Keith Eats Everything At Pizza Hut

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In 1958 in Wichita, KS two Wichita State University students, who happened to be brothers, (Keith laughs) you don't happen to be brothers, you are brothers. Two Wichita State University brother students opened the very first Pizza Hut. It would go on to become the largest pizza chain worldwide with over 18 thousand - [Male faintly] I brought my drum with me. Let's start over. I'm shooting a serious piece of content in here. Today I will eat everything off the menu of Pizza Hut because no one out pizza's the hut. That's their catch phrase. They got wings. They got calzones. They got cheese breadsticks. Gonna be a big day. I'm also lactose intolerant, so it's gonna be a rough night. (dramatic music) Pizza Hut growing up was my favorite pizza place and still is, I don't like Domino's that much, I don't like Papa John's that much. If I want cheap drunk pizza I want Pizza Hut. It's weird I'm not ordering everything, I'm just picking up stuff. Hey how's it going? Good how are you? I have a pick up order. I think it's under Miles . Holy guacamole! Wow this is just one of three orders. This is not everything from Pizza Hut. We have more deliveries coming this afternoon and we're also hosting our very own behind the scenes extravagant Pizza Hut gala hosted by our very own Food Babies. (laughs) Let's get to it! We got a lot a wings on this street and I gotta sweep it up with my mouth. Ba da ba ba ba. (Keith laugsh) That's not the right song. They smell great. The breadsticks. I used to get these at my college. This is great, it's a little heavy on the bread. - [Crew member] It's a breadstick. I mean it's great, its got good crunch got good texture but nothing compares to the cheese breadsticks. Look at these motherfa, look at it. Where are the seams even? And the Pizza Hut cheese really like it bubbles this perfect way that you always want your Pizza Hut cheese to bubble. This is my mother's favorite thing. I would take these over Olive Garden breadsticks in a heartbeat. (honk) So what have we got in here? Plain fries. They look a little battered. Yeah I don't know what moron's buying fries from Pizza Hut. What CEO is like "We need fries! They're gettin' pizza they want a fuckin' french fry now and then, huh? And why aren't there fries on our menu? We've been doin' this since 1958 and we haven't had french fries? Get the french fries on the menu!" Let's try the flavored fries. Lemon Pepper Fries. Guess when you don't want regular fries you want lemon fries. Really tasted like just eating some McCormick lemon pepper spice. Just aarrrr! Nobody GIF that. (upbeat music) (crew laughs) These are Cajun fries. Everyone loves Cajuns. Ummmmm. Okay the CEO was right about this one. The angry CEO. Let's move on to the P'zones. Please welcome now to the Pizza Hut, Jared Pumpkin! (cheers) Welcome Jared. What is one word you would use to describe Pizza Hut? (dramatic music) I never grew up as like a Pizza Hut kid. I just kinda had other pizzas around but the people that I know that do like Pizza Hut swear by it. - [Crew member] Jared's shirt is the same color as the background. He dressed up like our wall today. Oh. (dramatic music) (laughter) Whoa. Our first P'zone. These are not what I expected. (laughter) What did you expect? They're calzones. That is massive. That is the size of my face. It's an appetizer, Jared. These are listed under appetizers and sides. Grab your yourself a side. That's like a big stereotypical Italian mustache. Wo wo wo wo wo wo. Wo wo wo wo wo. All right here you go. 