WHY IS HER DAD SO MEAN?? ("The Fault in Our Stars")

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hello hello welcome in to another movie commentary Monday notice that I did not say movie reaction Monday the difference is that with reactions people expects for the person just to sit in the corner and make faces this is not that this is a commentary meaning I'm gonna talk a lot if you do not like me talking then well you're not alone my entire family basically is like that now this movie is one that I have been planning on doing ever since I bought this book I started reading this book years ago lot like a long time ago and I stopped about halfway through but I started it again a couple months ago and then I put it down in the same spot and I couldn't figure out why couple months went by I had nothing else to read so I was like I guess I'll finish it and overall I would say it's a decent book I love the characters voices there's just so much personality and quirkiness to the two main characters it's heartwarming to see their romance as well between those two people who are just so special but the reason I kept putting it down is because it was just it was so hard to read about two characters just continually going through so much terrible stuff like they would get one tiny little victory like something good what happened to them and it'd be something small and then they would be in the hospital for a week with excruciating pain and cancer and it was just so hard coming back time and time again to this book because the characters just keep getting [ __ ] up and there's so little hope it's not like there's a potential cure down the line they're both like oh we're barely surviving and then one dies at the end and the other ones like oh well I'm glad I got to meet you at least and then she's on the verge of death too at the end there wasn't enough hope in this book for me and I know people are like oh well it's realistic that's what cabin cancer is like I understand that but I don't read just to understand what cancers like I read it to be entertained and just watching two characters get [ __ ] on with no hope the entire time it's just hard and it's like that's like even the side characters like the side character also has cancer and he's is like [ __ ] man because something good happened to somebody I know they're in love and everything but one of them dies the other ones basically almost dead at the end and don't talk about realistic because the author like the not another of this book but there's a fictional book and a fictional author within this book who is like this eccentric super-rich guy who just shows up and Hazel's life and just like sneaks into her car and has conversations with her because hazel reminds her of his daughter his that daughter I don't that's not realistic at all so don't tell me this book is like ultra realistic so that's how I feel about the book it took me like a third time reading it through a third time in order to finish it I like John Green as a writer though and like I said the voices on the characters were awesome the movie was nowhere to be found I have Hulu now and I have Netflix and I have Amazon Prime and it's not on any of those so I'm spending another four dollars again actually I hope it's four dollars last time I did a movie off YouTube it was 1099 with the tax for 19 I'm starting to grow fond that number for 19 oh no its 20th Century Fox know when I did The Devil Wears Prada I uploaded that video five separate times because the first four times he got copyright blocks and I had it was like the smallest scenes I couldn't put in too much of the movie I guess we'll see how this goes she's reading the same book over and over she's depressed boy the doctor is like wait she read the same book over and over she's depressed that that solves it I'm a doctor that's all I need everybody who's a professional psychologist knows that's the one question you ask hey doc am I depressed well do you read the same book over and over no I don't you're not depressed I'll spare you the gory details of Patrick's ball cancer force living on his parents couch boy did his cancer tactic to the Heart of Jesus show us that one day it did that [ __ ] himself seems about did he knit this himself boy did his cancer tactic act like you're trying to make him seem unimpressive I always got cancer he's got no friends he's divorced but this matters knitted this whole Jesus himself part of Jesus this is it I know you get my ultimate respect you good job that's impressive okay don't kiss the Jesus the only thing worse than biting it from cancer is having a kid bite it from cancer hey so [ __ ] depressive in this movie I think that's what she was going for is I'm not like it's not like bad acting or anything but in the books she's kind of upbeat and sarcastic and not jovial about everything but just very realistic in like a mode I like kind of way but in this she's like I'm gonna die very different now it's coming up and I was expecting it sorry but I'm lucky cuz I have this beautiful smoking-hot girlfriend yeah helps me out so that's what's up now I know why your girlfriend's about to break up with you that's four so that's that don't be saying that you sounds douchey so that's what's up maybe you'd like to share your fears with the group oh it's coming I'm turning the audio up I love this speech oblivion you see I intend to live an extraordinary life to be remembered would anyone else in the group like to speak to that oh I hate that shot oh my god I'm not gonna be super bad but damn man comes into the frame anyone care to expand upon that there is a time before humans and there's gonna time after billions inevitable and if that scares you then I suggest you ignore it see you know what now I get it you know I used to never really be a reader I didn't read much from like the age of 10 to 20 like in that range I don't I don't know that I read a single book when I was a kid I was