Oral Roberts / What Is Faith / Austin, TX (1957) / Jacksonville, FL (1955) / Heroes Of The Faith

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how do you make your faith a single transaction how do you bring it to a grand climax how do you reach the point when all of your believing becomes one single act of faith in god how do you do that [Music] [Applause] and when why is he in russia well he was captured by the germans on the pluester oil field raid august the 1st of 43. what is his name lawrence edward you have just witnessed a scene from one of the unrehearsed documentary films made at austin texas the capital city of the lone star state is the setting for today's oral roberts million soul crusade invited to the austin area by sponsoring pastors and civic groups oral roberts speaks from the modern city coliseum in place of his giant tent cathedral the title of today's sermon is a definite act of faith [Music] [Music] thank you and now ladies and gentlemen it's my happy privilege and pleasure to present the man that god has raised up with a message for your deliverance the reverend oral roberts i would like to invite your attention now to the word of god to the gospel of mark chapter 9 verse 23 jesus said unto him if thou canst believe all things are possible to him that believer and now i wish to speak to you on this subject making your believing a definite act of faith how do you make your faith a definite act how do you make your faith a single transaction how do you bring it to a grand climax how do you reach the point when all of your believing becomes one single act of faith in god how do you do that you do it in the first place by acting upon evidence faith will not act upon evidence unless it is clear substantial evidence now let me illustrate it like this there was a man in rags and tatters who came to his bank he walked in and he said to the first man he saw take me to your president the man looked him over and he thought to himself well why should i take this man is he the president of the bank and the man was so adamant until he said all right i'll take you to him so he brought him into the office of the great man himself and the man reached into his pocket pulled out a piece of paper and shook it in the president's face and said i have come to get my hundred dollars the banker said what hundred dollars is that sir he said the hundred dollars that you promised me well he said i don't recall meeting you just when and where did i promise you one hundred dollars he said mister you told me once if i ever got in need and i came to your bank you would lend me up to one hundred dollars the banker said well just what evidence do you have he was playing along with the man just what evidence do you have that i did promise you this load the man said this piece of paper he said let me see that and it read to whom it may concern i will advance this man up to one hundred dollars when he gets in need signed and that was the president's name he kind of grinned sheepishly and said well i guess i do remember that it's been a long time hasn't it so he called in his cashiers that advanced this man 100 now what caused him to do it he did it because of the man's evidence he had the man's name he had his personal promise what is the evidence for our positive faith in god tonight our evidence first of all is god's personal promise god's own promise when he said i am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly now what is life life is salvation life is good health life is peace of soul and peace of mind life is the supplying of our needs but god's abundant power life is is deliverance from fear and and uh frustration and inner conflicts life is that radiant shining of god's presence from our own hearts it is his presence in our faces it is that sense of release inside ourselves he has said i am come that you might have life and that you might have it more abundantly here is god's personal promise of life not just life but more abundant life life that makes you more than what you are and gives you more than what you have everyone whose life was touched by christ was made more than what he was and given more than what he had jesus jesus religion christianity is a replenishing multiplying increasing bundle of life itself it is life bursting and overflowing from god's heart it is life from that world that knows no sin or disease are brought together and put inside us bursting forth from the seams and making us free and hold inside and out that is jesus life that he has promised you and me in our generation in order for faith to become a definite act it must be based upon evidence but that isn't all we're talking now about making your believing one single act a transaction bringing it to a grand climax we are discussing this idea of being able to believe so that that believing can become one definite act and by that definite act we can release it and god will do the thing that we desire so very much and we need so very much too that was a a little boy and girl playing in the yard and they got hungry the little girl said to her brother you go in the house and ask mother for some bread and jam the little fellow ran in came right back out without the bread and jam and the little sister said well where's the bread where's the jam and he said mommy wouldn't give me any she said now you go right back in there and tell her we're hungry he went back in and came back out with no bread she said you stay right here i will get it she went in stayed a moment or two came right back out with bread and jam the little boy said goody sister how did you do it she said i cried for it and if you want god the bible says you must seek god with a whole heart you cannot leave anything out i'm not trying to say that you have to get loud in order to seek god with your whole heart but sometimes it sure helps when you cry for it when you come to god you cannot merely wish it or presume upon god's ability nor only have a burning desire you must put all your believing into one single act of faith you must say here god i believe and then see what god does my friends this is so wonderful and yet so simple that some of us stumble we think it's some big thing must be done but it's one simple thing that we must do believe god in a single act of faith you base your faith upon evidence you make your believing a single act of faith and there's one final thing you put all your faith in god there is no faith unless it's faith in god faith in jesus christ now don't put your faith in mind men are channels but god is the stream you may have confidence in my prayers but your faith must be in god not in oral roberts not in anyone else we must believe that christ himself is light and is god our faith must be in him we must change our way of living and come to god and live that good and right life so your believing must become one single act of faith faith in god and god will do for you what