Who Can Make a Better Store at Home?

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- Hey guys it's Karina. - It's Ronald from, - Sis vs bro! - Sis vs bro! - And today, we're gonna be doing a challenge, who can make the best restaurant. (Ronald applause) - I'm super excited, I get to go first and I'm gonna be making the best Starbucks restaurant ever! There's gonna be all the drinks. Don't do it with good songs and juices. Everything a normal restaurant has. It's gonna be super direct. Ron, what are you going to do? - First of all, Karina, Starbucks is barely a restaurant. - Okay, but I'm still gonna do it. - Okay. I am going to do the ultimate Mc Ronald's restaurant. - McRonald? This is going to be called McRonald? - Yes, it's gonna be beautiful. It's gonna be McRonald's the place of joy, - McRonald's Donald's. Okay, so Ron's going to do a McDonald's. I'm gonna do Starbucks, but now we gotta do rock paper scissors, who is going first. Okay. I really hope I'm going first. - Okay. I am a hundred percent gonna win this. - Rock paper scissors shoot! - No! - Yes! So that means I get to make my McRonald's restaurant and Karina gets to eat it first. - All right Ron, well I don't really like McDonald's so it's gonna be a little bit hard to impress me if you're McDonald's so you can try all you want, but I don't know if you're going to succeed. - I am going to have other customers up my sleeves. - All right, but Ron, now you got to go to make your posters. You got to go buy all your food and set it up right here in the kitchen. This is where your restaurant is gonna be. So Ron, go do that. And I'm going to wait until you're finished. - Okay. Okay. Yeah. So I am going to make a restaurant and it's going to be better than a McDonald's restaurant. And you're probably thinking, how can you make a better than McDonald's restaurant? Well that's an easy question. It is McRonald's. So we have two things that we need to make this restaurant alive First thing, we need food. That's easy. But the second thing, which is what I'm going to do right now is gonna make some posters because I need to make this restaurant alive and McRonaldy. So let's go grab some. Well, make some. (upbeat music) Okay yeah, so in order to make a poster, we are going to have to figure out what is gonna be on the menu. And we aren't going to put any gross stuff on the menu because welcome to McRonald's. We always serve the best over here. So on the menu, we are going to have a Big Mac like a super, really Big Mac. 'Cause it's like the best. We're going to have chicken nuggets. We are gonna have fries because like, who does not like French fries, I am very French welcome to Paris. And we're gonna need some ice cream and a super duper happy meal for our wheel. So no salad, no any of the gross stuff, because welcome to McRonald's. - Okay guys, so I'm outside right now, Ronald is in his room doing the posters and he's saying that his McDonald's gonna be better than the normal McDonald's. It's gonna be McRonald's which I think is pretty weird. I don't know if it's gonna be better. We're just gonna have to see for ourselves. Have to wait and see. And I really hope he's going to do a good job. I don't want him to do too good of a job because I still want to win this challenge, but I don't want to eat like bad food. So let's cross our fingers that he's going to fully cook the meat in his burgers. - So guys, the McRonald's menu is complete. It's McRonald's choice menu. We have chicken McNuggets, heaven itself fries, and a really Big Mac, because in McDonald's it only has a normal, small, Big Mac. But this is a super duper Big Mac. And now all we have to do is print the poster, get the food and somehow make money. So guys the McRonald's restaurant is finally coming together and coming to life because the posters are finally here. And we are gonna hang these posters and we are gonna go prepare the food, the McRonald's food. (upbeat music) Okay guys, so my first menu is finally up and it just looks so beautiful. McRonald's I am so proud of you. Karina's going to walk in being so shocked and she's gonna want to order everything and we are going to have cash money. (upbeat music) So guys, my McDonald's. I mean, McRonald's is finally ready and I'm not going to show you it all just yet, because you have to wait and it's very special. So now are going to go food