like a big reader and then I started getting back into it's when I was like 21 or 22 but I'd always used to hear people say like oh the book is better they would rail on the movie and they would always piss me off because it's like okay enough with you the book is bitter [ __ ] I don't want to hear it but now I kind of agree with them cuz that was uninspired man in the book it's like this big seminal moment and she goes on about oblivion and it's like this big thing but in the movie I think it probably was the direction a little bit I kind of wanted like a tracking shots as it would go like around the back of the group as she went on about oblivion and then have a little bit of music as well in the background I'm getting really into the direction now the speech was rather uninspired but then the camerawork didn't do it any favors either there's a good depth of fields meaning that the background is out of focus which is good and there's like a slow zoom in or a slow track in alright but it's just rather editable there's nothing there's nothing inspiring about this there's nothing memorable about this scene and this was one of the scenes that stuck out most when I think about the book what are you looking at me like that because you're beautiful I enjoy looking at beautiful people I enjoy looking at beautiful people I enjoy looking at beautiful people sometimes I like wearing their skin to just always where is he going with his mouth she's it's a there's a sleeve on he went to kiss her arm watch this always always where are you going dude's got an upper arm fetish or an armpit fetish or something you put the thing that does the killing right between your teeth but you never give it the power to kill you I metaphor okay okay okay so another big scene that stuck out from the book and they did it well here casted angry guy angry neighbor watering his lawn that's why the casting named angry guy watering his lawn you'll see that guy in the credits at the end of the movie watch this guy great actor almost won an Oscar for this whole fart I hope that guy comes back later in the movie he's a champ what's your story your hobbies your passions your weird fetishes just think of something the first thing that pops in your head something you love you know what it's about embracing your destiny and leaving a mark on the world that's one thing that I don't think they hit ah they hit it kind of well but I think it hit it better in the movie this dude is dying but he feels inclined to leave his mark on the world he wants to do something great but he can't because he's dying and that's what Kilson man is no not literally he doesn't that's not what literally kills him yes I shouldn't use that phrase with this movie but it eats away at him it's like something big unfulfilled he wants to you know leave a mark but he can't because your hands are so cold remind anyone else of twilights is there I almost saw those two universes blended together in fact let me cut it together so that it makes sense for you wait your hands are so cold see that finger out of your mouth talk about it no I just want crying play video games that's the model for my entire life just want to cry and play video games [ __ ] I want this dude to really go ham I want him behind like there's gonna have a conversation about a book and then for him in the background to just like shove all the freaking things off the shelf all the trophies they start punching the wall and stuff and that's in the background they're just ignoring him having like a civil conversation about a book that's what would make this scene really really funny that she dies further go further with him sure which is author and reader I don't know yes you know what I kind of want I wish that they wouldn't show nat wolff at all i wish she was not in the frame unless he was in the background and not a focus I think I would really make this scene work have you tried contacting this perhaps okay will be our always another scene that comes out way better in the movie in the books that's like a decent scene but in the movie that's like one-year best scenes look what he said she never do find yourself in Amsterdam but I have to go he invited us Amsterdam she didn't invite you he said if you're ever in town let's hang out he didn't say come into town and let's hang out if you're ever somehow in my corner of the world which you're nowhere near currently then swing on by I want you to have everything you want in the world yeah no duh I'm sorry I'm so sorry just awkwardly leave it was like oh my god this would be so great if we could do this and the moms like we don't have the money and then Hazel's like oh yeah it was stupid of me to have hopes and dreams the moms like I'm still version I who really saw something my unused dick you're a virgin hey I got something to show you zip causing a dries dick that's his testicle that is a circle of virgins and this is 18 year old dude with one leg okay that's one thing I didn't understand in the books okay this is something hazel draws after she bangs the [ __ ] out of Gus late in the movie they have sex and then he draws seventeen-year-olds with one leg at the edge of the Virgin Circle but he's not a virgin that they I'm pretty sure they boned pretty hard so I talked to the genius we leave in a month this if I'm talking about like oh we're gonna go visit your favorite authors small victory then massive chest pains you got to spend a week in the hospital you almost died small victory massive defeat and that's how the that's how the entire story goes up but then just boom beat down beat down beat down how's she doing better it won't let me in it's like the family only yeah sorry because listen why don't you go home dude like gave up his dying wish to your daughter and then he wants to see her after her she has like a big episode and you're like hmm yeah sorry family only take your [ __ ] ass home Amy reiterates his wish which is like thousands of