(Jul 20, 2019) Who Is Yeshua? His Deity (Part 2)

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we we started last week a little a little journey about Yeshua which is you know that's that everything listen Messianic Judaism is a movement it is not a denomination it there's no there's no denomination to it it's a it's a movement and and you might think it started in maybe 1967 or 1905 whatever it actually started um you know way back like 33 AD that's when it started it was a group of Jewish guys who followed this this Messiah Yeshua and they called it the way back then there was no name of a Christian not till acts 10 there was no name not that there's anything wrong with that I'm just saying that was not the original I know a lot of people think that these denominations started centuries later centuries the earliest denomination was maybe Greek Orthodox and and Catholicism but that didn't start for four centuries so why would we connect to something that started later on as opposed to the original and this listen I'm not one of those there's a lot of crazy messianic people out there that feel like because you do something little differently no every blood-bought Christian is my brother there's no Essenza buffs that's why I get invited to other churches but with that being said a lot of people just don't understand that Christianity came as an overflow of what God did with Israel and the bottom line is it's what whatever if you call yourself a Christian or any denomination you are a judeo-christian you might not realize it you might not be walking in it but according to the Bible and according to God that's that's who you are and and you don't want to make your identity idolatry but this is part of who you are you know you have these covenants that we've given to Israel five covenants and the whole Bible is only five you have these patriarchs that were given to Israel you have the promises that we given Israel when you say no weapon formed against me obviously it's taken out of context but God is saying to Israel no matter what I will protect you so if you're grafted into Israel then he says that over you but if you graphed yourself out you can't claim it you can but there's no power to it you follow so it's a it's a long story I've taught about this stuff of for years but Yeshua is is all roads lead to Golgotha okay all roles in the Old Testament leads to Golgotha and everything looks back in the New Testament all Kaurava you know it's Messianic Judaism without putting the Messiah first you Jewish messy ism so you know I'm a big fan and and I just you know sometimes I know people have Yeshua but I wonder which one so we're gonna we're gonna spend a few weeks on this subject that is the crux of our faith you know Yeshua taught on a lot of subjects like I said last week but the most important subject is who he was and there's no better source to find out who you sure was than from Yeshua himself once we have proved the authenticity of the Bible which we did over six hours now that we know it's true and authentic we can abide by what he said and I don't want to hear what your opinion is you don't want to hear what my opinion is I'm careless about a scholar or scribe let's find out what Yeshua said about himself so we're gonna we're gonna look at a lot of scriptures let's look at the first set of scriptures it's in John 10 you know this all too well and I I did want to just use John 10:30 but it's totally out of context so it's very important and even this is not total context the whole chapter of John 10 would be real good context the whole Gospel of John would be good context the whole New Testament would be good context and then the whole of the Bible would be good context that's your best context but with that being said we can't do that in a short time Yeshua says my sheep listen to my voice those are believers I recognize them and they follow me he knows us intimately and if we were his we would follow him that's how you know I give them eternal life he distributes eternal life it's it's on him to be able to do that they will absolutely never be destroyed you should have eternal security because that's what it says I know some of you like I can't deal with that you can't deal with that because you've never really been forgiven and because you've never been forgiven you have such a hard time forgiving everybody else but I'm not going to deny what it says it's it's crystal clear right and he says and no one he adds no one will snatch them meaning not even in the middle of the night you know no no covert operation or no overt operation I have them says my father who gave them to me is greater than all and no one can snatch them from my father's hand I am the father once you get this picture you know if you will like parents holding a little child one is holding one hand one is holding the other and you know sometimes they pick them up and swing them and the parents are holding on so you get this picture of God holding on to one of our hands and Yeshua holding on to the other one another picture beautiful picture is seeing as you are holding on to the father's hand with one and holding on to us with the other because that's the connection right you've got God in heaven gods in heaven make no mistake that's his abode he's in heaven we're here on earth to make no mistake we are here on earth how do you connect men on earth with a God in heaven through a god man okay so he's giving you this picture but he says I am the father one let's look at that word it's it's not pronounced hi sits Haise in the Greek and it means alike you she was saying we are alike we are in total agreement and we are united okay so here based on the scriptures that we just presented to you the thought probably is that Yeshua in the father a one in power that's what he's speaking about in that context they have the same power Yeshua had just been speaking about the power that protects his sheep right so saying that they are one is basically saying one in nature or one in essence he's saying that his power is the same as god the father's power now you might deny that that you don't agree with that but that's what he's saying okay there is one god father of all and there is one Lord Yeshua the Messiah and they all won now we're gonna go through this series and you're not going to be able to wrap your minds around a lot of us just know that so if it's kind of freaking you out already it was meant to there has to be some finiteness to us for us to worship an infant God the way he's supposed to be worshipped if you could figure him out totally you would not worship him the way he deserves to be worshipped said but we are human okay there's a finite aspect to our understanding when the Bible says a peace that surpasses all understanding that's what it's referring to that's just the way it is I'm sorry I know some some people out there think their God and some people out there look to be worshipped but they are they are erroneous is about erroneous as they come now let's go through a couple more scriptures in that same context john 10:31 once he says we're one he says once again the Judeans why does the complete Jewish Bible say Judeans because for the last 2,000 years the body of Christ has been unbelievably any somatic and when you say the Jews that means all well that's erroneous there were many Jews I Got News fear in the first century that will 1 million Jews hubli the Messiah so so the church teaches the Jews the Jews no