Separating over 350 pounds of honey from wax cappings using a honey wax seperator.

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hello mr ed here today is friday august the 13th 2021 and i'm still not finished cleaning up my honey supers i got dawn near all of them done already but i still got four more boxes but this really isn't what the video is going to be on uh this this video is not going to be on video is going to be on separating our honey and our wax but before we get inside and do that i want to show you i came up with a really good way of cleaning off the wax that had the brood on it so any of those frames that had the brood on it and then the bees came back and backfilled any of these things i'm scraping all this wax off and and i'm going to render it and so two things i want to show you i want to show you the method that i'm going to be using to do it because it made it works really well easy and then how much i've got in here to do it so i'm going to do that real quick but i really got to get inside and show you what i'm going to be doing inside let me show you that real quick one of these is i need my my flame thrower here we're gonna get this thing cranked up using a three inch spatula and i just heat it up just a little bit take my frame look at that curl huh beautiful it comes right off three down to nothing and in no time at all let me show you how much wax i've got in the tank so far because it's a lot look how much wax is in here yeah it is a lot [Music] and by the time i finish doing those four more boxes and filling this thing up we're going to go ahead and start rendering this stuff today and heck by tomorrow i'll be able to show you what comes out of all this wax right here let's get inside and i'll show you what we're doing in there by the grace of god sometime before this afternoon i should have those drums empty and who knows what what state that wax is gonna be in but we're gonna find out all right so here is our job at hand today we've got these five drums right here and i've already taken the honey from the bottom i'm using using the spigots and my really cool pump right there i pumped all the honey from these drums right here these five drums i pumped it all out and put it in two more of the of the 55 gallon drums all right let me show you what that looks like this was the honey that was pumped out of those drums right there and now we're going to finish getting the rest of the honey and the wax that's in those drums and we're going to separate it and to do that we're going to be using our wax separator and i'll simply be taking those drums and dumping them into now if i was like a dirt rooster i could probably pick up two of those things at the same time and dump them in here but since i don't have that well the physique i'm just going to go ahead and use my drum left right there wow i don't know wow uh okay and that's what it looks like inside of the separator and inside of the drum it's cleaned out as much as i need to get it cleaned out and we gotta leave the bee something to work on anyway so i'm gonna go ahead and get the drum back down into its normal position and i'm gonna go ahead and turn this on [Music] [Music] [Applause] let's see how dry that stuff is pretty good and there's still honey in there still sticky but it's a lot better than it was i'm gonna go ahead and scrape this out put it in my bucket and we're gonna do the next load so there it is that's a good pile of wax for sure let's go ahead and grab our next drum and repeat the process [Music] up all right let's turn this on so it's been just over 40 minutes since i put that wax in here and i guess i think it's done because uh oh yeah that's good and done good and done so hang off the heat underneath it and we could do the same deal that we did last time i've got a screen inside of the spigot to catch a lot of the nasties that are in there and we'll just go ahead and strain out our wax and water gonna do that right now so oh my thank goodness my battery and my camera died on me because otherwise you've seen the the big mess i had going on on here yeah you can see spilled wax on the ground and uh it is still it's still a mess but it's working its way out of here i think hopefully we'll get all that stuff to the wax that's in there to come on out and uh the wax that's in the bucket we'll go ahead and shake that out tomorrow and i'll show you what what we got let's get back inside with the separator and find out what's going on with that because that motor has been running for two weeks ten minutes strong now that our cage has stopped i want to show you this is all the honey that i've pulled out separated from that wax already and uh just guessing but i know that's easily 10 gallons of honey because those are those are seven gallon buckets right there and that's that's the thing the five one that's a seven so yeah we've definitely got 10 gallons it's already after five o'clock prayers at 5 30 so i have to pick this up on saturday um we got still three more drums to do and check on how our block of wax i know i kind of messed that one up so it may not be as good as i thought or i wanted i was really surprised because there was a lot more trash in that wax than i was expecting to find but we'll still get through it and we'll get all that wax rendered down another time so we'll pick this video up tomorrow see y'all tomorrow good morning it's a saturday now august 14th gonna be getting out morning right around eight o'clock right now we're gonna pick up right where we left off with taking care of that wax that's in the wax separator and then moving over looking at that wax that we rendered and find out the mess that i made over there hopefully by the end of today we'll get all of our wax up separated out and definitely we have that block of wax done let's get on inside and find out what's waiting for us inside here so our spinner is right where i left it the wax up against the walls of the drum the cage and i'm going to start scraping that stuff down we'll gather that up and then once i gather that