Zoom Healing Service with Pastor Benny Hinn!

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[Music] and to jesus be the praise and the glory and the honor and god's people said amen thank you for joining us today we just had a few technical issues like sometimes we do and everybody else does too but serving the lord is just so wonderful so wonderful there's none like the lord saints there's none like him anywhere and i want to welcome all of you tell your friends we're on live right now here in orlando for a beautiful service i'm expecting the presence of the lord to be so rich and so real and so close and so wonderful and i just want you right now to forget all your troubles and everything else and let's just spend the next little while together [Music] talking to jesus and listening to the lord that he will speak to our hearts today and strengthen our life in the faith what a wonderful lord and lord god we come to you and you are our god you are our god the god of abraham the god of isaac the god of jacob your precious son and we pray today you'll touch us anew draw us to yourself lord and new fill us with the holy spirit anew we give you the praise we give you the glory bless your people today mightily lift your hands and let's welcome the holy spirit holy spirit thou art welcome in this place before we even start let's just welcome him holy spirit [Music] holy spirit [Music] this place [Music] this [Music] holy spirit dwell [Music] mercy and grace [Music] [Music] thirsty within restore us sweet father revive us once again [Music] holy spirit [Music] please [Music] this place breathe upon me breath of god breathe upon me spirit of the lord how we need the holy ghost without him life means nothing with him there's joy in the lord breathe upon me breath of god breathe upon me spirit of the lord as i lift my hands and surrender [Music] [Music] walking in your love [Music] jesus [Music] he said blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness [Music] and then he promised they shall be filled [Music] oh how we long for god's presence in our life the reality of a sweet blessed presence in our life it's a daily walk it's a daily surrender it's a daily communion and that's how we receive i'm yielding to the holy spirit i'm walking in your love [Music] jesus i adore jesus [Music] jesus [Music] now today there are many of you watching all over the world and on zoom [Music] that are in need needing [Music] not only the lord's touch but his voice his close blessed presence and his voice and i'm going to tell you something saints the coming of the lord is so imminent it's so close i know you've probably heard that before [Music] but i'm going to tell you something honestly from my heart i don't know if i can explain this part i'll try i'll try you know i've read the bible now for nearly 50 years i remember asking a man named peter jacob years ago when i was 19 years old somewhere there he was he was a a lover of jesus that man he would sit with his bible weeping as he read it and he carried it everywhere you never saw him without his bible ever ever he would he would carry a big bible everywhere he would go it was in his car with him it was at work with him and anytime i saw him there was this big bible and he really knew the lord he was a free methodist from the free methodist church and he walked with god him and jim pointer probably affected me more than any two human beings on the planet jim pointer is the man that took me to katherine kuhlman [Music] if it wasn't for jim i don't know what would have happened to my life frankly in those days yeah let let my sweet children come and sit down right there david and my precious lily and uh peter checkout was the second man and he was also they were both free metalist ministers [Music] and peter was just one of those men that i don't think i don't think the world has ever created another gym pointer or peter jacob it was he peter jacob that taught me how to be silent in the presence of god this man david by the way i'm so glad david and kirsten kirsten i've been calling her kristen close enough shelley right there shelley right ashley i'm going to get your names one day just right is your name bob it's jim this man one day said that he said i want to pick you up at five in the morning i said why he said you'll find out so one day 5am he's out there in his car waiting for me and he gets me in the in the car this is back when i lived in canada and toronto he drove for like a good hour outside the city now when you in those days when you went half an hour past where we lived you you were in the wilderness we lived in north york and anything north of north york was trees and wilderness and lakes and such things so now we're driving a whole hour david you got to hear this driving a whole hour and now we're in no man's land i mean it was like wilderness out there just trees just trees all you saw so he stops his car keep keep that camera on me he stops that car and he says now let's let's go i said where are you taking me he said you'll find out he took me in the forest we walked and we walked and we walked and we walked and we walked and now we walked so far we could not see that car anymore there was way other on some country road so i just we're walking and walking and walking and then he looks at me says i'll be right back i said where are you going he said i'll be right back he said you just wait here now here we are [Music] in the forest nobody around if that man didn't come back i would have died i think in that forest and well i wouldn't have found my way out so he went and i'm thinking okay he's got to go you know and i waited and i waited and i waited and i waited and with every minute my heart rate went up [Music] because i'm thinking he lost his mind he left me here to die but what he did is he went behind some tree and hid behind there the big big big trees in canada they're quite large and wide and he hides behind one of those trees and watches me the whole time saints about 10 minutes went by by this time i'm really nervous 15 minutes i think it was about 20 minutes before i screamed and i began screaming peter peter because i thought this is it the man lost his mind he's back in his car and i would never find my way and he jumps out from behind the tree it wasn't that far from me he jumps out he said see you cannot be quiet long enough i said you brought me here to tell me that he said i brought you here to find out how long you could be quiet for i thought dear lord what's wrong with him and then he gave me something i'll never never forget he said d.l moody said the al-muri said if i can keep a soul quiet if i can keep a man or a woman quiet for just 10 minutes and let them think about eternity and their soul i'll get them saved he said there's such power in quietness that deal moody said if i can keep a soul quiet for 10 minutes and let that person think about their eternal soul i would get that person saved he said quietness is power he said you did not last for more than 20 minutes i said well thank you very much for the lesson and we went back to the car and i remembered that experience and i've learned they that wait upon the lord [Music] shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings as eagles they shall run and not be weary walk and not faint and you know what i don't know if there's any true christian that hasn't experienced what i just talked about i think every true christian has seen the power of stillness be still and know i am god the scripture says be still and know we don't we we cannot know the lord's power and his presence till we are still because it says in in the psalms be still and know i am god in other words you will never know the lord if you're too busy with all kinds of worldly things people do they're always so busy they have they don't have the time to just be quiet long enough for god to talk to them i learned that when i was 19 years old it still affects me to this day so i said all this i said all this i've been reading the word for 50 years nearly now in the last few years something's happened and that's why i'm telling you the coming of the lord is imminent so keep listening and i'm not talking about you know signs and whatever prophetic signs i'm talking about what i am hearing happening in the lives of people like me and others who are telling me what god is doing in their own hearts because he's coming for a church ready for his coming and you and i cannot be ready if the word of god is is not in our hearts and if we are not in the word and i mean the depth of the word this began with me about five years ago when i decided to read the bible one time every four months which is three times a year and i'm reading the hebrew bible at night so day in the day english at night hebrew i stopped watching tv i i have no networks i've told this this this before and i'm telling you this over and over in hope you'll do the same thing just shut the world out it's time to stop becoming too entangled with the world with the world become so connected to jesus that you would not want anything to do with the world and so when you get into the word and you make that decision that i'm gonna really become a world person a jesus person because any word person is a jesus person and any jesus person is a word man or a world woman where the the god's word takes hold of you and and so it began about five years ago i've always read god's word i've always loved the bible from the day i was a little kid in fact living in israel but five or so years ago i made a decision before god takes me home [Music] i'm gonna finish stronger than i started and the only way i know is the word not experience not signs and wonders not forgive me charismatic highs that don't last long the word the word only the word can keep us and and and since i've gotten into the word i i'm having experiences now that i don't even know if i can talk about them because to me they're too holy i'll show you something can i show you something okay i'm going to show you what happened to me just a few days ago just a few days ago i'm reading isaiah and you go with me please i'm reading isaiah 42 and i'm reading this most beautiful portion about the messiah it starts with of course you know if you read verse verse one behold my servant whom i uphold my mind elect