LORD OF DOUCHE | Douchebag Beach Club

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where's the roof tap anymore giladhiz my name is jacksepticeye and welcome to the douchebag beach club the third douche bag game that I'm playing and I failed the first two first one they didn't even finish because it was taking forever the second one I actually got to the end and I failed to be a douche bag I guess I'm not as big a douche bags I thought it was but I will redeem myself with this game we are going to become the biggest douche ever not the Pisco we're already looking douchey okay I can become a real douche bag I got the lips for it already no reason we gotta get all the [ __ ] let's be the biggest douche bags ever knew oh god the menu was weird okay we can't flirt with Paris Hilton over there it is a chihuahua we got to go off and we got to work out do your first workout like got it look at this idiot over here freaking Mike Tyson mmm oh [ __ ] I'm gonna pick this up yeah yeah yeah oh yeah it feels good do you feel that tension it's just like an orgasm you're not singing let's sniff some fan boobies you got oh yeah no pain no gain [Music] okay done yeah oh man I can get inked and everything wait that tattoo or is a heroin she was into sprite work out - her name was Shannon in it okay oh I'm gonna go over and go to beach volleyball and soon enough once I get all the mass okay we can go upstairs now cuz we got a gym pass whoa there's loads of places let's go to the bar can we not go to the bar yet alright the bar br5 yeah I have to drag the beer up to my mouth let's exercise in itself let's fruit roll grind my titties over there you look like Voldemort look at a tongue yeah right we need a lot more drinks get more drunk to an Irish man that's just Saturday night get [ __ ] hammered oh she changed into a beautiful girl but I got drunk oh no I know I got Cougar brah oh that looks like something you'd fire water balloons out of get intimate intimate with this reality star what up paparazzi looks like Scarlett Johansson yeah sorry I need to be a big Duke you just wait Little Miss sunglasses I'll be back and I reduce she is ever one minute four hundred and seventy thousand five hundred and sixty-eight four million seven hundred sixty-five thousand five hundred and twelve six douchebag I didn't even go up a percent what's the point now we can talk the disco damn look at those legs legs for days what's up I need swag level six oh I got more money because I got more context I like this version of this game this is awesome go to the shop and get swagify right at the swags but are we I don't like a festival or you look like a ferret haircut the first part of being a douche is to get a haircut I'm gonna get the haircut that looks like I was driving in a Ferrari with a top down I don't even know if you can get Ferraris with the tops down that's ho douche I am I don't even know the cares of them Drive douche in this level three yo look how to spike a look now music in these games is amazing just can't help but dance I need some badass shoes let some flip-flops ah guys bare feet they can't buy anything nice chains turtleneck a chain turtleneck of chain turtleneck a chain sipping on a light beer oh and it can get a chin strap nice you got to have the chin strap that's maximum douche level because you're like quit shave all my face but I'm not gonna I'm just gonna highlight my jawline that's how you know I score with his hot Biddy yet she said I needed level six didn't she brada what the hell is brighter I didn't get a souvenir from her but even her underwear not even her dog not even her sunglasses work the pain to eight score two chicks we are on the road to victory I was so gonna be a douchebag in this one can't help with dance yeah you watch me flex my guns or she wants it oh she's getting so wet right now cuz she's in the shower hell are you guys thinking geez new shoes are unlocked what did I get please something nice flippers and more flip-flops wait we need flippers flippers don't go with this outfit are you crazy arm wrestling contest I have to go up against the [ __ ] Michelin Man Oh so gonna win this beat the Beast I lose what one of these days I'm gonna be the very best that no one ever was to be a douche is my real test scoring chicks is my cause oh you know Susie I'm benching about 250 260 right now yeah I'm getting there I mean it's still a lightweight you do like the song I really like the song it's amazing you want to drink what the [ __ ] wow he is taking the douche cake right now hello go big chest contest okay I don't think I could enter that yet the show is called David get it instead of David Guetta let's talk to this guy that we're load-in no David get it got it get out I got it I'm getting it okay so what can I do build up my mass day after day my mom's gonna be so proud of me why is that bike out of commission baby I sat on it all my muscles broke it yeah oh yes I unlocked boosters we're gonna get protein shake let's do this let's [ __ ] work out till we twerk out of his eyes good god this dude's gonna get so pumped so pumped look at her staring at me look at her she wants the D she wants the douchebag or 11% let me get up to 15 we're gonna go back and try the arm wrestling contest just keep it going keep it going use that protein per school 15 we are working right past that way past to 15 so douche maximum douche workout till you drop your [ __ ] ass know what I've seen the proteins get in my head let's head back and see what's up what's up douche you want to go he's not be watch me do watch me do ya yes we saw oh there's a new girl right here what's up what's up girl yeah this trophy I mean I want to join the arm wrestling competition no big deal I'm just the best at it huh one set of shades is not enough for the douche you let have two sets of shades two colors because why not look are douche look how just wait new shoes please tell me I got new shoes oh my god the [ __ ] flippers really I just wanna get these money at these shorts and the flip flops I'm in the festival style I'm getting ready to go see