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What's it gonna be Ant-Man hey welcome back to screen Crush I'm ryanairy and this is all the Easter eggs references and little things that you might have missed in Ant-Man and the WASP Quantum Mania guys I am going to talk about Kang Loki the Multiverse Saga the end of the movie and how all of this sets up Avengers the King Dynasty and Secret Wars we've also already made it into an explained video so check that out on the channel but also we are going to talk about this actual movie and whether or not it works and how it brings the story of Scott Lang full circle so let's get into these Easter eggs first of all the Marvel Studios intro has now been altered to include shuri fist pumping from wakanda forever and he who remains has been added to the Marvel logo foreshadowing Jonathan Majors return as Kank now the first trailer for this movie was set to Elton John's Goodbye Yellow Brick Road which established that the film was kind of a loose retelling of The Wizard of Oz but in this case Kang is the wizard a scientist who landed in the quantum realm years ago both kangan the wizard built a Fantastical City they oppress the people of the land and then inspired fanatical hero Worship in those same people then people from the Wizards World the outside world arrive they go through a series of trials made some friends and eventually all of The Outsiders returned to their own world so here's the rate they're rich or the east as King The Wizard and the rich I said it's a loose retelling buddy not everything has an analog I got an analog for your breath anyways all right we'll be getting the movie with a prologue that shows the wizard arriving in the quantum realm Janet owns a small farm that has just kept her alive for all these years and this is actually answering quite a few questions that people had after quantumania see up until now we had only seen the quantum realm as this weird freaky floaty place but a deleted scene from Ant-Man and the WASP elaborated on what we could expect in the sequel world's entire civilizations far more than we ever theorized in fact they lifted this exact line of dialogue from Janet and put it in quantumania when she explains the realm to her family well why would they even take that out of the other movie it was really good I thought that line well actually I'm glad they did take that line out because it sets up that she wanted to keep the dangers of the quantum realm a secret and at this time was traumatic for her if she just would have started blabbing to Hank right away then this would have been undermined in this movie and we actually have really cool cinematic Easter egg right in this first scene see I thought it was very interesting how Kang's time chair and his Tech revolves around rotating circles now in past videos we have talked about this visual similarity to Shang Chi's 10 rings and how it could connect to the beacon at the end of Shang Chi a beacon sending a message even the doorway that Janet opens later on is covered in rings kind of like the celestial technology that we saw in the eternals now I do think that all this is eventually going to connect in some way and we're going to cover a couple theories in a future video but basically what if the 10 rings are the technology of a Kang variant left in our past a thousand years ago and that Beacon is calling out to the Council of Kings but more on them in a second Michelle Pfeiffer has been digitally de-aged in this prologue and so far every Ant-Man movie has begun showing a de-aged PIM in this opening scene they've come a long way since this the her the her no hey didn't you have an Easter egg you wanted to share gerko says that Ant-Man was an original Avenger oh that's great buddy that's a really good Easter egg oh and look this suspicious email says IR taxes I better click on it Doug no not the suspicious email what happened well you clicked on a suspicious malware site and now our video is infected you should have been using the 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doctor Doom's time machine and long story short traveled back in time to start Conquering the past first he did this in Egypt as Pharaoh Rama Tut who we actually see in this post-credits scene now every time he traveled back in time he created a branching timeline and a variant of himself you'll remember that the TVA in Loki was charged with hunting down variants but more on them in just a bit all of Kang's variants formed this enormous Council of Kings which is in the post-credits scene okay went on to become one of the Avengers most dangerous villains because he can essentially perceive all of time at once and this makes him an ideal villain post Avengers end game because like Tony said time it tends to mess back now one interesting detail about Kang is the two stripes that he wears on his face which in the movie are represented as scars seeing the comics he originally wore this paint after he met a prehistoric version of his one true lover Rhonda rensslayer who also appeared in Loki now we don't know how he got these scars in the MCU but they do distinguish him from most of his variants again we're going to talk more about Kang and his Origins and the TVA and Loki later in the video but now let's go to modern day where Scott's life is just going great the first line he narrates is my life doesn't make sense and I have to tell you I loved the bookending narration in this movie both monologues cut to the heart of who Scott is he is like the Everyman he has no superhuman abilities no special talents like Hawkeye he has absolutely no business at all being a superhero he's not even a genius he's not even that smart was it in a wardrobe no I was in a like a tall dresser you mean a wardrobe is that what that's called he's just like a super positive dad he's his Paul Rudd exactly and these monologues set all that up and the ending monologue perfectly caps off this movie and his place in the Multiverse Saga but I'll get into that a bit later we open on the skyline of San Francisco the setting of the other Ant-Man movies and also Xiang Chi just saying there are connections here but instead of showing us the actual Skyline this is on the side of a bus which could be a fun way to indicate that the movie is not going to be set in an