Karina Opens Up her Own Starbucks at Home

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- Hey guys, it's Karina. It's Ronald from-- - [Karina And Ronald] Sis versus Bro! - And today we are finally gonna be doing my Starbucks restaurant. I have finally acquired all of my supplies to make the perfect restaurant. Obviously, it's gonna be way better than Ronald's. And Starbucks is better than McDonald's anyway, so I just win by default anyway. - You wish. Karina, this shirt tells all the stories, so please do not think otherwise, because the shirt is gonna tell you. - Ronald, you can just put on that shirt and say that you want, but you obviously didn't. I'm obviously gonna be the winner, okay? - Yeah, I'm gonna put on the shirt every time, like how I win every time. - All right, but I'm super duper ready to make my restaurant. And it's gonna be super duper awesome. Ronald will be ordering like everything. He's gonna be like, "Oh my God. This is so good. It's amazing. Yum!" - No. I'm gonna be the Karen, like, "Where were these cocoa beans harvested?" - In Germany. - Sure, I guess. - Okay, Ronald, now it's time for you to shoo off view, so I can start setting up my restaurant. Okay, so Ronald's gone, and now it's time to prepare my restaurant. I have all the posters and all the supplies ready to make the perfect Starbucks restaurant, but there's gonna be a slight twist. All the customers are gonna have to pay for their own food and drinks. It's gonna be more realistic, because they have to pay. So therefore, I'm gonna win this challenge. I'm super duper excited. I have this whole cash register thing. It's really epic. So let's start setting up. Okay, so the first thing we're gonna do is set up all the posters. I have a buttload of posters right here. So many of them. We're just gonna put them all up everywhere. (upbeat electronic music) Okay, guys. I've put all the posters. It looks really, really cool. Look at that. There's so many posters over there. And they all say Starbucks. It's super duper epic. But now it's time to put all the stuff in, all the cups, all the straws, all the stuff, and the stuff to make coffee and everything. So it's gonna be a true Starbucks. (bright drum music) Aw! Okay, guys, we are almost ready to open up our Starbucks restaurant. Right here we have the coffee making station. Over here we have all of our different kinds of milks, whip creams, syrups. We have our cups, and our lids, and then we have some coffees. And here we have one of the menus. We have two menus, 'cause we have so many things here. The second menu's over here. Over here there's smoothies, teas, and extra things here. But over here, it's the main stuff, the coffee stuff. The hot coffee, cold coffee, and the Frappuccinos. I'm super duper excited. I think Ronald's gonna get a Caramel Frappuccino, because he really likes caramel and stuff. So I'm gonna make it the best I can possibly make it, and it's gonna be super duper epic. Over here, he have like snack section, and we have a bunch of different drinks and beverages that we're gonna be selling, not on the menu here. So we have a bunch of these like snack things here. We have sandwiches, juices, some more coffees here, we have some rose water, which is really fancy. And we also have some regular water. And, of course, we have some croissants and chocolate croissants. I'm super duper excited for opening. But, first, we gotta get the most important thing: the cash register. It's not here yet, so we gotta get the cash register and plug it in. Okay, so here is the cash register. Sadly, it's red and not green or black, but we're gonna have to make due. And we gotta plug it in right here. All right, perfect. Ooh, look at this. Fancy. Okay. And we can open up the money thing right here. We can put all the money here. We have a little receipt area here, so we could have our receipts too. So I'm super duper excited. All right, do we need anything else? We need my uniform. I'm not in uniform yet. I gotta get into my uniform, so we could open up this baby here. (bright rock music) Guys, my coffee shop is all ready. Look at all the posters. Everything. I'm all ready. Look at me. I'm in my uniform. I did my hair all cutesy with scrunchies, especially for this occasion. I'm super duper excited to be