*Cinderella*...Fun or Embarrassing?

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He doesn't

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/lolorasina 📅︎︎ Sep 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

don't remember the timestamp, but it's somewhere. i have class, and i'm on lunch break. i can't be repeating the video or going back. you should be watching the whole video anyways

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/InMyUtero 📅︎︎ Sep 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

I only want it because imo the film was just meh, I think it’s way to critically acclaimed for me but I think if Dylan did a commentary it would help me enjoy it more

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Whimsical89 📅︎︎ Sep 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

he doesn't take recommendations

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AdventurousBaker-420 📅︎︎ Sep 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

If Dylan saw that you just asked that, he’d beat you up 😭😭 jkjk. Unless…

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/mckenna_h 📅︎︎ Sep 16 2021 🗫︎ replies
hello troublemakers and welcome back to another movie commentary monday today we're watching amazon prime's interpretation of cinderella my guess is that cinderella loses her slipper at the end so she contacts amazon's customer service and they send her a replacement for free that would actually be a funny commercial bezos hey i'm looking for a job this rendition stars camila cabello famous movie star known for her work in breaking up fifth harmony pull it together dylan i still have one more joke that i want to get off before i start here just hang tight let's do one more you may also know camila cabello as shawn mendes's daughter not his actual daughter obviously but she does call him poppy all right let's start watching this movie and here it is amazon's original movie cinderella pierce brosnan is this worth putting my glasses on some people ask me if my glasses are real they're very real i have horrible vision but sometimes i watch things and i don't care enough to make sure i'm seeing everything correctly i'm gonna hate this but in a fun way hopefully great first shot great love it 10 out of 10. start with the sky possibilities hope that's what that tells me butterflies free butterflies represent freedom free two-day delivery if amazon doesn't take the opportunity to start shoving their products in our faces then what are we doing here what a waste of money amazon what is this amazon you got to work on your user interface this is oh first of all you put all your buttons up top you don't have to show this on screen you can just use buttons to oh [ __ ] day after day uh okay the generation okay i don't know who billy porter is i don't know who this guy is okay what are you there's no shot okay so you could click this and then oh you could jump to the different scenes and then you could buy the songs oh interesting it's a good way to get people to buy [ __ ] this is what i want to see listen if we're gonna have to sit through an amazon original i want all the product placements i love billy porter's narration to start that's positive brings a little bit of energy okay so this is like a full-on musical look how many songs it says oh wait what is what is happening on your user interface if anyone pops on screen they're like okay let's list them here where would this take me it gives me the character bio see what is all this dog if your attention span is like nothing this this is the user interface for you it's a full-on musical though guys her skin was often besmirched by cinders it's merged she's rescuing caterpillars is there gonna be like a butterfly motif throughout the movie i bet this little [ __ ] hatches he's gonna cocoon up and then turn into a butterfly she saved and then the butterfly's gonna fly into a villain's face distracting him while she bludgeons him to death i hope who's the villain of cinderella oh the stepmother yeah i can see that woman getting bludgeoned yeah oh which woman you ask the the cast is all right here perfect i can just point her out here edina you want to read her bio obviously you do because you should be putting that on pause screens god amazon how can you be like the one of the most profitable companies of all time and still suck this hard i am angry already oh great yeah amazon leave my pointer just right here in the middle of the [ __ ] yeah just leave my pointer behind it take that fur i hate rats good morning my beauty-eyed friends i oh she roasted them good that's how you should treat your rat friends you little bdi [ __ ] that's what she should have said oh one of those rats turns into james corden too yeah amazon great leave my pointer leave it right there how long would it take for him to abandon you there is no life in her eyes you can't look because there's a [ __ ] cast over her face but just trust me when i say it how stupid is though i thought she was rather hard on her i thought she could have gone harder quiet you see what they're doing right harder quiet cinderella yeah they're playing that as jokes it's just not edited quite well enough would you like to come in yes no i just want to check in on you and make sure that your blossoming daughters are managing it makes my skin grow behind you i'm into it all right then ah see okay it's quick see if you're gonna do jokes like this it's gotta be quick i think that's what happened oh okay i think i'm gonna like this if they nail it they they're doing it right they just have to edit it right to make this film good i think what happened is like they they hung too is that what happens every time they pop up on screen that's when they oh i gotta stop focusing on it it's just right there but what happened before is like it just hung on the shots a little bit too long especially when they snap back it should have been like boom right into the next thing it was almost like it left room for laughs