Joyride 2015 FULL TV EPISODE | Red Bull Signature Series

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this is the whistler mountain bike park it is the premier lift access downhill bike park in the world with 4900 vertical feet of descending trails that include miles and miles of the very best natural terrain in North America if not this entire planet at its base where the village meets the mountain is a course that is unrivaled in its scale and size flanked by 25,000 rabid bands who are here to behold the world's top riders drop into the very best lope style event on the planet this is joy ride at Crankworx Whistler and you're watching the Red Bull Signature Series [Music] [Music] [Music] everybody Sal Masekela here your host of the Red Bull Signature Series and allow me to welcome you to one of my favorite places on this earth just north of Vancouver British Columbia Canada located in the picturesque fitzsimmons mountain range this is whistler mountain resort both a winter and summer playground that offers world-class skiing and snowboarding in winter but then in the summer the slopes turned into one of the premier mountain bike parks in the world that is why this is the best setting for the very best slopestyle event on the planet joyride final stop of the very first Triple Crown of mountain bike slope style this year the Crankworx world tour decided to expand to three stops starting in Rotorua New Zealand then traveling to Ladue Alps in France and this week culminating in its Canadian home base of Whistler BC ten days of mountain biking culture and competition that crests with Joyride biggest meant not only of this week but really of the entire tour the buzz this week it's about Bret reader and his quest to win his first ever triple crown but no one will discount the hometown hero and three-time winner of this event Brandon Seminole he would like nothing more than upset his fellow Canadian from reaching his goal we set for the finals so we're gonna check in and do some riding Todd Harris and can McCall thank you very much salad absol beautiful day here in British Columbia just north of the border the course is perfect once again and 25,000 fans plus have turned out to watch the very best it'll be the best of to run format and we will have a reverse order run for the second run remember it's all scored out of 100 100 feet the perfect score chemical what are the judges looking for these guys make their way down this absolutely beautiful course yeah it's how the judges are looking at these riders under a microscope out here today it's a Super Bowl the sport so you got to have a perfect run of course they're looking at amplitude how high you go the space between the top of the lip and where you and your bike are trick difficulty the maneuvers that you choose to do while you're in the air variety you got to do different tricks you can't just repeat the same thing over and over again execution how smooth it looks how easily you get back to those pedals into the next jump course use progression and of course my favorite criteria the risk-taking how gnarly you're willing to get we have got the absolute best here the culmination of the sport this weekend in Canada before we get to the action we want to check in now with the fourth member of our broadcast team here in Canada here is Tina Dixon for report on the conditions here in British Columbia right now I'm standing about midway on this course and as I'm looking around there are 13 trickable features that is the most we have ever seen it a Crankworx and it's not just the number that is impressive it's also these size of the jumps that have people talking now keep in mind we did have a lot of rain earlier and in a way it changes the consistency of the sand so these riders may have to adjust their speeds throughout the day and that's just an extra element for these guys to think about but guys it is anyone's game today and it is gonna come down to who could trick all 13 of these features of the best guys all right thank you very much Tina 13 a huge number and the man that's gonna start us off in the competition today is 19-year old Tom van Steenburgen out of BC now it's tough to go first to competition cam but now he gets to go out and set the bar well luckily we've got the right man for the job this is a very well-rounded rider he's got background in racing and he's also a guy who's got a ton of tricks and he's not afraid to do them on the most difficult of features alright he is set to go remember is two runs we only keep your best score is based on 1 to 100 give us a prediction can be think he comes out hot right away or anything he tries to set maybe a nice mellow pace well if I know Tom van Steinberg and I know that he comes out swinging and this is the biggest stage of the sport he's gonna be throwing down there we go he starts out on the start tower with a 360 going to the tuck no-hander to toboggan combo getting the hands off and one of them being on the seat 360 downside tail up on that step up jum he's off to a great start now he's coming into this four pack section a backflip tuck no-hander right into a huge front flip landing right on the landing where he needed to be carrying the right speed now he's into this cannon feature he's got a suicide no hander off of the cannon tail upping the transfer coming off to the left side take off into the right side landing here he is into the cabin a backflip up what does he have off a front flip and Tom Ben Steenburgen goes down he was so close to finishing and making it a full pole and that is a heavy heavy fall well Tom Dan Steenburgen is one of the best in the world at French lips you see him right here front flipping the second jump in the 4-pack section Atlanteans saw smooth one thing about a front flip is that it's easy to initiate the rotation but it's so hard to slow it down in time of the landing you see him coming off of this drop way more difficult differential to drop than a jump and see he's just a little bit over rotating and all that forward momentum it's hard to slow it and his hand falls off the handlebars the next thing to hit is his body so tom goes down hard it looks like he's gonna be okay good thing he's rocking the full-face helmet he's cracked the visor his first ones score will be a 33 Tom Ben Steenburgen has the world record for longest friendships so he knew he had that in his bag and he's not afraid it's a blessing and a curse having that trick because if you land it's worth great points but it's so easy to crash this is Greg watts a champion in 2009 and the 28 year old is back for more cam I guess the big question is as watts gets ready to roll off how much is this competition of course changed since he won the whole thing it's true the progression curve of this sport has just gone up so steeply in the last six years since he won so it's tough to be able to stay on top of this sport does he have what it takes to do it again we're about to find out he starts off with a 360 on the star drop in a Superman seat grab getting good varieties so far on this course 360 suicide no Hannah on that step up that's a greggwatts original he's got a lot of creative tricks