How to Receive the Holy Spirit + Gift of Tongues Activation (LIVE)

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the holy spirit gave me very clear direction on what we're to do tonight now if you come to any of our services around the world when we travel and we do the encounter services as we're now calling them around the world they're evangelistic in nature so you'll hear me minister a message of salvation and we preach the gospel to the lost and people come forward and are saved what you're attending here tonight and what you're watching here tonight is a monthly gathering specifically for believers this is a service where impartation takes place this is a service where believers receive a fresh infilling of the power of the holy spirit this is where miracles happen and we gather together to stir one another to greater faith it's where we honor the name of jesus and allow the holy spirit to do as only he can do so tonight the focus that the holy spirit gave me was a simple one the holy spirit instructed me tonight to preach about the baptism with the holy spirit and fire and the lord made it clear to me tonight that he's going to activate the gift of speaking in tongues in many people here tonight and he's going to activate the gift of tongues in many of those watching if you've prayed for that gift if you've been believing for that gift and you've been disappointed time and time and time again you've heard all the teaching in the preaching and i'm sure it's all been wonderful but tonight the holy spirit is present and he's going to stir that gift to action finally once and for all so we're believing also for healing miracles in every service we pray for the sick it's just what god has called us to do we're an evangelistic healing ministry with an emphasis on introducing believers to the ways of the holy spirit simple vision that god gave us win the lost pray for the sick and introduce believers to the holy spirit it's that simple and in doing that we've seen god do tremendous things all around the world so as i minister this message tonight i want you people of god if you already have the gift of speaking in tongues to also listen for other things that god may want to do in you because the extent of the holy spirit's power isn't capped at the gift of speaking in tongues it's so much more than that that that power is so much more so as i'm teaching the word i want you to be praying within your own heart for those who are present here believing to receive that healing gift and believing to receive that gift of tongues believing to receive deliverance it's all here tonight the power is present in these meetings you can sense it the moment you walk in the door and because of that our faith is stirred and when our faith connects with that power miracles happen so i'm going to minister this message on receiving the holy spirit and activating the gift of tongues then we're going to pray and activate that gift and many of you here as well as those watching online after that i'm going to pray for the second we're going to believe god for tremendous healing miracles tonight we've been seeing tremendous miracles i mean if you've been watching the highlights online or you've been attending here in person you know we're seeing miracles every time we gather and miracles are a mark of the holy spirit's presence that's one of the ways god endorses one of his moves this is a move of the holy ghost and you're a part of it tonight so father i pray in the name of jesus that you help us to receive your word help me father to be guided as i speak your truth and help your people to receive both in this place and watching online help us receive these truths that our lives might be transformed and we ask this in jesus name after tonight don't let us be the same and all who agreed said amen thank you ishmael you may be seated otherwise you're going to be playing for a while while i preach so but you can join if the spirit moves you so just be sensitive just do what the holy spirit says and he'll he'll guide you i'm sure the holy spirit's better at guiding the worship team than i am anyway so i want to talk about receiving the holy spirit and this gift of speaking in tongues that we hear so much about if the church is going to survive this hour not just survive but thrive in this hour we need the baptism with the holy spirit and fire it's the only chance that we have of really coming against these strategies of the enemy that are for today and there are many wicked agendas playing out before us in this day and age this is why god has raised you friends of the holy spirit because that's what this room is filled with that's who's watching us online we are friends of the holy spirit people who walk with him it's why you're here because you love the presence of the holy spirit because you love his word because you love to worship him because you love to have your faith stirred you are god's answer to the wickedness in this generation god has determined to place you here and now on the timeline because there is a call on your life because there are gifts within you there are ministries yet to be birthed there is spiritual powerful potential pact within you and the holy spirit is your partner in releasing that which god has placed inside of you you are called for such a time as this don't worry about what's going on in the world whenever i see society and political parties and economic structures tending toward disorder if i compare it with the rest of human history i become excited because i know that god always seems to show up right when you think it's over right when you think it's done and there's no way out the holy spirit comes in and surprises everyone it's like the prophet elijah when he called down fire from heaven elisha elijah called down fire from heaven because he wet the altar why did he wet the altar before calling down fire elijah wet the altar before calling down fire because he wanted to prove that it wasn't a work of man he wanted to prove that this fire can burn through anything so when i look around at the way the world is now i don't see demise i don't see the end of the church i don't see things tending toward the end as far as the world believes the end will go what i see is a glorious church rising and the power of the holy ghost moving and i don't care what prophet told you what god has not done with america well i heard i saw that america's not in the book of revelation yeah so are hundreds of other nations not in the book of revelation but that's because the focus is on israel but that doesn't mean that america doesn't have a part to play in fact in the scripture you'll see in the book of jeremiah that there's something that you'll see it's like a prophetic clause where god will relent of punishment or from punishing a nation if that nation will turn to him if a nation turns to him he blesses that nation if it turns from him he brings down judgment but here's the great thing about it is that what god needs in any nation is a righteous remnant who are not willing to let go so stop throwing up your hands in defeat and saying okay lord get me out of here he put you here that revival might come stop listening to conspiracy theory prophets that's really what's happened in this day and age the conspiracy movement in america has blended with the prophetic ministry and we have pollution i'm just being real with you guys there's pollution and and whereas the prophetic ministry was supposed to bring godly warning that led to repentance the some of the prophetic movement is now bringing this sense of doom and gloom from which there is no turning back but every time god sent a prophet it was always to turn the hearts of the people it's when god stops sending prophets that you're in trouble so stop listening to the mixture of the flesh and put your ear to what the holy spirit is saying lift your eyes and see the harvest is ready the harvest is ripe laborers are few the issue is not the harvest the issue is the laborers that god is looking for people who will surrender themselves and say here i am send me he's just looking for a select few and you are that remnant you are that spirit-empowered group of people who isn't going to back down from the lies of the enemy you're not going to back down from the darkness if you only knew if you only knew the power that god put in you if you only knew you're you're you're not a beggar you're royalty in the spirit if you only knew the places of authority you're seated in i'm not coming at this going oh my goodness i'm just going to do what little i can to see what little can be accomplished and hopefully god blesses my meager efforts and lord please just a little drop of your spirit here and a little drop of your spirit there no god has given you the authority of heaven to call down the reign of the spirit and turn things around we're the head not the tail we're the authority not the servants we are god's authority in the earth every believer has the holy spirit this is one of the questions that put that is put to me most often brother david how do i receive how do i receive how do i get him what you need to understand is that the moment that you were born again the holy spirit of god came to live within you not a portion of the holy spirit not a new convert version of the holy spirit not a junior holy spirit not a baby holy spirit not a less potent holy spirit but the same holy spirit who was in christ jesus himself came to dwell in you the moment you gave your heart to the lord what does the bible say in ephesians 1 13 the scripture says and when you believed in christ when when you believed in christ he identified you as his own how by giving you the holy spirit whom he promised long ago when did i receive the holy spirit when i believed in christ so the moment you repented of your sins the moment you turned to jesus the holy spirit of god came to dwell in you this is why you're so frustrated this is why you're seeking and not finding because you're looking for something as if you don't have it you're looking outwardly instead of inwardly you're looking at experience to validate a truth that you should already know by faith i never had that shaking of the electricity on my body i never felt the heat i never broke down and cried i never fell over i haven't spoken in tongues yet what does the bible say when you believed in christ he identified you as his own by giving you the holy spirit so we have backwards thinking when it comes to receiving the holy spirit we think that we get saved and then receive him when in reality you couldn't have been saved in the first place without him the holy spirit comes to dwell in me in fullness the moment i give my heart to jesus as a believer i am given the holy spirit to help me believe as a person of faith i'm given the holy spirit to help me have faith and so what happens is we begin to compare our encounter with god with other people's encounters and instead of looking at the scripture we look at the experiences of others and then the enemy because we're not aware of the truth begins to plant doubt and we feel that god is neglecting us we feel that god is ignoring our prayers we become frustrated because we feel like no matter how much i ask him for the holy spirit he doesn't give him to me the reason you're not getting the holy spirit when you pray that prayer is because you already received the holy spirit when you believed and once we become convinced of this truth that every believer has the holy spirit the natural question then becomes what is this other experience described in the scripture what is this something more that believers talk about what is this extra touch of power that i've heard so much about here's a question for you you have the holy spirit but does the holy spirit have you what does that even mean you know i say that a lot the baptism with the holy spirit it's not a matter of me getting more of the holy spirit but of him getting more of me you've heard me say that probably because i say it a lot and it's something that i'm very passionate about teaching what does that mean i'll tell you when i was saved i was i was 11 years old and at the age of 11 i had already been battling severe anxiety and depression for years i was plagued with a gripping fear as a little kid i would lie in my bed at night staring at the ceiling with drops of sweat pouring down my face because of the fear that gripped me