actual City but instead in a digitally created environment the quantum realm and the song playing in the opening and ending is called welcome back and it was the theme song to a 1970 sitcom called Welcome Back Cotter the show was about an air do well former student turn teacher who was put in charge of a group of unruly teens called The Sweat Hogs including John Travolta this is just like how Scott is a nerduel ex-con who now finds himself in a mentorship role with his daughter Cassie but beyond the meta meaning the song is an easy going laid-back tune that welcomes the world back from the lip Scott is back from the quantum realm and he's settling into his everyday life he mentions that he time travel with Captain America referencing of course the Time Heist and Avengers end game and also it's cool that he only mentions Captain America when there were actually eight other people involved but he's always had the most hero worship for Steve Rogers wow this is awesome Captain America and this leads into another Captain America Easter egg that we're going to talk about later so the opening monologue shows just how far Scott has come along in the hero game he went from this a man man Ant-Man to this do you want to grab one with me I'm Ant-Man to high five and a kid with an Ant-Man backpack and then we get this scene from the trailer with the kind old Barista giving him free coffee for saving the world but only because he thinks he's someone else thank you Spiderman I do think it's interesting that Spider-Man has fans though because remember in Spider-Man no way home Jay Jonah Jameson is making a fortune from calling Spider-Man a criminal AKA Peter Parker aka the web-headed war criminal and a ton of people still think that Spider-Man is a murderer Mysterio was right stop that's all even if they don't remember who Peter Parker is who the heck is Peter Parker no idea but on the west coast I guess Spidey still has fans and also Scott is the one who generates all of his own press in Ms Marvel Kamala bases her in-game YouTube video on the account that Scott gave to a podcast called this powered life titled big me little me and in this movie we get frequent callbacks to his book look out for the little guy which was first teased here in wakanda Forever in the opening Montage we see him having lunch with Jimmy woo the FBI agent who was assigned to him in the first movie this is a really fun callback one remember their last meet was kind of awkward did you want to grab dinner or something I mean because I'm free yeah come on and now they finally had that meal together and we can also see Scott showing him some close-up magic this was a running gagging Ant-Man in the WASP it's how we went from this close-up magic to this how'd you do it Scott do what the card trick to woo practicing online can you knock which then led to this Jamesy Wu FBI awesome there is also a little bit of a call back to misdirection later in the movie when Scott turns giant to distract King from Cassie's Rebellion now there are many many moments in this movie that call back to the first Ant-Man and bring this Trilogy full circle one of my favorites is Scott getting the employee of the century award from Baskin Robbins remember he was fired from there after lying about being an ex-con Baskin Robbins always finds out now notice that the name tag still has his fake name Jack and so does his name tag later when he's in the probability storm this is the same boss that fired him who also makes him the cake later on which is going to be loaded with the symbolism I can't wait to discuss hope has rebranded her dad's company as Pim Van Dyne Industries and they are helping to solve the post-blip housing crisis right have it how they doing that they're making tiny homes and growing them or wouldn't they fall apart if they did that or what do they shrink people and then put them into smother homes like that movie that was in a movie called downsizing remember that movie it's it's best we don't dwell on such things that's right on your breath super weird but okay this logo for her company is also modified from the pemtech logo that we saw in the first movie which symbolizes how how pen particles shrink the space between atoms and then we see that Scott's opening narration was actually him reading his book and this is kind of the rule in MCU movies the omniscient narrator is always talking to somebody Tony was talking to Banner and Iron Man 3 Thor was talking to certa and Ragnarok and Korg was speaking to children and love and thunder and there are also lots of kids cosplaying as Ant-Man In This Crowd which is extremely cute his last words to them there's always room to grow would really resonate with children and in this Final Chapter he spells out his main priorities now says he doesn't care much about being a hero he's just entered semi-retirement to make up for lost time with his daughter and this makes total sense I mean Scott only became Ant-Man to get money to pay child support so he could be with his daughter and in the second movie he only did heroic things out of an obligation to Hope and Hank I mean the one time he chose to be selfless he got arrested for helping cap in Germany so this movie really is about Scott coming around and choosing to be a hero because it's the right thing to do Scott also says he'll answer if the Avengers called but I don't even think the Avengers exist right now I mean we talked about that in a video a few weeks ago but they don't seem to be a functional team was like regular membership in a headquarters curious to see how phase six defines the Avengers and then we learned that Cassie is like her dad prone to going to jail later in the movie Scott says that he's been to jail three times in the past that would be once for his original crime against Vista Court then when he was arrested for breaking into Hanks and then again when he was arrested in Captain America Civil War and Tim always said you never can trust a Stark who are you now Cassie is in jail because she wants to be a hero now a lot of you might know that in the comics she becomes a superhero called stature and then later on stinger in fact her suit in this movie matches her purple stinger costume so that's probably going to be her hero name in the MCU but also in the Marvel Cinematic Universe Cassie has