JP & Schawee Remove Massive Beehives!!

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hey you wonderful guys and gals out there and youtube land i want to thank y'all from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to watch these videos if you really enjoy my channel please share it with your friends and your family and subscribe to the channel if you really enjoy it i really appreciate that well today i'm coming to you on easter sunday march 27 2016. the footage you're about to see is dated november of 2014. shall we and i we remove three different colonies on two different days in thibodeau louisiana a man called me said he had to tear down his shed and it just infested with bees uh many years and you'll see by the color of the cone that these were mature colonies okay so probably generations of bees living in this shed now uh we removed one on november 4th and then we went back on the 11th and removed the other two which incidentally were living right next to each other separated by a mere single two by four uh i don't think i've ever moved uh two colonies that were so close to each other before and i have to hand it to charlie he was pretty adamant that it was two colonies i wasn't sure it was two or maybe one big colony but we did want to get two queens and uh we were able to deduce that it was in fact two different colonies i'm going to bring you that footage in just a second uh we do wear protection a good bit of it and i just want to we'll briefly talk about protection okay so uh you'll see a lot of times that we're not wearing protection but we do observe what the bees are trying to tell us okay not all colonies are created equal a lot of what we fool with does give us signals of the intentions okay and that's why you know after maybe a few things or maybe a little bit too many things we decided to suit up or not but uh if you're sensitive or you just want to uh protect yourself by all means we have protection i'll never never hear jfp to me man tell you not to wear protection okay just because a lot of times we don't weigh your protection if you need it you do what's right for you okay so without further ado i'm gonna bring you this footage hope you enjoy what tuesday oh you ready i was wondering what all this was look at the bees folks tuesday november 4th we in thibodeau and uh i came out here about four months ago we've got a shed here that's about to be torn down on the opposite side from where we're standing that was the active hive when i came out four four or five months ago today we show up we got bees coming out of this entrance here we got them coming out up here we got them going in and out this corner right here we can smell a golden rod okay so we're gonna probably start over there and we think that they that high might have decreased somewhat in size numbers wise anyway and uh once we deal with them we're gonna come on over here and try to make sense out of what's going on over here we may have to come back because i don't know if we have enough equipment but potentially we may have three separate hives here so uh what you got to say shall we we're gonna get it done let's get it done all right oh by the way he was late this morning i was not he was actually early hey there you go hey we hope you enjoyed the video but i was lit early too ten minutes late 20 minutes after nine ten minutes late show y'all folks you see there was an outlet or something right there at one time and um man they're just ruling there's this other spot okay let me give you an idea just intensity i mean you you would swear at springtime right now i mean they are just filling the air right here folks okay let me show y'all over here the hard that i came out to look at it originally all right so that's them right there and they just they're not rocking like these other ones so uh this is where we're gonna start though right here all right well shall we let's get to it dude look at a little doggie look at the little doggy go help him wow this morning foreign how oh wait got your queen catcher buddy so obviously something happened to this high folks okay the numbers are down there's a bunch of dead bees here okay and good they got them that one's on the bottom too so we don't know maybe they were sprayed but i mean these appear to be fine but nice whatever the reason it lost a bunch of numbers and you just never know you could down here we have so many bees another swamp could have come right on in and did some clean up and you know start doing that thing but i don't really see any new comb so i don't think anything yeah but yeah i don't i don't think anybody did any rebuilding so maybe it's the hive they're just trying to survive you know pretty good numbers though all right let me give y'all a close-up of this thing and this is going to be probably the smallest of the three i had to make an important phone call i was pulled away my good buddy shall we here he's been fooling with the hive we made a decision on this this hive because the comb is so old there's a bunch of dead bees inside the wall void and uh there's some that have accumulated on the ground well charlie has transferred uh one brood comb section and and we have several other frames with drawn comb and what that'll what that'll do okay this is this is drawing comb and what that'll do is it's a lot cleaner as you can see it'll allow the queen to start laying in these cells almost immediately and also the bees can pack some honey in some of these cells as well so uh we're not going to use but that one brood comb section that'll kind of lure them and get them interested in the box but uh we're gonna probably 86 the rest of this comb which is so old so that's where where it stands right now okay you want to vacuum the bees oh what are we going to do so we can use smoke and just get that out work together and then uh see if we can't find something they got a half done full time yeah i don't think we need it back what i'm gonna do folks is uh we're limited on how many high boxes we have how many vacuum boxes we have i'm going to go ahead and just smoke the bees off of the combs we're going to pull these combs out and we're going to be looking for our queen of course but uh we just don't have room really to put you know put all this anywhere because we got those other two to deal with in a little bit so if we even gonna deal with them today really you just got this little piece of brood right here i'm gonna run them down let me let me get with you for a second i gotta hit them some more she might stay behind the comb but um we can get them most of them running down she might follow them you notice we got his uh smoking duct tape and a bunch of holes up here working good now paul man coming out pretty good so seriously delicious all right see why my see how you treat my