no other power is able to do let every head be bound please remain with your heads bowed men and women young people and children i'm asking you tonight to give your heart to god i'm asking you to become a serious and definite christian to say i want to change my way of living and and to say let christ come into my heart tonight i'm asking you to surrender your life unto god and now with your heads bowed will you take the first step and do as i ask you please i want every man every woman every boy and every girl who believes in my prayers and you want me to pray that christ will save your soul that you will be saved by his shed blood tonight and become his child and you want me to pray for christ to save you tonight take the first step please in his name right now and raise up your right hand quickly up high simply hundreds and hundreds of hands hold them there if you're sincere if you mean that take the second step and please stand on your feet for my prayer stand please if you raise your hand and they are standing all over the audience thank you remain standing please we have a place in front of me here at the platform where you may walk forward and stand and i shall offer prayer with your soul to be saved do not sit back down but come down the aisle now hear the prayer while they're coming down every aisle i'm asking you there as you watch this program on your television screen to give your heart to jesus christ become a serious christian hundreds of thousands of people have given their hearts to christ while watching this program we have names from all over the world sent to us by people who said brother roberts i gave my heart to god during one of your prayers they're coming forward to be saved will you be saved as i pray with them and they repeat after me a sinner's prayer you please repeat it word for word there wherever you are and let's believe god and he will save you you will become a real child of god so would you kindly raise your right hand now repeat this prayer don't be embarrassed or ashamed god knows our hearts if you want to live this good life raise your hand together let us pray oh lord [Music] be merciful to me a sinner i cannot save myself i repented my sins and returned to god forgive me o lord come into my heart and make me thy child now i receive christ as my personal savior by his grace to live a christian life forever amen thank you if you met it will you say amen [Music] if this video has touched your life make sure to subscribe like comment and click the bell to stay updated on what god is doing at shake the nation's ministries [Music] brother dewis i'd like to meet some of these families who have come forward to give their hearts to god uh sir tell me who you folks are mr and mrs arnot and where are you from we're from austin and who is this little lady between you marilyn arnett you are the daughter yes sir and this is the mother right yes sir tell me this why did you people come forward tonight just felt the need of it how about you sir i think i felt the need for a long time and sitting back there you made up your mind to do it tonight yes sir i did how do you feel now sir since you've made your public stand for god i feel much better i advise you as a family now sir to have family prayer to offer thanks at your table for your food read something in your bible every day join a good church and live sincerely for christ can you say amen to that do you feel better in your heart i would appreciate a chance to help you in a more personal way if you have a spiritual problem that you would like to write me about just sit down and write a letter to me oral roberts tulsa oklahoma and say brother roberts this is what i'd like you to pray about i'll be glad to do that i'm writing to people all over the world who write me every week and i will pray with you just write me oral roberts tulsa oklahoma i'll be expecting that letter i'll be praying with you and for you now i want you folks to go to our prayer room in a moment and pray a christian worker will kneel but you and pray with you you know you're saved then i shall return in a few moments and pray for the healing of the sick well i'm happy once again to start another prayer line this is the ministry that i love i'd rather pray for people than to do anything else in the whole world to pray for god to save them and pray for god to heal them please open your hearts as you've been doing throughout the whole service tonight open your heart there be assured of this we believe that god heals in many ways we believe he heals through medical science we believe in good doctors we believe that we should do for ourselves what is available for us we also believe in prayer the power of prayer that through that god heals the sick today these people are coming for prayer they're not coming to ask oral roberts to heal them they're coming to use me as a channel a point of contact to help them release their faith they're looking to god to heal their bodies not to me i may be a channel but god is the stream now what do we have here and who are you please well i'm ida baystic now of uh california fontana california yes that is my son and august the first of uh this year he will have been a prisoner in russia 14 years in slave labor and when why is he in russia well he was captured by the germans on the ploister oral field raid august the 1st of 43. what is his name lawrence edward ritz he's 36 right remember the christian church has been baptized right he has had a brain concussion yes he was sent by the russians to odessa in 1955 last october the russians flew a plane down to odessa picked up my son and took him back to the coal mines in markuta in siberia and you say he has had a brain concussion yes he got that down in the work camps in odessa are you here in his place right and that's why you brought the picture that's right and you have come also for healing yes yes you want to be healed of a cataract in your eyes right and a tumor that's pressing it up on your windpipe right that chokes you you remember you've been baptized into the christian church right now then we'll pray for you first and then for your son all right oh father we ask the lord to heal his child through christ and now audience touched the chairs though you were touching this boy [Music] oh god span the oceans cross infinite distances go behind the iron curtain and heal her son cause him to be released from prison and brought home safe and sound in every way father we ask in the name of jesus believing that god hears and answers prayer amen and amen how do you feel now after prayer wonderful wonderful and so do i and someday pray god for revival in russia amen go god go with you [Applause] now we come to a wonderful moment many of you have written us inquiring about the healing of many people whom you've seen us pray for on television you continually say brother roberts do the healings last are they real well this we can say