some of the Jews read acts 4:27 says the Gentiles herod pontius pilate and some of the jews but Jesus on the cross it's it's not right and it's caused you know they said it's deicide and it's caused millions and millions of Jews to be persecuted and killed statements like that and it's not biblical and definitely would not come out of the issue his mouth so once again the Judeans these were the ones in leadership picked up rocks in order to stone him I mean look at the reaction he says I am the father one now his audience is Jewish ok everybody else in the world is pagan they don't know from God they don't know from his commandments they weren't raised totally pagan that's all you have at this point and and you know his whole audience are these Jewish people and some of them pick in as soon as he says that they pick up stones they know what and and and why I mean what because he made a ridiculous exalted statement you're sitting 2,000 years on the other side of the cross come back to this time he hasn't died he he's performing some miracles a lot of people perform miracles he's a rabbi this thousands of rabbis so so he makes this ridiculous exalted outrageous assertion that he was one with divine majesty you know nuts that would be back in that day they had such a respect for God Almighty God there was such a reverence how dare you a mere man say that so they looked to stone him charging him with blasphemy and what is blasphemy I don't know know this throw it around blasphemy has a definition theologically it has the definition in Judaism it's the crime of assuming to oneself the rights of qualities of God this is what he said the the the crime it's a crime in Judaism there is but one God right sure - irrelevant well hey I don't know you have God one God there's one God Ephesians even says there's one God Yeshua even said what's the most important commandment Shamar Ali said there's one God this is new don't don't be so harsh on these people this is crazy some man some man born of a woman is saying he's God go back in time man put yourself in their shoes you know the old Native Americans saying don't judge another man until you walk a mile in his moccasins and then if you're wrong you're a mile away and you have his moccasins some of you're gonna get that on the way home it will slow it's okay go get some gas go in your pockets buy your wallet man his moccasins I get it they understood all too well because every Jew is raised in the commandments of God they were not you know secular Jews back then they were raised a kid five years old knew the Book of Leviticus almost by heart today our kids think Leviticus is something dermatological I have a Leviticus have any cream they realized he was setting forth his deity in the plainest way okay plain is the nose on your face look at the next verse Yeshua answers them they're Raider and Yeshua says you have seen me quote you have seen me do many good deeds that reflect the father's power yes sure he I mean he healed the blind man nobody's ever been healed of of you know not having sight paralytics demon-possessed he was performing a lot of miracles and a miracle is something of God it's something supernatural so he says you've seen me reflect the father's power for which of these deeds are you stoning me well before they had a chance to hurl the stones you know he reminds them of all the good things he's performed and he asked them playing questions so which one is it look at the answer the Judeans replied we are not stoning you for any good deed but for blasphemy it's simple it's blasphemy because you who are only a man of making yourself out to be God this is intense guys it's crazy nobody's ever heard of this they hated him not for his works but for his words so by his words he was claiming to be on par with Almighty God this they would not tolerate you know look at another assertion mark 2 1 through 4 it says after awhile yoshua returned to Kafar Nachum Kafar Nachum how do we know it capernaum him the the hebrew word is good for nakum village of comfort it's interesting that the bread of life would be born in Bethlehem the house of bread right it's interesting that he would minister the man who brought comfort to the world would minister in the village of comfort yes the word spread that he was back and so many people gathered around the house that there were no longer any room not even in front of the door while he was preaching the message to them four men came to him carrying a paralyzed man they could not get near Yeshua because of the crowd so they stripped the over the place where he was made an opening and low of the stretcher with paralytic flying on it now it says that after a while your shoe returned obviously it's a little out of context so you'd have to look at the first chapter now we mark skips mark is very powerful it's it's a it's a gospel to the Romans and the Romans were all about power and this shows the block the one who's willing to give his life the sacrifice and it's short on teachings but it's very long on miracles mark is a very powerful gospel and it skips his his Judean ministry for about a year and it just gets right into his Galilean ministry the second year and he was performing miracles and he was drawing crowds and guess what he did he did exactly the opposite of what pastors do today he withdrew see people love crowds right makes them feel good all right I can get crowds in here I just have to change my ways a little bit maybe just doctor our few things up you know maybe tell a few more jokes lighten up on some of the holiness of sanctification stuff and before you know it we'd have crowds and I would feel good you're shaking your head but you know everybody likes to be like come on now be human but I'm not interested in that a real Yeshua follower is not interested in that they don't know how many people you don't see him once saying how many people did we have at the meeting what was the offering it's insanity look at Yeshua man he withdrew from the crowds and ministered in deserted places yeah I'm well known it at I'm really well known at SunTrust Bank I'm really well known Fresh Market everybody knows me they have shared the gospel to everybody yeah I'm not known on TV I'm not known here I'm not known in makin deserted places because who's gonna go there who's gonna go so you should went to deserted places he did not measure success by numbers and hear me what I'm gonna tell you he would never ever put the crown before the cross so soon after the Lord entered the foreign of whom many gathered around the house where he was why word would spread you know the people was very anxious to see a miracle worker you know they didn't have access to some of the things we have access to you know medicine was different back then if you had an infection they cut off your leg today they just asked you for your insurance God at the rear of the crowd was a paralytic carried by four men on some kind of improvised stretcher right and the crowd hindered him getting near you know I got to taste them there are a lot of hindrances to bringing people to your schewe we get in by the grace of God and then we make rules but desperate people use desperate measures and the Lord loves desperation he had and you know what the beautiful thing about is you can't fake it cuz he knows so people hide things but why are you hiding things from someone who things can't be hidden from silly silly so they climb on the outside stairs to the roof that's the