KeeperRL - The Beginning - Ep 1 - Evil Cult Dungeon Simulator

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well hello hello hello and welcome to keeper rl alpha 33 released today so i figured this was a great day to start a new series here with keeper rl i played a few hours on stream and offline i really enjoy this game i don't have a keeper rl intro screen yet so this is what we get so we'll go ahead and dive into the game here and i'll do a little bit of explaining i don't have quite the knowledge that i do of say rimworld or roonarc but i do enjoy this game a lot as you guys know i enjoy playing games where i am in evil entity i can do that in rim world i can do that in roon arc and keeper rl is essentially that the game starts off we have as you can see i haven't even unlocked everything it is a rogue light is what the description is roguelite dungeon management evil overlord simulator um there are a couple games called dungeon keeper that it uh draws it's um arts are not art styles but it's ideas from as well as dwarf fortress i've never played dwarf fortress but i have played rimworld which also uh gets their ideas or got their startup from dwarf fortress so i have played a um a knight and a wizard i died with both of them so this series could could not last very long but we'll do our best here i am going to go with the wizard start my name office truston uh keeper will be a male and we'll just start a new game here when you start a new game this is the campaign mode each tile is a different map so whatever we start with is what we'll play on so we have uh demon den for main village we've got an unremarkable dungeon as our main villain and we have some warriors as our main villain and to guess thieves so we have four main villains we got some zombies as lesser villains a unicorn herders lesser villains and cyclops and our allies are going to be the dark elves and unknown so once we go to our allies and we work with them i've found that you can kind of start recruiting them and the dark elves are pretty strong so i think we're gonna go with this map uh the imps are gonna be sad if you don't add any retired dungeons i don't have any retired dungeons so i'm going to go ahead and confirm that so we'll go ahead and generate our map so we start off on a map tile that is our own so again this is uh alpha 33 released today september 14th uh so we can play as dwarves now there's new z level enemies which i didn't get that far into z levels and other features including crafting stuff i did go over the crafting notes um but we'll just see we'll see what happens so i am going to pause the game initially and we'll go over the overview here so this is our world map and if we click here we can see that we have um it should be granite iron ore gold ore and then all these question marks which means that there's something on the map we're not really sure what that is it could be allies it could be enemies it could be shrines to gods we don't know but the first thing that i'm going to do is i'm going to scroll in here and so use mouse wheel to scroll and i'm going to create a party here so i'll put all of i'll put my keeper because i can't put the imps and then i'm going to take control of my keeper so now whenever i click or use the arrow keys to move it's actually me controlling the keeper it's got a little dungeon path there it might be cool to build in here and this could be like our two hallways can i go down this way yeah i can got our imps over there okay so i'm just kind of kind of scouting out a little bit about looking around looking at our terrain seeing where i actually want to dig in to our dungeon right so this is the edge of the map so maybe maybe right here because we've got some uh granite down here yeah i think that'll be nice that's a little cool area but i don't think it'll be what we want so i'm gonna actually control mode and down here we have the t which stands for turns so we've taken five uh 252 turns so anytime we click that's a turn technically this game is turn based when you're not in control mode the turns um you know move forward automatically so first thing we're going to do is we're going to dig or cut we hold down shift to make like little squares we'll take all of this all of this doesn't look like we have a lot of wood near the opening area but that's okay we'll get more so and then we'll cut down this forest too so we we won't need all that ore right away or all that wood right away but we will eventually need all that wood all right and then let's go ahead and cut in here we'll have a little passageway here and then a uh a little little entrance way we can put up monuments to my greatness and then let's have so this will be one two three four we'll have a nine by nine in here back a couple hmm yeah i'll put little doors here see there we go put a bigger door up here and this one can be that can be like one of the training areas that we have i don't like that it's off-center though all right that'll suffice that'll do that'll do and then over here we'll have some bedrooms so training bedrooms general area and then back here we'll need all this so i'll carve this out and then we'll figure out we'll figure out what's going on later so we're going to go ahead and get this going here i am going to prioritize that so with orders here we can prioritize um let's try it out there you go prioritize task so we'll get all of this done as a priority and this will make one of the amps