i would have visions of hell i physically visibly saw in the natural realm demonic beings moving around there were evenings when i would see faces coming out of the wall to torment me i could tell you many stories about these encounters but my goal is not to glorify the demonic i'm just telling you this is what happened to me i would hear whispers voices following me around demonic torment and i remember this fear of hell being so gripping so heavy so tormenting that it wasn't just a once in a while thought it was something that remained right before my mind almost every second of every day i'm a fourth generation christian third generation preacher but i did not know jesus i memorized verses but i did not know jesus i attended church but i did not know jesus i knew jesus historically i knew jesus philosophically his teachings were wonderful i knew jesus socially in that my family all knew him but i did not know jesus personally until one day during a week-long bible conference god completely changed my life if you grew up in church then you know that for a family that's really dedicated the bible conference the annual bible conference is your annual family vacation they would have monday night tuesday night wednesday night thursday morning thursday afternoon thursday night friday morning early prayer like always early and then the breakouts and then the afternoon sessions david you know what i'm talking about then then then the evening service and you come out just charged and ready to take the world for jesus but i couldn't even sit in the services because the worship agitated me those demonic influences hovering about so i stood in the hotel room where me and my family were staying and one evening my dad comes back in the room and i just i just realized i was done i said i'm done dealing with this i need to get saved and the reason i didn't get saved up to that point was because even though i was very young i was still very religious and sometimes in order to have the real thing you have to admit you had a counterfeit that's what keeps some people from really experiencing the depths of god because they can't admit that everything they've worked for and had was actually a counterfeit and until you get rid of the counterfeit you can never have the real thing so i give my heart to the lord my dad's praying with me i'm sitting on the edge of the bed he's leading me in the sinner's prayer and i know the sinner's prayer isn't in the bible in the bible you won't find the sinner's prayer but you know what you do find sinners who pray so i'm there giving my heart to the lord and as i'm praying this prayer tears are streaming down my face my mouth was shaking i was so moved i couldn't even get the words out but i'm praying it in my heart and the moment i prayed that prayer i felt as though jesus himself walked in that room and when jesus walked in every demonic influence walked out [Applause] and from then on i began to seek the lord through the scriptures and prayer and i would read books on revival in the holy spirit and prayer and so forth and as i began to seek the lord there was some movement some momentum to my spiritual growth excited about everything i was discovering i was reading the book of acts and i was reading the gospel of john the book of james one of the first books i read as a new convert back then i would skip the genealogies today i don't but i would i would go through the different portions of the bible just thrilled to see what i could discover about jesus and god today and then seemingly out of nowhere i hit like a wall and i couldn't move past that wall of course being of a religious disposition i began to doubt i began to fear and i began to ask god questions like did i upset you did i say something wrong did i pray something i wasn't supposed to did i not read enough of the bible today did i not pray enough hours today performance based and so i remember one night i closed the door behind me in my room i locked it i walked in my room my room got a little warm so i turned on the ceiling fan i turned on the light so i could see the bible that was placed on my desk i had an old pc and i had these speakers on the pc i turned up the music began to play worship i began to seek the lord and i told the lord lord i am not moving from this spot until i have a true and life-changing encounter with you now desperation has its place desperation is a great initiator a terrible sustainer desperation means i'm lacking something i can't be desperate for something i already have if you're starving spiritually my question to you is why aren't you eating daily spiritual hunger is healthy spiritual starvation is unhealthy seeking god is healthy seeking god out of desperation is unhealthy we've been taught the other way why because because we have emotional alchemy is what we have experience hype that's what we deem as the move of the holy spirit yes the holy spirit can cause a moving of your emotions but the moving of your emotions cannot cause the move of the spirit and so i began to pray desperately so and god was about to teach me something i remember i prayed for one hour just seeking him praying not being moved one hour went by and absolutely nothing happened i mean it was to the point where i was trying to read the scripture and as i read the scripture i would lose my train of thought and start thinking of something else and then come back and say what did i just read have you done that before you're reading and you're like 30 verses and you're like wait a minute wait i was not paying attention to what i was reading i'm praying i'm praying i'm praying i'll never forget that first five minutes i told myself man an hour and a half must have gone by look at the clock five minutes passed so i'm saying okay okay i know what i'll do i have the answer i have the solution so i reached back in my mind for every spiritual warfare teaching you could possibly imagine and i started rebuking the spirit of this and the spirit of that and the spirit of laziness and the spirit of prayerlessness and the spirit of doubt sometimes i think we create more names than there are actual demons i mean if there is an adjective we attach it to the devil the spirit of bad traffic so i'm rebuking imaginary things in the corner you won't stop me from praying i plead the blood an hour of that going back to when i was seven breaking the curse coming against the enchantment coming against ungodly prayers anybody coming against me with ungodly prayers i have my holy spirit bubble i'm putting up and all ungodly prayers are being destroyed an hour of that nothing happened so then i said i'll go theological i know a lot of verses i've been memorizing verses since i was a kid i'm going to start praying the word i'm going to start using all of the theological techniques about prayer and focusing and not focusing on that and making sure i say this and so forth and so on and i went on and on and on with intercessory prayer and prayer by the word and everything i could possibly muster in my intellect i applied an hour goes by and still nothing happened at that point i was beginning to regret my ultimatum you know the whole i'm not going anywhere i'm not going to eat i'm not going to sleep until you touch me at that point i'm thinking okay maybe i spoke too soon and i don't even know what i was looking for i couldn't tell you was i looking for a physical sensation was i looking for an emotional outburst was i looking for a vision from heaven i don't know what i was even looking for all i knew was that i wanted god you see without the holy spirit we're just wandering around in the dark trying to feel our way towards him stumbling over our emotions and doubts being hindered by things we can't even see about ourselves the complexity of the human heart deterring every prayer and we have no chance of connecting with god by means of method all my methods failed all of the intellect failed so then i reached for emotions you ever try to guilt god into a response god if you see me god if you hear me don't you love me jesus god is not moved by your emotion he's moved by your faith so i'm crying out i'm reaching for everything i've got and i think sometimes too we have this idea of being in the spirit is almost like this new age way of doing it is this this kind of floaty alm i'm just sensing his spirit most people don't realize that's not even the holy ghost that's just your emotional alchemy it's nothing got real quiet there oh if i'm wandering around real soft and gentle like i'm floating on a cloud means i came out of prayer and i'm in the presence of god no you're just kind of emotionally high right now is what that is now again that can come about from an encounter with the holy spirit we've seen it but i've seen people fret and become full of doubt and wonder why god is ignoring them just because they don't feel all floaty and at peace well brother david if you're in the presence of god you're always at peace well tell abram that when god gave him such a terrible nightmare that he was terrified not always the case so that hour goes by my carpet was drenched with tears i kid you not if you touched it your hand would be wet so many tears coming up four hours went by nothing nothing happened so i stood there hands uplifted i got up off the floor hands up lifted eyes are closed and i said i don't know how to pray i don't know how to find jesus please help me find jesus and a still small voice spoke to me turn off the fan i thought that was odd i turned off the fan and it was then that i realized just how loud that fan was clanking the whole time turn off the light turned off the light stop focusing on things in this room the voice very clearly said for now close the bible i had read like 30 chapters already close the bible so i closed it i felt a little uncomfortable about that but my religious spirit was very much exposed when god told me to turn off the music and i said but you can't move without the music i said that to him you can't move without the music i've been taught so i turn off the music standing there hands lifted nothing about the atmosphere was heavenly had you walked in you would have you would have walked in on me just standing like this in the dark but in that moment i sensed the guidance of the holy spirit come upon me i told me just to lift my hands and wait you see i gave up in a good way i gave up trying it my way oh my goodness so much of the new age has crept into the church we don't even know it we don't even know it and we say amen and then we go home and we do things that are so new age we don't even know it we are so reliant upon our methods and our systems and our programs the holy spirit does not move upon systems he moves upon surrender god is not looking for you to approach him systematically he's looking for you to approach him sincerely so the holy spirit breathes on me all i know is i gave up doing it my way and i was just waiting for him to do his thing do you realize that god was watching me for four hours waiting for me to get out of my own way church hear me now your intense desire for an encounter with god can itself become a hindrance to an encounter with god we're so focused on the experience of him that we forget him so i'm standing there the holy spirit moves on me and suddenly the ordinary plain mundane settings of my room are illuminated and they become heavenly when i tell you that i was standing in the presence of god i'm telling you i was standing in the presence of god standing there with my feet planted my hands raised i felt the gentle breeze of the holy spirit blow across my room i stood at a tension reverent toward his presence and then pulses of electricity began moving up and down my body quickly vibrating intense heat comes over me my body begins to tremble i begin to weep i have no idea what's happening my eyes were closed my hands were lifted but i just knew that jesus was standing in front of me and church when i tell you that i was afraid to move i'm telling you i didn't want to move so much as an inch and i stood there in the quiet of that moment afraid to open my eyes because i thought he's so real right now that if i open my eyes i'm going to see him standing there staring back at me i didn't want to move my hand because i thought i might fill it brush up against his robe and that moment lasted for a few seconds maybe a few minutes i don't really know when you have encounters