Bee Man Vs Bee Tree

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hey folks jp here i'm in a bucket right now it's october 16 2020 we're in river ridge louisiana today tackling a bee tree asap tree company call me out courtesy of andrew their main guy watch a couple of my youtube videos until the owner of the company and give this guy a call thanks for the hook up there and drip these going in out of this tree limb about 35 feet up we're going to smoke two different spots so that andrew can go ahead and cut the limb that the bees are in lower it down to the ground cut the rest of the tree down and then i'll go ahead use my chainsaw and surgically as possible open the limb up wait what let's see that again we'll open the limb up that the bees are in move them into a high box we leave one out of here this evening with a new beehive hello my pretties [Music] you're up here you just don't look down folks all right just bring me to the left now [Music] basically these seem pretty chill i don't know when this part was cut like it healed up why are we doing this because the tree has to come down it's a water they cut one tree down already over there over here that was recent and then this one a long time ago our water actually get termites in them we had formosan termites down here badge after about 25 30 years what i'm told by the arborist is these uh water oaks get a cavity in them and the termites move in and they start eating that dead stuff and they're going to the good stuff i guess this one's having problems it's coming down the b is going to be relocated everybody's doing an ethical thing by trying to relocate save this hive that's what we're about folks [Music] the hive's still bigger than we thought folks he's gonna have to go further over to that lambie's tied off to they must be pretty hollow bees are pretty chill they're flying around a little bit more now because it's warmed up slightly they're all flying around him he's doing exactly what most people don't do he's not swatting at him which is great that's what you don't want to do you never want to swat at bees that are flying around you he's not getting stung even landing on his shirt and stuff very relaxed doing what he needs to do to get his job done on a nice pleasant friday [Applause] [Music] god bless that's a big old hive there man yeah beast beast mode here folks all right they go high folks what i get myself into today folks huh [Applause] [Music] all right just spring right on in here brother come on just lay right on down over here all right [Music] maybe we got the brew nest and everything contained in this limb i got the thing i got to think this is the majority of the hub though we got the next section on and as you can tell there's no more comb up there thank goodness project got a little better i think there's just a little bit of honeycomb left in this thing [Music] and this is about maybe another foot in that's just a little bit of honeycomb hey girls all right most of them just didn't have chilling but a queen should be in this section and just a little bit of honeycomb in there um uh [Music] hmm [Music] wow [Music] [Music] maybe uh maybe we get lucky that's all the cuts i gotta make let me show you what's going on with the box folks we hadn't transferred any comb or anything i just spray a little bit of swan commander swarm commander mimics maison off or orientating pheromone on the bottom board and we got he's in the box covering the box they love that swarm commander all right so so we did i made a cut straight through here across that side so this trunk right here was moving on me earlier this one should come right out and hopefully this this piece will come out and then that next piece below it and this piece should come out then once you know we expose this thing we're doing them we normally do start taking combs out frame up what we can get our bees gravitate to the box yeah they've come alive a little bit since it's warmed up i've only taken literally like i think two stings so i think the most intrusive stuff is done hopefully this that's too much more cutting i have to do but i feel good about where we are right now folks let's get into it [Music] okay [Music] great [Music] all right good learn a few things i guess over these cut trees so so far anyway these two these two pieces going according to playing all right pull this over i know i have no idea where the queen is right now if y'all wonder so she's in here somewhere all right let me get this piece huh that's a good bit of beads she could be in that mess she could be that's a mess of these she might we get lucky if we get lucky it's me and the bees here folks today it's me and the bees on a friday evening there's about 10 degrees cooler than it's been i'm enjoying myself filming with these bees that could be one of these highs it's got like 80 percent honeycomb and 20 brood i see that i like these like that very productive general maybe not too too many bees to deal with let's see if we can pick through here maybe maybe you know there's a bunch of bees that's just it's worth going through it to see seem to get lucky and find her let's grab that piece with all of these and now just move it by our box let's just do that all right see i'm gonna have to make another cut on this okay [Music] oh that looks like a crew i don't know what's it yeah okay this is that one loop all right oh ugh pile of bees pollen bees small power bees could have queen bee in here somewhere [Music] all right we're fill with this a little bit let's look at this oh they got a lot of honey in there i don't really even see too much beer must be underneath all right honeycomb look at all this folks look at this you've probably been in a couple years at least but now i'm stealing like black hole some dark film now we just kind of pick at it maybe they'll calm down a little bit it like sting in my ears though cuz i don't particularly catch you much farther this thing's kind of rich and you know that can could be we got some bunches of bees here and we got these here too let's see if we could look in here see we come up we'll use with foundation it'll be a little bridge we're using foundation which has got beeswax on it and it's you know familiar scent let's give them a little bridge they're fanning and they're starting to run towards the box like i said earlier i put a little bit of swarm commander which is virtually available to be attractive