come work over here and we are running it on slow mode so you can go slow normal fast and very fast i like running it on slow and normal uh down here we can see that we have people that are wanting to join us so we need training betty training um dummies and beds for the warriors to join us and crafting stations for the artificers to join us so we will get all of that going eventually we also need a storage spot for things so i'll go ahead and put that down here that way the imps can start carrying the wood that they've cut down good we still have people we saw that amp that's cutting the wood that's what i wanted i wanted to have some some of the imps out here doing this and some of the amps up here doing that looks like they really want to do that down there [Music] let's have you guys prioritize doing this there we go and we'll speed this up a little bit so we can get the imps working there's get all that stuff done so again this is a lot of wood and it'll it'll do well for us for a long period of time and to get these guys you know their beds and stuff like that we'll put down basic beds we can't at the moment because you know it's not it's not dug out yet let's see doors we want to have some wooden doors in here a couple set of doors here all right and then you see how this guy has a like a circle around him means he has some special traits so in this case he's gets plus five damage when he's drunk and he can swim so it's not bad we don't have alcohol right now so we can't can't benefit from you know the drinky drinky time but being a swimmer is really good that's actually how i lost one of my wizards is i was uh i got blinded stumbled fell into a lake and died it's a struggle it's a real it's a real struggle as we continue to mine out various items here we can get gold with our gold we can purchase more amps to do our bidding so these guys are doing all right uh let's put in some wooden training dummies up here since this is going to be their training room and we'll be able to get um adamantium dummies and iron dummies and a lot of different things they've they've added different crafting materials so that's probably just for weaponry see we'll also put uh a couple workshops in here so the warriors and the artificers can work in the same room for right now and we'll make it look better later but right now i just really wanted to get some resources in here i wanted to get things crafted and then beds we'll go very fast so that way we can get this handled got another dude he's got uh his trait is that he hates all else though they didn't just well here he's fine here go ahead and put in some bedrooms here we'll just put in a row of beds to begin with and we do have a population limit down here of 10 right now our population is one it's just us it's just us and these guys are taking a while to get this handled with help on the way they should be fine once they mine all this out and there's room for only three or two of them the other dude will go out and continue working on what he needs to work on so even though these guys are kind of dropping off and we don't have space for them it's fine there's only a certain amount of time that we have that we can accept guys but again it's okay and then there's some tips that are that show up on the top of the screen up here you know like hey killing leaders great reduces morale of the tribe and stops immigration do you have immigration with uh various enemies they'll continue to spawn essentially is what it is uh and this is all called immigration down here too where people are trying to uh trying to migrate to your to your base all right you know what we're gonna do we're going to cancel this over here we'll let him continue working on this and then he'll pick up everything and carry it all back cool thing about amps is they have unlimited storage so they can just pick up everything there we go and with that they they dropped off all the wood here i don't know if this is unlimited it might be it feels like it is the the when i say this i'm talking about the uh the resource space so i'm not entirely sure all right so let's add some torches in here we got to make this place look pretty dapper you know we are an evil overlord we'll do the same thing down here let's get some doors built on the bedrooms then we'll get a door built over here and we'll probably make this into a formal room but we're going to want to put down some wood flooring places we're going to we're going to want to really spruce spruce to join up you know you can't you can't have an evil anything without making it look nice put some bookcases in here so the bookcases will allow us to take in spell casters uh it'll also allow our keeper to train but right now if we take a look at our keeper he is limited at 12 with magic so you can go up pretty far with magic limited at seven with combat but is zero with both of those he's wearing a robe this is all the equipment that they can wear this is the attributes right now so we've got 12 plus 5 so we've got 17 damage and uh 10 defense here our magic ability or spell damage rather there's our range damage and then this is our parry so all of this stuff we'll be able to um we'll be able to increase an upgrade and each one of these guys that we can recruit so for instance right now we've got three um training dummies three crafting benches and a bunch of beds so we can actually take some people in so we'll get an artificer for some um equipment and that'll be