with god like that time is irrelevant i don't know how long i was standing there i don't know how long i was in that whatever you want to call that but however long i was in that whether it be a few minutes or a few seconds had i waited a hundred years for it every second would have been worth it [Applause] now something was activated that day something happened in me i can't explain it but it was a turning point for my life and ministry oh god help us to get past all of man's religion god help us to get past our methods and our systems and our search for comfort and familiarity just surrender to the holy ghost so many of our questions has got angry with me i don't fill him what's the problem that all stems from religion superstition paranoia fear ignorance of the word oh i was ignorant of his word the holy spirit was already in me but the holy spirit had not yet consumed every aspect of who i was because i had yet to surrender it go to acts 4 i want to show you this in the scripture because my experience alone should not be the standard let's look to the scripture now acts chapter 4 verses 29 through 31 say this and now oh lord hear their threats and give us your servants great boldness in preaching your word stretch out your hand with healing power may miraculous signs and wonders be done to the name of your holy servant jesus acts 4 verse 31 after this prayer the meeting place shook and they were all filled with the holy spirit then they preached the word of god with boldness here's what disturbed me about this portion of scripture this is acts chapter 4. this is after acts chapter 2 obviously but this event that occurred was after the day of pentecost where the church had already received the power of the holy spirit now wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute did not they already have boldness we're not they already witnessing miracles hadn't they already received the holy spirit on the day of pentecost yes yes and yes in fact peter and john were among that group in acts 4 go up a few verses to verse 23 the bible says as soon as they were freed peter and john returned to the other believers and told them what the leading priests and elders had said now wait a minute peter preached with boldness in acts chapter 2 on the day of pentecost yet here in acts 4 the scripture says that after the holy spirit comes upon them peter and john present in that room that then they begin preaching with boldness then they began seeing miracles church what this shows us is that the move of the holy spirit the baptism with the holy spirit isn't a one-time experience it's a continual state of being [Applause] it's not like water in a cup it's like wind in a sail that continually moves that ship forward it wasn't that they received more from the holy spirit it was that they surrendered more to the holy spirit the holy spirit hear me now the holy spirit is all in are you he's fully committed he dwells inside of you so you have the holy spirit but it's in the surrendering to the holy spirit that what we have in us manifests around us you already have your spiritual gift you already have an anointing from on high that's the first john 2 27 says you already have the ability to understand the word you already have your preaching gift you already have boldness for evangelism you already know how to pray but it's untapped power that rests within you and the only way you tap into that power is by surrendering to the holy spirit in greater depths for every level of surrender there is a level of power that comes this includes the gift of speaking in tongues there are people in here and there are people watching live who want the gift of speaking in tongues but there are so many barriers that we put between us and god that really we block what he wants to do that gift hear me now is already in you we lift our hands say give me the gift lord give me the gift lord give me the gift lord give me the gift flour he's saying i did give you the gift when you received the holy spirit who gives the spiritual gifts the holy spirit who lives in you the holy spirit so if the one who has that gift is already in me then the gift of tongues is already in me this is one of the greatest breakthroughs that you can have is coming to this understanding that you in fact do have the gift within you it's not about you receiving the gift of tongues it's about you activating and releasing romans 8 26 is this blessing you this evening romans 8 26 romans 8 26 says and the holy spirit helps us in our weakness for example we don't know what god wants us to pray for but the holy spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words now there is a lot here and i in fact have done teachings online about the groanings of the spirit what this means but i'll give you the simplified version the holy spirit groans meaning he prays passionately for you the holy spirit prays for you he prays perfect prayers he knows every detail about your character about your mind about your nature and he prays prayers that are perfected just for you so i have the holy spirit in me praying for me and he prays with groanings meaning passion vigor and those groanings cannot be expressed in words why because they're cries of the spirit within me now romans 8 26 here is not specifically describing the gift of tongues but it is talking about the source of that gift what do i mean by that i mean that the holy spirit's prayers for me are what i am praying when i pray in tongues let me show you something first corinthians 14 14 says for if i pray in tongues my spirit is praying but i don't understand what i am saying now wait a minute i have a praying grandmother it's a huge advantage in life many of you know the love of the grandmother you can do no wrong a great preacher once told me that when you're preaching on television or to a camera he says don't picture a big crowd because that gets overwhelming this picture one person you can preach to helps to picture your grandma because everything you say she just loves man when my grandmother would pray for me holy ghost she still does holy ghost i mean bedtime praying in tongues my parents pray for me one of those points in my life when i was dealing with that anxiety i remember my pr my parents praying they were like warriors in the spirit breaking bondages praying in the holy ghost power i would travel all over the place when i was a teenager i would go from meeting to meeting to meeting to get that man of god to lay hands on me or that woman lay hands on me i would get to every prophetic service and sit right in the front row because i wanted a word some of you know what i'm talking about you know they just sit a certain way maybe wear a brighter color do their hair a little higher and they're like okay i'm right here prophesy over me unless you have sin then you're hiding in the back you don't want them to prophesy over you but the reality is that when those people are praying for me they're praying with limitations but when the holy ghost prays for you he prays for you with more love than does your grandmother. he prays for you with more passion than do your parents he prays with more passion for you then you pray for your children you talk about men and women of god laying hands on you and that's a wonderful thing but the holy spirit himself wants to lay hands on you the holy spirit himself wants to move on you he prays for me nobody knows how to pray like the holy spirit knows how to pray all of my flaws he's praying against those all of my shortcomings he's praying against those all of those gifts in me he's praying to stir those the holy spirit prays for me when i pray in tongues my spirit is praying meaning when you pray in tongues the holy spirit is praying for you through you no no no no you didn't hear what i said when you pray in tongues the holy spirit inside of you is using your mouth to vocalize his prayers in this realm what an advantage in life that the holy spirit prays for me and whatever comes about as a result of a stronger spirit comes about as a result of me praying in tongues for the scripture says in first corinthians 14 4 a person who speaks in tongues is strengthened personally edified personally their spirit is grown personally that means whatever comes about as a result of me growing my spirit comes about as a result of me praying in tongues when i pray in tongues i can hear the voice of the holy spirit more clearly when i pray in tongues my evangelism is emboldened when i pray in tongues my spiritual gift is activated and becomes more potent when i pray in tongues revelation flows with ease when i pray in tongues i have a stronger resistance to temptation when i pray in tongues my nature begins to change my character begins to change when i pray in tongues i start to walk different and talk different and act different when i pray in tongues there's something about my life that becomes transformed when i pray in tongues i see greater miracles when i pray in tongues i cast out more devils when i pray in tongues i see glory to glory to glory when i pray in tongues my ministry is improved when i pray in tongues there is power that comes from the holy ghost so how do you receive this how do you receive this wonderful gift of the holy spirit through releasing syllables and sounds and trusting that he'll fill them yes it's that simple you see we imagine and this is why many of you haven't received it yet because you just overthink everything you imagine that you're going to come to the altar you're going to lift your hands you're going to stare at me i'm going to put my hand on your head and suddenly boom this heat's gonna come over you your tongue is gonna be grabbed by the holy spirit himself and he's gonna start moving your tongue up up and down it doesn't happen that way i've heard testimony well brother david when i received the gift of tongues it just came on me and i couldn't stop praying in tongues you may think that but the bible says in first corinthians 14 that the gift of tongues is under my control that's what the bible says so you may have felt like you couldn't stop praying in tongues but you could there's a flow to it yes but that doesn't mean he'll force you yes there is a flow to it but that doesn't mean he forces you what do you do you have to open your mouth and release syllables and sound somebody sent me a hilarious video i was a worship clip you know how you know that church saying come on somebody open your mouth and there's a lady she literally just opened her mouth but that's what people do they wait waiting for something to be sent from heaven not realizing that heaven is in them and it's up to them to release it now i'm serious about this because too many people have blocked themselves from receiving or they overthink it oh this is this is just me this is just me yes yes in part it is you that's how spiritual gifts work i don't lay hands on the sick and then take my hand off while me laying hands it's just me it's just me it's just me you don't share the gospel and say oh i spoke so it's just me it's just me it's just me there's no spiritual gift that isn't at least a little bit you every spiritual gift is a little bit you including the gift of tongues you have to partner with god have the faith to release the sounds and let him fill them so get it out of your head that you're going to be forced by the holy ghost to do it get it out of your head that it's just going to come and you're not going to be able to do anything about it you must participate with the work of the holy spirit i'll illustrate it like this there was a father who was teaching his daughter to pray little girl so he goes into the little girl's room his daughter's room at night kneels with her by her bed and says i'm going to teach you to pray so he talks to god with her they talk about their day they thank god for the many things he's done and they begin to just commune with god well the father left the room a little girl went to bed and the next night the father came back and said why don't you try praying on your own so he left the room shut the door and he put his ear to the door to listen to his daughter praying well all he could hear was his daughter saying a b c d e f g i'm not going to sing the rest but you get what i'm saying said he's listening she's praying the alphabet that's cute that's adorable that's funny he leaves goes to bed comes back the next night same thing she's