Red Bull Straight Rhythm 2014 I Live Look Back

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[Music] the time has come to usher in a new brand of dirt bike race some of the most courageous motorcycle riders in the world have accepted the challenge of a race track without turns [Music] it's the first ever Red Bull strength rhythm [Music] from Pomona California they set up a supercross track the likes of which we've never seen before it's the red bull straight rhythm hello everyone Jason wagon joined by seven-time a main national champion Rick Johnson and RJ this is gonna be something incredible it's an unwound supercross track and we'll show you the race format that we're gonna do where I'm gonna do laps today it's made it's basically side-by-side drag racing motocross style format has two classes 250 and open generally 450 bikes in that division will have around a 16 then we'll work our way to quarterfinals semifinals a race off for third place and of course the finals with the fastest two riders throughout the afternoon in both classes but the real key it's a two out of three matchup in every single round so if you make one mistake you better bounce back and get back to work very quickly what's gonna happen and that's where stamina is gonna play key so you have to be fast every round but if it does do one and one where each guy wins an event it goes to into a sudden-death victory so the third the winner of the third event transfers so you want to make sure you're as fast you can be every time out now we've never seen a race quite like this before some of the riders have written a track like this but what's gonna happen when we actually drop the gates and make it happen what's awesome about this is that you take all the elements of a supercross track and you set it best you unwind it you make it straight so we're not going around the circle when I do anything and a couple elements have changed right now 50 seconds of fury so there's no waiting there's no pacing yourself and there's no waiting for the next lap it's one lap get to the finish absolutely let's get a rider's perspective we'll send it to kelli stavast he's with James Stewart and he was the fastest qualifier in the open round and yesterday we saw you gain a lot of ground on your brother Malcolm through that whoop section where do you see the biggest opportunity to gain ground or potentially lose it against the rest of the field probably this rhythm section up here these guys are going like three four four something so got to figure that one out it and it whoops again the tracks a little dried or dated know what yesterday so the whoops are getting a little tougher so the speed probably be a little slower today as you move through the field how might your writing style change depending on who your match against specifically travis pastrana on that two-stroke i just got to try to stay away from no dog me and Travis is joking around I told him to stay on the white side a lot he'll be all right so we will find out alright James Stewart will face Scott champion in this first round of 16 for a look at our 250 class near Cena Dixon thanks Kelly I am with the number one qualifier in the 250 class in Marvin you've had a chance to race out on the track some practice time how confident are you with your lines at this point why I'm confident but you know it's not easy you know one mistake and then the guy next you can pass you right away so it's it's gonna be really interesting I'm really excited looks like lots of people aren't here today so it's a beautiful day it's really hot but yeah can't wait to get out there it's and try to win every red eye I'm in there you know and then try to make it to the main event it's gonna be some great racing today back to you guys thanks Kelly and Tina and thanks of course for 16 fast guns of 250 s in the open class coming and racing with us but we wants you to be part of the program as well so here's our call to action give us your hashtag straight rhythm on your Twitter and your Instagram and everything on social media and follow along with our live web cast here I doubt you ever gonna put a little pressure on you before we put it on the riders we've seen qualifying give us some favorites what a huge expect to be up front well I want to start off with the two guys that no one's expecting to win it's travis Pastrana and grant Langston but both of these guys we watched them yesterday and they threw down great runs with 50 seconds not 20 minutes it can be all the difference in the world and Travis has that big to 500 two-stroke so he's gonna be fast later on but it's getting dry and slick gonna be a little bit sketchy so the guys that were fast James Stewart Malcolm Stewart I got to go with those guys in the main of it for 500 or the open class I should say and Marvin and Hill they look dynamite when it came to to the lights and it was really cool is when you get these guys together they really seem to push each other to another level so once we get to some racing it should be really fun to watch let's get a little more perspective from the riders here on this first ever of it I decided to race in the Red Bull straight rhythm because it just looked like an absolute blast I mean I still ride dirt bikes all the time and this year I've been really focusing on the fun events for this event that come out really excited I think the events gonna be awesome and the reason why it's a straight rhythm it's a half a mile and it's down a drag strip no turns just straight wide open everything as fast as you can hear a ball it just try and get to the end first I've always been a jumper kind of guy so to be able to just have pretty much a straight rhythm section in a row definitely kind of suits my style a track with no turns definitely plays to my strengths I've always been known for the guys spend most aggressive wheelies in the whoops and you don't have to come out of a turn hit the whoops you should be able to take more chances than everybody else I don't know if I'm still willing to do that but for one race helliya I think the concept to the race is really cool and unique it's something you just to kind of break down and the bracket racing of being able to race against a few different people a few different times before moving on to the next level so I don't know I don't really know what to expect that's the cool thing about it it's kind of gonna be challenging and you know you also gotta think it's not that you got to worry about the guy next to you it's also you got to think about what's in front of you half a mile it's just different we know turns he just got to be really precise with your your timing and you're being really smooth and your mistakes and it's really hard to say how I'm gonna stack up I haven't raced these guys in forever I feel like I'm as good as I was when I was racing but times change man people dress everyone gets faster so now if I can just be competitive with these guys I'll be pretty happy to me I'm excited for this is gonna be fun like you know it's something completely different than we've never done before so I'm really excited there's a lot that can happen so I think this event is gonna put every rider kind of on a more equal playing field I feel like everybody's so excited about it and they can't wait to see you see us racing well this is unbelievable we did lay it out side by side with a drag racing course but it's double the length to get to that 50 so second lap time they're used to from Supercross crazy well we got everything in right in the middle you can see at the midway point we have a sand section where they separate so you lose contact with the other guy and that's where Travis with that 500 has been making ground I don't know about my prediction here a minute ago I was talking about all these I see all these different guys it's open let's show you the course here with our animated track map it gave me an idea Vivaan how they built this thing we start out with a flat track racing facility they bring in a ton of dirt well as a matter of fact they started with a very tricky rhythm section a lot of riders think that's the most difficult part of all well in Supercross normally when you take off you just got a long section so you go first second third year or second third gear into the first turn now they before they hit third gear they're already going into a roller section then they have to go into a heart breaking into a wall into a rhythm section where they're doing some two three some three four and then they're doing step on step offs with that long old-school roller section or we're seeing guys where I think it looks kind of cool hanging off the back of the bike like we did back in the eighties and as they generate that kind of speed they're up to fourth gear with they normally don't it is Supercross they're hitting a 90 footer at the finish line which is much bigger than the typical Supercross gym well baby when you watch these guys doing it they're just having fun with it they throw a sideway we've seen a little tribute to Jeremy McGrath's couple knack knacks and things like that so at that point they're having fun it's really what it's all about although we're gonna get down to business and actually do some serious racing in a moment will give me some of the facts behind this track there are 80 jumps so good luck figuring out all the fast lines with a little bit of practice they've had and what's really interesting that section five back to back tabletops are just going on and off on it off exactly 30 feet of whoops do the longest jump is 90 feet 10,000 cubic yards of dirt unbelievable 1000 semi-truck loads I mean that's a lot of dirt absolutely ok so let's see what it's like to actually be on board and ride we'd set Carey Hart one of the big names of this sport out here with the helmet cam I'll show you what it's like to actually ride it hey what's up everybody I'm Carey Hart I'm here to give you the course preview at Red Bull Strait rhythm all right here I am pulling in the starting gate at this point race is getting ready to take off our PNG up waiting for the gate to drop pop out the start now keep in mind this is coming from a very old washed-up Supercross riders perspective so I may get to see this thing as fast as possible this section right here is probably one of the most technical parts guys are done one with that single at any point through here you can see different rhythms doubles triples a couple guys were quadding this section right here this is gonna be where the race is kind of won and loss in my opinion because this is where the guys are having the most trouble with speed bumps up double double through this part also you have your step up off off off and 1/3 off this point my heart was beating pretty hard but you know I was able to keep it on two wheels this section actually works out really well you can't get hit couple deep breaths it's a tricky sand section into a little speed check now right here you have 10 different singles some guys are tripling through I saw a couple guys spotting through but these are all the exact same size coming into this technical double I did not do the double because I was the guinea pig out there that day but actually watching some of these guys are really struggling with that section here we go into the whoops once again Supercross has changed quite a bit since 1998 when I erased it but I got my way through it they start to open up here these are more like sand rollers off the back of the bike skimming and here you come into the big finish line on a foot note once again I did not feel like guinea pig in this sucker today but you'll see all the all the big boys doing the proper job and that's your rhythm not bad for a guy who just writes a motorcycle for fun now adays that's not money for him anymore he lets the riders do that fans really starting to roll in here to Pomona and it's gonna be a very hot day out here as well so that might test a rider is also an you see them water in the track we expect it's going to change a lot because of that sunshine exactly right Jason and some of the guys went from intermediate tires yesterday because that's what you're gonna want from the start but as they're going down and building speed the Sun is drying out the track of this is becoming hard to slick so a lot of the guys went to the Dunlop part back tire we're gonna start our racing today with our 250 class let's show you the lineup of riders who qualified yesterday some big gains guys like Justin Bogle won a Supercross title this year Marvin moose can a two-time world champion a motocross from Europe that some other riders on the comeback trail some amateur is a great mix of veterans and newcomers we'll show you what it looked like yesterday when we ran our qualifying Justin Bogle forthwith Supercross title under his belt I think a favorite coming in I'm sure he wants more than fourth place today well he's one of those writers that have been on his bike for a while but some of the guys this is their first actual riding competition like right now we're seeing Jesse Nelson who is who's been there with teal the TLD team but now they're not on Honda's anymore they are on KTMs and KTM was on fire they had the two Red Bull KTM factory riders Justin Hill new to the team our vamoose Ken who's been on for a while they were facing off together in practice and they pushed each other to be first and second in qualifying right there and you know I love the way he'll just we lead off that tabletop did he has so much confidence doesn't even put his front wheel down just keeping the rhythm and going forward so at least what we saw yesterday the KTM bikes are gonna be the ones to beat there one two three in the qualifying times understand Hill and Nelson and that leads us to this bracket essentially you have the fastest riders against the slowest early in the program so moose kin who was number one will go against a 16th fastest MacNeil the freestyle specialist and they'll work their way forward into again quarterfinals semis and then the final and to give everybody an idea the gap that we've seen from Marvin in the 16th place rider was seven seconds so there is a pretty big gap but those guys have also gotten a chance to move forward and they got to see what the faster riders did to try to pick up their times here are the matchups again OB boosts can against McNeill the Australian rider who's ridden freestyle but did qualify for a couple of motocross Nationals this summer as well so he's no slouch and then the next round this should be a fun one he'll you really like the speed that he was showing Darren Durham a new member of a KTM squad as well he's on the gas yeah as well and these guys they're learning as the day goes on they're going faster and faster every run so yesterday was their first day on the track so I'm not gonna put all of my faith in qualifying Jordan Smith an amateur rider moving up to the pros against Cody Gilmour who's a real veteran his racing Supercross an arena crossing his time so that should be interesting Justin Bogle let's see what he can do and also Ryan Surratt son of a guy that I used to race with and so did Jeremy McGrath Willie Surratt so it's gonna be interesting he's a young guy let's see what he can do Chris Blose the veteran normally races of 450 plans on racing arena cross on a 250 this year so he drops into this division against Austin pala telly a popular privateer from not too far from here also Jesse Nelson with the TLD team against Keith Tucker so this is they're starting to get a little bit closer matched at this and then beyond that tucker one of the amateur riders then you have a rider who was sensational as an amateur in the side of rough go of it as a probe making a comeback today Nico is he taking on the very popular privateer Tevin Tapia just John Justin Hill is out there against Michael leave Michael liebe another local boy from California did some phenomenal things went to Europe came back should be a great run let's send it back to Tina well I am with one of the favorites in the 250 class Justin as you guys prepare out here you'll be racing head-to-head it's a little bit different format so what's the greatest challenge when he got the other guy right there next to you um you gotta get a good starting you got to not make any mistakes at all that's the tough thing is there's not enough time in the race to make that backup so just being clean with your lines and trying to minimize the mistakes and it's hot out here how do you think this heats gonna affect the track I mean the track is already pretty dry and it's gonna get dusty so not ideal conditions but we're out here it's hot it's you know 100-plus so it is what it is everyone's got a race its own best of luck I know you guys are hungry to get out there guys I'll send it back to you now you would think with just a fifty second lap time ah they can't get tired the heats not gonna be that much of a factor but these guys were very winded by the end of those 50 second runs and you throw this heat in here it's gonna be a big factor yeah as Justin said it's a hundred plus and they're doing intervals so imagine if you ever did any kind of workout that you running a sprint around a lap then you walk a lap but then you do another sprint it's the first one not so bad second one's starting to get bad third fourth fifth sixth they start to get painful so it's how fast you recover is gonna be the key here now the other thing though that you've experienced in your racing days these guys do train in the heat it's not a complete shock to the system these guys have ridden these conditions plenty of times well Kelly and Tina have have more they're gonna be in the heat more than the riders the winds actually gonna feel good but they're gonna sweat like a ton as soon as they stop interesting okay we're getting opening ceremonies underway here in Pomona let's send it down for our national anthem [Music] [Music] we brought rides and rides doors [Music] we [Music] [Music] oh say does that star-spangled banner' [Music] the late [Music] and [Music] [Music] that's seedless performing the national anthem here the crowd the background started to get fired up we're not too far away from racing here one of the big stories well to come back from this rider for more let's send it back to Kelly motocross events are normally divided into two classes for 50 and 250 and that would be the case here at red bull straight rhythm if not for the unique taste of one man travis Pastrana will be riding this 500 CC two-stroke Suzuki affectionately called RM Zilla earlier this week Travis sat down with us to tell us why he thinks this bike could give him an advantage and just how he plans on winning here at straight rhythm the rebel straight rhythm is right up my alley I mean it's everything I'm good at all the jumps all the aggression - the terms in the slowing down part the beauty of this event the rebels putting on is you can pretty much run anything it's a drag race I'm a two-stroke guy the bike gonna run is a 500 cc two-stroke in an rmz 450 frame the arm Zilla is basically my answer to everyone saying you have to ride four strokes because they're just so much more powerful now I've got the most powerful bike on the track [Music] I'm excited I feel really good on the bike but even though I'm as fast as I was in 2003 I don't know that's it cutting everyone else a strategy is to stay as low as possible well I want to use the 500 I'm just gonna try to jump as many things as possible so my strategy is to touched it down the least amount of times and hopefully that'll get me to the finish line first the Red Bull straight of course is gonna be so much fun I just can't wait to see everyone out there have a good time [Music] well thanks to this 500 tooth trick it truly is an open class and you can explain to the folks used to ride bikes like that a two-stroke is faster than a four-stroke cc to CC and then he's got 50 extra CC on top of that exactly what we saw yesterday was Travis was making time at the end of the sections but what would it happen with that four-stroke has so much torque it's it's he's getting pulled right from the very beginning but when it comes to top speed nothing matches that 500 it's gonna be fun let's show you what it looked like in our open division these are the riders that will be competing Travis certainly one of the big names among some good to see James Stewart back in action Greg likes to my broadcast partner in Lucas Oil Pro Motocross like Pastrana gonna be a racer again at least for one day today he look pretty good in qualifying yesterday Josh Hill that's Justin's brother he had some phenomenal battles with Dean Wilson direct throughout practice yesterday but and also one of the guys that did one of the most remarkable things in Supercross Kyle partridge he did that wheelie where he he rhythm doesn't rhythm but manual like six whoops Oh unbelievable yeah he's a big tall guy we'll see what that does on the track like this here's some highlights from the riding yesterday Justin Brayton new to the BTO Sports KTM team was matched up against most Ronna in their practice and qualifying runs makes a mistake if Pastrana goes by his one mistake he was kind of lollygagging a little bit and then Travis pulls off the first win he's swapping side to side great job and it was cool to see Malcolm and Team Stewart hooked up in their runs together Malcolm gave his older brother all I could handle and for that he ends up four fast pretty impressive what was great these two guys went back and forth you know everything that nothing is the same different bikes different body types but they do come from the same household Brayton ended up third-fastest a lot of people think he's a dark horse pig always fast through the groups and the jump combinations he's back on KTM he loves it we talked to him and he really enjoys riding the bike and then Wilson adjusted her new KTM himself again see these highlights to admit to the battle that he had with Josh Hill once Wilson figured it out in his final two practice runs he ended up second fastest I have to tell you I was watching Dean Wilson yesterday and he was figuring out the bike every time he said this is the third time on the bike he's getting more and more comfortable every time and the fastest overall perhaps no surprise James in those runs of Malcolm Malcolm ended up fourth and James was the fastest qualifier nearly broke that 52nd mark we'll see if he can get onto that today it's gonna be interesting to see what happens does he have something up his sleeve because he was talking about well should I maybe do three or four we don't know but James Stewart always protected or watching that's usually this style keeping that stuff as they say in the back pocket and using it come race times and we might not have seen the best of Malcolm and teams and the rest of this field until we go racing today here are the brackets to preceded by those qualifying sessions again the fastest against the slowest in the first round so Scotty champions got to go up against Stuart champion a privateer Estrada will be racing against Josh Hansen that is maybe a great race both guys very tall both guys very fast Josh Hill also against Vince freezy it's gonna be a great race so again champion against Stewart that will start it off about a 4 second gap between champions lap time and Stewart's we call it a lap time we called a straight time you can you don't go around and straight rhythm you go through excellent point second round is the one we're really intrigued by travis Pastrana and Josh Hansen josh has come back and forth back and forth he's done everything from X Games to freestyle best whip and all that so both guys unbelievably talented and then after those two square often their best two out of three the next group he'll that's the older brother of Justin from the 250 class switching over to the Kawasaki after racing Supercross on Suzuki's last year against Vince freezy who's a privateer on Suzuki then we got Malcolm Stewart and Brett Metcalfe Malcolm looked very good he's also got in his back pocket the guy with the fastest lap time so he can converse back and forth with James but I think once it gets to a main event if you see a Stewart event all bets are off would certainly be exciting to watch think Kyle Chisholm who's been racing all over the place including his summer in Canada back down here in the states he'll be going up against Kyle partridge you mentioned earlier partridge the tallest rider out here we'll see how that plays on over a long rough course like this Justin Brayton and also Ryan Morris Ryan is one of those guys that's a test rider for KTM a spot opened up Ryan came out was very fast yesterday getting more and more comfortable back into the Supercross but Justin Brayton was on fire yesterday racing against Travis next up you'll see Shane McDowell Rath normally a 250 rider he'll be on a 350 KTM now debut for the team TLD on those bikes Jake Canada privateer here from California will be facing him and then then we have Dean Wilson who was who looks very very comfortable getting very fast and also grant Langston great to see the old boy out there yeah and he look good speaking of Dean Wilson who was second fastest he's down trackside would kill me second fastest after making the switch from Kawasaki to KTM and from 250 up to 450 Dean with all the changes you come out in qualified second how were you able to get a handle on this bike so quickly I feel pretty good just I don't have much time on it so I'm just going to have fun it's a fun event it's only straight no turn so just yeah go go as fast as I can in a straight line and hopefully I get to the finish bars can you and isn't there any reason to hold back and some of the earlier rounds and save a little something for the end yeah I think in the earlier ends I could maybe try some different things to see what's faster I was kind of tinkering around to practice even if I could do this one rhythm section it's it's really big but if I can make it happen it would be fast so what to see how it goes and yeah well we'll do my best right Dean Wilson off to a good start in this open class almost time to get racing here but first let's send it back to Tina well thanks guys I am now here with Sal Masekela the host of the Red Bull Signature Series salad you have seen a lot over the last couple years but what what is it about the Signature Series that sets it apart from any other show or event I think my favorite thing about Signature Series is that we take existing sports that people already love and figure out ways just to put a little salt a little pepper a little spice on it and and try something new and you get to do them in the most authentic places in them in the places where the sports are really you know the audiences are used to seeing them and then they get amped up for it and something like this straight rhythm is like this is crazy you know here we are in the high he a place that you know is known for its dirtbike love and then you take like Excitebike which I used to play as a kid fervently and now it's in real life and when I walked up here and I saw this track and seeing these guys just have at it it's exciting it's one of the things I think that makes the Signature Series special and when will this event be part of the Signature Series this is gonna be December 20th on NBC so just think of it as like your pre Christmas party it's gonna be a good day guys Kelly I'll send it over to you [Music] Cossack Freiberg who qualified 9th era in the 250 classic all weekend long all the riders are talking about how much fun this event is but now as we get ready to get it started how are the nerves not too bad you know you just look at it like you do every other race and just go out there and have fun you know it's tough and it's technical but you know as long as you you know keep it on two wheels and stay in your lane I think you'll be good you'll be facing Darren Tournament Durham anything that you need to do in relation to competing against him to come out on top not really just be consistent I mean that's gonna be the main key you know not screwing up and some of the rhythms just just be consistent that's going to be the key all right we're ready to get these 250 class races underway Jason thanks Kelly well show you some of the rules here that the riders are going to have to follow you're not able to block pass and take guys out in corners but you do still have to be careful to stay in your lane while you're riding do not change lanes it sounds like driver's education but here's the deal these this is a drag race you going side by side but if we've seen guys the way they scrub some guys favor the ride some guys favor