KATHRYN KUHLMAN - "Dry Land, Living Water" -FIN-SUB-

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I became a new creature in Christ Jesus I have a great high priest to the very throne of God in the person of Jesus Christ His only begotten Son and everything that you and I received today must come to Jesus I do I'm Saul they begin acquire Allah you the great other twirl even more I heard the voices the reading of all day ah use the rifle you see here's the one we'll give you security he's the only one who can give peace of mind hi Oh we bow with every life to be so care to give you all the praise and all the other and all the glory for everything that the Holy Spirit does in this place of worship today that's one thing you will not share with any human being you will not share the globally you'll not share the praise and before the visible and the invisible we bow to give you the glory for the marvelous manifestation the supernatural manifestation of our God not to one person I pray shall leave this place of worship this Saturday afternoon the same person they were when the energy is a simple plane with granite I pray for you thank you you may be seated oh thank you and you know I wouldn't be here without Jimmy our own Jimmy McDonald who's been with us years was thrill new neutral 8,000 with the singing of the gospel and here he is give me McDonald well say I took Jimmy was singing I'd look down and my words I see down here on the front road some of the most distinguished men in the medical profession what are you doing here I see a very marvelous distinguished lady in the medical profession I think that's marvelous I'm glad you're sitting on the front seat so you don't miss anything I see down there a man is on the staff of John Hopkins Hospital I see a couple of you medical men down there I know yeah I see a couple of you who first came to the services says skeptics dr. Cass dark you were one of the greatest skeptic that I have ever had there were times I could have killed you and I think dr. Fryman you came as good as skeptic because of your trained in in England and you had not been trained you know to believe these miracles but had you ever thought really that all healing is a God really when it comes right down to it you're great surgeons can perform surgery but remember something the greatest surgeon in the world has to wait until up he performs his surgery he has to rate and wait for a supernatural power to do the healing and it's just like that a very short time not more than 10 minutes but I'm going to talk to you about something that's a vitally important this is not a sermon and just talking to you because I feel that I owe it to you I don't care where you go these days everybody talking about the uncertainty of the future and I feel that I owe it to you to talk about what the Bible says regarding the future there's not an uncertainty in the very atmosphere everybody knows it everybody is discussing it what's happening there isn't a strong personality on the scene nations are fumbling I don't have to prove it you know the Georgia telecast you know that you read your newspapers nations are crap coming so quickly something is happening that's a reason very atmosphere is filled with uncertainty what's happening what's happiness auras done getting this time today the Saturday afternoon to just tell you what the Word of God says there's no greater ruler no great power on the scene today men do they own literally that's min on the chessboard nations literally are as men on a chessboard and world affairs are shaping up exactly like God's Word said they were God's Word is infallible know that I don't care what your piquancy the idea may have been regarding the Bible he more up-to-date event tomorrow morning's newspaper God made a promise to Abraham God made a covenant to Abraham and Abraham seed and when God makes a promise when God gives a covenant he'll keep it I don't care whether it's to a nation or to an individual and you can take a very life on it and God made certain promises and Covenants to Abraham in this speed they ran for thirty-nine centuries the seed of Abraham has has been a scattered people hated people with other country murder Patapon round-the-world they've been scattered to the east to the west of the north to the south name it on one pitch without a homeland and yet God made a covenant with the seed of Abraham thirty-nine centuries of common 39 centuries have gone and it seemed like the most unlikely thing in the world of it ever be a nation Israel under the seat of Israel seed of Abraham would be gathered together again I want to go on record it's this Saturday afternoon in Las Vegas give you the Word of God and you can stake your very life on it regardless of how it looks in the Middle East and remember war is inevitable to be like the ostrich we like to bury our faces in the sand and we won't face reality and we say with optimism tomorrow it's going to be better tomorrow it's going to be to better and I'm the greatest optimist in the world but when it comes the Word of God we have to face that remember we've got to face facts war is in Arab inevitable there will be war in the Middle East but I want you to know something the Bible says this absolute authority that which is infallible the Bible says or God gave it to Moses in that burning bush Israel will be absolutely indestructible the hour is coming when Russia and her allies or going down after that oil and the potential wealth in the Dead Sea how do I know if you want to know how nations are going to line up and stack up read it they're called by name in the 38th chapter of Ezekiel and that my friend is not supposition that is his word and