*TANGLED* is better than *FROZEN*

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what is going on troublemakers welcome back to another movie commentary Monday got a lamp that's a whole last lamp haha this room's coming together I now have white I still have to put up in the corner you see that the white thing that is a soundproof board and it's gonna I'm gonna hang them up haven't gotten around to that yet it's been like two weeks since I've had them still haven't put them up yet I'll get there let's watch tangle man this is a movie I'd actually be willing to buy but it's giving me the option to rent you see the worst movies they're always like you only can buy this you can't rent this so if you want to see it you own it forever and then all the good movies they're like ah you can just hold off this temporarily and then we'll take it back I feel good I actually feel good about this purchase when's the last time I thought that house a little bit nervous last week I did Mulan and it was like the first animated movie I did and I was nervous that it wasn't gonna be as good but it ended up being a really good video I think so let's do more animated movies I've seen this one ah probably like 60% of it and I again I know the plot cuz i play Kingdom Hearts so like I know the general art of the stuff I missed I think oh hey Mick hey Mick what you blowing oh oh just hair okay you're on a boat a steam about 50 years 50 years of classics is the story of how I died how you died I mean you die a single drop of sunlight fell from the heavens okay what did it do and from this small drop of Sun grew a magic golden bean flower you see that old woman over there yeah I see you might want to remember her okay she's kind of important there grew a kingdom that's an island kingdom well she was about to have a baby oh I love bad she got sick I don't die oh she's gonna die imagine golden flower I took this woman Mother Gothel hoarded it's healing Gothel ha ha ha ha really and all she had to do was sing a special song how did she discover this song how does she know that you have to sing to the flower in order to get it to do its thing like was there an instruction manual that came along oh you've klutzy idiot like I'll find that flower oh the queen is gonna get saved flower healed the queen good job a princess was born with beautiful golden hair good job good job on your semen pop I made a little magic baby that's Rapunzel Oh Oh this is the Jesus this is the Rapunzel Wow how did how did I not make that connection like I knew this is about hair how did I not make I think because it just wasn't out right called Rapunzel I was like is this what is this story I'm such a idiot everything was perfect until Gotham broke into the castle stole the child and just like that an all-woman broke into the King and queens room in their fortress Castle I gotta give it up for her she got mad skills to break in she's like a ninja why can't I go outside did they find the most adorable voice in all of the united states go can I adopt this child that is the cutest voice I've ever heard each year on her birthday the king and queen released thousands of lanterns into the sky in hope that one day their lost princess would return wait they know that she was kidnapped right how do they not check this little nook man how did you come across this land which cuz this is a nice piece I would live here if there's a waterfall outside your window a whole tower that is a some land I'd like to own that's a lot of hay oh isn't that hurt it doesn't pull on your roots at all it sucks actually really good it's like showing me that she's been in this place for so long she's been here for so long she's painted all the walls who writes these Disney songs man some legends Oh parkour masters huh see this is what the witch would have had to do to break in and steal a child's hayfever yeah really really you could've got away without alerting the guards that actually got take some strength down Rapunzel's part I don't know she seemed kind of strong late to pull someone up and to do that every time is that the only door into the place that's impressive how you managed to do that every single day without fail so saying I see a strong confident beautiful young lady oh look you're here - oh God I'm laughing at the villains jokes earlier I was saying tomorrow is pretty big date it's my birthday well away you've adopted her as a child it's not like the child will remember when her birthday is why would you keep her birthday the same day the princess was born what kind of stupid witch are you done go on ask for your gifts I knew I better let me see the floating light no you want to go outside why won't she let her outside like what does she tell Rapunzel why are we staying up in this tower why none of those not to play oh yeah then the pointy teeth her hair's constantly like running against the ground it's got to be dirty a lot [Music] seriously what great real estate stabbington there's other stabbington brothers wonder what they to did he stabs very very bad this is really bad they just can't get my nose right maybe you