which made it worse but look how quick this comes out managing makes my skin grow behind you i'm into it all right then boom and to be honest they probably could have had his words start a little bit faster just i even quicken the speed up a little bit more you guys came here for the roasts okay i'm not even i'm not gonna do all the technical stuff you know what [ __ ] that because i know some of you enjoy that so i'm gonna recut exactly what i'm talking about i'm gonna play the scene originally and then i'm gonna recut it a little bit just a little bit different pay attention though the first time in the second time and make sure that your uh blossoming daughters are managing it makes my skin grow mind you i'm into it all right then and make sure that your uh blossoming daughters are uh managing makes my skin grow mind you i'm into it all right then was that better it wasn't oh [ __ ] yeah is he funny good i'm liking this daughters have a suitor this daughter has a suitor the others have heartache and jealousy yes i'm so happy i thought this was gonna be a cringe fest make yourself a match for someone i understand stepmother she could be more villainous though i really hope she up ups her villainy oh boy she's got heavy feet what here comes our girl oh boy she's got heavy feet that that better be setting up a joke later because that wasn't funny at all i think i'm digging camilla's performance so far that's disgusting thank you before your age to comp loses a hand if we marry and we would control the world all the way to this i really just don't have the time in my schedule to be controlling these far-off lands i am just too busy you spent three whole days drinking in fox hunting that was a lot of hard work but you try tracking a fox when drunk it's impossible no it isn't do not bring me back to camilla cause these guys suck you try tracking a fox when you're drunk that's a good one that's not no it's not and then his friends acting like children who is this for no one isn't that's a joke for seven-year-olds what seven-year-olds are on amazon prime i promise he wasn't even rebuked what isn't why is he all of a sudden calm down and embarrassed like no one rebuked him and was like hey stop like if he had a father figure he was like hey no child no bad child bad i saw parents talk to their kids right but he shouldn't be embarrassed because no one called him out for it unless he has self-awareness but if he had the self-awareness he wouldn't have been like uh at his friend in the middle of a marriage proposal i see oh wait as i looked at her i was like she has a nose piercing that's so interesting i do too [Music] it's gonna be cringy as [ __ ] i took over from barry i know you're missing but he died [Music] not for me it's not for me what in god's name are you doing bringing color to her cheeks where's gender makeup exists cinderella cinderella girls can you help me cinderella [Applause] that's that's actually funny they're just yelling and she's just like i wish they played this longer because if they just like increasingly got like more annoying like like that would have been so funny do you think i look pretty honestly who cares what i think who cares what anyone thinks what matters is how you feel when you look in the mirror okay so this is for 11 year olds it's not so much that you're trying to get a message across it's the fact that you just stated that message outright but in a comedy film it's okay to do that but you also have to like follow it up with a joke and maybe maybe they're following it up with a joke right here because she's trying to get rosy cheeks so i just assumed she was just gonna be like ow to like trying to read it up her cheeks did it work on me because that hurt ah stop why did i do it again i don't know kind of liked it it hurt but in a good way no no so you have to make a joke making fun of i feel pretty cool you have to make a joke making fun of the fact that you're pushing and pushing a message unless it's specifically for children which this is you have dirt on your face okay good performances so far it's just the editing that could have tightened the editing up to think that any girl let alone you would have the audacity to engage in matters of business i will not have you embarrassing this household with your blasphemy spitting her face sweet in her face hucka spit in her face what the [ __ ] i want her evil nah spit shoulders back shoulders back get ready for my hulugi and smile open your mouth it's a comedy film make the evil person over the top evil just go with it bro oh jesus christ see he should have been there before to rebuke his child did you see his face he has a very rebuke ready face what are you doing oh that's minnie driver as you can tell by the plate over here she's in one of my two favorite films of all time good will hunting i will not say a single bad word about her thank you minnie driver for your services in my favorite film in my own anger i've never seen him be funny is he trying i would have had control of all the territories and keep overlooking his behavior and he'll never grow out of it it's gonna make a fine king i don't think so he looks like a douche i don't think i could cheer for this guy because it's the earring for me like i don't mind having jewelry in but like it's just like this one tiny little earring and it looks horrible also i'm just i'm i'm a little bit disappointed that pierce brosnan's going for humor and he's not funny at all we gotta give him another chance though let's keep going is your throne just a little bit taller than it was yesterday even if it is i have every right to make a taller i'm king hmm okay okay that wasn't funny but he gave me hope that will give him another two chances to be funny his almost being funny bought him two more opportunities the king's idiot's son do you think we can still get tickets i'm becoming a laughing shop you see that you see that earring if you're gonna be the prince and you're gonna choose bedazzlement like bedazzle