equipment so uh yep on the congregation [Music] she may want to get there the beauty isn't it nothing is these bees have been here long time and if she goes there everyone more than likely she's probably coming right back don't freak when you out find you get all your comb on the beat air's filled with bees you're gonna come back and she'll probably come right back in and land somewhere for you [Music] building's about to come down at the house oh 3233 [Music] and in the yard my centipede didn't have none but all the other grass that's what in centipede frost though let's get it down here you know what i'm just shaking my chocolates i'm gonna shake them at the entrance bring it out to get the two nails out there i could try running it down i could try running them down with the slope but uh during my damage you might it might be like behind this board folks i'm not saying she's there [Music] you must have run mushroom i guess we're gonna have to open that dang wall though hey maybe going from the end in there where the heck is she want me to smoke smoke him heavy and see if we can't get him running again maybe she'll pop out he's probably up in this void up here folks this was a top plate but if you can see it it's now uh a termite carton nest for motion termites did this and it's so rot she probably found a little open and ran up because we just not seen it and you know we got a bunch of bees out here but if she would have went to the air they would have landed somewhere by now they a lot of them are coming back so she's gonna be inside let me see how i'm going to do this he's going to put a hole in there that's for sure yeah maybe i could just hit it with the hammer be ready shall we so do you know what's going in there yeah when you put smoke [Music] hey [Music] got to be somewhere there what about behind the comb on most of the bees are there she got to be over there got to be over there shelby all right i'm going after [Music] [Music] um [Music] i say we are you still got a bunch of them in the hat too you got it oh okay all right perfect example what i'm talking about yeah so look folks let me explain this yep that's good yeah i'll zoom in on it nice clean all right see that little power bees right there that's where she was yeah i mean staying up shall we [Music] all right pretty queen i want to explain what happened just now okay so shall we and i've been beating our brains out looking at this wall section looking above the wall section where the bees are congregating and i went inside and i opened the wall up and up i smoked the void and i sprayed some honeybee going in there and we still can't find so i just decided hey you know what we need to do we need to start looking around i've had this happen before you know maybe there's a little cluster somewhere and she's in it and sure enough i mean what about a minute after i said that she always said wait i'm gonna hit a cluster right down here next to the bottom of the ladder and sure enough that's where she was and i'll tell you what she's not one of them real golden ones that stand out she's kind of a light tan i mean this this queen can easily blend into a bunch of bees let me show you what she looks like up close [Applause] as you can see i got it first i saw first oh yeah i saw the coin i gotta yeah i got him [Music] right there folks [Applause] he's so happy gotta sort of clean you know actually honestly i saw her like about 10 minutes ago and shut that all up i knew she was right there yeah all right so we got the queen isn't that normal yeah but i saw i'll tell you like 20 minutes ago i did i saw that look i will i knew them up i knew it well what we're going to do now is take a break right there upside down yeah we're going to we're going to set the box up fairly close to where the entrance was and let them gravitate to the nuke and uh believe it or not they'll all fit in that nuke okay because uh it's uh believe it or not we've thought to get little dips in our temperature so enough the way they go to cluster and so about tonight they'll be clustered tight they'll all fit in there so okay let's turn right here this sit back take a little break have a little something to drink not to play that next move hey if that was a small one i don't even know if i want to flew with the other ones today you i think they're robbing their honey out folks they want it back so we just put this over here we're going to let them rob it out while we're uh fooling with the rest of this okay we're just going to let them do that we had to move it away from where we're working though we're just getting crazy it's still crazy over there though as you can see it's pretty crazy folks uh robin was just too intense so we decided to uh we'll come back another day with some other i mean it got out of hand and uh we moved uh the bag with the surplus honey and that whole dark home we moved it about 25 yards away and they can cover that mag over there right now but there's not as many here now but they're still working and if we would open that up they have it looks like three times the amount of bees over there than they had here which is pretty good i'm pretty sure some of them are coming over here but uh we're just gonna go ahead and uh get to those another day so uh we're going off to have a bite to eat hope you enjoyed the video i sure did i did too we enjoyed it it was good it was good it's a little different yeah a little different you know i mean uh not a normal thing you know we had the old home we thought the high was probably gonna be bigger well one thing we didn't expect to show up and now there's two hives down on that end i came by here like i was saying earlier they hit one hive right here and uh that hive been there a long time at least the comb has i don't know if you know somebody moved out and some other ones moved in and that might have very well happened but that comb is so old it's hard to scrape it off the wall there so uh we didn't use much of it and uh well if we were going to use a lot of it we couldn't get with a frame underneath because that's all they had yeah it was just some old stuff and a lot of it they're not even using it let's see there's those real shallow cell sections zoom in and show you all those cells see how shallow those cells yeah they can't there's nothing they really can do with that they can't put honey in those cells uh the queen can't lay in there so it's pretty much useless okay i mean if i had to guess i know what that comb is at least five years old but i'd say maybe even as much as 10 or more what you think shall we shall we say three weeks all right so uh yeah [Music] another one from the bickering beekeepers down in thibodeau louisiana you know he he's like this with this moth because he you don't see this this often i like it you know living in