'Cause we never end up eating any of the food, we just make characters and costumes. How do I know which flavor this is? I think this is the wads of meat P'zone. I'm gonna go in dry first. Um hmmm. Um hmm. Um hmmm. Let's get some sauce in here. What's that word for bad food that's just so good? It's bad good. It's bad good. Pepperoni P'zone. A little boring. It's like eating a piece of pizza that all the cheese has already fallen off on to the plate. Yeah, it sucks. This one sucks. I was about to sing the praises all day of the P'zone. This one sucks. This one sucks. All right. How could you say these are the same thing? They cost the same? It's okay. Do they cost the same? Fuck! We just need to leave. This should be three dollars cheaper. Whoa! Here we fuckin' go! Welcome back to flavor town. If I was that CEO you were talking about. Um hm. That mean guy'd be like "It's gotta be the Supreme!" "We gotta have more options!" We're gonna do the bio pic for the CEO. I still think my favorite is the first one but this is better than the last one. I'm a fan of this P'zone. In fact I'm a fan of all P'zones except for the shitty one. Well Jared, thanks for popping by. Yeah. Yeah, thanks for having me for the P'zones. Yeah. Pizza out. - [Crew Member] Oh you've been clever today. (laugher) Oh look how cute they are. Garlic knots. Lot of dough. These are fine. I wouldn't recommend them. We've been cruisin' on down this luxury lifestyle but it's time we take a turn on to Wing Street. (car horn honks) All right let's eat some wings. This is kinda like an Eat the Menu within the Eat the Menu because Wing Street's its own menu within Pizza Hut. This is like Inception. Pizza-Inception. Wing Street. We got all sorts of wings here. I don't think we actually have all of them, some are coming later, but we've got boneless and bone in varieties of all the flavors they offer. So let's start with the Naked Chicken Wings. Not bad. Maybe a little dry. Maybe a little bland. But I don't hate it. Bone Out Chicken Wings. Which are just chicken nuggets. All right pretty good chicken nuggets, so. Ummmm. Of just the basic chicken, I do say that the chicken nugget quality is better than the chicken wing quality. But let's get in to the sauces, huh? Let's sauce it up. Boneless buffalo mild. Nice stickiness to it. Ohh look how shiny it is so wow. It it mild. It's not very spicy. Flavor's kinda like meh. Why is this a totally different color? But this smells like buffalo. What did I just eat? Um hmm. Way better, definitely a kick. Buffalo wings. Okay you know this one's hot. (Keith pants) Un huh. Yeah this is too hot for me. Ahhh. Okay. It's spicy. Oh there's another burnin' hot. Let's just plow through it while I'm already cryin'. Why is it the same? We're supposed to have some of these boneless and some of these bone in. I gotta blow my nose. Whoa. Let's get Zach in here to help us try some of the other fun flavors Pizza Hut has crafted in their flavor lab. Kornfeld Diddy! Bum bump bump da na da na. - [Together] Da da da dah na dah na. (hip hop music) Ya'll ready for wings? Grab a wing and do your thing. Boneless honey BBQ wings. Oh this is awesome. This is amazing. This is the single best Eat the Menu experience I've ever had, that one bite. Same thing. This time with bones! So you said this is worse? I think that the chicken's drier. But it does come with a lot of extra syrup in the bottom. What's your preferred chicken sauce? Buffalo. Even though it hurts you? Yeah. Yeah. And the flavor's perfect. - [Together] Lemon pepper. All right. That's weird, it tastes like a beef jerky flavoring. Who would ever have this as a preference? This sucks. This sucks. You asked if you could, you never thought to ask if you should. That's what the CEO's are doin' over there. Let's try the teriyaki. How are you doing, by the way? I've already cried once in this video. Have you? Yeah the hot was really hot. It made me cry. I know we had early tears. I barely wanna be here right now so I don't know how you're filming the whole video. We gotta film the video. We gotta keep the channel alive. And without Eat the Menu there is no channel. What's up. The people wanna watch me eat. They don't care about my fitness journey, they don't care about. - [Zach] They don't. - [Keith] Ned's fashion. - [Zach] They don't. They want fast food and lots of it and I'm here to give it to 'em. I don't care if I'm tired. I don't care if I'm full. Give the people what they want. This is your fault. - [Together] Teriyaki! You know. I don't like teriyaki chicken wings. I like 'em when I was younger so let's see how it holds up. It smells