in whom i sow the lights i have put my spirit upon him he shall bring forth judgment to the gentiles and it begins to present jesus he shall not cry nor lift up nor cause his voice to be heard in the streets of a bruised reed shall he not break and smoking full actually not quench and then i come to verse 19 and i stop and i stop because i did not understand it who is blind but my servant or death as my messenger that i sent who is blind as he that is perfect watch this who is blind is he that is perfect and blind as the lord's servant he's just been presenting his son and then he says who is blind but my servant who's deaf but my messenger that i sent who is blind as he that is perfect he who is perfect is blind and blind is the lord's servant seeing many things but thou observers not opening the ears but he heareth not the one who opened people's ears is not hearing anything the lord is well pleased for his righteousness sake so god is well pleased with his servant being deaf blind the lord is well pleased for his righteousness sake he will magnify the law and make it honorable and i stopped i never ever had such an expression in my life i've read this precious bible for over for well close to 50 years frankly i've read it since i was a kid but since i got saved is really when it made sense to me and then and then i read something amazing and i want you to pay attention for just a moment for just a moment [Music] i read psalm 38 and i read verse 13 that here the lord is talking about himself in the psalms my lovers and my friends stand aloof from my sore my kinsmen stand afar off on the cross they also that seek after my life lay snares for me they that seek my hurt speak mischievous things and imagine deceit all day long they mocked him remember watch this but i as a deaf man heard not and i was a dumb man that opened not his mouth thus i was as a man that heareth not in whose mouth are no or proofs i said it's jesus isaiah was describing the cross it happened before the cross it was so quiet that even pilate wondered what a lamb harmless precious lamb of glory god's most wondrous story you know when i don't know it's just something pulled me into those words a few days ago so i was like something pulled me right in and i i don't know how to describe it it was like the lights came on i can't learn that in school i can't learn it in a bible school i am seeing jesus in the old testament in a way i never saw him before almost almost miraculous i'm talking to you because i want you keep the camera on me i'm talking to you because i want to get you so hungry for him you know the new testament church did not have matthew mark luke and john there was no book of acts for them to read there was no romans none of the epistles how how did they find the lord i just showed you i just showed you and ever since then i've had some people not many but some to say to me they are having similar experiences and that says to me he's preparing his church and you know this has probably happened to many of you i'm sure we've all said come lord jesus but it came out of my being a few days ago please lord come take us home it's like a cry you know we are so tired of this world so tired of this oil come on lift your hands will you david you come up with me my son david you let's give him a mic here right there precious lamb of glory [Music] heart [Music] redemption of men who worship the less [Music] of glory [Music] praise us lamb of glory [Music] worship the land [Music] and o lord your beauty for [Music] your face is all i seek [Music] and when your eyes are on this child your grace [Music] lord you're beautiful your face is all i seek [Applause] [Music] and when your eyes are on this child your grace abounds to me you know uh i don't dream a lot but i had a dream two nights ago i want to tell you about and i think like i said coming of the lord is so imminent i'm not putting my faith in my dreams or my visions my faith is in the word of god but you know the bible says very clearly old men shall dream dreams young men shall see visions i will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh in the last days i believe it's starting now i think it's starting amen so lily come sit down here because this involves you baby come sit here and this is david her husband very anointed they've been writing songs of beautiful songs so tuesday night this is friday now so that was tuesday night in my dream keep the camera on me in my dream i see myself in a white robe and i went up into the heavens then into space i was in a laying position like lifted from laying down and my robe was flowing with the wind there were others with me i don't know who they were all of them same experience they were all we were all laying down and being lifted and suddenly as as we are in space literally i've never had such a dream in all my life i look and i see a curtain a very beautiful curtain with a lot of colors like the tabernacle you know curtain and it lifts and now i'm in a standing position and i walk in and i didn't see these other people anymore i don't know what happened to them i was just in by myself and as i came beyond this beautiful curtain i'm walking through a narrow way a narrow way that was white on both sides very very bright white walls it looked like it had and i came through that little narrow way and was not any bigger than i don't know just a little more than my then my body just like like this no no no wider than that i come through there and as i come out i am in a beautiful place beautiful place i see the lord standing there and he was talking to some people and he noticed me and i walked over and i just gave him a big hug i have never had a dream where i was hugging the lord ever in my life i've seen the lord but never did i have a dream where i saw myself hugging the lord and he hugged me back and then i look and i see my wife suzanne younger than she looks now and she's just rejoicing around this mountain it was a beautiful mountain and she was rejoicing i saw mrs hagee with her i don't know why and i saw pastor john hagee there i saw pastor john hagee and pastor john he looked much younger than he looks today and he was writing is something that was very beautiful on what looked like a scroll i looked behind me and i see my daughter and she walks up to me and i don't remember you wearing a white robe and i see you with a book and the book was like an accordion book like accordion and book in one i don't know how else to say it and i woke up it was like a musical instrument with the book so i told her that come here david you you bring bring your mic with you so she tells me dad she said same night you had a dream or a vision or i was worshiping the lord that night and i was writing a song and i felt like this song was like i've never had an experience like this before i i literally felt like the lord was giving me a song but what the lord said to me after i came out of the dream he said i want to give her heavenly songs songs on heaven and heavenly songs and you said what to me that the exact same time the exact same night i was i felt like the lord was in my room and i was riding with him so it was really cool it's wonderful well you already wrote how many songs we've written we've written a few yeah quite a few yeah like four or five at least yeah well god gave you a beautiful song lately i i don't know if you can sing it alone can you can you sing it with him you want to sit over here and do it okay oh you know why don't you sit right there and and and baby you just hold that once you sit right next to him they they just gave me a most beautiful grandbaby little judah is beautiful he's he's three months old now and he looks just like him looks just like his dad and uh i'm telling you since i i just sense it i don't know if if if i'm saying it right i'm sensing the coming of the lord maybe just for me i don't know maybe maybe just huh you know jim i believe it's the lord is alerting the body of christ giving us that's it i just i feel it myself and my own spirit pastor and you're when you shared this today it was like a witness to me that i'm not crazy i've been feeling the same thing that the lord is about to come and he's waking the church there's a an awakening happening from our slumber and uh we're we're detaching from the world just like you've been for the last four years that you've been telling us about but i think that's going to become more and more the case it's going to have to be it's going to have to be to have a church that's without spot or wrinkle i think suzanne is here now is she already back there guys if she is just bring her in and bring um dear uh the dear friends with her dog the bounty hunter is coming here so he's probably already in the back i would like it to meet him and his wife his new wife they're actually getting married soon and uh and dear katie souza i think they're back there so ken can can someone go and tell them i'm actually calling them or they do they know already okay there they are just bring them in have them come sit right there put some chairs for them i would like to sit with us in fact sue come up honey and you dear people come sit right there and uh and is uh is uh dr kevore here too okay hello you sweet people back there okay sue come on with me here and where is where is dear dr kevore oh it's not here yet this man dr kevor was the chaplain of the queen of england and he's coming to say how heitos is a wonderful charismatic man so how long have you been back there okay i'm glad you're here and we're going to introduce your sweet friends just a little bit but uh dear uh dave is going to sing his song i just told him about my dream and amazing um suzanne had a a word a lady uh a real woman of god uh dr clarice splewett told her that girl's gonna give her joy huh and and she she saw her dancing with joy full of life and i had that dream i'm just amazed okay darling let's let's put sue can we have a chair there for her okay and then i'm going to call you up yeah david i'm ready to hear you listen this is going to be a very incredible night so make sure you tell your friends to tune in will you you wrote the song i wrote this song yes sir okay [Music] the very breath that spoke life is speaking calling for those who long for meaning fix your eyes on this love for his kingdom