a city i see it at the park as well that's right you ought to pull some make your mattress [Music] my mother said that she was a kid all right good deal [Music] shall we beekeeper of the mosque [Music] all right folks it's november 11th oh season's winding down we're back in tibito louisiana my buddy shall we here we got matching shirts today how about that but he got a pocket yeah you paid a little more for that shirt i guess now you know i paid a lot more because of that i know how you know this shirt could be expensive i'll pay 35 for that sure look uh this shed's being torn down okay and uh so we don't have a choice whether or not you know we can remove them or let them over winter so we it has to be done so uh we got some cold fronts coming but we okay for a couple of days but uh after that so it's really kind of winding down and uh hope you enjoyed the video and we got two hives by the way we're gonna have to be dealing with today so wish his luck jp needed he needed more than i do oh yeah and he was lazy they're gonna get they're gonna get in that pocket because stinging you that's all right all right i think it needs to be done like this that's too hot yeah okay it's all loose all the way up there the bottom is gonna feel everything go nails defended across the bottom that's what i was hoping oh yeah there was one right there oh yeah i didn't get them because you can't get them we got tomato no hold on let's try but it's not attached hold that for me oh my gosh oh you didn't come with them gotcha [Music] you got it i don't think it's definitely huh hold it right there i see what you're saying huh all right one two three oh oh that is a sight there bro that's massive see it's either one massive one of two very good shots [Music] i think he's one big i'm pretty sure see how it sealed up right there where they can't go in all right that thing went perfect look at all the beans going on there i think we need to flip this over watch your hands that buster must stop well folks we uh i'm not gonna say we completely disagree with each other but uh i just don't know i mean as you can see the comb sections are right next to each other i'm i'm still thinking it might be possible that it could be one big hive but uh shall we brings up some valid points i mean we got a two by four separate the two you know the two comb sections and uh because my reason is maybe they found a way to get over and they they're working both sides of the two by four but you know i don't really know so we either got one massive high or we have two separate hives but either way they're coming out today so we're about to get into it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] so [Music] now [Music] [Music] there's this is charlie's queen right here folks just caught him he almost vacuumed the up i was down below taking comb from him and uh i saw it i saw a run down at the top left corner and he almost vacuumed i said shall we wait there's your queen move you back and she ran back up amongst the big fluster bees and he waited a couple minutes and finally she came back out and he got her so she's a little bit bigger than the other one just a little bit that's good i don't think they can get out of town [Applause] oh they got some bees yeah i think i'm gonna throw that bag [Applause] all right so brood box down here catch box up top full of bees got five frames of brood comb in the in the bottom here in the queen's cage and she's on right next to one of the brood comb sections so it's a simple matter of just pulling the bottom out of your catch box this is the colorado bee rescue b-vac and these can be purchased online at colorado b rescue it's by far in my opinion the most mobile vacuum it's uh that large capacity you can see it's it's the catch box is actually a deep hive body so the bees can spread out and uh you know they have plenty of room it uh keeps your casuals casually down to a bare minimum and uh you know when you're done you just go ahead and staple the two together and uh bring them to your bee yard and um at night you can take this this entrance closure off and put a top cover over your catch box that way in the morning okay the bees will have dropped down and covered that brood but if you leave the top of the of the catch box like this okay they could see daylight and they'll all be up in the top box you don't want that because they'll leave the brood and leave you clean alone so just a little uh tip right there but other than that fantastic setup there you go colorado be rescue be back all right folks well this might be one of the last removals that you see the bickering beekeepers do for season of 2014. right and uh well we bickered earlier today [Music] how about the whooping oh man we we both got a little hot there we always forgive each other because we're good buddies that's right that's my buddy right there let me tell you what you're like you fight and then you go about your day let me tell you something i know you're bicker i'm sorry let me tell you something you know you have a good relationship with somebody when you yell at them and scream at them and fight with them but then if you trust me wait did a few minutes later back to normalcy he cost me i did not you did too i did not well look anyway we got these two mammoth hives okay out of the left side of the the shed and uh now the guy can tear the shed down okay so i came by like five months ago so now what you didn't see is the last removal we trimmed a whole bunch of vines and weeds and and weed trees on the back of this thing so when i came by i guarantee you there was three hives but i only noticed one he didn't have his glasses on that's why but i'll tell you what uh yeah there's no way they weren't here so because they're good they've been here you know at least at least two three four years you know who knows how long exactly but uh anyway we got him out of there we're just letting everybody adjust and uh hope you all enjoyed the video and uh hope you all enjoyed what we brought to you this season and there will be many more next season you can guarantee that as a fact y'all have a good one take care now
Channel: JPthebeeman
Views: 467,622
Rating: 4.9083543 out of 5
Keywords: #savethebees, #jpthebeeman, #new orleans, #metairie, #kenner, #louisiana, #bee removal specialist, #bee removal expert, #live bee removal, bee colony, honey bee colony, bees, bee, beehives, #honey, #how to, bee removal, how to, jp the beeman, huge bee hive, honey bees, live bee removal, save the bees, massive bee hive removal, beehive removal, massive beehive, removing bee hive, bee removal videos, bee hive removal, bee man, bee rescue
Id: nTgmkKoD-G4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 29sec (3089 seconds)
Published: Wed May 11 2016
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