making lots of coffees and to be making lots of money. So let's declare this Starbucks coffee shop as open for the first time ever. Ronald, we're ready! - [Ronald] Okay! - All right, our first customer is arriving. - Oh, I'm so excited. Oh, wow! - What do you think? - Nice! - Welcome to Starbucks. May I take your order? - Well, I didn't really look. Like let me look. Oh, yeah. Like everything's set up, with like croissants, and like whatever these things are. This is so cool. - Would you like to look at our menu? We have two of them, 'cause we have so many different things. - Okay. Let me step up. - No passing. - You did that in my restaurant. - Okay, fine. - Okay, so there's the coffee Frappuccino. Of course. Because, well, it's of course coffee. Mocha Frapuccino, Caramel Frapuccino. Americano. Caffe Latte. Chocolate cappuccino. Cappuccino. How many cappuccinos are there? Espresso. I don't know what any of these words mean. Karina, what is this? - The cash register. You're gonna be paying. - What? - [Karina] Mm-hmm. - I don't have any money. - Ronald I'm not gonna be giving out things for free. This isn't that kind of establishment. - That's what I did to you. - Well, Ronald, you gotta pay for stuff now. Ronald, you see prices on the menu. - Yeah, but I thought you just got that from any Google images. - No, no. Those are the prices I have. So bring in the money if you wanna order something. - Okay, minus a million points. - What? Ronald! You have pay for your food. I can't give it out for free. - What? So this is food now? - [Karina] Well, yeah. - So, guys, as you know. I am super duper broke, so I need to go ask my dad for like $20 million, because it's so expensive. - It's not that expensive. It's like $2. - Dad, can I have money, please? So, guys, I found 50 euros in someone's pocket. So let's go pay, well, pick first what we're gonna drink/eat. Okay, so, first of all, I want a Caramel Frappuccino. - Oh. Where's that (record scratching)? Caramel Frappuccino. - [Ronald] Karina, minus-- - It's $6.99. - [Ronald] Minus 10 points. - Wait, wait, wait, wait. I need to figure out how to work this. Six. Wait, it's not working. Uh, wait. No. This, no. Wait, wait, wait. Wait, I'll figure this out. One minute. - [Ronald] Where were the buttons harvested? - Just give me like one second. I gotta figure this out. Is it this one? No. Is it this one? Why isn't this working? - [Narrator] One eternity later. - All right, Ronald, don't worry. I got this working again. So I'm gonna put $6.99. All right. - And I would like a chocolate croissant. - Okay, that is four euros. - Why is it so expensive? - It's not expensive, okay? Okay, what else do you want? - I would like a cappuccino. - That's $4.99. $4.99. Okay, is that everything? - No, I would also like whipped cream on my Frappuccino and cappuccino. - Uh, okay. But, Ronald, on the Frappuccino the whipped cream is included. - Okay, so free money. - Well, not necessarily. Okay, so, anything else? - Okay, I would also like... I don't know. I'll have whatever this thing is. - Uh, that is... $1.99. - Okay, well, can I have it? - Yes. $1.99. Is that it? - Uh, yes, I'm pretty sure. - All right. And then, boom, boom. All right. The total is $26.97. - What? (Karina giggling) You should call this ExpensiveBucks, like GiveMeYourMoneyBucks. - It's not that expensive. - Oh, it's not that expensive. - Okay, this. Um, that, mm-hmm. - I need my full change. - I know how to math. I got two. Three, no, yeah, three euros. You're missing one cents, but I don't think you're gonna mind. - Okay, well, I'm gonna sue you over one cent. - [Man] Bruh! - Okay, there you go. Thank you very much. - Where were these coins harvested? - What do you mean? What? - [Ronald] Where did you get them? - All right, here's your tiny little receipt. There you go. - Okay, wow. And it's so expensive, and it's a small piece of paper. - All right. I'm gonna make your stuff now. - You better make it quick. - Okay, so the first thing we're gonna be making is a Caramel Frappuccino. So I need this thing, I know for a fact. And I need to put ice in it. So I gotta get my ice. I'm not sure how much ice Ronald wants, how cold he wants it, so I'm just gonna add-- - I would like it very cold please. - Ronald, what did you take? Are you stealing? - No, I'm not. - Where did you get that money? It's right here, Ronald. - No, no, no. Can I have a bit? - No, Ronald. You can't be taking my money. - It's so expensive. Give me like $10 tip. - No! You're supposed to tip me. That's not how it works. - I wouldn't tip you anything. - Ronald, you ordered a regular Frappuccino, so that means you're gonna get caramel. 