WHERE ARE THE E TANKS?! | Hardway2Hell | Super Metroid Randomizer | Part 1

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okay so this [Music] is going to be hard i'm keeping the original samus sprite i need to be able to see the hitboxes what's happening uh just a randomizer yeah some randomizer this is all student what the [ __ ] man [ __ ] you watch [Music] uh not right now but i probably will try at some point please please okay that's worth it what [ __ ] damage boost are you serious dude all i got to do is get knocked back into it but it's not working get the goddamn missile you [ __ ] what the hell i'm gonna die man [Music] oh i gotta ask are you okay dude you know damage boost tutorial yes where can i find it oh you [ __ ] where can i find it thursday dude this is [ __ ] [ __ ] there we go easy peasy i told you guys [Music] i'll take it [Music] [Music] i normally average anyways for the last like two years or like a year so dog is snoring like a warthog whenever i hear mia like having a dream the only she only has is she only like whimpers or whatever for like one minute max ever doing randomizers now yeah i mean i used to do a ton of randomizers before gdq and i started doing 100 runs a ton of randomizers as in one per week um let me think do i take the risk nah should have went and saved the ship just in case [Music] because if there's something important here i mean that's kind of nice i might need that honestly be fun thanks for the uh five gifted subs [Music] thank you i really appreciate that i'm glad you enjoy okay so i know i'm at least getting super missiles ah no it's impossible i can't do that what i am i don't have bombs foreign [Music] oh this is bad i'm just going to lay that and try to book it [Music] oh there they are [Music] [Music] oh [Music] i don't know if i feel like going back right now i want to you know see what else there is nope [ __ ] that go this way i can go to the rec ship area now and have two warps so the warp there was meridian meridia elevator nope um so meridia meridia so near taurian is meridia elevator and meridia escape near the map [Music] yeah ain't happening [Music] i bet you there's gonna be nothing that's criteria pbs i'm going to say because sometimes you can just get stuck in the lava and that can suck yeah that's super convenient yeah the acid will kill you in less than like one second here or around a second food nothing did i called it so hard i don't even know if it's possible i feel like the door transition is different with the fast transition or whatever [Music] no what come on all right um well [ __ ] man uh what can i do with this i can actually no i can't i don't have the proper tools in order to get through um forgotten highway area um that's way later on that's like in november no i i can't do that because i need to get past the water area which i don't think is possible [Music] okay there we go god damn it ah let's grab this all right i grabbed it so fast you couldn't even see actually nope can't do that hold on can't go down there i can't grab dude i [ __ ] hate this goddamn fly man [Music] that fly will dodge all of your shots going good casper what's up man even when you have wave beam on that fly will dodge it's insane yeah i know it's just a lot faster these power bombs um let's go ahead and grab this now so nothing nothing good um stop david lane thank you very much for the host [Music] what's up everyone let's be nice now reptile we only do that to tiggleton and albert um i'll take it what's up how's it going how was your stream what were you playing the tracker's working right i love i love when the tracker works you guys have no ammunition nothing you have to like come up with other [ __ ] to talk about [Music] [Music] yeah something new like what florence said yeah something new and original no controller cam why is that cringe no controller cam cringe stop trying to ridicule me not using a controller cam because you just want to look at my crotch thank you for the 100 euros because this is the irs we've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warrant oh i was about to ban that uh voicemail yep the irs is wanting um wanting uh their money in uh what was it itunes gift cards or what the walmart gift cards this time damn you guys need to like uh be consistent irs are you planning on painting the room what room i still need some freaking e tanks man i haven't gotten a single e tank it was over here again nothing great yep the irs is taking bitcoin [Music] why i can't do anything there i'm gonna save i don't like this at all no items and map rooms [Music] there there are no areas in meridia that i can do right now even scan what oh the save room oh no shut up go back and scan the save room if you give me and give me a 100 subs and i'll go back and scan it for you there's no way this is the hardest settings for for hell runs but i highly doubt that that is required so this was this was lauren warfare [Music] gotcha [ __ ] [Music] all right see you kidding wait so meridia myrtia elevator was going into green brinstar what was over here again [ __ ] this was i can't do this because i need high jump this is the this was the waterway or the forgotten highway yeah see you kitty i guess i just gotta i gotta do meridia because i can't do the back entrance and direct ship right now i need high jump boots i don't think it's possible correct i need high jumper ice power bombs behind morph yes that is one thing i have that looked at that's it that could be a really important item that's probably high jump or some [ __ ] damn it dude i should just bomb jumping to