the left so the wheel has it leaks over a little bit but do not change lane because the guy could have so much speed coming up on you yeah and also different than a typical Supercross or motocross race if you go off course normally the rule is you can just drive along the side skip the obstacle as long as you don't gain time here you have to clear every obstacle so you'll have to turn around on the side of the track do a 180 come back and make sure you do all the obstacles no matter how bad your run is you have to do all the obstacles get to the finish well that was where grant Langston died we're talking is because they asked me the producers asked me hey Rick do you want to take a lap which is not ileft you want to take a shot at it no I do not carry hard thank you very much for jumping on that grenade for me but grant Langston we joked about it why don't you just start go off to the right go all the way down don't don't don't make an advantage and they go for the end but you can't do that if you can go off basically you're racing your round is over save your energy and come back for the next round well that brings up something you were saying all throughout practices today you cannot give up if you make a huge mistake early and fall behind you can come back but if you end up winning your race you can celebrate like travis Pastrana likes to I think he does a back flip coming out of bed in the shower backups everything that guy just and as a matter of fact Travis you didn't backflip the the the short course truck at the race they share you side flipped it but you still were successful and getting that thing over and over and over and over it's interesting mix sometimes on purpose flips and flips it didn't happen let's give you the race format again here again we have two classes two 50s and the open class which is primary 4:54 strokes and a few wildcards in there and it's a round of sixteen and then we'll break it through to eight riders four riders two riders to battle for third and then the finals we can conceivably the two fastest riders here and every round is best two of three riders in the gate and we're ready to go racing here we're gonna start it with a 250 class we previewed it earlier Marvin musk and the Frenchman former two-time world champion against Jared McNeill who's a freestyler who is no slouch at a motocross by qualified for two Lucas Oil Pro Motocross nationals just this summer so he knows what he's doing now let's point out the lane choice faster time gets the choice but they have to flip right going into their second run right so a lot of guys we've seen guys winning on both lanes so as the track deteriorates and guys are watching it the lane the preferred lane might change also these gates are wider than an average supercross gate were in a supercross you get one rut here you can move slightly to the left or slightly to the right because I use it a turn when I was a riding coach condition before position you want the best condition of your starting spot so you go straight over the gate and so the jump is so the gate is not your first obstacle or jump here it is we're starting Red Bull Street breath until first time ever muskan with a good run both guys front side myself you see Marvin get a great start and now he's up to about Franklin and it's the riders say maybe the trickiest rhythm Lane of all and you've seen moose calves stretching it to get onto that table step on step off some of the guys were jumping over the top of that table but with that lip it helps them out quite a bit Marvin's staying low for the dragon back and pulling his lead even further and now picking up a lot of speed but they're gonna have a wall jump and now the sand section this is labeled as the midway point of the run you might not think that the riders know what's going on but they can hear if a guy is right beside them so right now Marvin can relax a little bit and take his eyes off of not just attacking 100% but looking for other lines for the next round and once they hit this double its into this tabletop and Supercross style whoops that is you'd like to say those old-school rollers this is where they pick up the most speed they're gonna have at any point and a finish line jump moose can't takes the first matchup again it's best two out of three he'll be back to race McNeal again once a few other riders have gone through let's show you some of the highlights watching Marvin he's got a combination of absorbing the jumps to stay low watch his head this is what I'm gonna focus on all day long but right here over the top of the rhythm section he gets over that dragon back nice and clean clears the thing scrubs the next jump on step off and watch this nice stays it stays real low now gets on off into the big whoops stays pretty balanced then he starts to lean back hold smooth straight to the finish and we'll follow it up with this Darren Durham up against Zack Freebird Durham just now adjusting to this new team he's going to be on the Lucas Oil Troy league squad which is switched from Honda to KTM so a new ride for Durham let's see how he does up against at Freiburg could be talked to earlier [Music] great starts by both racers looks like Durham gets a slight advantage going into the first wall Freiburg then able to get back in front of him they say that this double is one of the tricky is because it sets you up for this rhythm lane and Freiburg holding it so right now still about a half by clamp-on Durham Freiburg is AB is a very tall lanky rider these using this height as an advantage some of the old-school guys like are on the shape we're very good at using this long legs to help them out we'll see that later with Dean Wilson doram making a run this is a wall jumping into the sand and this is a great race they are absolutely side by side we went when he comes to betting you would think that the Dermott smoker but right now Freiburg is doing an awesome job and that's what we said these guys are gonna get more and more comfortable each time but that was a game-changer right there yeah triple through the center of that for doram Freiburg only doubled and now Durham's has got to put his head down and get to the end of these boots careful don't hit the white line Darrin nice job by both drivers but want to give it to Durham he's the one that has what you said earlier do not give up don't don't don't relax at all we're going to show you in slow mo here on the tables both riders getting on and off very very cleanly but Durham stays a little bit lower right here and he also gets right up on top so both riders doing great do it using everything to their advantage the next matchup this is interesting with a lot of the amateur riders coming through the ranks Jordan Smith I believe will have to race a couple rounds of Arenacross to earn his Supercross standing for next year against Cody Gilmour who's done the arena cross thing and the Supercross thing he's a real veteran at this but Smith a lot of people buzzing about this kid yesterday showed some great style and Smith what about a bike length going into the whoops Oh see if you can carry it all the way through right now are they break you can hear and you can also feel what a rider's next to Schmitt tripling out of that first big double trying to get around you see 53 digit number cuz he's yet to earn any professional points this is essentially the first professional race of his life but he looks strong but these guys come from Loretta lens upon descending everything so they're no slouch they've been racing at a top level for a long time and right now he cannot get here that he's got a lead he can relax just a little bit but not too much because we've seen riders come back from catching right back up but Jordan Smith seems to have this course handled pretty well right now he's headed through the tabletop and in the whoops goes into the tall Supercross style whoops and we can see it's starting to get dry and slick Jason and now he starts to lean his way back for the old-school rollers but right there Smith with a 53 second so he's about a second off of Marvin well done though for Jordan Smith taking the win over Cody Gilmour go right back to the starting line Justin Bogle out of height coming into this one with the Supercross title last year Ryan Surratt still an amateur at this point he'll probably race Loretta Lynn's next August before turning pro it's a great opportunity to get some experience on a supercross type track these guys will remember this for the rest of their life they're rubbing the rubbing elbows with the guys that they want to beat in two years so to get a chance to go out and preview what yours what's what you have in store for you in a couple years is priceless but Bogle is the defending champion in Supercross right now you can see him getting ready all fired up but he cannot see what that riders doing next row that's the difference between here in Supercross you don't have that elbow and once we complete this run that's four straight runs and we'll go back to the top we'll have moose scan against McNeil Durham and Freebirds Smith Gilmore and then run these guys again we'll have an a group and then it will follow it with the B group so everyone will have their second runs coming up after this talk to Bogle this morning he said madness is fun this is his style of race he's having a good time but now it's time to get serious things exactly but he also knows got a great jump about a half a bike length on Surat but right now so rad looks like you might be coming back manuals the last four bumps oh there he goes good job on the kid you're dealing with the Supercross Champion here he's just an amateur and he was side by side for a moment then one jump combo that Bogle was able to get down a little bit quicker allows the Geico Honda man to open it up if you're wonderful some of the guys if you if you're not a supercross fan you're wondering what the guy is doing hanging off the side of the bike that's called scrubbing what he's doing is trying to keep his body and his CG as low as possible so as he comes up to these jumps he wanted to stay as low as you can and jump as many obstacles as possible again it's best two out of three so if Bogle wins this one they'll still come back and race again in a rider wins two in a row the other rider is eliminated if they both go one and one they will have a third one as they run off Bogle has this one over Surat and a little leg swag as they call it over that big finish line jump he did a fifty two point five so he's still about a half a second off of Marvin we watched him moguls you see is taking his leg off what he's trying to do is force the front of the bike down so by him what that looks like spurring the spur in the motorcycle like a cow he's trying to get that front wheel down get his weight forward so he can accelerate as hard as possible as soon as he gets back on the ground you don't have time to land set up and go Bogle is charging 100% but you mentioned that lap time Bogle sure looked impressive but the quickest run there was moose cam with a fifty one seven he's now back at the starting gate run number two between he and MacNeil again it's best to of three so if moose can wins this one MacNeil is eliminated and moose cam will move on into the quarterfinals if McNeill wins it then these two will be back for the rubber match which would be the third in the best two of three format so as a rider you're gonna prefer one lane over the other because like as I was saying before sometimes guys favor scrubbing to the left or to the right what I mean by that is when you throw the bottle back of the bike out do you like it out to the left or to the right myself I was preferred throwing throwing it to the right a little bit but that was just my style most guys prefer left and again they flip-flopped those lanes Moo scam was on the opposite side the first time around so we'll see if McNeal can fare a little bit better here being on the riders right [Music] giving launch for mood scan a little lead going into this first set of rollers now this double lot of runners sitting are very tricky Marvin is flying and I would match that against any any open fight time Marvin was right on the money and Marvin's not a real big guy so he matches up very very good on the two fifties got the power to wait pretty [ __ ] working for him for sure you can see what he's doing getting a nice lead on McNeal and then the other things some of the guys do you might hear the bikes popping a little bit that's not as the car graded wrong that's a rev limiter so he's taking it to probably 4,000 rpm and right there the rev limiter kicks in so they don't blow them whose skin holds on to win this one looks like he might well he's still got usually halfway right now and if it was your eye on that bike Jason there's gonna be done right about there but Marvin running very very strong and look at this time 51 seconds so he's still consistently the fastest guy on the track right now and McNeal now eliminated the best two or three format booths cam wins the first two and that will complete the first round for them mousse cam moving on to the quarterfinals let's check it out we're watching the end of the race with Marvin loose can you can see he stays Lola and the bike bounced up but focus on this helmet stays nice and smooth the bike the KTM is running very very smooth over the over the whoops doing a great job so we have the first rider to advance let's send it down to Tina Dixon well that's right and you guys said that so far consistently you've been the fastest guy on the track how key was that start for you because you just ran away with it oh yeah thank you you know it's only the first first rounds you know so it's gonna get tougher and tougher as we go too close to the to the main event so just want to make sure you know I hit my lines perfectly and then go through the until the main event ends here goes best of luck moving forward guys hurt some heavy breathing there 50 seconds of fury I was gonna point out is that we're doing intervals here so you have just enough time to really eat they giving you an adjust enough rope to hang yourself you can sear and he's in great shape but you are using 100% effort durum against Freiburg here again Freiburg was able to leave door about halfway through their first run then durum was able to get back in front and win it so this is a real close matchup between those two they flip-flopped lanes we'll see if that works in the favor of Freiburg on the 65 that first round he actually got the jump off the gate but here we see free britain again the whole shot to the first wall and it's very tricky rhythm section Freiburg like you said one of the taller riders out here able to handle it this time doing a great job let's see what Dora can do here on the right side it's a big series of on offs riders say they don't even bother memorizing how many there are that is keep hitting each other anymore to hit exactly when you get up you look out there you see a whole bunch of brown and going here we see Jerome making a slight advantage going over we talked about the rut the riders were saying that they don't like it when the guys in front of them in here you see him making an advantage Freiberg remember got passed by Dhirubhai not tripling that Lane the last time this time it is two triples it's side-by-side the crowd comes to life it is gonna be an all-out drag race to the finish Freiburg on the back wheel pulls up closed dorm I think is just gonna edge him out of the line unbelievable race great job Freiburg has nothing to be ashamed of he raced his guts out unreal taking a look at this will you see Durham just starts to pull him right at the end I think he beats him by a nose Freiburg though I really got to commend him he did a great job and it looks like that left lane might be a little bit faster and you see Freiburg in midair over that jump there's a half a bike length in 50 seconds you know and I said it before a 50 seconds of fury so it's a wide-open deal so Durham will be matched up against moose can in the next round we'll see who's going to be facing off in the next round after this group run two for Gilmore versus Smith Smith very impressive the young amateur cessation of the Geico Honda team see how he does against the veteran Gilmore he did get the edge on Gilmore the first a few minutes ago [Music] leave for Smith as they head into this first wall double but Disney wanted lost and all Gilmore case Gilmore case and that's gonna take a lot of momentum away from him but as we talked earlier do not give up keep pushing a hundred percents make sure you if you can make it back you got to do it yeah because I'll all Smith is is one case away from being right in this and he didn't crash so he's only about a second behind he's thrown it backwards watching you see the guys breaking and they're roosting forward it's awesome to see a guy push the brakes in that hard here we go whoop section away is Jordan Smith from advancing to the next round trying to make it to Ando over Gilmore and he makes it happen well man in North Carolina Smith hesitated a little bit going in the whoops if he wants to be he wants to meet these guys for the next round he cannot hesitate watching this you see Gilmore coming up short casing it lands he braces he absorbs everything boots are so much better than how it pays that guys don't hurt their ankles and he just keeps charging away and here's that whoop section you're talking about with Smith yes myth just slightly hesitated coming in where you watch Marvin just grab the next gear and go for it you can't hesitate Jordan Smith is advanced and he's down on the track patina well that's right Jordan does advance but it's still very early in the racing so what are you how are you treating these first couple races yeah for sure these first couple well you never know what it might happen you know the rhythms are pretty tough out there if you mess up one it's easy for the other guy to win so you just try and stay consistent and not be able to advance guys we're just beginning down here we'll see who Jordan Smith matches up against in the next round it could be his teammate Justin Bogle or Ryan Surratt who Smith actually has some experience racing against in the amateur ranks Bogle and submit the to Geico teammates had some phenomenal side-by-side runs yesterday and that might be a preview we have in round two but Surratt Hatton wants to have something to say about that well Surratt is definitely not going to sit because this is your chance this is you you want to sort of draw the line in the sand cast the gauntlet what however you want to put it you want to show these guys don't get too comfortable because I will be on your heels and they're locked in it's actually a freestyle ramp believed laid down that's what they're actually launching from that steel kind of graded surface and they actually say it's better traction than dirt exactly it is a hunt it's almost 1:1 traction that's got an expanded metal and it stays constant all day [Music] and Saran I think it's got a wheels vocal the Mogul comes back I love what these guys are manual what I mean by manual is that they ride the back wheel like kneeling all the way across those whoops which is not easy to see Bogle pulled his leg over and pulling himself back into his Lane great job by Justin bow man that could have got crazy there but Bogle able to control it he's got that leg off I don't want every jump here yeah he's just he's trying to do as much as he can to keep his body mass as low as possible it's in the rhythm section now they're trying to preload the bike in jump as high as they can to try to clear three and sometimes four jumps goes to change the foot pegs out he takes it as two-and-oh in the first round and there's a little flare Jeremy McGrath's Showtime little knack knack knack next a little bigger than they were 20 years ago so are the jumps the bikes little faster too let's give you the replay the whole shot watching the start here BOGO gets a great job does a great job making it back so rad actually with the hole shot but Bogle was able to pull him back in before they got to the wall and he had about 1/8 of a bike advantage so that's it Bogle has advanced he'll be racing against his teammate Smith in the next round and Tina has him and Justin you were able to pull your competitor back in there at the beginning just walk us through that yeah I didn't get the best start kind of messed up the first rhythm but put it together to the rest a track I made somebody changes my bikes working a lot better through the whoops so hoping hoping to keep that as a strong point for me but yeah Geico Honda it's a it's it's running good Dunlop tires like an upgrade so really good best of luck moving forward guys alright we've completed one side of the bracket here in the 250 class of Red Bull straight rhythm so next up in the following round you'll have moose can against Durham Smith against Bogle that'll be quarterfinals but we have another round of 16 here the b-side of the 250 class this is the other group of eight out of the 16 and our first run will be paula tele against blows and paula telly like you mentioned a local product so the heat the soil conditions things like that probably not can have a big impact on him Austin lives about I'm gonna say 20 minutes from here so this is old school he knows this he also has some standout races and Supercross on the Lites class so keep your eye on Austin hotel and blows has been there done that a lot of different bikes and he's very cagey blows able to try to pull up on a little edge I'd say right now for Paulo teles look let's walk most cases it right there loses a bike length the pole and tele but but Austin's one of those tall kids it's gonna use this angles but here comes blows fire once again you cannot relax Estrella rhythm little mistake for bloats early but nice rhythm through these sections here is allowed on a pole right back off Paulo telly so one of the young riders against one of the veterans and it mid with you point the hair dead tied down here right now they're going back and forth blows with about a half a bike length Gordon the next rhythm section right now we're going they're going double closed goes triple triple that's gonna pull a little bit on Austin and now he's about to Pike likely that made all the difference to me saw that in a run earlier at Durham tripl tripling through that ten pack that's gonna change it all at one point it looked like Paulo telly had the lead but Louis comes all the way back to take it so which one a no and they will go back to the starting line and race again well was his best two or three format Jason we heard that we heard about the guys saying that that middle is gonna be the difference here we take a look at blows he cases and he loses some women and he comes up short the case is right on top of it loses some momentum but only about a bi click and then he forces his way back and here's that midsection you're talking about right there that was the game changer right there triple triple Austin to double double double and that's what lost the race for him blows able to pull that out and I guarantee you that Paulo telly knows exactly what he needs to do that next time around well that's one of the things managed you see it you go I have to do it if I want to win I have to make that to make that leap of faith and Austin's one of those riders that I think he'll do it here's Jesse Nelson with a TLD racing team Jesse you know obviously has Supercross experience under his belt and he's also won multi national championships and Keith Tucker is another one amateur riders here I'm gonna go toe to toe with your top pros let's see how he does Jeff soon the slight advantage going into the first wall a little bit the riders say that's so difficult because it's blind you have a huge take off at a short landing another mistake for Tucker and now a big lead for Nelson one of the things that I'm seeing with Tucker is that he's nose high some people might think oh you don't want to have your nose down because that's gonna injure you but you have to have the bike flat because you're charging so hard and high in the air when the back wheel hits it takes another instant for that problem to come down there Jesse Nelson right now has the right combo but he's still doing tu-22m3 so that's what's awesome is there's a whole bunch of different songs that you can he can dance to rollers section away is Nelson from moving on he goes one Oh we'll see if he can do it again against Tucker and try to advance to the next round he's got the first one tucked away not bad for his debut rod on the KTM and he gives a thumbs up to Tucker taking a look he's got Jesse's got his body sitting forward scrubbing down as much speed as he can when I mean by that is trying he's trying to stay low keeps his head and his body low so he's jumping as far as you can but keeping that CG low so he can get right back on the ground and accelerate as hard as possible because you doesn't matter if you got the throttle turn it or not if those tires aren't digging in the dirt you're not going anywhere look at that in the X mode you can see I mean he is millimeters away from that helmet hitting the handlebar exact low as he can this is a game of inches and right there with him it's a game of millimeters he's going back fast now a great story here Nico is he back in action hasn't raced for over a year he said he's only been on the bike about five times but he feels like he hasn't missed that much time very comfortable on the bike got a little bit of help here from Yamaha and Rockwell rachis gonna get back into it against Evan Tapia is one of the nicest and funniest guys to talk about a longtime privateer on the two-on-one so we'll see if Tapia [Music] with a slight advantage to the first wall but here comes Niko coming back they both get that double clean sets them up nicely for the rhythm section it's still anyone's race a different rhythm from easy allows him to pull out front and you see that he crowded the line a little bit so that even though his word were basically drag racing your own in your own lane you can't another guy Nico is one of those guys even back when he was on 80s and even 60s but Tapia determined every time big mistake able to recover and still make it through the 10-pack to the top he basically scrubbed and crash saved it and made time so hats off to Tapia this is just pure will and great these guys are making errors they're giving the throttle turn wide open down the finish awesome job and listen to the crowd they love that that's the one thing that no matter how spectacular everything is everybody loves a race and the way we have this set up by the way they start at the finish of the drag race track and race to the end where the bleachers are so you see the fans here get to see this action right up close you see Tapia starting to make a comeback but Nico is he hanging off the back just going giving it everything he's got and he hears the bike coming but he does not hesitate great job Nico is he all right good to see Izzy back and in good spirits I talked to him earlier today seems very very happy to be back at the races and probably looking forward to another good duel with Tapia they'll be back again look how close that was not even a whole bike like that was an awesome race it was awesome to see the guys not give up so we're hearing them breathe more and more because once you throw the adrenalin and competition into the mix you start holding your breath it's just natural you see the finish line but then also you get there you realize second area of riding on a short track like this Justin Hill switching over from Monster Pro Circuit Kawasaki to now [Music] he's up against Michael lead privateer I here in California and lead gets the full shot on him Michael Levi worked with this kid back in the day he's also another local boy it has so much intensity he's not he's not real tall when it comes to stature but he makes up for it in intensity but he'll able to get the edge Hill was second fastest in qualifying yesterday and looked darn good for a rider who has not raced the KTM before and the team says it's a great opportunity for them to get to learn him his family grew and worked with him in a different type of environment instead of a very high-pressure event they're just learning right now but it appears to be a quick study I wish I'd learned like that whenever he likes the size he's gonna make up for intensity so Michael leave his charges so it's gonna it's gonna come down to who wins this whoop race I thought leave had a wheel no late in I've rollers oh yeah I was able to handle them in heat over jump that