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i was just showing you by astronauts  what yeah take a look at it   task force one four zero man spacecraft recovery   serving onboard the uss and the equator for the  extraterrestrial flight of apollo 12 crewed by   astronauts that's kind of what the hell is  that i don't know what that is but i like it that was pretty dramatic   welcome back to storage auction pirates  channel me story soccer little mama we're here   unit number two dust levels are it looks like  it's raining kind of higher in this one compared   to the last unit but the third unit oh we saved  the best dust for last anyway pirate get into it i'm speechless right now we just got into it  little mama she made a video right little mom   made a video alice was helping her and i'm  loading up but it's psychological that's the   only thing on my mind right now is psychological  the way people load i'm getting the feeling this   might be kind of like a kitchen unit right i  don't want to manifest that it doesn't sound   even in my heart it felt bad when i said what was  the last one garage that was the jewelry and the   personal high-end clothes and tools they're i  think that was like the stuff they liked the most   that was weird i don't know so how many units all  together three three there's one more it's crazy   but the last one's the most full it just has  a feeling like this is they go by room by room   look kitchen glassware we're not gonna bore  you with every single detail in this but if   there's some we're gonna film it and if it's  great we're gonna show it cross your fingers   dot your t's wow what are those i've never  seen one of those bags and boxes okay gotcha i thought it was a coin change counter  but um that is for chopping broccoli   vegetables you need this because you sneeze a lot   man look and there's about one two three  four five six those are actually good   napkins oh that's those are diapers this is  like your halloween costume from two years ago the itch there's one pie i like that this stuff  is better because it doesn't clog your toilet when   you use too much single ply yeah single player  when you use two ply and it's too big it's awesome it is really dusty in this unit that's  crazy oh yeah come on back luggage   no listen listen guess oh what do you think it is that's nothing compared to   that change me and little  mama found in ours oh yeah look at this one right here oh yes look at that  it's raining dawn it's hallelujah um i mean   mike it really looks like it's raining i know i  thought i'd say when alex was filming or talking   and i was filming and it was like there's so  much dust this could probably end up in there this right here all i see is a person who   is extremely anal know what i mean  like yeah the meticulousness of it i got a mask if you want one yeah of course this is what i thought  the last thing was that was a is that for change yeah well that's probably for  when you um i thought the one thing that we um   the chopping broccoli thing was a change thing   these are pretty popular believe it  or not but they're not in good shape they really like this is something i've been  finding a lot of belt buckles too look at this   gold chain you know it's not a cool chain it's  for a grandfather claw hey it was worth a time   i have a hard time even being a wise  guy sometimes like i feel like okay   my wise gallery is just too high oh canteens  these are nice these are cool too if you um clean   uh things that need these nope i'll dip those  all right sweet um art project for the girls   okay that's good that's not what i was thinking  with them but i'm just gonna complete the fifth   packing tape you want dibs that i got  uh that that tape will hurt that hurts you guys maybe you guys need to upgrade  to you have this camera don't you   um no i have the tin that one's the 11.  um there's all sorts of great things this looks like the uh it's a junk drawer  that's good um is the junk drawer really good   here's some 14 glitches look at that look at that it's just a bunch  of it's a little we're speed unboxing and here   we are we're going through dollar items  and we're like okay no that box is over   move on something exciting oh look  at pirate ghost oh i'm getting my it took you only uh 10 months to do  it yeah i'm trying to get my view back   boxes back there what is that boxes i want to  see something exciting in this unit we've almost it's good for your water  nice kitchen stuff in here are you taking the sauce to  kitchen box i can't what is this wicker baskets oh he scared me  right i thought he had something   go pirate go pirate go pirate got his groove  back pirate got his groove back pirate got his   roof back it only took six thousand dollars three  thousand dollar loss and we're winning now later silverware box honestly that's the capital well  yeah you got to lose in this business anybody who   thinks that you win all the time is glorifying  a falsity yeah and you're setting people up   for big losses yes silver trust and believe that  says what does that say it says i mean something   china vietnam i am it says um air force air force  state oh no that's not down because this one says   call upon a navy knife so these are hawaii knives  maybe and we need it might say air force eight no   maybe air force maybe air force oh yeah look  at it those are cool we need to keep those   to the side yeah goes to the side left sexy  uh assistant miracle thaw that's what it says   no that's not what this is oh another kitchen  box where's our silverware box do you think   i don't see that people having a silverware set  oh you're profiling i see them having some nice   uh stuff like that like bear signs and stuff oh  that's nice keeps down pickling good oh grass oh   i've seen one of these will hold a rabbit  on but never a duck breast stuck that's cool nice i bet you have a nice knife set i can bank on  them having a nice knife too that's like plastic   legs their knives are in there and then watch  your fingers oh no they're not what is that   that's a roasted pig huh this unit gets  weird we're going through the rooms   we're going through a room i can't wait to get to  the