it's infallible believe me and these things all going to happen ever happening so quickly so rapidly the Word of God says God has hooks in the jaws of the nation literally hooks in the jaws of the nation and when Russia and her allies go down after a spoil the Bible refers to the despoja goes down after Israel God himself in mercy will reach down with a grain down at the side and the field and Israel will be seven months bearing the day my friend this old world is going to see a miracle a miracle of a nation in the hands of a merciful God how God is working salable I did not uh a miracle will be performed much of the world has you'll never know it yet the thrill of it all I cannot begin and you'll not our not just a skull of Jews not just a few hundred bit of the seed of Abraham but the Word of God will acknowledge the thundering God as the true Messiah will be one of the greatest is gas in the kingdom of God that a world has ever known and the world crown him King that on the other side of the coin maybe never something such as the world has never known I would like to stand before you this Saturday afternoon and tell you whatever you are caught in a recession Culver everyone - but beloved the future is dark and is getting darker and it's getting darker and the thing that we need most in our nation is not something that can be legislated I don't care who our president would be I don't care who the members of Congress might be we put the blame on so many we'd like to but the world needs is something the Democrats can't give us and something Republicans can't give it it's something that the billions and billions of dollars cannot buy what our nation needs more than anything else in this hour is the fresh baptism the love of God whoa don't be what does a split-second now you're gonna know why of these miracles you wouldn't know supply of it it's not capturing cumin it's not from personality I'm giving you the picture the world a picture but remember song see there is the spiritual side and the Word of God says when you see these things begin to come to pass the things that I've been talking about when you see the world situation as we're seeing it today he's saying to his own he's saying to the church look harp and rejoice all your Redemption draweth nigh it's more than you wouldn't know about these miracles not capturing food I even contend that as early as in the early church they had miracle services when every person present was huge and they had miracle services like that so surely before the great catching up so surely before the church is caught up there will be a miracle service or services when literally every person in that place will be huge by the power of God and I receive and thank exactly was happening laughing these great crowds come not because I'm cool I would walk across the street to stare I've news for you she's the most ordinary person you've ever seen in your life I want you to know that and the only reason I'm standing before you the only reason God is using the one that you're seeing the way that he is using it it's because I was born without Talent I've always had an inferiority complex about my looks born without just fuzz on my head I was the kind of baby that they'd say to mrs. cumin for they help a child record I bought so much Skillman freckle cream when I was a kid in Concordia that the first layer of flesh peeled off of my face Spillman's freckle cream I've always had a complex but looks I was born without talent and one day I just looked up and said wonderful Jesus I don't have a thing not a thing but if you can take nothing and use it I offer you get nothing I know I love you all I can give you is my love I'll give you every ounce of strength in my body that's all I have to give you to this very hour I have never forgotten province I've come there isn't a day of my life I don't pray that same prayer and mean it with all of my heart all I have is my love if you used I die a thousand deaths all you feel the white dress oh you see dude another person can't describe it George and I know that all you see I die a thousand dish before I walk out on a platform I don't get where it is I don't care how small or how large the auditorium my house decides the crowd I die a thousand I died a thousand deaths because I know better than anyone else in the whole world that I cannot give it to you that I have no healing virtue I have no healing power you and I are dependent on the power of the Holy Spirit remember this moment God in position the Great Creator I'd like to think of him as being the big one up his right hand in position of great High Priest the very son of the Living God and everything that you and IV seen must come to you know this place of worship as the Holy Spirit the one through whom Jesus offered himself before he ever came to Earth in the form of flesh the Holy Ghost the mighty third person is here and as he moves upon this audience it's a moment like this what I feel like being seated because you don't need you may have never been in the service access in your life before I do not lay a hand on you and pray on you come up till you have been healed in you slip up the steps over here are the steps over here eyes closed for just a minute every eye closed in a great resolution move upon this people and we bow before the Father we bow before the Sun and we the presence or disabilities to be careful to give you the globe wheelie bar forget about Kathryn Kuhlman forget about anyone else in this place today just close your eyes for just a moment in society leave of Jesus while I was speaking somebody received a healing for emphysema just breathe very deeply you'll find that you're breathing perfectly