way it was and it's a fact roof so they you know the look you she was happy I'm sure the owner of the house wasn't but they lowered the man and I always said if I had to name these four guys there'd be name sympathy cooperation originality and persistence so you have the next verse to five it says seeing that trust say seeing how desperate they are seeing like you really believe you know the first trip I ever went on the big mission trip was in Nicaragua and I was just going from village to village you know people living in like mud huts and makeshift homes me and my buddy we didn't have any big we just did it the Lord told us do and do it and the first village we went into our never forget you know you know me by now I'm I'm blatantly honest to a fault because and a lot of people can't handle that kind of transparency they're very uncomfortable with it some people have been married thirty years they still won't have transparency it's people aren't comfortable transparency because when a person's transparent it causes them to be transparent back and people don't want to know let's play the big hiding game so this guy comes out with his kid in his arms and the kids like almost lifeless and he says in Spanish I got interpreter would you pray over him you know they don't have visitors like this just a couple of guys come from America in the name of the Lord it's like something 2,000 years ago and so I look at him and I said in in my language and they translate said so you think that if I pray over your son he'll be healed and he said absolutely and I said tell him that he has way more faith than I do which was true now now most American traveling evangelist would say that but it was true so then I said lord I I need your help I'm not I'm not doing this unless you help me figure this out so this is the coolest thing they'll never forget this do you find that when you're just talking to somebody about the Lord he puts a story in your head that you forgot about it happens to me all the time I don't know if I'm see what happens to me all the time like it's just this happening right now and the Lord said close your eyes and I only had one son at the time Jeremy he's about the kids age four years old I think and he said close your eyes I close my eyes I said open them and I'm telling you God is my witness when he was holding that kid it was Jeremy's head on his body and the Lord said pray like it's Jeremy kid didn't get healed by the way so Yeshua is so impressed with their trust that he says these words in italics here son your sins are forgiven like what I mean I mean if you were there you saying oh I get it now yeah you get it now because you've got the Bible it's complete at the book of Revelation you got eight million podcast but go back to a time where a guy's saying that what what did he just say I'm sorry this guy's paralyzed he just wants to get some healing what are you saying right that's what's happening right now everybody's freaking out but what a beautiful announcement he doesn't say your sins will be forgiven he's saying right now on earth in this life the man sins were forgiven he didn't have to wait till the day of judgment he had the present assurance of forgiveness and so to all of week who put their trust in Messiah Yeshua now last couple of verses 6 & 7 mark 2 it says some Torah teaches you know these are the scribes he said these are the teachers who know the Word of God they know the Torah right they know it very well they're sitting then they thought themselves and I would have to I'm sorry I would have how can this fellow say such a thing again I'm showing you that I'm trying to show you with you shew his words and his actions he's claiming deity and every time he does the religious leaders who allege it say he's blaspheming this is a crime who can forgive sins except God up to now only God could forgive sins right so it's not a mystery of what they're saying they they caught on real quick they understood the significance of Yeshua statement anyone who professed to forgive sins was claiming to be God period so they're well trained in the scriptures and they know that only God is still they charge will advise me again in other words if it was the Gregg Hirschberg version I'd be saying what is this I think he is God have you ever said that about somebody I mean obviously he's if if I was there he is either a lunatic or best-case a liar right just go back in time go back in time so all along he's asserting didi John 1313 it says you call me rabbi and Lord and you are right because I am look at the word Lord it doesn't mean sir it's he to whom a person belongs the title given to God the Messiah period and in the Greek that's what it means the title given to God the Messiah not only did you schewe claim to have divine power to heal not only did he claim to have divine power to forgive sins but now he's claiming to have power to be worshipped what I mean you know worship the Lord your God don't make any idols this was like right out of the gate of the Ten Commandments God's saying there's only one God you don't worship anything but me it is the worst form of blasphemy in Judaism to accept worship if you're not God the worst and I could prove it to you in the New Testament look at acts 12 20 was very angry with the people of Zoar and sedona they joined together and sought an audience with him listen just about every leader is not some are just more nutty than others but Herod was nuts a murderer a vicious bloodthirsty murderer most people want to have power to control people that they control the people they can control the purse strings after securing support of Blastoise the King's chief personal servant he had a right-hand man they asked for peace because they depended on the Kings land for their food supply so this is what's going on for some unknown reason this is not Herod the Great this is Harwich grandson okay you're looking at like 44 ad now this is King Herod Agrippa the first grandson of Herod the Great he was appointed king over Judea by the Roman prior audience he's infuriated with these people of Tyre and sodon't why I don't know but I do know tyrants adone are to commercial ports on the Mediterranean Sea and they depend on importing grain from Judea so they befriended the Kings top aid to get an audience with the king if they befriend him if they suck up to him they'll get to speak to the king because no grain no life ok look at what happens look how they suck up to him and look at the mistake he makes we'll continue on in verses 21 and 23 it says a day was set one day King Herod came forth in his royal robes and he sat on his throne right and he made a speech then the mob cried out this is the voice of a god why they just look on a suck-up I don't know about you but I hate suck-ups and I can smell him from a mile away it's so sad that was being raised in the streets of the Bronx you guys to just smell it I don't like strings attached I just like honesty at once because Herod did not give the glory to God at once the moment he didn't correct this statement an angel of I'm moist struck him down struck him with a disease and killed him he was eaten away by worms and died man I'm sure those people of tyrants who don't look to John said let's make sure we don't ever say that again to another human being that's not that's not good look man he chose to receive honor and not to correct them that's a problem that's a problem you know I'm not trying to put a feather in my cap but I've