last one you know what rooms are left right   what the jewelry room yeah i usually pass  my jewelry you're supposed to pack it last   cause you keep it close until you're ready  to go all right pick a box pick the box that's that time of day where my back is  starting to hurt here mama put these to the side   very nice hatch you found in your unboxing have  to look guys i have to look i have to feel it   that's what i do i'm a cartoon kicker you know the third coffee machine we found today  oh the four the fourth just in case your third   one your third new one goes out you gotta have  a backup fourth one always this is nuts i think   she worked it like big loss or somewhere and  she dabbled in thievery she dabbled in thievery it's a radio and i gotta know if this is  like the 1980 ghetto blaster or something   cool but if this is like just your standard sony  i'm gonna be really disappointed in this lady   oh i like the squareness the sony's are  usually round the squareness is good see you're average yeah wow yeah it's super  clean though that's 20 30 bucks this is   this is very important because with like the  transformers there's autobots and decepticons   right and storage units are like decepticons you  see this and you can't always presume that it's   gold glitz glamour this is just everyday stuff  somebody really appreciated they took care of it   but it's everyday stuff so when you're bidding  your threes you're four we find those all the   times on your storage treasures take this into  consideration that most of the time you're   buying work it's not every unit full of swifts  glamour and gold i just want to point that out   thanks i i agree that go to  my channel you'll see the same   i'm trying to let you guys know that everything  we do is not the best fragile den and kitchen   poster navy poster knife kit potential  military items that's what i was thinking   uh a knife there you go cut and be careful  when you cut that there's posters in that one oh oh ah look at all that paper you're gonna  meet here tomorrow at the same time pretty much   yes sir i'll be chopping the  flea market in the morning   saturday oh you're going to watch carter  filming a video that i'll probably never put out i always film picking videos  and i just never put them on   those are the army posters what does it say  painted pictures on silk three orientals   oh i'm not allowed to say that are  we whoa it's actually very nice and it actually yeah it's probably gonna become  the that's gonna be the whole piece right there   um is there another one go up one yeah there is  oh that one's nicer that actually is pretty nice   if you look at that and you look at the the  stamping and stuff they're on silk too i don't   know if you noticed that but you think too where  they were stationed at they could have got some   really good art it was in hawaii kapala but this  is not hawaiian this is oh could it be is that   japan maybe kappa lanu or whatever it is that  sounds like hawaii i could be completely wrong   it could be japan yeah anyway these are nice  and this is something that i definitely think   that we would put on the the cooler level and  something we should probably get looked at   okay storage wars take this good look at that  and this is where the video cuts and we're in   the middle of la at a fine art gallery and  then there's the volcano oh yeah that's uh   is that the lava no that's a fire it is huh  it's lava oh that's lava the date for 30 90.   the great lava burn someone's going to  know what that is they're going to tell you my back is hurting right  now you're getting old man   it's weird it didn't hurt at all until we took  a break and i killed for a minute and then   oh oh all right some pickup sticks those  are probably what the uh then posters   oh i thought these are pickup sticks farm san  francisco california hillsboro tennessee these we're following it pollywog mass report slip i never heard of that no that one's like  maybe a summons so this is probably maybe   his one of his platoon buddies sent this to him  wanted him to have it or something was precious   to them maybe like it was important military  documents of some form how fast he rolls it up you want to keep the you want to keep the uh  something else in there huh yeah it is and there's a devil something else is in there it's a treasure map it's a uh it's a it's a sh  it's a pirate um what do they call it this is   actually a pirate thing cafetini no this is like  a uh isn't this a thing to be part of a pirate   or something like that to all sailors where our  br they said it's like literally a pirate thing   but it's really signed by whoever huh maybe for  the navy solemn mysteries of the ancient order   of the deep uss durant that's what the thing  was you found the belt was inspiration deep there you go nothing that's pretty tight  it's different it's different though i   like finding different stuff like that  and i lost a bit now it's cool so it's   safe to say the other one is the same thing  is the other stuff in there that's his belt oh navy it's the bending over for me it's a kaleidoscope oh there's something in there what is that thing on tank top they put  their mouth on their phone wow like that whoa   whoa like a little kitty let me get it out this is weird that's a  poster oh 19. i like that too   what is it for it's a little festive oh  a museum it's an effeminate lot it is   there we go you got it out little mom careful  with it well that's his awards ambitions and   ambitious training yes his awards but  that's is it ephemeral yeah oh that's cool how you doing how you doing so basically  they moved here and she kept the boxes   and then they moved again you see what that  says they moved again yes extraterrestrial   pedestrians and spaceships we found a secret we found a secret aliens pirate's an excellent roller upper that's the  same one i was just showing you by astronauts   what yeah take a look at it task force  one four zero man spacecraft recovery   serving on board the uss and the equator for the  extraterrestrial flight of apollo 12 crewed by   astronauts that's kind of what the hell is that  i don't know what that is but i like it those are   