is near [Music] is turning hearts of the lost back towards him he's alive and he's here forever to stay and this is the greatest love i've known that a king would die despair on my so i will bring you all my praise for jesus you're worthy [Music] and there is no greater story told that a lamb was slain but overcame the grace [Music] the very cross that was meant to break him is the cross [Music] the story turned [Music] the veil was stored now his spirit's calling christ rose now he's here oh he is alive and he's here this is the greatest love i've known that a king would die to spare my life so i will bring you all my praise for jesus you're worthy and there is no greater story told [Music] be my song you are my savior come on wherever you're watching from today can we sing your promised stance [Music] cause your promise stands your word is true [Music] my hope is built jesus in you in you you are alive [Music] stairs [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are alive you'll see us through my life is built jesus in you cause this is the greatest love i've known that a king would die [Music] despair my life and so i will bring all my praise for jesus you're worthy [Music] and there is no greater story told that a lamb was slain but overcame the grave and let hallelujah [Music] my song you are my savior [Music] beautiful i want uh to pray for the sweet people in just a few moments on on zoom from all over the world and so jim would you take the instrument and dear david get the mic from lilian and uh we're gonna just worship the lord for a little bit here the greatest thing in all my life is serving you and i i i'm asking the lord to heal his sweet people today i know there's uh [Music] some people on that have told me they're gonna be on they need a healing from from the lord one of them is a friend or dear friends the kelly's from california and uh dear baba ainello i i don't see him right now unless maybe dear dear marie can find out if they can i i think they're wrong on zoom i'm not seeing them yet but i really want to believe god for them and we're going to believe god for you sweet people there's a lot of people on zoom today there's only three pictures that as they rotate you'll see more of them the greatest thing in all my life where's david please haven't come back here is serving you [Music] aren't you with us the greatest thing in all my life is serving you i want to serve you lord i want to serve you lord the greatest thing in all my life [Music] the greatest thing in all my life is loving you [Music] the greatest thing in all my life is loving you i want to love you so much more i want to love you more the greatest thing in all my life is allah this morning i'm reading jeremiah and i was just so touched you know i've read this before i've read this many times in fact but today the impact it had on me they say this is jeremiah 31 they say if a man puts away his wife and she go from him and become another man's shall he return unto her again shall not that land be greatly polluted but thou has played the harlot with many many lovers yet return again to me saith the lord that was amazing god asks a question he says if a man puts away his life and she go from here and she marries another man shall he return unto her again shall not that land be greatly polluted in other words if a man puts away his wife she marries another and then she returns to her first husband will not that land be polluted in other words in the natural it doesn't happen and then god asks the question but thou has played the harlot with many lovers he makes a statement that's amazing he says you didn't just go to merely one husband you just went and married a whole lot of them so if one man goes or one lady goes and marries another husband and leaves her husband then she decides to leave her and go back it'll bring pollution to the whole land god says listen you israel you've gone to many husbands not just one yet i'm ready to take you back return unto me says return again to me says the lord i just something just hit me hard and when you read jeremiah and i read 11 chapters this morning just sitting i couldn't stop i could not stop and you read chapter five verse one run he says run throughout the streets of jerusalem and see now and know and seek in the broad places if you can find one man if there be any that executes judgment that seeks the truth i will forgive the whole city you know abraham said lord if this you know 45 yeah it's all right or 14 and he went right down to ten god goes way below ten abram could have gone right down to one because god's heart is if i can find one isn't that amazing sue if i can find one righteous person i'll forgive the whole city and jerusalem at that time on every street they had an idol on every mountain top and hill they had some statue of some god they worshipped it was full of idols our archaeologists today in israel are finding more idols in archaeology than they're finding anything else more than parts more than anything they are discovering all these idols that are buried in the in the ground because israel had so many idols and god says if i can find one person i'll forgive the whole city what can what an amazing god i think that's why maybe john wesley wrote and can it be that i should gain you you guys know that old him if not i'm going to teach it to you you and i come on give me a lower key yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] for me [Music] my god [Music] [Music] you come sit here come here she grew up with those m's [Music] jumps are right here baby her mom used to sing those when they were young and the words are so powerful and can it be that i should get an entrance into my savior's love daddy for me who caused this pain who caused this pain and he went into death he pursued death for me but listen to these words he left his father you can sing with me [Music] his grace emptied himself [Music] of all but love of allah [Music] [Music] he left his father's home above so free so infinite his grace emptied himself of all but love and bled for adam's helpless race pick up the key please [Music] he left [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] my god [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] everything [Music] [Music] to be [Music] jesus [Music] hallelujah [Music] me [Music] glory to the lamb i want you in your homes just lift your hands to heaven and just forget your troubles right now glory glory glory to the land glory [Music] glory glory for you are glorious and worthy to [Music] and on [Music] we lift our voice in praise [Music] for you are glorious [Applause] [Music] [Music] with our voice [Music] we are [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] glory [Music] glory [Music] glory glory to the land for you are glorious [Music] i wanna pray for patricia [Music] upon [Music] to you we lift our voices in praise [Music] i see terry and kelly right there no no keep keep keep uh patricia a second i'm gonna pray for tyrion and for karen make make make sure yeah there they are sue uh karen is in the hospital right now and we're gonna pray for her healing today and patricia what what what are you asking god to do for you can you can you put your volume up darling yes yes i like impartations from you please bargain i like impartations from you please can you put a volume up a little bit can you say that again an impartation what importation where are you from i'm from australia right now you're in australia the presence of god is very strong yeah it's making me cry [Music] breathe upon me breath of god just gently now please breathe upon me breath of god breathe upon me spirit of the lord sing it [Music] [Music] come upon her in jesus holy name let her know your touch your power right now [Music] in the name of jesus [Music] what do you feel on you patricia [Music] what do you feel on you darling can you talk to me [Music] what do you feel on you yeah the presence of god and yeah just just just overwhelmed lord you sir user in australia in the name of jesus i pray i want to pray for karen can you switch the screens for me god bless you patricia darling i'm going to see you in in glory god love you darlin god bless you darling can you put the screen here on top terry can you hear me can you turn your you have to turn your mic on there there you go and just pick up the volume where it says volume [Music] okay try that again [Music] yeah okay where is karen right now she is right next to me in the hospital bed i don't know why i'm not hearing them as well [Music] can you hear me now yeah yeah i can hear you better so is karen there with you yes she is with me in the hospital [Music] can i see her uh she's probably what she's probably gonna say girl she looks like a pirate she's better it doesn't matter [Music] i like to lay hands on on the screen because there's no there's no distance for the lord karen darling listen listen sue come here with me can you all uh stretch your hands towards her david will your hands on care and they're in california there's no distance with you there's no distance let your power flow through now suzanne and i agree for a healing we rebuke this disease in our body you're able to do exceeding abundantly but all we ask or think there's nothing impossible with your lord jesus nothing impossible with your lord lord i pray today the miracle will begin today in the hospital lord every one of us from around the world pray for their karen right now that you'll heal her that you'll touch terry with her it shall come out of the hospital well in jesus name in jesus name and father in the name of jesus we come to you in the name that's above every name and it's the name of jesus and father on the cross your body was broken for karen's total healing and your blood was shed for every principality and power and rule of the darkness to be bound with the authority you've given us as your sons and daughters now in jesus name i take authority and i speak to the roots of this cancer in the name of jesus and i curse the root and i curse the seed of it in jesus name cancer you are only a name but the name of jesus defeated you on calvary and i thank you lord that the same power that raised you from the dead is is quickening her body in the name of jesus we thank you lord for the bomb of gilead that's going