THOUSANDS IN GOLD! THE MOTHERLOAD! I bought an abandoned storage unit and found gold

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look at this daddy hasn't found a nice silver set in a while can it be kicks them Dacey's what is this AHA well I paid 1104 this unit I really wasn't trying to spend too much I really wasn't I look at that I'd even noticed that silver chain in the front what drew me to like this unit was a style of furniture you could see a grandfather clock back there I think you see the antique cabinet I just like the way that this stuff looks all right whining costume jewelry it is actual sewing stuff yeah okay I paid 1104 this there's a coach purse I kind of went a little hog wild today quitsies PQ I like that they look like gold right there I'm taking this unit something my gut told me I like the sella machine I usually don't like I've been trying to stay away from sewers but look that's a pretty decent sewing machine I think baby law that cabinet screens old person that's what it streams to me I love old people stuff all right we are back here at the storage unit and we're about to go through this nice little pile of jewelry boxes I found I was just stopping to pick up a quick little load out of that unit you see here as you see here I just wanted to fill up the back of my truck so I had a full loaf or the flea market tomorrow so I like cool we'll just grab a little bit out the front of that unit little did I know that I was gonna come across this huge score of jewelry right here this is what we're about to unbox right here jewelry boxes jewelry jewelry possible silverware Jewelry jewelry jewelry jewelry look at that they ain't no teaser we got jewelry but to go through this all right now not to mention it with some cool little do to my dad or artwork there I want to check my on why I said doing amaretto or whatever I said but they have this the nice old name they're gonna check that out and it was cool little purses let's get on with this jewelry reveal and right now real quick if you like Joey just say I love jewelry Pyatt hashtag jewelry hashtag pirate something real quick in the comments and like this video alright let's do this right off the bit right off the bat let's go this one feels heavy interest to see what's in here I'm not gonna lie kind of peek so I already know but I didn't check every little pocket it's got excited this is the bag that was like this just throw everything and go Uncle Michael let's just throw everything in anger we got in here a quarter hauntin is dump this out alright we got a little more cane look at that anything in here okay no no we have anything in this $100 bills no okay now for the big reveal I was excited about for look at this who what is that right there what is that that's a receipt limited edition ten dollar gaming token Lake Tahoe fine silver one ounce of fine silver one ounce of fine silver circus circus one ounce of fine silver silver legacy one ounce of fine silver circus circus one ounce of fine silver circus circus one ounce of fine silver the Atlantis home their 1999 Olympics or something no Skyway grand opening look like the Olympics in with my bed don't don't be mean to me in the comments for that silver legacy one fine ounce of silver Caesars Tahoe Cleopatra the brew brother that just sounds like a fun place at the Eldorado I want to go there and hang out the brew Brothers Circus Circus one fine ounce of silver the Atlantis nice I have no idea what these are worth but I knew they were silver got me giddy Atlantis Silver's were like 16 17 ounce right now silver legacy the Atlantis the silver legacy that is one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 and I think this is silver too not one percent positive that sure looks like it next we have these right here they were inside of another bag whoo nice all right this makes sense because we have this one over here this one I think fellow asks what uh when I pulled it out now remember it slipped out of the other one let's see yep all right this was in this was laying loosely in the bag and these were in there with the other jewelry boxes so this must go in here like whoa interesting I know what that's worth it's a Bicentennial Proof Set silver dollars I usually get like 20 for these ten for these in like five or seven for these loose loose scrap type value but I don't know these ones are worth as they are pretty much uncirculated flawless like it should be real diamond that's real gold I don't know what flavor yet it is nice hey how much 14-karat right on you know no more jewelry in there okay let's set this over here looks to be silver right there we gonna able to see us free let's adjust this a little bit yep nine to five look at that that's actually a pretty cool ring okay we got some costing jewelry concoction jewelry that the Cheshire Cat clowns le it's not silver dating it sounds like costume I usually put this type of stuff in lots usually Mary beats everybody to it somehow she is on point this is a rubber band me that's thank you will Tik Tok Kitty then tik tok tik tok tok tik tok a little a bit that looks sterling right there so you've another windows I'm gonna don't see one in it once looks nice little metal earrings cannot silver will rabbit like another tik tok tik tok tik tok all the pins I don't want you to wear pins like that - little pig some earrings nice costume jewelry I almost looked at gold the metal is at the back this piece right here is gold not this piece but this piece there it's actually 14 apparent okay so let's see if we have anything in here oh we got another sterling silver that's what you gonna pair those those are nice I can see myself wearing two like that not that not like I was a guy course but I was a girl I think as type of stuff anyway so nice with those cute little ruby earrings with pink there's their lift like their silver craziness was a golden ring coming out of everywhere this was falling off the back no silver look at that seals who don't love seals you love seals in the comment below I love seals and I like jewelry pirate is this craziness that's cute we're gonna