replace high jump boots it depends on the logic because if i'm required to uh do like water sections you can't bomb jump in water so [Music] so [Music] that opera should be fine here i already checked that the only item i haven't checked so far that's still checkable and this will give me another entrance as well so this is good i'll take it good it was over here okay now we're making some progress um this is this is good actually let me check down here first and meridia is to the left of crade meridia tube meridia tube is left of craig [Music] was there even anything up here cat pubes thanks for the 68 months i like how some dude with the name of cat pubes is one of my like longest subscribers almost one of my longest subscribers there's there's some 70 monthers but thanks man i ain't scanning every save room okay let me let me take a quick okay it makes most sense to check this first i think check this just see what it is let me see if this is anything i can't remember if this is always like a meridia exit this one i i can't remember no okay oh god dude [ __ ] okay don't kill fantune thank you foozer i appreciate that you taking notes i don't need notes i don't know if it's boss random it's just area random that i selected hard way to hell settings i can't remember what it puts on that i'm foggs thanks for the one dollar little known fact x-ray allows samus aaron to see hidden passages and reveal just destructible blocks that's insane dude the i think it's overcompensating because of the fact that this is the hardest settings for hell runs so it's giving me just a ton of power bombs going okay you can crystal flash now why is that blinking just like a bomb awesome yeah so it's probably giving me a lot of opportunities to crystal flash which is kind of shitty um i i did one in the past yeah okay so boss is the same guess a number if you want i gotta be careful here not die though [Music] [ __ ] hold on that's fine [Music] yeah i don't really care about the speed i only have one e tank so like two hits and i can die number six [Music] um okay oh it's you always big sinks every other time that i don't did i check this already yeah i did all right [Music] i'm gonna save and then i'm gonna go um attempt to not die at oh it's getting dimensioned dude there's so many [ __ ] things i have to remember in this hack shut up and i gotta talk to you guys half the time [ __ ] awful [Music] foreign why i mean let me just attempt to make it back if i die i can just reload the save [Music] that was close he's [Music] is this a slow run streamer yeah dude yeah why don't you do that strat during real runs i mean why is it risky as [ __ ] oh jumping just because i don't have high jump on right now it's super easy to get that jump without high jump what's the difference because you have high jump you hit your head faster with high jump on which means you you start to descend faster with high jump on come on guys i really gotta explain this to you yes so it's anything i'll take them yes but why three well maybe you should have that many hours in the game am i right dude all right i don't know how i can do this wrong spot [ __ ] i don't even have that much energy to begin with dude nice i could have refilled at the bug but yeah [Music] wait i can't even get across this dude yeah i can't i can only take one hit [Music] is that possible no it's not possible no okay i shine spark across no i'll i'll fall into it and then i'll die [ __ ] dude come on man there's probably a super good item there dude i'm lost [Music] it's back this way it's it's back where i got the other item [Music] dude if that's gonna suck sideways bomb jump and take one hit um you know how ridiculously hard that is [Music] why don't you check first check what first how do i check it i need to like go across what you want me to like do it check it and then just not grab it come on guys i want to take you seriously most times but i can't tell like really all right is it possible to utilize crystal flash um i don't think so you wouldn't be able to get it off in time yeah i already know the connector so i'm not gonna go check that might be where i cannot check bowling i cannot check bowling it is impossible impossible to check bowling can not happen will not happen impossible yeah chat but uh or oh it's i mean dude you can at least try it lude for like you know oh wow i could not have guessed that this would have been meridia um [Music] ibm i don't even have any options so if i go to the right to the right connects me back to aqueduct which i'm still stuck i could check reserve i can't check reserve actually i can see what's at reserve but i can't get up there i can check waterway um come on give me a [ __ ] e-tank what am i gonna have to do 50 crystal flashes in order to like beat this freaking randomizer what's going on let me say it first first person to say scan give them a good old one minute timeout let them think about what they've done dude [Music] i'm cooking everywhere i go oh nice right oh my god oh nice dude i needed more bombs how convenient okay i don't want this to be a six-hour freaking randomizer because i can't find any e-tanks and i'm forced to do some crazy [ __ ] whoops all power bombs whoops all skill this could have been bad if i'd [Music] didn't um have any items [Music] i kind of want to get some health drops here are you [ __ ] serious [Music] hot springs cheered x-1000 thank you for the 1000s [Music] i can't go for spike suit i i could have gotten spike's suit and then used spike suit on the way back but i would have to get a first try there's only one try or like one