Girlfriend and Best Friend FIGHT OVER BOY | Dhar Mann Studios

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dude Tom you got to stop kidding yourself man dude I'm serious I've been working on my pullup jumper I think I could crack the starting lineup the starting have you seen Jack play basketball his arms are thicker than your legs I mean be happy they even let us on the [Applause] team besides that what uh hey what happened you're not going to believe this Jack broke up with Heidi what why would anyone ever bring up with Heidi rumor has it he was seen on a date with Kylie mamino oh Scandal I love it Vince Vince this might be my chance your chance at what [Music] hello your chance say what Tom sorry do you think a a girl like Heidi would date a guy like me well you're a smart nice considerate guy so should she yes who [Music] she why is everyone looking at me because you're hot no I know but these aren't hot looks these are like sad looks looks like the news is out about you and Jack these people feeling sorry for [Music] me don't any weakness it could get disastrous hey you know what you need new boyfriend but who oo I heard John Daniels like he's really cute when he's the captain that's what got me in trouble in the first place I don't know I mean just date the hottest guy and he's the captain of the whatever just they leave you you know what I need a bad boy who plays by his own rules no I mean a nice guy e nice guys don't leave you embarrassing in fromont the whole school so they're nice just need to find the perfect candidate hey don't worry only a few dozen people stop it so what are we looking for here what about him who is he looking at me you are all of us I've had enough wandering eyes thank you d o dog next what about Dave Keats he's always reading and he's really smart too smart what would we talk about literature besides he's pres of the Poetry Club and too touchy Philly next what about him H too athletic girl he smells like dirty gym socks girls okay I've got this I've got this just I've been doing some thinking and I know just who to talk to Tom Grant who exactly he's perfect I don't get it why him he's cute enough athletic enough and with a little hard work there's potential to turn him from Geek to Chic I still don't see it most important of all is he's totally not a threat to leave me high and dry like Jack did that's for sure that kid's not going anywhere don't worry wouldn't it be crazy what you made a shot that's not that crazy I've seen you do it about three or four times ever okay hot shot make it five no man I mean what did it wouldn't it be crazy if I could actually get today Heidi it doesn't sound that crazy to me oh uh hey Tom actually I want to ask you something how about you go to dar's dino with me after school oh yes I I'll be there yes yes cool okay okay see you then okay bye some powerful stuff right there I mean not you but her wow dude D what if you're the new Power couple at school what would your name be H SK that tidy of course tidy what I just realized I've never had a girlfriend or even been on a date before what was I thinking I just I can't start with Heidi that's like your first car being a Ferrari I don't know how to handle it and I'll cck [Music] yeah but what a ride look dude you're cool you're smart I mean you're on the basketball team Tom dude I'm on the bench of the JV team Vince technicalities you're on the team and she chose you so obviously she likes you so you go see her you'll be your awesome himself and have fun come on sh sh sh so uh you like school it's fine what about you yeah fine saying zies so uh what else do you like um you know I actually really like the presentation you did at Mrs cord's English class it it was really good what no I mean come on no I'm serious it made me rethink Lord of the Flies completely I was all caught up in the hunting and monster stuff that I missed all the symbolism I didn't see it but you did cat says a lot about you really of course I mean obviously you have the beauty anyone can see that not everyone but you clearly also have the brains and that can get lost sometimes but that's what's important if not more so that's nice thank [Music] you do you like bounce houses bounce oh w it it's been a while to be honest but yeah sure it doesn't why um my little brother is having a birthday party this Sunday it's going to be so lame but maybe if you come it won't oh um Sunday but I was supposed to hang out with Vince but okay I'll go cool oh my God are you okay go I'm really glad you decided to come Tom of course sorry but um I wasn't sure what to get your brother but I saw he's a gamer so I figured some roox should work yeah no they will for sure he'll love that thank you okay you're such a nice guy Tom Jack would have never done this with me got my brother a present for that matter well it sounds like you're better off without him [Music] yeah yeah you're probably right I know that you never done me for Kylie mamino well I can't say that I have a lot of experience with heartbreak but when I'm sad you know what makes me feel better what [Music] you are so I don't like it she actually said the words nice guy what I mean you're the one who said maybe she sees the real me true but something ain't right here she took you to the diner knowing that Jack would be there with Kylie have you thought that maybe she's is not using me to make him jealous oh so you have thought about it then okay well aren't you Mr good things happen to good people maybe it's my turn for something good to happen to me haven't you thought about that I want nothing but good things for you man but if and I mean big if if well not that big of an if but if she's just using you to make Jack jealous how is that good for you so something good happens for me and all of a sudden it must be some kind of trick right cuz no one could actually like me no I don't think this has anything to do with Jack you're the one who's jealous yeah I too wish I had a fake relationship come on man I was just messing around what I don't know what his problem is I finally have something good in my life and he's getting all mad about it we've seen this before many times it's jealousy yeah you've moved on to a higher class of people and left him behind