Keep "FIVE FEET APART" 10 feet away from me

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what is going on troublemakers welcome back for another movie comments every Monday so great to have you here this week we're watching flat feet apart which is about two kids who have a restraining order I probably I don't know I'm just guessing just read the title I know that they have to stay five feet apart don't know why maybe the judges like you too will say five feet apart otherwise you will go down for a crime I don't think that's how the judicial I don't think that's how the judicial I don't think that's how the judicial I don't think that's how the judicial system works can we pretend like I said that sentence perfectly I don't think that's how the judicial system works well let's roll with it let's just actually be about a restraining order that would be funny that'd be that's a funny rom-com like two teenagers have to stay five feet apart otherwise they don't get like their parents and heritance or something it sounds stupid when i say it allow but if i wrote that it probably still be stupid a human touch yeah what about it our first form of communication okay my first form of communication was gogo gaga we need that touch from the one we love who's running the camera yeah how far do you want me to zoom just [ __ ] it all the way all the way I want to see her teeth and only her teeth I want to just a screen of white tooth white tooth is all I want to see awesome always gonna be quirky do you hear the music this is court making music I can't tell it like to trampy you're not trampy enough no such thing is to trap II just letting you know now ladies thanks you're under 18 everything's to trampy you're gonna do it I wish I could be there to see that person oh you a freak huh do you want to be there to see her have sex in person sucks that you planned it this year and you don't even get to go oh no they're going to something oh I thought their time with sex I'm just assuming people are always talking about sex this is my default I walk into a room and people get quiet I'm like ah y'all we're talking about sex huh no we're talking about how we hate you ha what use protection oh they were talking they were talking I knew it how does he have a feeling from a people I've talked to my sex Wow Wow a lots changed in the last six months she's not even pregnant so she walks into rooms hi Stella had a burrito for lunch imma be fine dad hey you don't steal my joke as many of you know I'm slightly anal no no she's got a disease she's sick don't make an enol joke right now Dylan what is that are you dying oh oh god oh no I know someone's dying by the end of this oh man today feels like a day to cry too cuz it's Wednesday why is this like Friday I thought people on them you weirdo yeah oh yeah you ain't doing so well breathing that good good air I don't know what that is oh hi Stasi what's your emo ass doing here what I'm well Newman his name is Newman we'll get back to your room I'll we'll hesays will does he have the will to live we'll see by the end of the movie good job Dylan you need to lighten up it's just life it'll be over before you know it I know it [ __ ] he's so emo oh my god teenage girls just no guys there's just a rule there's no coming back from that bacteria that's why they call it bacteria cuz there's no coming back from it heyy what was that sound hey what ah you see she famous and now you're into her huh how do we find her by the way oh hey Google der stella cystic fibrosis good girl good girl good not encourage this take a requirement if you at the hospital you got to peer outside of the window more peering out the window yeah just the stairwell just to go over to a window and like look out of it the window wasn't good enough for him he's got a peer out from the [ __ ] roof you have a death wish or something if you don't care then leave give your spot to someone else someone that that wants it that wants to live okay Oh threatening suicide you are the ultimate emo boy watch me I'll kill myself hey it was a joke yes I just let you know from now on suicide jokes they don't go over very well nice looking ball why looks like good jobs brassy look I get that you have some kind of save the world hero complex going on between you leave me out of it save the world's hero complex you got an emo complex yeah okay I want to draw you Jack I want you to draw me like one of your french girls don't worry I don't like white boys racism [ __ ] racism but you're six I'll let it slide okay those truffles how did you get truffles was she pregnant Oh eat a burrito callback that's it that's called a callback what else is on that to-do list years my master Lester my daily list masterless that's the big stuff right so your plan is to die really smart so that you can join the debate team of the dead or something did he just argue that you shouldn't get smart because you're gonna die you want to hear my list painting class with Bob Ross sex in the Vatican mmm hopefully not with the Pope what if it does don't think it's going to you know what I want a happy ending let him [ __ ] get cured let him get cured ship winds it up that's actually as hard his beating heart Abbey's dead isn't she you're as delicate as a jackhammer I want to hug you just pretend that I'm doing it right now I'll pretend to love you Oh your arms are so warm this is nice let me hug you back there there there there if the infection gets into the bloodstream I probably shouldn't be more sensitive than not burp out loud