Watching *You* Out of Context (Season 2)

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you gave me this idea you said watch the series finale of shows that I've never seen and I love that idea so much now you is only in its second season but I thought it would be fun anyways to watch this season 2 finale without having seen the first season or a second season that should be fun let's pop up a Netflix ahh oh god oh god don't look at my continue watching this show is awesome and I'm just starting the second season this show I'm gonna finish I just made a video about it this show was amazing but they changed the voice casting this I was gonna use for a joke and this I wish it was a joke that I watched it but I would have watched it even if I didn't make a video about it okay you know I don't look at the descriptions I don't wanna look at descriptions of anything I hope episode 9 left up on a huge cliffhanger and we're just thrown into it and I'm just got the pick up just guess just guess because punishment as well as his prison everything's hahaha excuse me excuse me what is happening here okay so we got this man in a box of course why wouldn't he be in a box a glass box luckily he's got breathing holes up top here this woman is dead dead but she's covered up either someone pulled her intestines out and didn't want to see it or they care for her I'm assuming this man cares for this girl this man would be the he's not you he's me I think his name is Joe I've seen them memes I know he's obsessed with girls right everything's gonna be okay of course it is your ass in a cage what did you do where are you Oh what did you do there's a woman dead behind you and blood on our fingers I'm gonna take a stab in the dark here which is probably what she did we can't know you just murder someone hard pass Delilah Dalila hey there Delila man The Plain White T's are gonna be pissed when they find out you didn't kill Delilah I did okay I'm glad that they're like literally recapping for me you can choose your friends if you can't choose your family my brother and I learned that lesson early absentee parents too self-absorbed - Missy Fox in the henhouse nobody to show us what healthy caretaking should are they siblings one of these girls is her sister his sister and I'm hoping it's the girl watching although that's not even good by itself like don't be watch your brother get a bj what are you doing Oh what imagine that imagine you're about to feel pretty good and all of a sudden you take a fish to the face next thing you know you wake up covered in blood that's a nightmare what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] I protected 40 because I had 240 did they really raise his numbers did they have 40 kids so I began to fantasize about a new one when James died I wondered if the family I had was the only one I deserved then I saw you you ah twist it's about her when you pulled away I told myself I can fix him okay okay okay okay I'm gonna have moments where I just need to like catch up a little bit figure out so she murdered her brother's girlfriends pretended hit her brother did it and made everyone think her brother did it and then her husband died I would almost step out on a limb here if a murderers husband dies I have a suspicion now who did it okay and then now she's trying to get with Joe because Joe is also crazy I wolf you I love you too you stopped I devoured your dead exes book front to back all the articles well he hasn't dead ex one of your back was unspecial and mediocre she didn't deserve you once saw this dead girlfriend how did his girlfriend die I'm afraid to know the answer I found the real you Joe you were even smarter more passionate more devoted though that's not her box that's his box you did some terrible things but that's what sensitive people do when they're trapped in a bad relationship so the girl he's interested in and the girl that's interested in him both found his secret box you gotta be more careful my crazy dude take this give it to the loyal and when you [ __ ] her you think of me okay you have to help me back there he's high I knew it was gonna happen but goddamn you opened your heart to me why why are these people so insane I what no [ __ ] dog right there with you right there with you with you so I love that this episode is like just like completely revealing all the things that happened in this season I feel like everything was building up and there was like misunderstandings and like hidden motives and it's just all being revealed right now and I didn't have to go through any of that I'm just here and they're just explaining all the motives to me it's so perfect it's okay right now that come in peace at like 3:00 in the morning you're trying to entrap me he's a cop what about Emily if I didn't have a plan for her oh you have a plan it's simple would you slit her throat she becomes a posthumous feminist icon for taking down her abuser oh so there's another murdered guy that will never work okay sounds like skill work Joe wait yeah what's his name I thought it was Joe but it was she was saying will I'm sorry it's very hard to think clearly in the river of crazy you're spewing okay you trapped a woman in a glass box you're not a magician we're not Harry Houdini okay you don't put people in boxes unless you're a magician and you're gonna saw them in half and then miraculously put them back together okay crazy you killed Delilah because you killed a [ __ ] celebrity oh did he if they're both crazy and murderers why not a feeling it's kind of a good match go for it man I say go for it I have to finish making wedding cake so who's getting married at this time it's her name love or is he in love with her why he's not clearly Yeah right she pretended wait is that another girl in the box how many girls have been in this box have a good one mate oh he's Australian hey Mike no can't do I'm on the East Coast are you serious okay so he isn't the East Coast he wasn't lying