finish line something fierce out we talked about the mechanics checking the spokes and they're definitely gonna have to look at that front wheel that was in Wade large over jump here's to the finish line both guys running running side by side and now you see leave make up a little bit of ground but now we go and now we go into the now we go into the whoops oh they're going side by side he'll just charge in as hard as he can he is not gonna hesitate whatsoever but watch this whip and watch how far he lands out in the flat by huge whip watch it from this angle over jumps in the landing this is how tough the bikes are BAM lands completely flat drives away so we've run the B group through their first run so now we go to run number two if you remember these two rates just a couple of moments ago blows is able to just get the edge of pala telly and a lot of it came down to that of jumps below is able to pull out a couple of triples so we'll see if Paulo telly can learn that here if blows wins this one he'll have them beat too and oh and move on to the next row well Austin saw one lost in [Music] awesome with the holeshot and now use it as useless like to carry himself to them to the wall first most a little bit cleaner over there and that pull the advantage right there you stepped off stepped off but right now these guys pretty close it's anybody's race at this point headed toward the sand after these tabletops into the midpoint Paulo teles got to try to pull something out wants to stay close like he wants last time try to nail the Ted package jumps it's coming up this is what what does anybody get the age last time here it is plus one two three Austin did the same thing but he does three in the middle pretty close but still it yeah that's coming down to the whoops who's gonna put together Paulo teles got a little leg here he's a tall guy let's see we can use that the whoops I think blues it's got a covered Chris Blose it's gonna win it and that should move him onto the next round should have Paulo telly beat two to nothing in the best of three format and Chris Blose he's gonna be racing summary crossover the rumour is coming up this years he's got the Babbitt's monster Kawasaki and I'll be on at 250 in that series so he's on a 250 today after racing a lot of 450 supercross our next matchup after blows Impala telly should have Nelson versus Tucker pulling into the starting gate area here we see Nelson in the in the far in the left side gate closest to us and then Tucker in the far side gate jesse won the first round but Tucker was strong absolutely in the Tucker again another one of those amateur riders and the amateur riders they don't always practice on supercross track so whoops and rhythm lanes like this they gotta prove to be quick studies I'm sure they've written it here and there but it's not a daily thing like it probably is for professionals we're in Southern California where all the test tracks are at Kawasaki Yamaha KTM Honda Suzuki everyone's got their test track so all these factory riders have a test track after at their own facility he's an amateur guys some of them have them in the yard some of them don't you can go to like Lake Elsinore go to start west and then practice a little bit but the guys with the factory support definitely so let's see it Tucker could pull off the upset here on gypsy LCD one twenty-eight Jessie with a slight jump on the start and he also pulls out to about a three bike they cleat into the first wall Oh Nelson jumps long on that first double and I think it was short for Tucker worked out about the same and we saw Nelson look over because he could hear that rider come on her back to him so he's wondering well what I made this mistake is someone coming up next to me so right now Jessie see if we got it back underneath them and now he's into the second wall with a bottom bike leg please watch riders from telling me that the normal instinct is to find the middle of the track it's kind of weird to scrape along the side you see that Nelson with the lead has gone right to the center he's not over the line but he's got as far as he can be without doing it right it's a great stretch because if I was bleeding and I knew someone behind me if I can sort of cloud their vision of what's out there I'm gonna do it make him uncomfortable but Jesse Nelson with a great ride made one small mistake and he makes his way back up with a fifty one seconds so Jesse would Jesy Nelson advances yeah one of the fastest time is only a handful of 250 guys have been able to get into the 50 ones here's that jump long short yeah completely flat lands on the face of the third jump loses a little ground but I like what Jesse does look over to make sure that he's not in the way of the other rider then gets right back after it the great the one thing about great motocross errs they have the shortest memories known to man and Tina has our round winner well and Jesse you had that small mistake at the start but you were able to recover tell us about it yeah the tracks tricky it's kind of hard to judge some of the jumps oh yeah just came off at a little fast I was I usually scrub to the right off that jump but had to go kind of straight jump on it over jumped it but was able to recover and put in a summer all right over the run you know it was enough to move on best of luck next up this was maybe the closest battle we've seen so far we had Nico Izzi and Tim Tapia really battling around the gate let's send it back to Kelly and Jason these 450 excuse me open class riders are now gathering here in the staging area Malcolm Stewart was fourth quick in qualifying even watching some of these 250 riders go is there anything that you can learn by watching them or anything of this caught your attention I learned a lot from just watching these guys I mean it's just kind of what it seems like just try not to make a mistake you know but it also seems to like one of the guys made a mistake in the beginning and then made a mistake at the end and helped the other guy to catch up so it's all about getting the rundown clean I think that's that's the key but it seems like everybody's making mistakes because it is a half a mile track so that's what makes it so tell Dean Wilson told me he might use these opening rounds to try out some new lines different things will you do the same oh yeah I'll definitely be doing the same thing but like I said it's definitely it's kind of mind you of us like Supercross you know just getting everything down this technical out there so hats off the Red Bull for these guys to put this rhythm section to go on and for I have miles all right thanks Malcolm Jason thanks Kelly easy and Tapia what a battle they had the last time around Tapia just wouldn't give up is he was able to get the edge by half a bike lane well you saw it go back and forth he saw tapping get the whole shot Nikko come back tap you know we went back and forth so that was a great thing to watch these guys and not give up we talked about that you know as Malcolm was just saying some guys made a mistake in the beginning some at the end you have to be clean so clean is important but speed is everything only seven hundredths of a second separated Izzy and Tapia the first time they raced and it's all on the line for Tapia now backs against the wall if is he ages him again he's out so Tapia has to win this one to try to extend it into the third in the best of three format but it's got to feel so good for Nika wiesen we talked about he's been away from racing for a long time to come back and get a our W is a gun so great job for Nico Izzi and he gets the holeshot here he's got about a half a pipe link going into the first wall tap um launching into that wall to get him put the jumping combo a little bit better for easy on the 341 he's back out front I love how pretty both of these guys aren't they are both their foot pigs are hanging over the white line two dogs with a fence between them there barking at each other but they're just but we saw the tapia came back in these whoops Oh Nico's got to do everything right he does he does the triple triple and gains about a two by clicking advantage all right so we're seeing this 250 division you've got to get at least one triple jump through that ten pack if not to if you want to win is he's gonna make it happen he goes to an L on Tapia and moves into the next round looks back and I am so proud of this guy man you know he's on basically a production bike so we're gonna watch a little slow-mo right as these guys go back and forth and back and forth it's awesome to watch every little advantage of body and twitch you see how high Nico's getting where he does the other rhythm section a little bit better than Tapia gets on the tabletop hits the small lip clears himself off gets his body down leaning forward accelerating it's it's a work of art man I hate to say that I don't want to sound like that guy but it is beautiful to watch this in super slo-mo and our round winner Nico Izzi is down on the track with Tina well and you guys were neck and neck but talk about those triples those seem to make the difference for you for the second one and yeah and you've been away from racing for a little while how good is it just to have won that first heat it was good I mean just having fun and keep the race and going guys hey only been on the motorcycle about five times in the last year and a half or so I've watched Nico come from 80s going to 125 back then in the 250 FS and all the different stuff and that's one thing about him he does not sugarcoat it and he tells it exactly the way it is he gets that from his old man it was just great watching them you back in the back of the day and it's great to see Nikko back and one more matchup left in this first round of the 250s got Michael leave against Justin Hill if leap is able to beat Hill they'll have to be back for a third run Hill has been very fast though every time he's been on the bike so far this weekend but leave gave him a great run on paper Hill was supposed to kill Lee but we saw lead come back and and I think because leave you know does some other racing a lot a lot of national and stuff like that doesn't do a lot of Supercross so he's getting faster as the day goes on so hopefully you can put it all together right now here we go they're locked and loaded will this be the last matchup of the first round of 250 s or can lead extent hill to another run actually Hill with the hole shot but leave us were able to get to the first right now Justin Hill making a slight way make its way back lead though every time you think that Hill is gonna cover figures out a way to get right back into it we're at the midpoint after these tabletops that's the sad section the table section right there Michael our lead motion say Mike fell back just a little bit that Hill took its pretty significant advantage right there got two bike racks alright so Levite might need a mistake out of Hill to get it now and Hill able to get the triple triple at the end of the ten pack that's beautiful right there and I think that might be enough to keep lead covered it's gonna charge all the way to the end you know that yeah leave is push there but it's Justin Hill with the whip to advance to the next round so that's it our round of 16 and the to fit division is over and that'll move us on to the quarterfinals we'll show you what it looked like right out of the gate I love watching that watching the technique there he'll with this body forward does not it does not move a bit and with these guys running that super cross or not super cross with that gate with the expanded steel there is no wheel spin like dirt so you just have to get your launched in the right position and go here we're seeing we're adding a little water to the to the track so we got to make sure that it's not too slippery and let's send it back to Tina well the round of 16 in the 250 class is finished and you will be moving on and what have you learned so far that you can take on to the next races it's getting drier for sure this Sun isn't being kind to us so you know it's a pretty straightforward pun intended so you know we go into this the same game plan you know you just got to kind of be like you know earlier it was technical and you need to be like precise and now I think it's a little bit more wide open so get off the line quick and just chase and we talked to a couple of you guys earlier and you said it wasn't about conditioning because of the track it's only about 52 seconds 55 seconds but is this heat affecting you guys at all I mean I don't know about that you get you're pretty out of breath at the end of this thing you know it's pretty intense for the whole whole time you're on it so I think definitely the heat takes daddio by the time you're at the end like your mouth dry it's it's it's pretty hot so maybe it'll come into play later it's gonna probably be even hotter get some water and we'll look forward to seeing you racing down the line guys and we'll update the bracket for you here now that the first round of 16 is complete the next time out you'll see moose can against Durham Jordan Smith against Justin Bogle hill against Izzy and Jesse Nelson will square off against Chris Blose we are down to what we'd call the Elite Eight of the 250 class give it the hashtag straight rhythm with your Twitter and Instagram all the work on social media big crowd here and promote of California they're braving the heat just as are the riders we've completed the 250 division will be going to the open class in just a moment what do you think from what you've seen so far Ricky I'm out of breath though you know the format is unbelievable that guys are going head to head we're watching the riders you know that first I like oh yeah it's just fifty seconds no big deal but everyone's starting to breathe more and more in here we were here Justin Hill talked about how hot it is your mouth is getting dry you start to get dehydration all this stuff starts to slowly creep up on you so fitness is definitely gonna play a part it's only 50 seconds each time out but they have to do it back to back to back and their body has to perform each time yeah so we've completed the round of 16 in the 250s we'll have a round of 16 coming up in the open class then it goes to quarterfinals semifinals a third-place race off and then the finals and all matchups are best two of three here is the brackets in the open division we'll start with the left side of the bracket that's group a and we'll run this group of eight until where they move on into the next round so your first match will be Stewart against champion that Pastrana against Hanny Josh Hill against Vin's freezy Malcolm Stewart against Brett Metcalfe they will all have their best two of three runs and we'll see which one of those riders move on to the next group in paper the top rider is supposed to win each round but let me tell you as we saw before anything can happen two guys are going faster and faster each time here we're taking a look at the guy the fastest qualifier straight rhythm James Stewart this guy has so many tricks up his sleeve and he sees he sees the matrix he sees things that people do not see out on there so keep an eye on James Stewart and this is the difference when you get into this first round when you're taking the fastest qualifier against the 16th fastest there's a big gap on lap time from yesterday right yeah yesterday we saw James Stewart do a fifty point seven six and we saw Scott champion doing a fifty four point six so that's for second split but right Leslie said before James is more comfortable he's done this before so maybe Scott has something up his sleeve to give that boy a run for his money well you're always one mistake away on a short run like this so if your champion you're hoping that there's a opening and they're still doing some track maintenance down here and good thing I mean this son is absolutely doing a number on this track well it's what yes it is it's they've a little water down and they can't run immediately because the what it does it makes that slime on top and but the guys pushing as fast as they are and their wheel is only on the ground for a fraction of a second to get that traction so they have to let that water soak in a little bit but I'd like to take a little bit of time right here I got viewers from all over the world I have people from England I'd die David Powell hit me up going I can't wait to watch straight rhythm I also had a Blake and Jeff been rude back in North Carolina and also Clinton Leroux up in Virginia I have guys from all over the world they can't wait to watch this so shout out to those guys and also to my family that couldn't be here Cassidy Jake Luke is here but Stef and my mom and dad everybody love you guys wish you were out here but it is hot yeah not so bad to be watching from home now you mention to the track you know it'll get dry and in the water it'll get extra slick after that you were talking about some of the things you can do to try to adjust and get more traction it could be as simple as tire pressure to make a difference yeah what's funny is that I went around and I thought maybe some guys would try a lot of different things like maybe a steering stabilizer you're not turning right you're not turning left crank it in there so the thing goes straight when we raced down in Mexico and involve stop that you put a steering stabilizer so you can relax your arms and you don't have to hold it straight but these guys are so in tune with their bikes and they are getting ready for Supercross they don't want to add another element so they would if they put that on there they might fight that but there's other things that people go maybe put a lot of rake into the bike so it goes so the back wheels gets more traction and then wants to go straight but the balance of the bike we've seen that happen in some of the 250 heats where if you jump nose high and you land with the back wheel first that's gonna screw you up so having a bike balance is key yeah if I'm talking to the teams this morning it seems like the changes are not as drastic as you would think usually suspension folks here trying to make this compromise between soft enough for turns and stiff enough for jumps so you'd think they would just go nuts and then having to put turns into the mix but for the most part they're pretty close to their typical setup well if you start to stiffen up a shock you start to add spring or add compression you take away traction you want that shot to be pliable and soft so it wants to return fast and also stay on the ground and keep that pressure to keep forward bite so if you take that away so you can jump far you're gonna lose traction so what's important these guys know what they want travis Pastrana says I want to touch the ground as little as possible James Stewart says I want to scrub and be on the ground as much as possible so two different strategies by two great champions well Travis says the scrubs came along after my full-time days racing now kids on 50s and 65s are doing it Travis said I'm not gonna be able to stay low I'm gonna have to jump over everything well there's that and his knees don't bend so well anymore and he's over six foot tall so watching James Stewart how and also Bogle we saw that in the 250 heat that how he gets so contorted and getting his torso down and staying as low as he can where Travis has been beat up a little bit as we've seen and so his knees don't bend real well so he's got high horsepower wants to jump as far as he can and just let it all go but you know but we're poking fun at Travis but I cannot say enough great things about that guy if you look under the dictionary under stud or badass there's Travis from strong and he certainly looks strong yesterday this is not a gimmick this is not a joke Travis it's bright and it makes it was eight fastest at a 16 in the open class so right in the heart of the order now we've got the track mate is completely fired about putting the goggles on James Stewart against Scotty champion that will be first your open class take a moment listen to those motors forth both are four strokes you're not going to hear that all night long yeah we're gonna have one try the two-stroke out there and remember it's best two out of three champion trying to pull a huge upset here on James Stewart [Music] oh boy but James through the slight advantage [Music] the first timer say to uncork these big pots it Stewart already pulling out the short explosive speed at a 450 has it's not quite double the horsepower but there's so much more every time they touch the ground that wheels go that much faster so these step pause step pause but a lot easier on the 450 and we're still pretty darn blank now what James Stewart is looking and watching paying attention and looking for dry spots so you got to pay attention a knob normally what you're doing here we see it just as a triple triple triple and nice and smooth through there and they're gonna jump onto a table top that'll lead them into the loops and Stewart trying to win this first matchup against champion looks to have it James Stewart gonna go one and oh here up against champion look back to see the lead he had give you slo-mo through the tables watching the tabletops James Stewart eyes forward looking forward as he starts to accelerate gets his body into it just like a skier leaning down as he balances and bounces off the top of that dragon back comes over downsize it perfect absorbs the next thing gets on next jump gets on step on step off step on step off and now the finish line nice a relaxed little helmet adjustment and away he goes all the way down there through the rhythms or actually through the rollers old-school cool send it back down to the racetrack and Kelly Jason I'm above the starting line here you can see that there's some of the riders we see Shane McCarthy Dean Wilson behind me just hanging out they'll be in the B group here in the open class up here the atmosphere is pretty relaxed guys have monitors kind of watch the other riders go through the runs now down below is the actual staging area they'll eventually migrate down there once these guys get downstairs and get their helmets on their goggles on the intensity seems to pick up just a little bit so as much as everyone's been saying how much fun this Red Bull straight rhythm event is when they get downstairs it's all business well I think what's cool when you get the first time events like this the riders want to watch they don't want to go to the semi even though it's hot out to sit in the air conditioning and get some water they want to watch all the other riders compete you get an idea that's the starting back they're up and over looking but here's the thing when it comes to motocross and truck racing all this different stuff that the different rebel athletes do and I'm fortunate to be one of those guys I'm a fan I love watching all of it and these two guys they've done everything from X Games to backflip to double backflips to West Coast Championships all that other stuff these two guys are the two Dark Horse's in this event unbelievable then this is all based on the qualifying we ended up with my strata Hanson to the most polarizing to the most popular guys Hansen by the way said he wants to be back as a full time student Ross racer in 2015 so a lot of these events trying to show where his game is right now let's listen to that black to Travis yeah yeah that tease Troy to her is a two-stroke yeah and like you said the port stroke seemed to get the edge out of the hole but the top speed of incredible on that one 99 and there you see Hansen gets the edge early then the top speed anybody rhythm lay like what's gonna did but he's pulled back up next to Hansen [Music] you gotta watch her strong in those rollers at the nm 500 you go oh okay spy Pastrana can you make up the ground down the stretch to drop the will a little bit we see the advantage here comes Travis takes the hit and a big over jump as he whipped it what a battle between Hansen and Pastrana and Hansen takes it by a bike length two tenths of a second two tenths of a second that is not a lot we see both these guys deal I love it you see Travis even though he did not win that he reaches over thumbs up to Hansen he know Hansen that he knows that has to did a great job I also can congratulate anyone man we've seen him in tremendous title fights battles running the sticker of the Cantus racing against that was definitely fun and remember it's best two out of three so Hansen if with strana will be back to race at least one more time look at Pastrana almost threw it away here he almost lands in the center but on the sand pit he loses a little ground there but he starts to come back here at the end and he has more a mile an hour but it's only two tenths of a second which is about a bike length away gotta have a big lead on that RN zilla down the stretch of those rollers because once he uncorks that thing starts to close the gap back up good job by Hanny though it was smooth and consistent in that run didn't make the big mistakes fans are loving it here yesterday California it's definitely hot they're drinking the Red Bull having a good time and going into this round we got Vince freezy and Josh shield a brother of Justin Hill so right now we got a little bit of family affair going on not just James Stewart Malcolm Stewart but also the hill brothers and when we saw Hill yesterday in practice he was so aggressive with forcing that bike back down to the ground putting body English into it trying to get every tenth of a second well we talked about what this what this race can mean to somebody and for him right now he's trying to audition and show people what he could do to Mitch Payton from Pro Circuit said hey I'm running in two rounds you'll see what you can do off the line looks like the edge goes to the 45 a frizzy frizzy with a slide advantage but here comes Hill coming back they're both running really really hard with the triple on then goes into a triple triple breezy on the Moto concepts racing 450 thanks he said to box Energy Pro Circuit Kawasaki for Hill he's got a ride here into the Monster Energy Cup trying to use that as an audition to get help full time in Supercross next year so far the 75 together solder here on life he's staying to the far right doing his own thing and all these guys have been crashed into the line right there when he'll pass freezing he stayed to the far right I stayed in his own lane but he always he freeze he making a slight comeback so he'll cannot relax he's got to push this this last whoop section to get all the way to the finish whoops and then rollers and it looks like he'll pass it takes the win over frizzy they'll be back to race each other again in just a few moments here in the best two out of three format so right now you got Stewart ticking went over champion handy edging out for Estrada and he'll ahead of freezy to take you through it watch these two side by side we see frizzy get a slight advantage does the first triple but then Hill bounces back but both of these get on the step on step off on their back side by side at this point basically at a dead heat and it's only halfway yeah and that's what's exciting about this even the biggest lead you have out here is not very big exactly but that's the first time I've seen somebody in that right lane crowd the right side most everybody is running right down the middle final matchup here of group a in the open class of the group of 16 Malcolm Stewart against Brett Metcalf Metcalf the veteran out of Australia won a championship and motocross in Canada last year that actually came down and filled in for Ryan Villopoto on monster Kawasaki throughout the Lucas Oil Pro Motocross Championship and finished in the top five left he always does Metis it's just a rock-solid competitor after Malcolm Stewart they're calling 1870s on a Honda 450 VanCamp for the slight advantage but Stewart and subcomponent getting the lead to the first wall Stewart's rippling in man cats got a little different combination here Wow big combos from Malcolm the [ __ ] back I couldn't quite see if that was a triple or quadruple the he's the first one to do that today and you see the momentum it has given him all the way through that section he would go to the races with James but he didn't carry Go Fish and he'd hang out and do his thing he got the rookie but I'm really impressed with how he basically relaxes a child but man is a man as a grownup he is flying on a bike so good job by Bob Stewart he gets a win with a pretty good gap over brett metcalfe first mistake there was him casing the finish line jump no problem the lap time tells the story exactly and he is faster he's