praying the alphabet now he's getting concerned because that's maybe heresy i don't know he's worried comes back she's still doing that okay he says tomorrow night i'll come back if she's still doing it i have to talk to her comes back the next night puts his ear to the door of course she's praying the alphabet again so he opens the door comes in and very gently very calmly explains sweetie listen when you talk to god you have to talk to god you have to pray you have to commune with him have conversation with him he says you're not praying she says yes i'm praying he goes no you're just singing the alphabet she says but dad i am praying i'm just giving him the letters and letting him arrange them however he wants that's what you're doing when you pray in tongues you're surrendering the syllables and the sounds because it's really a faith language it's the language of the spirit it's the language of surrender leave it to god to hide such awesome power behind such a childlike act so in order to receive it you simply must activate it in order to activate it you must release the sound now i'm going to conclude in the next few minutes and then pray with you to receive this gift and you watching online it's going to be activated in you as well but it's important that you understand the scripture concerning this gift so that no one can lead you astray i want to address a single point here and then it's time for activation are you ready in first corinthians 12 30 paul the apostle asks a rhetorical question that seems to imply that not everyone can pray in tongues here's what that scripture says do we all have the gift of healing do we all have the ability to speak in unknown languages do we all have the ability do we all have the ability to interpret unknown languages of course not now some will look at that portion of scripture and say there it settles it paul says we don't all pray in tongues wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute yes in first corinthians 12 30 paul is asking a rhetorical question and yes he is implying that not everyone prays in tongues and not everyone interprets tongues and not everyone has the gift of healing but first of all let's examine this first of all apply the same logic to the gift of healing as you do to the gift of tongues i mean if this scripture is saying what we think it's saying then you should never once pray for god to heal your loved one unless you feel god called you to have the gift of healing why do we only do that with the gift of tongues how come there's no issue with believing for god to heal my loved one i'll tell you why because the gift of tongues requires a greater level of surrender and people don't like surrendering to the holy spirit this scripture secondly is talking about the public expression of the gift of tongues that requires interpretation he is not talking about the personal prayer language so firstly we can't apply that logic because then it would apply to healing and you could never believe for the healing of your loved one and mark chapter 16 you can just throw that out they that believable lay hands on the sick there's the gift of healing and then there's the operation of it now secondly my second point here he's talking about the public expression the one that requires interpretation in the context of a church assembly third paul the apostle himself expresses the desire for all believers to speak in tongues first corinthians 14 5 i wish you could all speak in tongues let me ask you a question why would paul the apostle wish for something that was contrary to the will of the holy spirit and why would the holy spirit allow for that contradiction to be recorded in the inerrant scriptures fourthly in the book of acts peter himself clarifies who this gift is for in acts 2 verses 33 and 39 this is what the bible says now he is exalted to the highest honor in heaven at god's right hand and the father as he had promised gave him the holy spirit to pour out upon us just as you see and hear today what were they seeing tongues of fire what were they hearing church church what were they hearing they were hearing them pray in tongues just as you see and hear they saw the tongues of fire they heard them praying in tongues verse 39 says this promise what you see in here this promise is to you to your children and to those far away all who have been called by the lord are god fifth whenever the holy spirit fell all prayed in tongues acts 2 4 and everyone present was filled with the holy spirit and began speaking in other tongues as the spirit gave them this ability acts 19 6 says then when paul laid his hands on them the holy spirit came on them and they spoke in tongues and prophesied nobody stood up and said wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait hold on everybody i know it's the day of pentecost i know the holy spirit just fell that's wonderful you're all excited but not all of us are supposed to be praying in tongues here the reality the gift of tongues is for you do you know what a stronghold is a stronghold isn't a strong demon a stronghold is a mindset that needs to be broken casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of god may that mindset be broken in you today you see i can explain all of this but you know what it comes down to people pretend like they have an intellectual issue with speaking in tongues but if you want you just have to read the scripture and see that it's for every believer it's the fact that's the bible guys it's not david hernandez that's the bible the reason people are resistant to the gift of tongues the reason they question whether it's for them it's because of the flesh it's time to surrender your mouth to the holy spirit lift your hands begin pray in the holy spirit church i want everyone all across this room praying in the holy spirit if you pray in the holy spirit there's about to be a great baptism with fire here in this room you watching online god has already given you this gift it's time now to activate it it's time now to allow it to surface don't listen to the doubters don't listen to those who would twist scripture to try to make it seem like the gift is not for every believer i rebuke that in the name of jesus that stronghold tonight is coming down it's coming down it's coming down you never prayed in tongues before and you're ready to receive that gift tonight is your night now look up at me church there's two messages really that i preach tonight firstly i talked about surrender to the holy spirit that's the baptism with the holy spirit baptism is to be filled from within immersed it's basically what it is the gift of tongues is a manifestation of surrender to the holy spirit [Music] so if the holy spirit is calling you to greater depths of surrender now is the time to surrender i want you to take the next minute or so and let's repent of all sins the move of the spirit begins with repentance you watching online it's time to repent there are things in our lives we have to rid ourselves from with the rhythm from our lives i want you right now take a moment and repent of your sin ask him to wash you in his blood [Music] you online if you're expecting the infilling of the holy spirit i want you to leave a comment simple comment just say i expect i expect i expect that's all you have to write [Music] me britain you sense that it's not something you can sense in the physical realm per se it's just the sense of him being here weighty on the room that's what i'm talking about it's just him it's just him [Music] ushers please just let the manifestations of the holy spirit happen just let the manifestations of the holy spirit happen this is the moment for it everybody praying in the holy ghost if you have that gift pray in the holy ghost you watching online it's here now you want the gift of tongues you're ready to receive it you've never spoken in tongues before and i want you to come stand right up at this altar come now come now come now tonight's your night to receive it tonight is your night to receive it that wonderful gift of speaking in tongues that manifestation of the spirit that causes an acceleration in our spiritual lives a fresh baptism with fire the rest of you in your seat i assume that's because you have it or you don't want it those of you sitting down who have it pray in the holy ghost please power of god is here [Music] you online get ready get ready he's gonna touch you right there he's gonna even right now i can sense the wind of the spirit blowing into your room now you who are down here listen to me look at me [Music] we're gonna ask him for the gift to be stirred everything you need you already have you've been searching somewhere for it when it's been within you the whole time here's the challenge you have to open your mouth and you have to give them the sounds you say david does that mean wasn't he going to take over it's just me it's just me that's going to be the lie over and over it's just me it's just me it is partially you but it's also him that's the faith part and when you do this there'll be a flow that comes like when you first learn to drive when i first learned to drive i was very rigid in my driving and then after it's okay just please after a while after a while of driving i began to have smoother movements and it became a natural thing that's what it's going to be like praying in tongues so right where you are lift your hands [Music] and you online lift your hands right where you're watching i want you to say this after me say holy spirit i surrender all i surrender my doubts i surrender my fears i surrender my overthinking [Music] jesus come on call upon his name say jesus baptize me in your holy spirit and with fire ask him you watching online right now ask him ask him ask him now release that sound release the sound of heaven you that are sitting down pray boldly and loudly in the holy ghost [Music] [Laughter] that's the power of god church she just received the gift of tongues [Applause] come on give jesus a hand of praise [Applause] pray out loud and the holy ghost open your mouth receive it bring this gentleman here pray out loud in the holy ghost come here bud receive it we got another one church filled with the holy ghost and speaking in tongues whoa he's here he's here you watching online i'm telling you just begin to release the syllables and sounds and that flow of the spirit will take over condor you up front right here if you just received your heavenly language prayed loudly and boldly come on lift your hands [Music] church they receiving it they're receiving it [Applause] people up here are receiving that gift how many you got it just wave at me wave at me wave at me wave at me look at this church hey bring this guy here [Music] you know you didn't have the gift of tongues before close your eyes lift your hands father i release it here it is that's the power of god on him church that's the power of god on them who else received it who else you got it speak it out [Music] it in loud name come on church give jesus [Applause] she got it she got it bring her here speak it out loud that's it that's it that's it [Applause] [Music] tim there are people up here all praying in tongues [Music] who else wants to share your experience just wave at me i want to share it she got it come on over here what what what happened here you received it come here you're all shaking right now what was that like oh that's like i'm about to cry she's she's in a whole different place church a whole different place you got it come here lift your hands close your eyes pray out loud in the holy ghost i love that the different sounds of the gift of tongues ma'am are you struggling or did you receive it are you did you receive it come here you want to pray in tongues lift your hands close your eyes lighter that's it that's it that's it that's it that's it she got it [Applause] touch lord and phil here's another one right here lighter tongue on fire lord oh yes lord the power of god here how about you sir did you receive it why not i'm just kidding come here it's simple lift your hands close your eyes [Music] that's it that's it that's it it's simple it's simple it's simple [Music] bring this guy right here sir did you receive it yet [Applause] okay lift your hands lord lightest tongue on fire let him speak out in the heavenly language receive it that's it church that's it church [Music] it's the power of god here the power of god here the