'Cause almond milk and soya milk costs extra. - Can I change my order? - No, Ronald. Okay, so-- - [Ronald] Minus 10 points. - You paid for it, Ronald. All right, so we gotta add some of this. Is that enough? Like that, I think. And now we need to caramel. So we're gonna open this up and drizzle a bit of it in here. That's enough, I think. - The speed is very, very slow. - Ronald, I'm making a full-on drink here, okay? And now we need the coffee. So we gotta pull a button. Ooh, nice. Okay. - Minus 10 points. - What? It's going. It's preparing. - [Ronald] 'Cause this is very confusion. - It's not confusion. I know what I'm doing. I'm a pro at this, okay? - Karina, I see something. Is it Happy Hour? - No, Ronald, that's only on Mondays. Today's Friday. - But this restaurant's only gonna be up for one day. - No, it's open all days of the week except Monday. - [Ronald] What? - Okay, we got our little thing of coffee here. - [Ronald] Minus 25 points. - What? I'm making your drink here. Okay, we gotta pour this in. Nice. Let me put this back. And now we gotta blend it. All right. Ronald! All right. All right, now we're gonna pour this into our cup. Ooh, we have a lot in here. I think I'm gonna-- - It's been like two hours. - No, it hasn't. All right, I might have to dump some of it in the sink, 'cause I made a lot on accident. All right, we got a little bit of extra, but that's okay. We're always gonna have a little bit of extra. And now we gotta add the whipped cream. All right. Beautiful. What a beauty. And since this is a Caramel Frappuccino, we gotta add some caramel on top. Nice. It's so pretty. And in this facility, we have glass straws, because we care about the turtles. - Yay! This once. - All right. That's one drink ready. Sip on that one while I make your next. - Yay, entertainment. - Tell me how it tastes. - Ew! - What? I worked hard to make that. What do you mean? - It's okay. - Can I try it? - [Ronald] No. - I wanna know how my drink tastes. Okay, so the next drink Ronald asked for was a cappuccino. So how we make that, we take our milk, regular milk, 'cause Ronald didn't ask for almond milk. I'm gonna put some in here. And then we press this. Nice. While that's going, we're gonna prepare some more coffee. All right. Okay, so we're gonna put the coffee in here. And now we have the Forte milk. I'm gonna pour that in. Ooh, this is nice. Okay. We got a little bit of extra. That's okay. And now we gotta get some whipped cream, 'cause Ronald asked for whipped cream with it. All right, let's get it in. All right, beautiful. Okay, it's a little hot, so I gotta get this thing. I probably should've put it before I put this stuff in. It's okay. All right, there we go. Now we're gonna give this to our customer. - Where's the cap? - Well, I couldn't fit the whipped cream with the cap, okay? So here you go. - Okay. - And then we have this thing, 'cause you wanted one of these. - Okay. Are you forgetting something? - Um... - For every second you don't remember something-- - [Karina] Wait, wait, wait. Just give me one second. - For every second you don't remember, it's minus 10 more points. - No, no, wait. Wait. A croissant. Did you want chocolate or regular? - Minus 10 more points. - You didn't ask for it. - [Ronald] I did. I said chocolate. - Oh, okay. There you go. - [Ronald] Thank you. - We don't have plates, so just take it. - Okay, Can I have a straw please? - A straw for hot coffee? - I don't know. I don't know how to coffee. - [Karina] Is it good? - No. - [Karina] What? I worked really hard. - It's not good. Okay, thank you. It was a nice experience in KarinaGiveMeYourMoneyBucks. And here's your tip. - Wow. Two euros? Thank you so much. Wait, how do I open this? Boom. Thank you for the tip, Ronald. - Okay, now give that back 'cause you had like minus a million points. - No, no, no, no. Ronald, you gave me a tip, okay? - I get it. So how do I carry things? - Okay, guys, that was one customer