from the top of her head to the bottom of her feet in jesus name making her whole in the name of jesus amen put put your gene on now you believe god karen darling you and and and and terry eugene i want to pray for you where are you my brother can you can you talk to me i know some of you maybe have not been on zoom before so you just have to learn how to work the whatever you have to do there so we can hear you yeah yes yes i'm from india what do you want god to do for you my dear brother i'm having severe breathing difficulties i'm having problems with my lungs and in my heart and i regularly feel uh death attacks on my body and my life i'm also in the ministry but i'm unable to do any work right now you are in the ministry yes sir you're you're you're a preacher you're a minister yes sir yes sir my god you are the lord my healer you sent your word and healed my disease you are the lord my healer sing it again you are the god that he left me you are the lord my healer you sense your word and healed my disease you are the lord my you are able you are able i know you are able i know my lord you're able to carry him through [Music] for you healed the brokenhearted and you've set the captives free you made the lame to walk and caused the blind to see you are able eugene receive your healing you are able [Music] to carry [Music] i rebuke that lung condition in the mighty name of jesus the son of god jesus your presence [Music] just softly on the instruments pick up my mic there in the bad guys jesus [Music] oh jesus there it is jesus [Music] oh jesus you sent something on you jesus what do you your presence makes me hope jesus [Music] oh jesus you you you sense like a like a tingle on you what if you like is it something like that something like that on me on here here on this portion your hands and receive your healing my dear brother i receive my healing lord jesus i receive my healing from you lord i receive my deliverance lord from you i receive my deliverance from you your prayers strengthen me once again strengthen me makes me [Music] robert and mary wilson right here you see what i'm pointing at [Music] can you hear me my dear yes i can hear you what do you want god to do for you my dear i have breathing issues lord you said in your word come on to me all you labor and are heavy laden [Music] and i will give you rest heal this wonderful servant of your kingdom we rebuke this breathing problem in her body jesus jesus jesus your jesus [Music] all glorious will heavenly gym preparing us [Music] your temple you're sensing it now my dear bonus living stones [Music] where you're enthroned are you sensing that heat on you yes as euros from death in power come rise within [Music] it's like a gentle warmth more or less in my chest area lord thank you for healing her from that breathing condition in the sweet name of jesus [Music] clother in your glory uh raquel raquel the pictures moved a little bit so i i'm not seeing her there was a woman i just saw named raquel here oh are they moving by themselves there right there right here [Music] raquel dear can you hear me raquel can you hear me try to talk to me sweetie try to talk to me the lord's gonna is gonna heal you i sense it i just wanna talk to you is someone with you yes there is speak english no english healing of my stomach left breast heal my whole body is she speaking spanish or healing in her body lord heal this precious woman let your power flow through her body jesus all glorious again please [Music] your jesus [Music] all glorious preparing us your temple [Music] you're starting to feel something on you i don't know if you can understand me you're beginning to feel beautiful just like a almost like a a heavenly atmosphere on you as you rose [Music] from death and power lord heal this blessed woman you know her need raise her up i pray magnify your holy name you are our blessed healer you said they shall lay hands on the sick and the sick shall recover beanish hans right there beanish hans you see the young lady with her little girl [Music] can you can you talk to me hello hello my dear where are you from i'm basically from pakistan but arizona and you live where in arizona arizona and what are you asking the lord for um pastor benion i have one daughter and i need a sibling for her you need to what now i need to have for her my daughter i need a sibling i need a second child oh you want another baby another daughter okay what is what is her name her name is alana alana right after i pray i want to pray for peter right here see the little boy there with his dad right here you see them i want to pray for them lord in jesus name jesus is the cornerstone yeah for sinners to at all [Music] just play it lord touch your body jesus is [Music] the cornerstone [Music] touch our body [Music] give her that desire in her heart fulfill her desire lord in jesus name in jesus name [Music] my dear brother with a with a little boy baran can i can i can i talk to you see if you can turn your your mic on [Music] yes sir yeah there you go where are you right now um i am from nepal sir i pray for ministry nepal yes sir what do you want god to do for you um 25 years uh ministry uh nepal from uh blazeria sir you're you're a pastor yes sir pastor and who was that beautiful little boy was that your son yes sir my my son uh little son uh and daughters too sorry what do you want god to do for you uh family my family is a very sickness i'm sickness um devil darkness well let's believe god to touch you in there in nepal yes sir jesus i worship you and right after this you see this young man named patrick he was just right there he's the next one i want to pray for right there lord this pastor in nepal oh your people are so precious your precious people lord thank you lord god thank you touch him i pray now strengthen his body i pray now be his strength and courage in the power lord stand next to him beside him use him mightily in that country in the name of jesus we your temple we give you reverence so rise to your rest [Music] and be blessed by our praise as we grow [Music] put your arms around this man of god lord [Music] now fill this place one more time all the glory gently now lord let your glory touch him let your glory touch his life [Music] let your glory touch his home his children his wife that your glory touches people through his life [Music] let him hear your voice precious voice [Music] let him know your touch on his life and ministries my dear brother from nepal lord he's my brother from nepal i'm going to see him in heaven soon but now he needs you lord he needs you what he is in nepal to be with him [Music] to encourage him to strengthen him to walk with him to use him [Music] to touch your precious people in nepal jesus in the hands you know what is so special about these zoo meetings is you can connect with preachers like this and people all over the world i promise you you and your homes we're going to do more of these zoom meetings we were not able to do them in the other studio because they didn't have the equipment and when we came today we almost could not connect because they they changed some something i don't know what it was they was changed with the with whatever the computers and others and i know a lot of people have been wanting to to join and many have not been able to join because it's it's just totally packed so we're gonna have to increase it to four or five thousand people god willing soon but uh there was a man well that's not him exactly but i'll pray for him still there was a young man with a with like a cover of some sort he had like a cover on his on his head but it's okay that's him can you hear me young man yes sir where are you i'm from san antonio texas what do you want the lord to do for you uh i want the lord to kill me from some mental mental injuries and some uh some memories i've been dealing with a lot and i want to be restored uh my mental health and some memories so you want god to heal your mind yes sir set my spirit free that i might worship thee [Music] set my spirit free that i might praise your name let all bondage go and let deliverance flow [Music] set his spirit free in his mind to worship thee what is your name young man lord said patrick is mind free that he might worship thee set his spirit free that he might praise your name let all bondage go and let deliverance flow i command that demon to leave your mind patrick i the servant of the lord i come against you in the name of the one whose i am and whom i serve in the mighty name of jesus be gone from this young man be gone be free patrick be free in your mind be free in your heart be free in your spirit man lift your hands to heaven patrick lord i give him to you and lord from this day on he will find that piece of perfect rest sitting at your feet hearing your voice let your word dwell richly within him from this day forward this power is gone this demonic confusion is gone in jesus name and louise right here and louise hello my dear can you put your mic on please you know a lot of you are receiving from the lord i don't have to lay hands on every on each one of you a lot of you are receiving from the lord i promise you hello hello dear uh who's who's this laying down is this someone in your family she's my mom that's your mom and what is the matter with her um she suffered from stroke she had a stroke where where are you now are we in the philippines i'm sorry philippines philippines oh blessed son of god blessed jesus you walk the seashore of galilee your word declares you're the same yesterday today and forever you heal the multitudes you healed every one of them you refuse none you refuse the none [Music] and they brought to you lord the lame the blind and the death you healed every one of them he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities [Music] lord heal this precious lady i'm asking you in your holy name depending upon your mercy we ask you we all ask you lord to heal this sweet lady [Music] that she'll be raised back up in jesus name we lay our hands we ask you for healing this sweet woman in the philippines let your mighty power flow through her be healed precious saint of god be healed now in jesus name in the name of the one who has called me into the ministry i pray that he himself will walk into your room and heal your body in his holy