crazy. Wow. Whoa. That's a lot of salted sugar at once. There's a lot goin' on. Um hum. Yeah I don't car for this. Nah it tastes like eatin' soy sauce. Now do you want to stick around for the Parmesan garlic? Or is that? Probably not. Yeah 'cause the Buffalo Wild Wings Parmesan garlic looks disgusting. And this one didn't disappoint. Oh my god! Why do they look so gross? - [Zach] Oh my god! What happened in here? That's awful. We didn't shake these around or nothin'? There's nothing wet on these. Look at this, there's a little bit on the back but how did the box, how is the box like that and the wing like this? Did they pour cream in the box and then just gently lay chicken on top of it? The hell'd this happen? I just like the sight of it is making me queasy. It doesn't taste like garlic or Parmesan. (Jared laughs) Maybe I should wipe in on to this goo. (Jared laugs) There you go. Oh god, I can't, I can't. Well. It tastes like nothing. I gotta eat one more wing out of the other box. But it's the same thing. Doesn't matter. Oh. This one drumette is perfectly cooked. So shout out. This one's great. Let's throw it to our Food Babies, who are live on the scene of this Eat the Menu shoot today. YB? Hey, welcome to the Leftover Lounge sponsored by the Food Babies. So we have all the leftovers coming in. Now in classic leftover style none of this is reheated and has been brought directly from Keith. All that noise that it's makin' in your mouth has gotta. It feels real gloopy in there. The sauce has really become less of a liquid over time. Back to you, Keith. Thanks, Gals. All right. We're gonna move on down to pizza's and awk! Looks like the delivery man is here right now. Hey, yo, how's it goin'? Oh wow, how should we do this? (Keith laughs) Thank you. Let's start with none other than everybody's favorite America's favorite, cheese pizza. I don't love hand tossed. I think it's lame. Look at this flimsy bullshit. (laughs) Look at the pizza's getting sadder as I wait. I will say, there's something about that cheese button at Pizza Hut it's like always exactly the same. It is good though, it's got a really good flavor. Let's move on to everybody's actual favorite, The Pepperoni Pizza. It's pan. You know how it's pan? Look at that chard cheese all the way to the end. That is beautiful. Look how thick and tall the pizza is, look how it holds strong, no drooping. It is perfectly solid. Oh, fuck yeah. Look at it's golden little bottom. Oh. (scratching) Yeah, woo, woo, that's good! I used to eat a whole one of these by myself at night as an activity. Like that was my plans for the night. 'Cause I'll be eating a pizza in my room watching Wayne Brady make up songs on "Who's Line is it Anyway?" That was most of my Friday nights. One more pizza before we invite our first pizza guest in. This fuckin' hand tossed bullshit. Yeah that's more pepperoni in my mouth, that's for sure. I don't mind the hand tossed. I just feel like it's missing something. It's time to bring in Mark the Shark Muszynski. How's it goin'? Come on in Mark, woo, Mark! So Mark, because you are normally not allowed to eat gluten because your commitment to your wife who is gluten free I chose for you the Udi's gluten free crust cheese pizza Oooh. It looks fucking awful. Udi's? It. It's sponsored by Udi's? It's made of Udi's. Look at it. It looks horrible. As a society we've made a lot of gluten free advancements. This I don't expect to be one of them. Well, you know with a crust this bad the cheese really shines. (violin plays) Listen to this. (crunches loudly) Ohh. I can't tell if that's the crust cracking or your teeth. Me neither. Until you get to the crust it's actually okay but the crust is so overcooked and hard. All right and now I wanted to reward you with a good pizza (Mark laughs) because of your unwavering love for Robin. Yeah. So I got you a heart shaped pizza. Oh! I guess they just don't cut it when you order it like this. (crew member laughs) (mumbles) What do you think? Well I've barely gotten to the pizza (Keith laughs) but it was pretty good. Excited for them to discover this in the leftover