opportunity there [Music] that's all you need though [Music] you guys give me so much grace so much room for error yeah oh it's i mean you could have at least tried it once and then potentially died because you know i don't know um i can do this backwards but now it's there for you [Music] did i even have enough um i didn't have enough ammo to crystal flash even ugh wow sick drops this better be worth the bomb jump up here [Music] now my first e-tank it has to be my first e-tank i'll take supers how no you can't do that without high jump well maybe you can do that without high jump boots but i feel like trying [Music] hmm oh it's are you okay the shitty part is i need to go grab those items again because i might need to crystal flash a ton in this so that kind of sucks definitely need the supers again that's for sure if i can make this i can just shine spark up them please please land on it oh you son of a [ __ ] dude whatever [Music] okay you know what i'm doing this again [Music] i don't need the missiles i'll probably find missiles again super missiles are really nice to have extra thanks for 23 months yo was there anything to the left i don't think there was [Music] yeah thank you space force no above the left not not at grapple beam i don't think there was because there was a heated room dandel you know what you did dude where are my supers ubers nice drop rate [Music] um oh yeah i gotta see what's over here [ __ ] man well let's go refill ban them for a two stack standil we're getting rid of you sorry sorry junior i'm gonna have to do this and then i'm gonna have to crystal flash [ __ ] me let's just crisp the flash on the way back okay i jumped a little early holy [ __ ] i got this when am i jumping here all right right when i see the grapple blocks i got this yes finally oh [ __ ] am i gonna die okay all right finally won yeah oh it's this this uh this rando is a snooze fest now dude dude ninja could have done this without an eating [Music] yeah this is essentially the vanilla rom yes okay what was to the left again let me see yeah dude they totally would have done this like three minutes ago bro uh i don't know if i want to try um getting across this it kind of sucks and there's more than likely going to be nothing i don't want to take that risk [Music] no it's an e-tank i do not know it's an e-tank you can get across yeah okay so that's a heated room what do i want to do here ah it sucks man above was what i don't get gravity suit that's there's no guarantee that that's anything okay so we already did this i can go check there's no guarantee that this is anything all right take your best now how many e-tanks are required for a hell run at least eight seven i guarantee this is nothing and i'm sure i'm wasting my time oh it is different um in the randomizer it is different i almost actually got the shot [Music] all right [Music] ice would be nice there's two items i can check here nice [Music] ice puts suitless in logic yes it does i think [Music] without high jump yes no you don't technically need it get along now nothing [ __ ] this man it's just like the one just straight up and down missile looking like a [ __ ] and balls man just this is what you get all right um i have to go back this way up if i even can which i should be able to did you move to the east coast to be close to the world's premier penis reduction surgeon i know you've been having back problems carrying around that boa constrictor around in your pants thanks for the twenty dollars [Music] yeah we'll go with that on i'll put that towards the surgery thanks backup red tower is the only thing in logic no it's not the only thing in logic uh back uh elevator meridia is it also in logic down toilet uh to the left um i'm trying to thank her let me refill first no i jump how would anything merida be done there's items there that you can collect just kidding there's not just kidding there is you can go down aqueduct nate you can go to aqueduct you can wall jump up you can go to the other exit which is random which could progress me so that's logic is also potentially making me go to meridia um so check x-ray checking x-ray sucks i don't want to do it not this way [Music] so there are two things that i can do in logic granted i have no idea which one it is because because nate i can i can get to aqueduct right now without high jump boots and i can wall climb up and then there's another exit there's another door transition [Music] um and i can also do some annoying [ __ ] to grab the not the reserve item [Music] um oh yeah all right we just gotta go this way actually i'm just going to refill [Music] scorpius thanks for the 30. corn is not in logic oh nice now i can go check see this is why i'm not gonna waste my time trying to do dumb [ __ ] like doing x-ray without anything because that [ __ ] sucks actually lucky yes my my 60th item was spin jump my 55th was an e tank wow i'm lucky um i don't know if i can make this i mean i came with crystal flash i ain't pretty dude [Music] bad idea huh thanks for the 76 months damn it feels good being right all the time you don't always have to be ride outs you don't always have to be wrong you know how annoying it is to be pretentious all the time and tell you how wrong you are sucks dude [Music] yeah you're right um i should probably see what this is if i can i mean i have enough to crystal flash [ __ ] no you'll die you'll die wow so lucky what what do you mean lucky that crystal flashed guess what the doctor ordered um okay well okay your name is freaking me out paralyzed hello yeah oh it's i can't believe you got your uh 50th 55th