got the fastest time of the day so far Malcolm Stewart a little bit faster than Big Brother James alright so these guys continue to dissect this track and it was that combo right there that helped him do it first one everyone's been jumping on jumping off or landing on the back side of that table top and Malcolm was the first one to seat bounce what they call that is they sit down and preloads to the shock a little bit more and gives you a little bit more height to quad that so great job Malcolm Stewart all right so that's the gauntlet of 50.2 for Malcolm we go now into their second set of runs Stewart was ahead of champion the first time around as best two out of three so Stewart wins this one he moves on to the group of eight if champion wins this one they will race again for a third time now the question is did he just watch his brother quad that in his James gonna try at this round and he's got that other side so we'll see if that makes any difference Malcolm was in the riders the riders right champion James sure the slight advantage but champion right they're not giving up and here is that rhythm let's see if jeans save it and you quad steps on step off so right now just kind of business as usual if I was James Stewart if I know I have a little bit of a lead I'm gonna be looking more to try some crazy stuff at the end of the semis and save some energy right now I know sound scholar [Music] you are giving a hundred percent out there and this is a max hit it's not just I'll take it soft you got to do it hard and you save energy obviously by winning two straight and not having to go to that third race the best two out of three formats so I think he's just trying to keep it safe right now make sure that he has champion covered and he'll bring his AGame into the group of eight because he is about to advance James Stewart going to up on Scotty champion that will end champions weekend here at straight rhythm good run though for the privateer but he is still not faster than his brother Malcolm store with a fifty point two two in that time James Shore with a 50 point six two so he's three tenths off his brother so interesting to see what's what's gonna happen in the next round all right and we can hear the big 500 two-stroke idling in the background as we're gonna have Pastrana against Hansen but first let's send it down to Tina and James will be moving on to the group of eight but what was your assessment of those first two runs thought it was a little slipper they just finished off watering a track so a little slippery go back you know make a couple of changes to the bike but it's definitely fun I appreciate you fans giving me the hoof rent Holland over here so hopefully we can continue on now Malcolm your brother went right before you were able to watch him no I don't know who won who won Malcolm did he said a good time oh boy oh man and it's the fastest time so far yeah no I giving you some fire under the belly guys that's gonna be fun if we end up with Stuart to get to Stuart later on in the program right now though James is going to meet one of these two riders in the group of eight it will be either travis Pastrana or Josh Hanson Hanson won the first run between Matt Hanson wins this one Travis is out it was darn close yeah we saw some bickering going on back and forth we have some b-roll of that somewhere are those guys give it a thumbs-up and Travis slapping his hand and stuff like that so right now Travis seems like oh gosh golly shucks really nice guy the most competitive person I have ever met everything that you do with Travers okay who can go to the bathroom faster who can who can run faster everything he wants to win slide advantage for a handsome and watch the strange combination that Pastrana did the first time they races see if he does it again yes he's going to single and jump it no one else is doing this let's see if it works at the end of the section but see right in the middle of Rob's time but he did get back in front of Hansen so right now the race is on it could be going into a 30 travis pastrana with a slight advantage over Josh Hansen starting to pull away and as I hit the midway point of the course from the bleachers are you know the fans gonna go crazy for this one another close battle but this time started to leave but he's gotta be clean through the 10th handy triples in handy troubles ahead trip was a third time and still must rot in the lead and now we come into the last step one step off in the whoop section this we saw Travis make time and he does it again the 500 two-stroke cannot be matched to the rollers of the backflip I know it's only 450 seconds at a time but it is awesome back at the rates it's okay here it goes into the last round we got the slide tabletop and here Travis gets an advantage and this is where he's been strong we see Josh lose a little bit of traction Travis hanging off the back gaining so much horsepower and next thing you know he crosses the line but watch this backflip almost under row teeth then lands flat shoulder comes off take another look at it leads back it for a second I thought oh he's gonna under rotate Lance boom throws his arm off the handlebar hopefully oh the crowd loves it how can you not love travis Pastrana a lot of the guys have had a tough time spotted the landing just doing a whip on the finish line jump now he's doing a wheelie to helm the drag strip and it's awesome so we will have a third matchup between Hansen and Pastrana we go back to the starting line area it's gonna be Hill against frizzy again he'll was able to get the win on fries at the last time by a little over a second so fries he's got to try to bounce back here on the moto concepts bike and try to force a third matchup well some of the guys have seem to favor the right lane it's gone back and forth between qualifying yesterday and today and now I'm watching some of the riders they're getting off line and they're starting to jump up I saw James Stewart ride far to the right I also saw Josh Hill altar also run farther to the right so maybe there's a little something over there from it's frizzy and he'll who saw his brother Justin advance to the group of eight in the 250s would like to match him here in the 450s but frizzy he's a competitor no doubt about it he does not want to go down without at least getting one run of the books freezy coming back at the wall frizzy super determined you can see to those rollers matching up side by side with Hill same jump combo Hill just a little bit more efficient through they're able to hedge ahead yeah frizzy over jumped out a little bit took Robin little momentum and that gave Hill the advantage but you can't give up he's got to hope now that he'll makes a mistake and lets him back in it see he'll stomp it on that shifter wall jump and now into the sand up shifting and down shifting again a lot of work here too short amount of time on the brakes so hard that he's floating the back wheel that's that's awesome how hard these guys push accelerating and decelerating still see the shadow of frizzy there on the right side trying to keep some heat on does he'll have him covered checkered flag coming out Josh Hill going into the group of eight awesome job for Josh Hill no watching him go it's great to see him come back because he had a big injury a long time ago was sat out for probably two years to come back with that kind of integrity my hat's off to him and the final matchup here in this first round it's going to be Stewart against Metcalfe Malcolm Stewart who has still the fastest time of anyone still far today with a 50-point 2:2 we had a quad in one of the early rhythm lanes and that's what allowed him to do it let's send it back to Tina well yeah and Josh you were very efficient there with those jump combos how key was that for you I don't know that wasn't my best my best practice runs at all but I'm gonna go back to the truck crack open a can of monster and unleash the beast in these next Moto's got to get up to the Pro Circuit Kawasaki and dirt shark everybody helping me out and you know just happy to be out here and this is gonna be a fun race there's a lot of racing still to be had guys yeah and we'll see who Hills racing up against he's eliminated frizzy he'll be racing it's Metcalfe or Malcolm Stewart Metcalfe's got to get the win here he is out because Malcolm got the edge of the first time yeah and when you're he had about a two second advantage over Matt Kemp but different lane change we've seen a lot of the guys like doing better in the right lane but when you're going up against guy to have the fastest time two seconds is a lot to make up so he might need a mistake from Malcolm and you know when you go big and try to quad triple through a rhythm lane certainly opens the door the margin merit just gets that much smaller see Malcolm could do it again and even though he's we're talking about you know short runs fatigue is gonna start playing a factor here shortly because you said you're Matt you're running a max effort every time you g out or you do case a jump if you hit everything nice and smooth use about 80% of what you got mechanistic use 100% choices in their second drug that cap with the whole shot he's got to come back and be the lead to the wall well let her say so tricky to hit that roller that close to the starting gate that's when you're still doing some you're shifting you're sitting down to the bike trying to get it drive then you gotta stand up for that roller so that calf is flying but Malcolm is doing everything right and I feel Mouse a little bit stronger today than he was yesterday so he is obviously learned something maybe he talked to his brother but he's got this thing wired and Metcalf is running out of time it's over Malcolm Stewart goes up to Ando and it's moving on to the next round very very impressive let's watch the whole shop Malcolm with a very very clean run madcap gets off the gate a little better but these first couple bumps you see Malcolm manuals it and constant traction with that back wheel and gets to the wall first and would not be headed from there here he is into the whoops at the finish Malcolm with a great style you see his knees in front of his ankle so that's what it's doing it's not putting too much pressure on the back still adding some weight to that front wheel to keep the bike balanced until he gets to the finish line and Tina has our race winner that's right and Malcolm is moving on and also you have the fastest times that we've seen so far faster than your brother James why are things working out for you I don't know I think it's just because I'm so nervous you know Red Bull put such a great event for and you know these fans you guys are hyping up right before the finish line it's so awesome when you're going through the whoops and I hear you guys so hopefully I can keep on going take the top spot well you got some more racing to to go but looking good so far guys and he topped James's time again a 50.6 Oh James at a fifty point six two so on both runs Malcolm Stewart was the fastest of any of these riders each time but we have one showdown we've finally gone to a run of three Hansen got the first one Pastrana got the second it's all on the line one rider is moving on one riders done do you get extra points for backflips I mean I think you should probably take away five seconds because it's Travis eyeballs a backflip AHA as he wins if he wins this who knows what he's gonna do but right there let's just listen to that 250 I mean 500 two-stroke I don't know if it's a nightmare for me but I'm getting close find out because when I used to race those things you had about yet 45 minute moto or back then 30 plus 30 plus some Cod to get a big beat come a competitor he does not want to come up short hence it gets delayed early let's see him Pastrana does that single to double combo here again yes he does these guys got to be nervous one mistake could cost him and Travis made a combo he's still able to stretch out that triple and come back on him but right now Hansen has the edge Travis is there really fast this fitness actually made him ground the last time outs are now going into the sand pit he almost lands on the barrier that he's gonna lose some ground there but Travis is fast in the finish so just one small mistake by Hansen knock Travis is gonna be right there Travis tripling trying to get close he knows he's got speed at the end of the work section but he needs a lot of it cuz Hansen's got a good lead on it now hands with a slight hesitation - here he comes was trying to make it a run heads to the able to gather it back up and takes the win and with that Hanson will go on to the next round Pastrana is eliminated in what is that well he's just basically mimicking what he was doing side to side swapping out but Josh Hansen that should be definitely both of these guys need to be proud of that run different rhythms throughout there but both of them flying I've got to wonder Hansen making those mistakes in the rollers everybody knows that 500 comes on very strong there was he may be thinking about what's coming up behind him well you can see right there Hansen makes a small mistake and Travis gets closer to them but not not enough Hansen has got the win we'll send it back to Tina well thanks and it's racing and nothing's finished till you cross the finish line so how did you keep Travis from beating you there at the end I mean I finally nailed the rhythm section from the beginning I've screwed it up the past two times and I mean him through the whoops is the best out here so I don't have nothing for him for the whoops so how do you get the first part down to beat him well then it was enough to move on best of luck that was some great racing we'll give you the updated bracket Pastrana champion freezy and Metcalf have been eliminated Stewart will race against Hansen Josh Hill will race Malcolm Stewart in the next round now that was Group A of the open division Group B will have another set of eight riders to come through first matchup there is going to be Kyle partridge against Kyle Chisolm talked about partridge quite a bit I got to think the tallest rider out here Chism's pretty tall guys self so we'll see the different styles how it applies for these guys but also you got to remember that these guys are a little bit closer in lap times we're not doing the big brackets of like first and 16 these guys are a little bit tighter a couple tenths separated them so now we should see [Music] and our church able to get the early lead on Chism [Music] and maintaining it to this first rhythm section cartridge looking good parts treatises bodies in the advantage it helps him so much because when if you lean slightly forward or slightly back it's so much traction one way or the other but when you're that tall if you make a mistake it's really hard to gather it back up but right now comp I'm just doing an awesome job wheelie into the sandpit balanced style perfect he's really putting the heat on schism now Chisholm's got to find a way to respond on the number eleven cartridge got it covered in each one of these sections and time's running out Chisholm getting a little bit closer right now partners I like the balance where he's going tight knees to the whoops and he pulls it off and away it goes to the 144 they're not Las Vegas native Kyle partridge smooth solid run there and he gets it done and the time of fifty point four three that's one of the fastest we've seen so far let's send it down to Kelly and certainly were the most popular otters out here I've got Jay travis pastrana who certainly had the biggest trick in the round of sixteen it wasn't enough to move you on to the next round Travis so where'd it go wrong on that last run I went wrong from the very beginning that first rhythm section kicks my butt I tell you I haven't had a backside the whole time but it was awesome racing against Hansen and they're just being on the bike and thank you guys man I crowds cheering so loud I just it's awesome me back on the bike I was you know obviously hoping for a little bit more but expecting a lot less so just just proud of all the guys you know thank you for Sookie and sir Nixon Red Bull for putting on this amazing event man I can't wait to uh maybe I'll come and just just practice on these courses if this this event keeps going on but uh I don't know I'm old but it was fun olds but he's still got it an awesome backflip you left us with great memories Thank You Travis appreciate all right and maybe we'll try to get Travis up here in the booth to hang out with us for a little bit get some analysis straight from the course he'll show you the backflip one more time Travis it's not going to be in an event without leaving a mark on it it was that slight pause that scared the crud out of me I don't know about him and his arm goes off we've seen him dislocate his shoulder so many times and just a consummate showmen he's just wheelies by Hansen like a bro what's up next up you're gonna have Justin Brayton against Ryan Morris real interesting Morris was a great competitor in Supercross 250 class camp short of championship time at time again but was always right there in the thick of it actually retired two years ago does a lot of test riding and work with the Red Bull KTM team exactly so these guys work together on the tape on the KTM race bike and I'll tell you when you see guys like Pastrana Morris and Grant Langston will see later riders who are full-time Rachel's anymore they are not a slouch in this format they still know how to get it done and Braden just did the comboing cleared over the tabletop and the next jump that malcolm stewart is so great as the only one besides pop we expect Brayton to be one of the top guns in this holy so great to learn the different courses certainly not afraid to go faster routes let's see if this all comes together for but how about more staying right in it Morris is no slouch when you test that much he try the different bikes he's definitely still very very much into it so do not count him out but right now he's up against he knows how good that my kids because he helped develop it but Brayton is hauling and Brayton in his debut ride with the BTO sports KTM team takes the win they will be back to race another in a few minutes so take a look at this comp well this is the only him Brayton is the only one that did it he goes triple then he goes into a triple again and then he goes into a quad he clears over the top and then the next jump and that's what made the difference in this round so James Stewart and a bunch of other guys have said it's that middle rhythm section if you can figure that out that's the difference next up on the dock he got Jake Canada privateer against Shane McElroy normally a 250 rider part of the Lucas Oil Troy Lee KTM team he's moved up to the big class today and he's actually on a KTM 350 so we'll see if there's any difference if i was going to say the three hypnotizing the advantages stopping from the walls when you got a 450 doesn't seem like much but the bigger piston and the in the drives the crank countdown the number 40 to 60 it's Canada Canada in the edgerly he's into the wall jump they go landing clean and maintain the lead the two guys with a slightly different rhythm section when they receive Miguel rap coming back and make an advantage of making a run at Canada as Miguel run able to wrestle it away goodness he's back and forth battles at Canada want some more well we're not done and Canada run the head-to-head here they come back here we go round with a slight advantage Miguel ranch was at first year pro in 2014 but missed a lot of races with injury so he's trying to get his form back here in racing small season events like this could help build the confidence here looking for victory Canada charging hard down the stretch time Miguel grant takes it nicely done on that Lucas Oil truly Honda here's a mistake for haneda yeah you see Kennedy over jumped out a little bit and that messed him up that robbed a little bit of momentum and that was the difference we talked about it's a game of inches every little bit counts Miguel Roque throwing down to 51 five Brayton out of 51 seven and Kyle partridge a fifty point four so partridge so far the fastest rider in this group and that time would hold up to almost anybody in that first grouping grant langston a racer for at least one more day my buddy and broadcast partner from Lucas Oil Pro Motocross multi-time champion of Supercross and motocross both here in the US and around the world teamed up with Dean Wilson Wilson his first ride ever for Red Bull KTM a week ago he's on a Kawasaki at motocross sedation he was talking about I got let lagging any little coffee and a little red Bull just to get me going but Dean Wilson looking very very fast my hat's off to grant Langston I work with him in the the torque series we do TV together as you do as well and for him to get out there and throw it down he we're watching him yesterday nothing to be ashamed of and everything to be proud of so my China as they say grant langston giving it a go it's gonna be tough against Wilson who is second fastest in qualifying yesterday leaping into the wall or both of them oh but he comes up short so Langston able to take the measure Wilson for the moment side by side Wilson and you get head now over the dragon back Wilson back the advantage over Langston step on step off very little hang on the right side of the course though right in the middle they're mixing their mix in the drama but I know we have rules but hey this is grant Langston you can he's always been around a little bit we'll let him use both sides of the track if he needs to Dean Wilson looking very very strong in his first round a little respect to the show man or you know Showtime Jeremy McGrath alone Naknek over the finish Wilson takes the win tonight's high five - Langston he got to give Langston respect been about three years since he's been a full-time racer and he actually took the measure Dean early in this one exactly Dean makes a small mistake and Langston he's a gamer man that guy he doesn't care any place any time anywhere he's going to go for it Wow so Wilson has won it Wilson Miguel Rath Brayton heartridge were the winners in the first runs we are now into the second runs it's best two out of three Partridge trying to get another win over Chisolm if he does it he goes on into the group of eight Chism needs to win this one or he's eliminated you can see the pressure on Chisolm taking a deep breath those who got fifty seconds of fury he's got to give it it's 100 percent right now either he wins goes into around three or he has to pack it up and go home so she is Amelie needs to focus on this start and try to get an advantage over partridge Partridge a real dark worse sixth fastest in qualifying yesterday and the fastest of anyone that we just saw in this first set of run archers on the 144 again they have to switch lanes from run to run so he's on the opposite side of the track he was before archers look like you got decayed yes you hold the gate a little bit which is kind of [ __ ] kind of iffy when it comes to this but right now Chism with the lead oh it's exactly what Schism needed facing elimination here he comes back strong a partridge headed on a speed down the stretch of first time around he's gonna need all of it he has any hope of catching chizz right now we're about the midway point right Illinois which is only Scott about a two bike length lead so he cannot relax them because Partridge is really really strong in the whoops at the end schism is becoming the real journey man in the sport over the summer raced in American motocross national Unadilla Shrove all-night race of Canada on Sunday and won the race so Hank race in 50 seconds that's simple for him and love it he took a little lesson from Partridge Manuel the last eight whoops so very very good race for Chisolm great to see him making into the knot making in the next round but let's go into a sudden-death yeah so they're gonna have to go to a third run they've tied each other up with one win each this is a big mistake here Partridge led Chisolm to get away well Partridge he hesitated and Chisolm did the triple triple and step on step off and that's where he made that made the advantage so right now we're going back into going into the sudden-death round we'll see who's got it crap really filling in here in Pomona it's about a hundred degrees out here but that's not gonna stop these folks they want to all say they were here for the first time straight rhythm ever took place well I have to say well you know we're watching it on TV and it's impressive to see that but when you get down there and you see how big these jumps are it is unreal next up we're gonna have another run between Brayton and Morris of course they switch lanes as they do with each run Brayton got the edge on him but to Morris like Langston guy who does not raise full-time you would not know by watching him he nailed it to the conference successfully no big mistakes he's open break makes one and he can maybe take the win well Morris was there till about the two-thirds the way down and then that's brain starting to turn it on so stewardess advantage Sabrina at this point yeah bright and getting the edge here here's that rhythm Lane Kenny triple and quad no it's not do it you should give this ports right they're both making small mistakes keeping the momentum going but not as fast as they were that first round still Brayton able to pull away a bit wall jump and now the sand this is the midway point Brian doing an awesome job keeping them inside so one mistake might break it Brayton takes this one it's over he moves on to the group of eight and Morris eliminated another little mistake for the number 10 it's pretty easy for us to say all this never stop but let me tell you that was a very very clean run by Brayton so I think he's gonna be solid when it comes to the next round and that's it for Ryan Morris good to see him back in action for the day but he has been eliminated Justin Brayton will move on to the Elite Eight and he'll be facing either partridge or Chisolm who still have to have a third run to determine which one of those two riders moves on our next matchup will be Shane Mikkel wrath against Jake Canada and we'll follow that up with a Wilson and Langston in a moment we'll have a chance to talk to Justin Brayton and we'll send it to Tina yeah Justin Brayton we'll be moving on and you had a little bit of a different strategy there in the rhythm section just tell us about that yeah I think all of us all day I've kind of thought about doing a little quad down there but it's just gonna stick to the basic line and just do one of the quads through there and but it's fun this event is so awesome it's a it's pretty interesting so it's cool to move on and get in the next round you know you guys have the right lane the left lane is one of them faster you know in the beginning I thought it would be but it's really not it's you know maybe the first part maybe one side is better second part through the whoops maybe one side is the other side's better stuff it's gonna be interesting well in the racing was enough for you to move on so best of luck guys and Brayton talks about the different sides off the start if you look down there the starting gate is wider as we prepare for another McElrath and a canada battle the starting gate is wider than typical starting gate so the riders are able to move left to right on the gate which you normally can't do right but but then what they brought in is you see that expanded metal so it's one-to-one traction and there's no rut in Supercross the guys can go in with their boots they can't use any tools prep the starting spot build that starting spot up but we talked about condition before position well here it's all the same condition but out of the gate you'll see there's a bunch of different ruts and sometimes three different ones because the riders can kind of be in the middle of the gate or the left side the right side and then they form a hole as they get over the metal so a lot to deal with there well as you done kind of sometimes the row will help you because now you're digging down to the wet dirt you get more traction so it may be a little bit deeper but you're gonna get more traction so and all depends on what a rider's look at foots and want to stay high or does he want to do you can see how beat up that spot beyond the metal starting gate is could be key here this match and Canada with the slight advantage going in there and it's Bikel rather to the canada fighting back though able to pull back ahead we'll see Miguel rats rhythm is better at the end the book then won't fit two three and