yourself away you have all the finest golds and silvers in the world throw them everywhere pierce your ears lips have some dope ass armor the fact that this was your choice it's oh oh reflects poorly perfect then then mother came with three castles and a hundred horse rebuke rebuke don't talk about what you don't understand oh love it continue to defy me and just out of spite yes i'll give it all to your sister okay okay they're playing it for a joke i was i was expecting like a very serious thread throughout this film because it's fun to do comedy 90 of the time but if you have a serious threat it like really pulls you in but they're just playing it for calm anymore which it's it's a fairly funny joke you could tell by non-laughter i would have laughed probably but it's just i was disappointed that they didn't do that serious thread sorry i would be embarrassed you know how badly i want to be king then get rid of your earrings sometimes looking at like young adults specifically guys i it makes me kind of not want to be a parent one day because if my son comes home with one tiny little earring i'm gonna be like you you have failed this family hey dad i'm home leave my house and never return child you'll dance you'll be charming they really just shot this from the earring side all right i'm not going to talk about it anymore just know that i'm really disappointed in this man and the costume department can anybody don't sing you son of a [ __ ] his haircut's really bad too it's just one length all over he looks like they tried to cast ansel elgort and then they planned everything for ansel elgort to be in the film but then last minute ansel elgort dropped out and they're like let's just find the closest looking person to the tears that run down from my eyes his tears are run down his face oh he has a sword if you just kill someone right now i won't complain one more time the rest of the movie because you wouldn't expect him to murder somebody they would capture you kill her i don't care no common sense i got no kill your sister that'd be perfect your dad was threatening to give her the throne instead of use wow finally kabila's back get off my dad i'm sorry oh it's just really hard to see in the back might i suggest you put some bleachers back there i hereby decree awesome she went him over with a bleachers joke oh get off it stop this insta love [ __ ] too subtle not subtle enough fine so it shall be pacing that's one thing this film just needs better pacing it's quicker get into the jokes and out of the jokes quicker wander about until you find her wearing that ridiculous disguise it works wilbur nobody recognizes me lucky for you the makeup yeah you look like a pirate you look like a pirate unnecessary why are we doing cinderella because i want you to see what you're in for why are we doing cinderella work that's the phrase of that is funny no no no no no not cast your eyes on some farm boy you must marry rich some boys what about romance oh please you wanna romance a farm hand oh honey speaking of honey uh today's video is fun it's sponsored this video is sponsored by honey honey is an online shopping tool that saves you money it's very simple it's also free i've been hoping to get a honey sponsorship for a long time because i've been using it for years how does it work dylan well say you want to buy something online i'm shopping for shirts let's pick a few out rhode island tennis club sounds like a good cause i'd love to support that paris i've never been but i hear it's a lovely country let's add a third and then hit the checkouts honey comes in and says step aside dylan i'm about to scour the internet real quick for promo codes they do their thing takes just a second and then boom what was 175 dollars is now 60 i just saved 15 bucks doing nothing and i can't stress this enough honey is free so that is just 15 extra dollars that i now have in my pockets honey works on a lot of sites including sites that you're already shopping frequently on clothes entertainment makeup hell even food orders if you don't have honey go to joinhoney.com dylan it is super easy to use and you'll be saving a lot of money they have about a billion five-star reviews i've been using them for quite some time and i've saved hundreds of dollars just this year alone join honey with my promo code and then hopefully they'll sponsor me again it's a company i really like because it's an easy way to save some money thank you honey for sponsoring this video let's get back to cinderella no way i hate how he keeps doing ad-libs just shut up and do your farm work you're a hay hauling [Music] good know your place farmy material world this is this does this song exit don't be flipping get to work farm boy does the song exist or is this an original don't speak don't speak good i hope he comes back only to die here's a laugh this girl found herself a businessman little ladies think they can do business right here i could hang my garments on that side and i'd say things like thank you come again or hot enough out there for you or put that down boy don't touch with your grimy hands spice up the comedy a little bit maybe i'm just projecting what i want onto this film though it's just like this film feels like it's trying for comedy like a hundred percent like a hundred percent of the time all comedy with like 10 uh a romance story in here right so if you're just gonna go all the way comedy just make it outlandishly comedic you set up the rule of three you're like oh i could say things like please come again or you know like it's only five dollars and then the third thing could be the outlandish thing that would be funny and i hate that they didn't do that the dress i'll buy it oh the brooch that was my mother's i never knew her i'll pay triple what you're asking there will be guests there from all over the world i can introduce you if you like let's just say i'm warming up to him what it feels like to not quite fit into the crate you were born into oh don't get serious