already displayed Tendencies toward that Superhero life but more importantly is the reason she's in jail for shrieking a police car when the police were clearing out a homeless camp in the park she makes a point to mention that there is still a post-blip housing crisis when people returned and had no homes and this is also what Aunt May was raising money for in Spider-Man far from home thank you support those who have been displaced by the blip Cassie has a strong sense of social activism which is reflected in her t-shirt which looks like it's promoting a healthy Earth and anti-climate change now we see her views come to fruition later on when she leads a popular Uprising against Kang and the quantum realm and in this she also takes after her dad who stole money from Vista Court to return to its employees he hacks into the security system and transfers Millions back to the people that they stole it from they continue to listen to Scott's audiobook in the car when he relives the bizarre moment when the hook turned him into a baby somebody peed my pants oh thank God but I don't know if it was baby me or old me and then he recalls one of his taco day in a talking raccoon landed the Benetar ruining his lunch there's an idiot in The Landings at a family meal hankin Biggins a pizza which felt like a nod to hydrating a pizza and Back to the Future too sure can hydrated pizza now this is a fun Easter egg because Ant-Man previously mentioned his love for the bttf trilogy come back to the future is a bunch of [ __ ] and the scene Cassie also calls Hank Grandpa which is very sweet so Hank says that he would have just broken Cassie out of jail with some ants which is what he did for Scott and Ant-Man one and what Scott did for him and Ant-Man and the wasp and this is also foreshadowing the ending when Hank shows up to save the day with an army of killer ants Cassie also tells Scott that she's mad that he's not doing more to help the world while all Scott wants to do is keep her safe now of course the movie ends with Scott turning back to face Kang and battle and this all comes full circle with a line that Hank told Scott in the first movie the chance to earn that look in your daughter's eyes she also mentions that he fought Captain America at an airport in Germany referring to the Captain America Civil War and then Scott is very quick to point out that he fought with Captain America and you'd have to be crazy to fight against him man Scott is such a cap Super Fan I hope he gets to see Rogers the musical when it tours to San Francisco oh yeah I saw that last night what did you do last night man you don't want to know what I did last night all right and we also learned that Cassie has inherited some of Scott's brains I thought you said he wasn't that smart well he's no Quantum physicist but he does have an engineering degree and Cassie studied Hanks old journals to build a Quantum Beacon to find Scott down in the quantum realm so Janet freaks out because she knows that Kang will somehow find the signal and later in the movie we find out that it was actually Modoc AKA Darren cross who found this signal which chef's kiss works so well for so many reasons let me pause for a moment to tell you children the glory of Modoc a lot of you probably at least have heard of Modoc before because he was the villain in The Avengers video game and he has his own Kick-Ass series on Hulu are you binge watching The Great British Bake Off in your helmet while we fight no I'm savoring the Great British Bank off making it last in the comics Modoc was a scientist named George Tarleton who worked for advanced idea mechanics that's the evil think tank that Killian created in Iron Man 3. now in the comics though they're a much bigger deal and they fight Captain America and they wear these giant bee suits aim experimented on George Tarleton giving him a giant head and a frail little body but also these incredible mental Powers his acronym originally stood for mechanized organism designed only for computing but George overthrew his bee suit overlords and changed his name to Modoc and then conquered aim just like in this movie where cross pulls a double cross on his master Kang so after the beacon is activated not everybody gets sucked in in fact Cassie gets sucked in so then Scott chooses to let go so he can go in and protect her and we see this throughout the whole movie his number one priority is to protect her showing his eventual Arc of growing into a superhero who chooses to fight for everyone and not just the people he loves and then we get to the quantum realm yeah this isn't like The Chronic realm we saw before this stuff was it different all right well so this is a deeper part of the quantum realm than we've ever seen before which is why there are people like walking around and stuff presumably in Ant-Man and the WASP Janet ventured out to where she and Hank met beyond the borders of Kang's domain remember she gave them these coordinates you have to meet me at these exact coordinates in the Wasteland beyond the quantum void so now it makes sense in hindsight that she would have have wanted to meet him as far away from Kang as possible that way Kane couldn't use the quantum tunnel to escape the quantum realm so the area where she meets Hank and Ant-Man 2 is like all toxic and he can barely survive in this environment so this is the reason why all these Quantum people don't Venture this far out into the wider Quantum realm now I should also note that the quantum realm is based off of the microverse into Comics it's a pocket Universe you arrive in by shrinking it has its own lore and its own main villain the psycho man who has fought Ant-Man a few times in the comics Janet also describes the quantum realm as a secret Universe beneath ours and in the past we have theorized that this is why it is a gateway to the Multiverse think of the quantum realm like the trunk of a tree an Avengers end game The Avengers would travel from timeline to timeline by passing through the quantum realm or the tree trunk and then back out to another Branch this is why we also think the TVA exists somewhere in the quantum realm because they can observe the Multiverse as a whole all at once but more on the TVA in just a little bit and by the way everyone I want you to know that we have a new shirt in our