you don't see other guys doing a lot of those upside down suicide tricks spinning suicide tricks where you have to utilize that front break one of the only guys out there who uses the front brakes though so this is a two run format we keep your best score do you think he's gonna lay down something maybe a little more conservative and go for it on 1 2 well everybody calls him to PlayStation he is so precise sneak packed so many different tricks into a run that you won't see from other guys so I think this is strategy right now we're seeing the combos like that 360 X up off that drop so he's filling in a trick on every feature and doing it with variety here it is the final feature of his run all right he's got a bar spin into the whale tail on a back foot getting a smooth run in the bag for Greg watts so watts is clean from start to finish the man that won his competition back in 2009 looking pretty good on run number one maybe not a lot of sizzle here cam it was a solid run well a guy who's done it before he's won this contest at the biggest stage in the entire sports though he knows the strategy with that to run format you know you kind of got to make sure you get to the bottom there's no better feeling than making in to that finish crowd and then he can really put on the sauce in the second run all right so the California checks in with a sixty eight point six oh and still one more run to go while we have a break let's check in with a legend of the sport Darren berrecloth for our course Preeti all right my name is Darren berrecloth I'm here with Justin and Dustin to the Red Bull joyride course builders and we're gonna give you a GoPro course preview of the 2015 Red Bull Joyride course check it out all right here it is Ripple joyride course starting on the first roll in this word off again start the box nice little goose the first jump yeah watch the trick to keep going throwing down here the whale fin jump and to the first jump into the second jump lots of jumps being thrown down on this person second coming into the first hit nice to the cabin better get a little step up here lots of tricks on and off off the cabin snail bird coming around into the final feature step up by future stove our next rider is the Frenchman Tomas Lemoine and Louie ribald a fellow French rider just 22 years of age dropped in on his first run of two and I don't know what it is camp but the French are bringing so many talented riders over ya know shores of talent out in France there's also a Crankworx event out there you see those guys really shine on their hometown course they come and Whistler and you know they're swinging look at Rabaul here with the opposite 360 up onto the cabin that's where stuff got a little bit fishy for me put a foot down you know without hide the riding level is right now those judges are really critical if you take a foot off 40 6.20 for Louie rebel so he'll look to his second run to improve as we go back to the top of this beautiful course there is LeMond just 18 years of age from Marseille France seems like he's been around the sport a lot longer than that yeah I can't believe he's actually still so young he's a very accomplished Rider really well-rounded you see him out Crankworx riding the pumptrack a bunch of different other events but this is his main show right here the slopes out and he's looking to make his mark so the sport of beat is a sixty eight point six so we're in the first round of two and the mole now dropping in so unless the winds starting out with a 360 off the start our straight into a 360 table adding in that style points laying the bike flat walk rotate on 360 a back flip tail drop in one flight but still carrying that speed into the 4-pack section with a bar spoon out of the wall rise and can the conditions look perfect Tina Dickson talked about the rain that they received earlier that's got to be great for traction and improvement for the riders to wait is not great but to dry is also pretty difficult as well so you have a nice you can see to lost the one with that tuck no-hander to bar has been on the Canon doing a difficult combination trick on a difficult obstacle definitely what the judges are looking for cannonball going up on top of the cabin a 360 X up X up being that difficult turnaround feature there you see it's a full 270 degree berm tuck no-hander into the whale tail and a 360 bar spin down super solid run to come off the line so the Frenchman from start to finish very solid as been nearly 25,000 fans here at Whistler look on let's go back and look through the highlights of this run because there were plenty he made use of every single feature well for me taut is all about the variety in this run and the execution right here the backflip tail if this is the one spot where he had a little bit of a falter in that execution with a foot coming off but everything else was right on point a 360 tuck no-hander starting out that four pack this is where you put the punctuation mark on your run here the final feature you want to end with an exclamation point and doing a 360 variation like that 360 bar spin is the way to do it and a score coming down for Lemoine and is going to be a good one in eighty 1.20 so Tomas Lemoine of France goes into the leaves surpassing the mark to beat by watt which was a six point six oh and we have ourselves a new leader that's gotta feel good being such a young guy out here in front of all these people posting the top scores so far it's gonna be hard to defend that with all these riders we got coming up but let's see what happens so great first run for Tomas something we haven't seen a lot of and that is unnatural directions spins and cam you had a chance earlier in the week to wander around whistler village and show the average people just how challenging these opposite tricks can be so here we are middle of whistler village in the middle of the week during the Crankworx festival all these people if they're all gonna migrate up to the boneyard slopes up the course is full of features this year and to put together a run that's balanced the riders are doing a lot of opposite tricks so we're gonna cruise around the village right now talk to people and explain to them in some creative ways why opposite matters to the judges up here for the slopes up contest let's go the park seems like the perfect place to find some people doing some sports don't want to interrupt your oh thank you how's it going guys which hand do you usually prefer to drive nails with great you throw with your right hand whoa have you ever tried switching things up throwing with your unnatural hand see if you can make your name look close enough to your signature on the back of the card here it's where your waitress will accept it could you kind of try to do this exactly what you did right there yeah the opposite direction absolutely all right cool let's see if you guys you sound pretty confident yeah you didn't understand what else I'm sorry about that this is gonna be a little bit more difficult to describe than I thought what I meant was this is your natural way you're a right-handed golfer correct yeah so what I want to see you do is just the most unnatural