it for now [Music] i really want to get uh shamans they hit they cast spirits so let's prioritize doing this so that way we can get our shamans and our wizards the orders prioritize these bad boys so we'll get them those done pretty quickly all right and then we'll keep we'll get our shaman in here you see our artificer just joined us he's mary disarms traps and then our wizard so they'll come over here and they'll they will train on these guys and if we take a look here now we have our list of baddies here we'll create our new team we'll put our um wizard and shaman in here and we'll also put the keeper in here so if i click here i can now control the entire team and i can also see who's on the team see all their stats and everything like that so we have we have lorza here who is our goblin shaman he's large but we can see he's attempting to to gain skill on the wooden dummy so he's now at 0.26 skill out of four uh and then he'll go and train over here any weapons for your minions yes i do so speaking of weapons with them for the minions if we click on the crafting gear here we can craft items so we've got our clubs our leather armor leather helmets boots shields and gloves we can also craft spell damage uh stuff so it takes away from the physical damage and adds spell damage there's a warrior so we're gonna go ahead and do that grab him so we'll do one two three four so that'll be everybody see where's my warrior here we are that's four four clubs you can see that they're already making the clubs that's the progress one two three four two three four and so on and so forth and for helmets so we'll just you know we'll drop this down cancel that we'll make the helmet for our warrior and then uh everybody else get wizard hats so you can see our wizard here is now training on magic so they can't do any combat and our keeper is training with magic as well now if we go look at our imps they're just standing around so we don't want that we want them to continue working so what we'll do for the imps is we will help them out see i'll probably want something forgot to hold down shift we want something like this and then hallways that'll come out we'll make this another small room that might be a prison at some point i generally like my hallways being too wide this comes out what one two three four five it'll open up into a larger room and then we can continue going back here as you can see i do like having some kind of rhyme or reason for my my places uh this might be a good area to begin with uh for like meals or um oh let me use storage here for equipment there we go but put uh some equipment storage over here then we need some treasure chest some armor racks these are all new the armor racks weapon racks stuff like that those are all new as of the new update which is really awesome we also need some graves or gravestone or bones when we murder people we get to keep their corpses and use them uh ooh plus 10 damage against tribal leaders yes please we'll take you [Music] we will need another at least one more artificer so i'll take you in here and we'll take the wizard because we are going to need more ranged and we're at population 8 of 10 so i wanna take the next two people i want them to be either arranged or warriors so that way we can tank up the area you know be a little tanky we can see here that we have this warrior who is that's new uh we have this warrior who is helping them build i don't really want the warrior to help them build that's that's not really his job if i go down here and i scroll down to activity i can remove crafting from the warrior so crafting is no longer a thing that warriors do they'll train and they'll sleep they'll they'll participate in other things we can also set up guard zones which we'll do later but i want the warrior to train that's that's his deal i want him to train i want him to get better that's that's why he's here so i'll put in another set of dummies there all right we can see up here all the information that's going on we got us justin's getting spell um spell training we've got armor that's being crafted we've got all kinds of stuff being crafted and the the cool thing is is that wizard are you are you working on what are you doing okay so you sleep that's all you do you should train as well or study rather are you capped out there's no way you're capped out you are capped out so we need to conquer some tribes and the way that we're going to conquer tribes is going and exploring and we will those little green question marks are they could be tribes and as we conquer tribes we'll gain xp as we gain xp we can get swimmer yes i'll take you as we gain xp we can unlock research items so right now we have sorcery that's unlocked which allows us to get the uh wooden bookcase and the mage hat it also allows us to unlock advanced sorcery which is up in here so we can see advanced sorcery once we have advanced sorcery we can then get magical weapons master sorcery demonology and it allows us to add iron bookcases and a different type of magikat so as we continue to upgrade we'll actually probably put our library back here and we'll put a let's do this some torches in here all right i don't want that one there stop stop working so fast let me let me figure out let me let my brain work let my brain work it's a wooden gate we'll put a wooden gate in here there we go there we go we're working on this we're working on that so i want to make sure we're building our gate here all right