Switching Clothes with my Brother!!!!

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>> Hey, guys! It's Karina. >> It's Ronald from, Sis versus Bro. >> And today, we're gonna be switching our clothes for one week challenge! So basically, this challenge is exactly how it sounds. We're gonna be switching clothes for one week. I know. It's gonna be a little bit crazy, but we're not gonna be switching shoes because it might be a pretty big compared to Ronald's and we got different shoe sizes here. Okay? But, we're gonna have to dress up in each others clothes. Each day, we're gonna have to dress up into something different. I'm going to Ronald's closet, and Ronald is going to my closet. >> It's easy for you. What am I gonna do? Like wear some crop tops? What on earth is that? >> Um... Really nice shirt. >> Guys, I have no clue how I'm gonna do this. >> Okay, guys. Now let's go into each other's closets and pick an outfit for today. Let's go! >> Wish me good luck, I don't think I'm gonna survive. >> Okay, guys! Now I'm in Ronald's closet. Let's see what I can wear for today. Mhm... Eh... I kinda like this black one. "Chilled". Maybe this can work with jeans. He has so many jeans. Which one's should I pick? Probably these ones. Let's see what has here. I'm thinking maybe I could tie a sweater or something around my waist. Hm... Okay, guys! I think It's actually too hot for a sweater so I'm just gonna stick with what I got right here. I got a black and white "Chilled" tee shirt and some jeans. Let's hope they fit me. Guys! these pants are too small for me. I gotta find new ones. Okay, let's see what else he has. These ones looks a lot bigger. Yeah, these would probably fit me now. Okay, guys. This is the final outfit. I tied up the shirt and added a hat into the mix. I think it looks pretty good. What do you guys think? Comment down below. So this is my outfit for day number one. >> Okay, so now. It's my turn. >> Ron, don't worry I have a nice selection of crop tops for you to choose from. >> Oh no... So, guys. Now I'm in Karina's closet and we're gonna be looking here for some pants. I don't know which ones to pick because they're all girly. Which is, sadly. This one? Okay, okay. There's something pink here. Oh my goodness.This pink thing is gonna give it away. It's so big though. It's so big! That's not fair. It's fairly decent. We'll leave that in the options. Okay. Something black here, we might look normal. But, this this Is just bad now. No, I wanna look good. I don't want to look bad. Okay, the shirts is gonna be hard. I wish she just had a plain gray shirt. That will be just the best. There's a grey thing here, there's always something girly on it. Yeah, like. What is this? Like, Eiffel Tower? Oh no, it's Paris! Hahaha, I got close. No. I would look way too bad at that. Let's see. This one's black. Sis team? No way, Jose! What else? What have we got here? Okay, is this something good? Yes? Pink, weird textures? No. Running out of options here. This? This might be the decision. This might be it. Might be too big though. This, might be it. This, this, this!. Okay! We'll leave that in the selections. I [mumbles] find something else. Some things are white over here, but it feels like something girly. So, let's go here. This feels girly too. It's plain white. It's plain white! Let's go! Okay, this is definitely an option. So let's try this plain white shirt and jeans and see how it looks. I've got a good feeling. So, guys. This is how I look. I think I look okay, I think I can survive like this. Day one is gonna be survival. Let's go! It's okay. Not too girly. I think, I can survive day one. Okay Karina, are you ready to see me? >>Yeah. Ronald! >> You had a nice jeans and plain old blank shirt. >> Ronald, you're too basic! >> I know, I'm gonna look so good. >> But it's only day one, guys. Wait until day seven. So guys, this is how we look for day number one. We have nothing planned for today except going for ice creams. So, let's go find ice cream. Okay guys we are at the ice cream place. We look pretty normal, I think, let's order ice cream, and see if people are gonna be questioning us. So guys, we got our ice cream. No one's giving us any weird looks. That's pretty easy for day one. >> See you tomorrow. >> So guys, this is day two of our clothing swap challenge. I just came out of the pool. So my hair is wet but we are about to go to the restaurant. Sorry, Ronald. We're about to go to the restaurant. So we got to pick our outfit. I'm gonna pick my outfit first. Hm... at the