there's not a trigger if the seamer there just breathe very deeply the powerful the ghost is gone through that behaviour it happened while I was speaking there's another cancer healing someplace and every bit of pain has left that body it happened while I was speaking every bit of pain has left that body and if someone was in great pain you're becoming very conscious of the fact that the pain has left that body in just a split second just a moment ago I don't know where you are in the auditorium but somebody's here opened I could have stopped I will agree the Holy Spirit I stopped there hold that ear to close somebody has gotta be hoping for an ear that's all that I know something I don't know what it is but something is happening the wheelchair section that's the only thing that I know something is happening back there is all over this base just saw require our lujah Oh the power of God goes to this body but in this gene the power of a diner stop down in the foot stop is there no pain there at all you mean none walk across there just walk across there give her a great come on is there no pain honey stop down again I'm just stuck down again as hard as you can where are you from from to star dear Jesus right now the power voltage is gone through this body we give you the praise that's the power is it hurt were you expecting this today yes again is this yours well go on come on do it and going down here I go on go on go on go on there she goes what is this over here didn't get me what is this don't cry never be nothing don't cry she said I'm kind of I'm not a believer and work to believe I want to believe but she said I'm not a believer my knowledge we've come to the hour when it's not only faith it's the mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ move your shoulders goodnight is there no pain there put your arms up right now put your arms as high as you can swing your twin is there no pain there where you from I'm right here in Vegas where do you go to church oh good I knew I'd wind up in the synagogue dear Jesus just eggs the paranoid always goes to this body we thought we give you the brain we gonna give you the blow three wonderful cheese just do everything that you could not have done without pay just do it come here I'm so glad for you I'm so glad for you this is the first date look who's wheelchair is it which one come here run hurry up come on oh look give them a raise come here come here yummy you mean it hard for you to believe come on you did you tell the people up I don't believe it he said I don't believe it because hardly or detained three children her chest had open-heart surgery no you mean your chest is Hardrada bleep are you from refre Las Vegas Las Vegas he said we're local where do you go to church eternity whenever God love ya you just haven't been able to go I wrote to you a couple of weeks ago in your head cool run across there again and show your husband Oh don't thank me I didn't have anything in the world to do with it you look so funny go to your wife for it just give this dear husband a double dose just give it to him just give it to me the power goggles to this body my double and dear Jesus heal his spine just heal his spine just throw it in for good measure bend over just just been the old word he's really pain at all he said look at that mama mama look at it bend over again you hold the personnel you're more able to hold it going hold it down look at that tell the people watch I couldn't do that before not go all the way down though pull all the way down give him a great honey walk down those steps I was gonna see you walk down those steps go on go on walk down those steps right now go on look there she goes he said are you sure she'll be all right can't you see why God repented he ever made man sure she'll be alright go on go on go on go on go on give them a great big applause good good good come here Gila that came in this wheelchair partially blind unable to walk unable to move the doctor was just questioning her have him come over here you had possible but you stand there though you're scared still did you expect to be walking today no what today not like this but good go on over there go on pick him up who's with you a member of your family Mountain Springs is this her come here doctor come here John Hopkins I knew I need you and your juggler you mean the doctor no not that one I've got to cheer you push buttons and you go to town you around and your doctor has just ordered you a new one yeah take it back and get a refund I can't miss Kuhlman this is wonderful I was talking with her a moment ago and she tells me that since 1969 she's had multiple sclerosis and when she came in today in the wheelchair she was unable to walk she had pain in her head she had double vision and couldn't see straight she had lost the sensation and every bit of this has completely disappeared she was so ecstatic when she found she could lift up her knees I thought she was gonna jump right off of the stage it's really marvelous the first time you've lifted your knees up four years five years come on any of your doctors the first time in five years yes I can rip me but I remember something usually I think that it's a very open she using muscles ligaments that she has not used for five years go on go on going down the steps go on honey she says I sure will give her a week to exercise her legs give her a week to exercise those legs down she goes and where's her wheelchair you taking it down go on there they go there they go there they go okay honey get your wheelchair you here's your wheelchair push it on down she said I don't want it go go go on now and get it that's right there she goes give her a red big applause