dollars worth of value he's spending on your daughter you better show my friend Augustus water some goddamn respect dad a lot more trouble than it's worth no you're right mom and I were just saying the same thing I mean it could be time we tossed you out on the street drop you off in an orphanage somewhere make you their problem I'm serious that to me came across a little like when she laughs it off at first my god nah you wouldn't you wouldn't get rid of me I'm your daughter and he's like no I'm I'm [ __ ] serious you have a week to get out I expected him to like Pat her on the shoulder like you know do one of those little head rubs like I'm just kidding you're my daughter this walks off yeah I'm pretty sure the dads like a piece of [ __ ] you trying to keep your distance from me and no way lessens my affection for you all your efforts to keep me from you're gonna fail literally here a theater of girls going oh well they sell the swing set I thought that was the thing I travel in style or I don't travel at all I wish the limo driver was the fun friendly neighbor you just be rolling his eyes the entire time every time he turns the camera would go through the windshield in me thought he'd be like I'll give you a home watering my lawn right now [Music] like you two are so adorable we're just friends I just kissed him I know I wasn't the cheek way unsolicited kiss on the cheek and holding hands and I were just fringe hmm see some of this [ __ ] I know I was talking about the book crowd before how they're there more right than I gave him credit for it but these scenes work better with a little bit of music in the background and just through the the looks and the expressions you can see them rather than reading about expressions but you're seeing it for ourselves this is an advantage I am in love with you okay okay so this is like really good but depressing song that samples this conversation I looked it up I was like where's this conversation from cuz it's great and he talks about oblivion and even if the Sun swallows the stars even the Sun swallows earth hole whatever and it's gorgeous man and I was ah that's kind of thing I was looking forward to most of us in this movie you heard me you heard me I know that love is just a shout into the void and that oblivion is inevitable and that we're all doomed and I know that the Sun will swallow the only earth we will ever have and I am in love with you most of us I think we'll just have the check your meal has been paid by mr. van Horten in that case another bottle of champagne yeah what do you got for dessert I'm so excited oh man I'm so nervous to see this character cuz in my head he's the way he's described he's like a very round rotund man with tiny arms like thin arms I don't know he's just such a character in my head and I'm afraid that to put a face to it because funding the Americans incurably so wait what the hell he's thin get rid of him I kind of expected like george RR martin but like more cartoonish but i said that we get this willem dafoe knockoff is that actually willem dafoe hold on oh my god that is Willem Dafoe what the [ __ ] he's the Green Goblin doing Peter units are a side effect you are a failed experiment in mutation go [ __ ] yourself [Music] - [ __ ] looks out a wall of dead people it turns around - teenagers are making out actually into it see into it I fell in love with in the way you fell asleep fast in all that one's slowly fast and all at once is how I have sex but how I fall in love is slowly and then all at once yeah that's right I got this two mixed up this was his make-a-wish wish it wasn't to me the author it was the bang hazel grace Lancaster movies about to take a downward turn here again little victory last time little I don't mean like that cisors dick I'm just saying it's a tiny big dirty oh he's gonna see the drawing this is what I was waiting for but right there on the end table or the side the nightstand there it is he sees it yep there it is come on yeah see oh okay see that makes more sense cuz in the book he was fully in the circle but he was close to the edge right okay there was a tiny little overlap I thought he was firmly in the circle oh it's like a Venn diagram kind of thing where did the two intersect just so you can see what I'm talking about you can kind of see the little circles inside the big circle but not fully it's on the line so he still has one leg but he's not a virgin anymore so just before you went into the hospital I fell taking my hand so I had a PET scan and that lit up like a Christmas tree should have told you he's got cancer again basically everywhere too I'm gonna find a way to hang around here and annoy you for a long time this sign makes sure to exclude Gus from the beautiful family this does comment [ __ ] in the movie got pregnant there oh now there would be a great sequel Hazel's pregnant that from then one night with Gus after she finds out after he's dead and then it's like got oh my god cuz Gus's big thing in the book is like not leaving behind his mark on the world but if you had a kid his crate his kid could go on to be like a great guy like a great man legendary man oh alright here we go Gus I think we should wait until dark it's all dark Isaac Isaac if I were you I would go back inside this is like a low moments for Gus like vomits all over himself and I just to turn this into a joke cuz I need some levity cuz I'm starting to feel really sad I need some humor to balance out the sad that's why I'm gonna keep trying to make jokes god I keep making jokes keep me if you cried I always thought I would be here oh I see this is it this is what one of the biggest things that struck me in the book is this idea that he's about things don't have a grand story to tell I mean I was supposed to be special think that the only way to lead a meaningful life is for everyone to remember you this is all you get do you I'm dying and you're gonna be here you're not gonna be a mother