shouldn't have alerted the guards Flynn give me a boost and I'll pull you up give us the satchel first don't trust me let me guess he took it out of the satchel right my hands are full oh no he grabbed this satchel they really trying to kill him huh oh they are right on his heels if this guy wasn't a master at parkour he'd be so captured look at this man tarzan 2.0 of course of course what did he steal the crown no way a horse survives that no way shadow where is it yeah with her super strength that's an easy knockouts she probably got to use a pan she's uber-stylish did oh my god Eric Chino check his teeth he got good teeth you got good teeth he can't be bad oh did you just have your sexual awakening oh my god you're gonna kill this man that's a good kush that's a clear concussion oh my god oh my god oh my broken hands I've got a person in my closet who are you are Kelly oh she doesn't know what it is put it on girl looks just right doesn't it ever you said when the time was right you language no I'm the bad guy god I hate how there's actually mothers like this not to this extreme but there are moms out there that make their children feel like absolute garbage and then they're always like a part of me I hate being the one who has to bring the hammer back know what I want for my birthday no and what is that I knew I bet god this real estate has a secret entrance this is oh my god I want to live here is he not in there okay that's a 13 cushon and a broken nose to problem oh oh you just got brain tongued oh he go for love let me see his face uh-huh that's his sexual awakening I know not who you are nor how I came to find you may I just say I the names Flynn Rider where is my satchel I've hidden it somewhere you'll never find it it's in that pop isn't it Oh bro can you god this dude is never gonna be the same yeah brain tanked again disgusting you're telling the truth yes he can't lie he's got four concussions no way he would ever have the capacity to lie take me to these lanterns and return me home safe though I won't be taking you anywhere no not another concussion you can't tear this tower apart brick by brick but without my help you will never find your precious satchel and when I promise something I never ever break that promise listen I didn't want to have to do this but you leave me no choice here comes the smolder why is that something I would try I'll take you to see the lanterns confession five I was gonna kick count what did he saying you broke my smolder you broke his smaller and smaller was all he had that in his parkour and I'm halfway to it do I even dare dare girl dare I just have to do it just do it Nike oh she's never touched grass before put your foot down girl see how it feels oh it's nice between your toes ain't it yeah oh is that how you stand you pigeon footed ah okay what she doesn't know won't kill her this would kill her I'm going back I love hobbies just so over this just the mood swings this is part of growing up a little rebellion a little adventure that's good would this break her heart and crush your soul of course but you've just got to do it is he doing reverse psychology crush her so nice like a grape nice plan no I am seeing those lanterns go come on the nose they changed his nose again that's funny that's a subtle joke look Palace horse rights no one's discovered you're fine real estate in ever and you think just because there's a palace rider missing you think that he's gonna find your hidden lair is there another entrance oh there is a hole damn she really boarded this place up huh yeah that was so well-hidden she was like you could pull this place apart brick by brick and you never find it and she's like what she's not even looking for it well can you do something with your hair if it's trilling behind you always just gonna gets like snagged on trees what are you getting at spark man smell and the other part is why sure actually I've made friends with all these people is it blood in your mustache Cody look at this that would gonna buy me a new what's he gonna do what's she gonna do and I need him to take me to see the lanterns because I've been dreaming about them my entire life haven't any of you ever had a dream killer what we're gonna be the song with our dreams and they're gonna sneak out like always you're the guts of this pianist it's impressive to play with one hook for a hand sorry boys I don't like you that's my dream - I've never related so much to a Disney character someone tweeted it like I remind them of Flynn Rider I relate so hard to him all he wants is a private island alone with his money where's Ryder where is he ah they're in custody why is this horse the best character here besides Flynn Flynn's the best oh go get the crown you're gonna carve us cartilage Keira that hair is gonna be so dirty oh it's a dam they're gonna let the dam out huh oh these are trained guards bro a four-on-one he just took out four train guards and now he's dueling the strongest horse in the history of horse stuff and now he's got broken ribs so five concussions are broken hands broken ribs [Music] that is so scary Oh oh come