now i'll go huzzah girls i'm realizing is like they shot him from this side and his earrings over here ah don't turn your head bro the longer i went without seeing his earring side the more i started to like him this is my chest am i wrong is she thinking out the box from where i stay she's just like scribbling on the paper and being like oh this is not good enough maybe don't just scribble the way oh your paper budget you're poor you can't waste paper like that can you we could be something oh so no they are they are repurposing songs they'll probably be like an original song in here or two but i every single song that's been sung it's been a little bit familiar great singing minnie driver just give her all the credit all she did was go ooh this is her song now all right i think one thing i appreciate about this film is that it has a tone it decided what its tone was gonna be and it's sticking with it and it has vision like how they're shooting this they clearly had a plan going in and they're executing it and i appreciate that thomas might come in oh he's gonna propose to uh cinderella [Laughter] that's how you do humor well the more you try to draw attention to it the longer you hang on it the less funny it becomes it's just like a quick little cutaway shot to her measuring it it's funny good good job film i'm excited i thought i was gonna hate this oh my one of you may very well become a princess you really think so i do be nice if we had something good okay so she loves her daughters which is annoying as of this morning you are spoken to thomas has expressed his intentions to marry you my future depends on it i is she gonna ruin the dress [Music] physical violence yes bring some violence into this throw them around yeah harder next time though okay so the stepsisters are yeah these aren't like horrible people they're gonna get happy endings everyone's getting a happy ending because she's evil but she has like a little bit of a soft spot she said some nice things about her daughters the daughters could be a little bit mean but they also are empathetic towards cinderella's situation oh the magic butter okay baby you saved me and so now i'm that design is pure fantasy i don't even know if it's possible hush this is gorgeous wow wow i wonder if those are gonna come in handy later so any predictions of what's gonna happen i think there's gonna be a plot twist where she has to run away for some reason and she's a hunch but i feel like one of her shoes is gonna get left behind kind of an out there prediction well well oh i have been dreading this moment disgusting creature oh they are disgusting whoa where's my tail i'm truly be not you but me shut the [ __ ] up this isn't about you james shut up shut up shut up this isn't about you just trying to watch cinderella okay choose one musical be in that musical maybe two don't be in every [ __ ] musical james would this be a good time for me to bring up my comprehensive plan to reduce poverty in the urban row house no darling okay there gonna be a lot of people here they invited everyone in the kingdom there's like [ __ ] 30 people here oh what is he wearing he better not be having the earring in it better be out of your ear oh it's still in there yay no okay bring some comedy into this and i'll like it i just need one good visual gig give it to me give it to me [Music] come on you can do it you can do it you can do it oh here we go here we go here we go oh he's gotta sing they're gonna rip it off shut up it's funny is this funny i don't think that was intentional it's kind of funny if it was accidental if it was planned then i don't like it but i'll never know so i'm just going to assume it wasn't planned i just relieved myself and you are not going to believe how it happens good tonight be any better yeah i could if you weren't here where did you get that dress ah see that's what i was thinking the fairy godmother whipped it up out of magic but her thing is she wants to be a seamstress she wants to sell her own dresses so it would have made sense if he just whipped up her dress that she was wearing before you know because then she could be proud of it like that's her dress because this isn't her dress it's a magic dress so like she can't take any credit for i'm surprised they're going this route i'm looking for someone to travel with me to enliven my wardrobe we will meet tomorrow when the clock strikes four so now now she has to choose between the prince and then we still have the conflict with that other guy that wants to marry her and now she has a job offer maybe would you like to dance lights a little mood lighting found a love i thought you were just gonna [ __ ] dance come on guys don't i i'm sitting here in anticipation for you to go and then she goes and then you [ __ ] dance around this is okay so i'm talking about you don't gotta sing while you do it all right that's enough for you too [Music] i just wish they weren't singing modern song like you have any original songs in here what this is what even is that we're just banging them together humans can be so loud i liked it up until james opened his mouth am i being too mean i i would argue i'm not being mean enough if this movie adds a carriage karaoke joke you know like carpool karaoke then i'm gonna i am done i can see it happening that's the problem look at it it's like top billing too when i was little i remember watching my father go off the wall and thinking how brave he looked in his armor don't talk about war show me flashbacks give me something oh we were we were this [ __ ] close to seeing some death and murder my life became more about people always watching me and telling me what to do don't i i see i can't buy into the serious stuff now i pick you to be my princess what's wrong what do you mean what are you just opposed to her what do you mean what's wrong i choose you to be my princess first of all you're speaking in a little bit of a condescending way i choose you pikachu that's what you just said as if she's just