anymore and I'm sorry but there's nothing I can do about that not because you said that his daughter fires back and the dads like hey no don't say that his face just fades back you see that because you said that even if you died when even when you die yeah okay so even the moms who's like the most hopeful I love everybody in the stories like you're going to die at some point in the near future so yeah this is what I'm talking about this is no hope and Gus is dying everybody's dying you just do it they were gonna add sponsorship here I wanted to attend my own funeral I'm hopeful that I'll be able to attend us ghosts but however just in case it doesn't work out it wasn't that good of a joke not only did he laugh in the background but they cut to him being like ha ha ha I laughed and it's a ghost however just inquisitive ready Augustus waters was a cocky son of a [ __ ] dudes like are you ready and I got this is like dude he can't see and he can't pick up that cue good to go when the scientists from the Future come to my house with robot eyes I'm gonna tell those scientists to piss off cuz Gus I don't even want to see a world without you I don't want to see a world without Augustus waters this is just so hard um okay okay brace yourselves people actually the friends speech was actually was pretty moving I remember reading that and it's pretty special cuz I'm talking about your that music in the background I'm not gonna I shouldn't dissect it like it's a really emotional moment but I'm still dissecting it but like ya haven't like just a little bit of ambient music during scenes really helps bring out the emotion vii Indies are simply bigger than other infinities this is the call it's the call guys uh uh his battle was a courageous man hooting right there the rod and your staff they comfort me hate to fake a brain now for his strength watch some jokes so I heard before the dude was like rod and your staff Akkad made me feel better or something there was a line there and I was like kind of wanna drop a joke there but you know what it's a funeral I shouldn't say anything but now I feel better easier I can make jokes again I knew this was the right thing to do funerals I decided they're for the living a lot of like really good quotes only about ten minutes left they got a big bowl yeah Ben Houten's in your car right now if you want to read this just get out of my car that thing that she crumpled up was a letter from Gus laid it that's the final scene [Music] it'll be a little bit picky year but they would have been cool if just for this shot here the second shot that gets crossfaded into the first one if it was rotating so if they rotated at 360 degrees then came down with it instead of going from a still shot and then pan down so this is still right now and now that we're on the shot down I wish it rotated that would look so much cooler Wow you noticing all their blinks watch us again but just watch their eyes blink blink blink blink blink blink blink blink blink blink blink 'ok so much who's the air super dry in there what is happening oh the plate yeah the playgrounds gone yeah they sold it that was a scene in the book they sold the place of the swing set and it's gone here they musta cut that out I think we shot it and then cut it out of the final movie because if they had if they hadn't scripted that it would still be there in the background we all want to be remembered she didn't want a million admirers she just wanted one maybe she wasn't loved widely but she was loved deeply she was in the ICU and I snuck in for ten minutes her eyes were closed her skin pale vampire she's so beautiful god I love her I'm so like I love her man okay hazel grace [Music] okay that was good I honestly think that the movie was better than the book even though they cut out some really interesting stuff from the book even the narrative like some of the really clever narrative there were a few times we were in Hazel's head or hazel was narrating something that she was thinking but not saying you can't do that often without coming off as cheesy like having internal thoughts you know be set as a voiceover in the book at the end Gus gets really bad I mean you saw the one scene where he just got snot everywhere but yeah it Hazel's with him for a lot of that and it's not pretty and they didn't show that a ton in the movie so that you kind of remember Gus as he was and the movie ending had a little bit more hope at the end had more punch because the music I think the music added a lot and it gave me hope even though we know he's a what she's got it one two maybe three years left her mom admitted like when you die so it's coming sometime soon her mom wouldn't say that if it was like ten years down the line I probably would have cried if I hadn't read the book if I know what's coming then I don't cry I'm not gonna I'm probably not gonna cry unless they really hit you in the emotions but because I knew Gus got sick and he was gonna die at the end I got teary-eyed but that doesn't count it's not crying and crying is when you add to your faults and I didn't get there I'll be back next Monday with another movie commentary Monday I don't know what it's going to be nope you know what just popped in my head I'm gonna do a really really really terrible movie and I'm gonna roast the hell out of it cuz I haven't done that in a while it's been all like decent movies let's roast one until then I love you guys I hope you I don't know no no I got a better out for a better outro I'll see you next week okay nailed it
Channel: Dylan Is In Trouble
Views: 1,789,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the, fault, in, our, stars, the fault in our stars, reaction, dylan, movie, netflix, trailer, review, ansel, elgort, dylan is in trouble
Id: uI-xK3aEb7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 46sec (1726 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 16 2018
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