astronauts and extraterrestrial flight and uh this  is nice whatever this is it makes everything worth   more in my opinion when you because whenever  you start bringing in spaceship stuff or   extraterrestrial or no show them the last one look  at the last one it's a layout of a spaceship yeah   i like that to me that's a little more special and  it's weird because you never think look at this   how often do they ever correlate the navy with  nasa notice they never do it's an owned apartment   army yeah this th the oddness of seeing these  together makes me wonder how much is going on   right how often that they're really doing  things you see you put them in the special tank   i hope we don't get hit by federal agents by the  time we get home it's all right if you guys want   to talk to me locker where l-o-c-k-e-r-w-a  l-o-c-k-e-r w-a-r-e p o box two three one l-o-c-k-e-r-w i'm willing to do an interview   right if you guys need me that's  very catchy locker where w-o-c-k-e-r interesting that box just  got that much more better huh   and then it goes to this coffee cup back  to the kitchen coffee cups navy mugs   there could be knives in here somewhere it  said knives knife set and there they go oh   now that you say something that is really weird  to have that in that box yeah it's it's that's   what intrigues me more sometimes anything  maybe they're disguising it because they   wouldn't think no one would go in there there's  a psychology behind that's a regular knife huh next next box xbox next box for my xbox oh my back  hurts well now i haven't got to make a cool video   of found a secret spy alien documents before so  this would be the first stir-fry this is basically   a stir-fry 11 11 inch electric skillet and um  brenner that's probably what i'm making tonight that's what you call it the lean mean  george foreman cooking machine it slices   dices it grills and it chills okay don't  do all that really bad is that for reals   slices dices juice i don't know why i'm  showing all these things i gotta load them so   here we have a rice cooker it also makes rice  and then if you turn it this way it makes rice   and and also nice rice okay they have  a lot of that type of stuff in here it says kawahu millican leafy oh wow apparently that's that ziploc um i  will dim some of that i tell ya i think we'll   we'll just basically flip this or something  you know there you go dividing that up so we are in the kitchen locker it's it's the  way people are it's a psychological thing i   hate to say it and it makes it kind of it  takes away from the fundness of this huh   that one says mbr too miscellaneous   because she doubled up on her stuff no this is  nothing it's pillows yeah see she moved more   than once when she moved because somebody was in  the military the military always moves you right   she's safe his boxes aren't cheap this  is very common when i wasn't moving 1985 dolphins jacket dolphins i don't know i'm  just saying that because i got one of them and   it's bank that's first that's what  it felt like it's literally a dish   all right how long's this clip 20 minutes  uh let's go let me call this the wrap for me okay bye all right well in here we  have this is a beautiful all-purpose   handy-dandy three-pod steel ply stool goes  anywhere in the world you want to go it fits   in a backpack here you got your miracle grill  garden feeder these are really actually cool when   you're when you want to put in your nutrients  and stuff you just pour it in there and you go in a wide it covers a lot of area um it seems  like we're getting a lot of just regular things   it's like a whole pokemon fitzgerald yeah   all things fitzgerald they like to party i tell  you that i think they work for the fitzgerald i used to be on the planet a second ago it's okay all right now four split this looks like  a very boring box maybe not am i lying i am flying waterproofer okay no it's bullish it is though  but it's not i got the hood back   that's one of my favorite moves the black  and blue i got the hook up you're here we're great with the leather seats this is kind of cool because this is actually  a neat bag you know what i want to go wrapping   if this was clean this would be a pretty dope  like it would be clean just take the dust off   because this is popular colors right now yeah oh waterfall more waterford  this is a seahorse msrp   119. where we're going to extract the most amount  of revenue on these are in ebay because they're   in the box and everything when they're in the box  they sell really well on ebay and they have more wanna see what they are what should  we open them up oh picture on the side   yeah but there's nothing you know justice it don't  look it's wrapped in everything brand new it's one   of these it never opens yeah don't open it i  don't want it cause it's gonna lower the value   i did try some waterford on my auction and it  didn't spark as much interest so you probably will   not see this on my auction again but on ebay those  probably like 75 bucks a piece look at that 149   it is one of those snow crystal 149 back  win back when way back when way back and last but not least this is another one  similar a kill arnie six-inch bowl msrp 119   made in ireland my back hurts right okay so i'm  stuck in this position we're going to go for this   more than another day because you all got to  do an auction and i gotta go we got bags boxes   posters things majiggers all sorts of stuff  whole another 10 by 10 lizards you ain't even   seen that one oh man that one's full all the way  up to here don't forget to go to alex's channel   as well as little mama and any left sensei  um say bye ponytail why make it look good
Channel: Storage Auction Pirate
Views: 6,048
Rating: 4.9436622 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, money making, how to make money, abandoned storage, watch storage wars, found money, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage units, storage auction finds, abandoned storage unit auctions, auctions, asmr
Id: 6VA5GDsLuAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 51sec (1551 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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