the doctor what is this this little 11 year old boy had rheumatoid arthritis affecting his hips and his knees and his ankles wrists and this is his wheelchair you mean digit little boy future this in the most beautiful shots I would have come to Las Vegas just for the healing of this youngster how old are you honey Tel Aviv a whole jar what's your name I want you to see this little wheelchair look this little wheelchair for May prolific 11 year old boy rheumatoid arthritis this is grandmother the grandmother who brought him remember walk across the stage honey walk across there if you want to see a beautiful face if you want to see a beautiful victor smile in his face here's his wheelchair how many feel like it all worthwhile put about hands look at his weird the smile on his face you can't doubt the smile you can't doubt this smile and Grandma broader put in there here in Vegas but were you people go to church First Baptist Church him up real walk again keep them up real high heel higher steel higher look look look look all you have to do is to exercise him that's all on earth again their little face does nothing hurt does it hurt you mean it doesn't hurt okay take your wheel check you push it honey go on there he goes there we go here we go give him a great big dog to give you the praise we vow to give you the blow it's not my mind it's not my power but it's by my spirit go down the aisle honey I wonder good on this main aisle turn around turn around put your old wheelchair honey this is holy ground Oh God look I'm going to see you're riding a bike tomorrow tomorrow you'll be righted bicycle put the old wheelchair away the riding his bicycle tomorrow put in this gene cancer of both hips of the bone and that's her wheelchair is there no pain at all dear Jesus I worship him and the probabilities have gone through his money the power of God gone through this much that's power and the fire the hose these people for those who are new here they are not fainting this is the power of God understand it I don't understand it sometimes I think these old physical bodies of ours are just not geared for this much power this is power believe me did you expect to be out of that wheelchair in this place today no she said I expected to be in that wheelchair for a long time so in that wheelchair section you didn't expect oh honey that's alright a wig or two doesn't mean anything think nothing of it think nothing of it stumble on your legs just stomp down tiger is there no pain still hard your honey bee will drop on harder yet is there no pain cancer a boat hips yes shut down do that do everything you could not have done before every and is it still your baby none squat down again put it to the pit then go back to your doctor and have the whole thing are you amazed that you were that pain look across there go on she said I expected to be in that wheelchair a long time paralyzed came from Denver totally paralyzed on this side not feeling and her sons with her she just got out of the hospital and you did you're flying in from Denver tell the people what we just flew in yesterday morning and my mother had a stroke in June of 72 and I've got to tell you something this is a confirmation because I'm a flight attendant for United Airlines and I graduated and went to New York and I caught home and talked to my father and he said that she had a complete stroke and they didn't know what the she was gonna live or die and my first OJT flight was to Las Vegas the next day the next day it was to Las Vegas and I said oh Lord and it was a brand-new I wasn't even a Christian and I just prayed that the Lord would heal her and when we believed it and we felt led to come in and my mother's had paralysis on the right side she just got out of Swedish Hospital in Denver and had over $3,000 worth of medical tests run on her a week and a half ago and the doctors had to be on medication the rest of her life and she's healed pick up your late pick up your legs pick up your legs you can't open your hand she could never squeeze me this Harvey corner in a right hand are you sure didn't your mother did you expect all this to happen well I kept I didn't know if I had Powerball that's proof of the old skeptic that I didn't push her down this is the power of God in this place oh honey don't forget again you forget about the week nobody cares a little thing like a wig who cares honey you get getting your own done look at this that this is Cyrillic that's alright honey that's beautiful that's beautiful yeah that's alright and a few minutes I'll take it off and try it on myself at the Allied again big nothing of it put both arms right straight up swing your arm can you feel any different than one than the other none pick up your legs right now pick up your name where can just be verified what hospital some Swedish hospital talk to booth doctor Bloomquist and when you can today you're paralyzed on which side my faces numbers could be keep him in out yeah yeah she also had a bladder infection and you doctor what happened a surgery where my doctors come on did this face tip of any paralysis of the face and left there your Jack home gym is tighten tighten the open we're having a little clinic okay now clench your teeth now can you whistle okay good now put your tongue out all right all right what do you find doctor I don't find any evidence of any paralysis give her a great go on both of his ears open today are you a doctor who are you you're a scientist I don't want you together I know that I want you to forget who I am but this is a scientist and it's true the two hardest people in the world to convince a doctor and a scientist what happened to you today will forgive you you made a