merch store it is the Doug father oh no depicting Doug is the iconic movie poster I did not section the use of my image so check out our merch store at to get yours and check out all of our other cool shirts while you're there it really helps support our Channel we very much appreciate it and the link is in the description they don't pay me for this don't buy this shirt that's a rip-off with the scam all right Doug Scott and Cassie get taken in by a village of rebels but she arrives first and then makes friends with them kind of like Leia did with the Ewoks and Return of the Jedi we meet all sorts of weird creatures there's fish people Sun heads and this is where I want to talk about this movie's connection to Rick and Morty the screenwriter Jeff loveness is a comedy veteran who has written some of Rick and Morty's best episodes now just in case you haven't seen that show it's about a genius alcoholic scientist who travels to outer space and through the Multiverse to have adventures with his grandson in later Seasons we find out that Rick like Janet is a former freedom fighter who has now given up on the cause one of his old Soldier buddies bird person joined the enemy just like krylar does in this movie so Rick and Morty is also filled with like weird creatures and aliens and visuals that don't really make sense kind of like the quantum realm look at that thing right there what the hell is that thing the guy who looks like broccoli seems like a play on the various weird Dimensions that we see in the Rick and Morty Multiverse yes I'd like to order one large sofa chair with extra chair please and I'm also going to go over more Rick and Morty similarities as we go along now before they ride the giant manta ray Janet teases Hank about loving ants so much and the use of ants has always been a gag in these movies from mocking the name of the hero is it too late to change the name to this oh sorry and here I like that they still tease Hank about the ants but then he gets the last laugh and the Ants saved the day now the Ooze that they all drink is a kind of universal translator similar to the Babelfish and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy that is a fish that well I mean you put it in your ear and then you instantly understand anything said to you in any language also the village chants while they hold open Scott's mouth to force him to drink which is a lot like the Kalima ceremony in Indiana Jones in the Temple of Doom how come the x-con guys running this like like the Reese I love that guy well Doug actually the guy who plays Kurt in the Ant-Man movies does voice veb the alien who wants holes they also meet the great William Jackson Harper who plays a telepath named quas now he was great in this movie but I was a little surprised that like this was the role he was cast in for the MCU he was being touted as a potential read Richards and he's great in the good place there have been literally 802 different versions of us and how do I know that this version is the best version of myself and I guess this band of rebels is the closest we're ever going to get to the micronauts in the MCU they're here wide now uh there are heroes in the microverse in the comic it doesn't matter they're not in the movie it also does make sense though the Cassie would quickly bond with such weird looking creatures I mean look how she reacted to the deformed birthday present that Scott brought her when she was a kid he's so um ugly I love him and then Janet takes the fam to a weird alien bar that is under the control of Kang now King's soldiers in the movie looking awful lot like his microbots from the comics now when Janet opens the door I did notice how it seems to work with these like circular mechanisms now this could be a coincidence but these do look a lot like the celestial Tech that the eternals used so stay with me on this if the celestials created the universe then where did the celestials come from they could have come from the quantum realm which is this weird multiversal cradle for all of creation and then we get to the Bill Murray playing krylar now krylar is from the comics he's a character who lived in the microverse who appeared in Hulk issue number 156 all the way back in 1972. that issue features Hulk returning to a world in the microverse where he finds out that it's been conquered by an evil dictator kind of like how Janet returns and finds King in control in this movie krylar is a servant of this evil dictator and just like in the movie he dies like like right away he's barely a character it's totally weird he's in this movie there's also a rebellion against this evil dictator just like in the movie and the rebellion was led by a woman named gorilla similar to jantora The Rebel leader in this film man I loved how loveness's script really embraced the total weirdness of the quantum realm like when Scott's surprised that their buildings are alive beb says wait yours are dead or like how krylar says Hank I've heard about you and your aunts now that the fighting's done krylar has become an administrative figure similar to former Scout Orlando Calrissian becoming respectable in running Cloud City and just like Lando krylar sells out the heroes to the bad guy I had no choice they arrived right before you did I prefer to think a crylar more as a sir man join with him where's the LIE high five in the ensuing fight against Kings macrobots Janet uses Two Pistols that look exactly like star-lord's weapons and krylar gets his comeuppance when he was eaten by one of the same adorable octopi that he ate moments earlier in a scene creepier even than this one Hank mentions that he had a brief affair with a woman named Linda which could be a reference to Linda Carter Wonder Woman No Linda Carter is the Night Nurse from the Marvel Comics like a Night Nurse is from Jersey her sounds dirty now what are we gonna do about this blood pressure of yours no but little big League's a really underrated movie no Linda Carter is a hero in the comics called The Night Nurse she patches up Heroes after their fights kind of like Claire Temple does in the Netflix shows oh the controls of the ship work by moving your two arms very similar to the Titan ship that Tony and Peter flew in Infinity War yes it's not the one big guy so we got to move at the same time okay