three two but down there right back side by side oh great racing here Canada needs to win this one McIlrath got the edge on the last time Canada goes down again he's out and you can see the desperation he is not far left before to get past now they're going to head to head and right now halfway down the right and they're still side-by-side you Carol the slight mistake in Canada is Abel in the three women here comes Miguel rap back so it's it comes loose this is the best race of the day so here it comes in Stefan Stefan who's gonna finish McKenna is gonna steal it and eliminate Canada if it's a 3000 foot course he had it first 2,800 yeah but you know what that's what they keep saying you can't let off so here we'll see him a carry-out he just digs down stays a little bit lower gets a little more traction and just keeps digging gets that KTM from TLD out in front and goat and transfers to the next round so a good job for Shane the North Carolina native I wasn't long ago the Troy late team picked him up and said well how did you come out to California do some testing with us and he's like I've never been on a plane before well if rags-to-riches Calvary he was flying a lot on that last rhythm good job for him congratulation let's send it back to Tina well Shane will be moving on but it was neck and neck for you guys up until those whoops take us through that yeah I just I just gotta relax like I kind of put too much pressure on myself but the the second half I was a lot smoother I almost threw the whole thing away in the rhythm section but yeah just it's it's really intense but this is awesome well it is intense and I know you guys are having a good time as well but what's the atmosphere like in the gates for you guys it's just dead silence and it's it builds up the intensity so much you're just like let's go let's go but it's it's awesome well you're moving on these guys these guys can't fight it they're getting nervous down there it's like you're being Iced the kicker in football just waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting to go but one of the youngest kids and he spoke exactly what we've been trying to find out what's it like in there and he says it normally I got the guy next to me I can rub elbows with him I can hear his bike and feed whose energy now I'm in this little glass cage of emotion waiting to run off so great job by him and congratulations I make it to the read to the next round all right I've got gl8 grant langston against Dean Wilson and on Langston gate Wilson a pretty good run and even pulled the head above an early first time around Wilson was in for him at the end that's to a degree so links it's got a witness one or he gonna be an announcer again but let's see if Wilson tries to pull some of these different things off walk he jumped over the top of it but he's not moving forward he's got a lot of up-and-down motion but not moving forward so talked a lot we're watching these runs about four and he's obviously watching the scoreboard there he goes for the triple triple looks like Wilson's gonna get it done second fastest in qualifying and wins to it all over Langston well that's a surprisingly fast time it looked like he was relaxed on a lot so great for Dean Wilson pulling it together and also putting together a really fast time yeah fifty point eight to any time you're under that 51 second mark you're doing something right but still the fastest out of this entire group of eight riders we're seeing battling right now is Kyle partridge with a 50.4 gotta get props to my man Langston though Oh didn't get it but still looks solid he was out there running doing better than better than us we're up here talking about he's down there doing they say there's those that do and those that talk about it talk about it I guess at some point now but well done okay we're ready for the rubber game one two one is a tie between partridge and Chisholm and this comes down to it whoever wins this one moves on whoever doesn't is eliminated the other three riders are already seated Brayton took down Morris McHale rap beat Canada Wilson beat Langston but who is gonna come out on top partridge vs. Chism well they both know whoever wins has to go up against Brayton so it just gets tougher from here on out so this is your easier the easiest race was your last one Partridge knows he's got that fast lap time in his pocket though he's back on the side of the track he was when he won the first run Chisolm with the hole shot and let's see if cartridge can make it back up completely different combinations whose its rhythm lane let's see who's faster through it two partridges are chooses making his way back up sorry to step on top here their cartridges were slowly working his way back up and chisel making a small mistake and giving the advantage to Partridge this it's the kind of race that you want to see that Ben Wright makes its desperation for both win or go home and they are side by side it doesn't matter what happens after this they are racing with everything they got just marches with a good rhythm section gets his way through there still with a half a bike length over gentlemen right now it's gonna be who gets the whoops it's gonna come down to this season's gotta find something special Partridge hangs on he wins it to no one and goes on to the group of eight nice bounce-back there from Partridge who struggled a bit in that second run taking a couple looks here we see the riders are basically doing the same thing they both clear it but both of them K stood a little bit but right here you see Chisolm lose a little momentum he lands on the face of the - of the step on step off and that was the difference man Chisolm as he said clip the top of some of those tables but he certainly didn't give up see him hitting it with a rear wheel there he gave it everything he had to try to make that ground up but Partridge didn't make a mistake Partridge put it together I like the knees in front but it's still manual and just skipping like two-three kind of going old school where you're not hitting everyone so that bracket is now set partridge defeats Chisolm he'll go against Brayton and you'll have Mikkel wrath against Dean Wilson as well and we'll show you the bracket here in the open division we have completed the round of 16 remember earlier Stewart came out on top of his matchup with scott champion he will now go against Josh Hansen Josh Hill will go against Malcolm Stewart on the left side Group B will have partridge against Brighton Mikkel wrath against Wilson that's the open class now what's really critical here when you get to a technical circuit like this we talked about making no mistakes but I mean we're talking the difference team jumping six inches too far or six inches too short could make everything when I have a run that these close exactly when you got this rhythm section in the middle where guys are some are doing double triple some are doing triple triple triple so I'm doing double double triple triple I mean it's a crazy amount of different ways that you can do this and if you overshoot it by just a little bit and we were talking about how many nose high or low you want to make sure that you get that front wheel down so that you can drive directly off of that so let's take a let's listen to the other riders because the riders have a different method methodology of what they want to do when it comes to riding this track absolutely and we've heard from some of these guys talking about what it takes to do well here at red bull straight rhythm what's so great about this event is anyone kind of has a chance it's about how aggressive you can run down of course one time anything can happen originally you know what we thought was the straight rhythm was you know it's just gonna be pretty simple and you just wad up and but now after walking it looks like it's pretty technical the technique side of it is huge too you just got to be on your game all the time you got to stay low you got to hit your line to get a really smooth it's really important to get the wheels on the ground as fast as you can and get a good Drive trying to time the last jump of the rhythm section so you can get through the rhythm as fast as possible but land on the last jump there's different ways to get through rhythm sections whether you're gonna double your the triple you have to find the right rhythm will they change the rhythm through here no they go double double triple yeah double triple triple you just kind of get the feel for it I mean we just walk the track and we can I can see what we can do and what we can't do but you really don't know until you get out there on the track this event is gonna put every rider kind of on a more equal playing field I think the key is to be consistent no mistake 20 or 15 laps or whatever you have time to make a mistake and make up for it well this time you don't have any fun but make it up it's gonna be interesting for sure and it's gonna be gonna watch as this straight rhythm and I think the coolest part is that there's so I'm gonna be doing you're doing something different it's gonna be spectacular let's go put that little shot button down and go for it can Wilson do anything about it yes you can he comes back join the show here Red Bull straight rhythm live on web hashtag us straight rhythm on Twitter and Instagram and join the conversation got a big crowd on hand I'm sure a lot of people are taking pictures and firing off tweets as well from the grandstands here in California and we're making news in so many ways of course the first time we've ever had this event first time we've ever seen riders eliminated now we've narrowed it down to eight 250 riders and eight open-class riders that's exciting yeah yeah see the backflip I guess that's the one thing we probably should have expected as crazy as it is once you get Travis involved but also what's really cool some news a rider who's not competing today but certainly making some news anyway Ken rocks in here welcome to the show my man I know you're a long time Red Bull guy but big news for you switching teams for 2015 making the announcement this afternoon yes exactly I mean I'll switch teams to rch the soaring eagle Jimmy John's team and you know really excited about it and everything stays the same with Red Bull and I'm really excited to be here you know this is a great event you know I never I've never ridden it even on that that practice time we had once but I just flew in from Europe actually so I couldn't ride it but man that looks fun so kidding tell us about your a Suzuki guy for so long then you did so great on KTM now you're back on Suzuki does it feel like you're back at home or is it a completely different motorcycle you know what after after about four years of riding KTM it is definitely quite different you know obviously we have two total different frames different materials so that makes a huge difference and even the suspension is a big difference so I've been putting in a little bit a little bit of time on the bike feeling a lot more comfortable than the beginning and we have had a couple of test days and we have the bike set up already really good so it's really right now I'm at the point where I just say look just leave the bike as it is I just need some time on it get confident and I'll be ripping I know when I made a switch from you I'm on a Honda it's it's it's a new bike it's something exciting you you know you've ridden KTMs and you you did so much training it's so much practicing on it now you're on something fresh and new does it sort of revitalize you to make you want to get back on that bike it definitely does you know after four years and you know a change it changes good you know it just it gets you know something exciting and you know it depends where you are mentally but I think for me it was the right choice to do and I think I fit in great into the team and I think well we'll definitely do some damage in 2015 I'm really excited for for the upcoming season all right cool we got the quarterfinals coming up here in a moment let's send it back to Kelly to talk to one of our top 250 riders well Justin Bogle who beat out Ryan Surratt in the first round now will face Darden Smith Justin what are you able to try it any different lines in that first round that could help you here in the round of 8 yeah I tried a couple different ways to the rhythm section at first and a couple different options throughout the track so it was good coming up against my teammate we we use each other to pace off each other yesterday in practice so should be a good we're pretty close we qualified right next to each other so should be good do you have to do anything differently racing against him is there something a play a place you can take advantage of his style oh not really just making try time everything right and you know minimize the mistakes and uh you've regardless one of the Geico Honda's I'll be going on to the next that's cool awesome all right well Justin it'll be up second but first up we got Darren Durham who's gonna face off against Marvin mu scan who was our top qualifier as we start to eliminate guys as the intensity picking up Darren yeah it is picking up and the finals are coming up this quarterfinals so I'm excited to get out there and get a good running have you been able to see anything that Marvin's doing I mean what's your what's your plan of attack here my plan of attack is try to get off the good start get off to a good start and just stay you know steak as close to them and then the last stretch is where it seems to be happening so try to put a good run in the last stretch and stay consistent people seem so relaxed are you having fun yeah I am having fun it's it's relaxing when we're here when you get out there the heart gets racing it's a lot of fun alright a lot of bragging rights among other things on the line here at straight rhythm and the 250 guys are getting ready for the round of 8 all right thanks Kelly the fans were getting ready to I mean it is hot out here but there's beverages on hand to help out with that a hundred degrees flat perfect hundred degrees here not much humidity of course here in California and Lee there's a little bit of a breeze but RJ you were saying maybe the best situation would be to be on a motorcycle raise up or if you are old and retired on TV but Kenny let's talk about what you think about this you know I mean are you kind of bummed you're not riding I'm definitely bummed I'm not riding you know but sometimes you just gotta you know just kind of got to go with it and then you know listen to your gut but it is this is such an amazing event you know like Jason said earlier the tiniest you know couple of inches short on a jump can cause you so much and you know that the funny story is you want to be aggressive as aggressive as you can but at the same time you need to be as clean as possible because there are no turns so you can't really you kind of can make up a lot of time but not but you don't have any turn so in and it's a really short race so it's so interesting to watch and we've already finished the round of 16 these look at the race format here we've finished it in each class so now we're onto the quarterfinals with eight 250 riders and we have eight open class riders and the quarterfinals will begin right here this is how your bracket started in the 250 class and then you see who moved on moose can't able defeat McNeill and this brings us to the updated bracket loose can like we said defeating McNeill he'll go against Durham Jordan Smith Justin Bogle who Kelly was talking to down there and Kelly has picked up more riders down on the starting area let's go back to her well I thought we should get the other side of things these guys will be starting in the left lane we start here with Jordan Smith how do you feel about going up against your teammate here in the quarterfinals yeah for sure we we practiced together both days so we're pretty close so it should be a good race and at least one of the Geico bikes will be in the semi-finals anything you want to do differently from that first round I just need to hit my marks make sure I get all the rhythms Justin's pretty consistent so it's gonna be a tough race awesome right ahead of him and who will be first in the gate Marvin moose can as I mentioned he was the top qualifier Marvin I gotta ask you what I've been asking these other guys have you did you learn anything in the opening round what'd you do anything different here in the quarterfinals oh no like I said when I was done for my first run I I really want to stick with what I know what to do the best you know so I know I can do like more like triples and stuff but you know I don't want to make any mistakes you know during the run and make sure I hit everything good and and that's it you know it's we got to wait a long time you know in between each runs I mean after you're done with the run so it's a it's a little stressful you know you're like you know you're so excited and you want to get you get back on the track so I'm excited like I said I just want to make my way through the the main event it'll be nice your top qualifier do you feel like you have a target on your back I think so I mean always we always do like any any racing you know when you're the fastest in the morning on the practice yeah everybody's looking at you so but I don't think that I don't think that those guys are all worried or anything you know they we all gonna give our best and it's gonna be really really like short in at the finish line so it's really excited looking forward to some close racing thank you Marvin Thank You Justin bow go back there staying warm doing jumping jacks it's warm enough just sitting there well but it's one thing to sit there and sweat Kenny you could talk about this because you're current guy he's sweating he's hot nap but he's not warming up what is he doing well you know what you want to do is you know like you said sweating so you know it's there's a different thing you want to get your muscles warm you know you want to stretch them out you know keep them moving and that is what makes you feel as comfortable as possible on the bike you know you know the riders will know what I'm talking about when I talk about if you start in the morning without a warm-up without stretching without anything you feel really rusty and you just don't have the feel of the bike so you want it you know what you want to do is keep stretching your muscles and just a warm you know as you can see right there and I think that's that's key even though it's hot temperatures out there well in this imagine it's lap after lap after lap it's 20 it's 50 seconds stop so there's bit interval training just like when you do on your bicycle but they're coming to a complete rest and then also BAM going at it again I know that you guys when you do your Supercross training you do sometimes longer Moto's and shorter motors so you want to elaborate on that exactly and what died what I think too is you know if you're if you're kind of cold and you know you want to keep yourself warm because you don't want to have any load up you know like if you're not if you're not really warm and you know your legs start loading up and you kind of get fatigued even though it's just a short race but you know you might want to keep that in mind right what he's talking about by loading up is that you get a basically leg pump and you know like you're getting your arms you get a big rush of blood and it floods the muscle and also you feel like you loaded up like you got let in there so yeah but you have an opportunity to get those muscles warmed up get them firing and being ready to go well everyone is here to see this unique racetrack that's why it's such a big crowd on hand let's learn a little more about what it takes what it takes to build something like this the funnest part most exciting part for me in Supercross is the rhythm sections you know as soon as those guys really started getting rhythm to the section they got to put on the brakes and turn for us it was like let's just stretch that thing out and change the game isn't that long it's rhythm section that guys have ever ridden more than 80 almost 90 different jumps on the track in a supercross track you can take two bulldozers and really zip around and prep a whole track well it would take me 15 minutes to go from one side to the other here with one dozer so you stage three dozers done some crazy things it's been fun the question is going to be whether the spectators like it whether they like this sort of idea this sort of setup and then if the racing gets to be good like we think it's going to be there's no reason everybody won't love it and people using that hashtag straight rhythm and pretty cool so super hearing on Twitter bring it back childhood memories of excitement those when people wanted to be Rick Johnson and excited and now you're dating yourself so that person has to be over 20 or 30 years old yeah if they remember excited bike and we go to the quarterfinals for the first time it's gonna be moose can against Durham Kelly talked to them before Durham says the goal is to try to stay as close as possible and then really uncork it in those whoops toward the finish but hanging close to Busquets not gonna be easy he has been on fire all weekend but you've heard you heard Marvin loose can talk about I want to be consistent I don't want I don't want to triple where I don't have to I don't want to do anything unnecessary I want to be clean and that's the way this Frenchman has been year after year after year well I wonder that RJ will they start to take more risk the riders they go against get faster remember he was first in 16 the first time around now it's one against eight well they have to Assad about or if they're going to if they plan on making it to the next round they're gonna have to start taking some chances right now Durham is new to this KTM motorcycle and actually missed a ton of racing this year who's a Kawasaki rider but injuries come from all the motocross races so he's working his way back on the Moose Kenton is in fine form Kenny what do you see when you're watching this you know you can see that Margaret is jumping very clean he has a lot of intensity and he didn't mess up once you know compared to Durham you know that's that's basically key right there you see it's a pretty good gap for a nut first straighter of them and but that's you know French people are known for that there's a lot of good there's a lot of good Supercross racers from down there as you can see you know we always have people coming to Supercross and from from France and they're always pretty good so just one of those things you know look at that nice whip from Marvin's suite and that was a good run by the 25 fastest in practice takes a good solid win over Durham here we'll get right back to it our next matchup is Jordan Smith Justin Bogle we've previewed it these guys rode together in practice yesterday is electrifying I mean they were wheel to wheel almost the whole time and they are teammates so the equipment is equal as well so it's gonna be interesting to see how it turns out Bogle against Smith simple question Kenny more motivation or less motivation to beat your to beat your teammate definitely more motivation you're definitely one of you in front of your teammate because that's the things that we all were teammates isn't that I say bull everything you want to be the fastest guy under the tent so if another [Music] maybe a look maybe a little bit less pressure for Smith you know he's just basically came into everything you know where Bogle he's kind of like a veteran you know and then it has been appropriate different rhythm though here let's see if he can come back no Schmitt the kid holding office very established and Supercross title winning teammate explain a little bit what I was saying earlier about boho and he does his scrub he gets way off to the side yeah that's what I think I'm kind of the same way but there are different struck techniques out there you know I I usually started really early in the jump to be able to go as fast and to stay as low as possible you know fans are going crazy because these guys been side by side the whole base started cut you got a finish coming up Jordan gets the rice unbelievable great job for that young kid man in he had to earn that every bump every jump great job during the Smith wow they must have passed each other three or four times I've had it but look at this why did he get the run kid um I just think he probably might have set up a little better you know and it's really knowing I mean it happened so fast but for for a rookie you know good job for basically a supercross type of track yeah beaten a supercross champion right there Wow so Bogle is gonna have to beat him the next time around it's the best two and three for Matt if Smith gets another one of those wins Bogle one of the favorites is out is Smith a 1000 slower than Marvin moves can basically the same lap time both 51 for Marvin 50 51 for two and Smith 5143 so there was not a gimme they were both flying do you hear how they were revving the bike to get every single power out of it you want that you want that wheel spinning as fast as possible every time it touches the ground and you know you know better than Jesse Nelson's Chris Blose here at their first run Jesse Nelson with a slight advantage clothes gonna try to come back jumping right up on this wall this double the rider saying one of the trickiest on the whole track because it sets you up for this entire section blows is not a young kid so he knows that he cannot give up and he had to come back a full a Tele so he could he had to make sure that he's working and he is making notes and work for it inching his way back up and now I believe putting the wheels out of front come Nelson good so kenny when you're watching this what you're like nod your head back and forth you're really knowing exactly what you would be doing out there right now Jesse Nelson get out here we go it's gonna come down to the whoops we knew it would be a little bit closer the quarterfinals then the group of 16 that's exactly what's happening race to the finish Nelson makes it happen this guy I've noticed that with Marvin and whit Jordan Smith and with blue with blows right now it seemed like that one side of the whoops is quite a quite more slippery than the other side yeah it looks like a lot of side-to-side action just you see the guy no matter what they're both hanging it on but the guy on the right always seems to pull it together so great I can easy against hill that'll be our final in this first group in the quarterfinals this is interesting is he in hill is he making the comeback only get on the bike about five times before Steuben but looks so good so far this weekend but he'll second fastest in qualifying and really fast out of hole yeah he'll a great start but also Nico still still a gamer you used to race against Nico and then watch warning about lights class is he has to try to come back now and they're headed toward the tabletops and down the sand so Hills a little bit young guy but Ken you got to race against time rates on the lights yeah for sure and it's actually been quite a while since he's mo look at Justin made a mistake yeah yeah he hasn't raised it quite a while so you got to remember that you know then you kind of lose that intensity plus he's on a different bike than you know about a week ago yeah so that makes it that makes a makes a huge difference you know but right I then Ken Roczen pointed out the guys on the left side seem to be swapping more as they're trying to throw it down they're getting less water so he'll able to take down easy that time rematch here moonscape won the first run it's best two or three so Durham's got to trying to come back on him no one has been able to match Marvin so far it was fastest yesterday he's won all of his bracket races so far today Durham was about two and a half seconds off his first run so I don't know if he once he realized that he didn't have it he backed off a little bit but Durham C came her man I've watched him time and time again the lights program and he's not one guy to just sit back and take a beating he's gonna definitely swing when it comes to riding style a lot of the guys like but they see it at Darren Durham just a fun guy to watch ride and he always seems like someone doesn't take the riding too seriously to push that aside right now it's dead serious he's gotta be who scattering out both guys on KTM but now toward the toilet een is now so you see factory KTM and then we also see Troy leaves but basically the same bikes and even carried off against Marvin is tough in this