uncomfortable thing ever go opposite go switch stand this way and do it like a lefty would feels pretty awkward okay I'm gonna step back a little bit there we go Oh see how many hits it takes to get to the tutorial center this to throw pop let's give it a shot oh that's great thanks cam it's nice to see it explained to us mere mortals some of these athletes make it look so easy it's hard to tell while we're away Sam Reynolds out of Great Britain young man went large well I love the way Sam approached this run right here you had a bit of a freestyle motorcross interpretation of the course of that backflip Indian air then my favorite part right here there's nobody can no hander not even touching the bike stand alongside of it such great extension but on a great show in run number one his score came down as a seventy four point eight Oh remember two runs score and we only keep your best as we move back to the top of the course this is twenty eight-year-old Yannick Granieri young man out of France we talked about the French invasion they continue to bring talent over here to North America well Yannick Granieri kind of on the older side of the spectrum for the Ryder field here today he's got kind of a new found focus he's wearing that chest protector he's got new tricks been practicing with the air bag let's see what he's got score to beat is an 81 point to start now with a 360 off the drop a tail up off the up box and here's that trick he's been working on port 720 on that step up and you talk about the progression of the sport and this is just another step there we go back hooks help on the first time of the 4-pack what can you link it to a backflip Superman seat grab Indian air we talk about the freestyle motorcross by the Sam Reynolds run it looks like it's bleeding over into yonyx right here tuck no-hander on that cannon feature oh that's a classic Yannick Granieri move there that flat spin 360 X up now things get serious into the cabin backflip up a tail whip down here we go the crowds cheering him on into this final feature the whale tail bar spin in what's he got to finish off this run a 360 oh thank goodness who's wearing that chest protector and Granieri goes down hard that looked like it could have been a leading run until the very end and it all went south yeah we talked about that last feature being so important you need to put the exclamation point at the end of the run he had a great middle with that backflip Superman seat grab Indian air he wanted to finish off strong getting pedals in the middle of that feature 360 bar spins but he never got the bar straight he didn't get his hands on the bars and he need those hands on those grips be able to ride down into the finish crowd the very best in the business and unfortunately can't they know how to fall the very best well he did all the hard stuff in that run he just needed to finish it off so you know he's gonna be looking to repeat all the stuff at the top in the second run but then just put that exclamation point there at the bottom good to see you on ik up and riding high fives for the fans 50.4 oh so he will look to run number two let's send over two sound that's the camera as we talked about earlier the dominating conversation at this year's competition is Bret versus Brandon might be an advantage to some of the other riders because they get to avoid the spotlight and the pressure however if you're roommates with one of these guys specifically Brandon Seminole you might not be able to dodge the attention Logan P is both a friend and training partner to Brandon seminar they've been trying to make his mark on the scene and make a name for himself all on his own outside of a superstar roomie to get back to kind of the level I am today like I I honestly didn't really believe I could do it first time at Logan PD was on the podium with me at Highlands mountain bike park he was on his way to being the best in the world and then next event the next weekend he dropped in flipped the last jump put his foot down funny and he broke his leg right there came right out of the skin so I had that kind of dangling foot thing going on and then it was just like you know he's gone from the scene just like that the things that he had to go through mentally just to come back and compete with these guys that have three years more experience obviously a really patient person a couple years go by I kind of just threw it out it like hey I move in moved in like right away that's when I really started hanging out with Logan as soon as he got back on his bike he's like you'd never forgot how to ride a bike he's so good he could do anything he wants if you try as hard yeah this is my house we got target practice we go downstairs for Logan and into the lt's driven here it's been good he's actually like a pretty good roommate mod GV he's a little messy here and there but you know give it to him me and Brandon became really good friends you know those kind of things just bringing you tight and you got each other's backs and help each other grow as a writer I think going into Joyride this is Logan's event to get on the podium for sure class Erie is one spot off in the last couple events he's been so close to see Logan on the podium a joy ride will be huge for him oh man so good to see Logan peek back on his game I'm just glad that his riding is cleaner than his room Thomas Lemoine is your leader 80 1.20 as Logan Peet the 25 year old from the Sunshine Coast of Bruce Columbia gets set to drop in and cam you've had this happen before coming back from a serious injury mentally it's got to play with you a little bit and Logan's injury was so serious I've never seen that bone sticking out thinking is this kid ever gonna be able to get back on his game but he's so patient he has such great composure his personality shows in his riding style so he's been worth last year looking to get on the podium with a very talented field that will be pushing him and Logan feet now on course on run number one Rogan Pete's such a technical rider start now with a regular 360 right into the opposite 360 now the regular 720 on that step-up so far spending so many degrees on so few features looks like we got a backflip on the first jump of the four pack and a tuck no-hander to tell up on the second get in the combination room here we go see if he can trick these difficult features bet that cannon was a 360 now a backflip Taylor on the hip doing a trick you'd normally see on one of the street jumps gonna have judges with a back flip tuck no-hander on top of the cabin and opposite 360 down huge points for spinning your unnatural direction on a step down one more feature to go from Logan Pete what has he got on this last feature backless tuck no-hander there we go that's what the judges want to see the rotation with some limbs being thrown occupied and the question is will it be enough to move in the first 80 120 is the mark to beat let's look back at this 720 lands so smooth I just love how he's not jerking the rotation it's just smooth spins all the way around like that tuck no-hander to tail up right there creating the combo so he had spins different directions he had difficult combos on