he's here to see someone Oh Oh big reveal means nothing to me it's his dad Oh what it's the guy from Full House oh my god he murdered the full house it was too full it was the admission scandal man his wife Oh No there's too many jokes here I don't even want to parse the room by the grace of God I've been given eyes to see things Oh God if you want to turn the channel go ahead fool turn the channel if you want to learn something bad god shut your mouth and listen to me for a minute you know why because I'm walking with Christ he told us his name was will but his real name it's awful god bless you and God bless your sister hahaha man it's Joe I knew his name was Joe oh there was a squishy sound did you hear that squishy sound who is this now wait who died who is this girl you got a body in your Prius you were right about Joe got aboard my sister ba-ba-ba-ba but for Candice call me ASAP who's Candice now why I asking questions who's Candice you should know that some people are gonna start on episode 10 and work your way backwards okay it's how people watch it nowadays Candice Candice who could Candice be there's a wedding could it be the person that's gonna get married that'd be a twist she might not stay front of mouth too long wait that was the LAPD oh my god remember when I got robbed you might remember that video I had to go down to the police department in Los Angeles and let me tell you it is not clean and shiny like this there are homeless people outside no pants and everything is super dark Dungy and dirty it's the Triple D LAPD more like LAPD DeeDee he's handling the fact that his dead girlfriend yeah and he's looked at the body he just shrugs it up he's like wow she did what did he see oh she but she's my muffins yes what a caring woman I go all in my mom never let me have one ever Wow that's basically child abuse hmm I don't want a murderer joking about child abuse okay no poison joke it's not bad you murder my girlfriend yes yes I do I do trust you I need you to trust me he's convincing I don't know I don't know it's a weird dynamic both the other murderers I don't know what's going on Hank ups yes okay handcuffs you gonna handcuff her inside don't believe her who would the baby daddy is it him do they have sex oh they did I saw it in a flashback how did you let him come back over over again you need a father I only need you but a boy needs a strong man to teach him right from wrong so just contextually here it appears as if the father I don't know if it's his real father or a father figure is beating up his wife and Joe's mother uh and she thinks that he needs a strong male figure in his life to teach him right from wrong I feel like there's a bit of a contradiction here could I could I be correct we're actually about halfway through this episode which is a perfect time to tell you that this video is once again it's audible and I could not be more happy if you don't know what audible is it's a place where you list to all of your favorite stories in one place right now with my link slash Dylan is in trouble or texting Dylan is in trouble - 500 500 you get a 30-day free trial which means you get one free audiobook forever like you get it forever eat if you cancel forever did I mention its forever and then you also get to audible originals all for free maybe you want to listen to you did you know that it's based on a novel that's right let's listen to a little preview of it when he's gone I call out again because you're listening you enjoy that damn brown [ __ ] I think this is actually kind of the perfect one to listen to inaudible because it's like it's one thing to read about a person being crazy but to hear it and then to imagine it it's like an another level again just go to slash Dylan is in trouble or simply text Dylan is in trouble to 500 500 let's get back to it man I'm going to be a real father are you sure you're the dad I made my living inspiration what did she say I made my living inspiration well yeah but there's still accidents okay my name is Dave I'm here to talk to you guys today about condom usage what a day for him you know first of all his girlfriend dies killed by a girl that's obsessed with him and then he finds out that that obsessed girl is pregnant with his child talk about that day we're just a child so were you so is she she it's just a daughter I don't think she's telling the truth mm-hmm I need to see some receipts girl you got that test go get your pee out here okay you're gonna pee on the stick right now could you hate me now you killed my girlfriend yes I do Candace said I'd face myself maybe this is it cuz Candace okay this is the girl in her trunk is he proposing to her in any city dating manual that'd be funny if there wasn't a dead body two feet away from me right now I will turn back your trust I will do whatever it takes nothing is more important than this what's wrong with you how can I judge anything you've done when it was not so different from the things I've done so saying they're kind of a match made in heaven well match meaning hell I guess she's in dangers you were back on the hearts time sober yeah yeah it crack again crack again up again that crap again her name being loved I feel like there's so many play on words throughout the season like if she if she just a metaphor is she the metaphor for love love makes you do crazy things yeah that's because she's a psychopath and oh god I get it we get it show and his name's 40 what's that a metaphor for huh metaphor D no you're so dumb you are really dumb I remember the first time I saw you at work screaming at a studio exec like some goddess of destruction who listens to their vows like that goddess of destruction I'm kinda into this I would watch the show honestly the premise is good enough where I probably watch it anyways but I will be way more into it if it's a story of two murderers or two past murderers who are trying to raise a child together that's come on it's like Dexter it's like Dexter