lounge. (Mark laughs) 'Cause I'm gonna leave it like this. Hey YB! How are things crackin'? Hey guys, so we have a quick chance to try and get an exclusive with The Zach Kornfeld, see if we can grab him. Zach, over here, Zach. (crew cheers) Yes. What's the best part of eatin' the Try Guys. Sorry I gotta run to a dentist appointment, thank you. Okay, good luck with your teeth. (Keith and Mark laugh) Sounds like things are wild back there. Ah well now it's time to move on to the personal pan pizzas and for that, I'll need a personal friend of mine, Torian Miller. (Mark claps) (wind blows) Yeah yeah! Yah! Torian, I'm gonna have you try something today because they're Becky's favorite. And I love Becky. We met each other at 16 years old doing some theater. Okay so we got some personal pan pizzas. But not only are they personal pan, this is where we got all the hut crust flav-liness. Ummmm. The hut crust. This is I've, this looks like it's plain. (both laugh) Cheers. (happy music) The crust is a little boring on this one. Doesn't taste like it's got hut seasoning. What is the hut seasoning? It's 'sposed to come with this like flavor dust on the crust. Oh come on! This is the same god damn thing. It's more. Somebody call Pizza Hut. What's wrong with them? All of them look. Yeah. This one's taken all the cheese. How am I supposed to Eat the Menu if you won't sell me the menu? This is not how it's supposed to be. Got a lot of the cheese. Ummmm. Look at the cheese on that. I'm so mad. I'm sorry. No. It's not suppose to be like this. People don't watch this for me to eat the same thing three times and be disappointed. (Torian laughs) They wanna watch me eat different things four times and be disappointed. This is supposed to be your segment, I don't have anything else we can try. (Torian and crew laugh loudly) We should just try this one just because Let's try this one. You know. Let's see how this one tastes. Yeah. Ummm. These two are pretty good let's see if this one can top it. Yeah. Ummmm. We gotta get some Hut seasoning on this crust. Yeah, I'm pretty disappointed I didn't get to try that. All crust. Here I'll make it for you. Okay, yeah. They're supposed to do this for catering. They send you literally. Must be. A Parmesan shaker. Got this garlic dipping sauce. There you go. (upbeat music) The Hut flavor. Well, Torian, thanks for being here. Like to have me again. What a total failure on Pizza Hut's part but you know, Torian really nailed it. Hello, welcome to the pizza dungeon. Thank you very much. Please welcome back to The Hut, no he's never been to The Hut, please welcome to The Hut Brian the B-Whoa Whoa. Oh my goodness. (Keith snaps) ♪ Oh yeah My goodness yeah ♪ ♪ Goodness ♪ ♪ I said oh my goodness ♪ ♪ My goodness yeah ♪ - [Together] ♪ I said oh my goodness yeah ♪ I've got one on the healthy side and one not. I am suspicious of both after seeing Torian's experience. Yeah, Torian really got the short end of the stick I'd say. We just got the second delivery and it's got some problems too. So let's just keep on truckin' and we'll find those problems later on in the video. But for you I'm very excited B-whoa because you are going to be having the Veggie Lover's thin and crispy. That is so many olives on it, ew. I am from Chicago. A lot of people think that the main pizza in Chicago is deep dish, it's actually thin crust. Actually thin crispy square cuts. Yes. But let's see how it lives up. Yeah. It's got a little crunch to it, very slight. Um hum. This pizza's been here for about an hour so I can't blame it on them anymore thought the end crust doesn't get as effected. No let's try it. (pizza crunches loudly) Ummm. See? Ummmm. When it comes to crusts no Hut does it quite like the Pizza Hut. (both laugh) Thanks. This crust is at the upper crust of crusts. It is finally time for us to enjoy Pizza Hut's first crazy invention, ahhhhhh! The Cheese Stuffed Crust Cheese Lover's Cheese Pizza. This is not just cheese stuffed pizza, this is extra cheese on the pizza and cheese stuffed crust. I do not remember the cheese crust being this thick. Look at this one. This is humongous. This