dollar a piece I got a lot of money here what I pay for this unit paid $1,100 let's look at go they think their decision that's not I know you guys like gold and silver I know there's a lot of very much costume jewelry that has extreme value because it's got good names and stuff and I get that I'm not I look for that stuff but I also just do a lot of selling my jewelry in the bulk to other people because I don't like to go sit out and try to sell the stuff looks like gold at the end of that but it's not alright I want you guys know these videos take me some time when I make these videos like this eats up a large portion my dad spent four or five six hours a day making these who what does that say there I can't read it 925 I like those two pairs of kilt that's not it that's a big one it's a cowbell and it says 925 Mexico a lot of people I know will not buy silver that says Mexico they say it's not legit silver but I still set aside anyway just don't sterling silver that's cute let's swap costume costume that is nice actually that says silver on it I don't know if those are real those are pretty it's a necklace pendant no Tiffany no I wish that's what it says says I wish yep I did wish that it was Tiffany don't get me wrong this is neat just a little Thomas Kinkade light I love Thomas Kinkade very prolific artist very prolific look at this it's not very thick but it is 14k I don't feel I could see that yeah look at that it's got a heart that's got diamonds on it too you all know that I love hearts 14k I meant that - definitely everyone's checked out there's fair amounts of little ones so those are really might got a good little piece there then we got another heart this one's warm this one's fake as it probably says 925 then it's gonna be gold-plated which makes those absolutely not real because silver is almost never in our diamonds almost never in gold silver dumb think of too much diamonds are very rarely in silver nice little cherubs I'm excited and I want to look in here because I like silver and we just said silver and silver silver silver' daddy hasn't found a nice silver set in a while can it be mm-hmm bakelite looking handle eastern silver company yes almost looks like silver that's crazy it's too stiff Rogers Rogers Rogers vacation in the containers Rogers oh well still happy still happy see the way it's cut right there you see that little cut in the second ring it's always a dead giveaway I'll have my guy testify honey doubt that it's let's say 18k this looks to be more costumey so I put this in are costing my $1.00 gavel sterling silver as a crown I like that I'm a king I'm a king so they can keep that almost put it on the necklace find this quality trying to 95 looks like it's gold plated some type of religious this was probably Shalini sterling Vermeil so I think that means it's plated maybe what's the better side still not 100 has advertised on TV that's always a good sign when you see them you're gonna gooey it's funny 14 karat gold field I still need them don't get me wrong another one of these horns this one looks to be gold yeah it is nice a tooth maybe silver with a nice piece of jade in it I guess they like dolphins we're not really talking in our favorite animals 14 karat gold dolphin this looks to be in 18 karat just by the judging of it I can't tell them Niclas oho look at this dolphin necklace 14 karat gold right there still not the greatest most fondness person of dolphins long story short and just don't like them that much compared to other animals there's a specific reason we won't get into it nothing personal against dolphins look at this Wow getting a little bit intrigued by some of this I can't read them it looks like the other one no but secrecy it's plated seeing what this is sterling may be nice eenie meenie miney moe catch a tiger by its toe my mom told me to pick the very best one and you are not it all right Wayne taking you I know this one who remembers that game comment below if you've been playing that camp what is that it says nine to five it's gold plated nine to five nice silver is still better than nothing it's gold plated but I thought it was gonna be gold for a second look at this antique piece right here this one intrigues me you got like what looks like rubies there but if you look it's really old it could be gold might they have this one left them at least have my specialist if you're watching specialists comment below okay and oh two dollar bills also my least favorite of the bills you're not taking this special two dollar bill will have to sell it to somebody and we got a $1 bill silver certificate nice interesting I'm digging this unit guys we only like four feet is that it oh I got a little bit little bit nervous there look at this in god we trust' 1922 it was a peace dollar I don't see a mint mark e pluribus unum that's a few bucks they're too nice look at this this is just like every one of you out there in this world each and every one of you are a star in my world and now we have to pick you up the difference between coffee and jewelry and coal that's definitely you know u.s.a u.s.a right carrying on a whole bunch of roaches it's it's broaching all right this bunch of lower end pieces don't be on me in the comments now pyrite you don't understand some of those are $20 a piece JJ I usually sell lots of these I was putting up in Lots JJ it's like the JJ bag right I know how jewelry goes I will be putting this on my eBay so you know in lots lots of lots after my jeweler guy goes through it once look at these we're gonna have a party these are kind of cute let's see we got here we got operator we got operator Desert Storm okay those are nice we're getting military stuff yeah we're getting whiskey wild turkey and Jack Daniels nice put them back in here like so does look like gold isn't it thank God look at this on the shelf I got the world's first Elf on the Shelf Christmas nope this minute baby kicks them daisies what is this this looks like gold but I don't think that one is this one it's gone you sure well we don't have this one checked we'll put that knife to the check pile we always have