I PREDICT A RIOT | Paint The Town Red #3

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time on utilities my name is jacksepticeye and welcome back to paint and turn red I sort of call it behind bars for some reason that's the name of this level there's like trouble behind bars or something so there's a new level you're playing in prison this time I brought my intros all over the place who cares nice music right so we're in a prison we're gonna start a brawl or we're gonna hey you can't be beating the [ __ ] out of my cellmates ah let's see if he's a fuck-boy anyways kay we're gonna move on and I don't want to check out the area I want you can even see what weapons are hey sailor look at you sitting mighty fine if this is a real like RPG type of game you'd be the first person I come to in this room who would give me a mission because you're the one who's acting differently than the rest of the month he's great Jabba the [ __ ] out up there he really likes his job okay so the cafeteria is in here that's where I could go to get sweet dance moves or a cleaver nice good to know don't touch anybody cuz you might start a fight without even knowin knowing it this prison seems very nice you guys have a very nice time I bet your lives in here are much better well except for Steve down there but again nobody likes him Steve is an [ __ ] he was the one who ratted me out and got my porn taken away from me what a dick bag what just happened hey you're not gonna smoke in your dad's actually no I shouldn't be a snitch snitches get snitches get stitches somebody told me it was snitches get [ __ ] but then they lie to me and that was a nice dude you drop the soap I'm not gonna do I think you know I like how your sense hurt okay I love blocky water all over my face feel so good they break the shower took me walking in here you I've got some nice moves got a nice butt keep working on it broke working out and do them squats hey you guys want to play a bit of square ball I love square ball pick up the bottle throw it I don't pick up anything yet I don't want to pick up anything because I'm good I'm just gonna start a fight with somebody then I don't want to do that hello ah he's cowering in fear is Gordon yes fear me I was [ __ ] on y'all later who's in here hello hello anybody in here hello no my god here I see in a minute there's nobody in these robes okay I've got to find out what the hell is going on oh hello how do I drop by drop I don't I know I don't want to pick it up yet oh god I need to suss out the area hey what's up camera but he says that the Aryan see what's going on see with the weapons there and see if like a hidey hole that I can get into are you taking a pee I have a nice one bro nothing like a good pee the good poop is good too there's nothing like a great poop man so liberating and refreshing a lot of dudes up there could we start a riot against the guards that'd be cool can I pick up Oh pick up a barbell bar and just start beating the [ __ ] are people with it oh yes oh let the games begin boys here we go I think the one naked dude laying around are you guys dead I don't know the guard is not dead now he said okay [ __ ] the police [ __ ] the police don't attack me we're supposed to work together hey hey everyone look at me everyone look at me you're all about to get a big serving of [ __ ] sandwich in your face who's hitting me I'm gonna use this ham who had two piece ham in the face I got a ham in these [ __ ] ha ha yeah oh Christ Oh bad idea bad idea yeah get hand what are you got what is this oh the power Bella kills you in there's murder on the dance floor tonight Yeah right that's what he should have said they say that in the other episode with their with the disco please tell me I said that at least once murder on the dance floor I must have I should have called the episode that man such opportunities mix can I go through here no I want to go into the Garrett's quarters and see what they got you asked where was it I was out here can I have this give me it I want to see if the guys have got some sweet [ __ ] whoa dude I'm cold your skeleton is showing this little bit slap stop stop he's already dead look the soundest mixer tink just smacks after face item a [ __ ] apple really Boosh there we go I want to get there the shock wave in here the shock wave is the coolest a warning I want the shock wave get rid of shock wave okay what is it ash trade have we got it going i taser naka tease contains [ __ ] Oh his head came off oh yes ah shockwave ready I feel like a paste wait a minute good ah Joe you are fell on each other and loved my pawns my pawns are so Pony Oh give me up I can use the [ __ ] weight again this is some like killers [ __ ] remember the killers what happened today and they still making music there's a head that's a penis ha ha good night good night No there's too many of you up here oh [ __ ] Minh dead and so did let me out let me out let me out so yes I got taste when I'm still alive you wanna take me down you'll have to try harder nut yeah [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah ah he tried her [ __ ] ah crap it already starts as soon as I go up [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] once the cake let's take it but huh wait they're not attacking me you are cuz I hit you deaf gift for ya broke his nose ah [ __ ] I'm a beast I need to get the Taser again whoa hold on there jiminy crickets what does this button do what I wanted to do so side oh no it's a solitary type you overweight helmet on that's not cool that's not fair gimme this taser good tase [ __ ] brah i press this wouldn't solitaire they like release a tiger or something that we hope somebody's get tased over there it was fun I love this game it's so cool fight fight for my amusement oh yeah oh god did you come out of solitary oh oh good he survives the Taser not good my god that guy was missing his head okay I need like a pot a [ __ ] boiling water ah burn it myself give me that knife I need that knife it would be so nice to have that huh ah God bits of his head or disappear in any still alive your focus to life is what yeah oh god I don't like this dude I don't like him get up I broke my knife what are you what are you made up doing tight tight oh come on pillow laying it little Egham yeah [ __ ] what a [ __ ] do it do I know you are sup Janice what you