so we did we just built our first magic hat so i need to actually assign that otherwise uh our our warriors or somebody else will try to wear it or our mages will start wearing leather hats instead of other things so we just need to make sure that we are doing what we need to do let's see we have two leather or two magic hats we see in the lower right hand corner what's in there so we've got some magic hats so wizard you have and we can see here that the the warrior put on the magic hat the shaman has the other magic hat we'll put you there the shaman will lock that so we need another mage hat so we need one more mage hat for you [Music] and then our warriors we're gonna need some more other stuff two three four one two three four right now with the wood stuff it doesn't matter if i create extra when we get into resources that are difficult to get then we want to be a little more a little more conservative with who has what or how many items we build rather we do need to increase the morale here so we we have a total of 68 wood so we're gonna need more wood oh we haven't got any gold yet we do have a question mark here that's surrounded by a bunch of ore so we'll need we've got some stone in here which we can actually use for to install uh some statues although we can't is that a priest we'll take a priest priests are good they heal us so let's see our fountain increases luxury gold is to make um to recruit more imps which will need a few more amps it's also to make carpets uh we got some barricade barricades uh which slops flops which stops uh movement which is this is new as well there's a lot of new stuff in here which is really cool and i really enjoy this game all right let's get this going let's dig out some trees obviously i mean cut trees but hey that's uh that's keeper rl baby cotton trees digging trees all the same we'll send that out actually thinking it can survive here so we'll get this going down here and then what we might do is once we have our weapons and armor made here so warriors yeah let's make sure that you guys have clubs so you're going to equip a club you're going to a club a perfect shaman's down in here priests should be in here now you will need [Music] a i don't think i don't think they're affected by spell damage but i'll probably build an extra mage hat just for them so we don't have enough gold to recruit any m so we do need gold and we our population limit is 10 right now that's all we have see artificers don't need anything all right so we are we're still we're still creating all this stuff we're still crafting all this stuff see so you're sleeping you're rested we're getting some iron in here which is fantastic so with iron stuff as we level up we'll be able to make swords and all that fun stuff with the iron ore that we're getting right now granite down here some gold over here i might put in an order to come grab this gold so that way we can start doing other things i do want to make a dining table which is five so we'll put a dining table dead center here and we're gonna prioritize this because this will make everybody a little bit more happier go ahead and order this prioritize this going in here this will cause imp man come out here and do man things on the table all right let's speed up the speed up live so everyone's going to come out here and grab some food here in just a minute it's going to be pretty funny because everyone will just act like they're hitting it what that does is it um it makes them a little happier so it improves the morale so everyone has morale um where's your morale yeah there we go reese's morale improves oh defense i didn't know that it improves defense but there you go see so goblin freeze reach level three got cure poison which is pretty nice i do think that what we're gonna do here is we're gonna go explore this area down here so i am gonna take everybody with us here in a second which i granted i know it's only 10 people but it should be enough let's check our warriors make sure that they do have their gear on or that they're getting their gear let's make sure that our shaman's got gear our priest is getting gear on all that stuff should be here yeah so everything's right there so they they're all queued up to get gear so you'll see them come over here and trade out stuff [Music] that's fantastic all right we're all getting training up and all these people want to join us which means that we're doing something right what it is that we're doing right i don't know but we're doing it right okay let's go let's see we've got i'm just going to double check our team we missed the wizard so i'm just dragging oops i mean to create a new team let's disband that team so i'm dragging everybody onto our team here just to make sure that i have everybody then i'm going to control and i'm going to make a keeper the leader here so as a leader everybody will come follow me which is pretty cool so here's all of the the flavor text there as the imp is cutting the tree oh we've got a scarecrow down here we've got a peasant so as we approach baddies we will um as we approach baddies we'll will turn into slower movements which is fine with me uh we don't have a prison so we can't catch them so there's if if you click on them they'll put a little white line above them which shows that you want to capture them we haven't got our prisons set up we can't capture them yet having a dwarf captive is really nice because they have a hundred percent mining speed whereas