lord lighter tongue on fire receive the heavenly gift from on high [Music] she's got it she's got it she's got it you do you want this are you praying in tongues yet [Music] okay lift your hands close your eyes lord release that sound on a noun that's the power of god on you man receive it now have you received it yet ma'am you think so lift your hands lord impart now [Music] touch the lord in the name of jesus whoa whoa it's so strong here tonight how about you bud okay you want to receive it you lift your hands touch his tongue [Music] lord [Music] that's it guys he's receiving hold on hold on how old are you bud you're 11. that's when i got saved this is this is an 11 year old boy receiving the baptism with the holy spirit and the gift of speaking in tongues come on church we need to get excited about that [Applause] beautiful presence of the lord what are you feeling on you [Music] you'll never be the same that's for sure you'll never be the same have you received it yet lift your hands close your eyes father ignite that gift there it is that's it that's it [Music] we're pentecostal people of god we believe in speaking in times [Music] what a beautiful manifestation now i want to check in with the online people because the online people are having revival 2 with us and they as i said are coming in from all around the world now i just have to type it in i'm going to go live and see who's on [Music] i have an ad right now thanks to youtube so i'm waiting five seconds for this to pass and there we go if you're in the comment section right now you're watching online i'm there with you right now i want you to type in the comment section i received it it's all you have to type type those three words i received it i received it now there'll be just a few seconds of delay online until we get this report but i am seeing a lot of tests somebody put i got it um somebody else but i expect someone else i connect from denmark yes yes amen i received it wow i received it so amazing lord i received it so it's going so fast again look [Applause] someone put this is so awesome someone put i received it thanks well thank you jesus is what we say around here i received the fire of the holy spirit thank you jesus thank you jesus someone put oh i felt it someone else but i received it i received it thank you jesus i received it i received it i received it i received it i received it i received it church these are people being baptized fresh in the fire of the holy ghost and it's still coming i love this someone put i received it and they put doves up there on the on the comment section this is what god does this is his power wow wow hey do me a favor all you up here very quietly go back to your seat everyone else please stand i want hands lifted all over this room the holy spirit just shifted things on me here very reverently and please nobody nobody leaving nobody walking out that door just for the next few minutes please everyone hands lifted eyes closed stand to your feet please in reverence to the presence of the holy spirit reverence to the presence of the holy [Music] spirit [Music] i hear angels [Music] this is no longer just a church building [Music] we are standing in the very presence of the holy spirit [Music] jesus just take a moment take a moment lift your hands and worship him [Music] lift your hands and worship him come tomorrow [Music] you deserve the glory key of d please and then [Music] you deserve [Music] there is one else like you there is no one else like you for you are great you do miracles so great there is no one else like you there is no [Music] there is no one else like you [Music] there is [Music] softly sing you deserve the glory [Music] and beyond lord we lift our hands in worship as we bless your hope it's our declaration of faith [Applause] there is no one else like miracles [Applause] so father in the name of jesus [Music] we lift our hands in faith to you the great and the mighty healer and lord as we stand here in faith believing i pray that your power come upon this room [Music] [Music] sentences [Music] foreign [Music] is i am [Music] sing at church [Music] foreign [Music] as we stand here in the presence of christ himself [Music] miracles are happening all over the room if you want him to heal you only believe only believe the power is present to heal you watching online only believe all things are possible only believe so father right now i by faith seated in heavenly places [Music] standing in the authority that christ has given to us i stretch my hand forward now towards your people who are stretching their hands toward you [Music] and in the name of jesus i bind up and cast out i bind up and cast out every sickness and disease [Music] you're believing for a healing in your body place your hand on your sickness now's the time gentlemen you're believing for healing in your body place your hand on your sickness now is the time people of god [Music] for it's not by power nor by might but by my spirit says the lord i rebuke that sickness now [Music] everyone who's believing just begin to pray in the spirit and ask god to do it [Music] i come against every sickness now you watching online be healed be healed be healed you standing in this room be healed be healed be healed in the name of jesus i want you to step into that authority if you need someone to pray with you tap someone on the shoulder tell them to pray with you step into that authority and begin to bind that sickness it has to go tonight in the name of jesus it doesn't matter how long you've dealt with it it doesn't matter how serious it is it doesn't matter how life threatening it is it doesn't matter how impossible it seems it has to go tonight tonight right now right now right now faith now faith now faith oh just reach out and touch him he's here in the room with you holy spirit help us to see jesus help us to see jesus that we might be healed take us to him i just heard that right now the holy spirit says he wants to take you to jesus just like the man who was lowered through the roof seeing their faith seeing their faith the holy spirit will have faith for you the people of god will have faith for you only believe only believe the holy spirit is taking you to jesus now get lost in his presence ascend to the heights of glory [Music] and she's present to heal father i rebuke arthritis now it goes in the name of jesus i rebuke skin disease now it goes in the name of jesus i command that shoulder be healed i command that knee to be healed to command those legs to be healed church miracles are happening all over the room right now i rebuke that paralysis paralysis you have to go i said paralysis you have to go in the name of jesus we drive you out blind eyes be open deaf ears be open somebody watching alopecia an issue with your hair falling out god's healing you right now i thank you lord thank you jesus keep praying and believing church i command that elbow be healed command that hand to be healed digestive system be healed heart disease go blood disease go coronavirus we rebuke you in the name of jesus we rebuke you in the name of jesus [Applause] [Music] cancer go now now you devil of cancer you let go of god's people you spirit of death let god's people go now now standing in this place of authority we speak to that spirit of infirmity that prince demon and we cast you out and off of your high place in the name of jesus church as we're praying right now the demons are beginning to run out of this room demons are running out of this room i saw like sickness like a root i saw sickness like a root and the roots were shriveling and coming out of your body oh lift your hands receive it now say me lord me touch me lord i am the god [Music] that healeth thee [Music] i am the lord your healer i sent my word and healed your disease i am the lord your healer it's happening now right now if you're in this place you're believing for a healing it's time to take a step of faith it's time to take a step of faith if you if you had pain i want you to check for the pain if you had a tumor check for the tumor if you had a skin disorder check for the skin disorder i really do believe god is healing his people paralysis is being healed deaf ears are opening eyes are being healed i'm serious step out of the aisle start checking yourself right now right now right now right now something's happening something is happening right now check right now by faith if you couldn't move your legs start kicking your legs if you're in a wheelchair come out of that wheelchair if you came in with the walker put the walker down and start walking god has healed you check for skin disease check for tumors i'm serious right now start checking checking checking something is happening in the room right now my god there's like electricity in the air it's electric right now just begin to if you couldn't bend over bend over if you're wearing glasses take your glasses off look around the room you're healed right now in the name of jesus begin to check right now all over this place move your arms move your legs move your neck check your skin check for the tumor check your breathing check your hearing check your eyes jesus is here and he's healing his people [Music] as you're checking how many have been healed wave at me quickly quickly quickly look at all these miracles church whoa [Applause] did you see that [Applause] [Music] that's exactly right with your team keep it there if you've been healed in your body and you waved at me just now what i want you to do is for the sake of god's people i know this will be a little challenging for some sometimes we get a little shy but if you've been healed if you waved at me like that and said yes i've been healed come out of your seat right now and come stand over here quickly quickly quickly quickly move move move move let's go go go go go now faith now faith now faith look at all of these miracles church give the lord a hand of praise make way for them make way for them if jesus heals you come out of your seat and come testify about what jesus did for you if you're watching online and jesus heals you just begin to type it in the comment section say i am healed church would you look at this and there's still more coming and there's still more coming from all over the place [Applause] wow the people that are watching somebody just said my family is healed someone else watching just saw a vision someone typed um there's janelle said i'm healed terry writes i can feel the anointing wow [Applause] deborah says i saw heaven doors open or heaven doors gold gold they see gold isaac was healed jennifer was healed gs was healed uzi was healed isaiah clarke was healed rachel was healed kelly young was healed suzanne kaye was healed valerie robert was healed dorothy was healed believer was set free i'm not kidding you look at all the testimonies coming in this is what jesus does tell them you sent your word and heal my disease you are the lord you are the lord my gift tell them again you are the god [Music] you are the god that healeth me you are the lord my healer tell him you said your word [Applause] you sent your word and healed [Music] wow okay patrick it's time to move my stuff let me get a drink of water first i don't think i've stopped talking for like two hours give me a moment here [Music] look at this line of all these people have been healed [Music] [Applause] [Music] the rest of you may be seated those of you in line stay in line we're gonna hear about what the lord has done attic and i'm gonna give you my phone be on standby for when i need it because sometimes i have to check in with the the youtube viewers by the way you're watching this and you're wondering what on earth you're watching you tuned into the holy spirit's live stream it's all his what you're about to see are people testifying about how they've been healed by the power of god these are not actors we haven't talked to any of these people i have no idea what they're about to say but they were just sitting in their seats and when jesus healed them we welcome them to come and share about what jesus did for them this is god's power this is a move of the holy spirit and if you love the holy spirit and you love the power of god then i want you right now to subscribe to this channel because you're not just subscribing to a channel you're joining a community of people who love the holy spirit and in this place we love the holy spirit we're friends of