and another full circle moment Scott was taught how to fight in the first movie and in this movie he is teaching those same techniques to Cassie see what I did no you're like this small and I gotta say I really loved Catherine Newton in this role we keep talking about how her and Haley Steinfeld and other characters will eventually be in the Young Avengers and I can't wait to see them all together and playing off each other it is going to be a lot of fun it's gonna be fun and then Modoc time to change the World by bringing it to its knees in this reimagined version Modoc was created when Darren cross was sent to the quantum realm remember he was shrunk one body part at a time making him come out all deformed this happened when he was attacking Cassie which she reminds us of when she says that she was attacked by a guy in a bee costume in her bedroom when she was a kid dad a guy dressed like a bee tried to kill me in my room when I was six now cross was a bad guy but trying to kill a six-year-old was his ultimate Act of villainy so again thanks coming full circle it's fitting that Cassie redeems him to the good side later on it was also fitting that he was sent to the quantum realm because of Cassie and then she is sent to the quantum realm because of him and then Janet finally explains Kang's backstory so let me re-explain how all of this connects to one of the best if not the best MCU show Loki so just in case you didn't see that show you might be very very confused by what happens in this film Loki follows Loki's Adventures after he stole the Tesseract in Avengers end game now because that was something that Loki was not supposed to do this created a branching timeline so he was arrested by these time cops called the time variance Authority they were formed after a multiversal war broke out between timelines after the war a variant of Kang formed the TVA all I have to do was manage the flow of time and prevent any further branches hence the TVA so the TVA are in charge of maintaining a singular sacred timeline that will prevent any other variant of Kang from ever existing if you think um you just wait until you meet bye variance and the series ends with this variant dine and the sacred timeline splintering off into an infinite number of universes which created the kings in this movie now in this movie we see the live-action version of the Council of Kings this is a group of thousands and thousands of Kings from the comics that essentially ruled over all of time and in the MCU they rule over the Multiverse we even see these three kings looking at us wondering timeline that they control but Kang tells Janet that his variants are playing with time like children their actions will lead to the multiversal war that will end reality this is also similar to Rick and Morty in that show there is an interdimensional Council of Ricks that formed a rick City and our Rick is an outcast from this Council kind of like Kank I will take my revenge on those who banished me and I will burn them out of time now Loki did end with a tease that Kang is now in control of the TBA and we do get a Loki teaser at the end of this movie which we talked about in our Indian explained video and I'm going to elaborate on just a little bit later but another neat connection to this movie and Loki is that Kang's Tech is very similar to the device is that he who remains created for the TVA they both have a propensity for circles Kang's timeshare is a multiversal platform that can travel across timelines just like the tva's portal Tech and Kang also claims that he can rewrite time which is essentially what the TVA does when they prune timelines Kang also says that time is a cage trying to break you which is how he described time in the excellent Kang miniseries Comics thanks Matt singer for that observation so kangwin on a rampage deleting timelines and wiping out trillions of lives just like the TVA does when they prune timelines when Janet calls him out on murdering Untold numbers of people he says I wish that mattered because like he keeps saying all the realities are going to end anyways so nothing matters nobody exists on purpose nobody belongs anywhere everybody's gonna die come watch TV now during this flashback Janet tells Kang that she lied to her daughter in a scene that we saw an Ant-Man and the WASP Daddy a business trip so Rose is going to stay with you for a few days no I don't want you to go now like I mentioned earlier much of Kang's Tech is centered around rings and circles the battery is housed in rings his Citadel even looks like the 10 Rings Insignia and I do think that 100 the 10 Rings the Bengal and the light Dimension from his Marvel are all going to be connected to Kang the Conqueror specifically because in this movie we see Kang demonstrate his ideal timeline one that is circular and does not Splinter like the sacred timeline of he who remains making it very likely that this version of Kang will go once who found his own TVA and formed the sacred timeline I also think that the alternate Dimension from Shang Chi and the ignore light Dimension from Ms Marvel are going to turn out to be part of the Multiverse which would mean that Kamala and Shang Chi are special beings who are children of different universes being merged together wow just cause they're all using Rings well remember how the energy of the Rings was naturally orange but then it became blue whenever when Wu used it we see this same thing in this movie Kang's core glows orangish yellow but when he starts to use the power it turns blue but we're going to cover all of that in way more detail in a separate video so Janet touches the ship and like Wanda touching ultron's cradle is linked to his mind and sees all the Carnage that he's caused and plans to cause first she flashes to Kang traveling through time and we see planets being destroyed one world with a portal opening in it and then later we see Kang created a Corona of blue light that could have caused this same energy surge essentially Kang opening up a portal on this world swallowed this planet and then we see Kang just mowing down people even killing a mother and child we then see people being wiped from existence as we zoom out to see that Kang is pruning timelines just like the branchy timelines that we saw and Loki and he's doing all of