and he doesn't like it I know it's hard because you guys like to talk about your little robots or whatever I mean technically they're not robot [Music] what I was going to say is I know it's hard but this is a really good thing I can't have my boyfriend hanging out with losers you have better friends now and I'm going to get you more okay wait did you just call me your boyfriend yeah what else would I call you silly [Music] hey kiddo hey oh Tomy you okay son you know you've been acting a little strange lately yeah I'm I'm fine I mean howy is great and uh in a lot of ways but but she's trying to give Vin me to not hang out with Vince anymore Vince doesn't like her either and he thinks that she's just trying to use me to get back at her ex-boyfriend I don't know I like her and I think she likes me well that's great son but I think the real question is does she like you for you or is she trying to change you it's a nice snazzy jacket don't you think where'd you get it from righty look I'm sure that Heidi is a great girl son but I also think that you're a pretty great kid too you're perfect just the way you are if a doesn't see that then maybe she's not the one for you no she's not trying to change me she's just trying to help me become cooler that's a good thing uh-oh what happened well she bought me another jacket and she went want me to wear to school tomorrow so we can match okay I just bought me another gift there's there's nothing wrong with that there's nothing wrong with that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he hey [Music] [Applause] like $300 it's not bad no my Dad paid for it so kidi I can't say this boyfriend project of yours is genius I may even make him popular like I'm not too [Music] [Applause] careful hey babe my cousin is trainer I think I'm going hook you up with him the summer you know so you can get all beat up for football next year oh uh I don't want to play football I'm doing cross country cross country no that that's snooze best all the popular boys play football my boyfriend is going to play football yeah but Heidi I'm not big enough to play football and I'm I'm going to get killed out there that's what the personal trainer is for silly Jo B buff like all the like Jack I'm not Jack no I was going to say like a football player um sorry well you can start working out this weekend we're going to go to the boy band Bonanza concert it's going to be so fun Jenna and Chloe are going to take pictures of us we got backstage passes and then we're going to be so close that we can literally smell hair gel and then we can make everyone jealous of our amazing relationship okay well um I can't make it this weekend my dad and I are going to the local comic conon you're blowing me off for a bunch of nerds I don't think so I've not invested this much time and money for you to be going into some geek convention Lady it's not a geek convention no I said no no boyfriend of mine is going to ComicCon I've not invested this much time and money for you to be going to some geek convention and hang out with a bunch of losers I'm trying to raise yourself up from an ugly duckling to a beautiful Swan you're just trying to ruin that I'll see you tomorrow at the concert got it yeah good [Music] ah that sounded fun oh yeah she's just mad at me because I wanted to go to Comic home yeah I heard actually everyone heard but you're still going right it's the best weekend of the year every year come on I look but Hadi just wants to help me man dude you don't need any help you're fine just the way you are if Heidi liked you for you she'd be trying to do the things you like sometimes not just what she wants but hey it's your life I'll see you at Comic Con or I won't the important thing is it's it's your decision not Heidi come on guys let's play some [Music] ball I think I've outd done myself this time now tell me this is not the best homemade Flash costume you ever seen yeah it's great dad but um uh-oh I I don't think I can go to Common con tomorrow Heidi she wants me to go to some boy band concert or something I don't know so this boy band concert is it pretty important to her I don't think so I mean they're just going so they can take pictures I don't think Heidi even likes poy pants maybe she does I I don't know you see this Flash costume that I made for you to wear tomorrow what color is The Flash red always red right so let's just say I decided I didn't want the flash to be red I wanted him to be purple now this is what I want it to be this flash but it's just some purple lightning guy you see what I'm saying so I'm the flash well with Heidi you're just this big purple flash but personally I like the good oldfashioned red flash how about you yeah um I do too now if aidi doesn't realize the amazing flash that you are and maybe she's not the one for [Music] you suit up son suit up where is he literally the opening act starts in 15 minutes is that his car finally where have [Music] you why you dress like that because we're going to Comic Con and I just wanted to stop by to let you know that I won't be able to make it today no we have plans you're going to go get changed we're going to take pictures and we're going to look adorable or go to your little ComicCon find a new girlfriend if you can you know maybe you can date a martian I'm sure they'll love you caution just fine it's interesting that you bring that up because I've been thinking that maybe we should break [Music] up what I mean I just don't think you like me for me and this is me I cannot believe this is happening to me again and this time it's from some loser I don't know what I did to deserve this I can't imagine I just Tred to make you better okay see that's the thing I was fine the way I was I don't need to change Heidi because I'm the flash do not post that stop jenet stop it hey good job hey I know that wasn't easy all right so who ready to go get some Comics he hey can I drive can I drive [Music]
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios
Views: 5,530,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: HuLke5xqFI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 0sec (1260 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 01 2024
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