difficult obstacles and there we go finishing things off but the one footed X up into the whale tail and a back flip tuck no-hander buddy time to get to the end of the course you're so tired be able to do that variation is way difficult but it's definitely rewarded when the judges put their pens to the paper so Logan Pete man who finished in fourth last year looking to get on the podium this year as his score comes down on run number one it's at 85 and Logan working so hard to get here and seeing that number one next to his name is amazing so Logan Pete is the new leader he's with Tina Dixon and Logan is our current leader Logan give us your assessment of what you were able to do on that first run yeah it's pretty happy missed a few things but you got a second run it's awesome get the bottom in one piece and can't wait to get up there what was you live with Brandon you trained with Brandon what was it like for you guys leading up to this event yeah lots of practice you know we knew about the course months in advance so you can kind of plan your chicks on the features and just basically hard work all right well you got another run best of luck guys all right Thank You Tina and Logan Pete now the leader we're still in run number one of 285 becomes the mark to beat and nickel IRA God can of the USA out of Lincoln Mass set to drop in so this is gonna be tough Kim you just saw a guy light up the course to a fantastic job definitely a favorite here in Canada and now we're Godkin the 19 year old has to try it more match it well this is when stuff really starts to heat up this kid's got such an amazing story to his career starting out in BMX there we go a fastplant 360 up that step down that's a new one for him a double whip on that up box Oh a front flip barspin on the step-up he's pulling out all the stops and run one speed for Ag at Caen far spin out of the wall what's got in the 4-pack this is what he loves there we go the courts 720 can he league it all he's linking it to the cache room another 723 rotation just on his slightly different axes [Applause] not able to get the speed I don't know maybe a flat tire or something when he came out of that burn he just started losing speed so quickly it didn't have enough speed to get from the take-off to the landing on that cannon he was absolutely flying through this course until that point let's look at this again so he's got such a deep bag of tricks and tricks that nobody else is doing so we saw that front flip bar spin very few people are doing that and what nobody's doing is linking a cork 720 to a cash roll watch this trick it is a 720 degree rotation but it's on a forward least spinning axis it's essentially a front flip 360 and leaking it right after the back of 360 nobody's doing that so there it is right here this is where the run came to a screeching halt it looks like a flat rear tire took all this speed away he's gonna have to get back up the top of the course and try it again for run - so repairs underway for nikolai brigade can unfortunately his score is not going to be something he's going to keep a 31 is what the judges give him and there he shows exactly what went wrong cama Paul you were dead-on completely flat on that back wheel he's such a showman you know he wants to finish that run so luckily he's got another chance Tomas Genoa of Belgium dropped in in a 21 year old who's known for some amazing tricks had a pretty solid run another past champion out here he's done it before he started out that run with an opposite 360 no and that's what the judges want to see into that regular 360 barspin getting that variety in execution tally up 360 tuck no-hander off the cannon one thing about this guy is just his fluidity he is so smooth when he won in 2012 he made it look so incredibly easy in a year when everybody was falling he finished this run off strong with a 360 it looked like he wanted a variation there so he'll be back up there try to just iron out the kinks and doing even better run and run to the man they called Tommy G picks up a 71 point 800 when he look to run number two well this next riders taken gold at joyride three of the last four years but in 2015 he has yet to stand on top of a single podium to learn more about him and the man who has been taking those top spots let's send it over to Sal Masekela Thank You Todd Bret versus Brandon Brandon versus Bret Bret versus the entire field it has been the topic of conversation all year long and there's no denying this buzz that's surrounding the newly formed Triple Crown slopestyle no one really expected a competitor to be in the running for it in its inaugural year Bret reader dominating at both Rotorua and led to Alps and whether he likes it or not all eyes are on him to attempt this sweep for 2015 but one man Brandon Seminole stands between him and that history-making event the Wisla native would like to make his own history by capturing a record fourth win in front of his hometown crowd I ended up doing the drive east to highland mountain bike park which is in Tilton New Hampshire it's not that far of a drive my season started in Rotorua New Zealand the second stop of the Crankworx tour brought us to the French Alps and when it came to the end of the day over the first place again somehow I've managed myself in this position if I win Joyride I win the Triple Crown so I'm working hard to prepare for an event I don't really do anything crazy lots of riding involved lots of repetition doing the exact same trick over and over and over again until it's pressed into your brain I can't believe I won two Crankworx this year everyone's talking about it is he gonna get it is he not gonna get it is he gonna be able to beat Semin I could see Eminem gonna be able to beat him Branden Semin upon the left brett reader on the right ready well bread has done his part and moved into first we'll see a friend at 7:00 of concern 2015's definitely been an interesting year the first event I had a pretty big crash second event I just wasn't riding like I normally ride it's a different year when I don't have a good result yet Honda's have been my focus for a really long time now but this year I've sort of shifted my focus to making a film with my good friend Rupert Walker called rebel in the chaos Brandon's really paid a person on and off the bike it's definitely a different process practice for a contest you do all your tracks and just get super job this is repeat repeat repeat but you go filming and it's like you spend a lot of time just getting things prepared Brandon has actually taken on more of like the producer role you don't really ride your bike a ton but you're also trying to do something fresh maybe it's never been done before like that I like that if people think this project has been the distraction for him I think that they're wrong I think the film's helped him out because he is able to think about new tricks that he wants to do and then you can take that idea away you get it ready for competition so definitely going to joy I don't really want to do well this time like actually try and finish myself out of a year with her run I'm really have to go Wow more so this year than any other