on tell me that's not the coolest thing you've ever seen come on now come on now out of the damn broke that wasn't a very well setup damn oh my god this is one of the best scenes I've ever seen in Disney star park or the water sliding the four on one battle [ __ ] Eugene my real name is Eugene Fitzherbert Fitzherbert can't [ __ ] for a guy named Eugene where does it go where does it go is there an exit oh dang why is he smiling at me Oh isn't this isn't this story somehow related to Tarzan like the parents oh I forget how the thing goes but I was thinking like there's some similarities to Tarzan in this movie especially when the dude was sliding on the water I was like yo that's that reminds me of Tarzan sliding down the trees I was going to offer you something worth 1000 crowns would have made you rich beyond belief with revenge on Flynn ride so her hair doesn't heal it reverses time it says turn back the clock that's part of the song her hair literally reverses time that's how the mother is able to live yo that's your hand from like a day ago bro I'll spare you the sob story of poor orphan Eugene Fitzherbert that's a little bit of a downer [Music] hey for the record I like Eugene Fitzherbert much better than father disagree then you'd be the first yeah that's cuz she's literally never met another person ever she's not right in the head okay oh I thought he'd never leave how did you find me I just listened for the sound of complete and utter betrayal and far as a sound I think he likes me why would he like you come on now really are we gonna get a song about how no one likes you it was the pressing song ever Rapunzel knows best Rapunzel so maturely this is why he's here give it to him what shoes why do the brothers give that crown back up to the wig for Ashley I know she's got like some grand plan and it ends with like him on a ship with the brothers or something but why would they get the crown back which is worth so much and then give it back to the witch hey you alright what you didn't hear the musical that just happened 30 seconds ago she's singing pretty loud here's the thing superhuman good looks I've always had him born with it why you see me except he believes what he's saying patience boys why wouldn't they just stab him when he was sleeping why are they going along with her plans what is that what is that oh wow broken foot a horse bit your foot there's another injury man is beat up what what boy this is a dog now I guess today is kind of the biggest day of my life I need you not to get him rest in it's also my birthday yeah the trump card and more crack ribs is really fighting a horse he straight-up fighting a horse your hair is a mess here you can't be having that I knew it yeah yeah I collect that while they're braiding it yeah see I knew it I can write Disney movies oh damn all the girls went all out they did it for free I love child labor oh he just got took it for dancing haha this is the boat scene something happens in the boat something hey max best day of your life I figured you should have a decent seat he's like he's going out of his way how did he procured the boat stole it right he went out of his way to like make sure she saw these lights the front-row seat you know I'm terrified why let me speak bro we have the same person we're the same person we ask the same questions like why who else would ask that question besides me and him no one what if it's not everything I dreamed it would be it will be and what if it is what do i do then well that's the good part you get to go find a new dream well online Queenie did you guys I have another kid why then I have another kid does that explained like royal is there one main job after a ruling is to have kids and have successors that's so cool okay but what happens to all the lanterns when they reach their maximum height do they burn out and then fall into the water and then pollute the water because that's a lot of lanterns yeah just contribute to the pollution of our water ecosystems cool I'm not scared anymore you know I mean I'm starting to where do the kiss no oh this is the perfect kiss setting no don't sing to each other kiss smooch smooch smooch [Music] are you blushing I'm not blushing take her lip or unity bro come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on what why would you stop everything is fine there's just something I have to take care of there's no way that which was smart enough to plot this him seeing them and then going off to I presume give them the crown to leave them alone crown is all yours I'll miss you but I think it's for them we heard you found something much more valuable than a crown awesome dudes see for yourself oh he's knocked out and he's tied to it isn't he you just gave him like his eighth concussion a crown for the girl with the magic hair what how did her mom do that Oh with the stick no way I don't buy it these were two dudes were chained up with metal and they took out a guard Oh Eugene Flynn whatever Eugene would do jeans a little punk [ __ ] Flynn no are you looking a little Haggard mom I don't know why but her bosom looked really inviting