restaurant we're going to has a beach next to it. And I'm going to be hanging out near the beach. So maybe you should be like kind of beach sort of friendly but not like a swimsuit. Definitely, I need short sleeve and I don't know about the shorts. Maybe, I could try some of the shorts. Hm... He has some white pants. Maybe I could try these on. What other pants does he have here? Hm... Maybe, these ones. I'll try those on as well. Now, we need a shirt. We can look over here, he has a bunch of shirts here. Hm... Let's just look through and see which ones look good. Maybe I can go for this colorful one. That's an option. Malibu. This one is pretty, I like the color. Okay, so I have these two shirts and these two pants right here and I'm going to try these on. So guys, I went with the colorful shirt and I tied it up and I also went with the white pants and I rolled them up a little bit. So they're not as long as they were before. I think I look pretty okay. I hope Ronald's gonna look as bad as me though. >> So guys, this is day two. I'm about to choose Karina's outfit. Well, my outfit from Karina's closet. Which is a shame. Cannot choose the same kind of pair which was awesome white shirt. But this, no, no, no. This might be the one. We might go for this one, today. Which is- okay. We'll put that in our options. Okay, what's over here? Hm... okay pants, pants, pants. I respect it and really big pants with a weird thing. Oh no, these are overalls. I hate overalls. This might be potential, potential. Did I wore this last time? This was from last time. So we're not allowed. That would be a good choice though. Hmm...Not bad. That's too girly. Here, this one, this one, this one. Potential, potential, potential. Hey, actually I might go with it. We'll put that in our options. Yes, my options is just a big pile. Well, soon to be big. Okay, this is no. This is just no. That's too girly. This, Nope. That's bad cause I see it has the things there, and it's not that good. Wait, wait. These are-- These are pants. These are pants. We might go with these actually, and then we can go with this. The school-- the school PE uniform. We might actually go with this, and this. That would be just super smart of you, Ronald I don't know, we'll put these in our options. Put the winner option. We have potential here. Oh, these look nice. Well, for a boy yeah. Okay, options. I think I know what I'm going for. I'm not going for this, because that'll be too Savage. I'm going for these two. Because, I think... This doesn't look too much as a girl. But, this shirt has stuff on it and looks girly. It says, oh no it's Justice. It says justice. But, we're in Spain and they don't have Justice here. So, they don't know what Justice is. They might think, oh! it's a cool boy shop. But you are wrong my friends. Let's go change in this bad boy. Oh my goodness. I look decent. Decent for this challenge. Might be better than day one. But, day one was a bit better. Because plain white. Yeah. Okay, we're gonna roll with this. It's just I need to tighten this. >> Wow, Ronald. How did you find this outfit? when are you gonna wear a crop top or something? When I run out of combos. [laughs] So guys, so far I'm doing really good and really lucky but I'm afraid soon I'm gonna rat out of combos and then I'm going to have to wear this. >> No, no, no, no. More like this. >> No, never in life. >> So guys, we are at the restaurant in our clothes and we're feeling pretty good about ourselves. So this day is pretty easy. Lemon squeezy. >> We also have five more days. >> Okay guys, this is day three of our challenge. I think I've done pretty good so far. But today, I think I've just run out of ideas to look actually good. >> Same. >> I don't have a good feeling about today. Okay guys. So, I. What I think I'm going to wear... [gasps] This is my shirt and somehow ended up in Ronald's closet. I can still wear it because it's in Ronald's closet actually might not be that fair. But Ronald, has his own tie dye shirt here, and I can wear that. This one. It's not that bad.Mine's better. But, it's okay. I can wear this. And for the pants, I never liked the pants that Ronald had. Let's go back to the shorts. What kind should I wear today? Maybe I could dig deep at the bottom and I'll find something nice or not. I mean, these ones are alright, actually. And I'll actually go with these ones, I think. Yeah, I think I will. And I'm gonna take Ronald's hat. I wore this all the time and make my hair look pretty okay. And I look better with the hat. So, I'm going