year in the history of this sport the drama coming into this event here at Whistler is absolutely insane Bret reader trying to win that Triple Crown but Brendan seminar trying to win it for his fourth time he just put out this movie part that blew minds it cranked the level of progression of this sport times 10 everybody knows what he has in his bag it's just a question of what is he gonna choose to put into this run so here we go Brandon SEMATECH the score to beat is an 85 put up by his roommate Logan Pete now the question is they've worked together so long does Brandon hold back maybe just a little something doesn't share everything with his roommate you know I think the only person in the world who knows what this one is going to look like is Logan P what's it going to be Brandon semuc starting out this run with an opposite rotating 360 bar spin there we go a free city down side tail up a normal spin and opposite whip a back flip double tail up hard to even say these tricks nonetheless do a bar spin out of this curve wall ride once he got in the 4 pack Couric's 720 second gentleman fourth back a backflip tail to one foot it can a ridiculous combo nobody's done in a contest before so here these tricks come directly from that movie part a backflip bar stand on a cannon once again never been done in a contest getting a nice smooth double whip on that hip into the bowl the cabin feature is starting out with a 360 double bar it's been a flat drop clip coming off well in water feature this is a classic Brendan Simon a grunt how will he finish it Oh opposite bars been in [Applause] hot Sun and they should be as the quest for the for Pete is on Brandon 7 up with an unbelievable run Logan Pete there to congratulate him cam that was ridiculous good the consistency of this guy is ridiculous to do all of those tricks with that high level of difficulty but do them all in a row here we go we got this regular spin with an opposite whips a 360 downside tail whip coming right into this step up backflip not just one salient to tell to that backflip double whip and here it is this is just I mean everybody in this field watches this guy and train based off of what he's doing but he comes in with tricks that nobody else even though he has until he put out his movie part that backflips he'll to one foot it can and here it is people are doing flip variations off of cannon features now so difficult the 360 not just with one bar has been to barsen he's always a step ahead that flat drop back foot and here's where he really put that exclamation point on this is how we won it last year a quark 720 on a step-down last year the first time anybody did that and slopes up contest that's the second right there people haven't even caught up to that in a whole year's time so the reigning champion throws down on run number one of two and what are the judges give him oh this is gonna be huge a ninety three point angel Brandon seven it goes into the lead so the defending champion is on track one run complete one more still to go and Tina Dixon is now with him what statement Brandon you just made with that first round give us your impression of it thanks though I'm just so happy I mean at the bottom I just want her running because the last couple of contests have been struggling but that was pretty good and hopefully it'll hold up and I got another run pretty good it was a 93 and you have the support of the crowd so you feel like you have a home turf advantage here in Whistler uh I got lots of fans behind me which is great but besides that I'm just doing everyone else is doing try my best focusing on the job best of luck next run guys very casual to the tune of ninety three point eight oh but if there's one man here that can top it it's our next competitor Bret reader and as Brendan seminar was talking to Tina Dixon you can sense he knows there's one more top dog to drop in and here he is and a top dog who's been on fire all year two huge wins under his belt a lot of chatter thing going on this week who's got more pressure on their shoulders Bret reader man trying to get this Triple Crown that's a lot of pressure there we go starting out strong with a new move for him the flat drop back of one foot he can and then a move he had last year oh wow this is reminiscent of last year the 360 bar has been a bar has been back [Music] losing things into the poor pack once he got a back double he knows exactly what he needs to try to beat Brandon on this course that's a trick that Brandon used last year he's trying to do it on a bigger jump and it just didn't go well all right let's take a look back at this replay that's a trick that Brandon used last year to win a back flip one-footed can off the flat drop and this is what Brett used last year 360 that's an opposite 360 bar spin to bar spin back fitting so many tricks in one move and a front flip bars when we saw Nicolai Roy Gaskin doing that Bret reader thought that as well and going for that back flip double tail on a bigger jump than what Brandon did it on but just not really having the speed to get to the landing there we go we see he's not on the bike yet but he's so close to that pile of dirt and he knew right there that the run was over thank goodness there's Run 2 still in store for him so Bret reader who finished second last year gets a 36 60 on run number one gives a little love to the locals here at Whistler all 25,000 of them but run number one has come to a conclusion Brandon Semin of the defending champion is on top with a big score a 93.8 Oh Logan peat sits in second Thomas Lemoine in third top place American right now is greggwatts currently sitting in six oh there you go you see the local boy Brandon Logan sitting in the top two spots holding it down for Canada but man people are gonna come out swinging that second run all right Gina Dixon's with Bret reader and I think it says a lot about Bret reader Breathitt you picked yourself up and finished your run what were you telling yourself right after that fall I don't know I haven't fallen all season so it's about time I guess it just sucks that it was my first run high rebel joyride and you're coming into this event though after two wins you know what it takes you have the experience so what's key for you as an athlete to go back up and refocus for the second run I don't know there's a couple spots on the course that are a little hard to judge speed so yeah I don't know I just gotta get a little more speed Oh - that's where I'm all well you've got one more run best of luck Brett guys all right Thank You Tina and cam Bret seems a little despondent over that last crash oh so much on the line of the fact that he's done his homework he has so many new tricks put into this run it's daunting but luckily he has another chance he wishes he could have done in the first one but we'll see what he has for a second run all right we are set to go run number two Nick LIBOR God can the young Americans set to drop in had problems remember him to flat halfway through his first run so here's a guy just itching to get back out on course but before that flat tire Todd that run was completely off the hook let's see if he can pull a full