name give you praise lord [Music] all of you in your homes stretch your hands towards me bring the camera close in the name of jesus be made whole now come closer give me a closer shot now you put your hand across mine you just put your hand across mine if you can or just lay your hand on your your body where the sickness is or just lay your hand on your body [Music] be healed in jesus name be still and know that i am god he said me a lower key jim god said be healed be healed i want you right now to ask the lord jesus to heal you [Music] i give you praise lord and i rebuke that sickness and i drive it out of them all over the world you are our healer you are our great physician nothing nothing is impossible with you lord nothing is too difficult for you lord your people have gathered from all over the world to feel your healing touch [Music] in jesus name in jesus name now lift your hands to heaven you are the lord shh that he let me [Music] you are the lord that he let me [Music] let me i sense the anointing so strong i believe what about to experience the glory of god just play for me stand still and see his glory dr amber wrote that song [Music] lord visit your people visit them in your holy name [Music] bask [Music] in that sweet living water [Music] reviving and refreshing your souls [Music] stand still and see his glory in jesus name sue sit down baby i want you to stay with me and i wanna no you're still right here sue i want you to listen to the word of the lord for the next the next little while and i want everyone to be tuned in i i don't you talking to a friend of yours or doing anything if you can if you want to be ready for the coming of the lord you need this message and the reason i want to minister this word is because if we don't receive the fullness of the holy spirit and that's what i want to talk to you about how do we receive the fullness of the holy spirit what i want to know from scripture and i discovered the answer from scripture because if we do not receive the fullness of god's holy spirit we are sunk here's why there is coming an attack against our faith more vicious than anyone is ready to receive more vicious look i'm going to just simply tell you what i know in my my being take it leave it it doesn't matter to me i have to say it i just got to say it we have become so deluded with misinformation about scripture we are not given in my opinion in many circles we are not given the truth of god's word because what people are looking for today is crowds and money and crowds and money will not last they'll walk away from you take my word for it so all you really have is your soul that's all you have what good is it if you are famous rich have a big ministry or whatever and you end up in hell is that worth it what will it mean on that day when your tears are ignored what will it mean to you when repentance will be too late if we do not wake up now and get ready for the coming of the lord we are going to be judged so severely because the more you've been blessed the greater the judgment to whom much is given much is required why you do you think i'm doing what i'm doing with my life because no one will defend me on that day not even my wife or my children not even my mom or my dad i will stand alone before the judgment seat of christ and i am not playing games with that if you want to play games go on you'll regret it for the for all eternity you'll pay the price for all eternity is that what you want so what does your soul mean to you does it mean anything or is this a game you're in is this world a game you get up in the morning and you do what you do and you go to bed and then you die what what is that all about now god's word says god's word says you just hear me out in the book of acts paul the apostle came to uh to ephesus and in chapter 19 he he found these 12 men who had been saved but he said have you received the holy ghost since you believed and they had never heard about the holy spirit and he made sure to tell them because without the holy spirit you're sunk there's no life to live satan will destroy you like that like that and the attack that's coming against the people of faith is so massive there's no way i can describe it i know it like i know i'm standing here i'm bending in so you listen to me or you shut me off that's your business but i'm going to say what i have to say because i just don't want your blood on my hands i don't want your blood and any one of you i don't want your blood on my hands so the bible says in acts 2 4 they were all filled with the holy ghost so it's amazing that this is when the church was really born this brought complete transformation to the apostles they became entirely new men and women just think with me when jesus was on earth when the lord was on earth he taught them he trained them he used an influence he used his personality he taught them the word it wasn't enough it wasn't enough because they did not even understand i mean think just think just think with me a minute you're standing there and you see lazarus raised from the dead and then you look at the son of god and you say ah he is the son of god who can raise the dead and then he's on the cross and that same person who said oh he's he's the son of god said um i wonder now they questioned it they walked away and questioned it they were walking on the road to emmaus said we thought we thought that he may be the messiah and you have to wonder how could you peter how could you john how could you philip and bartholomew and the rest question is he the messiah when you saw him walk on the sea of galilee command the storm to be still raise the dead how can you question when you saw him on the mount on the mount of transfiguration and you heard god say this is my son they forgot all that and they walked away and began to question is this the son of god why how could it be i mean it's like mind-boggling how could it be then people can stand can stand and see jesus raise the dead and when he appeared in the upper room some wondered one of the most puzzling parts i think of the new testament in the gospel of matthew it says some question if this is jesus there here he is resurrected and they wondered oh i wonder if it's a spirit the question if this is him he raised the dead and they questioned his own resurrection why i'll tell you why it's not by might it's not by power but by my spirit says the lord everything they saw is modern power i mean jesus commanding the storm boy that's power jesus saint stone be still that's real power jesus casting out demons that's power healing the multitudes that's power i mean everything he did is might and power but it didn't do the job did it it did not do the job in their hearts peter denies him judah betrays him and the rest go home wondering if this is the messiah and cleopas who is related to him on the road to emmaus cleopas was married to his aunt the lord's aunt mary's sister was married to cleopas and he's wondering they're walking with the lord they didn't recognize him and they're all questioning well we thought you know he may have been the one knock knock because the holy spirit wasn't on earth yet i mean here is the lord katie now you're you're you're a bible teacher here's the lord just being transfigured like his face changed became white bright glorious here's moses and elijah there and the glory of god is now shining through him he is even his own clothes changed and now they hear this voice this is my son and they're coming down the the hill and i don't believe it by the way it's mount tabor i believe it was mad herman it doesn't matter so they're coming down the mountain and the lord was talking about his death and resurrection and they're back there saying what what is he talking about what does he mean they were afraid to ask him they were blind they were deaf they couldn't figure out what he said even with all the power they saw it's not by might it's not by power if the holy spirit doesn't show to you you're sunk it's over you can know your bible you can know power you can go to signs and wonders meetings and feel all the stuff and you're gonna end up in hell unless you know the power of the holy ghost in your life if you don't know the holy spirit's power in your life the devil is going to destroy you because that's what the bible says peter satan wants to sift you like wheat but i've prayed for you if the devil could have sifted peter and jesus said it was possible think about a man who walked so close to the lord could have been destroyed had jesus not prayed for him if if if paul can say if paul can say i put my body under subjection lest after i have preached to others i'll be cast away that scares me if paul can be thrown out what change do we have paul said i put my body under subjection i don't let my body run my life lest after i have preached to others i myself be a what castaway kicked out dismissed from the kingdom you know what was david's david's greatest fear he he he said it more than once in fact not only psalm 51 sudah if you read the psalms you will find one prayer over and over and over don't give me over to the will of the enemies don't hand me over to the will of the devil you'll finally throw the psalm look for it put it on your computer and see how many times it's mentioned in the psalms don't let the devil help me so that's why we have to depend on the holy spirit he's able to keep us from falling and to present us before the throne with joy yes that's that's jesus but hold it hold it hold it he's in heaven we have jesus today through the holy spirit on earth let's not ignore jesus on earth the holy spirit is the lord he is the spirit of the lord what did jesus say i shall be in you i am with you but i'll be in you the same lord who walked with them said i will be in you without the holy spirit no go it's not going to happen all right now the bible says quite a bit about this okay and i want to just say a few things to you let me let me give you some things that you see in the lives of the apostles that kept them okay number one number one while the lord was on earth they were very attached to him if you read the gospels you will see that the 11 not judas were extremely attached to him because they had the right heart like they they said no no we'll die with you even though they can do it they had the will