to roll with the hat. So guys, this is my outfit. I got the hat backwards on. I tied up the shirt and these shorts are actually the shortest ones I've worn in the last two days I think these are the shortest ones but they're still too long. So guys, what do you think of my outfit for today? Comment down below. >> So guys, I am in Karina's closet. Let's choose an outfit. Okay, I am gonna put these aside because these are just like meh. Unless there's a... Oh. There's a good one here. "Tomboy" but it's a-- Ew, what's this? Ew, no! Maybe, Coca-Cola or maybe not. Okay. We'll go here. This is my favorite section of Karina's closet. Okay. What pants? Jeans? It has weird things at the back pockets here which is 'meh' so, I don't want that. Um... No. Same weird thing on the back pocket. I don't know what to choose. Okay, back pockets are good. Little string, giving it away. But. Hm... Okay! Options. Options. Hm... Ooh! what's this? Some black pants? Okay, We're on to something. I think this is-- I think this is too short. No way. We're running of options here. What to choose? This is a girly color. No. I don't know what to choose. We might have to pick something more fashionable. This. Okay. This. Maybe, probably. Does it have anything to give it away? This design? Maybe? Maybe, this design will give it away. Okay, options. You're going into options. You should feel good about yourself. Okay, on to the shirts. Oh wow. We are running out. Okay something blue. Okay, is it blank? Is it normal? Is it regular blue? That would be nice. What is it? No. This is too pink. I don't know what to choose. This is H&M. Okay we're on to something. We're on to something. What is it? Wait. Wait is this regular black? Is this just plain black? Please, tell me. you are going in options. You stay there in options. Yes! I don't even need to pick anymore shirt. I'm looking here. I have no clue why. Okay what's over here? Uhh... This is school uniform 'meh.' Okay, Dresses? No. Purses? Maybe. No, actually. No. I don't know what to choose. I want to go with this but it has a design. It's the same as the black ones but just a different color. If I go all black that would just be bad. that would just be bad, so I. We need some other pants. Okay, let's take these jeans maybe and this awesome Regular black shirt. Let's go. Okay guys, This is how I look. It's average, it's decent. But now, I think, I completely ran out of options. So one day, I have to wear a crop top or something. Hopefully, not. Let's cross our fingers. Maybe, there's a secret lair in Karina's closet where there'sn all boy stuff. That would be nice. But let's show Karina now. Karina, how do I look? >> Seriously? >> Yeah. Seriously, I'm very serious. >> Well, it won't happen again next time for sure. >> I think I completely ran out actually. But hopefully, you have a secret lair in your closet where you have only boy clothes. >> It'll be the awesome... But look at me, I actually look like a boy. you're supposed to look like a girl. >> You look like a girl. > >No. So guys, we are at the store. No one's giving us looksies so I think we're doing pretty good. We've come to the store to get gluten free cookies and ice cream. So let's do that. [music playing] Let's get the smaller ones. >> That was simple. No one really gave us any looks. >> No one noticed anything. So guys, right now. Still in our outfits. We're are going to the dentist, and I'm need to get my braces. >> And I'm gonna be getting my sort of braces >> They're the ones he can take out, but mine are like drilled to my teeth. I'm so nervous. But so excited at the same time. [music playing] So guys, you wanna see my braces? I don't know. Maybe, you shouldn't. These are my braces. You can barely see them, which I like. So guys, we have our outfits still on and we didn't get any looksies from the Doctor. >> He wasn't like. Hm... >> Something's going on. >> Yeah. >> But I can't quite put my finger on it. But right now, we are heading home with my braces. >> And my fake braces, they're definitely here you know. They're like right there. They're right there. Okay, okay. What should I wear today? Okay, options. Options! [music playing]
Channel: SIS vs BRO
Views: 68,237,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wearing each others clothes, switching clothes challenge, switching clothes with my sister
Id: MfnCFMBp2bw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 33sec (1053 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 25 2018
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