the holy spirit subscribe for teachings on prayer in the holy spirit and the power of god and spiritual warfare subscribe for demonstrations of the holy spirit's work subscribe for teachings and worship clips and be a part of what god is doing in the earth today also those of you who are online you can help our ministry by clicking that like button and leaving a ton of comments i saw like one like 1300 people are joining us right now i want all 1300 of you to just flood us with comments about how god is touching your life and every single one of you make sure to click that like button and it will spread this video even further around the world you know it's important that we do things like this because this is how you spread the work of god through means of technology that god has given us okay reuben what happened here dick i have charlize here who's been believing for her miracle now for two years tonight she came expecting and god touched her tonight that she has been healed from her back pain from two years now when she slipped and fell in the tub two years ago ever since stan has had chronic back pain a constant non-stop sitting down for long periods of time standing up even though she was worshiping but when you instructed the crowd to go ahead and believe for the miracle she would she felt this intense warmth come upon her and the pain left and it was for two years you were suffering with this so what happened when you fell i was in a shower at a hotel and the water was too hot so i turned around to get out and somehow i just slipped and fell and that was it and you've been dealing with that pain ever since yes was it a daily thing for you um sometimes how bad was the pain sometimes up to a 10 where i couldn't really do anything and how do you know that jesus healed you tonight because i wanted to sit down but i can stand up now for a lot longer there's no pain in your body and there's no pain in my knee i've been having knee pain for like the past month and i don't know how i got it but my knee is fine so what happened as you're worshiping you sense the power of god yes i've felt warmth it's a nice warm feeling now what couldn't you do before that you can do now can you show us sometimes when i turn um when i bent it [Music] there's no pain two years of that can we give jesus a hand of praise lord we thank you for your healing power [Music] reuben what happened here dick i have raul here a couple years ago he fell in a ditch and he hurt his back ever since then constant pain he said a bunch of stiffness in his back every time he would wake up in the morning and he said today he didn't even really expect to receive his healing but when you instructed the crowd to pray over there over their sickness he prayed over his back and he said he felt the pain go away that instant [Music] in that moment you felt jesus touch your body amen i'm asking um i just noticed the pain was gone i wasn't um i don't know if i i didn't feel like i felt anything i just felt the pain disappear you didn't feel like you what i just felt the pain disappear do me a favor everybody pray in the holy ghost for like two minutes stretch your hands forward pray the holy ghost father we thank you for the presence that's here [Music] give me one moment here thank you sir [Music] yourself [Music] please make sure tonight that as you see what god is doing that you give jesus every bit of glory every bit of glory [Music] no i'm serious i'm serious he won't share his glory don't even compliment me in your mind i don't even want a compliment in your mind only jesus deserves the glory only jesus everything you see here tonight is because i got out of the way i have nothing to do with it other than i say lord i surrender to you and he does it we have to be so so so careful to give him the glory just take a moment now and thank him for these miracles and please promise me that when you leave here you'll be saying not what a great evangelist please leave here saying what a wonderful jesus come on let's thank him thank him so holy spirit we glorify jesus here not men this is your work you may wonder why i stopped the whole flow because i wasn't sensing this this flow like i normally do and something in me said stop and make sure you're directing the glory to god the holy spirit is jealous you know he won't share his glory and if you're sitting there going wow this is a powerful man of god in moments like this it lifts something you need to understand that when you come stand on the platform you're not coming to testify in front of me and god's people you're coming to give god glory [Music] you're coming to give god glory that's why the anointing moves the way it does because it's less of us more of him i want to be like enoch who simply was not and god took him and it's only when euro was not that the glory begins to flow so seeing if we stephen we could sing that please welcome him church [Music] mercy [Music] here seven years now has had ringing pain and loss of hearing in her right ear she said it was due to a work due to a work injury and she said earlier in survey she was praying over her right ear and she said she felt the pain go away i even got the details from her as i was interviewing her i specifically spoke in her right ear to make sure she was able to hear me you verified this by talking in her right ear correct okay pick her up please you see there's a flow here now i wasn't it wasn't here just a moment ago so explain that again please [Music] i just i feel like i've been healed and i had a ringing and pain and anxiety and i just feel like it's been lifted now how long did you have that ringing in your ear for seven to eight years how long seven to eight years seven to eight years and it was your right ear can you do me a favor can you face everybody please with this hand hold my microphone cover your left ear thank you jesus i am healed i can hear you i can hear you [Applause] church this is what jesus does he opens the ears of the deaf [Applause] wow thank you lord thank you lord for this miracle thank you lord for this healing thank you lord that your presence is here and thank you lord that you're manifesting your glory in this way we don't take it for granted we don't take it for granted we honor you and we bless you and the church said amen god bless you you go rejoicing in your miracle now reuben what happened here i have brent here who came believing for his miracle and he received it tonight for a year and a half now has been struggling with chest pain in his stomach and pain in his lungs due to alcohol use and drug use a year and a half now he's been three months sober now tonight he can't believe him for his miracle and then earlier when you instruct a gentleman to go out and pray he said he felt this anointing come upon somebody but come upon him when they prayed over him and he said he felt the pain instantly leave and and explain to me what it was like when you sensed the lord working this miracle oh it was overwhelming i felt the sense of peace and i felt this presence on me and it just it knocked me back on the chair i've never felt anointing so strong before and i felt the discomfort and discomfort in my lungs and that's been every night for about a year and a half i can't even sleep i can't even um you know i'm just thinking about that constantly i feel like it's hitting me up my walk with god and i feel like once i hit the chair the presence or the the pain the discomfort was gone all right and how long have you dealt with that a year and a half now and that was from explain that explain to me because i know you said something about alcohol and drugs how did the alcohol and drugs affect your your body well uh it caused mitral valve prolapse in my heart so like a kind of a regular heartbeat type thing and then um just this ball in my stomach and this pain right here that would not go away for a year and a half now so and then now i don't feel it anymore so lift your hands [Applause] stretch your hands forward and pray for him he said he's never sensed anything like this sir the holy spirit is on this platform with us for when you glorify the name of jesus the presence of the holy spirit manifests father thank you for freeing this man from every addiction thank you for marking his life now father i pray you put your fire in him and let him preach your gospel and let the captives go free in the name of jesus and the church said that's god's power on him [Music] that's god's power on him pick him up now you go rejoicing walk in your freedom what did you feel go through you right now uh overwhelming peace and just i don't know it was overwhelming that's a good word to you yes joy freedom freedom yeah righteousness peace and joy in the holy ghost and where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty my friend go rejoicing in what god has done for you [Applause] you know when they leave the platform they go on and they step into a whole new life they leave the platform trembling under god's power healed of their ailments and they go walking into a whole new life thank you jesus i think i have reuben here two years ago was diagnosed with a bulging disc and a cyst in her right knee which has caught which has caused constant pain in her back also underneath that cyst has affected her knee she says she hasn't been able to stand on it properly and she said today she felt the glory of god come upon her she's been shaking ever since and the pain has gone off her body [Music] [Applause] now you had a cyst there i have a cyst on my knee and a bulging disc on my back i couldn't extend my the furthest my knee would go is this far too today i'm able to extend it all the way show me that again furthest my knee would go out would go in was like this and i could never extend it this far but today i'm able to extend it and how long has it been since you were able to do that over two years the work of the holy spirit and what about your back um i couldn't sit or stand for too long and i have no pain at all now i just had an epidural shot not to two weeks ago and it was supposed to work but it didn't i've been having pain all through my travel here from san francisco today it's gone [Music] thank you jesus when i see god's people standing here telling me about what jesus did for them i watched them trembling under the anointing i'm just overwhelmed with gratitude thankful thankful that he chooses to move among us lord let us see even greater miracles let us see even greater miracles i pray father we thank you for what you've done and we thank you for what you're doing father let us see even greater miracles in the name of jesus now she's a little floored here i don't know if that's a contradiction in terms of little floored [Music] but what are you feeling moving on your body right now glory of god is so strong what does it feel like i'm just cold everywhere and it's hard for me to handle it it doesn't hurt it's nothing like that it's just i can't contain it well you go and you do that pentecostal walk and see if help her down the stairs because it's all over her you want that lord let it come on your people out there sitting in their seats and those watching online in the name of jesus reuben dick i have blessy here who has had four years now constant pain in her back her hip and her leg because she was involved in a working incident where she was hit on the right side of her neck causing a bulging disc and has had pain on her back her thighs and her hip and hasn't been able to move her leg properly or bend over or stand or sit for long periods of time today she felt not only heat but coldness upon her and she said the heat the pain started leaving her body when she felt that you're the second one to say that tonight that woman just said she felt like a coldness come on her and when you felt the coldness what happened with the pain it just left just left isn't he wonderful he's marvelous now tell me what was it like to suffer with that for that long of a period of time i haven't been able to sleep um i wake up in the middle of night um my body my right side of my body just consistently in pain and my hip it's i can't sit for too long and it's just it wakes me up at night and tonight jesus has made you whole jesus has made you whole [Music] thank you lord [Music] please don't take it for granted this is not a common thing you're experiencing tonight don't take the move of the holy spirit for granted not like