shopping at the grocery store. So let's go to our local supermarkets. Okay guys, so we're now at the store and now we need to get the perfect ingredients to make the perfect McRonald's burger. So we need lettuce, tomatoes and burger buns. So let's go get it. So guys, now it's finally time to prepare the food. I already have my fries ready for the oven because I mean, I don't have a fryer because this is McRonald's. And I have the chicken nuggets I'm not finished placing them because I know they're going to sell out quickly, 'cause they're just amazing. And I have a juicy, really Big Mac. Ready for serve- Well, not ready for serving, but almost ready for serving. Oh, these look good. (upbeat music) Okay guys welcome to the magical world of McRonald's staff room. So over here we have ice cream station, Apple juice for the Happy Meal. We have bread for the burger, burgers, all this stuff to go on your burgers. The actual meat, lettuce for the burger. And sadly I have to put salad because I did not want to lose points. I hate salad, but I don't want to lose points and lose the challenge. So I have to put salad. I'm sorry McRonald's. So anyways, over here we have boxes for Big Macs, boxes for chicken McNuggets, boxes for fries, boxes for Happy Meals. And over here we have chicken nuggets, chicken to go in the McRonald's and fries, coke, the bottles we're gonna put coke in. And the two takeaway bags. This is gonna be- (plastic clattering) - perfect. So guys, now I just need to change into my work uniform and invite my first customer. (upbeat music) So guys, I am now officially prepared and I am ready for my first customer. Karina! - I'm coming. - You better be coming, because I have the ultimate treat for you. - Oh, wow. - Welcome to McRonald's. How may I help you? - McRonald's? - Yes, McRonald's. - Oh wow, there's a drive through here? - Yeah, but first stay here. Okay, there's the menu. - All right. What about over there? What's that? - That's the same menu. - Oh, okay All right, - Have a seat. - Thank you. It's very nice Ronald. - Yes I have an apron. - Wow. - I am fashionably McRonaldy. - I love all the posters of McRonald's. - And Karina, Please Help Me Side Salad is always out of stock. - I need to take a closer look at the menu can I go back here? - This is the stuff. I'm joking. - Okay. So, okay. I love how you've listed all the calories. That's very nice. Heaven Itself Fries. - Because it's so amazing. You want to try it? It's really amazing. - Are you sure? - Yeah. It's really amazing. So what would be, what would we be ordering today? - Okay, one chicken nuggets, one Heaven Itself Fries, - Right. I wanna- I think I'm going to order the really big Mac. - It is really big buns. It says the salads out of stock. So I guess, - That's a joke. You can have the salad. - Okay. I can have salad. Wait, I need to think about this. I don't know. There's a lot of options. I don't know. Okay, you know, scratch all of that. I'm definitely ordering vanilla cone. What's in the Happy Meal, Ronald? So, it has one of pretty much everything except for like the salad and burgers. - Okay, so I'm going to have a vanilla cone, Happy Meal. Coca Cola and a really Big Mac. Yes. - Okay. - All right. I'm gonna go sit down. - You better be sitting down. - Okay. I'm ready. - Okay, yeah. So first I'm going to create the ultimate Happy Meal because it's like a super Happy Meal. So let's place down the box. So we need the apple juice. It's going inside the box. Karina, are you liking it so far? - Okay, yeah, sure. I like apple juice. - Okay. So next the apple slices are going into the Happy Meal. And the next item in the Happy Meal is chicken nuggets. So we are going to grab a chicken McNuggets box. And it say six on it so we're going to put six inside. So, one- - Ron, what kind of establishment is this? You're picking the food up in your hand? - Coronavirus! - All right I'm gonna need gloves. Okay. Actually, I'm just going to give you four. - What? - Because the chicken nuggets is just six chicken nuggets. but with the Happy Meal it's four. - But the box says six! - Exactly. - Okay, so next, the last thing, last but not least we have the fries. So let's just put fries in. Oh yeah, this is amazing. These fries are super duper good Karina. Karina, these are heaven itself fries. So no, this is all like a really good fries. You better be trusting