What’s Next After Spider-Man: ACROSS THE SPIDER-VERSE - Ending Explained

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stop Spider-Man hey welcome back screen Crush I'm Ryan Airy Spider-Man across the spider verse ends on a huge Cliffhanger we're gonna break down what this ending means and what you can expect in the next film there's a next film yes it'll be out March of next year and it's titled beyond the spider verse okay you guys ready to do this then let's get started so the movie ends with Miles being captured by an alternate version of his uncle and an evil version of himself who became the prowler now that is how you end a movie with a cliffhanger looking at you fast X so we're going to explain what just happened what's the deal with these Canon events and what it all means for the third movie also Gwen Stacy assembles her own multiversal team at the end of the movie and they will fight against Miguel O'Hara and his spider society and this might give us a full on Spider-Man Civil War and let's not forget about the spot he went into god mode and that is not going to bode well for anyone in the Multiverse and we also have theories on what's going to happen to be on the spider verse and how it might even connect to some of the Multiverse stuff in the MCU everyone keeps telling me how my story is supposed to go nah imma do my own thing all right let's start with the ending and this is such a perfect Cliffhanger for this movie because I'm sure that just like me you were so fixated on all the spider people the Multiverse that none of us even considered what happened to the miles from Earth 42. you see this alternate version of Miles was supposed to become Spider-Man not the miles from Earth 1610 that's the miles that we all know and love the spot AKA Jonathan owned was a scientist who worked on Kingpin super collider in the first movie that was a machine that created Bridges between different realities and that's how the spider people ended up in miles's Universe Jonathan own extracted a radioactive spider from Earth 42 and brought it into Earth's 1610 and Miles got bitten by this spider but that spider was supposed to bite Earth 42 miles and since it didn't happen instead of becoming Spider-Man he broke bad and turned into the prowler what what who are you you Peter me but how but how and don't forget that there is no Spider-Man in this universe and apparently there never was why not well when miles reveals that he's Spider-Man to the alternate version of his mom she doesn't freak out because the name Spider-Man means nothing to her what's so interesting about this twist is the relationship between miles and Aaron Davis in the first movie we see that miles is really close with his uncle far closer than he is with his parents miles was his true self around Aaron since he was the only person in his life that supported and nourished his creativity he's the cool uncle that lets his nephew get away with stuff that his dad won't in fact if miles didn't discover that his uncle was the prowler he would have probably told him that he was Spider-Man simply because of how safe miles felt around his uncle so this is why it makes sense that Earth 42 miles turned to the dark side because his dad died and since there's no Spider-Man to serve as a heroic inspiration in his life miles turned to a life of crime just like his Uncle thus becoming the prowler either die a Spiderman or live long enough to become the prowler yeah pretty much and really ironic since in the first movie miles was mentored by Peter B Parker while the bad miles was mentored by the prowler and this is the personal conflict going into beyond the spider-verse because despite all the Multiverse Shenanigans the most important aspect of these movies is the human story that's what I love about these two movies they don't allow the cameos and all the multiversal stuff to hijack the actual core story about the characters now not to throw shade but Marvel Studios could learn a lesson or two about how to use the Multiverse from these movies just saying yeah that's just like uh ah huh person is that eye cream yeah it sure is Buddy wow you don't seem like the kind of guy who uses adult skin care products oh dude you have to use Skin Care even for us guys skin care is an important part of our daily routine I have nervous to live with you they're quite refreshed what is this well Doug this is my am morning facial moisturizer with SPF 20. it's part of a level one system from tiege Hanley they're the sponsor of this video see I like teach Hanley because they make a skincare routine that's easy to understand and uncomplicated level one came with all the basics we have daily face wash exfoliating scrub that gets rid of dead skin cells AM and PM moisturizer eye cream and super serum or rut super serum I have no idea but every box comes with an instruction card that tells you when to use each product and how much to use and in what order it's all very easy and a great way to start using skin care products I'll be honest at first I was a little intimidated by the process but teach 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the conflict for the third movie but how's it going to travel the spider-verse without one of those watch Thunders well at the end of the movie Gwen assembles her own team and they go searching for Miles all of them have these watches that open portals throughout the Multiverse miles doesn't have that so he's stranded on Earth 42 but after a fight with them evil miles will get a watch and start proud Lane the spider verse and I'm going to explain a little later what he might end up doing that could threaten the entire Multiverse now speaking of Prowler miles as I mentioned earlier this miles didn't have a Spider-Man to look up to and you know what that means right this is evil Beyond Redemption no that would be really bad storytelling no that means that miles can be the source of inspiration to his alternate self because that's what this movie was all about it's about proving that no one's story is already written miles can shape his own story and so can the other miles anyone can wear the mask but how you wear it that's what matters we need a punch up is one thing but being able to help a