one's like a power lifter's bicep. I think it's doing sit ups. (both laugh) Wooooo! Oh yeah. Yeah. There's cheese in there all right. It's weird though 'cause in the videos it's always like you pull the cheese apart, but when you eat it it's just like the cheese just hugs the sides and then you can see through it. I can look through and kind of see Miles. Hold on. There's Alfredo sauce. Oh my god there's no tomato. Why's it? It's all Alfredo sauce. Why? - [Crew Member] It's Creamy Garlic Parmesan Sauce. Blaaahhhhh. Blaaahhhhh. Blaaahhhhh. It was what was on the wings. - [Brian] Yes it was. Not really on the wings, just on the boxes of the wings. Look at his mouth. And right now Raaaarrrr!!! (Brian laughs) Vaaarrrrrr!!! Bye B-whoa! We'll be right back after this. We're gonna feed you a pizza and you're gonna try to guess the flavor. Three, two, one, enter. (man laughs) You're not biting it so I'm just putting it in deeper and deeper. That was a onion chicken BBQ. Yes. Wow. You're right. Heh heh heh, wow things really are crazy back in the Leftover Lounge and it looks like we got a lot ahead of ourselves right now. It's another P'zone? Still pretty underwhelming. Supreme! Guys! This is a normal pizza. Well let's give it a shot. Hell yeah, Pizza Hut's at it's best when it's got meat and veggies and cheese and sauce and crust. I like that pizza, that one is a mega good. It was (Keith laughs) mega fine! Hey! What's that? What is it? - [Crew Member] I think it's the Hawaiian. Hawaiian. (Keith laughs) I like Hawaiian Pizza, I've never had Hawaiian Pizza with chicken. Bland. Bland little pizza. What have we got here? (Keith laughs) Ladies and Gentlemen, we're now ready to try our third pepperoni pizza. They keep giving us this. They all have looked exactly the same. I mean, it's still good. Look at all these words. Delivery charge is not a tip. We love feedback, give us yours. Oh. I'm givin' it to ya. Made with at least 35% recycled content. I wish we could recycle 35% of our content in the videos. Hey let's just play a clip of another video right now. Wow Nala's wearing a hot dog costume and it says Keith you are one hot dog, wooo, we're in Nala you've made it another round! - [Announcer] It's the Barkchshler. Ha ha ha. What a good moment. Hey look at this! Look at this guy! It's a BBQ, get off of there, fly! (Keith laughs) Get off of my pizza. This one looks like it's got some of the Hut seasoning on it. Maybe we'll get the deal of the day. This is the Backyard BBQ Chicken Pizza it has the garlic buttery blend on it. Hmm, that's a new flavor. The banana peppers give it a nice amount of brightness and acidity. It kinda makes me nauseous but that might just be the volume of pizza. Leftover Lounge is fuckin' nuts right now. Lou Berger's in there eatin' and partyin'. [Together} ♪ Pizza Hut! Come and get the Pizza Hut♪ Pizza Hut! (cork pops) Ahh! Oh my god! Ladies and Gentlemen, (bouncy music) Ladies and Gentlemen, Hughie Stone Fish. - [Together] Woooooooo! Hughie's album came out today, it's called - [Together] Look How Quickly Everything's Changing. Available everywhere music is heard, right? Yeah that's right, thanks Keith. Cool, yeah check it out. Do you like pizza? I love pizza. Well what if I told you that you had the chance to try this pizza? The fuck is this? (Hughie laughs loudly) Let's eat this bright shining beacon of white. - [Crew Member] Oh no. Oh it's got more of that Parmesan liquid on it. I will say that the crust on this is magnificent. Ummm. The Parmesan garlic crust seasoning is great. If you balance it out with the non creamy crust it's pretty good. Okay I can't stand to even watch you eat this pizza anymore. It's so weird and so gross. So now I know you like that pizza but what if I told you you could eat this pizza? (crew laughs) It's covered in toes! (crew laughs) The Cheesy Bites Meat Lover's Pizza. This is my dream come true right here. Look at these cheesy bites. Oh my word. That didn't. (dramatic orchestra music) Dude. That's a good slice of pizza. I'm getting pretty tired of eating pizza now. Doesn't it look like a weird monster foot? (Keith