like our amps have i think 20 percent but we're gonna go ahead and cast magic missile we don't have advanced magic missile yet so it takes so we almost knock them out we're going to click ourselves and wait and we'll go ahead and uh swung the club at the peasant the peasant's skull is shattered cousin is killed or spit me i'm wounded a horse kicks me i'm wounded we are injured so i will use heal fully restores our health so now we're no longer wounded let's go see what else is down here we got a wheat field down there we got a piggy everything is hostile to us well let me rephrase that we are hostile to everything else because we're kind of the bad guys man oh so uh they accidentally somehow got teleported into there i don't i don't really know how that happened uh here's our leader the purple is the tribe leader so if we kill him it'll stop immigration it should also help us [Music] with um our experience so go ahead and do this and we're just gonna go blink so every time that you kill someone you get a title so i'm not gonna lie i'm a bit greedy i want to be the one to kill everybody so that way i have all the titles also uh we can pick up corpses and stuff like that we'll make our amps do that all right so let's see so there's got five gold pieces in there i'll take that then we'll break down this door because you know where did the rest of our troops go vultures are up here already we got the imps down here where where are our warriors at apparently we're killing them oh there was a human that was running away so are your chased them down perfect what about you oh they were all chasing him okay so they'll come back to us but we defeated the tribe let's bang down this door it's a terrible house you should feel bad for having a house like that you have mushrooms growing inside your house they're magic mushrooms all right so we've just we've just wiped out a village here which is i mean you know it's great for us not so great for them uh there is another question mark oh this is a cave so there might be some bandits in here okay surprise there's a lot of bandits in here i'm going to use my knockback ability here this air blast those creatures backwards there's a lot of peeps in there okay i'm gonna teleport out and i'm gonna let my people do the fighting we've got a warrior in there we've got our priest here that should be healing the warriors soon we destroyed the um we destroy i destroyed the bandit tribe uh so i'm pretty happy about that we didn't lose anybody so if we click on this then we can see now we have an extra club in here that we can take we have a portion of healing so we just got there's a key here we don't know what the key is for yet but all of these items that we needed to craft we can now just steal from these people i mean we can borrow with no intent to return so we're kind of clearing out our own area our own map here it looks like that is inside the mountain so a lot of these things will be inside the mountain so we can't get them quite yet but i think clearing out what we cleared out is a pretty solid start it looks like everything else is inside the mountain so the world is safe once more you're welcome let's exit control mode and everyone will just start walking on their own once we unpause time going back there what i am going to do is i'm going to head down here to where these corpses are and i am going to put in a fetch order i want to fetch everything that we can uh even though it doesn't look like it might be useful even these mushrooms because we make potions with them later but the corpses the bones everything like that we're going to take we're going to take any items that they had and we'll we'll use them we'll repurpose everything all right so got that got that over there nothing else really so the imps will come down and grab all this stuff i'll even take our mushrooms here when we start using alchemy we'll have stuff for ocean making all that's getting done [Music] that is pretty nice all right everyone's everyone well deserved rest after the the adventures here and we did upgrade to level two so now we have our decision making we want to go with more uh sorcery we can get up to level seven sorcery with iron bookcases we do have the iron for it uh the basic iron working here where we can create iron dummies and adamantium dummies in a furnace and a forge which will upgrade our warriors which isn't a bad idea considering we have more warriors that also unlocks two-handed weapon and jewelry crafting when we next level up we also have our traps to defend our base which is again something else i mean what we might want to do [Music] then archery archery's super nice [Music] so decisions decisions you hate all humans me too buddy shaman ooh legendary craftsman at a laboratory we don't have labs yet but being a legendary craftsman is a really nice trait and they're not insane either it's a shame that we don't have any money if we had any gold we could put down a statue so a gold statue will give you one population limit stone stone statues give you a quarter of a population limit so it's um unfortunately not something we can do right now to increase our population limit um oh when you when you kill people you have the when you kill villains you have the opportunity to pillage everybody uh i forgot about that so instead of putting in all those orders we could have just pillaged them but it's okay that's right i'm going to go ahead and delete that because that's not what i