pull there we go that fastplant 360 off the start drop a new trick for him good double tailed once again off the up box the front flip bars mean he's truly a machine he trains us if this was a mainstream sport he's like an Olympian out there there we go the court 720 on the first one can he get this cash roll again oh he's got it and even smoother than the last time so no flat tire here we may see a phone call from Nick like he can hold it together 95 80 is the mark to beat we're got guns got a good one going triple tap on that transfer and it was at l2 bar spin off the cannon [Applause] then if he can get a trick off this step down into a full pole here we go into the whale tail no hander in and a backless house and Nick lighter of dad came top to bottom can he ever the tricks just 19 years of age nickel IRA got Caen what an amazing run he had so much pressure after having that flat it all came down to this final run we talked about doing home where I can nickel has a guy who's got so many tricks but he got a new one here for this event the fastplant 360 off that drop then I'm nickel I wrote gakuen classic the double tail up on a difficult feature thrown right in to this front flip barspin making such a difficult combo look casual and smooth but here's my favorite part of the run the way he links this fork 720 the backflip 360 into this cash roll once again and in his first run he kind of landed a little bit sideways and I think that's what caused his rear tire to roll off the rim this time land it even smoother news is able to link it into a trick that I have never seen done a slopestyle contest off of a cannon a tale of two bars been squeaking that bar spin in on the last half second of air time before he touch the landing and I thought he was going for - he went for 3 callebs on that transfer and he finished things off with a nice smooth backflip we would have liked to see a variation in there but after he just filled all those tricks up on that course he was just trying to get down to the finish so the judges now deliberate and a score coming in for Nikolai broken and it is going to be a good one a 90.4 Oh nikolai where gakkeum goes into second so a tremendous performance but a young man he's now with Tina Dixon Nikolai you just jumped from 17th to 2nd how redeeming is that run it was stacked full of difficulty why no idea how nervous I was up there you know messing up the first run because of the flat and having to do that casual once again but the support of Whistler you know I had to send it and got it done so it couldn't be feel better so so everyone down here was biting their nails as you finished off with that well tell what were you telling yourself there Oh probably the scariest pack of all done you know just please trying to hang on and uh you know rolling through this finish girl no better feeling what a great second run guys all right thanks Tina camp that was a fantastic run well you heard it from Nikolai he was saying you know I'm in Whistler I just got ascended the thing I always think about is how do you remember all those tricks and you know after you get them all you can throw it all away if you mess it up on the last jump so he just put a stamp on it finished it got a score in the bag all right before a move on let's check in with Sal Thank You Todd you guys think that Bret reader can win the first ever Triple Crown of slope style what about Brandon seminoff he looks good for a record fourth Joyride either way there are ten days of mountain bike culture to celebrate here so why don't you guys get it off in the conversation follow the Red Bull Signature Series on Facebook Twitter Instagram you can go to Red Bull Signature Series com where we have even more exclusive bank works hunt and just for you Plus you download the Red Bull TV app to watch this show and catch up on every episode from all seasons you will this is joyriding Crankworx Whistler and our current leader Brandon's seminar a 93.8 oh is the mark to beat as Brett reader gets set for run number two a lot of pressure mounting here at Whistler everyone wanting to knock off the King for more on pressure let's check in with Tia Dixon well guys I'm now joined by Martin Soderstrom someone who knows a thing or two about pressure heading into that second run what is gonna be key for these riders Wow yeah it's a lot going on at the moment inside of your head I mean first of all you're obviously scared I mean you know that it's a dangerous sport just for me I know 2013 I was standing up there had a really good first run but also knew I had to step it up to be Brandon and I did everything I had last feature I broke my tape fib and was out out for 9 months so I mean that's how yeah how small it could be from like either perfect or you're gone for nine months so I mean that's the scary part about this board it's a fine line what do you think someone like Brett will do after having had that first fall will he stick with the same conservative run or do you think he'll just throw it all out on the table that's a good question that guy never stopped a surprise so I'm pretty sure he's just gonna go for it I mean he's not gonna settle for a second I think he really wanna beat Brandon and I mean it's the triple crown on the table so I think he's just gonna go out there try to forget about the crash and then just just try to be bent Brennan thanks so much for speaking with us some words of wisdom by Martin Soderstrom guys we'll send it back to you and Martin unable compete because of injury cam he's dead on the pressure really now is on Brett readers he tries for the first Triple Crown to sweep the whole thing well trying to be Brandon seminar on a slope style of course can be a very dangerous activity many people have broken bones trying to do it right now this guy Brett reader knows how to do he's done it twice this year but here on this stage this is where it matters most he is sitting on a thirty six point six oh that does him no good in our to bond format we only keep your best score the mark to beat 93.8 oh it's now or never for Brett Reiter backflip one footed count off that flat start drop opposite 360 bar spend a bar spin back there's that really boost the front flip bar spin here we go here's where things went awry for a breeder last run the backflip double chop can he get he gets it I think his foot slipped off right before the take-off to that second jump in the four pack that's it for Brett reader Wow so much pressure building so much on the line he got that trick that he couldn't land in the first run that backflip double tail fo right here you see his flip slip off all the compression coming into that lip and maybe his foot with a little bit on the toes or something it slipped off right there on his hopes at the triple crown just came to a screeching halt unfortunate for Brett reader and he is disappointed his day is done the 39 does him no good the good news though camis he does get the overall title for the year what a season for this guy would have been the amazing cap off to a great season if he would have won the Triple Crown but he still took the overall the Crankworx slopestyle world tour Louie Rabaul now