getting this great deal i mean well then again she's going from poverty to richness so maybe she's getting the good end of the bargain but still in a humble way you should say like would you be my bride rather than would you allow me to bestow an honor upon you no one else in this world i'd rather be with than you you've not her a oh that's a choice i choose me she's rejecting you because you've phrased it wrong also you can't be disappointed after proposing to a girl you've known one day you've spoken to her for like 30 minutes of your life he's gonna add abdicate is that the did i just think of a smart word did i just think of a smart person word abdicate abdicate renounce once this is a little bit weird my brain is like celebrating itself he's gonna abdicate the throne i'm so happy with myself right now i know smart people words renounce your throne i found the love shut up shut the [ __ ] up oh wait wait sing it as you part yeah make it sad honestly if you're not gonna have murder you might as well have sadness like i'd rather have sadness than happiness don't come back together no this is what i don't want sadly leave [ __ ] out of here with your [ __ ] feelings ding dong midnight where are you after my dear your future queen [Applause] excuse king you specifically stated your son will not marry a commoner and you know that she's not well you don't know who she is you wouldn't just be like okay well i don't know who that person is but yeah marry her because if she's not anyone worthy of note then she's obviously a commenter why would you i don't buy that that's how it gets left behind is she threw it as a weapon and it didn't kill anyone then what's the point don't look at me don't look at me i would rather not for you to make a complete fool out of me i'm sorry you are single-handedly destroying my legacy but the woman i chose didn't choose me i'm sorry darling why where when before it was like 90 comedy 10 romance now it's like 80 serious 10 comedy 10 romance i don't mind as you go along you have less and less comedy as you get more serious but you're losing that tonal balance that i said you had before because now you're expecting me to take a bunch of characters that i've never taken serious this whole movie i'm supposed to take them serious now this is a good time to ask why we're spending money on catapults when we have so many already some sleep no one asked you beatrice oh see he's the most interesting character in this film to me because he got heated before when his son questioned his marriage to the queen but he also has this sense of like the king answers to no one the king is the most important and he has this ideology i can see it behind his character but i feel like his his arc isn't gonna be satisfying your time is up robert did you really just say you don't care if they love each other no oh don't let the dad decide that his son should actually be have a loving relationship instead of having a political marriage which would allow him to dominate the world oh i would give my son away so quick to dominate the world i bet you're arguing about why i didn't just say yes especially since i'm maybe in love with him it was one night dad that's what i'm saying you guys he's so handsome well that's yeah that's that's what love's about is physical attraction and he likes me from me sounds like true love to this that that's exactly i hope i hope that's satire not satire sarcasm this both starts with the s forgive me abdicate i thought of that word before i messed up these words so what i know abdicate did you know advocate [ __ ] you i'm sick of your [ __ ] stepmom i know i've been hard on you what it's not fueled by spite will you have a heart now i've never shared this with anyone before but oh no i don't care i used to play piano shut up nothing made me happier i was given the opportunity to train at the finest school of music and i had the audacity to want more it was just a month one month and yet when i returned my husband he believed real wives didn't act so frivolously the real cruelty would be for me to allow you to think that you can be something you can't okay no no like you can understand that she's wrong but she's had this lived experience that she's trying to impart on cinderella don't try things that are outside of your reach because you're gonna give up things that would have otherwise made you happy so while you might disagree with her she's at least trying to do something positive in her mind it's positive which makes me sad because i don't think she's gonna spit in cinderella's face any time soon prince chose you he loves you marry him and all of her problems will be solved i can't then i'm taking you to thomas and i'm giving you to him [Music] oh no dick uh ucg great singing great singing minnie this is good it was a great number nice transition to the next number two good i like this it was cut very well even the shots individual shots were pretty interesting i liked it yeah she's having a little bit of a breakdown okay so they're making her less the villain and more so the antagonist you can see your struggle right okay so this is pretty interesting but again we've done away with so much of the comedy and ah i just feel like i'm having less good of a time now and it feels long i feel like we've been here for oh we still got a ways you're mad because i yelled at you because you know i love you saying love and showing love are two very different things you couldn't stand to be away from me even for a moment ah okay so the problem is you haven't set any of this up i mean she can say it now and we could be like okay so that's the case but you never showed any of this because instead you were favoring at the beginning of the film you were favoring like the height difference of the throne like that was time you spent in your film going 100 for humor instead of trying to like show us more into their relationship you can't do that now because now you're just telling us you're not showing it at all appear my