up we'll go ahead and dump another drum of honey wax into here spit it out while it's spitting out then we'll get outside and look at that block of wax that we got so [Music] so so [Music] so okay yeah i made a mess the like i said yesterday i spilled it oh it was a mess and let's see what we look like inside not bad inside looks like most of the wax came out gotta clean that throat out and we'll go ahead and let's dump this bucket and find out what we got how about that for a block of wax right there huh not bad not bad at all things got to weigh at least 10 pounds maybe more it's it's a big chunk of wax so we got this to put on our frames for next spring time huh all right so much for this let's get back inside and check on our spinning of our cappings in the machine all right let's go ahead and turn it off and as our cage decreases and speed i'll be able to go ahead and knock all that wax off the drum and put that into the garbage can and start on our next batch check out the honey that came out of this spin right here i have that bucket right there with it it's draining as well as this one we're probably going to pull seven maybe eight gallons of honey from this one spin there was a lot of honey in that good news the five drums that we had honey and wax you know that had to be separated out i've gone through all of those drums the cappings that i got out of those drones or in my garbage can right here and we don't see that on camera but i'm going to show it to you and i still have these two drums right here these two drums were the drums that of honey that came from our extractor and most of our cappings came from on capping tank but some of the frames still had cappings on when they went through the extractor and so they threw those cappings off and it wound up in these drums so what i have to do now is skim those cappings off put them into the extract into the separator and spin those out let me grab the camera and i'll show you what the capping garbage can looks like and these two drones that have capping sitting on top of the honey right here now here are the cappings that i've already spun in the separator and they're they're still a little bit damp with honey but that separator gets smell gets that honey out of there pretty good so it is pretty fluffy so this these are already done and this is the cappings that are still in the drums that i need to pull out of here and put into the spinner now there shouldn't be that big of a layer of wax on this it looks like it's a little bit thicker than i thought you got about an inch of wax on top of these and i'll just use the scoop and scoop all this stuff out and put it into the spinner all right we got the first one cleaned out let's go ahead and do the second one this time i'll put the camera on the wax and show you what i'm doing with that uh is look at this we got four monks in here right now they heard that there's there's honey going on they want they want their share so here's what we got after we've taken all the wax off these two drums so this is now ready to be have this the lid put back on it and then just stored until we need to put it into our bottler but this mess that we have in here is what we took off of those two drums so i'm going to go ahead and start it up and we're going to spin this out with all our separating done let me show you what we wound up with so we had one two three four five six buckets and these are selling down the buckets so we probably got about 30 gallons of honey in there and a big old chunk of wax right here that we got all right i still got the machine to clean out i'm just about ready to do that right now and after that we'll close up the video and in case you're wondering how i clean it out i just run water up in here and use a little brush clean it all down it all runs out the hole at the bottom and down into our trough from the trough it just runs outside the building where i have a cap on the outside and i open the kappa and then just drains out on the ground come on you didn't really think i was gonna not get the bees cleaning up the barrels in the video huh what a perfect way to end the video though yeah yeah i love having the bees cleaning up in the dirt right now and so anything i can do to help melt and let them help me out at the same time i'm all for so he did pretty good uh wound up with a lot of cappings a lot of honey that separator really really does work good and i know there's a lot of people out there wondering well mr ed why why don't you just run as you're running your frames through why should you just run all that stuff through the separator at that point and i could i could do that for me i want to expedite the process of removing the honey from the frames and to do that i always think that it's a better idea to come back and separate the wax from the honey so that's why i do it it's not that i couldn't do it but for me it's just a thing that would slow down the process and i'm just not interested in that i mean i could take another day just like today take my time doing it and get the job done and not slow down the process of pulling our honey from the cone so that's all i got for this one so thanks for watching keep on watching and i'll be making more god bless mr red and all the bees we're out until the next video [Music] um um so you
Channel: Jeff Horchoff Bees
Views: 626,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: processing honey, wax cappings, wax capping spinner, drum lifts, hydraulic assist drum lifts, rendering bees wax, feeding bees, feeding bees with honey, honey comb, Separating over 350 pounds of honey from wax cappings using a honey wax separator., brood frames, honey frames, scraping wax from brood frames, using heat to remove wax from frames, using a drum lift to lift drums of honey, storing clean honey, 7 gallon honey buckets, unfiltered honey, raw honey, eating honey
Id: 9ZyRAJVDbas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 18sec (1518 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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