My Random Thoughts (Adam Edition)

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okay so as we all know Jaden has already made a video on this topic then James stole I mean plagiarized the same idea and thus now I Adam me hello that's my name am now played your I mean appropriating it from Jamison it's a tradition passed down for generations and thus one day my dear petawatts padawan someone will appropriate I mean ripoff the idea from me butterflies probably one of nature's most beautiful bugs but I always wondered what do they fly as if they drank a literal gallon of LSD Adam what do you mean have you ever seen a butterfly actually fly it's like as soon as they take flight boom panic attack I mean if you do think about it caterpillars literally just took a long nap and then suddenly woke up completely changed so I mean I would probably freak out too of giant things on my back just started to randomly launch me into space either that or the poor things might just be afraid of heights so that's my thought I think butterflies fly weird they look like idiots why is it when you're writing with a pen it decides to just suddenly stop working on one specific spot on the paper what wait what okay that's not a press down hard enough what what's happening oh I guess not then still seems to be good what sorcery is this I guess you can say that pen wasn't very dependable what have you closed your eyes and then suddenly you just appeared in a completely different place what would you do would you just be like oh okay this is my home now or would you immediately start panicking what what would I do I don't know depending on the location that I was suddenly transported to I feel like I would be the type of person to just accept my fate and Yolo swag master that fits my fellow teens I don't mean to brag but I am quite amazing in a crisis yep I guess you could call me the pinnacle of perfect what is this place who are these people someone so what if you're a werewolf but you don't know that you're a werewolf every time you change and wake up naked somewhere in the forest you just think dammit the party too hard again I don't remember drinking this time but in reality you murdered like 300 people what would happen if people just decided to commit when they messed up like what if you're driving one day and you see the light that you need to turn on so you decide to switch lanes but get stuck in a left turn only Lane right before the light that you needed to get to so you're forced to drive into a parking lot of some random company building freakin dang it after realizing you made a dumb decision instead of just exiting the parking lot and proceeding back onto your original route you decide that the best way to avoid looking dumb is to just commit you find a parking spot get out of your car walk straight up to the front doors and Janet how's my favorite desk lady person my name is Debra classic Janet Rick my man looking good is he talking to me sir mondo how's the wife just somebody stop this guy Matilde heard about the accident so sorry your children had a watch Karen go suck an egg Karen yep time to get to work on these uh this stuff security of course naturally you're still sitting there pretending the work I mean working very hard and finally the police show up freeze dirtbag please don't shoot I'm half privileged get down on the ground I'm getting down I'm listening I said get down on the ground I don't know if I should be doing that don't make me have to use this please I look silly get down is this what you want Yussef I will shoot you in the face that's dumb why are you pretending to work at that office huh buddy that's that's a long story I made a wrong turn and I didn't want to look stupid so I just committed oh I understand [Music] I made a wrong turn to I'm not even a real cop do you ever just sit in traffic because someone got into car accident and just think ah I'm gonna be late for grocery shopping thanks a lot Adam did someone probably died what if people had food names and food names had people names like hello I would like a juicy sirloin Michael cooked medium-rare with mashed patricia's and baby Carl's on the side oh and we seem to be missing our Gary Brian also if I'm able to get some extra Shawn drenched all over my Michael that would be great and whose name shall I put it under avvocato egg roll what would the total solar eclipse look like on the moon oh it's just the Sun all normal and stuff that's how solar eclipses work man that's beautiful this is me just complaining but don't you hate it when you're feeling really woozy and sick then out of nowhere every smell in existence decides to punch its way up into your nose holes causing you to feel more sick I hate that that's all since bugs see bright light and stupidly fly to it I wonder if there's ever been bugs that see the Sun and try to fly to that maybe that's all they do what did they like our lights so much what if our lights is what keeps all the bugs on earth what if we turn off all the lights I think I just figured out how to exterminate all bugs why would it Ghost be mad if you moved into their home all their furniture was old and broken so technically you just replaced all their old crap with new crap and sure maybe the ghost is mad that they have lack of any input and maybe Janice has tacky taste that doesn't belong in their homes maybe Janice is doing the best she can maybe Janice is doing everything she can to keep the water running maybe Janice is spending money on items she thinks the ghosts will like but doesn't realize the go she lives with is a picky [ __ ] why doesn't the ghost decide to maybe I don't know help out around the house from time to time it's only dead not incompetent maybe Janice should find a new haunted house to live in maybe Janice should how Kevin Oh Kevin yeah those are my random thoughts well looks like 2017 is over honestly I can't believe how far we've came and how much we've grown throughout the year I want to thank you all so much for sticking with me throughout this entire rollercoaster of a ride we call YouTube and also I want to apologize for this video coming out so late things happened in December and it caused me to write a very salty hidden message spread through the video 2017 was pretty hectic but I'm pretty sure it can only get better from here so let's make 2018 our year I've always wanted to do that what what the what what the head shot shut up shut up beautiful shut good but I should be quiet now listen I came back in time to warn me that 2018 is so much worse also I invented time travel wait what so much worse how well think of all the horrible D monetization stuff you've been going through over the past couple months uh-huh and multiply that okay by flogging a dead body Jesus that bad sponsorships you need sponsorships here I think I got something in here for you [Music] yeah here take this what what is it just read it okay I can't read your terrible handwriting ah just tell them about audible sponsoring this video because both you and I know for a fact that December suck doc well wait you you got me sponsored by audible also let them know the audible helps you listen to more books by letting you switch seamlessly between devices picking up exactly where you left off whether it's on your phone through a car from a tablet or at home on your Amazon echo you can get through tons of books hands and eye free while doing almost anything have them also used my slash your link at they've got tell them they can just switch it out for a better one no questions asked plus your books are yours to keep even if you cancel the membership ah can't you just do it no now listen I need you to shape up this year okay listen to me I am this is your new New Year's resolution already made and finished mine on Twitter do new year's resolution in the form of an audio book what you don't read correct so what I want you to do is stop that and read more anybody read more I mean listen to more audiobooks on audible get those creative gears turning again but I don't know any good books do I have to do everything myself here just hold up let me check if I have something in here it take this I always want to learn more about crypto currencies so I hear what the heck I don't know maybe it'll cause a butterfly effect or something and things won't suck so much in the field well I hope you all enjoyed the video once again you can find the audible link in the description below stay hydrated that's the first stay hydrated in 2018
Channel: SomeThingElseYT
Views: 9,847,375
Rating: 4.9540806 out of 5
Keywords: My Random Thoughts, Jaiden Animations, Theodd1sout, Random, Thoughts, SomethingElseYt, Somethingelse, Something, else, Random thoughts, Animated, animation, animated story, audible
Id: trDYMQotS7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2018
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