David get it get it got it get out I have so much swag swag coming out of my ass I almost have the moves like Jagger almost yeah deuce deuce deuce there's hang out with the trainer whoo I need muscle mass 45 in swag level 25 let's do it for the trainer I'm gonna get that ass that ass is very precious I using the prize think of that trainer think about how much she's going to give you a personal trainer sleeping one of them she's gonna rock my world bigger weights oh yeah I might as well be [ __ ] lifting to double decker buses either sighted aspire me and that trainer are gonna be doing the horizontal dance very very soon first I gotta get me some tats yeah bro wanna give me some cool tats wow that's a lot of money who cares she's gonna bring up my swag a lot 2% four hundred and fifty dollars for 2% Jesus no wonder that guy looks like he's in pain it's like as the needle hurts it's cuz it's [ __ ] weighing down a lot in his wallet I'm not sure how the economy works in this game well I lift weights I get money can I do that in real life just going to the gym and lift weights four or five times and then all of a sudden hey here's $50 in your bank account that'd be great get a rubber ducky tube why why is that do she did you just run out of things to put in your game you're a rubber ducky thing Romans head 11:35 almost 11:30 fine what else we need 50% mass Duchenne is level seven look can't even stand still anymore because the muscles are twitching in my chest and they're making me waddle all over the place you go to the shop need to buy more stuff what up trainer you want a piece at addy oh you can touch all over baby chicks banged three you proud of me ma win the bench press event do don't press your face into oblivion oh yeah get 10 reps no [ __ ] problem no [ __ ] problem 10 5 6 7 8 9 turn I win just like that that's how I do oh I got a chemical booster yeah we gotta get 75 percent 75 mass that's already had to go I've gotta get 10 then the famous garlic going yours tell you that famous ass he's over here now things over here lifting the bike I'm not trying to put you down rioting fella but I think that paints with the girl on and wait a bit more than that play that bike doesn't look very heavy look at the [ __ ] size of my guy look at these weights I'm lifting army tanks right now I'm by which that I don't mean the weights I mean my arms lifting my arms is already a workout now beat Samanta at the shots game do you think that's douche you think that's douche this is douche that's douche oh gosh shots shots for days ha you thought you could outshoot me I got Samantha's shot souvenir great anything it sleep in her I'm just gonna get hammered what I'm gonna do stay flexed we're gonna tap yes oh I got it door you gotta stay in the green okay oh I gotta wait for it to go down far enough and then when I click it goes back over there oh ok ok ok I get it wait for it to go down and then up it's it stays up anyway what do we do I don't understand this they don't underst I wanna you cuz that's all you have to parent Lee did a picture with David Geddes okay oh and press two chicks I got one an for each of your baby oh crap those flexing man couldn t just click everywhere on the screen and hope that I get it I think I could look at these moves of no [ __ ] jumping MA jumping jacks that's what it is what the [ __ ] is that move yes I win their admiration now I get to go get to meet David get it yeah it's strange he looks like him talk [ __ ] yeah backstage party yeah I got a picture with him even though I don't look at anything like that anymore that was me at the start not right now god damn okay I think I'm getting ready to impress this last girl this very final girl out here okay I got an extreme dope extreme don't fry muscle mass look how fast is going up now good god this is amazing I've 75 swagger so I gotta bring up my muscle mass I'm almost close to banging that freaking famous girl even though I mean when I do it I'm gonna be all nonchalant about it's not gonna be like oh my god you're so famous like yeah you slept with me dude I'm gonna be so buff all the straight guys are gonna want me that's so boss I'm gonna be okay one more one more do it for the lift 100% muscle mass there we go now all we need left is swagger now how do I become famous to talk to you one I need to become famous induced miss level nine Romans that douchebag level 10 we're so close and this is all I've been doing just sitting here I'm buying [ __ ] because when you buy stuff for your workout your level goes up so I've been sitting here for 20 minutes just doing this non-stop oh yeah level 10 douche level 10 and I get two grand how do I become famous though Oh Oh oh yeah yes I finally become the douche that everybody wanted me to me today I'd like to thank my mom friendly sauce okay well that was douchebag Beach Club I think there's a few more of them to do I'm not sure I'm not sure how good they are if there are some more to do I will do them because these are just so funny but if I'm glad I finally finished one that's the first time I finished one on the channel so oh wow that took a long time I've been recording for an hour and 10 minutes wow that's a run it takes to finish these things but anyway thank you guys so much for watching this video if you liked it punch that like button in the face like a boss and [Music] [Music] finally douche feels good man
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 15,429,047
Rating: 4.8967047 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, douchebag, douchebag workout, game, videogame, browser, flash game, how to be a douchebag, jersey shore, guido, work out, date, score, ending, full game, douchebag workout 2, funny, funniest, douche, mass, popularity, swag, sweg, muscles, become a douchebag, chicks, steroids, douchebag life, douchebag beach, douchebag jacksepticeye, best, tan, cheats, finished, complete, scoring, score hot chicks, world's biggest douche, biggest douche in the universe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 09 2014
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