Bees Take Over Capybara Exhibit

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it's April 18th it's around 4:30 I think and even sue Ellen's gonna do that what's left of that tree has a hive in it the base don't look like it's a big boom in colony but we're gonna clear a bunch of this stuff vines and stuff like that so we could access the tree i'ma cut that thing open and then I remove the bees I want to cut the tree all the way down to the ground they could believe this it means right it girl and I'm secretly you'll see at home wanna be queen this one's noticeably bigger than the other one you'll be able to tail right off probably be difficult footage she's probably come out just a minute if she is like imitation [Music] [Music] you will show here you [Music] being shy Miss Julie [Music] I'll show you the veil she put up her back here you see there it's ducking back she's right in there folks I promise right now see you she was quite a half all right so you're an answer that's a cool cool now it's all downhill from here all right and she is she'll back in how long it is let me put that little piece out and as the Queen I love it I just don't happen like that you want to try some honey that was it yes right yeah home is missing but you can you can chew that like candy you can dog or chew it like dumb and you'll get the honey out and then you have spent beeswax in your mouth you can just spit [Laughter] how cool is that that's really cool yeah we're not an aggressive mode whatsoever just don't swat at them when laying on it perspiration they need to come out of this tree I mean how long what's wrong with this thing away so what is your specialty do you have a specialty skirts it always been interested in birds yeah birds poo you know the scientific names and all that stuff I guess to some of them yeah yeah I was reading about you know the Eagles are they I think it was in 1959 what happened they had a sighting in Gretna and I don't think it's Colin it finally made the news and I'm gonna hit a little off on Olli you know shot on 1959 there was so many nesting pairs and then our man see you nobody yep he's the guy you call when you're on the road you know yeah three more hours to go in your car and they'll keep you awake it will keep you awake Brutus stuff for them these rain so what they do is they'll attach the comb to the bottom and top more fill in the empty spaces and then once they get a nice section made they'll start chewing through the rubber bands and literally pushing them out the Hedgehog how long does it take them to fill that up it depends on you know what kind of nectar flow is going on in a physique this is maybe these back so but it could take a week and a half two weeks now you see why I need my water oh there's a spigot in the barnyard this little fee see it was the first piece that hair comb and the Queen is freaking right at me I had one eye removed out of a girl's floor and the floor open inverted the floor like that I think I was holding over my left hand I look as quick what don't even ask us a wave me my loop little thing right do you need help banding or anything I've got my leg here in the car something the police put a real truth you really don't even need you all right awesome they're pretty melody so then you're I'm gonna go change shooters are just in case of quiz name you like these you want to play oh I'm gonna play be more than happy let you sleep wow it's a lot more peace in here than uh hood don't fit that box mingoes pika and I fail your berry test yeah so they do shut up piece of this briefing okay Superman this knife wands up in the hands very short why this I'm not going to use its old Orko we'll just want to shake into these in the front want me to show you the Queen hole with this at some point if we could probably still grab this and shaking them and I might cut a little bit we could train someone yeah I've got two and they are eternal well you know what actually I follow you on facebook okay I've been helping our swamp section build up might have some shrimp you want to frame this watch but yeah our country iMessage okay of that that's what you're telling me you were seen at top and I was not when you're putting your into the frame these to build this a certain way [Music] it's actually happen and it's my favorite thing about having started good job the the Lord's went to the back the grab back frame right there cat you're just put it together setup does that feel like money yeah that's why she's locked up yeah payrolls happy taper what I pulled up she was just like pass out yeah she's sad that she's but things still don't oh I don't even yep it's filming got my helper here today didn't know that look at it hey Aaron honey I could use your help right now for sure let's see that close [Music] right this area down yeah that's fine trust me cat Rachel ah not funny not funny we have this get up right after this all right things fell asleep that's hot bring it over this way the rim taking off completely off that side Reno will you believe that'll work that'll work it just was water I used but I only do is I'll kind of turn around check and see if there's a fee between the rubberband the comb so yeah go ahead with anything actually you know what cat I'm sorry this frame right here or take this out No was that one day on their students now to get in here did he just cut up the top and cut off the side or was Arnie a carcass my first injection top actually I cut a chunk out see I kind of took a guess that was a little piece of cut out first well you got this vacancy okay with the blade is that pocket that's what I tell them mister I like playing with