event he has just been aces we haven't seen many mistakes who didn't give you many opportunities that's the thing that Kenny was talking about that a lot of the French riders are very for you did you have a lot of coaching ones that your father just pushing you a lot when you it was actually it was my father my father you know he just had that I he'd never let anybody talk him into anything and he just did his thing with me and then so for me it seemed like it worked out great and I never really had a coach and I didn't really believe in it either so I really just did my own thing and you know thanks to my parents for you know finally having me here and moose can gets the win over Durham so Durham has been eliminated let's check it out here RJ right there Marvin as Kenny said Marvin very very clean you watch him when he comes on the downsides of these doubles when he scrubs he stays very low when he lands on the downside there's no wasted energy he doesn't land a little short he doesn't have to let a little bit long he's right where he needs to get and carry that speed into the next obstacle so Marvin we'll move on to the next round that will be the final four we'll see here we will meet in a moment first he's gonna meet Tina down at the finish well and Marvin has been looking so smooth and fast all day long how are you balancing out being aggressive with that smoothness on this track well you know it's all about the same I would say you know just be a consistent really really fast obviously the fastest you can but no mistakes and be smooth I'm having so much fun right now you know it's really intense you know the guy next to it you know is when he is good you know you gotta be really consistent because it's it's so close that they finished sometimes it's gonna get closer and closer through the main event so like I said just want to be a consistent and go to the main event well you guys heard it's gonna get closer and closer there at the end well we've been waiting for the upset here at straight rhythm and right now it could be in delivery Justin Bogle a Supercross Champion just a few months ago back against the wall he has to beat jordan smith here or he will be eliminated by his rookie teammate rookie he's not even officially a rookie yet this is really his first Pro race hasn't raced a Supercross at all but kidding don't I know that you feed off the energy of the other riders and also you dig deep inside yourself what do you think about this we are in your own little box we would be started yeah it's it's definitely different you know I actually think just because you can really focus on yourself and the races you use you know you're always next to other people and it could be worse for the one or not you know Smith he carries a lot of speed watch when he comes up to the walls he comes up and carries a ton of speed he's out Jack's now breaking Bogle over right here he comes in stays low he still has an advantage of our Supercross Champion Supercross Lites champion Justin Bo and you are not kidding these bikes are scraping with these two around the track they're right at the rev limiter and side by side again little mistakes from Smith vocals got a little edge remember Smith came back out of in these groups the first run let's see if he can do it again and he'll force them to a third and deciding run this is excited I want to see these guys run about 20 times I'm free but my first minute theater yet definitely had a wheel on Justin Bogle right there yeah but he's scrubbed a little bit too much and that's the thing is that they're trying to slow down and scrub the speed and not over jump and he actually under jumped and that's what bit him blows against Nelson blows gave Nelson a real strong run in that one but Nelson came out on top by about 4/10 of a second there locked and loaded down there and you know what's very different to on the start right here I think you can really try different techniques because less rpm to get maximum traction yes it's actually a freestyle ramp lay it down they get good traction on that and the gates a little wider than usual so you can move over left to right close pulling back up on Nelson Nelson gets the edge bus comes back Nelson pulls back away I like Nelson he's got the wheel down a little bit a little bit more attack slightly more forward blows is a little bit sinister to straight up and down and his clothes slightly high so that's he's gonna start losing a little bit you can see right there ends up with about other flag behind you could really say if you could really see what they were next to each other they're close they're just quite a bit higher than that jessie nelson thrown a lot of body English we were showing up in slow-mo and it runs earlier today then helmet it's almost slamming against the crossbar pad beat scrubs over every one of these jumps looks like he's got bloats covered but he stayed the straight ball right there at the end it comes back just like Kenny was saying if the guys are getting last traction in that left lane everything was straight last couple starts to swap side to side but let's take another look at that hole shot walk us through a kitty yeah you can see right here like you said it looks like they have a pretty good traction so they still keeping their body pretty far forward and you know as soon as you hit the dirt it could be you know preference from left to right side you know it depends how the rut is looked like you lost a fork guard let that I think it might a minute might have been as launched / - yeah it might have been probably still hooked and you know sometimes if the button that gets stuck or something it doesn't hook and doesn't unhook it'll just rip it right off if you look on the right-hand side well we're talking about as a launch control they can compress their fork hold it down and then what happens is that holds the front suspension out so they can accelerate harder but right now let's talk to Jessie and also with Tina well that's right now these guys move on and you will be moving on to the semifinals what's the pressure like amongst you guys for me there's no pressure I'm just going out there trying to have fun hit my lines put solid runs in and hopefully come away with the title well yeah and how comfortable you are you filling with your lines at this point I feel pretty comfortable with them it's just sometimes you over you mean you misjudge things yellow to heat caught up in the moment or the battle and you just go a little too far and you lose up a lot of ground so just got to be safe and almost lost they're the finish so it's gotta be smart well let's paying off so far moving on to the semis that's right and we have another set of competitors here for our second run hill against Izzy hill got the edge the first time around so moose can and Nelson have moved on Smith and Bogle have to race one more time and these two are competing if hill can win this one he's going to the semis the slowest time was Justin Hill so let's see if he can pull off a quicker time this time out right now he's got about a bike length on is he into the first wall here we are through this rhythm Lane is he tried desperately to sneak back into it still a great comeback story for is he who was not even close to condition to ride a motorcycle just a few months ago over the summer has now made a comeback says he does plan on racing Supercross hopes to be an Anaheim one on this game in a couple of months and this is where it starts even if he can't take downhill it's got nothing to be ashamed of it's been a good opportunity I have nothing but prosper Nico Izzi before coming back know what that Ben Lomond 3 3 combo well a little bit bigger lead on Nico Izzi into the tabletop that leads them toward the whoops to kill back it down a little bit through there that was I was actually thinking earlier it looks like they look very hard the whoops so what we do usually in Supercross is once you actually back off a little bit it makes you it makes you go faster the funny thing is right here we have a supercross set of whoops and it goes into rollers so you know what you really got to figure out your technique and we're gonna show you the whoops you can take us through what we're talking about here Kenny yeah right here so you're coming to the boobs are really close together they're very hard but it seems I get a pretty good traction but most of the time when you get in those rollers here you know we don't we can't really see if it gets cut out or not but there's some hard spots and sometimes it helps if you better throttle off a little bit too you know do not go sideways one of the things that I worked with Ricky Carmichael because he was always so hard and on the gas and we talked about it if you're going through that now I hate to use sound effects money gear here bah-bah-bah pop and you don't hear the motor slightly bogging down what you're doing is you're losing traction you want to gain traction so you hear that motor bog a little bit that's traction so right now we got hill with Tina well that's right Justin is moving on and at this put in the in the day couple more races possibly another win what's the game plan like I said before pretty straightforward but you know it's it's getting tricky now because there's some holes developing and and things like that so we're just gonna have to kind of you know be careful I think that it at the end of the day it's gonna be tricky so we need to just be smooth to make sure everything's consistent and nice and nice and easy now so you want to be smooth but how with those holes and everything are you guys having to hold back at all not really I mean you know I you know they did I think I'm and we're ready for this showdown matchup Bogle and Smith and man they have been so close talking about that Justin Hill had a couple mic problems down there we'll get that rectified this is it Bogle if Smith and they've probably been the closest match up we've seen throughout this event how to even pick a winner in this one I'm gonna put him on the spot we got the guy who's been here that's done that Kenny rocks and who you takin that's a hard question no I'm asking you I'm gonna take the risks and go with Smith guess he's been looking really solid and if he doesn't do a mistake like he did in the run before he has always had a wheel unjust so it'll be interesting here we go and also we he's got that white light even though he lost the start he has the advantage when we talked about you said you saw the guys walk fast on the right lane in the whoops I get it now Smith with the advantage yeah it looks like it really looks like he had a lot of wheelspin but look at that then he just did that Quan exactly now he's the first to 50 to do that Bogle still able to hang with it though and in fact pull back away even though Smith had the big combo so Smith's gonna have to Ratchet it back up button yes that works section Bogle is gonna have to take on that very slippery left side trying to get a bigger lean as possible before he gets there Smith's gonna get desperate now both do a double triple triple [Music] double now we're coming up to the last section so right now vocals on the left and that's what you see some slip and here we see who gets it I think Bogle is able to edge him by just a bit did you see that lap then that was a 50 point 5 and the track is definitely not getting better so exactly that is phenomenal fifty point five for Bogle 50.6 for Smith two of the fastest runs we've seen any 250 riders put in and they did it against each other Justin Bogle actually had quite a good lead towards Ian and it seemed like Smith just you know came right back at it was a tenth off so that was pretty impressive well very very good call out there kid because you can see on the left lane you watch Smith dig and just hangin old-school off the back and here we see Bogle swapping side to side so Smith not givin up in that whoop section on the left side very difficult pull just able to hang a look how close this is Smith scrub that's pretty sweet man and that's the end unfortunately for shorten Smith what an effort he put in against his very established teammate but he has been eliminated by Justin Bogle that send it back to Tina well when you guys were a neck-and-neck there at the finish and you went to three also for amongst you two just described that battle of racing that was intense it's a it's a fun deal to do with your teammate obviously I go Honda's are working incredible tracks pretty slick made got some different tires with Dunlop to kind of combat that issue but uh it was tough he got a lot better run than me through the whoops i lap so I'm gonna go back watch them tape look at that and try to come out in this next round it's gonna be a good one me and I believe Marvin so should be good that is gonna be a good one guys all right we're down to the final four we want to thank Ken Roczen for stopping by up here when is the first time you expect to be racing on that new motorcycle people want to see it I'm sure real bad yeah you know I wish I could actually you know race today or tomorrow but we're gonna have to wait until Anaheim one but you know who knows that you know it that's what that's what it is and and you know put in a lot of good work right now and you know come back strong and 2015 alright thanks for stopping enjoy the show man thank you awesome congratulations and we will see you at Anaheim Jim that's Ken Roczen who I know is it's Edith he caught the starting gate in one of these there's our tournament we started out with 16 riders in the 250 class we moved it down to the Elite Eight and now it'll be at the Final Four moose can against Bogle Nelson against Justin Hill now we have to get down to the final four in the open class your first matchup Josh Hansen James Stewart two of the most talented to the most spectacular riders on a motorcycle I know some people wanted to see that Pastrana Stewart matchup in round two but handy is certainly fun to watch in his own right and he said it wasn't until that final race against Pastrana that he got that first bit in the way he wanted let's see if he can use it against Stewart James Stewart slightly going off to the left one I like about James and that he doesn't always run the line that everybody else run we saw earlier when he's in the right lane when it was right up against the right you watch James now he goes for that quad he hasn't that's the first time he's done two so he's getting ready for his brother extrude some pull tear off what leads to that evident happen to race like this whoa we've talked him before you see he'll reach up and adjust his helmet as well it's kind of a relaxing thing take a handoff pull a tear-off and do this thing and also any time you take a tear off of it it just takes a little bit of glare away makes a blimp and cleaner little gambler handy down the crowd comes alive at Stuart can now see the checkered flag but he's got to go through these wounds hands to make a late run at him and to make the rubber making the slight hesitation there but Josh Hansen definitely a gamer but James Stewart brings it home it's tough in an event like this he is clearly on his game today and that is the fastest time of the day I believe that's the first rider under the 50 second mark forty-nine point six seven Force - yeah and then let's just tell you that what's the difference between one jump he just dropped a second so great job by James Stewart and that beats the fastest time today that was put in by this man his brother Malcolm Stewart excuse me I'll be facing off against Josh Hill here so we'll see if Malcolm can one-up his brother again he was able to do it on lap times in the previous round yeah the track in some cases might be getting faster because the whoops are getting knocked steward over to the left when he makes a small mistake coming off there very very fast in those first rollers leaping through those rollers it's Malcolm a look at he'll come back with aggression as he scrubs that wall wheel-to-wheel Stewart oh that's a perfect way to get through that section Malcolm pulls the triple off again or the quad I should say so right there we normally see James Stewart helping out Malcolm Stewart but I think Malcolm gave me the class so he'll see what he's got to beat now he knows you get about two Mike likes to make up can he do it through the 10 pack for the whoops right now they're pretty even there but it was that quad at the beginning that made the difference here we're going in and actually Hill is in the metro line but Malcolm has got a great run boy that bike did not go sideways on the left side at all for Malcolm so he's able to overcome those track conditions breaking down a little bit and makes that bike go straight well done for Malcolm the time 49.54 he's a tenth quicker than James James is not gonna like that at all but here we got Justin brain and Kyle partridge getting ready to go head to head Kyle's been one of those guys that's pulled off some good stuff but right now he's up against one of the favorites for this race and Justin break but window time the great in the previous round so he means business out here handle 144 it's bright and taking the Partridge style of hitting over the back of the bike through those rollers partridge edging ahead right now they're both head-to-head but oh they're right there brave makes a small mistake but he does regain his composure and get back out in front Brayton has a background in a read across that it's very high paced quick racing so he did but a stroke those mistakes on despite a few of them he still has partridge cover but but just by bike like one case one small will slip and it's going to change but right now just afraid never gonna fight but Partridge is so good in these whoops he's so tall so much leverage on the bike can he use it to come back out Brayton he's not at the preferred line he gives it a run Brayton is gonna come out on top creating a little bit slower very very low 50s is a 50 point one so he's about a half a second off of James tour and next up will be Shane McIlrath against Dean Wilson so right now Stewart Brothers and Drake have won the first of their matchup this will be the first or the final of our first set of runs that they've been flip it back start over with James Stewart and Hansen again in their second race here we see a slight different Dean will says line up slightly to the left side so guys are looking at that run aside and you see what they're dealing with highlight this they had that whole shot device you're talking about locking the front wheel down in the city whoops with the front end locked down it's a strange sensation for them overcoming pretty well Wilson right now the gap but Wilson would land on the downside of the Stefan seven bombers tenant one so that's gonna take a little bit away from him right now he's out in front but he has to be picking off the next round as well yeah still experimenting and remember what Justin Hill said from the 252 track is changing quite a bit the Hill brothers they're just like they're so stoked to be on earth Wilson appears that McIlrath governance are headed to the woods the crowd comes to life Wilson has been fast all day today was second fastest yesterday both these guys brand-new to the KTM motorcycle you wouldn't know about watching him no no we talked about that that Dean is was looking at going faster every time he was out there so right now James Stewart is leading going to this next round with Josh Hansen so right now it's checkers or records for for Josh Hansen so he's got to got to fight back and he's fighting one of the Giants and James Stewart we might be building toward a Stewart versus Stewart paddle yes in the next round they both are 1 to nothing right now Malcolm over Josh Hill and James over Josh Hansen and it's time to fire him up and go riding now comes all the way like you said on the right side of his gate Johansson choosing to go all the way to the left Wilson did the same yeah we can't see how bad that run is but I got to give me man watch this time to get nervous and nervous right now Josh Hansen with the holeshot yeah beautiful start by Hansen perfect get the bike straight up didn't hook that run he is giving Stewart everything he has James Stewart scrubs a little bit more and he goes further Oh step on step of it and he goes for the quad and Stewart a little mistake as well so Handy's got him right now but look at ster come right back on it remember what Kenny Roxas said is that you got a slight advantage when you cover the far right-hand lane so James Stewart in the preferred line it backfired it didn't work Henson still has the lady Eddison pulled off the upset listen to the crowd they're going nuts Henson so aggressive but yet you hold it through the final stretch Stewart comes back takes the lay down the win Hanson gave it a great effort awesome from Josh Hanson right there you can't you know when you're racing against a guy like James Stewart and you get beat you just gotta throw props where props Purdue and there was actually a lot of mistakes by James you see double double triple clutches and he loses the whole shot to Hanson enhanced it does a great job but midway through James Stewart starts to pull it together and what James does better than anybody is when it comes to the whoops and watch his body as low head very balanced that bike is barely movement and throttle is wide open so great job by both Josh Hansen but most of all James Stewart you know and I have to wonder I'm gonna throw this at you Hanson has not been a full time Supercross rider in a while in a while and what do those riders work out more than anything else whoops whoops maybe Stewart's edge there was from that section let's send it down attina well in the crowd is cheering for you James let's talk about those whoops because that made the difference yeah I knew I was in trouble in the beginning I kind of spun off the gate but uh Josh was running good I knew I had to pull a but stronger move didn't whoops and just let it all hang out so I appreciate you guys - me up if you guys weren't there I probably would have lost that once I appreciate it well there is a potential race against you and Malcolm he still has to race what would that look like amongst you between you two I believe you thought that one deciding I think this next one's gonna be even if he makes it through even harder so uh hey that's what it's for brother love and that's racing guys well what we're starting to see here as we work from that first round where you had first against 16th and qualifying we are bringing the fastest riders together and the races are getting closer and closer Malcolm Stewart against Josh Hill this should be a good one he'll has to win it yeah but he'll show remarkable speed you know he's talking about being the monster and taking advantage of everybody but right now Malcolm Stewart is unbelievably fast you know he's learned a lot from his brother and right now he taught his brother about that that quad so he's been that he's been setting the pace for straight rhythm he has been the fastest rider throughout most of the brackets today Malcolm Stewart so that's a tall order for Josh Hill to try to go through this and even if he beats him in this one I'll have to do it again in a third run [Music] Malcolm with a really good consistent starting you saw James kind of Bob a little bit off the gate but I'm very very straight right now he's got about a half a bike length on Josh he'll see if he'll can stay cool calm click and here he knows what's happening mistake by Malcolm puts him right back in it but still Malcolm able to maintain it into the sand section he'll pushing hard kind of stay ahead and remember that left side of the whoops as Kenny Rogers pointed out earlier that's a tough line it's gonna have to deal with it gets close both these guys go to double triple triple and then he'll push this horn is he kidding but it's too little too late Malcolm Stewart beats him two to nothing and a 49 - that is the fastest lap of the day right there people so we saw everything so Jon Josh Hill did everything right but Malcolm did it that much better watching the start you see very straight doesn't miss it doesn't miss a lick wheelies manuals the first three bumps his wheel doesn't touch and undo that whole shot device until the fourth whoop Wow man he'll put together a great run of 50.5 that would get the job done almost under any circumstance but not against Malcolm who is clearly feeling it today right he was only a tenth off of James Stewart the one that had the heat between Hansen and that so Josh Hill needs to be proud did a great job for Mitch Payton and Pro Circuit but we have the matchup it'll be Stewart versus Stewart in the next round let's send it to Tina well and Malcolm just keeps getting faster and faster and you will be now racing against your brother in the semi-finals what can you say about that man it's a it's a dream come true we were trying to do a little bit of strategy hopefully we can you know get that hope I was hoping I was get to him so I'm pretty stoked on that now it's big bro time now so well if I beat him and I still love him and hopefully he wins so we can split it 5050 ten grand richer well we saw you earlier get the quad and then he got the cot so are you guys helping each other out what advice you've given to each other oh yeah we're hoping to tailor out the BD to be other guys but now I can't help them anymore so all I know is the fans you better get ready to get on your feet because it's gonna be a great race it's race time and I know James has the edge as far as Championships and race wins but Malcolm has been faster most of the runs today let's move on to the next run it's Justin Brayton against Kyle partridge partridge shadowed Brayton through most of that one the break was able to get away at the end and it was very very tight only half a second separated those two riders and now you put partridge in the preferred lane and we keep saying preferred lane or mainly talking about what Kenny rocks had pulled up with attraction you can see that starting line area is beat up after all these hole shots Partridge out in front of brain early comes back separating over jumped a little bit Partridge doing a slightly off rhythm but now they're back back and ahead that is sketch these guys scrubbing it together side by side on top of these tables one huge mistake in they're both going down it's hard to call right now I'm trying to look for something something to point out they're both doing everything right so great race so enjoy people here we are to the 10 pack Brayton with a slight edge boy they are close to foot between them two left brain is always one of the best suited woops and he uses it to his advantage he defeats partridge two to nothing partridge though the privateer flirted some great runs during this event he has to be proud he did a great job Kyle partridge and what an awesome job here we're watching that the step on step off both guys getting on top float in the front wheel keeping everything light working on traction on the rear wheel awesome awesome job so grayton moving on will he be against Shane McElwee ratha will he be against Dean Wilson in the semis and that's the finish there partridge knew he had to get desperate down the stretch but great and just too strong of the whoops couldn't make up any ground so Braden get too little too late that's right hey I wanted throw a quick shout-out to to one of my boys that's gonna be heading overseas and get some work done Michael Keller and the boys from Fort Bragg so I'm so stoked to be working with them and also I want them to just go over and do what they do right now we got Tina with Braden well that's right moving on to the semifinals that was neck and neck for amongst between the two of you right there but what made the difference for you at the end honestly both the runs I messed up the quad and didn't jump it but still cool to be able to get the win we wanted to semifinals and uh man that's coming down the whoop section it's a you fans are are in for a treat come to the semifinals and the finals gonna be fun to watch well we've seen that like you said it is coming down to the whoop section amongst these guys and our next matchup Dean Wilson Shayne McIlrath back against the wall for McElroy he's down one to nothing he has to pull the upset here beat Wilson and if he does he'll go right back to the starting gate and race for a third time and we have a surprise guest I don't know if I'm supposed to announce him yet but I'm gonna ask him who do you pick it for Cal Rath and everybody ladies and gentlemen travis Pastrana how's it going guys I was hoping to be down