everything checked oh ho ho what is this Oh Elgin come on baby be very careful and Scratchy it doesn't say sure looks like it down I think this is gold I think this one is gold doesn't say anything hmm interesting does it work huh does it work let's be careful I'm taking my time - I think it's frozen hmm isn't this way right here doesn't want to turn it's frozen I said may I take these guys to the wash that's all they do they pour a little bit of lighter fluid in here they tap on a little bit make you think they're gonna break your watch it says Elgin safety pinion who what are these these sterling silver they sure look at they look like they might be though let's see if it says doesn't say anything it looks like sterling silver and this is his trainer I should wear this cuz everybody said that I look like trailer trash all it sounds like one of my trolls always say I should wear that as a joke for them look in the big black box pasta Julie alright and we drop the costume sure you don't get mad I mean please don't get mad at me heart keeps pounding me time I hoping something up it looks like gold and this says screams silver gold put that box away and you know I thought the best thing to do is kind of just dump this all out that's what I feel like doing it's just so much my heart is pounding right now my heart is pounding right now I'm going to go right to what I want to see oh my Wow please be a real diamond oh my I got this right here would be an expensive diamond this would be a nice I don't even have something to judge it to but that is if that is real sorry guys I'm not a good camera man if this is real right here cuz this is definitely real gold 14-carat it's a it's like a wedding band oh my lord I don't even know where to start that's kind of cool this is silver oh man my heart is pounding right now my heart is just pounding right now for a second I thought it's gonna be Rolex and so wit look at school watch though wait now what is this oh we can use one of these in jeweler's loupe I don't let's keep that aside China nice ring though nice ring for China with me chandi carrot or GP bezel we have to have that testin calbro's and it'll look like over well that they get coming here I had anywhere to start look at that look at that ladies and gentlemen we just looked at Benji's gold and here we are looking at gold and diamonds that is nice that fit my pinky ring because I would rock that ring oh look at that I would rock that one - that's gold that's more me nice 14 karat it looks like a synthetic stone but synthetic stones don't scare me no this looks like gold this looks like not gold is weird I have to have an armitron Dean evil Dean Vail Armitron my speed through this a little bit and then when I'm done when I speed through it a little bit then we'll slow down and look at everything oh man I gotta call my nerves we're gonna do this box next I did need a break from this one just for them like wow my nerves are going too many miles now right now it's crazy as I bought another unit that had jewelry in front and I was thinking jewelry on my mind never really expected that this one would just come out with all this jewelry right off it what what man that is dope that's gold that's kind of cool it's got a heart in it I don't think it's silver no it's costing well that's a pretty piece costing four days can't even get this off all right that's nice here we have a piece of silver and another silver oh my cameras off here we go here we have a piece of silver and another piece of silver is it nice then our silver file it looks like silver oh look at this piece of silver here nice that's sweet nothing of significance like gold or silver that is a nice antique you know what this could be one of the day nicest things in here look at the quality on that piece no there's some quality costume quality costume nice costume costume was this one say Oh about this one silver yeah then a silver I forget what this this is this is a special symbol here I believe okay on to the next drawer Wow we got here this gold I'll and be possible gold might be possible gold this is definitely gold look at that oh wow that's my hand well those it was Tiffany worth a bunch of money I sold like 1,500 bucks look at that earring that is nice look at that silver there's the other one wow this is a one this is silver that's nice Sylvane Sylvane christmas trees who doesn't like Christmas trees and the Heather silver one Christmas brooch wow this is the gift that keeps on giving that says Sophie this is silver hmm nice on to the next drawer nice brooch no-name silver right there look at those so they're nice the hoes are quality and it's silver I'll be damned that it's nice there we have a gold earring be nice if those are diamonds Silvan most likely not diamonds look at this there's another silver bracelet oh wow this is getting good silver silver silver' over this amber that's kind of cool could have gold beads on it no probably no that's silver Huggins just a metal Cheung this is silver so consume two pairs of that gonna pair those 10 karat white gold Wow look at that so nice ah I'm just flabbergasted right now that's gold look at that antique piece right there Wow that's silver right there who are those you have those like that that's silver right there that's costing anything that's silver 16 that's soo she's over there - nice that's silver hold earrings antique gold earring where's the other one cool look at that that matches that matches the necklace I just showed you this is sitting right what just keeps getting better right away that's gold and I'm horrible my camera skills today look at that as a couple games are going that's silver thanks that's silver that's silver that's cool look at this silver bracelet right here hey threw them stones all the things a pirate ever wants to find in a storage I don't really like flip-flops like that but that's still silver so I like that we got a pair there's a cot Linnet ladies you're gonna want to buy that one nobody tell matric flip-flops when you're wearing them a little snowflake for all the snowflakes out there nine to five that is