thee I was going to do aw get to see what they do there you might see some stuff that you don't right in that book but I got the torch deity to hit it I will let you shake this weekend yeah I know you're dying to do it you might have to fight deal with it Gilley wants to shake want to take box shut up right here ready laughter the piece cut and this is it I would put a hand up here that slowly fell rocking back people detach and if shaked it no read my mind that Elijah yes I can work with you Kay put a sheet down so they not all up in these little holes stop my catch makes it easier on them too that I can grab this thing pushing okay that's probably old tala tree picking up a hammer oh yeah perfect yes I mean every girl it's up to you all right so cats going to go in front this section is a pretty good size section detach it shake the bees on the sheet let them run in join Queenie I'll tell you what I did you got a good grip you can do it that way or you can even grab one end and shake it like that whatever you feel comfortable we'll look at that fireworks hooks better alone we've got to wrap this up believe it or not virginity and they'll be looking up only in Louisiana ha you have honeycomb attached to a folder my fart nest grab that one out we passed a little bit protocol so free I'm out now that's us these worker bees this I don't know tell your inner barrel I don't know looks like it's going I got a giant eagle Barksdale Wow that struck the track dude they go hospital girl the ones I head in trees or nothing like that anyway maybe this big oh yeah she'd love this what's this a call my guess is it's an ox beetle grab marks beetle group look at that thing wow that's impressive huh and that uh okay whatever he was that's different different stages of development check that out that's awesome I'm gonna get a picture that too that's nature let me show you this sheet opens up important exactly red and have the instant spacing where you are right now let me go get to your couch I'll show you what this looks like in a second folks so see we got a box literally positioned the entrance facing right where the entrance to the colony was that long okay and I mean this is a no but they don't have to over have they've already logged into that spot so that's the that's the beauty of this thing all right and what I'm gonna do is see we got a red carpet I'm gonna go ahead and grab the honeybee going I'm gonna smoke them and do a little bit of repellant and you're gonna watch and Stroke running using that sheet as a bridge to go right into the nuke be back in a minute all right once you get was a honeybee gone is that comb gonna be like Switzer forever I mean a little bit oh I'm just wondering like is it it's something my work food yeah I would feel so the third one I think of a third one that I've cut out the tree I don't um take these all day long and he's following up in that new camp you may not use it as a runway they're going terrible they wanted to go that route with game but you know this law this is the best log [Applause] soft mayor's middle-aged the commentary Golden Road apart the leaf larvae will eat the honey probably imagine beeswax to me just like that they don't do it but they probably still like to roll on it like you're rolling it like smell like a dog why did dogs do that either marking behavior maybe but like as far as rolling and stuff but they like to rule in public dogs crap oh yeah yeah that's good I don't know what this well they tryna Marcus San or something possibly like I always say look this is my stuff I have a three dogs and a pot-bellied pig big kind of was an accident but it long story short it was a foster that ended up becoming ours and my dogs love nothing more than to eat his poop it's their favorite thing yeah it's disgusting all right yes they can fit in here we smoked the heck out of it and all over the news socially yeah this Luke alright good alright alright folks so we had a lot of fun today I think I had fun good we are got the bees out of the log and got the Queen I mean the first little piece of tree that had comb in it at the top there I mean first cut pull it and she's right there I mean in the first place five minutes of that amazing so it was all downhill from there we can just have fun and play we fell these huge beetle larvae and but that was pretty neat so anyway yeah we at the the capybara exhibit and the tapir the one of the head left Daphne she's over there sequestered so so anyway so yeah so this is Daphne's exhibit and the capybaras exhibit and they're they're sequestering right now so we could go and do this but Daphne's nice but if she wants to she can't really break your heck outta to misuse me right I mean you know 400 and 175 pound animal I love tapers - yeah I love their feet with the with the three toes just awesome so all right from the Audubon zoo JP Julie and cat okay hope you enjoy the video to the next one thanks
Channel: JPthebeeman
Views: 446,644
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Keywords: #savethebees, #honey bees, #bee removal video, #jpthebeeman, #new orleans, #metairie, #kenner, #louisiana, #bee removal specialist, #bee removal expert, #live bee removal, #beekeeping, beekeeper, apiculture, bee colony, honey bee colony, bees, bee, beehives, #honey, #how to, #Keep the hives alive, #audubon zoo, jp the beeman, jpthebeeman 2017, capybara friends, how to, save the bees, new orleans #new orleans #metairie, bee removal videos
Id: 6WnreMUlECg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 58sec (2158 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2017
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