powerbomb dude that is as lucky as it comes i'm okay what can i do now crystal flash more i guess i kind of want to refill first stop taking your frustrations out on us stop making it so easy so you admit it you make it too easy when you go oh i get a i get a [ __ ] missile drop and then you go oh my god you [ __ ] piece of garbage that's the luckiest thing i've ever seen in my one minute of watching randomizers you know see this is why i do the gameplay and you guys just sit back and watch all right this is why i do the game play and you sit back and watch oh let's go back and check x-ray come on man uh all right solid thanks for the 17 months all righty [ __ ] crocomier hot springs cheer x200 [Music] i don't know how i want to go about this i have a couple options go down and check what lauren warfare entrance is lauren or for entrance could be great and i bet you anything it's crazy what missile pack refill we guys just sit back and enjoy no fair enough oh it's cause you no oh it's cause you don't know what t you are doing well said thanks for the luck urinal mike okay this is really good information to have uh i won't be able to meet ends this month uh mind helping a brother out i love when you joke around albert yeah nice one dude you know i can't do that i'm gonna save here i think he's serious [Music] albert makes more money than i do some days okay and albert i gotta tell him all the time it's not about money albert and he goes yes it is ulti i say jeez man a little greedy don't you think and he just starts foaming from the mouth [Music] all right let's go refill and then i'm going to check ice i'm going to go up i can't go check red tower again what was that crocomier you know why don't i do this no i'm gonna check the ice first then i can come back down here if i want all right come on [ __ ] speed this [ __ ] up i should just go to the left it's ridiculous gorgeous crystal flash again jesus oh it's wow dude you're so lucky to have this farm here like this wowzers dude pretty hard to die because once you start beeping there you get health bombed yeah i probably should farm uh frog speedway speedway a little bit more all right e tank let's go baby um no i've been uh doing some other stuff right now i guarantee x-ray is going to have jack [ __ ] [Music] good fine good find [Music] geez i feel like tickleton playing apex okay let's go um come on i just okay what am i doing here what's my game plan here go back to red tower don't die [ __ ] don't die on me all right uh [Music] shut up [ __ ] [Music] all right let's go um all right gravity suit incoming gravity suit after all that time and all that bitching telling me to go check x-ray well it was checked nothing's almost as good yeah as what i have been getting like i don't need 65 power bombs how's that not freaking hitting man you serious did they change that so you can't do that there we go just shooting too soon [Music] okay not about the destination it's about the journey it says who [Music] sweet [Music] epic missile grab i n i that's just what i needed [Music] finally something worthwhile no i mean actually since i don't have charge beam right now tragbeam it's not that bad to get more missiles [Music] never drive to disneyland get to the parking lot and just go home yeah man all the time thanks for the three months okay so what are my options now [Music] i think my option i already did gauntlet i think my option is to do what i was telling nate i'll be nice if i could find craig [Music] i guess i could technically do lawrence affair i suppose yeah [Music] save [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] let's go oh don't get me [ __ ] stuck oh god i [ __ ] suck dude nice i'm good at this game that's why i save that door to the left brings you back to aqueduct it's it's tough you just can't fall into the i don't feel like [ __ ] trying to do that again you can do it i just don't uh i just don't want to you know i wanted to go there because there's another there is another warp over there which is probably where i need to go so it's kind of annoying if it isn't logic you just admitted you were correct you can do that room without you can do that room without high jump and then that room warps you to the aqueduct the aqueduct the aqueduct has um another warp yeah but i mean i don't always just play in logic right like [Music] you could do sand pits from aqueduct you could go check the other warp from aqueduct [Music] so what even do i have as an option here to the right you can't do plasma until uh dragon said i already checked all that phoenix laura norford entrance was tore in sand pits you might not be able to make that first jump wait you can't jump on sandpits without uh okay let's just check what this is first of all i will hold on uh you can't you can't do the sand pits then if you can't jump on the sand because you need to be able to jump back up and then start wall jumping underwater i didn't check the seat tank or no did i check the seat tank i did [ __ ] okay hold on what i should do is i should have just show uh stored a a spark suit just so i could prove nate wrong be like check this out nate now look look how far it's progressed definitely not in logic but still oh wait what was over here and no not what's to the right here down here okay can i progress here i think i can lauren or fair i think is now in logic which is really shitty if it is i don't know actually you have to do a really annoying turnaround wall jump thing [Music] i already did bowling um let's check waterway the warp room to the right is lauren warfare entrance [Music] why because i know