this because like he who remains he wants to save these timelines from himself this is like a great change they made for him in the MCU instead of making Kanga one note conqueror they've made him a brutal anti-hero who it's kind of hard to argue with and what are you so afraid of me so Janet and biggins's power core and turns it into an unobtainable McGuffin which is very similar to the forever Crystal and the comics so this is something that Kang's future self immortus wanted the Avengers to steal for him because it would allow him to become master of all time kind of like Kang's chairwood in this movie so in Kang's domain notice how it's so large that it's actually inside of its own sphere of gravity it travels up the walls of this place kind of like the planetary Arc and Interstellar and I just have to say Kang looks amazing he looks like kind of goofy in the comics typical villain purple with like a goofy green tunic but here they adapted all of that to make him look terrifying notice that when he reveals himself to Scott we first see him reflected on the floor floor that has a circular pattern drawn on it the reflection brings in this idea of multiple selves or duplication foreshadowing the Council of kings that we see later on but also the ring on the floor is symbolizing the sacred timeline I should also mention that the MCU is on a giant time Loop which we talked about in another video he who remains says you plan blade in my chest start another multiversal war and I just end up right back here anyways so this theme of circles can also represent this never-ending cycle of the Multiverse award that the Avengers are going to have to break in Avengers Secret Wars nah this whole thing is a circle but not a real Circle more like a freaky Circle he even calls these Universe ending events incursions which we learned about in Multiverse of Madness you never told us the details of what had happened only that you had inadvertently triggered an incursion and incursions were the events that led up to the destruction of all realities in 2015 Secret Wars comics Kang says you're an Avenger have I killed you before and then adds you're not the one with the hammer now this is establishing that Kang has killed many many Avengers across many timelines but our own Colton Ogburn pointed out that later in the movie he straight up calls Scott Ant-Man now no one told King that this was his name meaning that Kang probably knew who he was all along we just pretended not to just to intimidate him he tells Scott that he has seen the end of time and he knows that it ends in multiversal war just like the war we heard about and Loki there was a vast multiversal War or countless unique timelines battled each other for Supremacy also Kang threatens to kill Cassie and says that he will make Scott relive her death over and over remember the TVA devised a similar punishment for Loki making him relive his worst day over and over and over again [Music] foreign [Music] please I beg you and also the portals that Kang opens glow with orange energy just like the time portals of the TVA so in another full circle moment Scott has to pull off a heist like in the first film and this is where it gets weird so when the core was expanded everything that made it work expanded as well and this created a probability storm around the orb yeah what's what's this probability storm stuff I don't really get that it's silly to me I'm just a dog all right well a device that can navigate the Multiverse would do so by calculating different probabilities of an event occurring so like if you're looking for a reality where the chairs sit on people then the device would calculate the probability of that Universe existing and then use that probability to navigate to that timeline the probability storm means that Scott is split off into endless variations of himself who could have made an infinite number of choices remember this is how variant timelines are created times people like you Veer off the path the time Keepers created we call those variants and then every one of these timelines can then make their own possible decisions splintering off the timelines into more and more directions and this is essentially what happens to the timelines at the end of Loki and how the Council of Kings was created and we also saw something similar in an episode of Rick and Morty in a wrinkle in time they continuously split off realities when they make different decisions and eventually a TVA like time cop has to come and straighten them out oh see you broke time and you thought you could just stick it back together with this now Scott isn't actually creating new universes but this is a great example of how new timelines are created instead these are all possible Scots like the one who still works at Baskin Robbins Baskin Robbins always finds out Darren Compares this to the metaphor of Schrodinger's cat so this is a mathematical thought experiment that says if a cat is fed poison and then sealed in a box and we can't see it then the cat has an equal probability of being both alive or dead in a sense it is alive and dead at the same time according to Schrodinger if you open the box and confirm that the cat is dead then in a sense you've killed the cat so the endless decisions and variants start to drown out Scott until he is saved by the people he loves just as he's getting Jon snowed Cassie's voice makes all the Scots Focus this is similar to how her voice brought him back from the quantum realm in the first movie Cassie so all the Scots work together because in any Universe saving Cassie is the one thing they can agree on and when Janet saves him all of their variations become one because they are all certain of their love for one another but Kane gets the battery and then he calls hope Jelly Bean her mother's nickname for her it's a condescending evil ass line and it's great and speaking of evil what actually defeats King in this movie is his arrogance he decides kind of on a whim to not honor his deal with Scott and to hand Cassie over he tells Scott that she'd be better off without him yeah I mean let's hit this with a hand of her over here why did it do that do that I didn't have to do that well I think that because of his ego he did not want to admit that Scott in any way had the upper hand on him which is funny