person who lost their way find Redemption now that is the true sign of a hero and a real Spider-Man sometimes to do what's right we have to be steady and give up the thing we want the most even our dreams alright so that's the personal Stakes for miles going into the third spider-verse film but there's still that whole multiversal crisis thing the movie reveals that Miguel O'Hara has formed the spider Society a giant Alliance of spider people across the spider-verse note this I didn't say the Multiverse because there isn't the Spider-Man in every Universe who's Spider-Man what man so the spider verse only includes universes where there is at least one spider person Miguel is also known as Spider-Man 2099 in the comics and in the movie he's basically a vampire and he's dedicated to the protection of reality this is really cool and evil well now that depends on how you look at things but Maura Miguel's morality in just a moment the spider Society is filled with countless spider people it also includes Gwen Stacy and Peter B Parker and the British Spider-Man his Circle yeah what a rebel that's Hobie AKA spider Punk how are you even cooler under your mask I was just cool the whole time another key member of this Society is Jessica Drew she's a Spider Woman and it seems like she's Miguel's second in command the spider Society can travel the Multiverse they sort of operate like a police force and they are protecting Reality by the way is it me or does everybody else in other universes know a lot more about what's happening in the Multiverse and the heroes we actually follow in these movies the Multiverse is a concept about which we know frighteningly little Multiverse is real yeah this Heroes nerd nothing about nothing it's almost like their universe is isolated or something more on that in just a moment anyways the big think about the spider Society is to make sure that no one messes with Canon events and what are theirs okay so the spider verse is like an entangled web that creates the Multiverse and Canon events are defining moments in every spider person's life they are usually tragedies that either create spider people or make them better Heroes for example the death of Uncle Ben it's something that must happen so Peter Parker can become Spider-Man if not for Uncle Ben most of us wouldn't be here for others it's a police captain who's close to a spider person and Gwen's case it's her dad these are points on the timeline that must happen if those are changed or prevented it's like unraveling a spider web and that can destroy whole universes the spider society's job is to enforce the spider-verse and ensure that any anomalies will be stopped and that Canon events will happen exactly the way they were supposed to now a lot of this seems to be based on the web of life and Destiny from the comics it's a source within the Multiverse that is connected to every Spider-Man in every universe and it supposedly what gives every spider person Powers the web of life and Destiny was the center of the comics version of the spider-verse storyline anyways miles is apparently a living anomaly arise that well because he wasn't supposed to become Spider-Man it was the miles from Earth 42 who was meant to get bitten by the radioactive spider and become the Spider-Man of his Universe on top of that Miles getting bitten broke the cannon and that is why the Spider-Man of his Universe died Canon events are very similar to what we've seen in the MCU there are absolute points in time that we first saw in Marvel's what if they are exactly like Canon events moments in time that must happen and changing them will destroy the universe the spider society and Canon events are also very similar to the TVA and Nexus events in the MCU so in the show Loki we discover that there is a police force that enforces Earth 616's timeline this universe is called the sacred timeline and it was isolated from the rest of the Multiverse by he who remains he's an alternate version of Kang the Conqueror the tva's job is to ensure that every moment on the timeline happens exactly like it was supposed to if someone steps off their predetermined path they create Nexus events it's when the TVA can no longer reset a Nexus fan and that would lead to the destruction of the timeline and the collapse of reality as we know it those are very similar to anomalies that break Canon events and we have a video on how beyond the spiderverse could connect to that larger MCU multiversal conflict be sure to check that out anyways miles's next Canon event is the death of his father one of the themes in this movie is the philosophical conflict of Destiny versus choice we are who we choose to be miles wasn't meant to become Spider-Man and yet he did and he's pretty darn good at it so going into the third movie the personal Conflict for miles is the fate of his father president's Gonna Save him right well you know how Spider-Man stories go there's always some terrible tragedy in the life of every spider person please please don't say that and this is also how Prowler miles fits into the spider-verse conflict miles tells him and Aaron everything about the Multiverse and that his father is going to die the other miles might want to save his other dad he might be all tough and edgy now but I don't think he's going to let his other father die not if he can stop it so that means that bad miles will try to stop the cannon event and as we've established that's very bad for reality and on top of that bad miles is an anomaly as well because his story was meant to become Spider-Man and instead he ended up as the prowler and if he starts traveling through the spider-verse it means that Earth 42 is facing another serious breaking of Canon so that's two universes that might end not to mention all the other universes at risk with all this multiversal traveling an incursion occurs when the boundary between two universes erodes and they Collide destroying one or both entirely but if miles broke the cannon how come his Universe didn't get destroyed that's a great question Doug you might think that there are some holes in Miguel's logic because miles's Universe wasn't destroyed despite the changes to his Cannon the same thing goes for Earth 42 but you see when