window like a knight in shining armor you used to be loving and now you're not anymore obsessed with your reputation with your legacy it was only my life's work you're being unreasonable now oh after all you're okay we had love ron it's too late in the film to try to build this in you belittle me in your king voice yes why are his friends here also why have they just been completely irrelevant why cast them why are they even here they are nothing more than props who wants to bet the king advocates cause she's got the awesome job opportunity right she can't give that up so the king's gonna go with her or the prince rather and then he's not gonna be a prince anymore she's gonna be a guy with an e-ring [Music] it never occurred to me that i could choose yeah yeah so if he abdicates then the daughter does get the throne what she's wanted and then it also gives into the theme of like female empowerment which the film's going for because then the uh the oppressive regime is ousted by the the girl who becomes the queen has all these like progressive ideas you see it you see it right i don't have to be king it is not what i want anymore ah that earring has been in there the whole [ __ ] time you know that's really what gets me i thought after the first scene he would have a costume change but then the next scene he was in it was the same day and i was like okay let's just get to another day where he'll take it out and then i want to see it again and then the next day it came and he still had it in and i was like maybe the next day it is here we are the whole time god so beautiful you look so handsome thank you which is the basis of your whole relationship is you look good i must be in love with you your knights in shining armor oh this is annoying you can't be serious no you really can't you can't just set up a problem to then solve it in the next interaction between the two like we didn't know that they had a problem in their marriage and it was a loveless marriage until she said this is a loveless marriage see this is bad this is bad you show that there is a disconnect and that there's something wrong in their relationship and then you hint at what that could be and then gradually he comes to the realization that love is very important in his life and then he does this grand display you don't have her say we are in a loveless marriage you used to ride up to my window on horse in armor and it was lovely and then the next scene between the two he just does that exact thing and he's like ah i love you it frustrates me because people are like oh it's not that bad but the problem it's not like an opinion thing it's objectively in a storytelling perspective back i hereby place you first in line to inherit the crowd i'll take it i believe this belongs to you my mother's broke it was so glossed over at the beginning it doesn't have any meaning now oh yeah we never have any any payoff to the stepmother or the step siblings are we going to do that in like yet montage here i assume the creepy guy is going to end up with one of the sisters and then one of the other sisters are going to end up with a stable boy and the stepmother um what with the stepmother maybe the stepmother ends up with a farm boy that'd be funny but then who would who would the other girl end up with maybe they just don't do any of it and just leave us hanging you have to wrap the stories right because otherwise in the carriage when cinderella rolled on out of that cart down the hill the stepmother would have been like goodbye cinderella and that's like her finishing scene right but there wasn't that sense of finality to it so i'd assume she has one more scene here we go okay what's your deal they're getting close one last chance to spit in her face is that mom no i joke around i'm happy give it a teary eye performance great adina mizel menzel uh idina menzel yeah amazon comes in handy she still needs a button she still needs one last quick little thing kind of like hint at her future our girl lived happily ever after and you're not going to get the button oh my god oh you didn't do the buttons with the characters ah that would have been so satisfying but it would have been so good because the the dark air girl was like into the creep guy so they could have easily like wrapped up them together and then you had the fire hand who was just randomly doing ad-libs and songs that's right like he could have been involved there was a way to tie like the whole story together because without it it's just like just there for that one little tiny scene throwing hay around and then what then nothing i will applaud the film for having some vision and for shooting it at least in an interesting way and they attempted humor so applause for that the performances were pretty good outside of james corden on the negative side the editing could have really tightened up a lot of the jokes and a lot of the plot also the king storyline i actually love the king and pierce bros it i think he's good for that role of trying to like balance between comedy and like serious i just feel like they didn't quite hit in the most impactful way with his character and his relationship with the queen all in all i'd say like the first 45 minutes were enjoyable the last hour was kind of like a little bit draggy but i will give the film props for like having three or four like really good jokes i wasn't expecting that they actually had some some good humor in here and i appreciate that should have been more missed opportunities yes but overall not bad i'll leave the link down below for honey get some discounts get some coupons save some money people kind of the perfect brand deal for an amazon movie that's gonna do it i'll see you guys next time love you
Channel: Dylan Is In Trouble
Views: 2,005,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qsXCAoKXfuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 8sec (2108 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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