nice cute little bracelet got some kitty cats another butterfly costume those are silver green stones we are coming up with some silver look at that elephant tusk up good luck touched like three times off heavenly more silver now looks like a gold over that's a real diamond earring hopefully has to match to that amazing real diamond earring okay children look at all those gold backs right there my camera work this sucker look at them gold backs right there a rocking horse no I almost said the word fake but I won't people get mad at me because they don't like that I don't appreciate costume jewelry and I know there's a lot of people out there appreciate costume jewelry but pirates aren't into fake gold and silver I saw the simplest way I can put it I'm looking for gold and silver then if there's a few good pieces of costume jewelry the person who buys my costume jewelry gets lucky because they ended up with a few good pieces of costume jewelry because pirate only wanted silver and gold and then you buy in bulk that's silver has silver oh look at this oh that's a charm bracelet ladies and gentlemen right there that is silver that is all sterling silver that is cool I don't know I like they not my style but they've got the London Bridge we got a teapot we got a turtle get a picture frame ha ha that'll be on eBay hats off to this unit no pun intended do we got here could be a nice watch piece white gold something I am just overwhelmed by this ladies and gentlemen I I'll have to look through this again later on this I don't do that very often Oh what is this what is this I think that says kge but I'm not sure I'm not 100% that says gold field that says silver on it that is nice this is 925 this is 9:00 to 5:00 9:00 to 5:00 my cold cold think that silver possibly soon silver silver gold look at that can that be real can that be real 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 Wow we're gonna calm our nerves down now and look at the last bit of jewelry but that's a nice little pile of silver a little bit of gold this right here right off the bat look at this piece this is marked Peru it is some level of gold it's a nice piece right here this is nice maybe one of the nicest pieces I probably found I think as far as quality goes Debra we got this ring right here gold I don't know if this is real not sure I got to get the diamond check I know this is real the gold this was silver I just do the sterling silver this beautiful silver necklace right here sterling silver 925 925 earring silver this was a nice silver necklace right here okay we got white gold yep white gold we got gold earrings right here another gold earring this was pretty sweet right here a gold dolphin bracelet a gold ship that says dong of Norway silver I think this is gold just gold some gold necklaces that would be nice if that's real it doesn't look real to me the diamond this is wait going I think this one's white gold we got some bull I couldn't get it a whole untangle over this we got diamond earrings we got that all this stuff tested I'm serious diamonds gold trying to be careful at this stuff this right here is a 10 karat gold bracelet mixed with it uh no this one isn't 10 karat this one is silver no oh this one's 14 karat right here my bad 14 white carrot interesting interesting this one is marked 925 is a nice long necklace so chances of that being real diamonds are slim to none this right here is sterling silver it says 14-karat GES this one's electroplated I'm glad a double looked at that one gold necklace right here that's pretty nice a little bit of piece of jade we got a gold ruby bracelet right here look at that found this gem tons of little necklaces gold with the cubic zirconium we got here nice look at that white gold this was silver and that's this costume actually Claire would look at that one gold bracelet standard to scrap gold this one whoo look at this one the silver or what platinum nine to five that would have been nice those those little triangular yeah I just I'm overwhelmed guys this is weird its marked 14 karat but I think it's just uh it's just not I don't have to have a testing this is by far one of the greatest gold and silver finds I've had in a long time I've had some great ones but it's how did we manifest it we just aired a video showing Benji and all the gold and silver he's bought off me over the years and then boom it's been sitting in a unit that I bought last week it's just way dude this work out this way oh we gotta have all these diamonds in the gold and silver tester we're gonna scrap some of it piece some of it out there's some nice pieces there I think we hit a good little jackpot on this unit got the watch more to come that was only a 3x3 of that unit like maybe five by three we moved to that you know we still have the whole entire twenty five foot unit to go and that 100 I'm just excited a couple bucks there we've got some cool costume joy they don't end up in a lot we got tons of silver tons of gold tons of silver tons of gold things that we have to get looked at we got this pocket watch that I don't know if it's gold enough but it sure looks like it I haven't even had a chance to look up Gloria Leu Dee Smith we've got three pieces of hers we got silver coins for days look at that silver coins and we haven't even touched the surface in this unit we haven't even touched the surface we only did a five by five tops of this unit I'm excited
Channel: Storage Auction Pirate
Views: 60,548
Rating: 4.8812618 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, i bought an abandoned storage, abandoned storage locker, storage lockers, storage hunters, storage wars, treasure hunt, how to make money, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage auction, auction hunters, extreme unboxing, locker nuts, what the hales, curiosity incorporated, storage auction pirate, storage wars full episodes, American pickers, pawn stars, storage pirate, storage stalker
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 28sec (2908 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 26 2019
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