meant to do we're going to go into storage and we're going to put a grave in here so this will be a couple graves and then we'll also put coffins in here and what that'll do is that will allow us to store corpses and bones so i am going to prioritize that get those those done rapidly please if 1700 wood we'll definitely need more we we have a decent amount of iron so once we get that in and now we can pillage this so you can see all the bones just went right there so now we'll start getting other people that want to join us like vampires or mummies or zombies [Music] but let's see what do we want to do [Music] let's go with iron working yeah we'll do some iron working here all right so iron working and what that's going to do for us is we are going to go into crafting here we now have some forges that we can make uh crafting again we want a poetry table put the poetry table in the main room and what that'll do is that'll allow our keeper who is trusting right now to write some really bad poems about people and then what we want to do is we want to go back into crafting furnace uh this is a new item which is awesome it allows us to recycle stuff so all that stuff that we just yoinked from people that we don't have a need for at the moment we can now recycle granted we will need it eventually but it's pretty rad that that is an option so let's continue installing some torches here all right they are working on all this i do want this gold down here since i know there's nothing really close to it so i am just going to build just going to cut into the mountain here pick up this gold that way we can get some more amps we can get more workers all right let's fast forward a bit let's get all this construction built in here so light affects how well people train light affects how well uh things happen in here we're actually gonna turn this into a giant training room here so we're gonna put some more dummies in here we'll do uh five of those wooden dummies we're going to go into iron dummies we're going to space them out a little bit and then we're going to destroy these in here and we'll turn this into a crafting room legendary craftsman to forge unfortunately they're insane so we will need to build eventually we'll build what is what i consider an insane asylum room uh and it'll really help us out we can see automatically that the the warriors come in here and they're starting to train instantly because now they can they can cap out at seven instead of three so they train on the iron dummies for those types of uh to train past three so then we'll go into orders here and we'll remove these constructions working this out working this out so now we can use the forge here to create better items so we got the swords uh armor stuff like this also these these are new here we can wow those are really cool looking these are both new wars so infernite and uh at oxen are both new ores that i haven't seen yet adamantian is super strong it was the strongest that uh we had prior ooh this is uh for spellblades really cool this looks like fire damage things really nice so we do have some iron as we can see down here we have 681 iron we might want to start upgrading some things um probably weaponry that's probably gonna wait until the next episode we have this all all handled here let's get some digging cued up for the next episode here i like my my hallways to be too wide got two going on a little hallway right here coming out doorway there maybe that'll be the prison who knows that'll be what is queued up for now let's see let me cancel this let's come down this way this will be the doorway there we go we've got one bedroom over here we'll probably need another bedroom at some point there's the mummies that we can now accept because of the skeletons the bandits and stuff like that let's get some coffins in here i really like having uh vampires they're really really cool let's see and then we will clear out the storage we'll put storage over here and we'll clear this out so it's going to say that we don't have stuff now really we do all right so we're getting that built uh our see structures what bridge so we'll need to bridge all this up yeah so we might not be able to to dig through this yet we'll have to go over to this one but i want to see what's here uh and i want to see uh what else we can do with this game i really enjoy this game we still haven't even touched z levels yet so maybe we'll make another area over here with the z levels in it uh which is digging down getting more ore that way but i hope you guys enjoy dungeon keeper i'm sorry not keeper i hope you guys enjoy keeper rl based off of dungeon keeper uh i really really enjoyed this game and i hope you guys will like this series when you can continue this series but uh for now we'll pause here and i will see you guys next time
Channel: Trusten
Views: 19,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: KeeperRL Gameplay, KeeperRL Walkthrough, KeeperRL playthrough, Lets Play KeeperRL, KeeperRL Review, KeeperRL Preview, KeeperRL Impressions, KeeperRL Download, KeeperRL Trailer, KeeperRL Soundtrack, KeeperRL Guide, KeeperRL tutorial, KeeperRL Steam, KeeperRL Early Access, KeeperRL Muisc, KeeperRL PC Game, Trusten, let's play keeperrl, keeperrl playthrough, keeperrl alpha, alpha 33
Id: Sst63znU9pk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 51sec (2811 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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