but not the power at least you see the desire lord will die for you they all said it when the seventy walked away from him he said will you go away to whom shall we go lord you have the words of life they were attached to him every true christian i know is attached to jesus even those that don't know the holy spirit those 12 in the book of acts were very attached to jesus but peter i should say paul said wait have you received the holy spirit since you believed 12 men have you received the holy spirit now he knew they were attached to the lord they were baptized they were born again but they lacked what could keep him the part of the holy ghost so being attached is the beginning they were very very attached to him so they were deeply attached in fact because they knew that since the fullness of the holy spirit dwelt in the lord a personal relationship with him was the first condition in receiving the fullness of the spirit they knew since he is full of the holy spirit getting close to him will get me full of the holy spirit so get attached to the lord and i think that's why the lord spent so much time with them that's why he kept them close he desired to attach them to himself so they kind of became knit to him this is absolutely indispensable only a heart that is occupied with the wonder of jesus can receive the fullness of jesus only a heart that is caught in the wonder of jesus can receive the fullness of the lord it's not possible any other way they were caught you know the bible says in the gospel of mark how when the lord was walking up to jerusalem the apostles were amazed something amazed them about him he captured them real good they enjoy this company you know why i know allah is going to use our son who's sitting over there because he loves jesus you know why i i know you're not going to finish right because with all our ups and downs you you and i love jesus she was sitting there with her hands up singing and crying loving jesus sue loving jesus josh and lily my darling is the most important thing in the world when it comes to the christian life and and that's the first step to the fullness of the holy spirit why are we attached to him because we adore him because we know you can't trust no one else out there but the lord so so they were so attached now something else about the the apostles that is so like a big headline for me because see they all received what i'm looking for what you're looking for we all want what they had here's the second thing jesus said follow me they leave it they they leave the papa they leave the business they leave the fish they leave everything and they follow him here they were on the boat and the lord said castanet just just think with me continent they catch so many fish that the boats have to come and help them all and they almost drown they almost sunk so many fish though the actual boat almost went down now they get to shore and jesus says follow me and they all leave the fish and the boat and everything and follow that says something about these amazing men not one of them said lord can we please go sell the fish first and make some money before we come they left everything nobody thought about the fish they left the fish and walked away from the fish money did not mean anything to them so when we become free from the world we're on the way to the fullness of the holy spirit that's just the way it is they left everything jim and it says the lord said in luke 14 33 whosoever he be of you that for six not all that he has he cannot be my disciple that's the kind of christian i want to be that's the kind of christian you need to be and the game is over my brother if you're not serious i'm telling you you're in trouble with god himself i have been in ministry 48 years now and i'm getting to the place in my life i'm preparing for my departure for my shalom i don't know i hope i'll be here another 10 years let's hope let's hope but the worse this world is getting the less i want to stay the the the sicker it gets the less i want to be a part and boy it's getting real bad out there the only reason i want to stay i have two reasons number one number one god's calling my life i wanna i wanna strengthen as many saints as i can for the rest of my life and number two because god gave me some promises i want to say happen with my family and myself and then it's time to say shalom but i'm telling you there is no way you can get to that place of the fullness of the holy spirit till you give up any attachment to the world so they were attached to him but not the world that was the second thing i'm almost done i'm almost done all right you know um we we we are living between two worlds let's just talk about this a second we are living between two worlds and both of these worlds are in conflict with each other so on one side you have the world you have the carnal world you have this sick world we're in and this world has a mighty influence over us mighty influence over us that's why the lord said to us to pull away from it to seek the heavenly with an undivided heart to seek the heavenly and in his word he told us that without sacrifice without separation from the world we cannot receive his power so number three number three number three is the apostles recognized their enemies they really did we have we have two great enemies now remember what what i just said there are two worlds that are that have great influence but the the world has mighty influence on us we have pull away or we are going to be pulled in and jesus said i want you to be heavenly not worldly otherwise it's over but number three something about the the apostles you notice in the word they knew who the enemy was i'll tell you who the enemy is we have two great enemies we have the devil and the world he uses around us so the devil and the world are one and then we have self we have two enemies we have the devil and his crowd and self now i'm going to make a statement that's going to shock you you know that the second enemy is more dangerous than the devil in the world because it is possible please please hear me it is possible to forsake the world and yet self still has power over you it's possible to forsake the world and itself is still it it has you why what what gives me that peter he left his business he left the world but he denied his lord what does this tell me that self is more powerful than the world he could walk away from the world but he couldn't walk away from his himself did he he could say bye to the boat and the fish and the business and mommy and daddy and everything else but he could not say no to himself he denied his master he fell apart that tells me self is very dangerous katie that is so dangerous self is more dangerous than the devil i can resist the devil with the word of god but self i there's not one place in the bible that says resist the flesh and he'll flee from you think about resist that re resist the devil he'll flee but you cannot resist the flesh stuff because that flesh won't go nowhere i'm gonna have katie souza in just a little come and pray for the people you you sweet people are gonna really get blessed by her and i and you know i didn't know which way this beautiful service would go but i just been looking at her back there that's a real woman of god back there and you know i don't know like you know her but there's something in her that god's people i think will be would be blessed by because she's a she's a warrior she's a warrior and you'll like that but but let me let me just finish because i've got to say something to you here that i think is so so so important i mean you know peter could say well we left all to follow you lord we left and and and they did but when the real test came he denied him and how precious of jesus to not even bring that up when he saw him the next time around [Laughter] when jesus rose from the dead he didn't say you bad boy you you denied me why did you do that he said do you love me oh that was it josh that's what i love about jesus he never condemns any in any one baby he just loves them so here's peter who denied the lord chad he denied the lord and the lord never once said you bad man you i'm gonna whip you not one time you said do you love me that tore them up huh will you love do you love me peter do you love me that sure one is heart but it shows you the heart of jesus too there is therefore now no condemnation to the more in christ am i precious about the lord number four number four when jesus said i will send the holy spirit they receive that promise they looked for it they searched for it how many people are searching today for the holy spirit i don't know a lot of them they looked for the holy ghost he said they said he told us ye shall receive power he told us to wait for the holy spirit and not go nowhere till the holy ghost is here and they took hold of that word and then let go and they locked themselves up in the upper room for days and days saying he said he'll come and we're going nowhere till he does so dear god i feel the anointing on this they received and they held fast to the promise of the fullness of the holy spirit even though they did not fully understand it david they did not even understand what he meant but they said if if if jesus said it we're going to wait we don't have to understand the promise we're going to just wait for the promise so it shows you what got them to that place of being so full they believe this word that's number four this is this is quite remarkable they did not fully understand the promise but the promise got hold of them they did not understand it but it got into them it got hold of them they said we may not understand it but that thing's got us he said it's coming the power is coming and we'll go nowhere till it comes that's that's why the welsh revival came two men said we'll go nowhere till the power of god hits that's why we had occ here because we made a decision we are not gonna give god no rest till he moves and the revival hit january of 1990 when we had the mighty warriors conference and we said we're going to pray every saturday at six a.m imagine me getting up at six a.m that's a miracle by itself every saturday we were up at six me too i was up at six i think saturdays and tuesdays wasn't it one of those days or maybe both i don't remember we would show up to pray at six