always pointed you to God like for 17 years every dang week always you and I on the same playing field I have this calling to this place as the gatekeeper and I honor that calling but I'm a guy he's the God and and some people just depend way too much on their pastor they're out of their minds and sadly enough a lot of pastors make the mistake and they receive it and that's a problem you know most pastors kids a flipped out because sadly enough the woman the wife of the pastor married the man not the ministry and the pastor's mistress is the church it ain't gonna happen for me I've watched I've watched that happen it's not gonna happen for me okay you're not gonna get me at 3:00 in the morning because you had a dream okay my son might wake up to 3:00 in the morning with a bad dream and I'm gonna be there for him just like you should be there for yours you're a man of God be a man of God grow up be the priest to your house be the matriarch of your house see see your kids see your house is your church this is this is what you have to do if I'm never there for my kids and I'm always there for your kids what's gonna happen to mine that's not biblical it's just not even biblical remember Moses he was trying to do everything and his ungodly father-in-law had the way with all the go your any of mine right and plus I just I just had this conversation where the guy was in ministry 46 years you're probably watching uh and what I told him was you can't pay everybody a salary if you do you'll have no your budget will go to salaries you'll you won't be able to you'll be able to send 50 bucks out to missions it won't work make lay people put them in ministry only if God calls them just like Paul he didn't receive a salary because he had a job you could have a job and still be in ministry some people who develop cards and they're in ministry they're doing nothing they don't have a church if ever it's ridiculous and then when you put people in ministry they no longer spectators you activate them you activate them man and then you anoint them and you let them roll with it and God speaks to them and they run with it they run with it better than you could ever run with it that's what's important right these gifts are to set people in ministry because doesn't it get boring just watching I never liked watching sports ever never I always liked playing sports you know I don't want to talk about I wanted to get in the game it's really important it's it's really really important to activate people in ministry so crucial look at look it about when it comes to worship this is intense look at revelation 19 9 this is it like the end of the book the angel an angel said to me write how blessed are those who have been invited to the wedding feast of the Lamb means she's saved you're gonna go to this wedding feast because right now you're all betrothed if your blood bought you're patrolled but you're not married yet you're just patrol that's gonna happen the consummation is gonna happen okay and he says write this down you know so an angel instructed John to write a benediction for all who are invited to the wedding feast of the Lamb he tells him write this down then he adds these are God's very words meaning it's not me I was just instructed to say this now look what happens in the very next verse and John this guy is a dynamo he's the closest intimate student to Yeshua he took in Yeshua's mom when his father was gone this guy's the man you read the goths you read his letters whew over the top I fell at his feet to worship Him this is a great journey falters he's overcome maybe we would write a big bad angel by the way they're not the Bed Bath & Beyond little angels they're macho men every time an angel shows up people poop their pants this is not a little baby with a bald head and a heart so he's overwhelmed don't fault them he's overwhelmed and he hits the deck immediately the innocents don't do that you see how quick not well I'll take a little bit of it you know this isn't so bad uh-uh don't do that the big bad angel says I'm only a fellow servant with you and your brothers good for you good for you who have the tech I have the testimony of Yeshua worship God for the testimony of Yeshua is the spirit of prophecy all prophecy points the issue that's the whole point of prophecy to point us to you sure here's my quest you know the angel doesn't receive worship Herod made a big mistake by receive worship did you sure will receive worship and the answer is you bet he did you bet he did let's take a look early on in his life Matthew 2:11 upon entering the house now he wasn't a baby at this point okay there weren't planes and the Magi didn't fly over as soon as he was born okay why do you think Herod was killing all the boys two and under he's probably close to about that age so the manger scene that we see survey says well the three wise men doesn't say that survey says all I'm saying is it's not a big deal guys I see him all the time on the trees and everything it's not a big deal but I'm saying if you let a little something spewed what else is gonna get skewed stick to the script they saw the child with his mother Miriam and they prostrated themselves and worshiped him they were worshiping him as a little child who would these Magi they were astronomers and astrologers from Babylon how did they hear about this Danny told him Danny hung out with the astrologer as long as they've seven years and he told them about the hope the Messianic star that would show up and when they saw it they followed it they opened their bags and present them with gifts of gold frankincense and myrrh now here's the deal in Hebrew literature the parents are always mentioned first okay in Judaism you always pay honor to the parents but this says they saw the child with his mother Miriam and then see Miriam with a child Rama what does that mean what's the big deal oh it's a big deal if you understood the Judaic aspect of the scriptures it's a huge deal see the child with his mother okay notice the wise men don't show any honor to his mom and his father has even mentioned Miriam does not deter the wise men from worshiping the Sun don't do that he's just a little boy uh-huh she knew and she was a woman of great faith and valor a woman of great faith okay her lineage was the hype prease but she would be all too familiar with the Torah which says to fear I don't know your God and serve Him and swear by his name only so she knew she's like oh yeah it is right she wasn't surprised it is right to worship this child Matthew 14 32 33 as they went up in the boat you know the storm by the way the storm is not supernatural storms happen in the Galilee when we go to Israel you'll you'll hopefully not see that but we'll be on the galway the wind ceased the men and the boats fell down before him and explained you really are God's Son they fell down before him that's worship okay how do I know let's look at the word and how it's used all throughout the New Testament okay proskuneo to kiss the hand of one and token of reference in the New Testament by kneeling or prostration always by kneeling your prostration not kind of Wow no no you hit the deck to do homage to one whether in order to express respect or to make supplication supplication is different than prayer it's it's crying out to to this God who you think that can supply a need that you have okay so this storm ensues and as soon as Yeshua went on board the wind ceased and a worship meeting took place yeah a real