what you're doing and it's not working i think x-ray is possible no i already got x-ray i already checked it aqueduct is where uh you go up to bot's moon [Music] that's not bad just another e tank which we take those i already went to the animal room aka your mom's room um i've already done everything here now so i need to see what's maybe to the top stealing elbert's tech albert's tech is a shitty 30 year old mom jokes damn i feel bad then those jokes are so ridiculously overused like your mom no one actually unironically uses them anymore all right so i still can't do this [Music] you're like hitting something this is ridiculous how come okay jokes on you oats she has a disease that california no longer requires you to tell your partner about before sleeping with them why do you guys always got to take it to a whole new level that's a lot tamer than some of the people oh dude this happened to my mom it's like no it didn't dude you said to mama joke and my mom she's in prison for three life terms i've missed her no she's not all right um i do not have connector no yes she is no she's not let me go say i guess this is ass man my mama is so fat you jerk you said it not me [ __ ] [Music] this might be the worst seed i've ever seen dude that's what the doctor said when i was born man so should we try lauren or fair connector here i don't know if i can is there damage reduction i mean i did save oh my god nope ain't [ __ ] happening [Laughter] the most pitiful way to die just down at the bottom trying to crystal flash nothing comes out all right well i don't know i don't know if i have to do this um yeah lava dive i think lava dive without high jump is in these logic uh and in the logic in these you just have to do that damage boost but i don't think i have enough health to take that damage boost i did checks for spawn yes i don't know where to go i really don't no one could correct me if i'm wrong but i'm pretty sure the lava dive without high jump is in logic with the hardest settings if it is this is gonna be really ass i can't even my brain actually hurts trying to remember all these accents and [ __ ] um okay so down near taurean those are meridia i have to see it by requiring either that or the aqueduct stuff i don't know if it actually i mean you're probably right i don't think the aqueduct's in logic because i can't even remember how to do that without high jump [Music] isn't required if i don't have ice [Music] i need ice or high jump more pretty much i pretty much need high jump for that to work hold on um how do i get back to red tower [Music] what's over here again that's wrecked ship the the lauren warfare original entrance the lauren warfare original entrance is taurian entrance i can't remember how to get back to the crate entrance because my brain is starting to fry right now uh are you serious i should be able to do this [Music] [ __ ] i have to go up here come on takes one to no one damn dude [Music] ow okay not good okay that was a little close all right bring up the spoiler log but how do you guys have the spoiler log so high jumpless lava dive isn't logic i can't do it with my current items though really when can we hang out and play games i don't think so albert um let's try you to hollywood no good evening you know it's first time tuning in in two years now why's that you're too good for me just [ __ ] up welcome back okay well you know what we can do we can just do this yep i have a uh yep girlfriend house and a ferrari you cannot do the back entrance here [ __ ] i thought you could back door this [Music] that brings you back to um i'm pretty sure the aqueduct as well there's two warps in here that have a loop there's one big loop in meridian um we can hang out at some point albert let me pencil you in okay how does a um 7 am on a saturday sound for you i have about 15 minutes of free time then i'm such an [ __ ] that we can we can hang out at some point in 2016. sorry man he's gonna be waiting forever hey man i was there waiting for you yeah i meant 2016 sorry it's a long wait yeah i was gonna actually just be sleeping all that day sorry that's what that's what my schedule consists of wake up moaning groan because i'm just tired roll out of bed bring me outside so she can poop and then go inside and just lay down on the couch to try to get 30 more minutes of sleep because i'm just miserable feeling because i only got four hours of sleep from mia and then and then uh do a bunch of housework and [ __ ] yeah but the thing is i don't actually get any more sleep because mia keeps me up and then she looks outside the the window on the couch and then she'll like kind of huff and puff she knows i don't like it when she barks does and i can [ __ ] hear that when i'm trying to like snooze a little bit and i know she's about to try to bark no she doesn't whimper she like pushes air out of her nose because she knows i don't like it when she just barks at random people you know yeah all right dude i'm just going in goddamn circles oh
Channel: Oatsngoats
Views: 28,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Metroid, AGDQ, Kaizo, Awesome Games Done Quick, World Record, Oatsngoats, Rom Hack, Super Metroid Impossible, Twitch, Twitch Fails, Oats, SGDQ, Samus, metroid, randomizer, super metroid randomizer, rando, playthrough, search, item tracker, area, area randomizer, hardway2hell, hardway, hardway 2 hell, area rando, part 1, e tanks
Id: in6axB2kzFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 47sec (5747 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 20 2021
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