me. Okay, so I need you to make it look like there's actually fries in there. - Ron I'm gonna be taking off points for using your hands and not gloves. It's very unsanitary with the coronavirus. - We're good, we're good. Okay. So the fries are going in. So what's the next thing you ordered Karina? - You don't remember? - Oh wait. It was salad. Okay. So let's grab some salad. It's already pre-made because I am so good at this. So salad, and next was the cone, the vanilla cone right? - I ordered a vanilla cone. If I were you I'd do that last, because vanilla cone can't stand up on it's own. - Well, isn't that the last thing you ordered? - No. - Well then what else- Oh, the really big Mac. - Yes. The really big Mac. Okay, so next item Karina ordered is the really, really big Mac. So let's make it really big. Okay. So let's place the patties, the bread on the working station on the patty station. So let's put the bread- meats on the bread and let's put cheese. - Ron, I have a question about your really big Macs. What kind of beef is it made out of? Is it vegan beef or like normal beef. - You'll find out. - No. Ron, you have to tell me what it is. - It's vegan. Because if I put normal, I know I'll have minus points. - Okay thank you. - So pickles as well. I am actually really good at this and then place the lettuce. Extra lettuce I'm guessing? - Sure. - And now let's fold it because we are professional folders. Okay. (paper crinkling) Very professional. Okay. It is fully folded and prepared. And once it's folded it goes inside the box. Okay. Next is the vanilla cone, I remember that. It has to be plus points, right? - No. - Okay, So now let's put the vanilla ice cream inside of the vanilla cone. Oh wow. This looks really good. You're lucky that you get a really good restaurant right at your house. You're so lucky. - Ron you don't have any gloves on you just make everything with your hands. - No, with the spoon. - But everything else you did with your hands. - Okay, go in there ice cream. A bit more or else I'll get a bad rating. And then, that's is the vanilla cone and we are finished with Karina's order. So Karina, - There's like no ice cream there! - What? You're like a Karen. All you do is complain. - No that's just- - You're like a Karen. Okay, Karina. You're gonna like this. It tastes really good. Then there's your vanilla cone. - Do I get utensils? - Do you want utensils? - Ron, what is wrong with this cone? It's melting already. - That's ice cream for you. - You're supposed to put it so it doesn't drip off the sides. Also there's barely anything in it. All right. I guess I gotta have to eat this first because it's just gonna, you know, drip. - Karina I don't have an ice cream scooper. - Alright, - There's your fork. - Thank you. All right, let's try this. It's not bad for ice cream you know, it's pretty good. - Plus points? - But you guys, this those not look like McDonald's ice cream. Also it's dripping everywhere. It dripped on my pants. Ronald I demand a refund. - What? That was your fault! - Well, you made the ice cream very drippy. It's all over. Okay, please take this away. Can I eat it? - No, throw it away. - What? I made this with pure love. - All right. So we're going to start with the salad, 'cause this salad is the healthiest. - Of course, of course. - Always start the healthiest food. - It tastes like a casual salad, which is good for Karina. So plus points. - What farm were these vegetables harvested from? - The grocery store. - Okay. Let's try it then. What, you think I went to a farm? (laughing) - Karina I spent hours making this. Yes I did. - It's good. - Plus points? - No, Ron, no plus points. That's just basic service. - Okay, but you're gonna admit the Big Mac is good with the vegan burger. - Okay. We'll have to see. The box broke Ronald. - You ripped it. - I didn't rip it it's just bad quality. - Oh my God. Here we go again. - Okay. - Do you know how to McDonald's? - No, I don't think I ever got a big Mac before Ronald. Okay. Let me use this as a plate. - What? - Let's try it. Is the cheese vegan? - You'll find out. - Let's try it. It's pretty good. The cheese is kinda gross. I don't like the cheese. - You're just gonna pick it off? - Yes. - I'm minusing points for you. - What? It's gross. You picked gross cheese. - Karina, look here. Really Big Mac, the best. So you should be saying