worship meeting in the boat and the Talmud Dean the disciples that you really are God's Son look at Matthew 28 1 through 4 it's all throughout the Scriptures I'm not trying to belabor it I just want to make a point after Shabbat as the next day was dawning Miriam of Magdala aka Mary Magdalene and the other Mary am I know you're thinking Mary not Hebrew Miriam went to see the grave who's the other Miriam his mom of course suddenly there was a violent earthquake for an angel of a monoid came down from heaven rolled away the stone and sat on it his appearance was like lightning and his clothes were as white as snow the guards glorified the guards were so terrified at him that they trembled and became like dead men that's being slain in the spirit not some hokey cheesy guy standing behind you as you fall backwards ok if you're gonna be slain in the spirit you don't have time to have some guy come up and catch you so way before dawn on Sunday morning the two Merriam's went to the tomb an angel descended from heaven and rolled back the stone from the mouth of the tomb now look at the next two verses but the angel said to the woman don't be afraid I know you're looking for your schewe who was executed on the stake he is not here because he has been raised just as he said come and look at the place where he lay now the stone had been rolled away the stone wasn't rolled away to let you out he was already gone with the stone covered he didn't need the stone to be rolled away the stone was rolled away not to let the Lord out but to let the woman in to see that the Lord had risen pretty cool huh yeah look at the next couple of verses and we'll move on 7 through 10 said then go quickly and tell the talmud dean he has been raised from the dead and now he is going to the Galil the galley ahead of you you will see him there now I've told you so he Commission's them to go and tell them about the risen Lord ok tell someone go quickly and tell the disciples he has risen but on their way look so they left her tomb quickly frightened yet filled with joy and they ran to give the news to the Talmud Dean suddenly Yeshua met them and said Shalom Shalom is peace out I Got News for you some hip-hop guy didn't develop that term Yeshua did okay Shalom peace out that's what it means peace out to you it's a low militia peace out to you they came up and took hold of his feet notice they didn't go wow this is really cool man you really did rise like you said oh they hit the deck man they grabbed his feet that's the highest form of worship you know when I go to India they always grab my feet and I always grab their as it messes them up all the time because you know we're feeding them when we're clothing them and they want to show me honor but I grabbed their feet before they grabbed mine and they just can't handle it then you she was said to them don't be afraid go and tell my brothers to go to the Galil and they will see me there okay amazing they worship Him acts Matthew 28 16 17 so the eleven disciples went to the hill the gelila issue had told them to go when they saw him they prostrating themselves before him he's he's look he's always claimed to be deity you might not realize that and that's fine that's your call but make no mistake he is saying he is deity he is saying he's got in the flesh make no mistake look guys who's gonna die for the sins of the world do you think a man could pull that off no no not even an anointed one no no no so the risen Lord appears to his disciples in an unnamed mountain I don't know what the mountain is it doesn't matter ok but this is the same appearance this appearance is the same as you want to look at a cross reference and in mark 16:15 through 18 and it's the same appearance in 1st Corinthians 15:6 they worship the living loving Lord though doubt still lurked there was still doubting some hesitated you imagine like my goodness I mean there is man he's standing before you you saw him get killed and he's in a glorified State no less he is still not sure people are still not sure about worshipping is your last few verses Luke 24 52 52 Yeshua he led them out towards Betty Anya Bethenny okay which is you know that is right it's 40 days after his resurrection and it took the disciples to Bethany raising his hands he set a brothel over them isn't that great as soon as God created us in Genesis his susegaad create us 126 127 says and He blessed us the last thing issue it did is He blessed us the Bible ends on a note of revelation 22 21 so don't tell me my father's not a blessing he said a brother of blessing over them and as he was blessing them what blessing do you think he might have said it doesn't it but the high priest would say the high priest blessing there is no blessing greater than the ironic benediction it's the only blessing in the Bible out of God's mouth studied it's three verses it'll knock you down the power in those three verses will knock you down so he was true from them and was carried up into heaven he's ascending they bound and worshiped him then returned to Jerusalem overflowing with joy can you imagine they're in the Galilee and they just had to tell the world right I mean the risen Lord appears to them it's crazy and and the the Ascension took place 40 days he was with them for forty days it says in acts he was with them for forty days right he took his disciples to the to the eastern side of the Mount of Olives and he's taken into heaven and what do they do they worship I'm showing you all these places where he was worship the next verse is priceless though I just added this it says and they spent all their time in the temple courts praising God now what's all their time they went to Acts to receive the Holy Spirit but that was on day 50 right Pentecost the 50th day shovel Oh guys my point is they spent the next ten days of their life in the temple praising we can't spend two hours in the temple rabbi that's an accusation it is you're right you're right look at history man we used to spend four or five hours in in church now some guy gets up then gives you an 18-minute drive by message a little cookie cutter little nothing and then it's like you can't handle it they spend ten days if they seen the risen Lord rabbi you making me feel bad hopefully you'll feel bad enough to change you're not supposed to make us feel bad well that's why I don't have a big crowd say I know how to make people feel good but then there's no change but you'll binge watch some idiot show on TV for six hours but God forbid were in the Lord's presence more than hours collectively it right I mean something's wrong either we don't know how great God is well I don't know some tell me you know I know people don't like me but I'm just telling you some basic truth I mean people want God's presence they want to hear from God what what how much time you only spend to do that nobody's ever reached the top of their career or whatever it may be without hard work it's it's crucial you just got to determine if it's worth it it's not left you're saved I get it man Jesus died you you believed in him it's a beautiful thing we're brethren that's great you can't make a person want intimacy with God I could nobody can make me that but I don't know you know when you go to a buffet and you know you go up there and it's all that nasty looking horrific food but there's something that you've grabbed that's really good you know I feel like I've been a buffet of my whole life and once I tasted your shoe a man I just wanted more