the doctors like wow this infects you might kill you and I'm like okay actually probably not someone's dying I feel like this this is gonna have a happy ending not he's gonna die he got that emo attitude that he should go just get him attitude that only death can cure you're here she literally lives here what are you doing yeah it's your first surgery without a B how do you know that I've seen all your movies some might say I'm your biggest fan it just becomes a soccer fan boy what if that oh my god turn this into a horror of him she gets cured unless she falls in love with someone but he turns out to be crazy while they were like recovering from something only she gets a second shot of life and so does he because of the trial drug but then he ends up stalking her and he's just like kill him at the end oh that's a thing that's all that's all a whole lies plot and he'll be perfect for that because he's got that emo streak that's when you remind me of Trevor Vaughn and Aimee Presley oh they were in love story huh and I let them break the rules so they could be happy let me guess they die they died yes well they did talk break on my watch you watch them die you savage God you slept so good look at her damn well you got some serious bed head bro why are you being so sad I you are emo boy you think that I'm the one that's afraid to take risks your relationships you and Tim you and Rick you and Michael go there you don't know what you're talking about you howand every chance you've ever had it love so just keep your advice to yourself no one's ever gonna love you yeah [ __ ] oh my god yeah - sad montage oh great now you get to be sad too right everyone said everyone said I'm [ __ ] said to thank you moving alright don't wait on me [ __ ] I'm said ID you are oh my god you trashed him you trashed him and you're pissed at him what a terrible I hope you get nobody I hope you get nobody I'm glad your sister died okay hold on that might went too far I'm kidding I'm kidding I'm kidding it's fiction stop who sent that all the truffles what is this picture what's sticking out of him five feet at all times so that his dick doesn't touch your stomach is this what is this the rule is this the reason the rule exists a [ __ ] baseball bat for a dick batters up I'm trying to hit a homerun I got chills I'm sorry what I said about your sister pokes his eye out that's him dressed up Brooke she's wearing like a nice dress and he's one flannel what happened was happy she was cliff diving in California landed wrong broke her neck drowned just imagining it over and over and what she's feeling probably oh god you're beautiful I moved again wish I could touch you I wish you could touch her too not for anything weird but I could use an embrace you gonna fill yourself up with the pool cue it's getting harder to make joke since I'm like actually getting invested in sad just let me make my weird jokes oh hey I was joking that's a joke you got some powerful ass calves though have you seen her calves this girl could [ __ ] push a boulder that's my metric for knowing if you have powerful calves is if I think you could press a boulder with them you calves are less impressive press oh my god birthday happy birthday she forgot sorry I forgot she thought he'd literally told you yesterday talk to you later actually got something planned doesn't she she's too anal to not have something planned I didn't see hear it she could be hiding somewhere and then she's gonna come up for a party yeah and she's gonna lead up to a party and his friends are gonna be there start with me first men oh it's a scavenger hunt it's a birthday scavenger hunt those are the best kinds of scavenger hunts and happy birthday thanks guy whoo I didn't learn the name of because I didn't think you'd have to speak of a role in the movie remember Abby Abby came up with that oh good job bringing up your dead sister and kill the mood she always said she was gonna live big because Stella couldn't she'd be big yeah you couldn't she would really love the clandestine party like this yeah let's stop with the sad yeah let's look at her life as a happy thing that way I can continue making jokes and not feel guilty about having dabs to the app stir [ __ ] yeah I'll drink to that what's up ho I knew someone was dying I knew someone was dying no pulse no pulse yeah yawn nope oh it rhymes yeah probably not the time doing man's dead this is a good sign because let's be honest it's not gonna kill two of them main care of three characters this doesn't happen well you can if you just go back and look into the room I mean he's dead but you'll still see him it's not the time Dylan [ __ ] [ __ ] beats him with the pool cue okay oh don't why don't ruin things don't ruin things this you gotta struggles okay well you just [ __ ] that didn't you what are you from bro this emo packing that's what you call an emo pack he's ditching yeah he's emo is emo leaving that's what he's doing anything he does I just put the word emo before it like he started eating I'd be like he's emo eating now peer out the window yeah here we [ __ ] go I thought this was behind us oh they're gonna do the glass the glass thing Oh do it do it I'm here for it I'm here for the romance thing put your hand up and let him put his hand up bro connect like this connect like this let's do it this is what I'm here for this is what I'm here for put your forehead to the glass let her get her forehead on the glass two foreheads foreheads bro give me the foreheads you don't even know how to love do you if you