because Scott literally has the upper hand on a later on when he grows big and wrecks his City he wrecks this city he wrecks the city with his you done yet yeah I'm good all right good so Kang explains his motives that he's trying to save the Multiverse from his variant starting a war with each other and he says to Janet you have no idea what I've lost now in the comics Kang's true love is ravona rensslayer that's who he lost right the TVA leader in Larkey that's right now this is complicated because like time travel stuff but basically Kang meets a different incarnation of ravona at several different points in the timeline somewhere she's a warlord somewhere she's a princess you get the idea it turns out that in the distant future Kang took her Essence and then threw it all across time so she would be reborn again and again giving him endless chances to save her life in different timelines and the same thing could be happening here maybe the ravona that we met in Loki was just one of these different ravonas scattered throughout different timelines I mean ravone is definitely going to reappear in the story remember she ended the Loki series with Ms minutes giving her special instructions from someone who is probably a Kang variant but he thinks this will be more useful who happy reading and then she goes off in search of the person who's in charge in search of Free Will so it's possible that ravona is looking for Kank and that she could be the loss that Kang is referring to here and by far one of my favorite parts of this movie was when Hank showed up with his army of ants they took one of the silliest aspects of Ant-Man and made it badass yeah but why are the ants so big and so smart because when they passed into the quantum realm they experienced time at an advanced rate and then created an advanced civilization Hank calls this a technocratic class II civilization so technocratic means a civilization that is ruled by technology or by an AI ants would naturally gravitate toward this kind of organizational structure because in nature they follow a singular Queen but class II civilization refers to the kardashev scale so Nikolai Kardashian was a Russian astronomer who created this method of measuring a civilization's progress Earth is currently a type 1 civilization because we harness the energy that reaches us from our sun while a type 2 civilization will build a Dyson Sphere that completely encloses their their son and then they harness all of their energy from that we're to type 3 civilization well that is when you harness all the energy from your mom so if the ants are a type 2 civilization it means that they have created a Dyson Sphere that encloses one of these many suns that we see in the quantum realm and look I know that socialism is a charged word care for there comrade all right you're right so this whole gag with the ants is very much a Rick and Morty type joke as is the Quantum realm itself and the Ricks must be crazy it's revealed that Rick's car battery runs on a tiny civilization inside of it which also runs on a tiny civilization inside of one of its batteries and so on and so on Rick and Morty is also obsessed with the idea of societies quickly forming and evolving from primitive means when Rick thinks that he made babies with a planet so he creates an entire Society for them to live in so if we divert the lawyer pipeline here they should avoid the ethics tube and come out spineless enough to do their job right substance data yes the episode releases science fair project creates a tooth-based civilization and Treehouse of Horrors a classic high five and I should mention that Rick and Morty co-creator Dan Harmon also used this same concept with video game characters in the show Community each baby is capable of executing custom code which means you can write a code that makes one baby tell another baby what to do much like real children on a playground alright so Kang's plan is to use this time chair to bring his army and Citadel out into the Multiverse and he gives a speech where he says that now Begins the dynasty of Kang to be continued in The Avengers King Dynasty on May 2nd 2025. Cassie uses her activism powers for good inspiring the Rebellion like she inspires Scott I am actually really looking forward to seeing her character appear in the Young Avengers and teaming up with Haley Steinfeld um you know some some people have actually called me the world's greatest Archer yeah are you one of those people well uh one of one of them is yes then Modoc hunts her down to kill her just like he does in the first film but Cassie makes herself big and then she tells him to not be a dick and every time a Marvel movie makes this kind of joke I think it's a callback to this it's prove it you're a dick okay so then Scott attacks the city grabbing one of the platforms to use it like it's Captain America's shield to stop Kang's machine so his hero worship paid off as far as I'm concerned that's America's ass so Cassie gets big like her comic book counterpart stature and afterwards she tells Scott that she's woozy and needs some Citrus a call back to the first time Scott ever fought his giant man in Captain America Civil War does anyone have any orange slices then Modoc redeems himself and saves Cassie in the end and his final words really show his skewed view of reality calling Scott a brother and saying that at least I died in Avenger some people didn't like that Modoc ended up being such a joke but I loved it because it counterbalanced the ferocity of Kank I mean frankly this is what age of Ultron needed another villain to be goofy so Ultron could just be pure evil instead of like a wisecracking murderbot smaller people children I lost the word there so then Janet opens a portal it's very much like the TVA technology and most of the ant fam gets home but then Scott stays and this takes his Arc to completion as he decides to be a hero to stand and fight and then Kang kicks the crap out of him and his stomp on his face was also a full circle moment for the MCU and boot I was a little disappointed though that when Scott got back up to fight Kang he didn't say we're gonna do this all day also by the way Scott Begins the first Ant-Man movie by taking a punch before he leaves prison and in this movie he takes several punches to the face