yeah kind of said I said how do you fall out of love with somebody like that okay that's uh let's finish up because we have a lot more to discuss that's just gonna take more time John 9:35 says you sure heard that they had thrown the man out who's the man in John 9 he's the blind man and why do they throw them out let me I mean let me just read a little bit because see you have to understand Judaism you have to understand Jewish people Jewish people have been persecuted since the beginning of time and the persecution is still very much going on all over the world and so they have to learn how to have a good sense of humor in order to make it it's the same reason you'll see in the black community there's a lot of great black comedians over the last 20-30 years because they have to slavery you have to learn how to left to make it and from the holocaust dare to learn how to left that the comedian's of old in the 30s and 40s were all Jewish because either you get buried by your persecution or you rise above it and they learn to rise above it right and and Jewish Ummah is very very sarcastic now I know sarcasm isn't big in the south that's probably why I'm disliked but sarcasm is a is a just a big part of my heritage and and you'll see it all the time you know people are sarcastic in the Bible I remember a guy saying to a guy how do you see the speck and that guys aren't when you have a plank in you is that sarcastic and so this Jewish guy this blind kid is very sarcastic so I want to read to you because I love sarcasm so they call the man a second time who had been born blind and they said to him swear to God that you will tell the truth like swear even though it's clearly we shouldn't swear we should just tell the truth but most people don't so he needs him to swear which is fine we know that this man is a sinner in other words we know Yeshua is a sinner this is what the guy says so sarcastic he knows who he is like kind of this is what he says whether he's a sinner or not I don't know it's great but one thing I do know was the same thing you know because you know me I was blind but now I see that's all I know so they said to him what did he tell what did he do to you how did he do that how did he open up your eyes I already told you and you didn't listen why do you want to hear it again listen to the sarcasm I love it by the way I'm not reading this for you I'm reading this for me now listen to this sarcastic statement maybe you two want to become mist Almudena see you never read it like that because you have Western eyes then they rounded him now they're furious you may be his Tommy they said but we are the Talmud Dean of Moshe Moses is the man you know he's the man Judaism we know that God has spoken to Moses for this fellow we don't even know where he's from what a strange thing the man answered that you don't know where he's from considering that he opened my eyes we know that God doesn't listen to sinner's which is true unless you repent he doesn't hear your prayer I know people think that's not true but you got to go to the script we know that God doesn't listen to sinner's but if anyone fears God and does his will God does listen to him okay they got that right I'll give him that in all of history no one has ever heard of someone opening the eyes of a man born blind true if this man were not from God he couldn't do a thing okay no argument there why you mom's er you know the moms it is an inertia it Sebastian it's it's a terrible derogatory word to say to a the Jew they were taught it you probably don't have that in the King James Version right they totally messed that up yeah haha no yeah they said are you lecturing us like how dare you we are we are we went to the finest of schools we are the ecclesiastes how dare you a little blind beggar talk to us like that I love this blind kid and they throw them out so now we pick up the story at 9:35 yeah this is this is just this is just make us okay this kid was born blind I'm back in the day they would think that he was a sin or his parents sinned and obviously they asked that you should have said no and that nothing would his sin or his parents sin it was designed that way for my glory he knew this was gonna be set up before the beginning of time but this is what I'm thinking how many of us get jealous of somebody when they get blessed it's insidious it's evil look at me you're playing into Satan's hands why aren't you happy for somebody when anybody gets blessed here I'm happy how sick would it be if I wasn't kind of sick person to you oh look who got a new car are you making the payments do you know where it comes from maybe somebody passed away in their family what's it to you what is everybody's business why do you have your big fat nose in everybody's business get out of it worried about you how are you doing with God how's your family you can't keep gone cutting some of these legs out from under them to make you taller this guy was saying shunt the religious men have said to him oh my god what's the sky look like to you he's never seen the color blue hey what's your face look like to you it's not just about trying to obey the commandments to a tee which you will never do it's out loving God more than yourself and loving others like yourself it's about really being compassionate the heart of Yeshua was compassion compassion to the nth degree when you read the Gospel of Luke it's all about the Greeks it's a gospel written to the Greeks because the Greeks were looking for perfection in their philosophies they were trying to become the perfect man mark is stronger miracles Luke is all about the teachings and compassion of the Lord his greatness as human being that's why he's called the Son of Man in that gospel and when the woman that nain was walking out and they will on their way somewhere and he stopped the disciples she was a widow in that day you don't get remarried my mother wouldn't get remarried as did you if she did get remarried my father died at 74 right let's say she died four years ago let's say she got married so now she's married to another guy four more years than my father who does she get buried next though not my mom she told me no son I only had one husband your father now you can you're free according to the Bible don't don't you're free there's nothing wrong I'm just telling you my mom's heartland you you know she she was like that but this woman lost her husband in the first century she went to be married all she has to her name is her son all she has is her son can you picture how she held onto him maybe his eyes or his nose was just like his dad that's all she had and the unthinkable happens her son dies and they have to bury the dead outside the town so she's leaving the town the town is called Maine it means beautiful anything is but beautiful father and Yeshua sees her mad and stops the entourage he says wait here and he walks up to the woman he says not Do You Know Who I am where would you be what church do you gotta like these knuckleheads say all the time and they are knuckleheads sorry have you one of them fix it he says woman please he knows the story don't cry he resurrects the boy hands him back to the mother and leaves doesn't collect an offering or an accolade he was just moved by compassion so you sure heard that they threw the guy out now they didn't just throw him out of the temple they excommunicated him from Judaism so what does he do he goes looking for him and he found them and he said do you trust in