get did you get back sir sorry I'm sorry Monica bit drunk with power there okay Oh watch me lift these 25 look at me I can joke with them and everything jump don't swing them around give me the other one Deanna's ready fight sweet bastard what a real body burglar can do Oh get a machete I want that whoa okay relax you guys aren't even fighting each other you guys okay okay stop chasing me give me your machete I want to kill the machete do somebody else has a Taser over there that I really really want all I want for Christmas is a Taser that would actually be cool I would love a Taser you're gonna taser myself more than anything though kill the machete dude oh I broke his nose oh he's hurt oh he's hurting so I'm swinging that thing at me scary sobbing somebody else had a little switchblade I need I need oh yes burn out here we go yeah yeah berserk ready that's where I talk about get used berserk news berserk Oh punch their faces off that's that's how I roll just explode your heads yes yes so much fun so I said where are you it was a different look a dude is there gonna let a preserve left in me no but I can't get to them in Twain okay I'm right I'm right there right where's the machete there it is get it yeah you want to go officer dead sighs name when I thought it'd be funny to call him that one a killer sweet one-liners Brett taking on the small groups here we go here we go are you dead blink once for yes you're not dead no yeah okay so you had the small groups work your way through the crowd that's how we do it are you dead sir Sir you debt use not dead is no kill everyone here we go Oh nuts it in your head by Wayne way you're chasing me wait wait I like who y'all beat each other up all right Oh put down that taser give it to me good thing where's the taste where's it it yeah get fried oh I love me some fried man that's sounds horrible then automatically kill you guys I don't think it does war it does when it knocked your [ __ ] head off I have another one whatever the Taser actually feels like burn to me once the tribal part of me doesn't because you see those people in real life who are like super burning Superman in there like yeah give it to me and then it's blue I don't want to do it anyway I hate get electrocuted it's one of my biggest no nose swishing on the foot I don't like it no [ __ ] commit rah kill kill him dead square ball yeah what is no play I was gonna play me some square ball whoo come on man get it in the hole that's surprisingly bouncy for a square ball come here squirt ball this night in like contradictory oh he shoots he does that score he runs after the ball again I gotta score on your face though huh yeah everything killing but a big square basketball I have way to go guys my pawns are out of control whoo smite ready I forgot that I had that okay let's use smite let's use mine I can kill the wrestling with smite the smite is this one where you just boom baby are you gonna die okay he's dead I'm gonna use it over here but I don't think it kills the groups though a fuse of an individual people here we go here we go oh yes so good so good what's his life your life you need to be smited look at these [ __ ] down here this [ __ ] and this [ __ ] here we go 9 enemies remaining nice cool seven left early oh there's a lot of dudes in here one two three four five six all of you are in here you need to die no yes six enemies remaining did you drop a weapon nobody dropped weapon okay this might have been the biggest mistake I made taser maybe not close it close this in gonna close anything five enemies remaining there's still five enemies remaining get taste for enemies remaining you had a knife that's a toast rush it's a shiv it's a comb it's a toothbrush ship just like the escapists there any cool weapons in here don't want Oh baseball back it must be a Gordon somewhere rip break your nose yeah I did it I did the thing kill them all Sonny guns no creep at a nightstick go to the exit and leave where's the exit is it this blue thing over here that I'm looking at probably open gay level complete the sweet man weapons he was 28 weapons broken 18 truck wave zero reserves one sweet one Cole that's a phone now I like that one it it doesn't use the whole environment as well as the other ones do some of the environments are very small though like that one I think that was the biggest one out of all the standard levels and then the sandbox is the biggest thing ever sandbox are so much fun to shockwave guys on the air no that was awesome this level is fine this game is awesome I really really like it it's so me you just get in a bunch guys interface watch them explode and bits them go everywhere it's so much fun and then you get to wacky physics every now and then which just adds the hilarity of everything hopefully they they bring out the next level soon because we have the sandbox here but there's also the horizon informer more levels coming soon give us your suggestions so go give the developers some suggestions we awesome we need more levels we need a we're gonna level could we have I know okay to ever we have in a zoo no because if you added more than just people though like lions came out and attack people I know but for now thank you guys so much watching this video if you liked it punch that like banana face oh my god boys and puzzle room shh-shh Thank You Glacia with senior news oh this would it all I've always wanted with this Star Wars game that let you do this condition a Star Wars game face like this we go in with a lightsaber you can chop up the enemies or you know those guys explode into a million teeny tiny pieces of flesh has really made me hungry mmm
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 9,014,879
Rating: 4.9293776 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, Paint The Town Red, Paint The Town Red Gameplay, Paint The Town Red Walkthrough, Paint The Town Red Playthrough, Paint The Town Red jacksepticeye, Funny game, WTF Game, Silly game, pub fighting, bar brawl game, violence, fighting game, powers, upgrades, blood, bar fighting, let's play, webcam, facecam, indie game, best indie games, weapons, knives, machete, sword, physics, sandbox level, funny physics, shockwave, ragdoll, prison level, prison, riot
Id: jVfUEP7op50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2015
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