there I started see you whilst Wilson is a new bike but he analyze it's a little bit what it's talking about the whoops break mention to coming down to the whoops and we had Ken rocks it up here saying it would section please starting to break down a change it is a lot and honestly the the whoops it's just over here these guys are neck it back this is such a great everyone's kind of going conservative route there is to get the quad I think that's good we want takes away but look at these guys just what battle Miguel rad knows what he's got to do he's got to figure out a way to beat Wilson or Wilson but eliminate him McGarrett on the 350 he's on the smallest bike in the field and you have the largest by Travis oh you seen the advantage for mikkel rats with being on the field on the 350 definitely not the woops I feel like that's where this is probably going to come down to and right now the power yeah Wilson gets it done nice effort by uh Miguel wrath but he has been eliminated and we have ourselves a final four of the open class Wilson Brayton and the Stewart boys take us through this all Jay I think the scrubs though it would be better on a smaller right knees been that helps scrub in too but we watch a Dean Wilson he's one of the taller guys like you but see how his knees been Travis that's a that's a great advantage when you're riding motorcycles if what your joints move more than thirty percent I feel almost as old as you Rick oh hey Chad let's talk about racing that five hundred man you still feel like it was a good decision this is a great great day we're gonna set it down at Tino who has Dean Wilson who was just advanced well that's right he did advance and Jeff Dean Wilson our number two qualifier will be going up against Justin Brayton our number three qualifier how do you strategize going up against him I just need to work on my start I'm spending a little bit so I need to fix that and you know just need to everything clean have everything fast have a lot of forward momentum and I think we'll be good it's all about the forward momentum and right now let's send it over to Kelly we're all ready for the epic showdown of Stuart vs Stuart in the final four I've got their father mr. James Stewart senior how on earth are you gonna watch this match go down between your sons I know it's gonna be a Stewart win it you know it's it's exciting you know I mean for Malcolm to go up against his brother on a factory motor soccer and I called his race in this bike pocket racing because you know we bought his bike and everything to get him to this event you know and that's just unfortunately you know I told him he's got to dig his way back into this thing and he's going to give his brother all he wants he's had the fastest lap Malcolm that is but yesterday when they went head-to-head James seemed to always get the edge on Malcolm how do you see this one playing out just like Nate was little kids you know I always told Malcolm here it's gonna be tough to beat your big brother you know cuz he's not gonna let that happen so I mean it's he's gonna really have to dig anything out he's had to beat him and James won't roll over and let him beat him I can promise you that we're ready for the sibling rivalry showdown coming up for the semi-finals thank you James all right and the racing just keeps getting better and better hair as we're taking the fastest riders and pitting them against each other we started out with 16 riders in the open class we went through the quarterfinals we are ready now for the semis it'll be Stewart versus Stewart and also Justin Brayton and Dean Wilson the brand new guys on KTMs dueling when we get to the open class semis in a little bit but we are joined by travis Pastrana here we are now Travis let's talk about this I know you didn't want to be in the booth because you wanted to still be out there racing but it was an awesome victory you did get one over handsome cowboy now definitely this straight rhythm is amazing because when you mess up one jump you have to think so far down the road okay what's jump do I need to get over and I tell you what Hanson was on fire at the beginning but that 500 put some power down the whoops I was wondering if Hanson was worried about that down the stretch you definitely seem to be the fastest rider through the rhythm lane with that 500 we're showing you the 250 brackets here we'll get back to Travis in a second you 250 bracket your final four you see it right here it'll be hill against Nelson moose can against Bogle your next matchup with this final for moose can versus Bogle these are riders who have established themselves with professional championships let's see how it goes we'll keep Travis up here in the booth with myself and Ricky and we'll go racing again so Travis watching these guys and so who do you like when it comes to to this he between mooska right now you got 205 seconds man this is gonna be so tight that was a hunch oh man look how fast these guys are bullets in that whoops see this is the scrubs amazing dominate get a nice little cap on buh-buh-buh go trying to come back hopefully pretty quick to the whoops his last run but he's gonna have to be really quick to come back moose scan has just been aces so far in this vendor look how he's jumping the backside of tabletop he's getting the power down as fast as he can everywhere it's a I mean I hate to use a card at 200 on this short track yeah it's great because he doesn't he doesn't over jump he doesn't undercut he gets right on the downside in this scrub trim packable Marvin moose can I think he's getting faster as the day goes on he's gonna flirt with under 50 seconds here just miss is at 50 point nine tracks getting tougher moose cans getting tougher as well Wow and we'll go right to our next races we're into the final four of the 250s Hill versus Nelson these are two young kids who are not afraid to be aggressive on an event like this oh man these guys are awesome I think Nelson's just so stoked to be there right now he's gonna be putting it down a very very hard and both of these guys are new to KTM so they're getting they're getting more and more comfortable each round the rolling start therefore Nelson actually gets the edge on Hill there's not a backstop back there like there would be in a typical motocross or Supercross start gate it will go span their back tires on that yeah there we go got the triple onto the table see this section is so here we go it's so hard to hit consistently yeah man they were facing some of those things but not losing much time little edge for hill I love the confidence of Jesy Nelson step on step off never touched his front wheel that takes a lot of balls yeah just wheeling across the top set a little bit behind you see his front wheels blocking up over that they are on the brakes so on the takeoffs Nelson making a comeback here close it back in here we go into the last section step on step up what are you thinking right now Travis I think I want to be on the left leg but oh my gosh that's what we saw that right land everybody swapping side to side that's the difference maker hill that's why I love the Lites class man they are not afraid there's like I'm winning I don't I do not care if you're doing a backflip you have an excuse we'll move right back to the starting line and get this semifinal complete it's gonna be Bogle who has to beat mousse can here is output moose can't he's been like a machine out there but times moose can with a fifty point nine one and he'll with a fifty point nine oh these guys are so they're they're neck-and-neck is virtually the same I can Bhogle continue this can he extend moose can to a third race or will it be lights out for him moose can't is not giving anyone an opportunity to beat him so far he's been perfect through his runs I tell you miss kinna has just he puts the power down he is he is looking for time everywhere that's what it's gonna take in a straight rhythm yeah I mean he's scrubbing every jump he's pushing the bike down he's running times I mean these guys are all running times it just as quick as the you know the big bikes exactly and the thing what are you talking about his consistency goes I don't I was thinking the Bogle with the holeshot barely look at home coming back yeah somehow news games still able to get the lead even though we got the better start vocal staying low on top of that table well Travis you watching the riders left up there hit the brakes to scrub to not jump too far but it seems like muskan when he scrubs he's rolling a little faster so he doesn't break the momentum like the other riders Vogel's got to be so frustrated now and it's so hard not to overshoot these breaks in the basically to slow you down right here not go too fast there like that right there like yeah let's get a little bit late and now Lenny come makes a comeback and no one has been able to beat Busquets so far that's frickin can both will be the first to do it mousse get the lure and then double entering the moves sideways mogul and that's gonna cost them moose can't takes the win look at those yes he's popped that's the thing you got a you got an IO sending you there's no shame in the game in front tires the front tires are locked up the back tires are locked up they are doing everything they can to slow down for those things they're roosting backwards they're throwing dirt the other way but when you put everything down you got to hold your head up and you didn't Travis I got to give it to you brother you did awesome out there today I appreciate wasn't enough but man it was cool man look at those Bluffs yeah that left side what does it cupped out what has happened down there the left side you can actually come in faster because they're kind of smaller than we getting and you get a little we'll have Tina with Marva moose can who's moving on well any was the number one qualifier in the 250 class and you will be moving on to the finals how motivated are you to finish up on top of the podium yeah I mean I'm so motivated because it's a rebel even I love my sponsor rail boy and my key gym crew for today it's it's a great day I mean first time Red Bulls tried rhythm I think the friends are loving it and everybody is loving it it's so excited so yeah finally I'm in the main event and I just want to do the same thing you know I feel like the right side from where we start the right side is not the best I like the left better but anyway we got to do both well you got one more race best of luck and there will be one more race by the way for the riders have just been eliminated we will have a showdown for a third place so Bogle will be back in that one here will go against the rider that does not advance out of these two Hill versus Nelson Hill got the win the first time so Nelson has to try to make it happen here or he will have to go into the battle for third Bogle and they switch lanes of course that start stood up and rabbits the game is wide enough for you can actually make a decision left to right that's great there's no runs on there oh okay pretty big lead right there right Jesse else with a great hole shot take the lead that's one of those situations Travis you're coming in clearing a jump on the brakes so it makes it so difficult that that's jump I'd never hit the backside all weekend it's such a steep jump it's so hard to time the back at the backside of it well we saw you go single double at one point go into that first job the Supercross race you're using the back brake to scrub to stay a little over these guys are stopping a little completely and so you're guessing how much to slow down look at that see bouncing through and he'll really coming to life here it's pretty awesome folks to watch Travis over here because he's mentally thinking man and monitor know that unbelievable alright so that is it our finalists said it's an all red Bull KTM showdown between mousse can and Hill and we will have a battle for third place in this one between Nelson and Bogle and a high five to the new now fellow KTM Riders Nelson joining they call that Walker down there just did he just slow down a little too much he was coming in fastings ever come in he got some good traction wheeling into that thing and then just it was that first section is so difficult I was gonna say also if you're behind in the run how difficult is it to not start over jumping things just because you're desperate you're trying to push harder you still have to do things just right not too little not too much yeah I never got that I was just I asked the wrong guy well Justin will also be moving on to the final racing up against Marvin that's going to be a battle where's the motivation sit with you right now you know as far as I'm concerned we did it you know we came here as a team and this is a Red Bull event and to get to Red Bull KTM wanted to no matter what excited about that from now you know me and Marvin are our friends so let's just have some fun with it have some fun it's gonna be a battle guys all right the new guy under the tent they're already performing well and he'll go against the teammate who's well established with KTM Justin Hill Marvin moose can that'll be your first ever 250 final I feel that I know we got this bracket or here but I feel that Hill is really smoothies but moose can't just he is wanting every inch every millisecond it's gonna be really tough I mean Hills probably is a little bit smoother but it's gonna be such a good battle that's gonna be fun we do have our of course semis in the 450 and here's the matchup everyone wanted to see James Stewart and Malcolm Stewart and remind you again through most of the runs today Malcolm had the edges a little bit quicker each time over James we certainly know James's credentials doesn't need an introduction from us so I'm a [ __ ] like a pig you know I go with big James's yes I think Stewart's definitely gonna win this one what that's what I'm talking about you you're smart guy left out between the two guys being taller and one's a little bit shorter obviously bluff honestly Malcolm has been on fire but every time those guys they ran practice all together and James definitely has the mental edge James is not doing the more technical first section where Malcolm is but Mountain was taking a huge risk by doing that's what Hanson was doing the you know the quad yep it's a if he gets it it's gonna be a James catch up with James and the wolf's at the end hole Stewart versus Stewart in the semis change of the edge on the start but we're headed into that to combo section that Travis was talking about this is row Malcolm has made a big time Oh James switches lineup here we go James going for 4 he was you just stand back for doubt though and Malcolm still a little bit quicker through there close it up that out side by side and fed Malcolm up thinks ahead James coming back on the on offs as you said going into the last last whoop section it's a little faster on the left but at the end we see the right they said the race so if we could answer is they almost came together scrubbing that listen of the fans [Applause] it's gonna be hard to get out James here James is just so fast Malcolm tries but Travis you cooler the whoop section belongs to James Stewart and so does the round win 49 man look at this almost contact as they scrub together honestly I mean James started this grub but Malcolm is the scrub master and they'll have one more run together if James wins it it's over he goes to the finals of Malcolm wins that there'll be a third run I feel like that left lane is better though I feel like Malcolm if he doesn't get psyched out right now he's got a shot okay now it's Brayton against Wilson two newcomers on the KTMs they've each only been on it basically during the week here leaning into this weekend event Wilson has been very fast on it though he was second fastest in qualifying let's see if break we can take him down Brighton on the on the on/off tabletops he is putting the power down five seconds to go Dean Wilson I mean look it's so good great with a slight advantage going into the ramen will send using his leg to help get him to the wall first this is going to be close these guys have been nearly mask each other in times throughout the weekend very hard to figure out whose advantage would break somebody's two quad up this is absolutely excellent it's a little edge to Wilson now got through the odd offs a little bit better the fact that deeds going faster on the offices just desperate last double jump here come the whoops the left side has been tricky goal doesn't matter Wilson has great cover and he wins the run nine eight I just got to tell you like when you watch this at home like I'm watching the replay both scrubbing right here we see Wilson with a slight advantage both of the guys doing the same rhythm section but Wilson kind of an on/off and this is where right there the quad but then he doesn't quad out or triple out actually a triple a vein to get the single though it's tough if you don't quad you kind of lose time on there but whatever the Stuart brothers are doing there they're over they have a watch at home you don't understand even the easy stuff like I was just riding feel it feeling aggressive and it was not like anywhere close to these guys they're scrubbing over chefs I can't scrub off I got a whole lot to get over well there you got you just showed big James he's back there he's so nervous he does not want to watch this I'm imagine what the Payton father felt like when he was watching his two sons play the Super Bowl together that's right same kind of deal here and so for big James he's like well I know Stewart's gonna win just like Travis again this is the next was a long time ago back-to-back years they played ah here we come against Stewart versus Stewart Malcolm asked the witness on launcher Wow and here we go Oh James immediately the edge off the start though he watches scrub come on ouch James over jumps and you're right on the money Travis and Malcolm able to get the image James has a Bentall edge off Malcolm a hundred percent and he will not let his little brother beat him but I tell you what Malcolm has been on fire all day again he's had the faster time so James might have to rely on those right before the finish big mistake Stewart a late well obviously nettled Malcolm is gonna have to get him in the room so he's crying here we go stewart vs. stewart and it's gonna be james gate a win so would you lose that dog just that's you man was that close honestly Malcolm it is heart James is he's just the man plus I mean Malcolm's grown up with him being the master one time any when you hear James behind you they stuff like that happens because you're pushing you know he's coming you know he is the best rider in the face of the earth right now yeah exactly and right and I gotta give it to Malcolm man he's just showed like you said he's been the man all day long one small mistake and you gotta hold your chin up if you lose to your brother and the guy like you said was so dominating James Stewart look at James right on the edge there on the the right side has skipped so hard packed and James is just he's just getting off of it then getting really really good driving man one point the 50 mark was tough to break and they both went 49 in both of their runs and Tina's gonna talk to both James and Malcolm well James what a battle one of the most anticipated heats of the cheering for you what did you guys think of that race right at the beginning were you talking to each other no I'm not really huh you know we're brothers but we want to race you know but angle I he should have beat me that last one he messed up on that last single and I had a chance to get it back so Big Brother's teaching us too much man he's coming up too quick how much was he pushing you oh yeah me out of control out there now it's just great he's been one of the fastest all day and to be paired up in the same heat is my brother it's unbelievable wide big brother can't keep beating up on him a little but he's getting good all right and Malcolm you know James will be moving on to the final so what advice do you have for him when I take that money no but uh no I mean at the end of the day you know he was faster and that's my brother and I love him to death and I hope that he wins you know and he wins you know we come home with $10,000 gonna split it up so we already made a we already made a bet so that's what I call brother love right there so fans don't ever forget it family first all right they love you down here best of luck in the finals what a fun race to watch so now Malcolm is to go back to cheering for James yeah believes 20 grand to the winner of this event so they say they're gonna split it if one of them gets it there's two riders left they can prevent it from happening Wilson and Brayton I guarantee you that was just right there's no deal we're gonna split it right sure right James already was motioning No to Brandon Wilson Wilson got the we the first time Creighton's gotta beat him here he's going into a battle for third against Malcolm come on it's so fast and they both got the downside perfect real good right throw going for the quad but it's just it works out about the same you don't you double double out that's what I'm talking about the heat gets the power down right there that's helped them get a little edge yeah a lot of speed for those odd offs little wheelie out of break but if you still have the advantage right about half a bike like this is a good race the crowd is all on their feet right now little mistakes from Brighton Kitty's still hold onto it it's not by side no votes it's all gonna come down to this section oh it says tire screen absolute dead heat how are they gonna call this one I was Brayton but it was unbelievable are they giving it to Brayton yes by two hundreds of a second so yours Granger sudden death he wheelies in a couple skips a couple whoops you gotta hit the front and the back up Mike back wheel to every whoop and he missed one but he pulled it out man that is amazing that's as close against watches I think Wilson had it if he just was willing to go to flat I think he had that what exactly if he was if he was one of the like the hill brothers man it's gone I'm going too flat or like Travis do a backflip right you look like you kind of hung out halfway through that flip well I hung because I was thinking I was going ten feet past the landing which I did so with great and getting that that means we're gonna have to have a runoff a third race we're gonna show you the photo finish again clock is saying a forty nine three three four Wilson a 49 three one and there is the mark that's not the margin of victory I still can't tell but look well all right we'll just transponders right there I tell you what it was just that little bit more willing to to break off of that almost vertical freestyle 80-foot gap at the end exactly I gotta hit that with both brakes locks I got to clear 80-foot gap with the brakes on yes first time we've seen this scenario oh we got a little tweet here watching the best motocross riders were tearing up Sterling Southern California to drag strip absolutely it's double the length of a drag strip for these fans will be down here on the heat all day now they're getting treated to some great racing down to the finish it's amazing I mean it's a hundred and five degrees outside yeah yeah Travis right there well I I sincerely thanks up Big Tuna 8:28 I had so much fun out there but this and like the first guy said thanks to Red Bull this event I mean you know chase Garrett you know everybody a Red Bull for putting this thing on it's been such an amazing event so much fun so much excitement and it's gonna get better and better as this goes on and how much how much was the the crowd a factor it was ch you when I had to leave for like two seconds the crowd was I could hear them over the bike and that's a 500 that's a really long bike exactly you know all about that it's it had to smell good inside that little box to the smell two-stroke oil again oh here we go five seconds when they said oh yeah we're to the file other one go to the third place right and you cannot get any closer pitch speed between these two base to the last one it's gonna be hard to catch he does not make a lot of mistakes great really working the motorcycle through that six to try to make up whatever time he can here's the hot off Travis unique right now is the advantage here no Wilson I let it happen this time Leslie got a little more angle he's just like he's charging on a part of this time out harder you make mistakes like that all great made a huge mistake great not able to triple early tripled lake running out of time Wilson and Brayton is going to the finals at well-deserved Brighton has been on fire all through practice and all through qualifying I I cannot believe he just got Wilson there at the end it looked like he grabbed another gear Travis I mean is there a six feet in there it has to be because he got on that right hand side and what's funny is kidney rocks and was talking about how the guys are swapping side to side and losing traction on that left lane is so it just goes to show it's the wildest thing goes to the left lane has been better all week through those whoops and everyone lines up on the left think it's gonna be faster and the right has just proven to be better time and time again on this last heat but it's something you don't know if you don't watch all these things Wow let's send it a Tina Justin Brayton go to the finals that's right Justin will be going on to the finals that end section made all the difference walk us through those whoops we've seen that from other racers before yeah how was that guys I told you now the whoops man it was a I knew it come down to that we're all so close but this is a it's just fun I'm soaking the finals well it is gonna be a battle up against James Stewart and the finals what preview can you give us obviously James it's one of the shredders in the world but uh I'll give him off and see what happens there you go guys gonna be a battle alright chapel's late to get back down there and watch these finals but overall I know you have fun with everything you do but this one seems to rank pretty far up there this was the most amazing event ever yeah jerem a lot all the guys at red bull thank you for allowing me to race and I cannot wait to maybe do what Carrie Hart did just pre run the course from here on out this is gonna be epic finals and I'll be in the stands watching all right thanks for nothing but thanks for coming up but thanks Rex always a pleasure pleasures all mine brother we are going to show you the updated brackets here as we have final set and races for third place as well so some of these riders are not quite done yet that's the finals for the open class James Stewart against Justin Brayton I have to say the smart money probably would have been on those to Brighton is always good in the group sections and learning jump combos we know what kind of damage James Stewart can do but in the meanwhile Dean Wilson and Malcolm Stewart are going to match up for third that'll be in a moment but we have our third-place match up in the 250 class coming your way this is for the bronze Jessie Nelson and Justin Bogle Bogle just barely eliminated by Marvin moose can Nelson just barely eliminated by Justin Hill and these guys are waiting for their run this will be the podium in the 250 division this one's gonna be very close to call that's what's cool about this man as the races have gone down RJ you're getting a better matchup between riders that are equal and speed and we keep having these near photo finishes or in the case of one run an actual photo good fighting all day long and of course getting worse and worse over the race with more more experience could be the guy to pull it off slight edge right now will depend on how Bogle attacks this combination Bogle does it gets the lead but then Jessie does pull back up a little bit everything is gonna come down to those whoops we've seen the right lane is faster it seems to be deteriorating last the waters hitting the track when they water and prep it right now jesse is in the shadows but Bogle is doing an awesome job up front we'll have to watch out swoops in the left side look at Nelson close it back up on here in the 10-pack listen to those motors screamin Nelson's got a rubber snake foot bubble he got a little one is it big enough side-by-side Nelson Nelson pulls a come-from-behind victory great job for Nelson and it's less than a tenth of a second about six hundredths between Bogle and Nelson Nelson takes it now open-class the first run of their battle for a third Dean Wilson Malcolm Stewart again almost impossible to pick a