the Son of Man it's it's like Yeshua was saying even though they don't want you I do do you see how Yeshua is leading this man to a personal faith in himself as the Son of God he simply asked this question and look what the guy says sir he answers now the King James and other versions the Neeley inflamable version NIV or some of the other versions that you read it says Lord but that's a misnomer the Jewish Bible is more correct because you might think he's calling him Lord but he's not he's saying sir he's giving him respect how many today and the South Pole somebody sir it's just a term of respect so he says sir tell me who he is he doesn't know okay he's he sees but he's still in the dock spiritually you see that simple he doesn't know who he is so he sees he gets his physical sight but he desperately needs to see spiritually 9:37 Yeshua tells them you have seen him in fact he Holly Cheevers man he's the one what a what a what an incredible revelatory encounter he said no no I'm just not a miracle worker I'm not a mere man I'm the son of God golly jeepers John 938 Lord I trust boom I'll pray about it the man simply places his faith in Yeshua and what does he do see if you didn't if you met your shoe and you didn't fold down his feet I don't give a crap how many times you go up to the and and some guys see the figures repeat after me you got to repeat after me you don't know what to say when I used to do evangelical meetings people would stand up in the middle of the meeting and yell Jesus save me and fall on their that's that's good stuff not okay Allah all invite him into my heart fall at his feet man worship Him worship Him yeah fell down what a phenomenal day for this guy he gets healed physically and spiritually in a day notice that the man did not worship the Lord until he knew he was the son of God he didn't worship Him for the healing he worship as the healer being a devout Jewish man like he was being raised in the synagogue like he was he would not worship a mere man but as soon as he learned that the one who healed him was God's Son he worshiped and not for what he had done but for who he was last but not we'll finish off here John 5:21 sorry it's a little long I know and you know what the truth is thanks he just corrected me I'm not sorry not not even a little not not even this much I'm sorry I have no sorrow in me at all about this none none I mean isn't it crazy that God would correct you you speak in that and he's saying that's not true don't say that don't say that to be nice sorry I tried to be nice he didn't let me just as the father raises the dead that makes them alive so too the Sun makes alive anyone he wants here we have another crystal clear statement guys by issue of regarding him being equal to God he's saying that he has the power to resurrect the dead but only God can impart life right look at deuteronomy 32:39 it says so now that yes ah yes I am he God and there is no God beside me little G I put to death I make a life I wound I heal no one saves anyone from my hand I resurrect the dead nobody else so for you sure to say that is not and the life go back to John 5:21 for a minute thanks kiddo the life is both the new life that's given to believers in John 5:24 and it's the resurrection life of the body at messiahs second coming first Corinthians 15 42 57 could this ever be said of him if he were a man man to ask the question is to answer it look at the next verse 5:22 the father does not judge anyone but has entrusted all judgment to the son he's making crazy statements the New Testament teaches that God the Father has committed all the work of judgment to the son but only God has final judgment right look at Genesis 18 far be it from you to do such a thing to kill the righteous along with the wicked so that the righteous and the wicked to treat alike far be it from you shouldn't the judge of all the earth Shh she was making crazy claims 522 can you go back to it again thank you one more 5:22 Roxanne you hitting that cloth syrup this one I see you I see your hair you're the only one that kind of hair only mess around only mess around you're kidding me this is an absolute claim to deity for the Lord Yeshua to do this work he would have to have absolute knowledge and perfect righteousness we're gonna get into this next week's gonna blow you away cuz all those verses that he said about his humanity that people pull him down they totally misrepresented ya you're gonna flip out you're gonna flip out I'm telling you this is gonna be crazy it's mind-boggling to me as I studied it I learned so much so much he would have to have absolute knowledge and perfect righteousness it's so strange to me guys that that the judge of all the earth should be standing before them asserting his authority in it they didn't even recognize him five twenty three three more verses in your home so that all may honor the son as they honor the father whoever fails to under the Sun is not honoring the father sent him yikes and look you're talking to a Jewish kid who was taught at a very young age I was Orthodox I wasn't secular or reformed ultra-orthodox I was taught there is nothing wrong issue I wasn't told who he was all I knew is he was the head of Catholicism which was the only branch of Christianity we knew in the Bronx there was no Provost in churches I know it's hard to believe but that's the way it was she had the Catholic Church this huge Catholic Church took up city block Immaculate Conception and you had the little Jewish synagogue see you either a Jew or a Catholic I even know the term Christian Moses was the head of our clan Jesus with the head of theirs and that's just I just want you to sort of understand that so when I met Jesus to worship Him was really hard for me I was very comfortable with him being the Messiah and being the sacrifice but worship it took me years to learn how I envy Christians all the time but by the same token maybe in the Jewish world we know God the Father incredibly well in the Christian world he doesn't even exist and Jesus completely said I've come see all know the Father you see the average Christian prays to Jesus where is that in the Bible when they asked Jesus had to praise it our Father our Jesus so you're off sorry but by the same token I will not take his deity away from him and this is where I am I know some people say well I have a tape from you from 20 years ago I don't care this is today's today is where I'm at with God okay I don't know where I'll be tomorrow let's have no control of that and I don't want to talk about yesterday because it's history I'm not gonna dwell on that I'll learn for it this is where I am right now I'm worshiping issuer as I worship the father so now it's what that all honor all should honor the son is they honor the father the only conclusion you can come to from this verse is that Yeshua has the right to be worship and also amounts to a claim of deity in the Ten Commandments the children of God will forbidden to have any other God but the one true God if a person does not honor the son he does not honor the father period can't dance around it John 5:24 yes indeed I tell you that whoever here's what I'm saying and trust the one who sent me has eternal life that is he will not come up for judgment but has already crossed over Hebrew a bear means to cross over from death to life cross over in the preceding verses we learned that Yeshua had the power to give life he also had the power to work judgment now we learned that he