in the morning we made a commitment we said lord we want a move so bad we will come at 6 00 a.m and pray and that whole downstairs was packed people really took it seriously we played from six i think we quit at eight or nine or something and the power of god hit that church it went on and on for years for years the promise to hold of us we we made it mean also didn't know how it was going to all happen i remember claude bowers walking up to me one day at the mighty warriors conference he said this is the greatest thing i've ever seen in my life he said this is the beginning it's going to shake the whole city and boy it did it actually shook the whole country so they laid aside everything they set their whole desire to see the fulfillment of the promise they said we're gonna i mean think about they were in that upper room for many days they didn't go home maybe they didn't even see their families we don't know but they were in the upper room the 120 said we're going nowhere 500 heard the lord say terry till till till you being dude but the majority said we're too busy but a hundred and twenty shook the world because they said we're going we're going nowhere till that power comes and they shook the world i think it's time to do it again i think it's time to say lord you made that promise it's still our promise it's not just for them and we're going to get hold of it even if we don't know what's going to happen next and pray till it comes i am so proud i've not met the man but what's that young man's name sean something huh forge i salute that young man i pray he's watching i salute that young man having these worship meetings all over america they were in portland recently and they were attacked by a bunch of whatever i'm gonna say it and they went and they didn't care about it that's a fighter that's a holy ghost fighter i'm proud to be called his brother there's some people in america that have said enough is enough that revival will come to this country it's coming to the remnant that's still left i don't think it's coming to america i think it's coming to the church in south america and not the whole church either only those who are serious and you're in that group that's why you're watching he that believeth in me out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water dear lord they laid aside everything and they waited for days in prayer and subligation okay there's some music there will you i think it's time i think it's time okay jesus told us in matthew 16 and other portions of scripture if any man will come after me let him deny himself self-seeking self-confidence self-pleasing self-satisfaction is gonna go out because the more we we we we see god's power the more we want it we have to let go of that self or we will not receive it if we want the part of god if we want the part of god we have got to make a blessed new discoveries we must be liberated from this self once and for all we've been promised the blessings of of the holy spirit but i think it's time there is a there's a a one verse i want to close with that this i'm actually cutting my my message way down because i ministered a little earlier to the sick and took a little extra time because my heart was so moved it says when all things i'm reading first corinthians 15 28 when all things shall be subdued unto him then shall the son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him that god may be all all in all that word all is mentioned many times in that verse that god may be all in all jesus so loves his father that he wants god almighty to be all in all so we want all of god if jesus wants all of god let's follow his example because his great desire is when he won all the battles and all the enemies are defeated it says in that verse that he will submit himself to his father that god may be all in all so if jesus wants his father to be all in all that should be our desire all in all so we want all of jesus he redeemed us that we might know all of him that he should become everything to us so let jesus reign today let jesus rule everything in your life let there be nothing in your life in which he doesn't rule let him be everything let him have everything you are my everything you are my own you are my everything i want you to be lord both great and small you gave your life for me [Music] made everything new you are my everything [Music] and i love you i used to sing that when when when i just got saved you are my and and today i want it more than anything you know that old song i'll teach it to you you are my everything you are my all susanoo is that a gym you are my everything both great and small you gave your life for me made everything new you are my everything lord i love you we used to sing at the end of it uh dear dear dear dog the bounty hunter is sitting back there it's getting all blessed i think we used to sing it and now how about you now yeah you maybe you grew up singing that i don't know you grew up singing that song you are my everything do you have a nice voice no won't you come up here i'll try out come on please please come up here i want to introduce you now a lot of you may know this man he's been sitting there for a while did you enjoy all this whoa dear lord i am you've been crying back then i'm sorry yes sir can i give you a hug this is dog the bounty hunter i don't know why he calls himself that but that's his name so we can we can we can go on for a while now so i'm going to take the offer in just a second but i'm gonna pray for the people you really want the lord in your life don't you huh i want more of the lord in my life so can we sing this song together okay let's get a mic i didn't know he knew all these songs sue you come up you come on come on [Music] you are my everything you are my own i want his mic on guys his mic is not on you are my everything both great and small both great and small you gave you life for me you gave your life for me made everything new and made everything new you are my everything and i love you lord oh you said how about you oh i see is that the way your mom used to sing it sing it again for me pick up this mic i want to hear it's my guys give him a little more more [Music] are volume everything dear lord you are my all you are my everything hallelujah both great and small you gave your life for me and made everything new you are my everything and i love you i love you lord well i want to ask many of you with can can we have your sweet wife up a second well she she's about uh that's her yelling yes yeah come up here my sister katie and katie come up please with us i never thought he could sing like that isn't that amazing you've been sitting back there a while guys all of you he grew up assemblies of god so he he accepted the lord at a young age and spoke in tongues at a very young age what did you think of all this tonight i think you're a very good pastor a preacher and i'd love this we need to get together on this one and i liked especially the part where you pointed out the fact that god said if there's just one yeah i'll take them all yeah katie and i represent felons and i thought how important it is for us to be there's one at least there's two because if my position is to cure the devil's herd and when they said if you could go out there and find one person i'll cure all the felons and by golly we stand here there's two of us yeah so i know the felons got a chance there's so much that you said you laid hands like that you know it's prophesied that we would do this whether they be there or not millions of millions you got more followers than i do are all across the world the philippines the united states well it's the lord's people we're going to do one more song and then pray for you and then we're going to do some program or maybe one more than one we just did in fact we just did a whole hour with him it was something that i'll never forget as long as i live we'll be showing it next week god willing so you all be watching and people in america know this man maybe a lot of you in other parts of the world may not know who this is they they call him dog the bounty hunter and he his real name is duane so i'll tell him that at least thank you we're in 17 countries by the way wow okay okay and and he's getting married to this dear lady francie uh francie francie and it's been carried on all the network a lot of the networks have cared about your wedding which is when was coming out september 2nd september 2nd coming up and dear katie is the one marrying them she's performing the ceremony and you had like 20 something million people what did you say 20 what are they 21 so but uh they've been sitting there the whole time i've been ministering um but what was your mom's favorite song softly and tenderly jesus is calling oh guys you know it come on come on closer go ahead jesus [Music] [Music] is [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] sing it again come home [Applause] tenderly [Music] and now we're going to ask you to give your life to jesus if you have not surrendered to the lord it's time you surrender i sat with this man a few nights ago two three nights ago were together eating uh spanish was thing we ate tacos that was the worst tacos i've ever had in my life anyways it was man it was so hot i could hardly breathe what was it called i have no idea what it was called it was hot it was got it i know i know i know yeah in chad that cilantro almost killed me anyways but but the thing is we changed i think this i think this is going to go viral look at him shaking each other yeah it's okay it's okay but we talked about the bible and he's really deep in the lord i was quite surprised how much his mom had such an influence on him and grandmother too and and i didn't know that his his mom's song was jesus is calling come home so it's time to come home i'm i'm i'm talking to are you crying again it's okay it's okay uh it's time to come home it's time to say to the world bye-bye and just follow the lord you know i said to the lord yesterday too i said lord if they all say no to you i'm saying yes and i think we all feel that way you know you know that old song i have decided give me the right key i have decided to follow [Music] am jesus to follow jesus i have decided to follow jesus no [Music] all right i want you to pray this prayer after me and while i