there I probably would have ran into that okay so these guys are criminals you know how valuable the crown is yeah sure there's other bounties at stake the girl with the magic hair but why wouldn't you take the crown as well that's so dumb let's get this over with Ryder what's you where are we going to the execution center oh yeah he knows maybe wait is she figuring it out she's the princess supposed to find her freckles what how do you see that and what does that mean for you Oh baby flashback you had a flashback to your baby days I am the lost princess Oh Oh got your mom she gonna do now Oh take her down you strong then I get her she's drunk she took out the stabbing brothers no just snaps arm off you want me to be the bad guy now I'm not bad well that was pretty scary what - why do they come like did they connect with him that well oh it seems like an actual thing right this could be an actual wall there no okay I thought they're gonna be like what is this mind do when they Brian hit an invisible wall why did those guys help him you brought them here oh he brought them there I don't know Horace incentivize this band of like murderers and killers it's a trap bro I know something bad happens she's tied up oh he got shanked he got Prison shanks oh this is a story about how he died that's right he died oh okay okay let's go back to me now hey ten minutes up in the movie it's going back to me Wow for every minute of the rest of my life I will fight you let me save him he'll never try to escape just let me heal him don't say I promise don't say I promise don't say I promise I promise damn it just before she said I always always come through my promises in case you get any ideas about following us following are they gonna disappear but what about this real estate oh you want to get real quick and that iguana thingy literally he just assisted in a kill how she gonna get down now the only way she knows how to get down is through her hair she's just stranded here no forever don't be doing Oh your tier gonna save them ha what that tier do huh oh it's got a magic it's got magic liquids from your eyeballs do you think tear-soaked into his skin give him that Sun magic that's right oh here we go warm that cold heart of his with your love tears does her hair get restored he's still dead it was just a light show did I ever tell you I've got a thing for brunettes that's a good line that's a good line ok to chill he's still recovering from getting shanked from getting eight concussions broken ribs everywhere oh and now with the girl dead the witch dead you own this real estate you inherit it I am assuming [Music] don't tell me don't tell me you know what this guard is saying guard okay let's watch this guard just bursts into the King and queens room which is you don't do that and then he just stands there a gape mouth the gape and just is like you just know that your daughter is alive your daughter who's that missing for 20 years probably how I'm sure there's other girls that have went to the Queen being like I'm your daughter because they know that the king and queen have been waiting for their lost daughter to come home so this has to have been imposters in the past right there's got to be some sort of test it's the slap test just slap sir you just know I guess I don't know the atleast you got a little time together before you get lost at sea and raise another child who becomes king of the jungle oh god they don't even know you can imagine what happened next I can imagine what happens next yeah Tarzan but how do they know that they were so tight that could have just been a guy that brought her back to you for a reward and instead you pull him in for a familial Hoggett and as for me well I started going by eugène again yeah did Rapunzel and I ever get married well I'm pleased to tell you that after years and years of ask-ask finally said yes I finally said yes you know I already know I'm gonna tell this video that this is better than frozen and it is it's one of the best Disney movies that has been made so obviously it's better than frozen but it's been a while since I've seen frozen so I should probably watch frozen you know just do a commentary on it just to see the double check and I think I'm gonna go on a little kick of going through these Disney movies because you guys seem to like the Mulan one I think you'll probably like this one as well and I've seen the classics like Tarzan aloud Lion King but it's been a lot of years since I've seen them so why not go through them again most of them I haven't seen since I was an adolescent child now I'm an adult at least in body my mind is still the adolescent child so all right that's it totals [Music]
Channel: Dylan Is In Trouble
Views: 4,186,625
Rating: 4.9744186 out of 5
Keywords: tangled, movie, commentary, reaction, review, dylan, disney, netflix, trailer, full, frozen, elsa, anna, soundtrack, i see the light, full movie, flynn, rapunzel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 2sec (1682 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 21 2019
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