don't touch heads through glass you're not in love bro what you're wearing right now is so nice and what you wore on your date was so awful I'm actually disappointed in you well you don't own nice clothes fine well look at you now I'll dapper it up holding hands and that's not God I left the Midwest to get out of there that doesn't look like real snow though that looks like the fakest know I've ever seen what about just cocaine they walked in Mexico that's just Mexico right there when I hear about Mexico and you wanted drugs that come out of there I just imagined Mexico which is one giant pile of cocaine that ain't real snow I'm telling you as a professional Midwestern ER I can tell real snow from face no it's that yeah you're gonna have to explain that one it's a teddy bear what the [ __ ] do I need to explain Abbi got it for me the first time I came to the hospital that's a relief honestly cuz I don't have the heart to tell you that a third boob might be a deal-breaker that's not funny her sister died bro don't make jokes frozen solid [ __ ] she gonna fall through the ice he gonna come a saber but then they're going to be close to each other in order for him to save her he's dressed for a rescue I can't explain it but he's dressed for a rescue five foot two thoracic cage size doe skin long eta three hours get her prepped actually the message and then she's gonna fall through the ice oh wow she had survivor's guilt upon her sister and now PO died and she gets new lungs bro five feet guys oh my god he's just facepalm sir hey they have new lungs for you let's go to the hospital come on I haven't seen lights yet yeah [ __ ] you can see him literally every day for the rest of your life stop fell apart neck snapped and she drowns oh ah very funny she'll fall through watch watch bet bet bet bet bet bet bet stop bad I knew it Oh CPR he's gotta give her CPR oh my god what if this kills him what if she gets the lungs but it kills him do it do it do it she had survivor's guilt before that when her sister died and then PO dies and then she's being stubborn about Poe's death and that ends up killing will she find she'll spit up some water no [ __ ] way no [ __ ] way well that's a delayed [ __ ] CPR ajita no no way no way oh my god what she finds she got lungs what about will will might be out if he saved her life by sacrificing his own I'm gonna lose it I'm gonna lose everything okay Wow he's okay well that's disappointing the man just does not look like a doctor I'm sorry he looks like an extra you guys said they got a plan yeah I mean what is this everyone's on board so it must be something like really innocent and pure and clean like the antagonist nurse the parents were all pissed that we'll cuz you know he took their daughter and almost killed her everybody's on board damn what's with the headphones bro you're such a millennial [ __ ] god damn it oh is this way is it because she's on FaceTime well she can't speak she got a whole goddamn pipe in her mouth that's what she said hey Stella how are you oh I want us to be with you I need you to be safe Jesus is this Twilight is this New Moon he's leaving because he doesn't want her to be harmed because of him you're gonna leave her dog after I invested two hours into your romance who's selfish Oh selfish I knew I hated seafood your shellfish bad one Dylan that one that one needs a whole lot of work please give me like a 10 years later he's got lungs and he comes back and they have a fiery romance I hate pain in your [ __ ] okay okay okay okay Shh give me ten years later please life's too short to waste a second [ __ ] I'm a big [ __ ] Oh give me a 10-year flash-forward for clay oh it's based on someone Oh God all the jokes I made Oh yikes oh man I thought this was fiction okay come on just have him if he's gonna leave at the end have him die on the ice saving her life heroically he literally gathered everyone together to be like can you help me break up with this girl who literally is coming out of surgery you can all you got you all agree thank you for that you [ __ ] okay this is a spoiler for anyone who wants to read the book I'd quick looked it up the ending both versions of five feet apart and with the YouTube video of Stella the one that the movie used in the beginning however in the book will is watching the video eight months post breakup while he waits for a flight to Rio with his friend Jason just as the video ncc Stella at the airport on our way to Rome with Maya and Camilla she approaches him stands six feet away and then five and ambiguous ending leaves room for hope that the two might reunite that's what I need doesn't matter how many jokes I made about Paul and her sister dying I make a bunch of death jokes still want a hole just want a little bit how a hello can you get out of here you and me are currently six feet away now we're five feet away I'm willing to sacrifice a foot for you a foot of space not like I'm willing to amputate one of my feet because like that I need to walk this is the dumbest outro I've ever done I love you guys and I will see you next week [Music]
Channel: Dylan Is In Trouble
Views: 1,930,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: five, feet, apart, five feet apart, 5 feet apart, movie, reaction, review, netflix, trailer, soundtrack, commentary, sprouse, full movie, ending, interview, alternative
Id: ULdAHxkjFoI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 53sec (1193 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2019
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