set to drop in on his second run his first run score was a 46 - OH so a lot of work for him as he tries to re-energize the 25,000 fans here at Whistler after readers fall well we were bull another one of these French riders they're coming out in numbers this year such a great scene bustling in France there we go took a header off that up box 360 Taylor feet right to the pedals getting those she points we go up toboggan putting the hand on the seat out of that curved wall ride and a classic lure ripple flat spin three six in the first up of the four pack flipping the Canon log really hard to do it on that feature because it doesn't have a ramp it's a flat take-off really got to get behind the bike on the cabinet opposite 360 keeping his feet on the pedals this time smoothing it out from his last run so opposite 360 up regular 360 down bouncing out the tricks in this run for Louie rebel tuck no-hander into the whale tail and a back flip table out smooth land on the last future falooda ball this would be a big improvement remember his first one school is a 26.2 old the mark to beat is a ninety three point eight Oh see exactly what the judges thought of this his second and final run there we go there's that classic blue rebel style he's got such nice 360s and it is all about the style out here in slope style it's not just a trick it's how you make it look and a combo like that looks great the cannonball to tuck no-hander he goes opposite 360 on top of the cabin and land it really smooth this time and balances out the run by spinning regular off of it and a score coming in for Louisville his day is done and the scores gonna be impressive in a 70 4.40 so he jumps off into 6th place for the Frenchmen well the French riders shown they got what it takes to compete out here at slopestyle Super Bowl Yannick Granieri of France the 28 year old who was sitting on a 50-point for old from run number 1 up the mark considerably he's coming in with a new focus this year something has clicked with this guy and he's got new tricks in at 28 you don't usually see people coming in with new tricks they say you can't teach an old dog new tricks well this old dogs got it figured out at 28 years young Guarnere came in on his second run and he picked up a much better score 70 6.80 greggwatts also set to drop in now on run number 2 his first run score was a sixty eight point six oh well the former champion did what he does best those difficult combinations utilizing that front break not many athletes running that front break and he put down another smooth run two in the bag for Greg watts unfortunately does not improve on run number two so he sticks with a 68 point six oh all right so Brandon Seminole is your leader with a ninety three point eight Oh Logan Peet currently sits in third and that's a very precarious position cam on the podium but a lot of talent still to come Logan Peet scores an 85 even Logan Pete's sitting in that third spot you know if he could hang on to a podium that would just be the ultimate culmination of his recovery story Tommy G Tommy John own out of Belgium set to drop in now his first run score was good 70 1.80 but he is capable of so much more Thomas Shannon is one of those guys who just makes it look so incredibly easy he won in 2012 he wants to do it again he definitely has what it takes for an opposite 360 on that start drop and then regular 360 on the up box and then corks 720 on the step-up he gets a tuck no-hander out of that curveball right here's where stuff gets serious a backflip bar that looks like he got the tuck no-hander there delete the combo on a classic 360 inverted tabletop so the man who wanted all in 2012 is getting close to the bottom does he have enough 360 tuck no-hander on the catalogue a dog a whip transfer on the hip and look at this when he lands his head does not walk he's so composed suicide no hit her up flat drop flip he's got that one this year one more feature the mark to beat is a ninety three point eight oh we come sprinting into that whale tail with a tail up in and a 360 bar spin attend the soft down smooth run for Commission on so the 21 year old from Belgium gets a great second run but will it be enough to knock off the king remember 93.8 o is a big score well Thomas on just oozes style and he makes these opposite tricks just but they look naturally look regular the judges love that they want to have to think whether it's a opposite or a regular Thomas should not bring it back to the old school with a suicide no hander and then go a new school with that flat drop backflip off the cabin now none of that matters unless you put the nail in the coffin on the last feature he had the tail whip in which is one of the more difficult tricks you'll see into that whale tail feature and then wow you phone with the bars a little bit there with a 360 bar has been you can't even tell him full speed you can only tell in slow mode so smooth so Tommy G's day is done he now waits for the score to come down 93 80 maybe a bit much for him but he comes in with an 88 hahaha so Genoa is now on the podium here at Joyride oh man it's been a while since he stood on that podium three years he wants to get back up there now remember cam McCaul the mark to beat is a ninety three point eight oh and no one has left everyone sticking around to see what happens Sam Reynolds sitting on a seventy four point eight oh well Sam Reynolds he's trying to get up to the top of that mountain the Brandon's standing on saying hey guys can you climb this thing - he's got the backflip tail for the first time in the four pack and then that classic nobody can know hander with that freestyle motorcross influence I love how he's kind of taking inspiration from other sports and put it on this slopes off or backflip up 360 down on the cabin then on the whale tail finishing things off with tuck no-hander up and a nice low backflip tuck no-hander with great extension getting that flip variation on the final feature is what the judges love the 24-year old lad from Great Britain would get eighty 3.60 on run number two how about Tomas Lemoine of France the 18 year old out of Marseille was sitting on an 80 1.20 we dropped for run number two well he may be a young gun but he's got so much experience at riding for so long getting that 720 with the invert it's going upside down and getting the style in there with the tabletop so many flipped combos there and then onto that cabin with that cannonball taking everything off the bike grabbing the seat and 360 X up off of that cabin this kid's got such a huge future in the sport it's kind of crazy to think that he's only 18 right now he picks up an 86 points six so so Tomas Lemoine moves into fourth place back to action here at Whistler Logan Pete's set to drop in just 25 years of age trying to dethrone that man Brandon Seminole who has a ninety three point eight oh it all comes down to this Logan Pete gets a 93 point 800 or better and Brandon's SEMATECH has to take his final run if he doesn't Brendan somewhat up gets the victory lap well it's an interesting scenario too because Logan Pete's sitting up there he's like the only guy in the world who knows what else Brandon