this what he's blessed us with is so unique it's so pure it's so potent don't take it for granted help her up reuben [Music] dick i have ted here ted now has had pain for past couple of days now because as a caregiver he has to lift up people elderly people and he said as he was lifting somebody up he hurt his left shoulder he's had left left shoulder pain ever since thursday and he said today he was believing for his miracle him and his wife both began to pray over his shoulder and he said he felt like this wave come upon him and as that wave hit him he said the pain left his body show us zero zero pain pay this gun thank you lord thank you jesus thank you chihuahua sometimes you feel it like bursts in between you and the person oh wow watch your step pat help him up what did you just spill go through you sir sir what did you feel go through you right now your body feels so light it's a nice feeling thank you jesus well god bless you and you go rejoicing in your healing now thank the lord for what he's done in you [Applause] [Music] wow all right reuben what happened dear i have neil here for her he was actually baptized earlier so oh you you received the gift of speaking in tongues earlier and now you got healed that's awesome yeah it is so what happened with him i think i have neo here a month ago he heard his achilles playing basketball and because of that pain he has had knee pain he hasn't been able to bend it properly and he said today he was believing for his miracle and he felt this heat come upon his knee and look at now he's able to bend it properly and move it doesn't hurt anymore and you weren't able to do that before no no how bad was the pain what else couldn't you do besides bend bend um standing on it kind of hurt and you're standing on it now can you pick up that knee up and down for me and stomp your foot on the stage please [Music] no pain yeah no pain [Music] lift your hands you want god to use you do you want god to use you so lord anoint him and use his life for your glory i pray in the name of jesus use his life for your glory you see this badge on him that means he's volunteered with the ministry i love seeing the badges up here they come to serve and then they end up walking out with a miracle he came to usher and now he speaks in tongues and his knee got healed [Applause] now those of you watching online listen the same power that's here is flowing to you also father i thank you that your anointing that tangible touch is moving across this room right to where they're watching in the name of jesus reuben giga i have here a mecca here who has had pain on his left shoulder and arm and he said he can't really explain to me what has caused the pain he said it just came for two years now has had nerve pain on his shoulder and his arm and he said today he was believing for his miracle and he said he didn't feel he know nothing he said the pain just went off his blood off his body yes so was it like nerve damage what do you think it was but it's uh intense neck that shoots down from my shoulder to my elbow very painful for about two years now yeah jesus touch this man stretch your hands toward them and pray in the holy spirit [Music] forgive me sometimes i'll go and [Music] i prophesy things and some things aren't meant to be shared on the microphone reuben let's be on the platform the moment we're ready for it there's a certain flow coming here please dig i have hans here for a year now has had neck pain and he said he he believes that stems from anxiety and stress and has had that pain for a year now and he said today he came believing for his miracle he drove all the way from arizona just to be here tonight bring that girl up here i'm sorry i'm i'm i'm sorry i'm not with you anymore bring her here come come quick quick quick quick quick thank you lord whoa [Music] it's a different flow now britain let's get all their information their testimonies and and and get their their information for testimonies because now we're in a different flow everybody lift your hands pray in the holy spirit follow me out here justin tim i'm going off the platform [Music] keep praying guys in the holy spirit let your glory fill this house [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are [Music] [Applause] [Music] pray in the holy spirit come on [Music] you deserve the glory [Music] jesus [Applause] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] jesus [Applause] [Music] is jesus you are [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me jesus [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh the throne [Applause] [Music] oh be praised and praise [Applause] [Music] my throne [Music] [Music] [Music] upon the throne [Applause] upon the throne [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] beyond foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] upon the throne [Applause] breathe [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] let it come upon all your people now lord you want that fire just stand up and lift your hands and don't wait for me to lay hands on you it's already falling don't wait for me to lay hands on you just receive it just receive it it's flowing it's flowing it's flowing call down that fire don't wait for me to lay hands on you just receive it father let your fire come upon your people now there it is there's a weight coming on the room ushers don't even try some of them just gonna have to land in their seat lift your hands it's coming on you now now now now now there goes there goes there goes there goes there goes all over this room receive it fire in jesus name fire in jesus name fire in jesus name whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa there it is on the count of three everyone just shout fire receive one two three fire whoa [Music] whoa he's here there's no way ushers caught everybody but that's a move of the holy ghost that's it steve that's the one sing it out for we cry holy [Music] holy are you [Music] [Applause] for you [Music] for we cry [Music] [Applause] our [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] me foreign [Applause] [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] justin come here with the camera please i want to address the people come here please you who are watching online you're receiving the power of god i want you to share your testimony of what god is doing for you in this moment now i want you to write it and this is more than just leaving a comment this is a declaration of faith i want you to write it now and write what you're sensing in the spirit write what god is doing for you testify of the goodness of god [Music] i don't know if you could see it [Music] when the power of god began to fail people all over the room went out under the power right now there are people all over the room on their faces before god because the glory of god is here it's his presence [Music] i'm reading some of these testimonies church [Music] and what god is doing in our hearts and in these people's hearts [Music] it's a beautiful thing [Music] what a privilege to stand in his presence as we do please quietly take your seats and those you online stay with us i want to take a few minutes here please nobody leaving the building no one exiting yet have reverence please for the move of the spirit that is here [Music] just a few minutes someone typed a fearless christian wrote i received the fire of god and they put just the tears emoji someone else said their shoulder pain was healed another individual said i can feel the presence of the holy spirit here in my house [Music] i love this youtuber their channel name is reckless love and they wrote i am shaking shaking and shaking [Music] carly writes he healed the pain in my back ancient wheeler 333 i felt tingles all over a weightlifted hands got warm as i asked him to heal as i asked him to heal me it's just so overwhelming the presence of the holy spirit platinum wrote i feel his presence all over me he's warm and his glory is so strong on me someone else rita celine wrote it filled my house i tell you this is why we do what we do lives being transformed lives being transformed can we just for one more time please i i we can't thank him enough just as grateful children we just can't thank them enough just one more time please lift your hands and say thank you jesus thank you jesus [Music] this is why we do what we do i want to share something with you the people of god those of you here and those of you watching something important give me another 15 minutes and we'll bring the service to a close i know ninety percent of you are saying no don't close it but the people who have to lock up and clean the building are saying please please please i'm joking they're they're gracious to us but i do want to talk to you for another 10 or 15 minutes or so so those you online please stay with me those you here just stay with me right now there's a lot of fear that people have for their future and there's a real spirit of fear it's a strategy of the enemy really a spirit of fear that has gripped our nation and has gripped the nations of the world people particularly are afraid of all the things they're hearing concerning the economy future of their finances and if you're like me you you turn off the devil's networks cnnbc fox that side sometimes too fear fear fear they drive it in you people sending you articles did you see what they're saying about this did you see what they're saying about jobs do you see what they're saying about inflation people are worried about inflation they're worried about job loss they're worried about economic collapse they're worried about not being able to afford groceries for their families and because of this fear many people attempt different things and some of these things are wise you know the bible says that the righteous leave an inheritance for their children and you should be a good steward with your finances people try to save their money stash it in the bank you want to know the reality you can't out save inflation you leave that money in there long enough by the time you're ready to use it it's worth half as much people look for cutting costs they invest in real estate the stock market dogecoin if you don't know what that is don't worry about it it's one of the strangest things that ever existed on the internet bitcoin cryptocurrency and they try all these things worried about their future and you may be worried about your future can i just remind you that his eye is still on the sparrow can i just remind you that the lilies of the field toil not yet they are clothed in a way that not even solomon was clothed you and i are not a part necessarily of this world's economy your job is not your source god is your source now here's what jesus said he said don't store up treasures here on earth where moths eat them and rust destroys them and where thieves break in and still store your treasures in heaven where moths moths and rust cannot destroy and thieves do not break in and steal wherever your treasure is there the desires of your heart will be also modern day translation could be don't store up for yourselves treasures on earth where inflation can eat away don't store yourself treasures on earth some people say real estate you can own the property really what happens when you stop paying your taxes on that property who takes it nobody really owns property they're leasing it from the government property goes up down all around sure do these things but also store up for yourselves treasures in heaven where inflation does not affect it where the stock market cannot touch it where the real estate bubble cannot burst with it earthly real estate is good heavenly real estate is better there's an old illustration it goes like this a man died and went to heaven and he was being shown around the streets of gold and all of the wonderful heavenly mansions an angel was taking him on a tour he looked and he saw the home of paul the apostle magnificent beautiful trimmed with gold perfectly kept he saw the mansion of esther purples and whites and pearls home by home they went down the line looking at the different homes of the patriarchs and the men and women of faith even those who weren't mentioned directly in scripture generations of believers who lived in different places [Music] and then the angel takes him to a little plot of dirt and two pieces of wood stacked against each other like this to form a triangle the man looks