pants) The thing about Pizza Hut is while I'm eating it, I feel energized and then as soon as I swallow it, I feel decimated. Same. As long as I keep eating it I feel just fine. Um hmm. We got something special for you, it's More toes! (Hughie laughs loudly) but it is Chicken BBQ. - [Hughie] Wow! I eat mine fingers laced. (Hughie laughs) I'm gonna do my Wolverine style. (mumbles with mouth full) However this one was prepared, I like this BBQ chicken pizza the most. Well, what was your favorite of the pizzas we tried, Hughie? The white one, the meat one, or the chicken BBQ and toes? Definitely not the white one. Um hmm. Pretty close between this one and the meat one. I think I gotta go with this one. It was the most unique. All right, Hughie it's time for you to go. Well, thanks man. Thanks for droppin', where'd you a napkin? The Leftover Lounge. Oh shit, they got it all back there. ♪Come and get your pizza ♪ ♪ Pizza Hut ♪ ♪ Come and get your hut sauce if you like your pizza. ♪ ♪ Come and get your pizza. ♪ - [Together] ♪ You can get the hut Pizza Hut, It's a Hut. ♪ It's a hut with a pizza. Wow it seems like things are pretty crazy back there. I think I saw you back there. How could I be there and here at the same time? Who knows but now it's time for us to learn a little bit more about what's on the Pizza Hut menu and this time we're gonna learn alongside my good friend, Alex Lewis. Hey! Ehhh! Here's what we got, Ladies and Gentlemen, we got from Pizza Hut, we're gonna start out with the what are these? These are some other Breadsticks I've never seen before. You know, Keith, any time I come on this show I always try breadsticks and pasta. (Keith gives a raspberry) How many times have you been on the show? Twice. What did you have the first time? Olive Garden. And what'd you have the second time? Pizza Hut. Oh you were including this time in your twice. Yeah. This is some sort of other secret breadstick that I guess comes for free with the pasta. I am very excited about this because it's got a very low chance of making me sick and for those of you at home meeting me for the first time, I get sick often when I eat food. (crew laughs softly) This tastes like a salt lick. Yeah it can be very tough. You okay? It's very resilient bread though, I'm pullin' on it, look at this, look at this. (Alex laughs) Oh my god. You wanna have like a light saber battle? (Keith makes light saber noise) Choo choo. (dramatic music) Strike me down with all of your hatred! Yaaaaa! (Alex laughs) Shall we dip these in the marinara? I feel like that's what the marinara's for. I love the marinara but these breadsticks are so tough. (Alex laughs) They're not bad. No the marinara's great, I mean, like of course this is good. Neither is the breadstick though, I'm in to the breadstick. Dip poop in gold it's then worth more, isn't it? So a few years ago Pizza Hut decided that pizza wasn't enough, you know, they gotta enter into the Italian food industry and so they came out with two pastas. - [Alex] Oh boy! They marketed these pastas by trickin' a bunch of people into thinking they were eating good pasta, then sayin' "Ha! It was Pizza Butt you idiot!" They like, literally they brought people in, they'd be like, "We brought a bunch of people in to try this new Italian restaurant's pastas but what they didn't know is the pasta was actually from Pizza Hut and then they had them anonymously review the pasta." And they'd have all these people be like, "It's really good" "How much would you pay for this pasta?" "Oh, probably $20, oh probably $30. "What if we told you this pasta was $6.99?" (Alex laughs) "What?" "And it's from Pizza Hut!" "What?" And you're a fuckin' idiot. (Alex laughs) Like if you went to like a nice Italian restaurant and you found out they were just serving you Pizza Hut wouldn't you be pissed? Yeah. I'd be furious. I'm really full. Oh boy this really. I don't have a fork. Just looks terrible. I don't have a fork so. No! We have to? Oh. This is the Alfredo Chicken Pizza. Oh my god. Oh plunge your hand in there. Oh yum, this is how you're meant to eat. - [Keith] Uh hmm. Um. It's