it's a mimics which is one of these pheromones that they put out it's orientating here just for a couple of drops in the bottom board and you see that i think along with little bits of propolicing drawn from them i gotta know that smells familiar to him maybe uh we're lucky we'll see one that's got a fat butt on it gage we put on a box then it's really kind of all downhill from there once we got them gravitating to the box then almost all the work is done it's just a matter of them going in the box and that requires just some time now they just have to leave the box here i go off and kill some time and then come back tonight with the girls in the truck and take them away this in here might be an old squirrel nest folks and i'm seeing it looks like hair you know i have run across skeletons before rodent skeletons rats and squirrels or birds so uh yeah so we could run across maybe some skeletalized remains here i'm not sure what we're gonna dig out but uh run across that i'll be sure to give you a close-up pretty confident we have a dead animal that is propolized in this chunk of whatever this is i'm holding i really don't want to tear it apart to find out what it was but if you could see there's some black hair might have been a squirrel see how they kind of completely propolized over this so they make propolis again from tree sap all right so i think there was a squirrel nest in here my best guess and um they killed the squirrel it could have been like a baby raccoon i don't know there's a lot of dark weird looking hair look at that pasta maybe you're getting that but i'm not going to open this thing up and go through and find out but i don't see any a lot of times the bone would just fall apart so that could have happened already but there is hair it was either a nest or there's a dead animal there you know some time ago i don't know but see how the they'll just propolize right over there how they did that at this stage in the game folks we've removed the majority of the comb not a lot of it was frameable a lot of it came out in pieces i was able to frame up a couple of comb sections a lot of it was just going to feed back to the bees the majority of the bees have gravitated to a high box albeit i have not run across the queen yet gotten to the point where i believe that maybe we weren't going to find her maybe she was injured or something i don't know when we lowered that big section of limb i think some of the brood comb sections weren't up compressive against each other and it was saturated with honey as i was pulling them out i realized that she could have been injured and then on behalf i just happened to look at a little section of the tree that i cut up i just happened to be looking at this little area and kind of zoomed in and there she was she survived and um oh happy day her majesty folks she survived thank god i'm so elated right now i could not tell you how excited i am right now oh we got her she survived thank the lord oh this makes me so happy oh man all this work you know all this work all this time and uh we got her oh lordy i just happened to walk up and uh i really didn't think she was only i thought she was in the box because there's a ton of them in the box and um i just grabbed the hive tool and grabbed the little clump of base and i was just gonna shake him in front of the box and she was on that little clump wow that was just luck that's all that was but sometimes it's good to be lucky folks i'll take it all right let's cage and put her in the setup i'm very happy man right now folks very very happy there she is she just ran right in that cage when i opened it up too she just ran in there all right let's put her in the setup i'm happy folks i'm very happy and i hope you're having a happy day too uh oh all right folks oh i ain't gonna lie i'm kind of worn out we got the queen towards the end here and that just thrilled me you know a minute there was looking like uh maybe she got smushed you know when the uh tree was low i mean we did everything possible to you know be gentle with this but uh weren't using a crane so you know sometimes you know with the crane you know you can lower it you can do whatever you want so we would learn it with a rope and then using the bobcat so yeah the finesse maybe wasn't quite what it could be but and honestly uh where the brood come was i didn't think it was i thought it was on the other end and so when we positioned the limb there was a lot of honeycomb you know where all the weight is on top of the brood foam sections they were really compressed there were quite a few beetles you know on some of that brood we literally used like one piece of brood uh that's all i could pull out really and utilize a lot of it was breaking up when i was trying to pull it out and i could say it had a lot of beetles on it but um anyway i mean they were happy with the box you know we used that swarm commander and uh with the propolis and a little bit of drawing comb in there you know they really favored the box so i mean a good mess somewhere in there you know from early on really they were just going right to it i'll be back at dark and they should all be in the box because it's cooler now so they they they should want to join up with the other ones in cluster not like a job i did the other night where it was like in the high 80s at night and i had to work for an hour to get the rest of them in the box this should work out tonight they should be in this box tonight when i come back all snug as a bug in a rug so i hope y'all really enjoy this video i appreciate y'all tuning in and taking the time from your busy day to watch these videos i try to make them educational as well as entertaining so hope you're getting something out of it some enjoyment and uh you know it's you guys and gals out there that drive me to to make these videos uh you know some extra work involved obviously doing you know doing a removal and filming i do all this by myself so uh but y'all been very kind to me you've supported my channel and um you're driving me to continue with this and i'll just keep on doing this as long as i am physically able to do so so until the next one i hope you're having a fantastic day because you know i am all right folks i'm back this skype here look what we got all the bees are tucked in there see when the temperatures dip they have to cluster not even one outside they're all inside folks let's put them on the truck and