at this he says what's this he says this is your mansion he said this is my mansion he's really upset the angel said well with everything you tithe this is all we could afford to build [Music] now please that's not theology okay so don't go using that like in a bible study what david said that you get a two by four if you don't give that's not what i'm saying i'm saying that there will come a day when we stand before god and we're not gonna regret how much we gave to the kingdom so how do you store up how do you store up these treasures in heaven well the bible tells us in first timothy when i read this last portion of scripture first timothy 6 17-19 says this teach those who are rich in this world not to be proud and not to trust in their money which is so unreliable their trust should be in god who richly gives us all we need for our enjoyment tell them to use their money to do good they should be rich in good works and generous to those in need always being ready to share with others by doing this they will be storing up their treasure as good as a good foundation for the future so they may experience true life now first of all i'm going to bring out a few points from this little portion of scripture first of all when we hear the bible say tell those who are rich we say yeah tell them when the scripture says it tell those who are rich we before yeah get them get those rich people wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute if you have food in your fridge clothes on your back a roof over your head and a place to sleep you are richer than 75 of the world if you have money in your bank your wallet and some spare change somewhere you are among the top eight percent of the world's wealthy if you woke up with this morning with more health than illness you are more blessed than the million people who will not survive this week if you can read this message you are more fortunate than three billion people in the world who cannot read it at all i think we have a twisted perspective of what wealth is and who the rich are the reality is is if you're watching me on a digital device you're among the wealthy of the world we mistake our wants and luxuries for needs we mistake our wants and luxuries for needs you think you're not among the wealthy because you can't have a tesla [Music] but if you have food in your fridge clothes on your back a place to sleep you're the top 25 of the world you have spare change somewhere you're the top 8 percent so the scripture is talking to us here in this room and watching online the bible tells us don't trust in riches use your money to do good what is good our ministry is building something that is good our ministry is working towards something that is good for those who don't know we're working on building a brand new studio tv studio in austin texas actually we had the place we're looking at is in round rock in fact we're going on tuesday to have dinner with our partners in texas to talk to them about that build now let me tell you about the need the need is massive and we're going to raise it over the next two or three years it's a 20 million dollar project and we're gonna take two or three years i believe to finish it up it's a it's a long haul it's not a short-sighted vision by any means we're also building our own video platform to use for the glory of god so that if youtube ever kicks us off we have our own platform [Music] so we're building that that's all a part of this one project all of that is one project now so far what we've been doing is at the end of every month we take a surplus and there is a surplus every month thanks to all our generous donors and partners we take that surplus every month and we apply some of it toward the studio unless of course somebody gives directly to the studio now we need the first million to get started the people of god heard that they responded and so far over i think about sixty thousand dollars has come in from that because of our generous supporters so thank you and give the lord a hand of praise for that and then steve and i were invited to go meet with a wonderful couple and i believe they're watching right now we went to their house they wanted to meet with us we sat down we had 160 000 or so for just specifically for project etv and this husband and wife slid a check across to us in the amount of two hundred thousand dollars for the project two hundred thousand so if you're watching i know you don't want me to say your name but we love you and we appreciate your giving that brings us to three about 360 000 now we're believing god for the rest to come in very soon we're believing for a miracle here's how it's going to have to happen though those who are wealthy which are which are these people here and those watching have to give of their best ability because together we can do more than we could ever do alone here's what also has to happen there are people in this room there are people watching right now it's within your ability to do something like that couple did and if that is in your ability to do help us do it because when you stand before god on the day of judgment you're not going to regret having done it you're going to thank god that he gave you the resources to do that very thing so we're going to take an offering tonight for the ministry everything that comes in tonight is going to go toward the general ministry cost but whatever comes in it's going to basically cover the cost of this event whatever comes in in excess we're gonna take a portion of that and put it toward this project and that's where we need you to come in we need our partners our donors our friends to say lord what can i do to sacrifice what can i do to store up don't worry about the future god's gonna take care of it that's that's so basic we should just forget about that god's gonna take care of you the question is now what can we do to store up treasures in heaven what can we do to ensure that the gospel goes forward you're generous people when i look out here i don't see people begrudging i don't see people in fact i know for a fact that 90 of you if you had it you'd give it all i know that for a fact because my heart's the same way you're generous people you're god's people we've counted on you and your support in times past and you've come through by god's grace every single time so i want to thank you and honor you all of our supporters and partners in this room and those of you watching online everything you see that's being accomplished is in part by your support so what i need you online go right now david hernandez donate and give something sacrificial to cover the cost of this event to cover the ministry expenses for the month and our surplus at the end of every month we take a percentage and we put it toward project etv if you're in this room and you want to do something specific for project atv maybe you're like that couple and you have those kind of resources and you're moved by their generosity then you can contact us directly to give that directly to project etv but here's what i need i need basically everyone in the room to do the best that they can and everybody watching online to do the absolute best they can and again leftover resources at the month a percentage is going to go to project etv let's do it for god let's do it for souls ushers please come forward bring those envelopes if you're here you can actually hold your phone over this qr code if that doesn't work you likewise can go to donate i see the youtube super chat lighting up nebulous just gave these are interest you know when people are on youtube they don't use their real names they use a pseudo name so nebulous mcgnarly that's a great name ramona martinez god bless you fides god bless you and then i see rosa parra one of our generous supporters isaac aguilar a regular contributor to the ministry we love the isaac sonja just gave and i see gifts coming in from all over the world on my phone through that link again david hernandez donate go give a one-time gift become a monthly supporter also if you're not a monthly supporter yet trust me you're going to want to become one because it is a wild ride in the spirit how many partners we have in this place monthly partners just wave at me look at all of our partners here we know that we're one big family who loves god and i'm seeing the gifts beginning to come in thank you for your generosity thank you mild thank you elizabeth thank you gabor thank you shanil thank you michelle thank you to the patrick family we love you alex and jordan and teresa and alicia and carlock and gianni and another one from teresa and karen and ashley and cindy god bless you all god bless you all who are giving now if you're in this place and you're writing a check make your check payable to david hernandez ministries tim can we get the other slide up the one who says make payable and all that please because this one's helpful but we also need other information up there so there's other information on the screen they're going to bring up that'll be helpful right over there in the center is there let's get it on these screens on the side so they can see it so slash donate for one-time gifts and then if you're writing a check make it payable to david hernandez ministries and it's this is going to go it's going to be a weapon in the hand of god and we're gonna go crush the works of the devil with these resources in the name of jesus and god's people said amen that we get to be a part of this is a privilege it's a privilege so thank you for your support as you're preparing your gift i'll give you just a couple more minutes again write checks payable to david hernandez ministries if you're giving um using the envelope make sure that you fill out the entire envelope name address email and so forth and do something sacrificial help the ministry today in what we're doing because it really is some big things that god has anointed our ministry to do and it's all for the glory of god it's all for souls thank you for your support thank you to those who are giving online thank you we honor you we appreciate you [Music] now if you need just a couple minutes to finish this envelope filling out uh just wave at me for real briefly you need just a couple minutes okay i'll give you a couple more minutes in the meantime i'll thank some online givers angel thank you thank you the i am ministry christian channel thank you fernando macedo thank you to vivian and damaris and maribel and roy lee and pedro and hilda diana so many givers from all over the world it's overwhelming the generosity we thank you for it and we don't take it for granted we know it's your hard-earned resources and we appreciate you sewing it into this ministry okay everybody here hold up your gift if you're giving like this if you gave online you could just hold up your hand or your phone and those who are giving online i want to pray with you let's pray that god bless you for your giving to this ministry father in the name of jesus i pray for everyone who's sowing into this ministry tonight and lord first i thank you for their generosity and now i declare in the name of jesus that they will never lack i declare in the name of jesus that resources are coming to fund the visions and dreams that you gave them i declare in the name of jesus that they will be well resourced for this end time move of god and lord i pray give our ministry wisdom in handling these resources and let these resources be used as weapons to crush the works of the devil that souls might be saved in the name of jesus we pray and everybody said now can we just use the last ounce of energy you have i know we can you believe we've been here for some of you over five hours time just goes by so fast this person's still on the floor put an envelope in their hand while they're on the floor that's awesome they're in the glory i have fun sometimes guys can we just say goodnight to our wonderful online youtube viewers we love you guys until next time remember nothing is impossible with god god bless you [Music] [Applause] [Music] glory to [Music] [Applause] glory to the [Music] [Music] upon [Music] [Music] [Applause] no glory to the lord [Music] worry you
Channel: Encounter TV
Views: 246,137
Rating: 4.8966937 out of 5
Id: vCfOEpr5bQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 165min 17sec (9917 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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