before leaving his prison of the quantum realm now look I know that some people don't like that the mcu's next big bad was defeated by Ant-Man but really he wasn't Scott went from mutually assured destruction here he blasted the core with pen particles which made Kang shrink into it at best this is a draw Kang is now inside a multiversal engine core that can access all points of time at once my guess is that after this experience he won't even need his time chair to travel the Multiverse at will so Scott and hoper briefly trapped in the quantum realm before Cassie immediately rescues them and actually I kind of think that this was done in reshoots because there were leaks that the movie was going to end with them stuck in the quantum realm and then Cassie trying to find a way to get them out but maybe that was only in an earlier draft of the screenplay anyways just like The Wizard of Oz everybody gets home safely but now things have changed even though the ending song is set to the cheerful welcome back the world isn't as perfect the Barista knows that Scott isn't Spider-Man so he charges him 12 bucks for a coffee Scott has a realization that maybe he didn't save the day and that maybe Kang was right and that he just made everything way worse and this was actually what completely sold me on the movie it's when Scott realizes that Ant-Man is just a really small part of a much bigger story but that this story isn't really something that he can solve so he keeps on with his happy life but the cake at the end of the movie tastes terrible which is a great button that shows us that all is not well Scott's life is just not as sweet as it was and there is trouble coming now we did talk about the post-credits scenes in our ending explained video but I'm still going to go over some of the Easter eggs that we see so we start in a giant arena with all these kangs gathering together this is a recreation of this panel of the Council of Kings from the comics now notice that they are all arriving with these time platforms which we saw Reed Richards use in the Multiverse of Madness so these platforms are from the comics they were originally created by Dr Doom and Kang originally stole this Tech to travel back in time and become the Pharaoh Rama Tut now the arena is surrounded by giant statues of Kang like the Kang statue in the TVA and also the statues of the Kang variants and the Palace of he who remains in all likelihood this Arena sits where the Citadel at the end of time was where the climax of Loki took place we even see a timeline forming beyond the clouds and then we meet the three kangs who apparently run this Council which you know what maybe when he who remains killed all of his variants he created the three time Keepers as a sick nod to these three guys now this one is Rama Tut Kang's first Persona from the comics the second one is a cyborg that's crackling with Kang's energy and I'm going to guess that this is Kang's other main Persona the Scarlet Centurion and then we get immortus an older version of Kang who is manipulating the Council of kings in the comics this is a lot to go over it's very complicated so we'll cover this in a future video I will say that their surroundings are this obsidian stone that looks a lot like the material of the Palace of he who remains so maybe hwr built his Palace from the shards of this place which is why it's all sealed together and patched with gold so these three are worried about the heroes and Avengers coming together against them because we've seen Heroes Reach Out And Touch the Multiverse they're a Spider-Man and no way home doctor strange and Wanda and Multiverse of Madness America Chavez basically Multiverse incursions are happening all over the place and then notice immortus looks at the timelines and says you know basically we built this meaning that they have made themselves the masters of all of time and space for now we then see thousands of Kings including this one in a suit this one with dreadlocks an alien king a scroll Kang guys this is about to get weird and I think this is all going to continue in season two of Loki in our second post-credits scene we see another king variant a magician named Victor timely so in the comics this is a variant of Kang who travels back in time to become an inventor and a scientist he does this to hide from The Avengers and he actually forms like a new chronopolis that's King City inside the city of timely Wisconsin so while this version of Kang may appear harmless he could actually be building a new headquarters in the past he's introducing a machine called The Emporium Marvel very cute which he promises can shape time essentially what Kang is always trying to do so Loki sees him and he is terrified remember how scared he was of Kang at the end of Loki but when the sacred timeline was destroyed the TVA was altered so Mobius had no memory of Loki so now season two is going to be about Loki trying to convince Mobius that Kang is the real threat so like you never know maybe they'll be traveling throughout history finding different versions of Kang and searching for a way to stop him and just a reminder everyone go to screen crush or click our Link in the description to get a huge discount on a two-year plan and a free gift click our link and get your computer protected today but we want to know what you guys think of all this let me know in the comments below or at me on Twitter and if it's your first time here please subscribe and smash that Bell for alerts for screen Crush I'm Ryan Airy [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: ScreenCrush
Views: 689,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ant-Man 3 Breakdown, heavy spoilers, emergecy awesome, new rockstars, ant man 3 breakdown, ant man 3 trailer 2 breakdown, ant man 3 screencrish quantumania easter eggs, ant man 3 ending explained, quantumania eastre eggs, mcu, ant man and the wasp quanumania, new rockstar ant man, ant man and the wasp quantumania trailer 3 breakdown, new rockstars ant man and the wasp quantumania, marvel entertainment, marvel movies, ant man and the wasp quantumania review, mcu phase 5
Id: lcJ74RYyrsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 51sec (2631 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2023
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