take them away all right folks this is the colony we removed from the tree and we're going to go ahead and release our queen okay you can see they've chewed through the rubber bands a couple of them anyway on the frames and they've pushed them out of the hide see how they did that hello girls all right let's go in and go ahead and release the queen all right let me give me a minute all right i've reached on down in and we we gotta clean out folks all right okay all right let's put our frames back together then we'll go ahead and see if we can't film the release folks okay that's a good nice close-up for you okay let's open it up so she'll get her to run okay there she is where you going get over there i don't know if she went down if she's on the underside of the catcher folks let's see i think she ran down yeah i don't see her so they can still smell her in the trunk [Music] all right i was getting long i've had to feed them fondant let's go ahead and feed these girls folks we're in uh december now i need to watch them come out they love this stuff maybe kind of shove it in there a little bit we've had a little cold snap recently and they're probably clustered in there a little bit they will come out rest assured feed on this guarantee that they're just a little cold and they're moving a little slower today folks moving a little slow let's go ahead and load them up though supposed to think warm up a little bit tomorrow then we got more rain coming and then another front make sure the girls have feed you know to withstand a little bit of coal we get it's warmed up now this is how winter is off folks so we get a front that comes through and let's say the temperature drops in the mid 30s we rarely get many freezing days down here okay i am about 10 miles west of new orleans if we do get a cold front and we're in the mid 30s or whatever you know that might last literally like two to three days and then right behind that cold front is a warm-up trend so right now uh we're in a warm-up trend where literally like yesterday morning it was probably in the low 40s and uh now it's probably in the mid to upper 60s so you know about a 20 degree differential and the bees are much more active today i do have some fondant in my hand that i'm going to feed them so you basically find that there's sugar in your boil in a pot with some water and a touch of vinegar and mix it you pour it out like on a cookie sheet you let it set it's a great supplement for the bees in cold weather because it doesn't have quite the moisture content that a liquid would have you know what's really bad for bees is when it's cold and damp this provides them with some feed but without the added humidity that liquid feed would give them let's put this out see if the girls come out i've already got a few you know trying to land on it it only takes a minute for them to find this stuff they'll come out there and they literally will cover this stuff all right so let's go ahead and uh you see the bees are doing well you know we weren't able to you know frame up a whole bunch of stuff but uh and i haven't been i'm not going to open the hive i haven't been in there but you know we got these coming and going with pollen i did check uh at some point i don't think i have any footage of her progress but uh you know i had checked i don't know it was a week later or something like that i just went in real quick to see that she was laying and stuff and you know she was doing fine and um so i don't have any footage of of the interior of the hive right now but uh as you can see they're coming and going although they're already starting to cover the fondant all right i've got another hive over here that i removed and i'm gonna give them some as well but uh and we'll come back to these girls in just a minute you'll see them just really you know this cover obviously these are very gentle bees too and appreciative these are very appreciative and we're feeding them today so uh let's uh let's step over here to this other one i'm gonna give them some too because you don't want them to go over to the other girls and and fight they haven't really done any of that though you know i have not had these do any kind of robin they're both pretty strong colonies you know not usually when i feed when i feed the other let's give them some they love this stuff and again this is just supplemental nowhere in winter there's not a lot out there that is producing any amount of nectar that's done you wouldn't want to start keeping bees this time of the year if somebody called me and said hey jp i want to start keeping these right now you know right now watching videos and right now i want to like nope we'll start up in the springtime which here is probably about march you know late february early march is when they start swarming march march-ish april somewhere in there depending on fronts and all that it's a good time to start up here that way you get some clover and then you got legustrum and various different things and then in may we got a chinese taloflow and you know you set them up to where they have different nectar flows and they're able to collect nectar and make honey and all that good stuff this time of year they can get some pollen they always can find pollen find the nectar this time of year no they're not going to do it so you have to feed them if they need it so that is it for now i really hope you guys and gals out there enjoy the video and y'all having a fantastic day because you know i am until the next one yo take care and thank you so much for taking your time to watch the videos have a great day all right several minutes later let's see what we got going on here folks [Music] yeah just wearing it out all right
Channel: JPthebeeman
Views: 2,431,094
Rating: 4.81387 out of 5
Keywords: Bee Man Vs Bee Tree, Beehive in a tree, removing bees from a tree, live bee removal, JPthebeeman, jpthebeeman killer bees, jp the bee man 2020, jp the beeman car, jp the bee man youtube, jp the beeman videos, louisiana bee man, save the bees, how to, jp the beeman, bee removal, honey bees, bee removal videos, bee tree, new orleans, bee removal near me, swarm commander, queen bee, wild bee hive, how to remove a beehive, bee removal new orleans, bee tree removal
Id: ZOWEeEApcs8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 22sec (1882 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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