although not every person we pray for is healed we feel that many of them receive definite benefit and sometimes complete healing through faith in god we have some of those people here some of them have traveled many hundreds of miles to get here to testify to you and as long as we have time we want you to meet them tonight brother roberts this is fred o'dell oakland california fred i remember you well you came all the way to jacksonville florida to be healed of what of cancer i had incurable cancer the lungs you were so weak in your body you could scarcely stand people have written us they've said how is fred o'dell tell us about him bring him back and let us see him and hear him and let's see for more shake the nations content check us out on social media at shake the nations on instagram youtube and twitter and at evangelist nathan on facebook when will you pray for that april 5th 1955 at 8 30 in the evening give us your name and address fred o'dell 2924 14th avenue oakland california craig did you come to jacksonville campaign from oakland yeah direct yeah you came for the purpose of being healed here yes the doctors told me two nights before i left i wouldn't live couldn't live six months at the longest a year i was prayed for in in our church as church of god in oakland and anointed and through god's strength giving me strength by my wife and i drove all the way from oakland what is wrong with you fred well the doctors say i have incurable cancer on the lymph glands and it's all over my body within he says i've had it at the longest about eight months time you know a lot of people don't stop to realize the almighty god is able to heal cancer he's fully able to do it we need to believe and to turn our faith loose fred i'm going to pray for you now i know this great audience will have compassion and pray with me oh god i bring this young man from oakland california to thee tonight not in my name but in the name of jesus of nazareth son of the living god give thy servants prayer and healing heal the lymph glands of cancer set him free from it destroy the cancer that it shall leave his body in the name of jesus of nazareth well the power of god is so strong tonight i'm i'm amazed fred look up hit me a minute please why were you trembling so violently i don't know well fred it is possible to feel the presence of god people in bible base felt that presence and they did exploits you came here to be healed i got it well we trust you have because it is god that heals and you feel his presence very strongly don't you god bless you as you go back to oakland with your wife now then how are you this moment brother roberts uh i have in my hand uh proof a letter to the doctor from the doctor to the selective service board stating my condition at the time that i was ill i have in my hands the first x-rays and the series of x-rays and the last x-ray that i had made show that the cancer is completely gone also with the medical uh checkup showing that it is completely gone how much weight have you gained well at the time that i uh the cancer came on me i weighed about 167 within a matter of less than a month i lost down to 138 pounds i now weigh 172. how are you i am i'm in better health than i ever had in my life i work uh eight hours every day and two days a week i worked 12 hours i worked 12 hours a day all during christmas i haven't missed a day's work because of illness since the night i was prayed for fred what do you do i'm a salesman in a hardware store in oakland california what is that that's my proof plus the fact that i'm a walking testimony this letter that i have in my hand says that i could not live my demise would be from six to 18 months i see what year was it you were grateful that was 1955. until right now from 1955 till now that's right this very minute that's right you're well i'm well and regardless that's right who healed you friend god heal me mother roberts prayed the prayer of faith but god's one that did the work this is a wonderful letter those are your x-rays that's right you feel good i feel i keep asking you because i'm just as thrilled over your healing as i am when i uh as i was 10 years ago when i started praying for people to be healed well i'm just as thrilled over your ministry and what the lord does in your work as i was the first time i ever thought because the first time i saw your ministry i guess i was a doubting thomas but i'm not anymore no have you testified for the lord yes brother roberts i have been in many churches many places throughout the country i've had many letters many people call me and i have been used uh or my testimony has been used by the lord in many cases thank god have you won in his souls yes brother roberts i've had the privilege of winning quite a few souls for the lord my greatest ambition and i have felt the calls of the ministry and i'm just waiting them from the lord to lead just before you go do you have one word turn around one word to anyone about how to be healed well many people have asked me how to get healed that's something that like brother robertson say just turn your faith loose and trust god i found out when i turned my faith losing it wasn't anything i did i just realized that i couldn't do anything medical science couldn't do anything so god was my last result i just turned loose and let go and let god god bless you fred amen [Music] by the presence of the lord is here put your hand upon your body you people in the audience can do the same thing you there as you watch us god's presence is here i want to reach out my hand and pray for you as if you were right here in this meeting you are here to the miracle of television now father we can pray here and god can answer there stretch forth by hand we ask in christ's name and heal the people we want to thank you for watching if you want to know more about shake the donations ministries and our youtube channel why don't you click the subscribe button also if you want notifications of our brand new videos why don't you click the bell there's so much more in shake the nation's ministry that you can get involved in why don't you click also the link to our website to find out more to find out more about our humanitarian armed hope of foundations make sure you click the hope of all nations button where you can learn about us taking the gospel to thousands of children around the world and our work in the ground of the nation of honduras we can't wait to see you next time [Music]
Channel: Nathan Morris - Shake The Nations Ministries
Views: 35,369
Rating: 4.892108 out of 5
Keywords: Oral Roberts, Faith, Healing, Miracles, Jesus Christ, USA Crusade, Texas, Florida, Cancer, America, Signs, Wonders, Classics, Heroes Of The Faith, Faith Heroes, Christ Jesus, Bible
Id: kHS8v2_zJaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 44sec (1664 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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