Kingpin super collider blew up it almost ended miles's Universe in across the spiderverse the spot activates the collider on Spider-Man India's Earth and almost destroys the universe as well and when Miguel explains his backstory about how he broke the cannon we see something very similar to a collider explosion destroying that universe so all of this can't be a coincidence the effects of the explosion look very similar to the one that happened in no way home when reality was being shattered that was not a Canon event I think don't even get me started on Doctor Strange and the Little Nerd back on Earth 1999.99 the Multiverse is like seriously fragile you're blowing it too hard it's gonna break the super collider explosion might be the spider versus answer to breaking a Canon event and as Miguel says if you break the cannon enough times you break the entire universe so if miles prevents Jefferson's death that might be the final stroke that completely destroys his universe and that's the best kind of stakes it might be about the fate of the universe but it's rooted in a strong personal stake you like steak good steak because deliver you steak and at the end of the movie Miguel and his Society are coming after miles and I think there's a reason why Miguel is so hell-bent on stopping miles from breaking another Canon event the spider-verse is a multiversal web so I believe that when one universe is destroyed it sends a cosmic shock wave across the entire strength so every broken Cannon puts the entire foundation of the spider-verse at risk this is why Miguel must stop miles and I think that this builds up to a civil war of spider people and Beyond the spider verse Gwen has assembled her own multiversal team and it's comprised of Peter B Parker Hobie AKA spider Punk hover prop car as Spider-Man India spider bite AKA The Avatar Spider Woman as well as the returning spider people from the first film Spider-Man Noir spider ham and Penny Parker and of course Peter B's daughter Mayday AKA Spider Baby aka the most adorable baby ever in the comics Mayday Parker grows up to become Spider-Girl and I'm sure that other spider people will join the team and be on the spider verse so this spider team got a name or something like spider verse Surfers hey not bad that's a cool name high five but no this new team is probably this movie's version of the web Warriors and the comics the web warriors are a team that assembled during the spider-verse storyline and they basically handle spider-verse conflicts so Gwen's team will find and save miles and then they will all team up against the spider society and the spot thing is though that it's not that simple Gwen and Peter B Parker betrayed miles they knew about his Canon event but they kept the truth from him and even isolated him that's not something miles can easily forgive I'm sure they'll work things out because the third movie kind of has to end with Miles and Glenn finally being a thing and you know that team Glenn is going to fight team Miguel in the next movie because he's the real villain no I know I don't think the Miguel is a villain per se he's just more of an anti-hero who must do some really bad things to protect reality and those are like my favorite kind of characters doing he experienced firsthand the destruction of breaking the cannon and he lost his daughter in the process well I mean it was the daughter of his other self but still it's like 99.9 the same thing so now he must make sure that this never happens to anyone else in fact I sort of see him as a type of Tony Stark especially the way he was in Civil War and with Gwen assembling her own team of spider people we are going to see a spider civil war team Glenn and Miles versus Team Miguel and don't forget that miles is going to face off with the other bad miles but of course the biggest threat to the spider-verse is the spot he started off as a joke villain who nobody took seriously but he went from being a nobody to being a Multiverse ending threat the spot is Dr Jonathan own and he was exposed to multiversal energy after the supercollider explosion and the first film also He's The Bagel guy from the first movie there are some interesting parallels here between spot and Miles they were both nobodies who transformed into really important somebody's who are now at the center of the spider verse after all I am your biggest fan My Name Is Not Buddy his portals allow him to travel to avoid Dimension and from it he can go to any Universe after absorbing the energy from another Super collider he enters god mode and he wants only one thing to hurt miles he witnessed Jefferson Davis death and now he wants to make it happen for real also since spot got more powerful after absorbing collider energy he might end up wanting more power so he will cause more Super collider explosions now regardless his actions will put the entire spider verse in danger and that's what's in store for the third film across the spider verse is a masterpiece and I'm sure that beyond the spider verse will be even better so what do you think is going to happen in the next movie and what other spider people do you want to see and just a reminder everybody to get started on your skin care click the link in the description below and you'll get 30 off your first box of tiege Hanley plus a free gift so I want to know what you guys think of all this let me know in the comments below or at me on Twitter and if it's your first time here please subscribe smash that Bell for alerts for screen Crush I'm Ryan Airy [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: ScreenCrush
Views: 303,749
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Keywords: spider-verse ending explained, screencrush, heavy spoilers, New rockstars, spider-verse endig explained, spider man into the spider verse ending explained, spider verse ending scene, spider verse last scene, spider-man into the spider-verse last scene, the spider verse ending, spider-verse 3, spider-verse what's next, spidrverse dona;ld glover, spider man inot the spider verse ending explained, spider man into teh spider verse ending explained
Id: S3fNFn8MZHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2023
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