seminar has planned for a second run if he has to do it so he knows what he has to do Tolman ultimately beat him if he can post a top score beating Brandon's first run score so his buddy sends him off Brennan sent up with some well wishes and we are set to go Logan Pete it's all or nothing time there we go Logan people the 360 off the start drop the opposite 360 X up on the up box and that smooth 720 this time connecting privat to the landing he had a little bit of a case last time this time not the case here we go taking a lot of speed into that four pack there with the backflip bar spin he wanted that combo that he had in the first run he had that tuck no-hander to tail up but man getting those combos are so tough because you don't get the first one well the train fell off the tracks a couple obstacles ahead and then not having speed to the 360 on that cannon that'll be hit from Logan Pete and with Logan Pete coming unglued from the bike that means that Brandon Seminole is your winner the 93.8 o stands the test of time the first person to ever win this event four times man oh man they we call it the Superbowl of slope style and they actually give away Superbowl style rings every time you win this contest Brandon he's got four from now you know hopefully we see him back next year to try to fill that entire hand this is what's great about this young man he could just cruise to the bottom and say I've already got the title but he's gonna come out and give the fans here 25,000 fans a little something to send him off with well I can't wait to see what he chooses right here it doesn't matter what the judges think he's just gonna put some style into this run Brandon seminar has the best style in the game he's got the trick to win the contest but boom look at that 360 inverted table completely upside-down I know everybody out there just loves watching him do a run for himself right now he's buzzing inside that helmet just having a blast this victory lap back to the bar spin it stock no hander the trick anybody would be so pumped to get on their run he's just doing it for higgles couple straight airs put some style on this one but the fans here knowing that this is it this is the champion a great opportunity to watch one the very best in the business go to work oh he's even up in his run right now he did a flat drop flip on that in his first run he did the flat drop foot one foot it can hear the last chance to celebrate a 360 bar spin off that final feature just going to show all he is and you know it wasn't easy I know how hard he worked for this but man does he ever make it look easy and the boys are there to bring him home Brandon seminar a four-time champion of this prestigious event people work their whole careers just to kind of get a taste of that podium maybe win it just once four times that's absolutely unheard of so the final standings look like this Brendan seminar is your winner for the fourth time nicolai bruh God can jumps all the way up into second and Thomas Janome with an impressive performance ends up in third Lemoine in fourth and Pete rounding out the top five so many good stories here I mean Thomas jinan getting back on that podium that's huge for him it's been three years he's so consistent we knew he could do it again Logan Pete it's not gonna be his year to get on the podium can't wait to see him back next year what a performance though by Brandon Seminole his first run is the winning run and he's now with Tina Brandon it has not been the easiest year for you you started out in Rotorua with that crash and then not getting the run that you wanted and ladies out but to finish off this way with your fourth joy ride win what does this mean to you it's like like a complete redemption for the bad season I had at the start of the year so I'm so happy yeah when did you start to fill it on this course when did being start to click I honestly like felt really good in practice and I felt good in practice and all the other events too it's just that I don't even know I just I needed that run you needed that run and how much did experienced at the other events competing at all the other joyrides payoff for you today I don't think you can never have too much experience here it's just like so so stressful and so many people and you just want to perform and put on a good show so I think I've done it before but it's still hard every time well you did it again today congratulations guys thank you very much Teena Brandon summit extends the fans home very happy on a picture-perfect day in British Columbia he reigns supreme for the fourth time last year Brandon semeth became the first rider to take three wins at joy ride today he shattered anyone's dreams of catching him reaching the podium for the seventh time and standing on top for a record fourth title it was this porc 720 of the railTel step down the true illustrates just how incredible his dominance is a trick others are just starting to attempt on traditional jumps Brandon threw one on am one of the hardest features on the course dedication focus and a love of the sport has given SEMATECH not only a win here today but the Red Bulls signature moments congratulations to Brandon semenov I cam your final thoughts on a dominating performance well out all the attributes you mentioned Todd love for the sport I think that's the main one that's carried Brandon semuc to the top step of the podium a record four times it's so tough to be consistent in this sport and listening to his final interview with Tina he even says you know he messed up two big runs this year and he didn't know if he was gonna be able to salvage the season but he did where it counts the most out here in Whistler so congratulations one more time to Brandon some enough and we send it back to south Thank You Todd thanks you guys at home hanging out with us here on Planet good times that is Joyride Crankworx Whistler in British Columbia Canada Congrats to brandon seminoff repeating and capturing for the record fourth win third consecutive and seventh podium finish here at joy ride that is a title that only he can claim in pure domination also congrats to Nikolaj Roy Gaskin and Tomas Shannon rounding up at podium plus shout to Canadian Bret reader he did not win the Triple Crown but he does still walk away with the Crankworx World Tour slopes out championship winning two of this year's three events we'll see you next time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Red Bull
Views: 1,005,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: red bull, redbull, action sports, extreme sports, Brandon Semenuk, Nicholi Rogatkin, Thomas Genon, Tomas Lemoine, Logan Peat, joy ride, joyride, red bull joyride, joyride mountain biking, joyride whistler, crankworx, crankworx whistler, slopestyle, dirt jump, north shore riding, slope style, mountain bike, mtb, mountain biking, whistler, freeride, downhill mountain biking, bike park, joyride 2015, joyride mtb, red bull signature series joyride
Id: Jbf47tdwDbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 45sec (3525 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 13 2015
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