except reverse that's so good although she's lying I'm pretty sure she's lying she's not pregnant I now pronounce you married so we've seen death marriage and pregnancy it's the whole cycle of life in one episode what did I need to watch the other nine episodes no I got the whole cycle of life right [ __ ] here I love still more more talk you don't know that every time she feels like you're upset with her she's gonna go out and murder someone and then she's gonna think oh that's what makes him love me more goddamn is too much crazy you gotta be careful with what you say it on crazy people whatever you say does he own this thanks for the tone you're fired one before their pathetic junkie boss fires them too so yeah he doesn't own this place flower started why does a junkie owned a flower store he's dangerous she's like what no what's going on did 40 say something crazy about me because he's been doing that all day what's this cop god damn this thing is gonna turn into a shootout huh he's high where is my sister will who's your sister all your sisters Candace oh where is the Lima she's in a Prius I don't think Delilah is coming back what I wish it was any other way why are you breaking those news behind a dumpster my sister you cannot go home come with me oh he's gonna adopt her he's gonna get a real daughter whoa interesting God pay this off please show pay this off I've invested too much time approximately 40 minutes find a city Florida it might be a good place I'm I'm 15 basically 16 she's dead I'm sorry Harry no you come in here acting like you're getting here oh [ __ ] you [ __ ] hey watch your language you're 15 I killed Henderson and I don't feel guilty about it I can't go back to the season just to figure out who Henderson is you ruin my life I have a truly sorry side door I don't know if an apology is like that meaningful when your vein is popping out of your forehead burn in hell hey what I say about your language young lady she got a dead sister I'll give her a pass for 24 hours people die in weird [ __ ] ways first it was Bek and her friends oh god did he kill Becky's friends the part where you have a pattern of lying and stalking and killing 40 oh he got a gun and he got a gun he got a gun daddy this is the sameness I have ever been you don't want to hurt him she gonna kill her brother for him all the possibilities you will never see me you could where's the baby she's not born baby who little girl Oh she'll kill him she got him to put the gun down uh-uh-uh but you are crazy if you think that you would be a good mother oh she don't kill him now you think that knocking up my sister makes you a new person kinda what you gonna do you ain't gonna die you the protagonist of this goddamn show get on your knees and propose to my sister god damn it welcome to the family did the bad you ain't dyin what you gonna do I do oh the cop the cops here we haven't seen him and he's gotta come in to play uh-huh cop yeah that's the cop we'll never and are you okay 40 got killed by the 50 to 500 we just got plans for days we got this sometimes a man gets exactly what he wishes for and that can be the most perfect punishment of all oh this is so interesting what now how much time left five minutes okay okay okay just I hate that this girl's sister just got murdered and she just had to uproot her entire life and move to Florida and you're just gonna wrap it up in a bow like oh I'm here sent some money please her sister got murdered and then a different murderer is like hey maybe you should just move to Florida by yourself at 15 and she does - she doesn't get any arc after finding out her sister died she's just like that's sucks well I'm going to for two now I guess cuz you told me to send some money please wrapped up oh they're moving in together job can you get some proof that she's pregnant is this a different Prius are you a Prius driving family well this kids already Fox but it's hard oh she's legitimately pregnant Oh what are you seeing but that's not how destiny works is it exactly where I had to be to meet you I will figure out a way a way to get to you see you soon neighbor come on come on bro if two seasons is him being obsessed about a girl you can you can change up the formula a little bit and just make it about a show where the killer parents have to figure out how to raise a baby like that's interesting like I'd watch that but to him being obsessed with the girl when presumably the first two seasons have been centered around that plot exactly it's like okay so we're gonna do a third season of the same plots but the but the there's just a baby now I'm talking like I know the plots of the first two seasons it could be completely different let me know if you guys like this I kind of like the style just because I'm sure there's a bunch of commentary videos about you and I have to be super into something to sit down for 10 hours and do like a commentary for it because the time that it takes to produce that video is a long time right so this is a way for me to do it while also doing it differently than anyone else would do it you know out of you I hope you guys enjoyed it I'm gonna do some more traditional commentaries it's been a minute since I've made like my usual commentaries I'll get back to a few in the next like month or two and don't forget to go to slash Dillon is in trouble you'll get to listen to you absolutely for free or you could choose any of the other thousands and thousands and thousands of stories that they have thanks for watching I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Dylan Is In Trouble
Views: 1,551,549
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: you, season, two, ending, joe, trailer, recap, season 3, explained, reaction, review, dylan, love, forty, will, candace
Id: p9jda_YR_tw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 53sec (1313 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 21 2020
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