done. That was $27 in my bank account. So now we're ready for the next customer. All right, hello. - Hello. Wow! You have the whole menu here? - Mm-hmm. We got two menus, 'cause we have so many options. - Wow, so many choices. And all this here. Hold on a second, you have prices? - Mm-hmm. We have our register right here. - What (Dad laughs)? - You gotta get some money. - We're gonna have to pay money here? - Well, yeah, I'm not giving this out for free. It's not that kind of establishment. - This is crazy. Okay, okay, okay. Let me see. Aria, what would you like? Hmm, I think she's gonna have (Aria coos) a juice box. - A juice box? - [Dad] Yes. - A juice box is three bucks. All right? - Okay, and we also have, we're also gonna take a smoothie for her. - All right, we have three. - And that's gonna be? - We have three smoothie options. For the smoothies, we have Very Berry, Berry Banana, and Banana. So what would you like? - I think she's gonna have the Berry Banana. - Berry Banana? That is $6.99. - That is so expensive. - It's not expensive. - That is ridiculous. - It's not expensive. - Okay, I'm gonna have, I'm gonna have the Caramel Frappuccino. - Caramel Frappuccino? All right, that's $6.99. $6.99. Okay. - Just a warning. The Caramel Frappuccino is not good. It's just tastes like normal coffee. - I hope it's really good. - It's the best drink. - Okay, awesome. Aria. Be patient, okay? Be patient (Aria whines). Okay, we're also gonna have, for me, that pineapple lemonade, right there. - Pineapple lemonade? Okay, that is $2.99. - You have sandwiches too? - We have sandwiches, yeah. - And chocolate bars? - [Karina] Mm-hmm. - Aria, we're not leaving here tonight (Aria whines). We're staying overnight, okay? And I'm gonna have that chocolate croissant. - All right, that is $4. Yes. Was there anything else you would like? - Uh, no, that's enough for now. We'll get something else later. - All right, your total is $28.95. - Oh my God! - What? $28.95? Aria. I think they are kidding me here. - [Karina] Nope. - $28.95? - I'm not kidding you here. All right, here's your receipt. - Let me see. Oh my goodness. So expensive. Ah! - Okay, sir, here's your change. - Wow. Is it Happy Hour though? Or half off Cool Off Mondays? - No, it's only on Mondays. Today's Friday. - Aw, that's not good. - Okay, guys, for our next customer, he wants a Caramel Frappuccino. I think it's the best drink on our menu, that's why everybody wants it. So let's make it super duper fast. All right, we need this. We gotta get our ice. Ari, we're gonna make your drink soon, but you're trespassing right now. You have to go back. You have to go back, Ari. All right (Aria mumbles). - Okay, Ari, you'll get your drink soon. I promise. Okay? Just wait. All right, we gotta add some milk. He didn't specify what milk he wanted, so he's gonna get cow's milk. There we go. We need caramel, 'cause he asked for caramel with it. All right. We also need coffee. I almost forgot. Okay. Coffee, boom. All right, there we go. We got our coffee. We're gonna pour it into here. And now we gotta blend it. All right, our first drink is finished. Please let go of the little thing. Thank you. All right, we gotta put it into the cup now. All right. Ooh, looks very nice. We gotta pour it in. A little clumpy. By little I mean a lot. But I don't think he's gonna notice. It's kind of, ooh, it's a little messy. We need (Karina laughs) whipped cream. All right. We can conceal the mess with whipped cream. Caramel. That's a little messy too. But no one's gonna notice. - [Man] Bruh! - Okay, we need a straw. Okay. All right, sir, here is your first drink. - Are you sure? - Yeah. It's the Caramel Frappucino. - It's dripping all over the place. Look. What's going on here? - 'Cause I needed extra coffee for my extra best customer. - Uh, it looks pretty messy. - [Karina] It's delicious though. - I demand a refund. Look at my hands. It's so wet. - We don't have refunds here. - I told you it was disappointing. - I need napkins. Napkins and a refund, please. - We do not give refunds here, but we do give napkins. - Ooh. - Okay, for the next drink, we gotta wash our blender, because this is not good for making smoothies. Okay, for the next drink, which is the Berry Banana, we need some frozen bananas. All right, and then some