that it is the best. - But it's not. The cheese was gross. Okay. I'll try it without the cheese now. - Please like it, please. (drum roll) Yay! She actually likes something. - Okay guys, the salad was nine out of ten. It was pretty good, but I don't know where the vegetables came from. So that's why it's nine. - Oh my God Karina. - The ice cream is a zero. It was just melting all over the place. And it was just awful. The burger is eight because it tastes pretty good, but I had to take out the cheese. So now we're gonna move on to the Happy Meal here. - Karina you're in a really grumpy mood now. So this Happy Meal is gonna make you very happy. - Okay, sure. - Ron said these fries are awesome, but, they don't look right. - Karina you don't look at them, you eat them. - Guys, this is the presentation of McRonald's fries. They're not standing up at all. - Karina they don't stand up straight. They don't have legs. - Well, they're supposed to stand up straight. Look how bendy this one is. - You don't look at it. You eat it. - Is it even cooked? You know I'll just eat the corners, 'cause of the corners look cooked. - Karina, it's all cooked. - All right, I'll try this. - Can I try one? - It's so bad. They're so awful. - What? You just put it back in? - It's so bad. They're cold and they taste absolutely disgusting. They don't taste like potatoes at all. - I'm having one. - They taste awful! - Guys, it's clearly Heaven Itself Fries and Karina is clearly a Karen. - But these are so bad Ron. These taste absolutely awful. Okay but we're just gonna move on to apple slices 'cause he can't get apple slices wrong. - Karina is still gonna get some dumb excuse on why it's bad - Where were the apples harvested? - Exactly! Oh, from our local apple tree. - Okay, Thank you. Just tastes like apples. I like apples. - And then we get two out of ten because it's nothing special. - I like apples, it's good. Okay. Next thing we have are our nuggets. Ron put four instead of six. So- - Yeah that's the Happy Meal then that will just be a huge deal and I would lose money. - Some of these nuggets don't look right. They're just kind of weird. - Just eat it already. - All right, I'll try this. These are kind of weird, but I like them. They're weird, but they're good. - Would you like some ketchup or mayonnaise with the nuggets? - Do you have mustard? - What planet do you live on that mustard is actually good? - Mustard is good. Do you have any? - No, I have ketchup. - All right, I'll try ketchup. I don't really like ketchup, but maybe this one's good. Okay guys, so this McDonald's order, McRonald's orders, overall, pretty good. Everything's pretty good. The burger, not the best 'cause the cheese. The fries, absolutely awful. These are so bad. The vanilla cone was also pretty bad. So I think overall rating is like a five or six. - Karina it's my first customer. Give me some time off please. - You should prepare before I got here. - Yeah I did prepare, do you see all of this. - All right, can I take this all to go? 'Cause I want to go. - Of course. Just pack it and go. - Okay. Alright. You can have all the trash. You're welcome. - So guys, that was a one picky customer. Now time for the next hopefully nice customer. Welcome. - Aria look, we came to McDonald's. - No McRonald's. - Excuse me? What? Am I in the wrong place? McRonald's? - Minus points. - Where are we? - We are in the ultimate fast food place in the world. - Okay. So, what can we have for our awesome Aria? I think she's going to have the Happy Meal, number six please. - Oh, wow. You're using the numbers, unlike Karina. - I didn't know you had to use the numbers. - So we're going to have one Happy Meal, and I'm going to have, I'm going to have the amazing, the most awesome real big Mac, with fries. - Really, big Mac- - With fries. - Heaven Itself Fries with the really big Mac and a happy meal. - Don't order the fries. They're so bad. - Karina, shut up please! No one wants to hear it. - I love fries. They should be really good. I want Coca Cola too and- - That's a really big order. - And what else should we have? And the awesome side salad that is not out of stock. 