okay. The chicken works much better in this than it does on the pizza. Pasta number two. This looks like a baked zitis type situation. Ummm actually I think that this these pastas are not as bad as you'd expect them to be from a place called Pizza Hut. (Alex laughs) Thanks, Alex Lewis. You're welcome, can I get one more breadstick for the road? You sure can, I don't know why you'd want to there's way better breadsticks in the Leftover Lounge. Well I'll try those too. Okay, Alex Lewis everybody, give it up. Watch him on NBC's "Bring the Funny" Tuesday's starting in July at 10, nine central, only on NBC. I'll be on it too. We have made it through the Pizza Hut menu but now it is time for us to have our just desserts. We got the Pizza Hut Chocolate Brownie. Very dry, probably good with a tall glass of milk, but I'm not gonna have a glass of milk. Next up the Taco Bell Cini Mini's presented by Pizza Hut. These are exactly the same as the cinnamon bites they have from Taco Bell. Cini Minis, 'member that? I did that in the Taco Bell video. Hey!!!!!! I'm Mini Cini! Ummm. Cini mini. This tray is clearly microwaved. 'Cause this is a microwave safe tray. But the Cini Mini's are pretty good. They're better than the brownies. (Keith sighs) Oh my stomach hurts, it's so full. Oh god. It's a Cookie Pie. Cookie mouth. My mouth is a cookie. (dramatic music) Pretty good cookie. Look before we finish the episode, let's check in with those Leftover Ladies one more time. This party's off the chain, I mean Ned's not even in this video Yeah. But he's come back the Lounge. Gotta eat. It's going pretty well so far, Keith's, you know, he's really making it through, it's hard, this one's hard on him. This is, I probably haven't seen him like this since Olive Garden. End of the day with Pizza Hut's original dessert. The Cinnamon Bread Sticks with Icing. Now Pizza Hut in some (Keith burps) Pizza Hut in some markets has dessert pizza. They have like a blueberry cobbler pizza, some sort of apple cinnamon pizza. Our Pizza Hut doesn't have that. We started with breadsticks and so shall we end. Breadsticks to begin, breadsticks to say goodbye. Breadsticks. Wheee. Do it again. (Keith laughs) Breadstick learns to swim. ♪ It's got icing on the top ♪ Hmmm, pretty good, pleasantly surprised. Well, we did it. I've eaten everything on the menu. Let's get one more shot of those girls back there. Party sure is heatin' up back here. Yes it is. Bye ladies, bye, thanks for being so great. And now it is time for me to decide what it the best and what is the least best. The least best thing at Pizza Hut. Hold on, there's so much in my stomach. I need to be burped. I think the worst thing was that cheese cheese cheese pizza without any marinara on it. The cheese on the pizza was one note and then it also had some sort of white garlic butter sauce. Not good. The best thing from Pizza Hut I think was the super Supreme, the ultra supreme, the extreme supreme. I just think that Pizza Hut is best when it's got the cheese, the vegetables, the meat, the sauce and the crust. Badda bing badda bam. You know there were a lot of other pizzas that were pretty good. I was very surprised by the P'zones. I was surprised by the pastas. I was let down by the staff. (crew laughs) It's been a pretty crazy day here at the Eat the Menu studio. I'm Keith Habersberger. What menu should I take down next? Bye! (upbeat music) ♪ Breadsticks! Breadsticks! Cinnamon covered ♪ ♪ Breadstick ♪ ♪ Dip it in the breadstick ♪ ♪ It's got icing on the top ♪
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 11,623,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, eat the menu, eating show, mukbang, eat, fast food, food, taste test, review, dining, pizza, cheese pizza, pepperoni pizza, thin crust, deep dish pizza, hand tossed pizza, pan pizza, baked pizza, baking, cheese bread, wings, hot wings, buffalo wings, mild wings, spicy wings, garlic bread
Id: Hn27gpBzF9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 30sec (2010 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 03 2019
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