can give spiritual life and not come up for judgment this verse is one of the most beloved gospel verses in the Bible he issue a-- caps his tremendous claims with the fact that he can impart everlasting life it doesn't say he will receive everlasting life it says he already has it in the here-and-now somebody say hallelujah praise God last verse and we're out Matthew 28:18 he caps his claims he shoe it came and talked with them this is right before he leaves he says all authority in heaven and earth has been given to me this sums up his claim to deity guys this sums up the teaching all authority Yeshua always had all authority but he he was speaking of authority as the head of a new creation a federal head like who you're connected to Yeshua or Adam since his death and resurrection he has the authority to give eternal life to all whom God has given to him because he has completed the work of redemption and it summed up in three beautiful words it is finished hallelujah amen shabbat shalom before we go today is kind of a special day I never forget Billy Abney's birthday July 10th because not only was Saint Billy born but so was st. Bernadette so because it's my wife's birthday I never forget his and every time it's her birthday I always think of him I give you a little background Billy was born July 10th 1929 in Polk County Georgia in a place called Collard Valley my god is that southern Collard Valley Wow I'll just give you some highlights September eighteenth nineteen forty nine is when Billy preached this first sermon then from 51 1951 to 55 it was his first pastor it at wax Baptist Church in Silver Creek Georgia right outside of Rome from 1955 to September 1956 he pastored at new prospect Baptist in rock mark Georgia he resigned to attend Mercy University he graduated from ursa in August 1960 then in May 1961 he moved to Louisville Kentucky to attend the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary a really quality school May 1964 he graduated from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and 69 in 1969 he moved to College Park Georgia to pass the Pleasant Hill Baptist Church in August 1973 we will bless to have moved to Macon and become pastor of Morningside Baptist 1989 81 he moved to Sandoval Georgia to pass the community Chapel 1983 he moved back to Macon Georgia to pass the Faith Baptist Church and believe it or not when I first met him he told me this but September 18th 1983 he began praying for a messianic congregation and Macon and you know it was a long time of prayer it happened 20 years later for 20 years he was praying for a messianic congregation 1986 he passed at Midway Baptist Church in lies Ella Georgia and in December 1992 he retired or he thought he retired March 1993 started attending Macedonia Baptist Church he served as an associate pastor there but probably the greatest debt was in 2002 when he began attending congregation Betty shore um he's been good to Brenda that guy he's always on you know stopped by we we've been through a lot of crap here guys I share with other pastors and they they just can't imagine it they've never heard of it so many uh rough things I'll share with you one day not all the rough things but I'll share with you why I keep my distance sometimes you know I used to live in the shopbot in capital of the world Volusia County and you know we love going in the ocean but after you get bit by a shark yeah tentative but you go back because you love the water then you get bit by a shark again and you're more sensitive but you go back but after 10-15 bites you just cut your losses you know so just understand it's been rough you know a New York to come to make and it's just it's so rough and just some people have been wonderful and some people have just been unbelievable I mean just I don't understand how a Christian of somebody really who knows Jesus could be mean-spirited I just I don't get it I would never wish even the people that were the meanest to me sometimes God asked me do you want anything bad tempts them I said no father no now bless them let them see the light but Billy would when we went through all this crap Billy would just come to our house and sit down and just just try to encourage us we were just kids we didn't know what we were doing we didn't know we were doing weren't trained and believe it come so it was really a godsend not just that he prayed you know us in here but that he was there first a lot you know and really encouraged us to be is he might not know how much he encouraged us but there were many times we we wanted to throw in the towel but um he was there for us so basically from September 1949 and he preached his last sermon here January 2019 I mean for all intensive purposes Billy has been preaching for 70 years it's incredible so I I wanted to uh to honor you so I found out that you like Mexican food so we have a big Mexican fiesta for you and I I was just told max I remember I mean I came here 17 years ago and you were jogging jogging he was 73 but you were not jogging slow on Wimbish Road you had those old school tube tops you remember and you were wearing shorts the shortest shorts I've ever seen in my life in my life but you would jog I didn't know how old you I mean I knew you were coming to the synagogue when I met you but I was like this is crazy you know what I mean I can't get out of bed and I'm like 46 this guy's running on Wimbush road so you're kind of like a phenomenon yeah I've used you in so many nations I've talked about you and I just said you know you'll see this guy and you'll see him laugh and still so happy with the Lord and you'll think well he's probably had you know a great life how many children have you buried three lost how many wives three and when you started preaching they paid you in chicken livers I bet yeah so you really you you you I think and you're not going away but I think you can honestly stand and say I have run the race I have fought the fight I have kept the faith so congratulations [Applause] [Music] [Music] Billy has some of the family has so the only thing I'll ask is that you you take your chimichanga eating fingers off their food and let them go first just to honor them as our guest today let them just grab their food and let them sit and relax and then by all means this should be plenty to eat now if you'll let me bless you I can't thank you enough I really can't you've been phenomenal I I really look up to you Billy I really do yeah yeah it's it's beautiful when it's reciprocal it's beautiful when you just love each other in the Lord it's I don't know what's going on in the faith today I swear I don't know guys you know these guys today they're such good you know encourages and they they speak so well and they're so great but it's not what it's all about man so I love and God loving yourself it's about loving everybody like yourself that's what it's about now may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you may the Lord lift up his very countenance upon you and give you his peace in the name of the principle of peace you sure you have a rest on enoy face maratha Illinois point of allaha then ah yes I don't know ho-oh no Vela ha the assembly hall I love you guys shabbat shalom
Channel: Getzel
Views: 6,831
Rating: 4.9325843 out of 5
Keywords: Yeshua, deity
Id: wg1u8Fi2KCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 23sec (4283 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 12 2019
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