favor between these two they're times have been so close throughout the weekend and they're both similar in stature they're both taller bigger riders they've both been fast all weekend long so once again I'm gonna give the advantage slightly to Malcolm but you know what Wilson is going faster and faster every run and it was cool that mrs. different sections on this track that can make the difference there's some hobbies first jump combo stuff we've seen pass in the whoops we see the signal before the 10-pack make the nippers what will tell the story it's time down was here right there the quad quad is seem to make the difference but Wilson is right on his tail so it's not over yet Wilson look a bird drive on top of these tabletops Malcolm Stewart so far so good it's actually a Honda underneath that's enough body orbs on the Troy League design type of team for all 2014 but as his dad said that's not a factory bike they put it all together themselves [Music] Wilson's in that left lane that it's not favorable in the whoops and Malcolm's Stewart's gonna hold them off and take the first way in it's best to of three so Wilson's gonna have to beat him the next time they match up or he'll settle for fourth and Malcolm Stewart will go to the podium and he did that he also was 49 3 so still throwing down awesome lap times now we have Nelson and Bogle if Nelson wins it he will have 3rd in the 250 class so bogles got to top him here you can see how bad the ruts are coming off the start there and that's why the guys are moving to the left to the right but sometimes the rut can help you it can hold you in place and also your digging down to some looking for any kind of moisture because moisture is traction to a certain point unless it's mud but right now Jesse lining up looking for that rut and the riders are saying between the transition from metal to a rut to a very short flat section to try to get your shift right to ready for that first roller that's a lot of big both riders coming off dead even look like Jesse else with a slight advantage yeah Nelson does lino over that first double so boli's gonna have to get Jess for any trickles in step on stepmom comes down to the back side makes up a little ground now we're back to a dead heat moguls gotta win this wonder he's out and it won't finish fourth oh yeah just listen but winding these things out and what kid was talking about it when you're on the road chip you got you will spin it as fast as possible so every time it touches the ground its lurching forward as much as you can so you are ringing the neck out of them thing but when you hit the Revelator that cuts the power of the motorcycle so you got time the shit's just right to not bump that too much here we go side by side in the whoops booth be down soon will be Bogle look like Nelson with a slight advantage and from the left side feet off the pegs gets the job done Jesse Nelson's gonna take third at the inaugural redbull straight rhythm in the 250s and that he had some serious pressure he had to make the left side of the whoops work and he pulled it off and you're also racing against the defending Supercross Champion on slides champions so right there a big move mentally physically everything for Jesse Nelson that's right he's gonna be thinking about that come Anaheim Supercross Wilson and Stewart Malcolm got the edge on Wilson the first time if Malcolm wins this he's your third place finisher in the open class Wilson wins it they'll go back to the starting gates for a third run [Music] you can hear that low rpm they come over that and so much traction they get on that metal Wilson jumping into that gym or just like Travis said Malcolm has been the scrum master of the day even though Jane made him but Malcolm has been keeping the bike lowered and taken advantage of those jumps more than anybody hey Daniel a toss Malcolm still has the edge 10-pack is coming up next but this single jump is where Malcolm is mistake against James he gets it perfect it's time here we go double triple triple then double at the end but now mounted on actually Wilson is in the preferred line so if he can throw it down he might be able to pull it back up but no Malcolm Stewart brings home the Bronson just too strong the bike got sideways and he just made it happen 49-0 are you kidding me unbelievable you know Travis was alluding quite a bit to the mental edge between James and Malcolm Malcolm when he hasn't raced James his roads have been aces and that's 49 oh I believe that's the best time anyone's put in that's the fastest that's the fastest race to the fascism I want to say lap today yeah but I begin to tweet from my friend Lee told me it's a straight it's not a lap then but anyways the fastest run so we are set for the finals here at Red Bulls straight rhythm the 250 class will be a Red Bull KTM showdown the new man under the tent Justin Hill first race ever on that motorcycle against Marvin moose can he's been riding a KTM for the last couple of years who is going to take it he'll it's been spectacular to watch moose ken has been so solid and consistent and be very hard to pick a winner in this one Ricky ready to go and they both to the electric start of the KTM they fire money winner this one man well you got you got experience in a youth and enthusiasm yeah you know what experience has been shown in everybody when you got guys like travis Pastrana and also Kenny rocks and that are impressed with Marvin Musquin you'd have to go with somebody like that but hey this is straight rhythm anything's been happening que lleva 32 in the left moose can thinks the left side the riders left here we go into the very tricky first Lane he goes to the triple step on step off but hills make it a slight comeback but as everyone's been saying they're so impressed with Marmot is that he doesn't make any mistakes everything is precise and so clean in travis pastrana earlier talking about and hitting everything's so perfect you can see how much roost he's creating on the backside of these jumps he's hitting the back of it perfectly look at the roof every time he lands yep right on the downside there's no resistance he doing everything that he needs to be doing but a hot hill is staying right in the ways and he's in the preferred line through the whoops so Kip bus mousse cake can keep her straight which he does he will bring home the win Marvin moon scan has been so strong in this event well done he'll second that keeps it close we're set for the 450 final it's the open class these riders have been strong we expected them be good coming in they have lived up to the billing James Stewart and Justin Brayton they are going to be matched up to go for the gold here for the first ever Red Bull straight rhythm Stewart he is going to pick the riders left lane he had the first pick Brayton is gonna be forced over to the right a lot of riders filled the left lane is better for most of the track that the blue section were left is very difficult we've showed that that the right lane comes in at the end it's a little bumps are a little bit bigger but this seems like I don't know if it's shadowing or sunlight or whatever but the right side seems the favor everybody through the whoops at the finish the first ever open class Finals matchup Brayton wheeling through those rollers running side by side with Stuart James a little edge they are that triple they've bought it together on yep so right now brains matching him but James has a little bit more speed and everything a little bit cleaner than justice so they both pull the quad out here against each other in the final Braden bringing everything he has to it and yet Stuart's still able to pull away [Music] into the 10-pack Stuart's got about two bike lengths up Raymond but can he keep the bikes straight of this left side the whoop section coming up but Stewart is so good when throwing control and right there you can see why he goes so fast through the whoops and he brings it home for t95 first Stewart that's enough to top Brayton for putting a good run of his own but not enough to top Stewart both of them doing the quad side-by-side big scrub James gets a little bit lower but here we see triple riding to the right into the I'm sorry triple triple right into the quad you can see that James is a little bit lower and Brayton actually over jumps a little bit and that gives James about a bike length advantage 250 riders are back at the gate moose can versus Hill everything on the line at moose cam wins this he is your champion in the 250 class he'll has to try to beat him and extend it to a third and deciding run III can't pick a favorite cuz I love both of these guys I love Marvin II he's just so clean so so smart so smooth but I love the smile of Justin Hill he's always got a big smile on his face he's such a gamer so in my book they're both winners but guess what one of them is coming on with the goal [Music] is it gonna be yeah actually well I thought that he'll actually have the advantage of the game yeah and then boots can Jonathan those rollers Hills got some work to do it Ashley Hills a little bit cleaner on that quad right now he makes the advantage he comes back yeah he's actually got the lead on boots can now very few riders have been able to even do that let alone beat them to the finish boots came back again it's gonna be who makes the who makes the least amount of mistakes right now both these guys are putting ten tenths down leave it nothing on there but right there Marvin seem to be a little bit better on the break and when he comes up to the wall so here it is triple triple double out Hills gotta find something special and he is not of the preferred late kid roots can't keep it straight to the finish looking really strong to the whooping Marvin loose kid with the wind he's got the first ever championship in the 250 class of Red Bull straight rhythm the Frenchman was the man to beat all weekend they had the target on his back and they couldn't figure out a way to solve them so you're watching both his both these guys no one was making a mistake but Marvin was just that much cleaner and that's when you hear from words from like Kenny rocks in and also travis Pastrana that are impressed with that that's that's it's hard to question guys with that much talent and then you you watch Marvin through here very clean very focused he'll doing exactly what he needed to do but just was off a little bit clean has been the word we've used our moose can throughout and he likes to celebrate old-school stuff with the heel clicker taking it back to the 90s and also taking the victory lane with Tina well that's right in Marvin you just kept it so clean all day and you wrote powerful how would you sum up this win you're the first champion in the 250 class here at Red Bull straight rhythm yeah I'm so happy I mean everything went actually perfect I mean yesterday I was the fastest in the today I was doing a pretty good and I feel like each run you know everybody was getting better and faster and like boggle Nelson just inhale they were all doing better and better so I mean like I said I just had to be a really consistent and hit the wolf perfect the rhythm perfectly and like I said I was not doing one of the rhythm but the triple triple but you know what I was doing might think clean you know so I'm so happy you know Justin wrote really well and I'm so also happy that the three camera top three so that's pretty cool thanks to my friends for coming my all my sponsors my family watching and all my friends you know in France I'm sure they're there watching even if it's late in France so thank you everybody and thank you for the fans for coming for that first time red bow straight rhythm and see you next year congratulations the strategy paid off guys [Applause] will this be the last race of Red Bull straight rhythm if James Stewart takes the win it's over and he is your open class champion Justin Brayton needs to beat him here to force a third run Stewart has been almost unbeatable although his brother Malcolm look to have him on the ropes in the previous round but James is able to come back what great put him in that position well yet Brayton definitely can but as Travis was saying about James is that he's very mentally strong when he's in the right frame of mind nobody can touch him in the world but Justin Brayton is one of those guys that's gritty dinner beam across he doesn't care he's a gamer [Music] little edge for Stewart in the rollers brain tries to respond by jumping jutsu this first section the double quad again either able to quad out they go double double great this right there Jim but that's the thing James is not making any mistakes he's winning by inches and what you do is should make another inch of another inch another chance how you put it down so Braden is doing an awesome job he's right there but James just needs to make one mistake and he'll be back to the game into the 10-pack dribbling through the middle these guys have both figured out the perfect way to dissect this course they're doing the exact same combos into the woods brains gotta find something special here or James Stewart will have it Stewart does the first ever open class champ of redbull straight rhythm is James Stewart and the Stewart brothers are gonna be on the podium together and well done for Justin Brayton the runner up today well definitely in for a lot of the guys that even though they might not have won here we're watching these guys go ahead to head and you can see James just stays a little bit lower and this is something that Brayton can take back and get ready for the Supercross season you get to ride side-by-side and basically get a riding lesson from one of the best guys so there's no losers here everybody no injuries no big crashes and awesome racing this has been an awesome day every rider we talked to said they just had a lot of fun with it I'm sure they were getting nervous at times too especially with the big prize on the line here in the final but that mental toughness invention that James Stewart has certainly been here before he's won plenty of races of championships he put that experience to work and he goes in the history books as the first ever winner of the event let's send it down to Tina with our winner well in James you told me earlier today that you were gonna win this you were out to win how much did that focus pay off I think you misunderstood me I wanted to try to win it but uh man huh a couple of us that last race with Hansen and those two of my brother might not have been here but I appreciate you fans coming on out especially we got to give a shout out to Red Bull for doing thinking outside the box doing something cool like this have you guys come out and there's racers it's here to stay so definitely happy to win this thing but uh pop to see a great event turn it to yeah where do you see an event like this moving forward man honestly I'm more tired now than I do when I do 20 laps so yeah I think it's a great test for us that's racers and like I said for the fans this uh it's simple this head-to-head race and winner go home baby congratulations what a huge win and great day of racing guys Stuart family has to be happy with this putting both brothers up on the podium Malcolm and James Jefferson brayton like we said solid performance making his debut and a new bike that's a good way to get it started a whole lot of a lot of greatness going on I wanted you know big props to Jeremy marre a lot and the whole Red Bull crew as James said thinking out of the box doing something different and I'll be honest with you when I first heard about it I'm like how exciting can that be I am a fan I'm a big fan there's that it's endless what they can do with it with the course as far as making it more difficult faster slower all these different things but all in all it was safe the riders were challenged but they weren't hurt so it was a great event man I'm just so stoked and you know what I finally got to sit up here next to my hero Jason wagon I think you could mention maybe Pastrana or Roxy with the middle and Sweden races when I was just a young buck Hey all right but any leather look it up the James Stewart in the same way in the crowd Southern California came out this is a hard crowd because it's a hot day a lot of people know California fans are kind of fickle but we're in the ie the Inland Empire where dirt bikes energy drinks are king and right now Red Bull and straight rhythm is reign supreme in the IE and James Stewart reigns supreme over all that great to see him back in action certainly had some setbacks of health problems late in the motocross campaign but he is obviously back to 100% now Malcolm he's kind of auditioning by the way for a ride next year talked to big James earlier and he said you know if we get the phone call we'll be glad well he's the father team yeah he's gonna get a phone call because there was it what this was a stack feel Brayton and everybody yeah there was a lot of different guys you know Ryan Dungey had a little bit problem over in donations and so he wasn't able to come race this but I'm telling you Malcolm was faster than his brothers most of the time so if he can just get that monkey off his back being the alpha male being James Stewart on I guarantee you're gonna see Malcolm Malcolm Stewart win some championships you're looking for a ride next year it's a pretty good resume bullet to say I was actually faster than James Stewart at times I can say that and I showed James Stewart how to do a quad and straight rhythm so a lot of great things going on big props to the whole Stewart family they did a great job and that man that's the guy right there the man of the hour James Stewart came back and put it to everybody and we'll celebrate alter our 250 champ Marvin moose can a lot of these riders want to carry the momentum into Supercross if it begins in January moose can has come so close so many times to a championship there this could maybe be the catalyst to make it happen in 2015 and that was the thing you know a lot of these riders had the opportunity to try crazy different things on the motorcycles but as you were saying a lot of them want to stick with the normal program and use this as a springboard race what they expect to race every weekend yes but will they come back with something different next time so they're right now they're learning they're trying all these different things I think every I didn't hear one negative thing all the riders had smiles on their faces the fans loved it I hope you guys loved it I enjoyed announcing it and so we got to come back we'll wait for the podium here and it chance to celebrate with our top three in each class we mentioned it's two Stewart's and Justin Brayton in the 450 division and an all KTM podium in the 250 class with Nelson Hill and a moose cam that's righto longtime friend of James Stewart lives out here in California so he's always around we're at the races in the West Coast he's actually the handle if Malcolm's bike right now and they're headed down toward the podium area to shake some champagne and celebrate yeah there's a little bit of money on the line for the win too although I don't know if James is really going to split it with Malcolm like [Music] [Laughter] Malcolm I split with all the athletes even though I'm an old truck driver maybe you know starting a fraction it up quite a bit there we get to that yeah Malcolm good luck on that buddy yeah yeah you got to beat him in the race I guess if you want the money also it's interesting so many riders making debuts on new motorcycles here October 1st we always say is kind of a christmas day in motocross terms and the new contracts begin it's amazing how quick these guys were on new equipment yeah and we saw yesterday like Dean Wilson it was his third ride on the bike so the first round a little bit uncomfortable wheeling a little too much in doing a little bit too much but then as the runs went on he went faster and faster every time so Roger DeCoster the man was letting Dean know that and all these guys should be proud yeah well I talked to the KTM folks for example and they're like we love having this as a welcome for our new riders to the team we have two new riders of Justin Hill and Dean Wilson and you be able to race in a really fun format like this where we're all learning together is a great way to build the chemistry for the championship racing that we'll be starting in about three months so there's the podium in the 250 class it is all KTM a brand new ride for Jesse Nelson he's been part of the Troy Lee designs and Red Bull family for a long time but they've now switched from Honda's to KTM s Hill moving over from Monster Pro Circuit Kawasaki second and Nelson going up to the podium and it looks like it's a kevin kelly and david ives are the boys from dmx s radio handle in the live podium and there's the big trophy looks a little replica straight where the track good dirt jump right there yeah but Jesse nelson doing great he's come overcome a lot of adversity was kind of a breakthrough last year and I think he'll learn a lot from this he'll gain a lot of strength from this a lot of confidence I look forward to seeing him being running really really strong because KTM now with TLD it's a whole new ballgame Justin Hill second hey remember Justin Bogle is a guy that now is a Supercross title under his belt and they were able to come out on top of him although Bogle gave them great a run a great run and finished a close fourth and there is moose kin in the center and on the top of the box basically untouchable all weekend only a few times that anyone even get in front of him and no one was able to beat him very impressive and the great thing was is that he said what he was doing is what everybody saw the consistency he goes I could have taken bigger chances but I chose to take the cleaner line and not not push the mistake so those three riders need to have a lot of pride they will remember this day for the rest of their life first ever winner we're gonna be talking about this for a long time who's gets tired hard to hold that thing either James Stewart said he's more tired after this at a 20 lap mate well like I said it's intervals you you're going max then you're coming back down max then coming back down in a supercross race sometimes you start you start to get tired then you start to adjust your body position and what you're doing these by the time you figure it out it's after the fact that you're catching your breath going down the drag strip alright we celebrate with some Red Bull and of course some champagne as well alright let's see who's got the you know does the Frenchman got to figure out better Ct took his glove off so you can get a better seal a longer Spurs anything I like this there you go so we have RJ up here yeah Nelson needs a little more practice slow on the draw you always take your gloves off guys because the thumb has a better a better seal and you can score people better Wow now a lot of times we'll see them even run the goggles up there now you just sprayed in the face but these guys are all teammates essentially so they're very kind to each other Jesse nelson finally figured it out he's got it going well he's a young man so he's not just opening champagne but plenty of that in his future though oh definitely definitely and we'll wait for our open class podium as well there's Stephanie from KTM Marvin is happy and for a lot of these guys I think would also puts them in a great mood this is easy they're mostly based in California take the drive up the road get to hang out with their friends and family even though she's from France but they all live out here because yep the factories are here there's a lot of South code you know where Southern California Racing and also the weather all right it's starting to snow in Wisconsin already you know it's starting to rain back in Europe and also on the East Coast but out here we got a lot of sunshine so the guys can get a lot of testing in the winter done yeah its prime testing time out here and this is a good way to get it started with this straight rhythm event and now we're setting up the open-class podium with Malcolm and James Stewart and Justin Brayton I know that you know the Stewart Malcolm and James they're certainly flashy riders and everyone expected them to be good but you've worked with Justin Brayton I've known him for a long time in Supercross for example early in the practice sessions he is always one of the fastest riders when it comes to figuring out rhythm and jump combinations he's always quick to the draw and that's the kind of skill that pays off here and he's impeccable when it comes to his training you look at the you know obviously he's pissed off because second place sucks he no one wants to get a place but still you look at him he's very very composed I loved how his work ethic is very strong but solid that's the one that's where do you think about when you think of Justin Brayton and he's there every time but I'm so impressed with Malcolm Stewart so get ready for your phone to ring buddy that's right I mean he needed to perform here to be a little audition for a ride next year I can't imagine a team isn't impressed by what they saw from Malcolm today we've never really seen him race well for 58 doors he was mostly lights and stuff and being a bigger guy it's hard to tote that 250 around you know it's kids carry every 10 pounds is a lot so when you get somebody like get him on a big bike he he can use that weight to his advantage he certainly did today Brayton ends up the runner-up was decent yesterday but again these guys on the new bikes he seemed to get better every time he wrote yeah and this is great because the every time you race against somebody you always brings you it's different than practicing qualifying and all this stuff when you're racing you're given everything that you got and you put your mind into a completely different state and right now James Stewart is the man that was had it all going on well he certainly was the favorite coming into this one there's no doubt about it but you got a deliver it's not racing on paper it's racing on a racetrack and James Stewart does it today winning Red Bull straight with him probably made a mistake BB is tardy camping the trophy is his Red Bull so you know he's not gonna be a waiter cuz he can't balance one drink on that on a tray so I think James stick to racing you're awesome at it yeah I don't think he's gonna have to switch genders yeah I don't see that we'll see that anywhere all right obviously everybody I was joking James Stewart is the man right now and also the crowd stuck around right here to the final moments of our finals they was obviously very hot out here today reaching over a hundred degrees but they all wanted to say they were part of the first event I know we're proud of saying the same thing as well I think he's here to stay definitely final thoughts Here I am a red bow straight rhythm fan and I can't wait till next year because I know Red Bull they're gonna make it even bigger and better I get to race frozen rush in January so I've experienced their events this is gonna be bigger and better thank you for having me no problem Ricky and you know that all the riders that competed and all the runners that are watching this are interested in it upping their game and coming back even stronger next time they run it it has certainly been a pleasure bringing you the coverage here as James Stewart and Marvin moose can are your champions of the first ever straight rhythm that all the great racing action excitement we expected this event delivered and as the rounds went on the racing got tighter and tighter the speeds got higher and higher the temperature went up the racing was hot as well certainly was fun to watch for Ricky Johnson tina dixon and kelly Stavis i'm jason wagon thanks for joining us and congratulations to our first ever winners Barbara moose can and James Stewart [Music] you
Channel: Red Bull Motorsports
Views: 548,503
Rating: 4.7524881 out of 5
Keywords: red bull straight rhythm, supercross, straight rhythm, james stewart, malcolm stewart, red bull, motocross, extreme sports, redbull, dirt bike, jumps, redbull straight rhythm, red bull motorsports, straight rhythm 2014, red bull straight rhythm 2014, josh hansen, marvin musquin, travis pastrana, dirt bikes, action sports, ktm, dirtbike, jump, sx, dean wilson, vince friese, red bull signature series, motorcycle, motorsports, motorsports videos, motorcycle racing, suzuki, racing, bike
Id: YnT2pFjwzzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 219min 45sec (13185 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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