frozen berries. Now let's add some milk. And let's blend it, so we need the lid. All right, there we go. All right. There we go. We got a cup. We got lots of smoothie. Whoo, this is looking very tasty. Now we need a lid (Aria screaming). Aria, the drink is coming. And then a straw. All right, Aria, your drink is ready. - There it is. Look, Aria, it's for you. You wanna try? Yeah. Is it good? Rate it. Rate it out of 10. - 10 out of 10. - Ah, I think she likes it. - [Karina] Aria approved? Yeah, so delicious? - She likes it, yes. - That's perfect. All right. Now time for next and final drink, I think. It's the pineapple lemonade. Oh my gosh. Okay. Okay, guys, for the last drink, we need ice and pineapple for lemonade. I need a little bit of ice. Perfect. And then we need some pineapple juice. We need the lid. We need the straw as well. Boom. And perfect. All right. I think this one's for Aria. Or was this one for you? - This one's for me. - All right, here you go. - Thank you. - And the last thing for your order is a chocolate croissant. Here you go. - All right. Awesome. - Hey, I didn't get a plate. - We didn't have plates, but now we do. - What? Okay, fine. - All right, did you want something else? - Yes, welcome back. Okay, so, I would like a rose lemonade. - Rose lemonade? Okay, that is four bucks. - Four bucks? Ari, do you see how expensive this is? - It's made of roses. Natural roses from Germany. - Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Okay. I would also like a regular con-srant. Cons-rant. - Okay, that's also four bucks. - What? That's eight already, and I just had rose lemonade and croissant. - That's the price, Ronald. - This is like GiveMeYourMoneyBucks. - [Karina] All right, what else would you like? - And I would also like a Matcha. - A Matcha? - [Ronald] What's that? - Matcha is a green tea. - I don't want it. I don't want it. I don't want it. - Okay. - I don't want a green tea. I would like some orange juice. - Orange juice? Okay, that's $2.99. - And that is my order. - Okay, the total is $9.01. - This is like give me your money. - All right, thank you. - Thank you. I am rich. - All right. Okay, Ronald, I'll start making your drink. So first I'm gonna make the orange juice. All right? - Yes. - All right, orange juice is pretty simple. We just need orange juice and a cup. All right, boom. There's your orange juice, Ronald. - Thank you. Okay, do you remember the rest of my order? A croissant. A regular croissant. - A regular croissant. I'll get a plate for that. - [Ronald] Thank you. Where was the plate harvested? - The plate was harvested from France. - Really? 'Cause it looks like you got it out of the cupboard. - Well, they were shipped from France. Okay, here you go. - And also some rose lemonade. - Yes, rose lemonade for you. There we go. All right. Thank you for ordering at Starbucks. - Now I am really broke. So, guys, overall, my experience at GiveYourMoneyBucks was okay in general, but minus 100 million points for everything, plus it was really expensive. - Ronald, that was just the price. I didn't change the price. I got it off from Starbucks. Did you enjoy your service here? What will you be rating this place? - 5.5 out of 10. - What? - Only 5.5 'cause of the aesthetic, that's it. (Ronald laughs) - But the food tasted good. The drinks tasted good too, right? - Well, I didn't try this yet, so I don't know. - All right, well, thank you for your service. And thank you for the 5.5 out of 10. So, guys, I'd love it if you came down to your local Starbucks, and ordered drinks, because I am a pro at making all these drinks. Look at me. Everyone loved all my drinks, right? - Yeah, uh-huh. Aria. - So, guys, we hope you loved the video. If you did, smash that like button. And we'll see you all next time. Goodbye! So, guys, I think my Starbucks is a success. I just made myself an ice coffee, which is my favorite drink on the menu. And it tastes pretty good. Mm-hmm. (comedic whistle music)
Channel: SIS vs BRO
Views: 38,180,310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: making starbucks restaurant, starbucks at home
Id: en0cv5QdUHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 12sec (1512 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 13 2020
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