pray i want jim to play beautifully i surrender all because really it's time to surrender to the lord it's time to say lord i've had enough of the world now you stay in the in the camera shot i want them to see your hair yeah and your your if jesus would accept him he'd accept anybody right i mean look for game before game i'm being easy i know he's beautiful i can't look would you please tell me what john the baptist looked like this probably than you coming out of that for you chewing locust and spitting locusts my my point is if the lord would accept any one of us yes sir you know he he'll he'll accept you so it's time you give your life to jesus it's time you do that you know katie was in prison and now she's a preacher god has turned her life around you were in prison i was in the state prison for the feds but look at you now what god has done with you is amazing so jesus will heal you he will put your life back together if you'll simply let him so would you pray this after me dear lord jesus dear lord jesus i need you and i believe with all of my heart you are the son of god and you came to this earth and died for me for me lord you died for me thank you for dying for me [Music] and you shed your blood for me and you rose from the dead you are the son of god and now lord i give you my life with all the mess in it with all my confusion with all my bondage fix it all up i give you permission to change me to make me a new creation in your holy name come into my heart save my soul set me free from the world from sin from bondage and from all the devils i want you i only want you come into my heart now live your life in me amen and amen hallelujah i need to talk to you for just just a few more minutes before i say goodbye and you guys can take a seat and just we're going to come back and do some beautiful programs together sue can sit there and and dear dog the bounty hunter you are amazing david i want i want to talk to you about why it's important today to give to the lord's work and i'm asking many of you to give to the kingdom to give to god's work jim for jessica the bible says we are to owe no man anything but love and the bible is very very clear on the fact that god wants you free from death he wants you free from that burden that bondage called death and he promised he said i i want to bless your coming in i want to bless your going out i want to bless everything you touch on one condition that you obey me and the minute we obey the lord he begins to bless us a man named derek prince made a statement one day he said 90 percent of our time is spent thinking about money or dealing with money or doing something connected to money whether it's clothing food or whatever we do 90 of our time is spent just to take care of ourselves and so on he said if our finances were not under god's control then a big part of our life is not under his control so he said when you give your money to the lord you are giving him 90 of your time think about 90 of your time is spent thinking about how you're going to make whatever money so you can pay your bills so when you give god your money you are really giving him 90 of your life you're you're saying lord i'm giving you control over 90 of my life that's an amazing statement he made so our money represents who we are in the in in in our own life it represents our gifts our talents our strengths and so on and so forth if if you or i should say when you've given your heart to jesus it's easy to give him your money but if someone has not given their heart to the lord they cannot give him their money they fight anyone who fights the lord with about money has not totally surrendered to the lord yet so when you surrender all you are and all you have becomes his so there's no struggle after that so obedience is a very important thing when it comes to finances we we can say i love jesus but let's show it let's do it so giving is loving and loving is giving so when you give to the lord's work you're shouting i love you lord i vote for the kingdom lord i'm for you and god takes that seed and uses it against the enemy so your offering is not just money your offering is a weapon in the hands of god think about that because of that offering you give we are able to do what we're doing tonight think about the many blessed blessings that people have received and will continue receiving as they watch this so i'm going to ask you to give to the lord's work you can sow your seed right now by following the instructions on the screen and simply sow your seed so those who are giving now to bhm you can do it on the on the platform you're watching us on you can go to our website penan.org or you can simply text bhm 4577 plus i want to announce we're going to have a day of prayer september 6 where we're going to go live and pray at least for three hours with you we're going to pray for your families for your future for your finances and much much more especially what i want to pray for is that you be ready for the coming of the lord so it's going to be a blessed day so make sure you join us but right now it's time to give to the lord's work father i pray and i believe with all of my heart come on you stretch your ends towards me i'm believing god for you lord i believe with all of my heart that you're gonna bless your people financially that that will be a thing of the past that you'll bless them now lord mightily and financially in jesus holy and glorious day amen and amen all right now you can give and once you have given i'm going to say goodbye but before i do before i do i want their katie souza to come and you keep that information on the screen there chad but i want you and suzanne to come and pray for the people that god that god will set them free now we're going to do some programs later but we're going to you you can see it later but come come darling uh you want to say a few more things about finances before you pray please you know pastor you're talking about self and you were talking about the holy spirit yeah well this is so important that we get healed of self that's our soul our mind will and emotions when we let our mind think wrong things or let our emotions get out of control or we get bitter or offended and or we get traumatized by the things we've been through and when that happens the bible says that when our soul isn't healed we lose our ability to prosper so right now many of you are struggling with finances let's have a little bit behind me a little bit just a little bit many of you are struggling with finances you're also struggling with yourself your inner man you're battling with thoughts you have emotions that are out of control you feel depressed anxious worried maybe you're offended at a family member or a spouse or someone in your life you've gotten bitter because you've been through a lot of traumatic experiences and the bible says that when our soul is not in good condition we actually lose our ability to prosper remember what 3 john says you will prosper and be in health that's your physical healing and it happens even as your soul prospers now pastor benny was talking about the holy spirit tonight in acts 1 8 it says you will receive power when the holy spirit comes upon you why is that important to know and what and how does it connect to your prosperity because the word power there it's the greek word dunamis and it means power to perform miracles it means power and influence that belongs to riches and wealth and it also means this excellence of soul so you see you have inside of you right now power to heal self to heal all the pain that came from the traumas that you've lived through to heal your mind and break you free from depression and anxiety to heal your emotions so those bitter feelings that have gripped you that that that criticism that you that you are always under that that you always release towards people that gossip that that that anger that offense that you have you have power in you the holy spirit and power dunamis power to make you excellent of soul if you've been through traumas if you've been through things that have hurt you or harmed you you have power right now in your inner man and as you release the holy spirit and dunamis power you become excellent of soul and then you will prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers look i encourage you right now sow your seed because as you sow tonight you're going to be sowing into your own breakthrough you're going to be sowing into your own healing you're going to be having a release of the presence of the holy spirit and dunamis power so that you can become excellent of soul you'll think excellent thoughts you'll feel excellent peaceful emotions you'll make excellent prospering decisions with your business with your with your ministry with your own personal finances because your soul is being healed self is being healed by the holy spirit and dunamis power pray for them and pray that god will bless them also financially i want you to just put your hand on your stomach in your heart and we're gonna together release the power of the holy spirit to make you excellent of soul just repeat after me right there in your own home right now to say lord jesus thank you for the holy spirit i ask right now that your spirit search every part of my mind will and emotions find every place in myself in my soul that's wounded bitter angry traumatized and afraid heal me release dunamis power holy spirit right now make me excellent of soul so i think right thoughts make right decisions and have healthy emotions then i decree i will prosper and be in health even as my soul prospers in jesus name amen god bless you i want to say goodbye thank you for being with us today i pray that it's been a blessing to you and i will see you again in about two weeks for another great healing service and more on zoom we'll make sure we have all the equipment we need for adding more people so much love and shalom bye-bye [Music] you
Channel: Benny Hinn
Views: 101,039
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Benny Hinn Ministries, Benny Hinn, Pastor Benny Hinn, bible teaching, bible study, ministry, prayer
Id: 7b9nBIxzsf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 169min 49sec (10189 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 14 2021
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