'Cause I see it. I see it over there. - Okay fine. Okay. On the tray. Okay so, and also next is the Coke. Pour the Coke in (fizzing) Okay. There is the Coke. Alrighty. And then you put in the top, and then the straw. Okay. That's the Coke. Okay. So next is the Happy Meal. So let's take the box of the Happy Meal. Oh, I'm sorry, ran out of the apple. So there's no apple slices in the Happy Meal 'cause someone took them all. - I didn't know you only had one! - And then yeah, you were the one complaining. Okay yeah, so no apple slices. Sorry. - Aria I'm sorry. No apple slices. - Aria I'm sorry. I could share my apples with you. Here you go. - Put them in the Happy Meal. You have apple slices now. Okay. So next take a box of chicken McNuggets. One, two, three, four. Aria just wait your food will come soon. Don't worry. Extra fries, because I mean Aria deserve, she deserves. Aria wait, your food will come! - Chop chop. Faster. - Happy Meal's done. Okay Aria you want your Happy Meal. - You want apples first? There you go. It's your favorite, apples. - And now we have to continue. So let's make even more fries because that is what they ordered. So fries. Fries. You like your apple slices? Okay. Next is the final thing. The Big Mac so let's deal with this, okay. I'm a pro at this. I'm a extreme pro now. So put that, there's cheese. Tomatoes next. And then pickle. And lettuce. Lettuce. Yes. And the Big Mac is ready. you need to put it in the box. I'm not forgetting. And the Big Mac is now finished. Is that your order complete? - Okay. Let's let's try it. - I'll give you a side of mayonnaise and ketchup. Okay. There you go. - All right. Thank you. It looks amazing. - You're welcome. - Wow. Okay. I need a chair for Aria. Do you have a high chair? - Yes we do. - Let's go. Daddy's gonna eat now. Okay. - And Aria you can eat as well. You have so much stuff in your Happy Meal. - So the first thing I'm going to try is, - Everything. - Is the amazing Big Mac. Is the best one, right? Let's go. - Wow at least someone likes the cheese. - It's really good. Isn't it? - Oh wow, amazing. - Professional chef. I'm just checking. Did you finish the whole thing? - Yeah, I'm just going to fish my apple juice, but I've a complaint Ronald. I've noticed that my happy meal did not come with the toy. I require a toy. - When do you stop complaining? - Ron, a Happy Meal comes with a toy. So can you please get my toy? I would like to speak with the manager Ronald. - Well, you're speaking with the manager. - But I require a toy. There's no toy in the Happy Meal. And the Happy Meal comes with a toy. - It did not say on the box that there will be a toy. - Everyone knows that Happy Meal comes with a toy. - You got it for free. So no complaints. - This is so good. - Do you actually like it? Amazing. Best burger ever. Want juice? Yes? Yes, you did it. Yay, bravo. Okay. Next thing I'm going to try- Oh, you want more? Okay, here you go I'm sorry. Yummy apple juice. Maybe you want a chicken nugget? What do you think? Try this. Okay guys. So next thing I'm going to try are the fries. 'Cause maybe those fries are the best. - Yes. - So, let's have them. What is this? - I told you! - This is a complete junk. This is beyond junk. - No! - This is not even cooked. It's, it's disgusting. - But it's potatoes. Don't you like potatoes? - They're not even fried. - They're cooked in the oven. - Ronald I finished all my food except the fries. The fries are awful. And I would like to order some more food. - Okay. What would you like to order? - Another thing of chicken nuggets, but with six pieces instead of four. 'Cause the box says six. - Well, I mean now you're ordering it separately. Now you're gonna get six. So guys, It looks like my McRonald's restaurant was a total success 'cause Karina wants more food. And Dad and Aria also really likes the food. - This is amazing. I wanna try everything. I want the McRonald burger. - Okay. So guys, next week we are gonna- Well, next video we are gonna see how Karina does on her Starbucks. - It's gonna be better than is Ronald. I promise you. Better than the fries. - Says the person who came back for food. - I'm breaking into the kitchen and giving myself more McNuggets. Four,five six. This time Ronald I'm running away with my McNuggets. - Thief. (upbeat music)
Channel: SIS vs BRO
Views: 23,097,074
Rating: 4.8056149 out of 5
Keywords: making mcdonald's restaurant
Id: iOh99BobRbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 46sec (1666 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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