copy of the hidden power of up and carry it around a new new track guys too bad ciao guys calm it's got all your fall upon Eve's fall into our clothes [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh wrong number
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 5,125,806
Rating: 4.910625 out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, eat the menu, eat everything, mcdonald's, quarter pounder, mcchicken, chicken bites, chicken nugugets, australia, australian, mcoz, toastie, sandwich, cafe, mukbang, eating competition, eating challenge, challenge, taste, tasting, tasty, review, best, worst, popular, most popular, rank, ranking, keith eats, eating, maccas
Id: eh5gx9F0fac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 20sec (1760 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 16 2019
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