statement to the audience just now somebody heard for the first time I had damage to both ears and had gone to an ear specialist and had air phones put on and he turned the frequency up and he said it's no use you getting a hearing aid because both nerves are dead both nerves I don't know so then then your attendant down there started to giving me a test and pretty soon I don't know myself she's talking do you hear me perfectly no I hear you do you hear me now I hear you you hear me not I do you hear me now I do you know you hear me now oh you know do you still hear me I still hear you and the nerves are dead in both ears and they wouldn't even fit you with a hearing aid no siree did you believe when you came in here today no you not believe when you came in here today that's right what's right you didn't believe I didn't blink anything does help me why did you I lost faith in everything why did you come well sort of out of curiosity do you the order over God is really nice do you want to know is what God is really like this is His mercy give him a big big there goes a scientist who came in and didn't believe a thing young me is impossible for her to walk it is impossible tell about vision you've been interviewing but she she had very severe pain in her knee she had very radical surgery on her knee she can't bend it but she had very severe pain after the surgery and the doctor told her it would be months before she'd ever get out of a wheelchair it was the knee they removed the entire need the entire me I can't walk before I think about my crutches and this is what you were wearing to be able to walk attached to your shoes and in all the way up walk across there now but walk across there now and you mean that was impossible he gathered if you moved give her a vote both kneecaps have been removed did you expect to be walking today well I was hoping and praying I would like a tip trainer it's been so impossible and I stared Jesus from this moment on and the power of God goes to this body and the power of the Holy Ghost does go through this body we bow to give you the praise we bow to give you the glory for ever and ever we give you the praise do you know how impossible it is for this woman is impossible for her to walk is it all new to you you've never been anything like this before awesome and she's scared to death come on come on go on keep on keep right on it's impossible it's impossible for her to be walking without all this paraphernalia give her a great day you can oxygen this man has a hole in his heart did you ever go to a church service where they had an oxygen tent aboard it we call it that I stood what what doctor Oh what an oxygen tent he cannot he can not live without it he even Heather while he sleeps and the man himself can't believe it he said not yet walk across there go on walk across there just walk across there you won't fall apart go on keep on walking go on keep on coming after mrs. board put up a hand come on how do you feel it is hard for you to believe you bet where are you from Deering Vegas are you Indian Springs Indian Springs you go to any Church oh no not here yeah yeah in a dream where they'll be in ok yes sure the Indian boy yeah yeah you're a Mormon because I sure thank you well honey I did everything to do with it yeah I've heard y'all day but I think yeah you think I heard y'all then you feels like it this is a is it an all-day thing okay you feel great huh what are you gonna do with the whole thing you just look forward here's his oxygen dip and here's his wheelchair you cannot believe this service today the same person that you were before going down there walk down those steps you did okeydoke all right look go go on walk down those steps Donny goes go on walk down those steps go on forget there's anyone else here take anything take anything you want for the master just look up just look up right now and worship him softly Alleluia we give you up take anything whose your eyes and shake it again if anything happened to this body I know you mine just goes they give you pray you know later for each of us there comes a time when life must end and even that physical hearing that you receive comes to an end I'm talking about the greatest miracle that a human being you know I'm talking about to that spiritual healing that miracle that every person is place can have I don't care who you are and you say Catherine's woman that's what I want that spiritual healing I want that delivered from sin I want the forgiveness of my sins I don't care who you are I don't care the sins of your night how steeped in sin that you may be if you're come to him here forgive your sins he'll transform your life you give you peace of mind in peace of soul Jesus says calm and the spirit says calm and you come and I'll pray for you come from all over the auditorium come and stand right here and I'll pray for you I'm talking about that spiritual healing so they they resolve it slowly there's something about that you're they call that's new I want you to forgive my sins I want that miracle this is the greatest miracle miracle for all of eternity that's what I want peace of mind peace come Jesus is on the spirits is calm there's power in the name of and still they call he'll give you that they come the aisle gold-filled then stay in Vegas city if you can't get out of the aisles to Staten the aisles are filled everywhere there's me that's one women living to make intercession for me you
Channel: Doom Caster
Views: 171,598
Rating: 4.8434916 out of 5
Id: 0bgX1Ta_FnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 39sec (3459 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2016
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